
4/5/16:Keenagers turn 8 on the 15th of May- Kevin-Kath the original-Bert-Julie-Madge-Trevor ?Des- + Norma were among the first day visitors to Keenagers as were 4 who are in recovery- Neil Roberts- Tony Mac-Claire + Frank Hurley (who is not as bad as first thought and now have been given 4 more years to soldier on )? ? Nancy is home after having a Knee replacement ?-now the recovery starts -- so that they can plan their move to Spain ? ? Well done Carolyn on her first Keenagers news letter + Garo for another round of Pastises? ? 3/5/16:Frank Hurley received some good news + a word that he should get 5 more years ?of living ! ?not bad when you are around 93 years old? ? Dedication plus ! ?- Martin the magnet + Neil the real deal ?- hit a new Keenagers record - 311 hits over the net !? ? 1/5/16:What do you call an event -where?no one knows who their partner is and when they do find out they quickly forget ? ?The oganiser writes down players names twice and leaves another off the list ! - when teams get sent to a court, ?yet some how get seperated and end up 'in no mans land ' -+ of course the more than occasional 'whats the score' yet the match is only up to 5 . ITS CALLED THE SHOOT OUT? ? Been running for 8 years and still no one knows whats going on !? ? 30/4/16:Patrick comes and scream me down ! ?Mark F can't get a Hot chocolate -there is none left so he searches the Keenagers cupboard + the canteen. Then Mark complains I wanted a Hot Chocolate-- so I take the pair of them out for the afternoon -A visit to a much improved Tony Mac ?-then Broadmeadows shopping centre. - Into Coles - not ?what we wanted-- and although I am late and the good lady women expects me home -we detour and head into Woolworths ?- 3 containers of Hot Chocolate are purchased and then there is the line up waiting to be served ! ?-which is what I got when I arrived home ! ? Back to the club and I place a container of Chocolate on the Keenagers table --RIGHT ?besides a big container of Chocolate-- I call Mark over- and ask him what this is ? ?-'oh ! I saw the glass jar of Chocolate empty- did not bother looking beside it ! then it was Patricks turn What's this I ask ? ?Oh I did not bother to look just thought I would help Mark when he said there is no Chocolate !? ? 29/4/16:Carolyn to the Rescue ?-she will try and deliver a monthly Newsletter- Hubby John dobbed her in as she does one already for her Golf club. - ?But after today she should have a months writing already . ? How will Novia explain the 'Hickey' ? after being belted on her neck by partner ?Frank- then we thought it might be time to bring out the Defib. as she was ready to faint ! but a remarkable recovery once the final point had been won in the Shoot Out ? 23/4/16:FRANK HURLEY ?will not be appearing at this years Anzac event-- He says thanks to everyone and good bye for now . he has been diagnosed with bone cancer and has played his last game of Table Tennis, but if his health improves he plans to pop in some time down the track -Frank is one of our founding members of our Keenagers -We wish him well and hope he can beat this illness.? ? ANZAC EVE EVENT-- ?make sure you look at Duncan Bradies 50 year old uniform ?-in magnificent condition + thanks Duncan for putting it on display ? ? 21/4/16:Finally some improvement from Tony - so today he will be moved to Craig Care in Pascoe Vale on a permanent basis . ? 18/4/16:Anzac eve event ?-- Sunday night 24th April 5-30pm commence + Frank Hurley will be a highlight wearing his medals? Hopefully some of the Keenagers will attend this important event? ? We know Neil has been a bit chicken with regards to the big challenge -But why the tail he was wearing today ? was it really his wife's stocking stuck in the back of his pants ?? As for his mate ? SBS-- he rocked up to my place =--maybe he is getting ready to deliver some pie ? Humble pie ?!? ? 16/4/16:It was the DAY - the Sheila + the good guy march in as one -all ready for the big match round 1-- + no S ore B ack S ook or Mr Career Less ?-- BOTH TOO SCARED TO EVEN TURN UP-- so being nice guys 'the Mauler ' Marilyn only claimed match 1 of the series ?-Her team now leads 1 nil ?- N ?ow ?E ventually ?I 'll ?L ?ose ?+ B ?eaten ?R ?oughly ? A ?nd ? D estroyed ? I ?njured ? E ? asily ? - Wonder if they will turn up next week ? ? ? the Original Kath ?- was asked to turn the Urn on ?-Use the switch on the lead at the back of the Urn -- well she did circles -dropped to the floor - even circumnavigated the Micro Wave oven.. ?1 hour later she said ?-Oh I found the lead and switch -just behind the urn !? ? 12/4/16:Was it a slip of the tongue Mr Carless ? ?-or were you planning on upsetting the sheila ? tactics as the big match looms !? ? yes ! she was on a crutch ! + you saw an opportunity --which was that funny that both Marilyn + the Manager ?could not stop laughing while our red faced opponent tried very hard to find a way out ! And good to see Mel your mate also get in a dig or 2 at you. ? -Hope you are just as easy a target when the big match takes place !? ? An improvement in Tony but a long way from a return- Next step will be a Care facility once the infection in his body is beaten? ? The big match is looming - SBS + Motor mouth vs 'the sheila + the good guy . ? ? 10/4/16:BE WARNED KEENAGERS- ? Another bag + purse stolen from the club on Saturday-- a great ending though -read the News section of this web site? ? Patsy wont be in for several weeks says Bomber ! ?-5 minutes later in marches Patsy !? ? Kevin was quick to grab back the Shoot Out prize -it had been snaffled before the event ! ? 8/4/16:Tony Mac on the improve-- and has been moved to the infectious ward at the John Fawkner hospital? 3rd floor room 8 ?-but you must wear a visitors gown ! ? ? 5/4/16:NEIL ?ROBERTS is off to hospital for a heart By Pass-- ?he hopes to be back at Keenagers in 6 weeks time ? ?Mark Finlayson -walking around a court bending over picking up balls ! -right beside him?? -3 OF THE BALL PICKERUPPA's.? ? New Keenagers record today ?59 according to our statisticians -Caro + Cant Count Carless - great to see players swap around and let others have a game ? ? 31/3/16:Its T day ! Trevor is off for his licence test -and then off to take his first passenger- Nervous Neil who might prefer that Trevor takes his surname -CAR -LESS? ? 30/3/16:So the HOT X BUNS were not up to scratch this year ? ?How else can we explain Frank sitting in the spectator area all alone- as no one would invite him onto their court ! especially the one he was trying to get onto ?-Do Not Disturb Dennis-Rotten Robbie-My spots here Mel + New table Neil -they were in no mood the share with anyone their moment of glory on the Olympic table. ? Then onto morning tea time ?-everyone lines up and brings a cup to Carolyn + John ?-except for No Cup Carless-- He wants the complete service ! cup and all ? The new caller for the Shoot Out was?? Vince the voice ?-3 loud screams later and no movement on any of the courts -'and my wife does not listen to me either' was is only comment. ? Shoot Out ?-and Neil was rewarded with a bit of chocolate for winning-- but it appears that it did not suit his palate !- but his tears of displeasure soon changed when Chadders making his comeback after 9 weeks away -scoffed a full piece of the interesting food choice. - Tears of joy were rolling down the faces of those fortunate enough to witness ?Allan in agony ! fair to say he was not lining up for 2nds.? ? ? 27/3/16:Tony Mac again unwell and will be in the hospital for a while-Claire has had a Heart Attack on Good Friday - will update web page as news comes to hand? ? 23/3/16:Claire has had more Heart trouble and won't be able to attend Keenagers for a while -We wish he a speedy recovery. ? The McMahon boys up to tricks again ?-Bill visits Tony who is in need of a wine !? -Next thing you know Bill has nicked a bottle of wine from ?'another visitor' ?at the hospital ?which allowed Tonys cup to be filled ! ? ? 'The Sheila' has shot through again for a couple of weeks -Seems she is a bit frightened of SBS + Buckets ! --the big match is on hold !Q ? The rush was on 47 Keenagers yesterday -so come Coffee time - Caro + John were at the front of the counter doing the 'hot water run .? As for Franks annual Supply of Hot Cross Buns - ?they did not last out the session and everyone loved them? ? Frank Hurley 92 yesterday - and again he will attend our Anzac eve event -medals and all ! +Des Jones turns 88 this week !? ? Where Kleim ? asked Ellen - ?do you mean Clem ? ?he is over there- ! 'No Klum --the photographer-- Oh you are looking for Lim ! ?'is that his name ? well where is he ? ?-Not here for 2 weeks !?? ? Talk about Nic Names ?- Peter 5 or whatever ?-- the man who many of you said (but not to his face?) Looks like Dustin Hoffman -Actually some people call him Dustin so when I said Tootsie ?he felt that was a good way of introducing him ! ? ? 21/3/16:Tony Mac in John Fawkner -+ not real well as he fights a virus -3rd floor room 11-- see if you can spare im a few minutes !? ? 19/3/16:Maintenance Mark ? ?-enters court 3 and breaks door handle !? 300 chairs/seats in club -Julie picks out the one that Patrick has used to put his wet clothes on ! Guess who was complaining about a wet bum ? ? 18/3/16:No Tony today ?-he is off for another rest at the Keenagers motel (John Fawkner hospital ) ? 16/3/16:The Hawaiian Hero - BRAVELY stepped up to the club in his Holiday out fit- the Charming Mrs Wonc ? -she stayed hidden in the car until he entered the club rooms. ? - No gifts for the ?Keenagers - the budget was spent on the outfit+ the lovely Pink Lei ! ?Jennie blames the club and says All Keenagers have a lot to answer to -for letting her man come out of his shell ! -Personally ?I think he should be locked up in his shell ! -SBS ?or 'the concrete man' knew what his mate was wearing so he took a sickie from the Keenagers.? ? John Mac thought he could have had a bit more colour + that he was missing the 'Dreadies John Apples- said ' my god ! he is still on holidays Tony Mac thought he looked suave -but admitted his eye sight is failing Dennis?? thought that maybe Neil was showing off the new Qantas uniform ?? But Mel -took the cake - he said - its the only way he will get a Lei??- followed by 'its like playing against a Kaleidoscope.? Bomber just shook her head and said -He forgot his holiday is over ? -Poor Jennie !? All too much for Lim - he went home early??-But the final word on the subject comes from Mrs Wonc aka Jennie-when she was asked not to leave him at the club ?'her reply ? 'I would not wish that on anyone? ? Morning tea time + No Caro ! she was off playing golf -leaving John to do Canteen duties ?-Patsy asked him to make sure he stirred the cup as he delivered it - Maureen wanted a coffee until she found out she still had to pour the ingredients into a cup so she settled for a tea bag !? ? ?Congratulations Brian + Margaret Busby -- A big number this week for their Wedding anniversary !? ? ? 13/3/16:LOOK OUT ?the challenge has been issued- 2 former champs challenged by 2 ?Never Waz's --Marilyn the Mauler and the Manager have been challenged by SBS + the Hawian hot shot - COURT 3 ON THE 22nd ? .. -the Sook is having a week off so that No Hope Neil can at least get a weeks practice in !? ? Watch out Keenagers -Julie has invested C money -aka 5 Doubles or ?Yards ?on New rubbers. -Balls flying faster than a Speeding bullet. ? 12/3/16:Kettle + Urn alias -John and Carolyn -a great job serving the hot drinks today ! ?-Caro even harrassed John C ?when he was walking around with an empty cup !? How about Sharyns ? first job for the day ? Do up Tony 's shoe laces? Neil C is back next Tuesday? + he and ?'the Mayor follower ?reckon they can take apart the Manager + 'that Sheila ' (Marilyn) in a game of Doubles. ? 10/3/16:More disruptions to Keenagers today and next Tuesday - after that the repair work will hopefully be completed Mayhem when its coffee time today ! ? ? 9/3/16:Tony, Lim + Partick thanks for your help today ?- Keenagers got to play and the day ran smoothly .? ? We had Kevin back after an illness and look out ! Alan Chadwick is improving and might show his face on Friday?? ? the work done by Lim + Patrick was simply amazing as we renovated our hall . ANY ONE KNOW ANY SOLDIERS WHO MIGHT HELP US OUT ON OUR ANZAC EVE EVENT ??? ? 6/3/16:Frank (Boots) + Annette ?-off to Tasmania for 2 weeks ?-But he will be back in time for Easter ?+ he will again make some Hot Cross buns -with a table tennis bat design on them ! ? 4/3/16:Sharyn playing tonight as Bomber is on a holiday !Also seen tonight will be Rana-Patsy ?+ Elven? ? Trevor ?passed the MOCK ?driving test- Now the real deal -Thursday 31st March + if successful he can drive to the club next day ?APRIL FOOLS DAY? 2/3/16:Thank you Keenagers- a large turn up and a warm reception for the new Mayor of Moreland - Lim has put plenty of photos on our Face Book page.? ? Samantha was delightful and says she will come to the club for our Anzac eve event. -She even got to partner Julie in a game of Doubles? ? Who else copped a pinch and punch for the 1st of the month from the club bully Jacaranda Jan ? ?-I thought that disappeared 40 years ago. So who chased the Mayor the most ? Peter K or SBS --(maybe it is now scs-) SEEN CHASING SAMANTHA !?? ? 28/2/16:A recliner from Victors estate is on sale at the club for $100-- wont last long as it is a great buy.? ? 27/2/16:Caro ! ?please make our messages a bit more clear was the request. Tony and ?I thought that John a had been locked up by Des in another toilet incident. ? Shoot out + Julie drew the other John A ?(the noisey one)?and she screamed out -God help me !? ? Norma's quote- 'the longer you play the floor gets further away from you. ? Mark helped with the weekly till check. Was going well until he discovered 'you mean I have to add it all up ?'? ? 23/2/16:the Mayor of Moreland will visit the Keenagers next Tuesday.? ? 22/2/16:Cathy Thorpe is now back home after spending a few days in Hospital -Wont be too long we hope before she pops in to visit the Keenagers.? ? 