TBN UK Production Report

TBN UK Production Report

June 2016

Total Active Contacts Social Media Contacts New Partners Praise Reports Prayer Requests

37,821 72,183

163 97


Total Page Likes: 6,154 (number of unique people who like your page) People Reached: 33,683 (number of unique people who have seen our page posts) Post Engagement: 11,610 (number of unique people who have clicked, liked, commented on or shared our posts)

Total Video Views: 8,428

Website traffic: 24,331 Hits from 146 countries

47% new and 53% returning visitors Female 57%

Age Demographics: 18-35 cover 28% 35-64 cover 60% 65+ cover 12%

Call Type Total Prayer Request Praise Other

Number of Calls 664 285 22 357

1,758 Total Twitter Followers 38,500 tweet impressions

(number of times our tweets have been delivered to someone's account)

3,050 Profile visits

27 New Followers

146 Mentions (the number of times TBN UK's handle or hashtag has

been mentioned)

Email Type Total Prayer Request Testimony Praise Other

Number of emails 1084 204 1 16 863

Extracts from letters to TBN UK

Wilfred: "Thank you for the many gifts. I find many wonderful programmes on the network and I am amazed at the worldwide witness and especially the signs of the promise of the Holy Scripture. In the latter days I will pour out My Spirit on all of my servants...."

Partner: "Dear Ministers in the Lord. I am writing to express my thanks and appreciation for bringing TBN to the UK. I am truly blessed by the testimonies and the teaching ministries. Many times there are scriptures that I need explained to me more clearly. It really is amazing, I would switch on to TBN and there I have the answers to my desire, isn't that something!" Darryl: "I do so much enjoy your morning programmes with Joel Osteen and Joseph Prince. God bless." Frances: "I write to let you know that TBN did lift the name of Jesus on high, leading to and on Pentecostal day. Empowered 21: London was superb! Furthermore, the Partner Time presentation by Richard and Leon (which I call ministering to us) was fulfilling. The Iranian woman's testimony was absolutely moving. Lastly when I heard my name mentioned during Partner Time, I was moved and at the same time felt blessed, for I did not expect the response to be as quickly as that. Thank you.Your good work is very much appreciated and our good Lord Jesus will reward you for communicating his word to the world. As St. Paul was not ashamed of the gospel, so must we not be (Romans 1:16). God bless you all." Mavis: "Thank you so much for all the programmes. Everyone has something to give, as God anoints people more and more. My thanks to you all and God bless you all." Elizabeth: "Thank you for TBN UK and all the wonderful programmes. God bless you and all you do for our Lord. With love in Jesus." Philip: "I learn and enjoy some of the programmes on TBN. I enjoy The Potter's Touch and Give Me an Answer. I have had a pretty tough few years so if you could pray for me and loved ones both friends and family. God bless you." Stella: "Dear Richard and team, I praise the Lord for TBN. It is such a blessing to me and many others. I did write before about me as a carer to my husband. He has had several strokes so I cannot get out. The same with my daughter who sits with him so that I can get to church sometimes. I am blessed as our pastor visits once a month and also they have a visitation team. I used to be on the team until my husband's illness, so thank you. Thank you for your faithfulness to the Lord. I have been watching from the start and we are partners with you. God bless you. I pray for you all, the Lord is certainly on the move." Cilia: "Thank you so much. Very excited about TBN UK!"

Extracts from letters to TBN UK (continued)

