
right144910001311968516200Tre Uchaf Primary SchoolAnnual Report to Parents 2021A Message from the Chair of GovernorsOn behalf of the Governing Body it gives me great pleasure to present you with the annual report for the academic year 2020-21. The report usually provides important information on how our school performed last year, however due to the global pandemic and resulting school closures there will be less emphasis on performance within the report. It will still give a flavour of the work of the school.As Governors we recognise the efforts and good work of the Headteacher and all staff in contributing to the school’s continuing progress. We are particularly grateful of their role as key workers during this time, providing remote learning opportunities for all pupils, as well as supervising the children of other key workers. We commend them all for adapting to their new roles and providing support for our community during these unprecedented times.I would like to thank members of the Governing Body who give freely of their time to serve the school.Thank you, too, to you - the parents and carers of our pupils, who work in partnership with us for the benefit of your children and the whole school. Mrs R Rees (Chair of Governors)Phone Number; 01792 896988Address; 48 Pengry Road, Loughor, Swansea, SA4 6PNOur Governing Body TitleForenameSurnameGovernor CategoryCllrWilliamEvansAdditional Community GovernorMsRhianSeagerClerkMrRogerThomasCommunity GovernorMrMarkGriffithsCommunity GovernorMrsClaireWilkinsonCommunity GovernorMrsChristineHewittHeadteacherMrAlanHodgesLocal Education AuthorityMrsSarahRobinsonParent GovernorMrsRachelReesLocal Education AuthorityMsSarahBroomeParent GovernorMrDavidRickettsParent GovernorMrsSamanthaDaviesParent GovernorMrsJuliePhippsStaff GovernorMrsClaireHavardTeacher GovernorThe full Governing Body meets half termly to review school matters. Various sub-committees meet on a regular basis or as needed. There is now no requirement for the Governing Body to schedule an Annual Parents’ Meeting. However if there is a request to hold a meeting by 10% or more of the parents of the school population notice will be given for a meeting within 25 school days. Such meetings may only be requested to discuss general school matters and not to discuss individual pupils or members of staff.There are many other opportunities for parents to discuss school matters with school staff and governors. Any parent may approach their child’s class teacher, the head teacher or a parent governor at any time. The head teacher normally also holds Parents Focus Group meetings every half term or so and this provides an opportunity to discuss general school matters. This has not been possible this year due to covid restrictions but hopefully these meetings will resume in the Autumn Term. Everyone is very welcome to attend these meetings.A Message from the Head teacherThank you for taking the time to read our Annual Report to Parents for 2021. As you will see, many aspects which we normally report on are different in this report due to the suspension of national tests and end of phase assessments. However, we aim to give you an overview of standards and provision in Tre Uchaf as well as information on the learning experiences we provide for your children.As you know, I will be retiring at the end of this term after thirteen happy years in Tre Uchaf. It has been a pleasure to get to know you and your children over the years and an absolute privilege to watch so many children grow from tiny three year olds, taking their first steps into school life, into responsible and good natured young people, most of whom have grown taller than me! I would like to commend our current year six children, who have missed out on so many experiences over these past two years, for their cheerfulness and maturity. As my last year six, I will never forget them and the resilience they have shown at this difficult time.I am delighted that Mrs Davies has been appointed as your new head teacher. I am very confident that she will maintain the Tre Uchaf ethos which we have all worked hard to develop. At the same time, I know she will work with you to steer the school in new and exciting directions. I would like to thank Mrs Davies for being the best deputy I could wish for and I am sure you would join me in commending her for her ability to step up to the head teacher role in my absence every Friday.As you know, the governors have also appointed a new deputy head teacher, Mrs Edwards. I would like to assure you that this appointment, and the head teacher appointment, were the result of a very rigorous process, overseen by a representative of the local authority. I am sure you will all give Mrs Edwards a very warm Tre Uchaf welcome.The Covid 19 pandemic has affected all of our school community in so many ways and we will all be dealing with the effects of it for some time. However, I am optimistic and hopeful that we are at a turning point and that you and your children can look ahead to a very different school year in 2021-2022. I wish you all well for next year and beyond and trust that the strong Tre Uchaf team of staff and governors will continue