21/2/16:Ive been bailed up by the local Bully !-- Seems I forgot to mention that Jacaranda Jan was part of the Shoot Out winning team with Peter K recently ? Has Keenagers week been extended ? Patsy -Bomber -Marilyn and SBS all having a hit on a Sunday at the club-- Duncan was hitting with the best player at the club at the time Zach as he continues to promote himself in Neils absence as Keenager number 1. ?-He plans to be on court 2 on Tuesday !? ? 20/2/16:The Mac Bros do the Shoot Out- Serves them right for not taking Bonny's advice to offer her assistance -- then Neil C tried to help out but he had no idea who Boots was ? - Maybe he should spread himself around a bit more and find out who are the keenagers - As for Frank ? -he just let his Boots do the walking !? ? What a team ? Elven + Rana same team on Friday nights ? ? Why were Trevor + Patrick? using snooker cues at the Ivanhoe drop in centre to hit Table Tennis balls around ?? ? 18/2/16:1st of March + the Keenagers will be visited by the Mayor of Moreland? ? 17/2/16:John Macs amazing arrival - Van looks like it is carting stuff direct from Steptoe + son ?-then he has his head in Dennis's side mirror of his car- John has the battery shaver out and is having a shave before table tennis? ? But better than poor tony Mac-- he is out in the cold -a taxi rocks up and leaves --before Tony could get in ! ?He had to come back inside the club + ring another Taxi ! ? ? Peter K could not leave early -everyone was sitting around lining ?up for the Shoot Out + his keys were some where? in this vicinity -so enter the Shoot Out he does and wins ! -+ he found his keys ! As for Neil C + Darwin Dennis - Zero points meaning not in the top 50 in Keenagers 2016.? ? Time to leave the hall?? + we find Lim stumbling and all caught up in the leads to the stereo + Microphone. And he blames us for leaving them laying around ! Then another noise -john M has dropped a bucket of balls and they go everywhere ?-+ he still does not know how it happened !? ? 16/2/16:Who's travelling better ? Mrs Wonc ?-the lovely Jennie is in Hawaii for a week catching up with friends at a reunion - 5 star accomadation with all the trimmings. -The hubby -Mr Spend less joins in next week and has arranged for Back Packers living for the couple ! Enjoy the first week Jennie? ? But the big question is who will fill the big shoes on court 2 in Neils absence ? ? ? 15/2/16:Garo doing some training was sent to court 6 to hit with Peter (2 Peters were hitting with each other) -Garo stops 1/2 way and says' which Peter there are 2 of them -- so we say 'the one with glasses' + off he goes again ?-stops and says ' they both have glasses' --maybe it was when I said' the one with 2 arms ' that he worked out he was being set up? ? Teresa- arrives 30 minutes early for Monday coaching + says 'has it been cancelled today ?' No you are 30 minutes early ! -Oh its OK she said 'I thought it was Friday ...Now we know she had a couple of falls last Friday but she must had had a hell of a weekend as well.? ? 13/2/16:Welcome to the web site RANA -- she caused a panic when her Bat cover which had her keys in it was missing - -A whole search of the hall + nothing was found ?- It was 30 minutes later when she searched ?THE BIN WITH THE EMPTY CANS that the cover was found- she put it on top of the bin which of course has a flip top cover.? ? Pick up Macca from Craig Care hospital ?-We wanders out I wander in to sign him out -+ the doors are now locked ! ?+ he was getting into my car- All I could wonder is 'hope his bed is comfy ! as it looked like we had swapped places.? ? 10/2/16:John Mac thought he might make a quiet entrance -maybe not even be noticed. Bit hard to do when the Shoot Out is up to the final and the foyer has 40 people standing around.? ? The Happy Hopsters ?are on the mend- Limping lIm is now wearing runners again -albeit modified ! ?and as for Sore foot - he is jumping everywhere so he ?must be on the improve-- Many thanks to Bill M -SBS-Craig -John M + others who have helped our man jump and twist in an attempt to get his agility back. -But still no Shoot Out points for our dual champ-- 50 people have scored points but not No score Neil ! ?Oh well, maybe he can get some practice in Hawaii ? ? Madge + Maureen ?visited tony recently. Surely it wasn't just to tell him they had a huge win at Bingo ? ?-Tony is trying his luck out at Bingo this week. Looks like a new trend is coming to Keenagers.? ? 9/2/16:Tony Mac makes a return today + Limping Lim is hopping around the courts ? but how about Sore foot ? and SBS ? + by the way who was seen in the local Maccas and reported that SBS can speak about Table Tennis better than he can play it ? ? Thanks for the letter Garo-- you can return as there is room now that the above mentioned players are on the unavailable list !?? ? 7/5/16:Question of the week ? What was Bomber + Des doing coming out of the same toilet at the same time ? ? 5/2/16:Victor did it his way right to the end- His funeral was yesterday but no one was invited- so now we will all send our silent wishes !? ? It is official ( In Keenagers lingo anyway ) Neil C ?(KOTY) is suffering from FUSSY FEET ..Good to see the long suffering Jennie leave the log on the couch and play some Ping pong ?-And got past the 1st round in the Shoot Out?-Something Neil has not been able to do this year !-- Even Limping Lim made an appearance in todays Shoot Out? ? Tony is taking a break as he has not been well.. See you soon back at the club big guy !? ? 3/2/16:VICTOR PASSED AWAY THIS MORNING ? -Funeral arrangements will be on this site as soon as they have been announced Please spare a thought for Elven in this difficult time as he has been a rock for Victor + spent many hours looking after his great friend.? ? Tony Mac might be missing for a while as he ?tries our a few alternate arrangements for accomadation. He now needs a bit of hand 24 /7. We will update this page as info comes to hand. And when he would like a few of us to visit him . ? Its seems like it is time to say Good bye to our dear friend VICTOR ?- now on morphine and a room to himself ?- good bye mate + thanks for the memories? ? KEENAGERS WILL BE ON TODAY ?but be warned?? -Our centre is a little worse for wear !? ? 1/2/16:An inspection has taken place at the club and all is OK for tomorrows Keenagers-- but it will take a few weeks before the club is back to its best !? ? KEENAGERS ?please take note ?-I can't guarantee we will be open this week- the club took a battering during Saturday evenings storm. IF WE DO OPEN ON TUESDAY ?-the seating area is out of bounds so COURT 10 ?will be our Morning tea venue ! ? PLEASE KEEP READING THIS WEB SITE AS I WILL UPDATE AS SOON AS I HAVE MORE INFORMATION -- please pass the word around ?-Or keep a check on the Clubs FACE BOOK PAGE?? ? 29/1/16:Tony Mac has the Flu ?-Victors back in Hospital -Sharyn has bruising + we have SBS (Sore Back Sook) -Duncan but now we have DENC (Dented Ego Neil Carless)?? -maybe it is DEN ?-Dented Ego Neil ? -DEKOTY ? Dented Ego Keenager Of The Year -maybe DEFS -Dented Ego Foot Sore ? whatever ? but he claims he can't play Ping Pong (bad timing as we have just Hung Posters of him around the court advertising Monday training sessions ?) -Neil says his foot hurts -that happens when you stomp your OOF ?when you serve and Loop - Just ask Limping Lim - Well he was asked to come to the club + spend some quality time with his Mates + sit bakc and watch the LLL ?(Lovely Little Lady) play. NO ! HE STAYED HOME AND READ A BOOK? ? 27/1/16:Marilyn -played n the grueling Australia Day tournament. 27 players ?belted balls at each other for 3 1/2 hours. Lim was there also but only hobbling around taking pics. We will look forward to Marilyns report but she might not be recovered until Easter.? ? 26/1/16:Victor -Back in Hospital- Frank Hurley- another fall- Sharyn a fall while playing the Shoot Out.. We hope they all recover quickly? ? Tony Mac !? -driving past the club late ! not a Security check - returning home after a night at the Drive In with son tony ! Do you call it a Drive In night out with dad ? or a chance to make some $'s ? They arrive at the Drive in and Tony jnr has a way of obtaining cheap tickets ! -Big Macca hands over the $50 + tickets can be bought for only $10 each ! so a cheap night out for Macca ?-except the only thing to end up in Maccas hands were a few chips-- some how the change never made it back to his wallet. ? Well, I thought our KOTY -2 times in a row - could not be replaced. ?But Mel had other ideas- Search the Classified and he discovered another K eenager O f ?T he Y ear?Phil Soft Drink (Marchant) + got him onto court 2 with the ?'Wannabees'. How did Phil go ? ?-Slotted in like a hand into a glove says Wannabees chairman Sir Billy Mac. ?Neil Who ? was the last thing I heard before the group started playing !? ? 23/1/16:A disturbing e mail arrived from Victor -So Neil C organised a visit . with the 2 McMahons. Victor was in good spirits + seemed very happy to have some people around him !? ? Training camp ?-+ thanks to Lim who limped his way through a tough week to help coach. Mark attended every session + Belinda, Toby + ?Rana were being coached as various times during the week. ? A Keenagers record -4 bats ?left behind on the one day -Not at the club though -All left at their homes ! So now check lists will be -Keys Wallet/Purse + Bats. ? POOR SPORTSMEN OF THE YEAR AWARDS - + in bad taste we might add. Fragile Farrugia + Mild Mannered Mel lose 11 zip - with a heap of nets and edges helping the opponents. ?then Big Bad Billy Mac + Care less Carless JUMP ?up and down - yell + scream just to rub salt into the wounds of the suffering soldiers . ? 21/1/16:Maybe we will have to stand Tony on a table on Friday ? ?-When Madge came in she was told there was a surprise waiting for her ?! she looked everywhere ?-but could not see anything different. ? -Just behind her was Sharyn and it took her 10 minutes before she noticed the eleventy 8 foot giant !? ? 19/1/16:Welcome back Mac were the words of the day ! ?good to have tony back with us Mark brings in his first birthday cake and it is shoved in to the fridge-- sorry Mark you arrived late and Table tennis beckoned ! ?but dont worry ?come Friday the cake will be eaten ? 17/1/16:Tony is back home and just maybe we might see him on Tuesday ?- ? 16/1/16:Happy Birthday to you ? -i said to Bomber Cath as she arrived ! -But how do you know its my birthday she asked ? Might have had something to do with the Large Ferguson Plarre Cake she was carrying. ? the big challenge match - Young Patrick ?vs the old Keenager of the Year -Neil C. -Started off poorly for the Keenager. John Alder had to help hiim get his pants off !??A fizzer as it was a miss match that Neil dominated but what upset Pat was that the only other person in the room the same age as Pat (Jake) was also cheering for Neil ! ? 2016 Shoot Out ?-already 20 players have scored points -Bomber Cath is the leader and Neil c has not scored one point !?? ? L A N C ?E -- very excited as his Grand son will be on Television as he has the honor of tossing the coin at the start of the Cricket on Monday? ? Then the Shoot Out and this time Pat was bundled out by 'an old girl'. -Marilyn- Dont mess with the Keenagers son is our advice !? ? Lim finally walking a bit better so he joined in with the Keenagers -By the night time - he could hardly put his peg on the ground ! ?Limping Lim is his new name. ? 14/1/16:Keeangers help out again on Competition night ?-Billy Mac- Martin - Dennis who had an unfair advantage- every night in Darwin is as hot as last night !- Lim was in attendance + Zino also played !? ? 13/1/16:What do Keenagers do in Summer ? -Play Table Tennis it seems ?-47 at yesterdays session ?-Our biggest ever January day? ? A lost bat- ?but lucky for us Detective Caro was on the job and quickly caught the culprit with the wrong bat? ? 10/1/16:SUE MCRORIE passes on her thanks to everyone who sent cards + gifts to her on the passing of her husband HAROLD? ? 8/1/15:Tony Mac say G'day Keenagers from the Dorset ?Rehab in Pascoe Vale. ? A big day at Keenagers -record takings as Keenagers take on the cheap membership offer + 44 people attend the first Friday session of the year. -then Carolyn gives the Manager a pay out for 'doing a Norma' + getting locked in the Dunny! ? Public Relations award to BEV ?- a bus with 20 people in it -stops + parks across her driveway- everyone hops out and start taking photos ?-I lovely lady even found her way into Bevs back yard .. Hope Bev supplied the tea coffee and biscuits ??? ? Hubby of the week award goes to Neil C-He leaves his ill wife asleep on the coach (why didn't he take her home ??') so that he could get in an extra hit with Toby.? ? 5/1/15:John Mac's mum has passed away ?-+ he continues he run of bad luck - when a glass door was shattered on his leg so now he has a few stitches in his leg. ? First Keenagers session for the year- and a large number in attendance. --But who left their jumper behind ? + who locked the Manager in the back toilets for half an hour before he was rescued by Bonny !? ? Tony Mac on the mend and he will be moved to a Rehab hospital shortly.? ? 4/1/16:Our work crew that helped set up all courts included 2 Keenagers- Lim + Michael M. ?-thanks guys !! ? 3/1/16:Sue Mcrorie's husband HAROLD ?has lost his battle with cancer. Deepest sympathy is extended from the Keenagers to Sue. ? Will give an update on Tony Mac on this page tonight . ? ? 1/1/16:HAPPY NEW YEAR ?and we look forward to seeing the Keenagers on Tuesday the 5th of January ? But Tony Mac has been doing it hard over the break and it might be a couple of weeks before we see him?? ? 27/12/15:Not sure ? but looks like a visitor at Bevs for a few days now ? -hope she is not gonna use the old -Neighbours are using my car park !? ? 26/12/15:HAPPY BIRTHDAY for tomorrow Mr Tony McMahon ! -Clems is in a few days time..? ? 24/12/15:Peter K ?+ Lim thanks for your help today- 3 hours in the club and things are taking shape ? An e mail arrived from Victor to say hello !