Ediae: "I thank God for this portal as a way of spreading the good news of Jesus Christ. This is a donation towards it." Charmaine: "The first time you came on air, it was like my dream come true, to have God's Word in my living room. I am a believer and not a day goes by that I have not heard the Word of God preached by such lovely pastors. They bring closeness to God at the touch of a button. I just love TBN UK and as a good gesture of my love to TBN I would like to donate something small towards the good news being preached and Bibles bought for people. I have experienced many health problems, but with preachers like Joseph Prince, John Hagee, and Joel Osteen it has become a leap in the ocean for me, depending on the promises of Jesus our Saviour in healing our sicknesses. I am ever so grateful and thank you TBN UK." Donna: "Praise the Lord, our Lord certainly answers prayer." Theo: "Many thanks for Robert Morris' CD." Christine: "TBN UK is the best TV channel on the television. You are serving our God with incredible love and grace. Thank you for your kindness and for promoting Jesus Christ as the true Saviour. He is and always will be." Christine: "Dear Richard, I pray that God will gently bless you and all the team at TBN and keep you all safe." Maureen: "God bless TBN and all the team who make all this possible to help so many of us all over the world." Margaret: "I am so blessed with the book that you have sent me. It has brought me closer to the Lord Jesus and it feels that the Father God is hugging me from inside. Thank you so much. God bless you all real good. I watch TBN every day and I was healed. Terry and Pat were praying for people and Terry said that 'there is someone with a bloated tummy. I don't know if it is the food you eat but I believe the Lord is healing you now.' I had an uncomfortable tummy and so I am standing on the word. I thank the Lord for healing me, although I don't see it yet. The Lord says don't go on what you see or what you feel, just believe. I was so excited the Lord told Terry about me out of every one in the whole world. I feel God is giving me big daddy hugs from that day in March. Thank you and Terry." Jean & Mike: "We just want to say how much TBN has blessed my wife and me. We are both up in the morning to watch Joel and Joseph. What a blessing they are to the church ? all your programmes, we are so encouraged." Ann: "Thank you so much for the ministry of TBN on TV. My life has been blessed by the teachings. I am changing hourly in my understanding of God's truth. I am 65 years young and a Christian for 25 years, yet I am receiving teachings like never before. May God bless you all. I am just beginning to richly grasp that I am the righteousness of God in Christ, and what an eye opener!"

Extracts from letters to TBN UK (continued)

Partner: "Thank you for TBN UK broadcasts ? for the many times I've tuned in and heard a word (many times literary a word or a sentence) in season ? just what I needed. Sometimes an answer to a question or a prayer and others, something I have been pondering or meditating on. The channel is a real blessing!" Diann: "Dear Richard, Leon. and all the precious TBN family I see every day on my TV. Thank you for your always encouraging letters and all the gifts you have blessed me with. God is so good to me in changing my life through your programmes, giving me a taste of what heaven will be like one day sitting at the feet of Jesus. Reading through your letter again, just some thoughts: It is always darkest before the dawn. There is in the hearers a vast unseen host of witnesses cheering us on and if God be for us who can be against us. It says in Job: 38:7 that the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy. 2 Kings 6 V 16 and 17 speaks of the prophet Elisha praying that his servant's eyes would be opened that he might see the mountain full of horses and the chariots of fire. We are more than conquerors through Christ. We shout for joy for all that God has done for us through, all he has given us, kept us through and most of all loved us through all the messes that we have made. Praise His Holy Name. In his love for you dear precious people." Russell: "Thank you so much for TBN. Wonderful programmes. I can now get TBN on my TV. Thank you. God Bless." John: "We are a small Pentecostal assembly in Scotland. Many of our members are appreciative, and have been blessed by the provision of your TV programmes, which clearly proclaim the gospel and teachings of our Lord Jesus. As a church we regularly pray for the work of TBN UK and in this respect enclose a cheque towards your costs in maintaining this important gospel outreach." Kofi: "This is to say you do a fantastic job which is worth supporting. Attached is a cheque. I pray that TBN's influence in the UK grows stronger and stronger in Jesus' Name." Sheila: "Thank you for the uplifting programmes you put out. May God bless you all. You are in my prayers every day. God bless." Cynthia: "Just writing to say how uplifting and blessed your TV channel is to me. Especially Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer and Bobby Schuller. I have to watch every day to get through the day. Wished I had watched your channel a long time ago." Jeanette" "Dear Richard and Leon, enclosed is a cheque for TBN UK towards the work of the Lord Jesus Christ. I'll be 85 years old in a few months' time, I am house bound and unable to attend my Baptist Chapel. So when I came upon this channel I was delighted, and watch every day. This morning Pastor Joseph Prince and Joyce Meyer were very helpful. The cheque is a gift in appreciation. May the Lord bless all of you in the Saviour's name Amen." Christine: "Thank you very much for TBN UK. God bless you as you serve him faithfully."


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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