to be ambitious for your children in every aspect of their lives.Mrs C M Hewitt Strategic Priorities for 2019 - 2021Through our School Development Plan we have prioritised the following areas since September 2019. Due to the disruption of the pandemic we decided to continue to pursue the priorities identified in September 2019 over a full two years. There follows a summary of progress towards these priorities.TargetProgress and Outcomes Priority 1; To develop three aspects of Pupil Independence-Social and Personal SkillsPupil influenced Planning for LearningPupil Independence in applying LNF and DCF skillsAll class teachers completed a baseline questionnaire on levels of independence. Social skills poster created and shared with children and parents of our FP children. Teachers shared good examples during phase meetings to develop a bank of ideas to support independenceEPIC Planning embedded in Year 2 and Year 5. Children able to suggest ideas to develop their skills and independence across all subjects. Year 2 recording their work and understand it’s for developing their independence. (September 2020)KS2 children able to log on and use HWB independently. Many children using HWB to record and email work to teachers during lockdown. Around 50% of each class in KS2 able to use ICT skills independently to record their work and send to class teacher. FP children using ICT skills to log in and access reading eggs and doodle maths. At least 1/3 of FP children using Reading Eggs regularly to develop both ICT and reading skills during lockdownAll classes have EPIC boards and many children able to talk about independence in learning in an age appropriate way. Rich tasks are mapped out in all classes for opportunity to develop LNF and DCF skills. Children who completed each of the independent tasks received a certificate however very few children did all tasks. Reception settled into full time school quickly and successfully. FPP analysis identified Maths as an area for development Year 6 have commenced EPIC Friday afternoons Year 3 children have completed EPIC in some areas of learningPriority 2;To embed Sustainability issues in the design of our New Curriculum Eco/Change team now’ Sustainabulls’. Awareness of sustainability was poor following initial surveyLarge reduction in photocopying with newsletter going electronic. Staff and parent newsletters are now electronic via HWB.Toothbrushes are now being collected to be recycled rather than thrown away. Year 6 Maths lesson on calculating how many milk bottles are used in school per month. More Maths links are needed. Eco bricks are being created PTA involvement with encouraging classes to make recycled goods for fair stalls.Our World Environment Day celebrations were disrupted due to Covid. During this day we had planned to cover pre-loved uniform, announce our findings on use of milk bottles, show our work on eco-bricks and some more of the practical ideas the Sustaina-Bulls have been working on.During home learning each class set an environmental task to coincide with World Day (June 2020).Sustainability activities included on Long-Term plans were discussed during INSET time (November 2020), these were then discussed and reviewed to ensure progression across the school.Humanities leaders have provided ideas for inclusion of sustainability issues within current planned class topicsMonitoring in May 2021 reveals an increased awareness of and enthusiasm for environmental issuesPriority 3; To create an Expressive Arts Curriculum which staff can deliver with confidenceStaff confidence audited and collated – low in several areasAll classes 2-6 were surveyed to see if they knew what the Expressive Arts were. Expressive Arts resources were audited and new resources purchased and training for teaching staff undertaken. A tone toolkit (art) has been created and this is being timetabled out to staff when requiredTeacher has undertaken online training for Into Film and is due to visit Cwmrhydyceirw Primary to observe and upskill on training. Y1 and Y2 are being taught by Y1 teacher on a weekly basis to teach them drama and film activities.Drama Club produced a short film to promote that film counts as Expressive Arts. A KS2 art club (47 pupils) was held weekly after schoo in Autumn 2019 An Expressive Arts Council has been created from Y2-6 and their knowledge baselined from a focus group session. A TV and laptop has been set up in the hall to enhance performances, drama lessons, music lessons and dance sessionsExpressive Arts books are currently being used in Y3-6 for evidence Extensive in-house staff training in all areas of Expressive ArtsExpectations set out for each class to have two whole units of each aspect of Expressive Arts during the yearNew Expressive Arts Policy writtenProgression frameworks created for each of Dance, Art, Film, Drama and Dance in line with Progression Steps 1,2 and 3Expressive Arts Week planned for June 2021Policies Reviewed by Staff and the Governing Body during 2020-2021 are as follows;SafeguardingSafe HandlingChild ProtectionAnti-BullyingIntimate CareUse of Withdrawal RoomsHealthcare NeedsBlended LearningOnline SafetyLive StreamingEnd of Phase