- lets hope it is a visit in person in 2016. Work on the club floors started tonight and Michael and Lim were helping representing the Keenagers . ? 23/12/15:Final Keenagers for 2015. Big crowd but where was Duncan ???? Mini Event and the bottle of Wine was won by Michael.. -Soap donated by Vince was also presented to Bonny-Tony-Lim for their assistance to Keenagers. ? 22/12/15:Observant ! is the word of the day... Especially if your initials are NEIL CARLESS ? 19/12/15:No Neil C for the break up.. Mel informs us that just maybe the clubs Superstar was still in shock after losing a game 11/zip on Tuesday with Neil making the final error ! ?Was Neil missed ?yesterday ? ?Toby seemd to fit in with the quartet ?on table 2 quite comfortably ! . ? No Tony Mac but the Tony Mac award for a 'Special Keenager' was awarded to Elven for his great efforts in 2015 with the Keenagers.?? and the 2015 KEENAGER OF THE YEAR WINNER ?was announced- the official hand over from last years winner to the 2015 winner will take place next Tuesday?? ? ?1-Vince- 2- Bomber Cath - 3-Garo - 4-Neil C- 5- Marilyn ?- 93 Keenagers scored points in the Shoot Outs in 2015.? ? THANKS ?TO LEO + FRANK ?for their music today at Keenagers and we also thank? all the Keenagers who contributed to todays Christmas Luncheon? We also thank KATH ?the original for her prizes today in the Keenagers knock out challenge !? ? FINALLY ?-to those Keenagers who donated some of their Hard earned -for a gift for me ?MANY THANKS?..... ? 16/12/15:Christmas break up Keenagers style ?-One sleep away (2 for Neil C) -which he will need as he ?might be asked to join in for a song or 2 as some music will be played tomorrow ! --Jan' heart throb from 50 years ago (Leo) will be performing a song or 2 and Frank #2 (boots) will be bringing in the Banjo !? ? But no SBS ? -(the Sore Back Sook) will still be missing ! still riding his bike up and down the bike path though .? ? The top 20?players in this years Shoot out will be announced -the 2015 Keenager of the year will have his/her name printed on the Shield + the Tony Mac award presented.? ? 15/12/15:Dont forget Keenagers Christmas lunch/break up is on this Friday ? Graham walks in takes ?$1 off the counter and walks off- then quickly returns -he had forgot to put his $5 note on the counter.? ? No Duncan ?-this time the excuse is a sore back -yet he was seen out riding his bike the day before? ? 14/12/15:VICTOR is back in Hospital ?-Thanks for the updates Elven + for your help with Victor . ? So the Preacher was giving out more sermons. But once he tried to preach to Bonny he hit the end of the line ! And finally after all this time he informed us that the lovely wifes name is JENNIE --Wonder how long it took him to find this out ? The? Back Hand flunk ! -Dunc with Clunk is still absent ? Allan Chadders did not answer John the Pres.'s many calls + Victor is loving the attention while in hospital. -A new Victor arrived today and Jim returned- Peter K made the final of the shoot out in his first match for many months and Graham won is first final in the final Shoot out for the year.? ? Christmas lunch on Friday -- and a special challenge on the small table !? ?Might even see Big Macca competing !? -Keenagers final morning for 2015 will be done next Tuesday. ? Monday coaching + Vince is now converted to being a Multi Ball fan--His first session left him??with a sore head ! so today sore back and all he ventured onto court with the other guy who loves being tortured ?-the mad Bikkie + more multi ball ?-then onto court 11 (chairs in the spectator area for a rest ) leaving Gaye to do Multi Ball then pick them up and repeat the treatment ! ?-But she's young say's Garo ?-Change you glasses says Gaye !? ? A revolt ???? Monday Morning -in the car park ?+ a sermon is being delivered . ?-?Neil Friend-Less is complaining about the treatment he receives on this site !?(probably wants more attention thrown his way) -His poor wife J -ustabout E-verything N -utty ? N-eil ?Y-earns4 -- he gets- But she wont have a bar of his latest scheme ?-to scam the man ! (the lovely club manager)? He tried to recruit ?the owners of the nags (Chadders ) ?-- Mrs Wonc herself - the Back hand flunk ! Mr Dunc ?+ the ever delightful - knackers ! - the man with the big hand Macca + his mate he calls the Mad Hatter ?(Toby the Terrible) + Out On A ?(Lim) ?but they have all stuck by the ever popular nice guy !? ? 11/12/15:Frank was happy to share the news that at his daughters recent wedding -Frank gave a speech and received a standing ovation !-Kevin asked 'Why '? + ?then asked' didn't they have chairs '? ? Kevin was great ?today ?supplying prizes for the Keenager raffle Tony Mac to Bill Mac ' do I sound like your missus (when nagging Bill- ' Bill says -NO ! She's a lovely lady?? ? The Carless crew is back the charming lady woman had no new clothes to show from the trip overseas ! ? Please keep court 2 vacant ?-Mr Overseas Jaunt is back and demands centre court action. ? 10/12/15:John Mac has had to dash off to Perth- Our thoughts are with him as his mother is not expected to live too much longer? ? 9/12/15:Neil Holiday -Less ?is back from his overseas Junket ! ?-We expect he had to buy an extra seat on the flight him to allow him self extra room for all the gifts for Keenagers ! --Wonder what he bought his 'Mad Hatter' mate who has been keeping him a spot on table 2 ? ? Meanwhile Money Bags -Still in the process of chopping up his money tree (cant find the loot it seems) + the back yard resembles the Melbourne docks - with containers every where .. ? 5/12/15:Julie loves to pop in on Saturday afternoons and play in the Doubles format for 30 minutes. ?-She sat down afterwards so we asked her to TURN THE FAN ON ?' her reply was interesting to say the least. NO I AM TOO HOT !? ? 4/12/15:What Big Macca up to ? ?-he has knocked down 'his money tree' in the back yard and replaced it with Shipping containers. ? -All while his Favorite Horse trainer is under investigation ?? ? 18 December a KEENAGER BREAK UP ?and Frank is bringing in his Banjo to play us a couple of songs??And Keenagers will be held on Tuesday 22nd DecemberWe return to the TUESDAY - 4th January? ? No Duncan this week ?-He got a better lunch offer today ! But a sheila did belt him with a stick ! ?Serves him right for invading her area. Molly let him know who is boss !? ? 3/12/15:Why is everyone concerned about Neil Homeless ? -Now Mel is planning to send him some humor via e mail? ? BIG MACCA ?has TT problems -?Yep -his fav Horse man is ?having TRAINER TROUBLE?? ? 1/12/15:Welcome to Summer ? ?Keep warm Mr - Cold + Less ! -- ? Monday coaching - and Vince does a Duncan/Charlie -Sneaks out for a practice ! --He did a bit of Multi Ball then run to the toilet complaining to Lim that 'the coach' was trying to kill him. Lim said 'that aint nothing ! wait till he works you hard ! ?as for Garo ? -he was crying stop before he started .? Trevor was missing Neil ! ?wants to know when he is back ! Could be a bit of a wait Trevor !? ? 29/11/15:Hall of Fame /Peter Finotello's birthday -Awards also presented to Tony Mac + Lim for their service to the club A tournament was also conducted- Patsy was outstanding + other Keenagers to play in front of the big crowd were Bomber- Bonny- John Alder- Lim + Clem? ? 27/11/15:KEENAGERS NIGHT OUT - Well organised Bonny !- And even after their bed time plenty of Keenagers still on the dance floor? ? 26/11/15:New Friday attendance record of 47 players-- + while the Shoot Out heats up more points to Vince + Garo + Duncan is on a roll ?-the former points leader Neil is now COLD -less as it is minus 1 in Norway !? How come Tony has trouble with our new players name -Shixiong Niu ! Nova + Paul did not seem to be a problem though ? ? 25/11/15:3 Shoot outs in a row and points to GARO ?+ Vince ?-maybe a new Shoot Out champion this year ?? ? Mr 'I cant play Table Tennis at night ! 'as the wife won't let me out- DUNCAN ?-rocked up last night and UMPIRED ?the Section 1 Grand Final ?-ALL THE MATCHES ?on Court 2 ! then conned the players to buy him a bottle of coke ?-Yet at Keenagers all he drinks is the free coffee !? ? 21/11/15:Cake day as Claire + Soapy also celebrated their Birthdays . No Tony -But the other McMahon -Bill was back playing. ? ? 19/11/15:Club Championships are being conducted this coming Sunday ?-KEENAGERS playing include John Alder + Clem -Cathy T + Cathy Bomber P - Slingo - Marilyn - But where are our Superstars ? ?_Lotso did a runner to Norway- Toby to India- Billy Mac still on the injured list with the other Big Macca - Trevor is looking for the car keys -+ Duncan is hiding !?? ? 18/11/15:So a party was done for some guy turning 60 ?-WELL DONE ?and thanks to Cathy ! ?--Lim for his 3 million photos -tony Mac and the 53 Keenagers who turned up ?-Even Alan Chadders was on time and there was cakes and food galore ! Finally -how about the effort from Carolyn ?-a lot of work went into her presentation -- All I can say is I am humble and very lucky to associate with such a fine group of people ! ? CATHY -CARO ?+ you Keenagers -TAKE A BOW !? ? Lance has a reputation for always hitting the net when serving. So much in fact the Marilyn has now named him LANCE A LET !? ? Cathy + Elven are in a Grand Final on Friday night -Good luck guys ! ? A few Keenagers playing in this Sundays Club tournament -Cathy-Bomber-Martin (remember him ? ) just to name a few..?? ? 17/11/15:LOTSO ?+ Mrs Wonc's last day of Keenagers for the year l eader O f T he S hoot ?O ut ?+ W ife O f N eil C arless? they will miss the day Trevor comes driving to the club ! ? ? 13/11/15:Tony Mac back John M back -Bert back -Dennis back but Neil LOTSO leaves for Norway next week ?-As for Billy Mac ? Tony B has been wanting to meet you for weeks ! - when do you return ?? ? Congratulations to Cathy Thorpe ?- Leading player in Section 9 + together with Elven -they will play in the Grand Final next Friday night ? ? What will the crowd be like today ? ?49 players on Tuesday ?-Anyone got any info on Elven -We have been trying to contact him all afternoon/evening ? Welcome back TONY MCMAHON ?today ! ? ? FORMER KEENAGER GREG HUNT ?-gets married on Saturday !?? ? 9/11/15:Monday coaching - And Peter K leaves his grubby old bat behind ?-And walks out with a new one -that might have some one else's name on it !? ? Keenagers today doing the Monday training- Neil-Jan-Peter- Bomber Cath-Michael-Lim- John Mac-Vince-Marilyn+Garo -But No MARK ?or ALAN CHADDERS ? ? 7/11/15:Tony Mac will be out of hospital next Wednesday ?-but he is a bit lonely so if you are in the Brunswick hospital area on the weekend -pop in and say hi to him? ? Allan Chadders -you owe us a cake -- And wasn't that a marvelous rendition of Happy Birthday the keenager choir sang to him . ? Patsy playing pennant ?-had her opponent wondering if he had turned up to the local calling of the Bingo numbers ! as he said ' numbers were flying everywhere. ? ? 5/11/15:Cup sweep winners included - Keith -Marilyn-Soapy (Vince) -+ Patsy brings home some $'s. ? How about the form of B-etter R-ead A-bout D-uncan I-n E-veryarticle.- grizzles when his name is mentioned + complains when it is not !? ? New talent was found CAROLYN ?on the mike ! had them all jumping !? ? Marilyn searched the cup sweeps and?? + announced she had horses 14 + 15 when in fact she had 14 + 17 'No wonder I can't see the ball' she said. ? Ellen marched in on Cup day and bounced into me -Wrong time to do that because my body guard JAN was within ear shot?. So don't pick on me when Jan is around? ? We did wonder who would turn up on Melbourne cup morning for Keenagers. ?We thought we might see DOCUMENT less + Duncan + the Double E's (Elven + Ellen) we assumed Chadders would roll out of bed in time to watch the cup at 3pm -Probably Bomber + the Seat Saver ?-Soapy ?+ Kev -but to have over 32 rock up is a marvelous effort by all. ? How about Neil C ?-Did not lose anything -leave anything behind ?or give cheek to the poor manager ?-Wonder if it had anything to do with having Mrs Wonc right on his heels ? Cathy left a message on Patsy's answering machine regarding her horses in the cup sweep-??What machine ? ' asks Patsy -When told the home phone she said' Oh ! I dont listen to that one.? ? Tony on the mend - less that a week until he is allowed to go back home- If you cant find the time to visit him in the Brunswick private - I have a direct line phone number for him ! ? ? ? 3/11/15:MELBOURNE CUP DAY -Keenagers is on 9-30 to 12-30pm- WEAR YOUR HAT !? 2 MEMBERS ?back this week ?-john Mac + Bert? ? 31/10/15:Bill McMahon back with us in a couple of weeks ?-Tony Mac on the improve ?+ Victor is slowly recovering !? ? How good is this sport - a great match last night -84 year old Kevin vs 13 year old Rocky ! ? Why was Trevor laughing ? Might have had something to do with the dots of blue tack stuck on Allan Chadders glasses- right in the middle of each lens.?? ? Now Trevor ?-once you join the world of driving ! - and you are trying to find your way around maybe do not ask SOAPY ?to help you. Our Mr Melways took his beloved for a weekend away to Mornington ! -Some how while looking for Arthurs seat -he took a wrong turn and was heading towards Frankston. ?Maybe the wife should shove the soap in Vince's mouth to shut him up + stop him from giving directions? ? A phone call to the club and it was dear long suffering Mrs WONC ?on the phone ! Her instructions- use the microphone -publicly humiliate?her man Mr Contract less. Apparently spending 4 hours looking for lost documents is no fun ?-+ you actually want to destroy the fool who had you looking for the documents when is fact he had already delivered them to the solicitor but forgot he had. PENALTIES ?should include ?- 2 shout outs as Trevors partner- a day out with Allan Chadwick ! 3 hours of Des's jokes ! - 20 games of ping pong as John Alders doubles partner - + do a whole season of Super league as the sole commentator !? ? Shoot Out was up to the half way mark ! but why was Lim down the end of the corridoor?? -near the Emergency exit when it was his turn to play on court 3. ? 29/10/15:By attending the 2015 AGM-2 players names were drawn out of the hat and have won a free SATURDAY SQUAD ?training? ? CONGRATULATIONS JOHN ALDER & PATSY HAMILTON?? ? Marilyn + Lim in the Section 7 Grand Final ?-In the audience was Michael from our group + Duncan- But was he really coming to watch ? Rocks up COBURG shirt- NO Bat- Could not sneak it out from home the wife was all over that !?-So he borrows the managers + next thing you know he is playing against the Clubs number 1 player Craig !? He then sees Craigs girl friend Megan + says 'I know you -I've seen you play the Clarinet ! Very observant McGoo ! -she plays the Flute .?? ? 28/10/15:Hope Duncan (of the Keenager variety) is never required to pick out a suspect in a line up . He was shown 2 very good drawings of club members + had no idea of who they were. Even got the nationality wrong !? ? SHOOT OUT ?at Keenagers- -3 points to the winners each day -2 points to the runners up + 1 point to the losing Semi finalists. Points now are kept silent with 10 Keenager sessions left before we announce the 2015 Keenager of the year? The top 10 players ?at the moment are -Neil C-Vince-Bomber Cath-Marilyn -Garo-Lance-Euthy-Julie-Clem + Elven. ? Notables not in the top 10- Mr Magoo (Duncan) -3 Dwarfes -Chadders -(Dopey-Sleepy+ Grumpy) ?+ Mr Putt Putt (Garo) ? 26/10/15:Bring in your spare change on TUESDAY-the MELBOURNE CUP SWEEP - $1 + $2 + $3 sweeps? ? 24/10/15:Duncan enters court 3 only to be told 'you with the grey hair !- on you go.. so his reply to 'the Prez ? -Better to have grey hair than no hair !? ? Darwin Dennis is finally back and a new comer who saw the club on Channel 44.? ? Trade Week has dominated the news so Madge it was time she threw her weight around- Tonsils Tom (alias Neil on the mike) got sent to court 3 ?-traded for John Alder who got to hit with pick ?# 8 (Toby)??-while she got pick # 2 ?-?21 Year old Carey who also ended up completing the team list on court 3. Madge has now sent her resume out to the AFL teams as she claims she can demand better and quicker deals than they can. ? Julie claims some credit as Super Man Tonsils Tom (star of Super league Commentary team)?was now playing with the mere mortals ?-+ as stated previously -replaced in the All star 4 some by J A? ? Cakes galore ?- As Patsy thanks those?who supported her on the way to be cleared of cancer.? ? Shabby start to Friday -by 9-30am we only has 10 people on court? -but once the cakes were bought in the tables were quickly filled !? ? 22/10/15:Huge win to MARILYN ?in the sec 7 finals ?-Next Wednesday she and Jim are in the Crand Final -Come to the club at 7pm and give the Keenagers some support ... ? 20/10/15:KEENAGER CLASSIC ? -Shoot out mayhem !? Don King -( AKA Julie ) ?immediately tried to rig the draw. How dare she get drawn to play Neil first round ! Maybe we give him and partner a first round bye ?Bob Hawke impersonator GARO ?takes a belt on the glasses -after DANGER MAN ?(Paul from the Phillipines ) nearly decked him ! BRUCE MACAVANEY (Patsy) was on hand to commentate- but she quickly turned into MR T- ?as she rushed into court as Chief of Security ! to take care of the confusion. - ?Meanwhile Neil C thought he was Magda as he did the JET STAR ?commercial Star jump after winning his Semi Final. ?-but he should take on an ACCOUNTANTs course after his effort in ?twisting the figures -+ dragging his partner -the bad Bikie Jan -into the world of the UNDERGROUND ?! UNDER BELLY STYLE . ?Maybe we should call him ROBERT REDFORD after his efforts of copying THE STING. -What ever ? he claimed a victory against a couple who also could not count to 5 correctly ! No good asking ALBY MANGELS -DUNCAN - (the adventurer) for his views as he was doing his MAGOO ?bit - He could not see his partner Elven (TWEETY PIE ) who was at the table waiting for VANDERBUILT (who remembers F troop ??) -alias Duncan to find him -Did Elven say ' I taught I saw a Puddy Tat ? when he found McGoo looking every where except onto the court ?? All while Stadler & Waldorf? -Caro & John ?-were perched on the 'Balcony' not quite believing what was happening on + off the courts.? ? Bea who now lives in Newport wishes to be remembered to all the Keenagers. Bill Mac returns soon !? ? 19/10/15:Tony Mac had a fall on Sunday so back in the Keenagers Holiday motel -then of to Rehab again ! nothing broken just some bruises and a dented ego ! ? He will be back with us in several weeks time? ? Huh ???? I know our man Map less - has direction problems ? and loves the heat ? why else would you want to visit Germany in their Winter time ? - But a drop off at a Tram stop was not enough for our man !- He was off running to the next stop ?? ?+ it was rather warm. Maybe he did not train hard today ? or was he scared Garo would pass by, see him and put him on the back of his bike ? ? 18/10/15:Tony is back home + we have heard from BEA Jones who now lives in Newport. ? Neil Carless has completed his 2nd week of commentary on Friday nights/repeated Saturday mornings covering Super Leauge. Martin Slingo ?is the voice of Coburg during this 13 weeks of entertaining ? television.?? ? 17/10/15:Tony Mac home today after his rest in John Fawkner. Patsy has had her op and is going real well- No news on Victor ? 15/13/15:Can some one give Neil clue-less a Compass ?-He cant quite get North South + East correct- And he has the sun rising in the West. ? Sorry guys but no news at this stage on Victor-Tony ?+ Patsy ? 13/10/15:Victors Operation has gone very well -Now a few more days in hospital before coming home ! But Tony is not well + is now in the John Fawkner ! ? Anyone got a spare compass ? -Poor Neil C is more confused than Trevor + can't work out North South East or West.?11/10/15:Victors Heart Operation today - A risky one to say the least- We all wish him well !? ? 10/10/15:On the unwell list -Patsy (good luck on Wednesday) Victor -his operation is on Monday -Derek -Tony Mac + Cathy Thorpe Look forward to seeing you all back with the Keenagers soon. ? CELEBRITY?status to ?Neil with the Knowledge and Martin with the Mike -these 2 guys hosted Super League on their own last Friday night -More episodes for the next 8 Friday nights + Saturday mornings on Channel 31 ?- number 44 on the dial . ? Alan C arrives early ?-well the Pres had been calling him again to come in early and have a hit?? -But he walked in just ahead of FLIPPER. + then Al got harassed by Flipper -was dragged onto court with his new best mate and A) missed out on the early coffee + did not get on court with the culprit who woke him up in the first place. ? So why is Trevor called Flipper ? ?The Grand Entrance- wires hanging from his ears - a bag strapped around him - a back pack and more cords and leads hanging everywhere. And on his head were the Clip on Sun Glasses -But as he entered the hall he could not see so he FLIPPED ?them up - then flipped them down again- Allan gave his best impersonation of FLIPPER ?and even clapped his hands together. Trevor grabbed Allans arm + what a lovely couple they made as they went on down to court 5. Trevor FLIPPED up the Clip on's and proceeded to play -But he lost sight of the ball with the Sunny's clip on's -so he removed them and YES ! they are still at the club as Trevor forgot to pick them up ! . ? ?Where is court 1 -asks Neil Court Less ?- Its the very court you have been hitting on every Monday morning this year ! 'where does it say court 1 ? try looking at the black stand you are beside with the scorers on the top -it has court 1 on it on 3 of the sides including the front. Was not long before our man was walking around like a poor kid who had lost his toy . the chin was dragging as he walked back and forward in front of courts 1 -2 + 3- he wanted to enter but he just was not brave enough. the Lovely Mrs. Wonc had put her foot down and they were leaving early- She had to change and he needed to soak in as much of the atmosphere as possible before leaving. ?-Jenny come out and said 'we are going' + he replied OH ! you have never got changed that quickly in your life ! Her response -I only had to change my tee shirt ! So our wounded soldier had to be led outside to fight another day !? ? 7/10/15:Trevor decided it was time to ask about his missing bat -it went missing 3 months ago !? ? Duncan is happy to know that his brother Ken has been taking his place + riding the bike track + just confusing everyone who think they have just met up with Duncan.? ? Bomber Cath was concerned that she cant get access to this web site- then she thought about it and said??'maybe I shouldnt look at the web site '! ? 6/10/15:A bat left at Monday coaching ?-Looks like Bombers ? -Has her initials on it -but surely she would not leave her bat behind ?? ? Garo rocked up to Monday coaching on a putt putt ?-motor scooter. ?Did he really wash the Harley and it shrunk ? is the question? ? Norma copped a hip + shoulder bump that rivalled AFL at its best. A review of the security cameras + sticky beak sticks his head in just in time to note that he got sprung pinching his 2nd piece of cake -So it is not Mr Cakeless ! but the search continued and the brute to bump Norma was none other than the Club President !? ? Jan's big day out this week -On the back of the Harley Davidson bike being driven by Garo.? ? Fridays Shoot Out ! + what was Bomber on ? -onto court 1 when not called- then onto court 2 yet again she had not be called ! Finally she was called but this time she was not ready ! but she agreed she tends to talk a bit so does get distracted a little .?? ? 30/9/15:-Good Luck with the test results Patsy? Victor is also waiting for results ?- as he has a faulty heart valve ? Trevor made sure he would not lose his keys so he hung a bunch of keys around his neck . But he was nearly knocked out when doing Multi Ball.??-So he had to remove the keys + yes ! he forgot about them again -nearly went home without the keys (again)? ? 27/9/15:Who else but Chadders would talk to the Queen of Keenagers + the Pres on the phone while standing naked ! ? Good Luck Patsy ?-Wednesday can't come quick enough -We are all thinking of you.? ? Trevors keys -were lost from the back courts green barriers ?-Yet they were found in his bag !?? ? 23/9/15:Just maybe some of the funniest moments in Keenager history !? Partners lost/ missing/wrong names called out /complaints that people were deaf coming from people who could not hear correctly ! / even people asking which court to play on when every court but one was full ?- then there was Alan Chadwick !? The Shoot Out left us with the following questions ??? ? What is the difference between Adam Goodes + Allan Chadwick ? *Only a small section of the crowd Boo ! Goodsey*Under Pressure- Goodsey can still kick a goal -Chadders serves a falt *Goodsey knew when to retire ! *Goodseys?team mates support him ! *Goodsey won Brownlows- Chadders won the Biagio award. *Trevor knows Goodseys Christian name !?? ? ?Al !! ?on behalf of the Keenagers- thanks for todays entertainment--It rivaled the Toby pantomime . ? 22/9/15:What's more important ? a TRIP OVERSEAS OR A $3 TROPHY ? ?The Shoot Out leader is now not going to Germany ! ?Seems that trophy is pretty important - We wonder how he told Mrs Wonc the trip was off ? and what reasons did he say ?. Bet the story had nothing to do with that trophy !? ? 21/9/15:All he NEEDs for Christmas is 2 big bags ! ?Yes Money Bags McMahon is on the winners list again and he needs something to help carry the $'s around . ? OK Keenagers come clean ? ! who was in the group of players who sneaked into the club on Sunday for a practice hit ? - How do we know they were at the club ? ?One of them left their bat behind !... ? 20/9/15:SUPER LEAGUE at Coburg -Channel 31 6pm Fridays and repeated Saturday mornings at 7am? ? Money Bags Macca does it again and his nag puts our syndicate out of money contention ?-He is now on the look for a bigger bag to hide his winnings. ? Soon to visit the club ?-A BANJO ?being driven by one of our quiet Keenagers -Stay TUNED ! ?? ? Tony Mac is back again today -- ? Lim was asked do you now play Table Tennis every day of the week ? ?-He only plays Monday + Tuesday mornings -Wednesday + Thursday evenings -Friday mornings & Spends his weekends?visiting friends -at Table tennis centres- But as he pointed out- He only plays at Coburg Preston & Collingwood & only on days that end in a Y. ? Next week on Friday night will see the return of the Handicap starting at 7pm. Only $5 entry + a heap of fun and matches.? ? 16/9/15:Tony & Cathy ?are both not well but hopefully it will not be too long before they are up and about again. Over in Perth John M decided to build a bon fire. A tin of diesel was put aside to help burn the rubbish. One problem was the tin beside him as he lit the match, was not full of diesel -It contained petrol- He lit the match turned around and heard the BANG! -suddenly it was his leg on fire and not the Bonfire. -9 days now in Hospital with 2 more operations to follow on his badly burnt leg. So we are not sure when we will next see John -But his dreadies survived the ordeal ? 14/9/15:Sunday night and ?FRANK ?#2 (boots) makes his music debut at Coburg,? with his Banjo ?(and wife on Ukelee) So 2 hours of Blue Grass music from 7pm to 9pm ?- ?Come down and listen if you like..Everyone is welcome . ? Ms. Pong was at Keenagers ? + again at the club on Friday night -the same time as PING arrived. Never had Ping and Pong at the club at the same time before ? Tony Mac? will be back -this Friday. He plans to sort out Alan C and remind him that it's not that bad finishing last in our footy competition. ? An early arrival from Alan Chadders -Seems he got an early 8-30am call from 'the Pres followed by an SMS?? -well he did arrive at 10am and as luck would have it -36 people at the club meaning all 9 courts were full ! --then in came Trevor who said Hi John ! lets have a hit in the back room ! I will point out that Trevor has been reading this site ?so he now knows Chadders real name- good to see Trevor also joining in the fun !? ? Tony Mac again ill but hopefully back at the club shortly ! ?