Teacher Assessment Data for 2021 This year and last year we were not required to submit end of phase data to the Welsh Assembly Government. However, based on teacher assessment I have included in the table below the standards currently achieved by our end of phase cohorts.Foundation Phase Mainstream Children on track to achieve expected levels Summer 2021Language Literacy and CommunicationMathematical DevelopmentPersonal and Social DevelopmentOutcome5+Outcome 6Outcome5+Outcome 6Outcome5+Outcome 665% of children-65% of children4% of children65% of children-Key Stage 2 Children on track to achieve expected levels in Summer 2021English MathematicsScienceLevel 4+Level 5Level 4+Level 5Level 4+Level 5+86% of children45% of children82% of children27% of children86% of children45% of childrenExplanatory NotesBy the end of Year 2 the expected level is Outcome 5 and Outcome 6 is above the expected levelBy the end of Year 6 the expected level is Level 4 and Level 5 is above the expected level.Attendance Information Attendance is not as good as it has been in recent years and currently stands at around 91.6%. This is a percentage of possible attendances and does not include times when school or classes were closed due the pandemic. The following data gives a clearer picture of this year’s attendance. Absences due to…School and class closures (remote learning) = 40.3%Individuals being required to self-isolate = 1.2%Authorised reasons other than illness and holidays = 2.1%Illness and Medical appointments = 3.95%We normally try to promote good attendance in the following ways;Weekly Class Attendance extra play awardWeekly reporting of school attendance in newsletterTermly 100% attender rewardsMid-year attendance reports for all childrenMeetings for parents of children with under 85% attendanceAnnual 100% attenders tripCommunity LinksThere have been limited opportunities to meet with members of our local community this year, due to covid-related restrictions. Normally, we would have a high profile in community events such as Light Up Loughor, Christmas carol services in local churches, the Loughor Fete and local nursing homes. We would normally also have many local visitors to school during our Aspirations Week.This year our classes have enjoyed exploring their immediate vicinity and getting to know their local environment. Some of our children visited Awel Y Mor Nursing Home to sing Christmas Carols to residents at a safe distance outside the home. Children have also visited the Monument to pay their respects on Remembrance Day.During school closure we created an online school community through class Teams meetings, staff Makaton Song performances and Tre Uchaf Virtual Races.We also maintained our link with the Gorseinon Foodbank to which our families contributed a huge number of donations. We retain our relationship with local educational institutions which we would normally visit for trips and performances. We have been able to safely welcome students from Gower College and Swansea University into our school community to undertake their training, These students make a significant contribution to our school community and in return receive good support from our staff. We are about to resume swimming lessons at Penyrheol Comprehensive School.CurriculumAs we move towards a brand new Curriculum for Wales we have reviewed our curriculum policies in the light of the Four Core Purposes;All children and young people will be: Ambitious, capable learners who are ready to learn throughout their lives. Enterprising, creative contributors who are ready to play a full part in life and work. Ethical, informed citizens who are ready to be citizens of Wales and the worldHealthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society.Staff have discussed in detail what the children within each age group need from this new curriculum within each Area of Learning.LiteracyNumeracyExpressive ArtsHumanitiesScience and TechnologyHealth and Well-BeingOur current curriculum is largely based around Cornerstones topics in both Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2. In addition to this we teach mathematics using the Abacus scheme for all age groups. While much of our children’s learning is through the cross-curricular Cornerstones themes or through Abacus some skills are taught separately as follows;Phonics and SpellingPhysical EducationSome aspects of Science and RESome aspects of WelshWelshWe were fortunate to be able to welcome our Foundation Phase children back to school in time for St David’s Day. It was a joy to see them all dressed up in their Welsh costumes and enjoying the Welsh language and culture. Welsh themed activities and competitions were encouraged for Key Stage 2 children through remote learning and many children participated well and celebrated their efforts through Teams meetings with their teachers and classes.As most of our children do not come from Welsh speaking homes they have been exposed less to the Welsh language this year due to remote learning and this is evident in a reduced confidence in using and writing Welsh on return to school. The Welsh service has provided some useful daily activities (Slot