- He missed the john Apples home made cake today ! - made by John himself? ? Garo found some leaves on the court ! Where did the ?leaves some from ? he asked ? We might guess that it was from trees ?? Keenagers at Monday training Garo - Hurryiet-Aldo-Peter - Bomber Cath -Patsy -Lim - Martin - Mark -? 4/9/15:HOLIDAYS-Derek + Nancy went to Spain ?-Billy Mac -2 months Cairns -Sue - 9 weeks top end of Australia -Ilhan -Turkey for 4 months - Edis -Lithuania - 6 months - Toby -the beaches of Queensland for a week ?- Duncan 14 -now in Spain -Yes the Keenagers when they have a holiday -they sure take a break ?-then there is N.C. (No Class) - takes the darling Mrs. Wonc (Wife of Neil Carless) on that long awaited holiday he has promised all year. -Germany we all got told ?-Then New Zealand-- Maybe a trip to Tasmania ?-or the Grampians- Cairns even the beautiful beaches along East Bairnsdale ?-Visited NONE OF THEM ?-?Now they are off to that WELL KNOWN ?tourist destination of Cape Hillsborough ? ?-Has anyone heard of this place ? Does anyone ever go there ? - Cant take your car- you are dumped in the forest-- the near by Beach - can take up to 40 minutes of walking to find the water ! What is guaranteed is a view of some trees and a bare bum or 2 ! Oh you poor long suffering girl -hope you packed a good book or 2.? ? Tony Mac's big afternoon ?-Plotting more ways of beating Martin 'to the punt'. ? 3/9/15:Duncan is off to Spain ? -Bon Voyage Amigo ? -See you at the end of the month? ? Tomorrow we have the return of?Hurryet. -and is it time for Bill Mac to also return ? ? 2/9/15:Macca returns to 'What are you doing here ? asks Tony Bell - Use your frame as he is scolded by Kath - but he did get a real hug and cuddle + a good to see you from Brendan . ? Money Bags not only wins a few bucks but his horse with name -that is often called of the club manager - kicks Martin out of winning the Quaddy. -And now the big bucks go to the Footy tipping comp + Big Mac has his nose in front with Slingo again coming 2nd.? ? Monday coaching and Trevor walking through the car park ?-Trevor ?-get some stuff out of the boot of the car mate ! -WHAT CAR ? - Trevor there is only one car in the whole car park !? ? Bomber commenting on her hearing about how good it is ! ?HMM come Shoot out time it seems to fade quickly .? ? 30/8/15:Money Bags McMahon HAS DONE IT AGAIN ? -Backed more winners - If he keeps going at this rate - He will be able to afford an extension and the Keenagers club rooms + head quarters will be shifted to the back of his house !? ? Marilyn popped into the club for a short visit and left 3 hours later ?-yet hardly hit a ball over the net !? We have a photo of Marilyn from 40 years ago + an action shot worth seeing of John A and Garo ! ? ? 29/8/15:A footy tipping comp at the club -and Keenagers dominate proceedings. ?The McMahon boys Tony & Bill lead the field while Alan Chadwick stands a big chance of coming last. ? New names on the Shoot out list as point winners in 2015 -which now include Des Jones. 85 people have now made Semi Finals or better in this years Shoot out events. Neil C is the current leader while Marilyn & Julie are the leading ladies.? ? 28/8/15:2 of the star Keenagers sneaked into the club and played doubles with Marilyn & Lim -then went head to head in a battle ?-the winner was Clem + the Pres was not impressed that he had been beaten? ? A visit to the great man ?-AND HE IS UP AND ABOUT AGAIN ? -and will return next Tuesday ?-Just in case some cake has been left behind ... ? 26/8/15: A bat or 2 left at the club -Surely not the man who turned 70 ? owns one of them ? And the cake fest today ?-Now that is what I call morning team ! ? More cars left out side Bev-- she now says that maybe she should put up a red light on the veranda ? ? Get well Tony !? ? 25/8/15:Day of the cake ! ?-And a sponge cake as well--- And no Tony to scoff it all down ?- he is unwell again ! ? Bomber Cath marches into the hall -Monday training and says? ' No other woman in the hall' -Not sure what Chrissy thought as she was on court 2 not far from Cathy.? ? 24/8/15:CAKE DAY TUESDAY ? -Do not eat Breakfast on Tuesday -Cathy has delivered the Worlds biggest orange cake to be devoured on Tuesday by the Keenagers -? ? Duncan might have turned 70 - but if he brings in his cake as well he might be 80 before it is all eaten !? ? Marilyn is back ? - AND ISN'T SHE CELEBRATING ?- She came in to watch?Super League + took over the umpys chair for the Semi Finals and could not be removed until?? -she ran out of steam - Partying the night before until 4am took its toll -so Home Wards bound she went -But she did say 'It was a great party'.? ? Another Keenager who spent a lot of time watching & hopefully learning was Allan Chadwick. Other Keenagers in for the big event included Garo John Alder & Martin Slingo - ? 23/8/15:WHICH KEENAGER IS HOT IN THE COT ????? ? -Garo ?+ he has the burns to prove it-- A candle on the bed tips + the bed is on fire -So why not put it out using your hands ! --Wonder if Garo will visit us on Tuesday ? ?-maybe another 'play' by the Keenager Class of 15 might be on show !? ? 21/8/15:Spring is in the Air- returning today to Keenagers was - Bert-Trevor-Michael M-Belinda -Julie- Jenny C-Garo- + Allan Chadders was in on time ..(well for him that is)? Neil Carless took on the role of acting Pres inTonys ? absence ?-but he failed the audition -so come back Tony is the word. ? Bill Mac ?Still in Cairns- but his lovely lady has returned home ?-We will see Billy back in a week or 2.? ? Shoot Out-John Connellan wins his first Shoot Out for the year + Michael M makes his first final??- Bonny does a John a and loses first round twice - ? So turning 70 might not be good for you ? -Duncan has not only lost his navigational skills (cant ifnd his way to the tt centre and I saw him riding on the road instead of the bike path. ?-A magpie scared him ?it seems ! ? well peddle harder mate.? Now he ?claims he can't find his way onto this sight ? ?probably wore it out trying to read about him self ? No Macca today ?-just spending time with the Physio ! ? Just hope he remembers to bring in that cake he promised us. ? ? 19/8/15:3 -30pm + that 4 wheel drive is still at Bevs house? ? A Urvan 4 wheel drive parked outside Bevs place- No ! it is not mine !? ? Earlier in the day Bev asked 'how is the lassie ? ?-it was Elven in the hat ! ?-still that is a bit better than Eric's effort - he called Elven a 'big foot rest ! (or words to that effect ) -but quickly apologised in case he was out of line ! --? ? How about Maccas return ? Ladies lined up kissing him ! ?Did we see Alan C in that line ? Welcome back Tony ? ? 16/8/15:Big Mac is back + already Money Bags has tipped a winner or 2.? ? ELVEN ?- Where is your 'Toby hat ? At the club with your missing ?bat cover + the bat you look after ever so carefully !?Watch it mate ! -you might be included in the Neil C club for losing things? ? HE RETURNED ?-Minus Charlie But with a bat- A Saturday -this time he was going to the Soccer our Mr Sports man- ended up playing table Tennis all afternoon ! -So he is finally over his man flu - We expect to see you on Tuesday Duncan !?And being the shy man he is ? we were reminded his birthday is NOT THIS WEEK ? -but if we all want to sing the birthday song a week early -he will lead the Choir .-that will cost you an extra cake mate !? ? 14/9/15:Big Mac is back -Rehab will continue but at his home so we will see him at the club in the next week or 2 ? The Jungle Drums worked well -Only 14 Keenagers turned up today -they had a hit then Jake produced a chocolate cake which was attacked in the back room while 100 yr 8 students took over our centre? ? The Keenager spirit ?- thanks everyone ?-a lot of our Keenagers have been informed about no Keenagers today.? ? 13/8/15:The Footy follower -Duncan with the tickle in the tonsils has made a recovery but HE WONT MAKE IT TO SUPER LEAGUE !?Maybe he is scared we will sell him another shirt ? or put him on a broom - or get him to help serve the meals ? maybe MC for the day ? ?NO ! ?he said he would do all of these tasks and more -but he has family pressure on him -?He is going out with his family to celebrate his 70th birthday ! ? Gee mate -bring the family and friends to the club and really celebrate ! But he admits he will have a bring a cake on the Tuesday as that is the day his birthday falls on !--- Start cooking Dunc ! ?we wanna see a big cake !? ? 12/8/15:A slip up has the club booked out on FRIDAY ?so no Keenagers ?-Please help pass the word? ? Norma is on the mend after an op -But Neil C is horrified ?-He now might have to take Mrs Wonc out for lunch ! ? -Can I suggest the Hilton ?? Still no word from Duncan and Julie also out of action with a cold.? ? 11/8/15:Big Macca on the improve ?- and just maybe we might have him back with us in a week or 2.? ? 9/8/15:Won won the big bet ? ?2 of our tipstars had horses running in the last race in Melbourne ? representing Macca was a horse from his fav stable -THE TREE ?AKA as Meleleuca. -- But Mastermind Martin had other ideas? ? 8/8/15:Toby # 2 - also known as Elven in a look a like hat ! -took 1 hour to get to the club today. -Pick up Euthy ?-stop at Chemist- Pick up Ellen ?-repair back door--- phone call and sms's from Norma ?-- you would think he would have offered to wash my car in his spare time ? ? Court 2 Doubles + change of ends so Magna to the rescue -armed with a first aid kit -tissues + an old towell to help out ?our ailing mate- Wipe him down with the towell -tissues for the runny nose -all going well until I offered to take his temperature -just like my vet does for Molly the mutt ! -Neil was off like a flash? ? Cathy & Tony Mac both called to say they are doing well -yet both had trips to Hospitals ?-- while the Silence is deafening from our Man flu victims ?-Dyeing Duncan & Near Death Neil C !? ? 5/8/15:Cathy as home but still ill ?-Tony Mac on the improve but at least another week in rehab -while Sore Noggin Neil is fighting on as best he can with his slight cold and how about poor Duncan.. Another suffering from a Man Cold - his nose actually ran once or twice the other day ! Serves him right for rocking up to the local footy ?-Bit scared of the consequences if he visit the table tennis centre again . ? More Keenagers on Holidays - Tony Bell off to Adelaide -Broken Hill + Flinders Ranges ?- Trevor going to visit his brother in Brisbane -Tony Mac partying in Brunswick -Duncan ?holidays in Sunbury -too ill to venture outside and Cold Carless might even be brave enough to?visit Puckle Street !? ? 1/8/15:Cathy Thorpe in hospital -Tony Mac also in hospital but on the improve + Victor still recovering at home. All of this while Neil C -wrapped up in towells heat beads and running poor Mrs Wonc ragged as he recovers from a slight head cold !t ? Music in the air ! -Elven singing a song he does not know -Caro singing? You can call me Al - Maureen singing and dancing the Humpty Dumpty song - And John Alder singing the words SHOOT OUT? - Hurry back Tony !? 30/7/15:Tony Mac to be moved to Rehab today (former Vaucluse hosptital ) Moreland rd.? lets hope he digs deep and does the Rehab- ?we want to see him back at the club? ? 28/7/15:Duncan so impressed with his name splashed on this site again he even gave a donation ? Good Bye John M --off for 2 months in sunny Perth. ? Keenagers will again be without Tony this week ?-Another fall has seen him back in the John Fawkner for short visit then it is off to Rehab !? ? Stay clear when the doors get opened ! John A has a club key and it is a near cert he will have trouble with the code ! ?Be warned it is the worlds loudest alarm if he stuffs it up ! ? ? 25/7/15:Charlie Chomp + Baddy Bradie rocked up for the Saturday arvo hit -dressed in the civvies as that is what you wear to go and watch football. But where did they hide their bats ? All I know they were on court 1 again losing to the 'girls' in the Saturday re match. Then as they were leaving . Duncan short changed me !? ? And who beat the boys up ? -lovely Louise and Marilyn the Mauler ! ? Another Keenager sneaking out was John Mac while on Grand dad duties -his problem was the Apple juice drink spilt in his bag--And it was full when put in the bag and empty when removed. ? 24/7/15:The Big Mac is back home but confined to his chair for a while? ? 2015 will go down as the Year of the Keenager Ladies ?-- They have improved out of sight ?-Especially Euthy - Bomber Cath + BelindaJulie + Patsy combined to be Runners Up in todays Shoot Out + in the Overall Standings for Keenager of the Year for 2015 -Marilyn is 3rd -Julie 4th + Euthy + Sharyn in the top 10. ? Neil Carless + Mighty Mel?march back onto court 2 and relegate the 'Pres' + Julie to the back blocks. -Clem was on the Mop + Lim served the coffee !? ? Super League - 23rd of August ?-We need umpy's -- I am sure Duncan + Charlie will do some matches- they will have another day out 'at the footy' planned?- ?We might give the umpys a real show buy putting Patsy on the main stage ?- + who knows ?? by the time this event is on Trevor might be driving to the club to umpy a match ?+ then take the winners for a drive visiting the sights Coburg has to offer ! ? 22/7/15:Tony had been admitted into the John Fawkner hospital in Moreland road -more news as it comes to hand. ? The big 4- Billy Mac- he goes to Cairns- Toby - the beaches at Port Douglas - Neil C -climbing the rocks at the Grampians and no Mel ! (+ no Trevor) so maybe a driving lesson happening ? ?-so onto court 2 charge the Interchange group -And not a bad foursome -Billy F- Duncan- +the 2 Roberts ? Martin Robbie + Neil C joined the list of commentators for Super league which will be shown on Channel 31 in September / October/ November -- ? Bert returned but with more cuts and scratches than Stevie McQueen had in the film The Great Escape- claims to have had a stumble !?Looks more like a fall off the top of the Rialto? ? Ellen asked me 'What are you doing here '? sometimes I ask my self the same question?? ? 21/7/15:Macca still unwell ?-so a visit to the Moreland retreat is on the cards for today ? John Mac about to make the visit to Perth- When do you fly John ? ' Tuesday -no Thursday maybe Monday ?- next Tuesday morning ?- No its Tuesday afternoon next week - Frequent flyer points here surely ? ? Neil Phoneless -calls me and asks for an address -I will sms it to you straight away ?-O K thanks he says- But it was a a bit hard as he rang on the land line - Mr Phoneless got rid of the mobile 4 years ago !? ? 18/7/15:Keenagers -"How many of our stars have represented their state in Table Tennis ? ?In Veterans- Keith Des + Billy Mac spring to mind ?-But did you know when she was a junior - Our lady who has won the Shoot Out maybe 3 times in as many weeks' + is now 3rd or 4th on the leading player list for Keenager of the year ' -Represented Tasmania when she was a junior !- Marilyn your secret is out. ? Another of our Keenagers heading North -Toby is spending 6 days on the beach at Port Douglas ?-sad really -but he knows some one has to do it !? ? Shoot Out Super Star helped run todays event ?-Called them out -sent them to their courts -Would not let them out until the told us the winners ?-Clem what a grand job you did today ! ? John Alder gave a ?speech ?about the support and thanks he got re the loss of his sister -but the answer he got when he asked What do you think of when you hear the word club ? ?Mel replied -'an implement you hit your wife over the head with'. SHHSSHHH -Another Keenager leaves their bat behind !- I wonder if C A stand for Carolyn ? ? 17/7/15:Hello to the Keenagers from Billy Mac- in Cairns where it is Sunny one day and Sunnier the next- ?How boring Bill ! We have sun/rain hail and bizzards ?-on the hour -- ? 16/7/15:2 Of Big Maccas favourite nags are running on Saturday - Maybe more Caviar and champagne headed his way ? ? 14/7/15:10 Keenagers at Antonio's (husband of Kath C ) funeral. ? Big Macca not at Keenagers. Has the flu ! but did he catch it out partying after winning more $'s at the races ? ? Neil Carless -Holiday no 3 (other 2 have not yet happened) French Riverina ? -Maldives ? or Las Vegas ?? NO !!!! he is taking Mrs Wonc (in the middle of Winter) to either the Grampians or the Beach ! ? Trevor's Driving classes update- All going well except he cant turn or STEER the car- up to you Mel to fix ! ?? 12/7/15:Money Bags Macca-- did he really back Stable Star ? ?It did run but not as fast as the other 12 horses in the race. ? ?Lim played in Friday nights Handicap event. In a match up to 31 ?he said 'I was leading 30 points to 24 then suddenly something happened ! ( he did not win another point )? ? Keenagers supporting the local footy ! ?YEH SURE ! -The Mo? + his mate -Off to watch the local footy they tell their wives-- Tough guys are going to brave the weather- No coats /umbrellas but armed with Table Tennis bats - (were they going to use them to shelter their hair from the rain ? - Maybe the GPS was out of action ? as they ended up at the Table tennis centre - then onto the courts they ventured. - Dont know how much footy they got to see ? but they were on court 7 for over an hour- At 3-15 it was raining heavily outside so Chaz + the Chomp (claims he is the Champ ) issue a challenge ?-2 middle aged ladies were their victims and they score an impressive 11/9 win -Onto the court steps Akie - Our Japanese Warrior -Partners Daisy the Dangerous and it was not long before the girls claimed victory ?- So our wounded warriors issue a challenge to Akie + the Clot from the canteen ?-By now Akie was in no mood to take prisoners and our Keenager clowns left with their tails between their legs -as they copped a belting and Dunc with Clunk was worried another belting might take place if his missus finds out he was not at the footy !? ? 11/7/15:Bonny takes over the Shoot Out and does an outstanding job--But the highlight of the day was Long legs Macca squashing into the back seat of a car with Julie ! + boy didnt he have trouble trying to get out !? Handicap event last night with Keenagers well represented by Elven-Mark-Michael + Aya ? ? 9/7/1`5:Our condolences to JOHN ALDER ?who has been through a tough stretch -Yesterday his sister passed awayWell done Clem for his friendship + helping john through this difficult period ? Kath Casoar's husband Tony will be buried next Monday ?-after a service at St Frances De Sales church in Pascoe vale rd Oak park near the McDonalds. ? 8/7/15:We wake up with heavy hearts today -as our thoughts are with Cath -our orginal ?-- on the loss of her husband Tony? ? 7/7/15:The voice was back in his seat- But still had trouble being heard ! ?the Star of todays Shoot Out ? Maralyn -her form improves every day? ? Trevor - did not appreciate a cuddle from the manager?? this morning --His screams could be heard all over Coburg Victor is now home from hospital ? ? Money Bags McMahon continues his winning run -- But Srgt Slingo is on his case. We plan to follow all Maccas tips in the future . ? SUPER LEAGUE supporter shirts ?-$50 order them now ? 4/7/15:COFFEE TIME -loads of info to go on this page- VICTOR -a walk around the ward with the Vet ---he runs out of puff so still in hospital recovering -Ward 7 E Bed 1Elven tries again to help Victor -He is bored -No TV as Vic is sure he will not be in Hospital very long. Asks (tells) Elven to bring back his trusty transistor -It is too loud so next visit Elven brings his own small radio? - Ear plugs dont work -next visit another radio -ear plugs dont fit in Victors ears -so next system is set up? -Well at least one ear plus stays put in Vic's ear ? BEV? had a car parked outside her house? -She claims she had no idea who owned the car but she did know it was parked there at 6pm and left her nature strip at 9am the next day Elven has kindly donated to Moreland council coffers. Apparently if you park illegally you get fined. Allan Chadders tip -His? horse runs on the 11th of July. Rumor has it that it started today so that it can finish on time for the race Clem called out- 'Do you want a game with the men '? - Caro asked 'Where are the men ?? NEXT TUESDAY it has been demanded that TONY MAC? will sit back in his throne ! as on Friday his chants fell on deaf ears- NO ONE COULD HEAR HIM -Surely Mr 'Super Voice was not losing his touch ? has the volume switch been turned down ? - Has the beast been calmed ? We will find out the answer on Tony Tuesday When you win you lose cries the poor man -No lift home from the manager - It was cold outside but Tony was lucky he did not have to bus it home -His darling daughter was coming to pick him up -then it was off to lunch - His shout of course.? Mr Chadwick again? -BRAIN FADE? he claims - Caro was worried she was talking in Trev-onian. She tried telling Allan that Neil was in the final of the Shoot Out- It just did not register with A C. -He probably could not accept that Neil got to the final yet he was eliminated in the early rounds. More Shoot Out problems the opposing teams marched onto separate courts.Teresa gave some words of advice to the players. ' you have to be on the same courts to play each other. ? ? Trevor wondered if Leanne (aged 15) was my Grand daughter ? Trev ! I hope not as Craig is only 28. ? 2/7/15:Hope Bomber is under control today- On Tuesday she was running around in a panic -her bag was missing ! Where was it found ? - on court 1 where she left it? ? 1/7/15:Big Macca was happy that his darling daughter finally returned home -which allowed him to escape with minor injuries from Fran st. -BUT ?was Carole excited to see him when she returned ? the most attention was given to the Katt ! -- the dog was also missed- In 3rd place was the son Mark + a distant 4th was Macca himself..? ? 29/6/15:VICTOR ?can be visited in the Austin Hospital ?-Ward S E Bed 17 ? Neil C + Eleven are ?2 Keenagers to visit Victor.. well done guys? ? Mr. Slingo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!?it seems that Mr Mac has out smarted you-- you tell us + we give the $'s to Mac to back his favorite trainers horse and we lose ! ?Yet he backs this trainers other horses that run in the out back ! ?+ he is picking up a small fortune - So Martin your task is to extend your search Australia wide not just the city ? Welcome to this page Euthy -Her stunning effort was saying that the guy on court 7 was not part of our group . - - Wonder where Lim fits in then ?? ? Fanfare + Caro is blowing her trumpet !??John Apples returns to Keenagers. Lawrence also returns !- he is unemployed again ?-well , at least until school returns from holidays.? ? Keenagers Drama group?? -bought Toby's story alive with a rendition never to be repeated. Bonny the Little old lady - John Apples the Crook - Neil C -alias Toby- Mel -Rambo -John Alder -the Copper -Clem the Ambulance man + all narrated by ?'the Chief !? ? 27/6/15:Victor might be in the Austin hospital and maybe has had some heart problems -We should have more information tomorrow and will up date this site as news comes to hand? ? 26/6/15:Martin again made sure that the McMahon millions were being reduced. Tony has decided he will no longer put on some money on Martins tips !? ? 25/6/25:The Channel 9 news showed new visitor to Keenagers Ed Afif ?in a bit of strife -Tony Bell ?who bought Ed along did not know that Ed was in strife with the law + is very sad of what has been happening.? ? Another Keenager has been the centre of attention lately- Look out for a great display of acting by the Keenagers tomorrow as we show our hero in action.? ? Bill Mac ?-off for a couple of months or more in Cairns - Sue Macca- is still up North for 6 more weeks -+ soon John M heads off to Perth for at least 2 months. Seems Keenagers no longer head off for a short break !? ? We have Macca-John M- Billy Mac-John M -Boots- 21-Duncan 14-5 names-3 stooges -( Neil C- Duncan B + Dennis ) - John (Alan Chadwick)-Mr Germany + Mrs Wonc ?-2 x J A's -the Prez - Careless + many more ?-but who is THE OWL ? - - Margaret after calling out Who ? ? who ? ? who?? ?-after Tony called out her name in the Shoot Out several times ! ? Trevor is not happy with his driving instructor ?-He is too laid back says Trevor (maybe frightened ? ) -3 lessons and he still is not ready for a licence test so he is hunting down Mel for some lessons ! ? ? 2 bats missing -?? do the Keenagers all have their own bats or did some one pick up a bat by mistake ?? ? the Shoot Out has been played for 8 years or so ?- Courts 2 + 3 were full - no one was on 1 -So we were amazed when Duncan B asks what court is his next match on ? after having his name called. Court 72 should have been the answer ! ? ? ? Maybe they are Martins mushy's ? ?-Maybe Macca is selling Mushrooms to Martin S -because in return Slingo' services is supplying Big Macca some racing information -which sees Tony knowing which horses he will back without viewing a form guide !? ? ? ? 26/6/15:TONY has been doing it hard ?while his family is overseas jet setting around. Plus he had to spend some of his pension on his grand son + he has been conned into backing the TREE -?which did not run a good race -especially as he had to put on bets that arrived from Tasmania and England ? But has he resorted to a side business ? -He has the best Mushrooms in Melbourne -- Maccas Mushy's -but they are now all gone- did he sell them ?to the local hotel is the question ? ? ? 22/6/15:The Tree let us down and Big Macca was left with a hand of of wasted tickets from the TAB -He now requests that the Slingo does not tell him who he will back in future !? ? Tevor forgot the name of the guy with the Dreadies ?-Call him Alan Trevor was the suggestion as he calls Alan John ! ?TREVORs BAT STILL MISSING ?-Please check to make sure you have your own bat.? ? 20/6/15:Bomber Cath entered the court armed with her sports bag-- Only thing missing was the bat- it was on the ground under the chairs in the viewing area.? ? 3 names ?-alias Adam from Hobart visited the club - John A the pres was asked to lead the Happy Birthday song for our guest. John can you lead the song for Adam ? ' Oh Alan ' he says ?-No ! Adam -so he steps up and says we are going to sing Happy birthday for Martin !?? ? 19/6/15:Nostril-Mac-Us-- the big man now knows in advance which horse he is backing without even knowing its name + to add -he is taking money from outsiders to invest on 'the Tree'. ? - ? 18/6/15Funeral for Claire's mum will be held next Tuesday at -12-45pm St Josephs in West Brunswick? ? Our Indonesian visitor PAUL and Lim made up an instant friendship. ?- ?And lunch is always on the card after Keenagers ? Frank has just returned to the club and now is heading off to the Gold Coast for 6 weeks ? Julie has car ?trouble and might be missing for a short time -Maybe mark might have to change his route to the club and get Julie to join him ? ? 16/6/16:Our thoughts go out to Claire as her mother passed away.? ? Mel to help out- Mel teaches teenagers to drive yet not so keen with the latest request. ?Trevor has had a driving lesson ?- + announces he hopes to drive to the club in 2 months time . Maybe Mel can help out and speed up the process ? Maybe Elven can lend them one of his 10 cars ? ?But no female instructors says Trev ! they speak a different Lingo ! -Thats funny Trevor. ?as he has many conversations with Mrs Wonc ?! . ?? Tony + Molly what a pair !?Even found Molly in Tony's bed -As for the bandage ?on Tonys hand It's OK the dog is on around the clock watch -+ is showing no signs of poisoning but we are not sure if she is under .05 yet ?? ? Another on Tonys hit list is Alan C- He is being harassed for?? forwarding info regarding Tony's betting frenzies. I guess the vague look and the comments' what are you talking about ? ' say it all ?Maybe the information was SLINGOED ?to us ????? ? Another attack on Alan ? ?the glasses I was wearing kept slipping off- I twisted the arms ?-bent the frames ?-many times over but they kept popping back into shape .