Drilio) and staff are using these to help to boost the Welsh language.A Message from our ALNCo (Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator)Despite the challenges we have faced this year, we have continued to see lots of success for our children with additional learning needs. All of our children have made us proud with their progress in their learning, independence and social development. Throughout the year, our children with additional needs have continued to receive an inclusive education with a wide range of individual and group support to meet their needs. These include social skills groups, fine and gross motor skills groups, targeted speech and language time, and much more.There have been many essential activities undertaken to ensure provision for ALN within the school runs smoothly and effectively during the course of the year. These activities include:Personal Centred Planning Reviews for STF and mainstream pupils with statements of Special Educational Needs.Updating our ALN register as a whole staff each termMeetings with outside agencies Children’s Individual Education Plans (IEP’s) have been reviewed and new targets set with the input of staff, pupils and parents.Personal Education Plans have been reviewed and meetings held regularly for our Looked After Children.Admissions meetings have been held for our new pupilsHealth Care Plans have been reviewed Transition plans have been implemented for pupils moving on to year 7 placements ALNET (Additional Learning Needs Education Tribunal Act)The new ALNET Act comes in to place in September 2021. Over the course of this year, the ALNCo and Senior Team have been working hard with our cluster schools, to ensure we are confident with this act, and ready to begin introducing new practices and procedures from September. A considerable amount of training has been attended by the school staff already, with more planned for the near future. In the Autumn Term there will be awareness raising events for parents and as the year unfolds you will start to see changes to how we approach and manage ALN at Tre Uchaf in line with the new Act.STF classesThe STFs currently have 19 children placed within the two classes. The staff and children have worked really hard this year and each individual child has made fantastic progress. The pupils are supported within the classes by a Teacher and Teaching Assistants, including a Senior Teaching Assistant in each class.Outside agenciesWe have maintained excellent links with outside agencies this year. In spite of restrictions, we were able to continue meeting with all agencies to discuss pupils and take advice. During the Summer Term we have been very glad to welcome some agencies back in to school to work with our pupils face to face.As always, a big thank you to all the parents who help and support us as a school. If you have any concerns or questions please do get in touchMiss SmithExtra-Curricular Activities, Sporting and Musical OpportunitiesAround twenty five children have taken lessons in violin, cello and double bass. Unfortunately they have not had the usual opportunities to perform but hopefully this will resume next term. Until recently, several of our children had the opportunity to have piano lessons in school with a visiting piano teacher. Unfortunately the teacher has now moved away and I am seeking someone to replace her.At Christmas time each class used their creative and performing skills to develop a contribution to a Christmas production which was recorded and edited and made available through the school website.We are hoping to have a Sports and Fitness themed week before the end of term including an adapted version of a sports day.The children have had lots of opportunities to enjoy the outdoors since returning to school in March. The school field and the daily k track are used regularly to develop pupils’ fitness levels.Extra- Curricular activities have been curtailed this year due to the need to refrain from mixing contact groups and to limit close contact between pupils. Term Dates and INSET Days 2021 - 2022TermTerm beginsMid-term holidayTerm endsTotal daysBeginsEndsAutumn 2021Thursday 2 SeptemberMonday 25 OctoberFriday 29 OctoberFriday 17 December72Spring 2022Tuesday 4 JanuaryMonday 21 FebruaryFriday 25 FebruaryFriday 8 April64Summer 2022Monday 25 AprilMonday 30 MayFriday 3 JuneFriday 22 July59INSET Days; Thursday 2nd September, Friday 3rd September. Further days to be confirmed.Total:195Bank holidaysGood Friday - Friday 15 April 2022 Easter Monday - Monday 18 April 2022May Bank Holiday - Monday 2 May 2022 Spring Bank Holiday - Monday 30 May 2022?Financial Statement 2020-2021????BUDGET ALLOCATION???1,078,225 ??TEACHING COSTS??638,829 ???????NET EXPENDITURE1,006,407 ??SUPPORT STAFF COSTS426,316 ???????????SUPPLIES AND SERVICES45,019 ???????UNDER / OVER SPEND 2020/21???71,818 ??PREMISES31,492 ?????RECHARGES87,587 ????????GROSS EXPENDITURE?1,229,243 ?????INCOME222,836 ?????NET EXPENDITURE?1,006,407 ???????UNDER / OVER SPEND 2020/21???71,818 ??INVESTMENT @ 01.04.20???29,886 ??INVESTMENT @ 01.04.21???101,704 ???????????????? ................

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