-- But aparently just because they were sitting ?on my diary does not give me the right to try and destroy them as they were not mine + actually cost Alan $200.? ? Any hackers was the request- Alan Chadwick says Neil C -??Duncan D throws in 'His horses are hackers.'.? ? Gotta dob in Neil Carless. His comment about a Shoot out match where the winners have to score 5 points- He said " What happened ? you were leading 5 points to 2 + lost.? ? Big Macca recently won by betting on a $40 shot at the races. The horse is trained by Terry + Kareena O'Sullivan?+ there just might be a connection between them and Macca ? The same couple trained a winner on the weekend called GOLDEN OLDIE ?- Surely Macca backed this one as well ? Might be some cake for Keenagers tomorrow ? ? He has been harassed- ripped to pieces by the mad Mutt- Attempted poisoning by the Queen of the house ?- Had boomerangs fly near him -but Macca has survived all attempts to destroy him ==As a result he will be in on Tuesday to help with the Shoot Out ?-John A will have to wait for his chance to run one again? ? 12/6/15:A Friday record - with 48 players today? And Maca made a comeback to the Shoot Out ?-Just a pity he drew a lousy partner. He wished it had of been John A or Alan C instead.? ? Bomber Cath is back ?- + here to stay -Her visit to Hervey Bay was not what she expected + now she ?says home is home.? Not much AFl +_her beloved Dons - ?+ where she was staying only watch the ABC on the TV ?-No Soaps/ renovation ?shows + her other favorites -SO it is good to see her back on the courts hitting a few balls around Another lady we hope to see in the near future is Nancy who is in line for a knee replacement. ? ? 11/6/15:The new Macca ?? seen at the club everynight -working away in his capacity of Asst manager ? or it is better than spending time with Molly ?? ? Trevor walks to court 4 entrance ?-mumbles + grumbles + returns to the canteen -NO spare spots- but there was only 3 players on table 5- Off like a flash and down the ramp he went. Shoot Out- Over 65 players now have scored points this year. German Bound Neil (Now Everyone Is Livid) as he is a run a way leader in the Date With Slingo for the Shoot Out winner.? Brendan cant lose his bat- he says he can smell it anywhere !? ? 9/6/15:At least 2 of our Keenagers got the date mixed up for the Leigh Pascoe event ! ?will they own up is the question ? thanks you Neil C for helping set up -Lim for all the photos ?-Cathy for her work all day ?- Duncan and Mark were among the people who attended our service.? ? Lim met up with a mate 'he had not seen since the Preston girls school !?? ? 6/6/15:Some of our Keenagers will remember Leigh Pascoe- Some attended the Hall Of Fame night for Leigh at the club ! ?-Most have seen his picture hanging proudly in the Hall Of fame Leigh suffered a heart attack yesterday & passed away ?-he was super fit man who took good care of his body but his dad was ill and Leigh was trying to organise a quick trip home . ? WE WILL HOLD A SPECIAL TRIBUTE IN HIS HONOUR NEXT MONDAY AFTERNOON AT THE CLUB ? -If this interests you - Keep and eye on the News section of this web site ? LEIGH PASCOE ?-- Rest In Peace? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tony Mac back from Bendigo must have been bored ? He rang Perth 2 Saturdays in a row to have a conversation with some guy who is not named Bruce !?? Maureen loves the club - 2 visited it twice last Friday --Surely she did not get some dates mixed up ??? ? Belinda asks 'do we have a Lost property section as she had lost her drink bottle'. We have 30 bottles -3 towells -5 bats- 50 jumpers ? -Just my bottle back says - then walks into court 4 where she had left it several days previously? ? Kevin popped in to say hello ?as he is on the mend but Ellen is not well + patsy is still having trouble with the Celulitis. ? TREVOR ?wandered down the ramp to the back court entrance then came back to the canteen. ' Trevor ! your eyes aren't that bad ? as there is only 3 players on court 5 '. ?He gave the LURCH ?(from Addams family) growl - the Mr Magoo mumble - + threw in a bit of Gomer Pyle -then rushed to join the others on court 5.? ? SKI-LESS but not Coat less -clearly too cold for our Sec 3 super star ! (except he is too shy to play in this grade)? he was wrapped up like an Egyptian mummy -yet he plans on spending time in Germany. He might discover what it is like in real cold weather. I suggest a few swims in the bay to help prepare for the cold weather ! Plus he should borrow Tobys leg warmers ? ? Shoot Out and Jake obviously not impressed losing 2nd round -He left his partner Lynette as she was having all sort of problems with the stairs leading out of court 2 .? ? Tony will be back on Tuesday ! yay ! hot water and clean spoons for everyone . ? ? 1/6/15:Winter has arrived and our first casualties ?-Kevin + Tony both having breaks + being well looked after -Tony visiting family in Bendgio + Kevin is back resting after 3 days in the Epworth after having some ticker problems ? 29/5/15:THE CLUB DOOR SWINGS OPEN _ in you go girls says Bonny--- Careless Carless says ' Stretching it a bit there aren't you ?'.? A bit later on he is searching every where but the wall where he was directed towards looking for a key to the cupboard ? -funny how staring in space does not find you anything and Mrs WONC- was too busy to rescue him. At the end of the session we searched for the lock ! the cupboard was open 'Who forgot to lock it '? -finally found the lock ? - It was still attached to the lock and back on the wall ?where the key sits . ?So does this entitle us to call him 'Carless-Careless + Keyless ?? Earlier on, he let Jenny pay her own entry fee as he was too busy joining in the rush for table number 2. Leaving his darling to fend for herself !.? ? Good to see Marilyn up and about- Last Saturday she played a rally against Duncan 15. He lobbed she smashed and fell down-- the word out was that when she last played in the 70's ?you smash a ball then have a rest ! no one used to be able to get them back.? ? 28/5/15:When will they be dropped ? Lim + Duncan lost a game 11 zip + now the opposition have demanded that the pants be dropped ! ? Did anyone notice our BIAGIO?AWARD LEADER?(for coming last in our tipping comp) Alan Chadwick sneak in and rush to the urn -trying not to be noticed ? But he should have noticed that the urn had just been switched on. Apparently coffee and cold water do not taste real flash ! ? 27/5/15:How does one amuse himself when the family take a break ? In Maccas case- bring back the Zoo - + some wheels- the 'Mansion is now home to 2 x dogs- 2 x cats - 1 x rabbit- 2 x Lizards - + a Motor bike-- Maybe he can race George + Garo around the car park ?? ? the Keenager challenge last night ? ?Neil C loses to Phil the soft drink and declares I am off overseas for 'proper coaching '. ? ? 23/5/15:Neil C wants it known that the kid he played on Tuesday 48 years younger than he ! ?-thats nothing ?Keith + Kevin spot about 85 years to their opponents !? ? Des Jones called to say he had left his keys and wallet at the club.. thats oK Des but how did you drive home ? the keys and wallet were in his car ! ? ? 22/5/15:John Alders moment of fame- Run the Shoot Out- All I can say it is nice to be wanted + feel needed- Some of the comments I heard included -the Shoot out will run until 5pm ?-please take over- Where's John Appelbee ? ?- + Trevor felt the organiser was unorganized ! ? Des J calls on the phone worried he has lost his keys and wallet ! ?But Des you drove home ? -5 minutes later the wallet + keys were found in his car. ? Seems the Geriatric feels he was harshly done by - after all his opponent who has been playing our sport for a number of years is actually only 39 years younger than our 2014 Keenager champ . ? Who is interested in a saturday night at the Greyhounds in a couple of months time ?? -Cost will be $50 pp which includes a 3 course meal ?+ entrance to the races and some other bonuses !? ? 20/5/15:WELL SOME PEOPLE WILL DO ANYTHING TO GET THEIR NAME ON THIS WEB SITE - -this guy has done so well ?-He will also feature in Tony's News letter A) -He is UPSET ?that Neil C got the blame for for asking Craig who was his Doubles partner after being told Craig + Eric were runners up in the Vic Doubles !?B) He came to the centre (not for the 1st time )to watch his fellow Keenagers play ?-But ended up in the umpy's chair of the A gradersC) 2 hours after arriving at the club he says " Hmm I better go and find out the SCORE (too late to watch the match )?D) Got his tee shirt with Michael Huang on the back signed by Michael (this we more important than watching his geriatric mate play) E) Had to get the house hold finance managers permission to come to the club to watch the previous mentioned guy play ! + not bring his bat to the centre ! ? + A club Hall of Famer said?-that man has been chatting with me- I don't really know his name but i feel I should as he seems to know me well ? -His name DUNCAN BRADIE? ? 2 of our Keenagers went head to head in the Section 4 grand final in the deciding match -Winning 11 points to 9 in the deciding set was Martin ?-He gave a lovely speech about his young partner -his coaches and the opposition. Neil C was very gracious in defeat. Both guys did the Keenagers proud and demonstrated fine sportsmanship !? ? 16/5/15:What a great day with the 7 Keenagers from Ocean Grove plus Jose the dog in the carry case !? We put on a fine spread- Bonny told a joke -Keith sang a song + Alan was at his grumpy best. ?-- His excuse is that his new nag- floopedin a Maidens race in Echuca - no use for breeding as it is a Gelding -+ Tony could probably run faster than it? ? Neil C ?on the ball -was told Craig and Eric were Runners up in the Vic closed Doubles !? -Oh ! who was his doubles partner asks our alert man !? On the Ball # 2- Alan C - wonders if anyone listens ? ?-then says he was going to the Reservoir RSL tonight(Friday) when in actual fact our group was going the following night !?? ? Our latest member to get a good report Is MARK ?-seems many say he is a GREAT GUY ! - And was well liked by our guests today !? ? We have been invited to visit the Ocean grove club -? -A Thursday - we hire a bus ?-play some pong pong - then join our hosts for a BBQ lunch !? ? 15/5/15: HAPPY 8TH BIRTHDAY -COBURG KEENAGERS ?-- and we welcome 7 players from the Ocean Grove Keenagers? ? Kevins birthday coming up ? but no cake from him -Kevin is off to Surfers !? ? 13/5/15:Reservoir RL this Saturday night - will be visited by the Keenagers ! ?See Bonny on Friday if you want to join the group.? ? Neil Carless-- rushes home to tell his lovely lady that he has won a game of Ping pong and will play in the Grand Final ?-Her reply ? Shut up + stop disturbing me from reading my book ! (probably titled - ways of sending the hubby out so that you can get some peace + quiet )? ? BEV ?is no Mary Poppins (who carried her umbrella every where ) Bevs umbrella has been left at the club for the past 3 weeks .?-Still thats better that the guy mentioned previously- He left his umbrella in the tram !? ? Welcome back Neil Roberts- good to see him back having a hit with our group? ? How about 5 names (Brendan's) start to the day ?- Gets a soaking walking to the club -then is worried some fool is about to run him over in the car park !? ? 12/5/15:FRIDAY ?we have a visit from the Ocean Grove Keenagers ?-- lets make them welcome !? ? NEIL ?I am going away one day Carless ?- Is there ever a day when he does not leave anything behind !? -Yesterday was different - He left and umbrella behind at home + got drenched ! ?SO We offer him an umbrella from the club to take home - Yep ! ?he left that behind as well ?- So the drowned rat better not complain about having a cold from getting a soaking !? And by the way ?is this correct- Was Neil C at the club last Monday morning + evening -Tuesday morning and evening? - Friday morning -Sunday afternoon ?-Monday morning + evening ? - We get upset when the club is for baby sitting episodes-- What can we say about a Mrs Wonc who want peace + quiet so sends N ow ?E ven I lyas L ovesme !??to the club ! day in day out ?-And by public transport so that she has the wheels to get up and about !? ? 8/5/15:John Mac ?-just gotta love him ! ?he is different at times-- He went into a shop to buy some special bread without his glasses on - Hits the register and cops an $13 bill -he was too embarrassed to take the bread back so he plans on eating it very slowly ! Hope it tastes good John !? ? 7/5/15:GREAT PHOTOS ON THE CLUBS FACE BOOK PAGE ?regarding the Mayors visit to the club- Well done Lim !? ? the Hawk ?-Alias Bev -was all over a slight error regarding a coming visit from the Ocean Grove Keenagers? THEY WILL VISIT US ON FRIDAY THE 15th of MAY.? ? 5/5/15: A visit from the Mayor + C E O of Moreland today went very well ?-On the 15th Ocean Grove Keenagers will pop in for a visit? ? 3/5/15:Duncan B wanders in and we ask him to try some rubbers out ?but in his words ALL COURTS WERE FULL -- once we pointed him to the VACANT court he said'I better go to Spec Savers. ' ? 2/5/15:So who remembers the TV show THE PRICE IS RIGHT ? One of our members today even played ?SWITCH A ROO ?during the Shoot Out . ? 1/5/15:Complaints have reached the Keenagers dept. -at our club- from the Victorian Market -- ORANGES !? USED TO BE BOUGHT IN THEIR BOXES? by one of our members - sales have dropped ! Now our informants (1 of our members even has a stall) says a male member of our club -maybe a 2014 champion ? Has visited the Vic market once a week for over 35 years. Armed with fruit + vegetables -fresh fish + other goodies but NO ORANGES? -- Is he really lactose tolerant ?? Well we can report his lovely lady only shops when the toilet paper runs out so it is up to Mr Nice guy to buy the groceries. But what happens when he goes overseas shortly ? ? Bonny is organising another night out -Saturday the 16th of May. Let her know if you want to come out to the Reservoir RSL. ? Conversation at the counter between Bomber Cath + Trevor - about Doctors + ailments - Maybe they should talk to Nurse Sharyn. Who was in trouble trying to rush to the ladies- Trevor held her up + wanted to include her in the conversation.? ? 29/5/15:The Mayor-Deputy Mayor + CEO of Moreland council visit the Keenagers next Tuesday -Lets hope for a ?huge turn out as we again push for that much needed extension to our hall. ? 28/5/15:D day at the Appelbee's. THE DREADED D's. -Doctors-Dentists+ Dermatologists -all being visited by the Appelbees PLUS? John had Done a Shoulder.. Out of action for a short while (time for another Holiday maybe ?) ? Patsy has more work done on her eyes next Friday. + Kiera she will be missing for a month -Off to see the Grand kid in Scotland then over to Italy. ? Bev is on the job ! She calls to say she tracked down Kelvin Thompson Member for Wills- he is recovering from a heart attack in Melbourne private-- My old mate the Battle Axe is also having ticker trouble + will have maybe a stent installed today . ? WHAT HAS -John M -Jake-Michael-Robbie-Julie-Toby-Neil C + Jenny (Mrs Wonc) -Patsy- Bomber Cath -Trevor- Bill#3 - Peter #2-Graham -Zino - Garo -Lim- Belinda -Jim + Mark? got in common ????? -ALL OF THESE KEENAGERS/SOCIAL PLAYERS? were at last Mondays coaching session? 27/5/14:R.I.P.- Gregory PECK ?+ Him A Layer - Tony Macs 2 chooks ! + more problems for Tony ?-His shout again for the meals-This time a Chinese shop in Geelong (hope he paid for the fuel?) ? The long suffering MRS WONC ?has had enough so Neil Carless?? -has been sent back to Ping Pong- bad leg + all-- NO sympathy at home so he his after some at the club-- Not likely to get any here either !? ? 25/5/14: kEENAGERS THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT AT THIS VERY SPECIAL EVENT ? -john Mac -Outstanding - FRANK HURLEY ? - look up Gentleman in your dictionary- It should not say nothing - But have a picture of this great man -Tony McMahon -Keith and Sylvie - and Martin Slingo + Charles ?great job doing the votes ! ?-Alan Chadwick - Lynette -Charles- Margaret +all I missed THANKS 22/4/15:LISTEN TO MACCA ?is my advice- So he says' when it is a news quiet day -Go down Sydney road and see what or who you bump into. -So I took his advice ?+ right on cue Along comes Bob Stewart- + Dee. Bob still plays a bit of Social ping pong at Greensborough but no comps -as he is too busy with his new hobby- FLYING MODEL AEROPLANES ?down Yan Yean way.? ? 20/4/15:Monday morning coaching-- Keenagers at coaching -Garo- Toby- Lim - Graham - Peter K + Jim joined in as well. ? Keenagers continue to attend the training ?+ match sessions-Friday night -Elven- ?Cathy -Kevin -Bomber Cath + Patsy ?were joined by Mark + at the Saturday squad Garo was joined by Robert M alias 21.? 16/4/15:Al Chadwick ? - Rises to the occasion again. -He helped out with pennant. And he was looking forward to partnering Loren. But she was stranded at work so the replacement ? a visitor call Hardik. ? Anzac eve Friday week? + hopefully some Keenagers will again help us out ! + if you have some War memorabilia bring it down and put it on the display table on the night ! Maybe a hand for Big Macca ?? ?His pockets have been overstretched -2 parmas on this weeks bill ! What happened to the Spud peel ?? ? 9/4/15:SPECIAL EVENTS FOR KEENAGERS ON THE HORIZON - ? Tuesday 10th of May - The CEO -Mayor + Deputy Mayor of Moreland will drop in to the club at 10-30am -- LETS HOPE ALL KEENAGERS ROCK UP !? Friday 24th of April -Anzac eve event ?-- come and watch Our table tennis stars + a bit of Anzac remembrance Early ? May on a Friday -a visit from the Ocean Grove Keenagers .? ? SHOOT OUT ?problems ?-with Trevor? -- ?front 3 courts all had matches on them so Trevor ask's is the Shoot Out over yet ?? Kevin + Martin made the Semi Finals of last Friday nights Handicap event which had 20 players competing. -Also playing were Bomber Cath + Patsy and John Mac.? ? 7/4/15:Welcome back John V + Greg to Keenagers -a new Jim + Mark is trying to catch up to John M in the hair stakes? -But the big news was -In true? ANZAC spirit - CORPORAL CARLESS - Normally leads the Troups onto the Battlefield (court 2) to face the Cannons + big shots from Mel the Mauler- Dangerous Dennis + the Bill Mac attack ! - Not so today -In marches Pvte. Petticoats(alias Mrs Wonc) + she directs the hubby behind the lines to join the 2nd wave, onto court 9. ? Make sure you wave to Ilhan -as if he does not make it to the club on Friday -we won't see him until September -Off to Turkey for a short break ! ? Another Neil Moment !!!!! -but can you believe it ?? the Keenager Pres himself -Will he write this on his Newsletter ? -He left behind the beloved Clip board- the jumper and just maybe 1/2 a wardrobe !!!! ? at this rate if Keenagers keep leaving their things behind -we might have to hold a garage sale !? ? HAS NOT TAKEN BILL #3 LONG TO DO A CARLESS - err be Careless ? ?-OK ?DO A NEIL ! ?-Bill arrived at Monday training with a full bag but left empty handed ! ? 5/4/15:Big Macca claims to have been working in the car park ? All that remains is a bag of empty cans !!!! -Thirsty work ?this gardening .? ? 3/4/15:June O'Brien returns + Tony is misty eyed and John Alder produces a lovely speech. -Today was one of KEENAGERS finest moments. ? Carolyn lost her bat for 10 days. It was not in the room where she claims to have left it. But it has been found- But maybe she should have checked at the club first- because that is where it was found. 'Oh No !' Caro said -this could be the start of something.? But Caro we have it on good authority that you have been losing your glasses for a long time. ? Dennis is still not sure what happened ! He accused me of pulling an April fools joke ! But alas it is true -He lost to the kid on Wednesday yet he still remembers winning . ? 1/4/15:WHAT A SURPRISE WE HAVE IN STORE FOR GOOD FRIDAY -Morning tea at 10am and the Queen of Coburg Keenagers returns !? ? Darwin from Dennis ! What has happened to him ? Plays doubles on Tuesday -is convinced his team won? -Yet opposition claim victory ? ?then last night plays a 14 year old girl + is happy to have beaten her -yet team sheet says he lost -Opposition captain says he lost + opponents says ? ?I won ! ? -So Dennis's excuse ? Spent too much time being around Neil Carless as he also does not know if he is coming or going !? ? Norma -- on board the boat - has played Table Tennis with Keenagers from Wonthaggi + Leongatha - ? HOT CROSS BUNS FOR EASTER ? -all supplied by Frank #2.. ?and we are open for Keenagers + others GOOD FRIDAY? BUT THE BIG QUESTION ? Were the buns all eaten ? ?-the Sea Gulls did their job !? ? 31/3/15:Had to leave the Monday group coaching early -to take Kay to hospital for day surgery- Patsy said ' are you going to another funeral ?' I hope not! ?was the reply? KEENAGERS IS ON --GOOD FRIDAY ? --9-30am to 12 noon.? ? WHERES NORMA ??She has been seen ON A BOAT ! ?Heading toward Darwin . -then it is off to Indonesia.. Hope she has one of her famous seats to sit on !? ? 28/3/15:Elven -Mr do gooder ! ?-the ole ?Sour straps trick- If Elven eats one- 14 year old Catherine gets an extra sour strap in her bag- End result ? Catherine was happy and Eleven had his eyes full of tears !? 26/3/15:Whats going on here ? ?-A special meeting -cloak + dagger stuff ?-In Sydney rd- Billy Farrugia & Tony Mac ! Is Bill being groomed as the next Keenagers President ? ? 25/3/15:With Big Mac unwell -John Alder took over as the Keenagers announcer !- His voice might have been heard in Preston !? ? John Apples opening remarks for the day ? ?I hate Canberra. In marched Patsy ?-she saw 2 players on a court -and said 'I'm gonna take both of them' . ? In the Blue corner- Bill Muscles McMahon -In the Red corner we had Vince the Ferocious Ferretti?.-fighting over a Ping Pong Ball ? 49 Keeangers today ..great to see the big number of players. ? 87 years young Des Jones -who said 'thank Christ I'm not getting old. ? 23/3/15:Peter 2 (K) was congratulated for his hitting with Tony Mac last Monday and again during Keeangers -Peter said " who is Tony Mac ?' ? 21/3/15:Keeangers saving on Power Bills ? ?-or is it darker in the mornings now a days ? - Whatever the reason John M was wearing Boxers instead of shorts + Neil ' yay I want to be on this web site more than Martin ' was surely wearing Mrs. Wonc's shorts ? --But they were like St Pauls Cathederal ! ?- No where to hold a dance ?He claims ' he has lost weight ! ?Whatever the reason we don't think they will be seen at the club for a while? ? Good to have Victor back with us ?-Bonny is up and about and now Maureen is recovering from her food poisoning which in her words 'left her looking like a Platypus ' (whats Alan C's excuse ?)Maureen is down to 44kg so an other problem has developed - her pants keep falling down ! ? Trevor -walking around -twisting and turning looking for his phone ?-the alarm was ringing on it- at 10- to 10 in the morning-the tricky little ting was in his pocket. -? Later in the session ?-It was Bill Mac looking for his phone ?- His phone was hidden in his pocket.? ? Mr Lateness Chadwick ? - Has let it be known that he went out with the group last Sunday and he plans to come again in 6 weeks time . ? John C?? -waiting for a hit -was told to get down on to court 3 by Srgt. Norma ! He quickly marched onto court - but in his haste had forgotten his bat !? ? Welcome 5 names ! He was called 5 different names in the Shoot Out before we stumbled onto Brendan!??So now there is every chance he might be known as that great Indian warrior 5 names.? ? 20/3/15:Phone call from Bev- Pakko rd blocked head off in another direction ! --Thanks Hawk ! club was able to open as normal !? 19/3/15:Elven ! betta bring a wheel barrow in on Friday - to carry out the stuff you left behind on Tuesday !? ? 16/3/15:Monday coaching and in rocked the Keenagers -Tony Mac- Neil C-Toby- Patsy-Garo - Julie- John M - Peter K - Zino -Michael + the new man David !? 13/3/15:One Keenager stops sulking (Duncan B ) after having his push bike nearly peed on - + another stars ! ?A teary Bomber Cath rocked up late to Keenagers- ?she was watching Sunrise TV show from Hawaii -+ they were showing a beautiful wedding ! Yes ! Bomber missing the start of Keenagers makes me want to cry as well 9/3/15:Monday morning coaching - + It was Keenagers day !- Tony Mac led the way -with Neil C- Julie -Peter K - Toby -Patsy -Lim - Bomber Cath- Michael + Garo all part of a huge training group? WE ARE OPEN TONIGHT FROM 6PM TO 10 PM ? ? 7/3/15:Can we drop a grade asks 'the ladies' before their top of the table match -We only got into this position because of Lim ! So they played the equal top team -without the help of Lim + won ! -Now they are clear on top + girls ? ?no chance of going down a section now ! ? ? Duncan B of Keenagers fame- Still unsighted since Tyson nearly peed on his bike !? ? 4/3/15:Dunc the Dog Whisperer ! -Arrived at 'the place'. time to teach Molly a thing or 2- But wait there was Molly + Molly 2 + Marley + Daisy -Tyson -- 5 dogs running wild ?3- middle aged mums calling out names of dogs ! ?-Our Whisperer put his head down + copped a head butt from Tyson ?-'Nearly broke my nose ' says our tough man ! -Then Tyson lifted the leg .That was all too much for our man ?-Not the bike ' he screams and off into the sunset he went .? ? 27/2/15:John M ?arrived at the club at 4pm to prepare a program for the jnr training ! -All plans went out the window once 20 kids arrived. A few more than expected.? ? 24/2/15:Might have been interesting watching John M try and open the club for Keenagers. He left the club entrance key at the club and took home the key to the main cupboard !? ? Thanks to Lim for cleaning the car park !? Thanks for Neil Carless - for losing his coat and providing outstanding entertainment looking for the missing coat -which was right where he said it should be !? Thanks to Martin Slingo --For making sure he gets his name in print again ? Then there is Bomber Cath - Back in a big way - Bomber slip # 1- 'I have a club membership that allows me to play on Sundays. But can I play this Sunday ? Bomber slip # 2- Hey Bomber can you have a hit with the new lady ? -'I wold love to but I have to go home and have an Antenna installed ? Will she look like 'Our favorite Martian ?'?? Bomber # 3 ?-Well OK and onto the court she went + played for another 30 minutes ! ? -Not bad for a person who had to go !? Bomber #4- But we have to leave at 1/4 to 1 + it is past that time already ?-said she, looking at the big clock against the canteen grid ! which was actually saying it is 5 to 12. ! Yep Bomber The Cataract operation worked real well !? ? Welcome Robert -the golfing superstar turned lawn bowler and table tennis champ - He said' We have had 50 players today. Actually?Robert we had all 10 tables full -'Oh we had 48 players ! Hmm rob when I was at school 10 x 4 did not equal 48. 48 ? ?where did I pluck that number from ? Now that is one question I cannot answer. ? Patsy ? - Went to the beach on the weekend AND IS NOT HAPPY SHE GOT SOAKED??Maybe the getting off the Tram 2 stops early upset her? Or the heavy rain which soaked her + stopped her going for a swim . ? Alan Chadwick - He also had an eventful weekend -A round of Golf at the Sandringham course-Hole 16 & then it was down tools and sit under a tree for over 1/2 an hour until officials could pick him up in a golf cart + take him back to the club house (which is out door sitting ) A couple of Coldies ! + some BBQ sausages ?- then sit in the car with the Air conditioner on + have a fag ! the perfect recovery he claims .? ? 22/2/15:Bonny is back home and on the mend ! She might just be barking orders as Clem was seen doing the Supermarket run. ? Over 50 keenagers have scored points so far in this years Shoot Out?- We have had over 80 different players attend out group this year !? ? How about the 'original Cath '? ?we haven't seen her for a while + as a line in a great song goes -with the bottles piling higher !'.? ? Maccas budget has been belted - even had to shout the morning coffees - dinners + a lunch ?-but all worth it as Little Tony -all eleventy 8 foot of him -graduated in the subject of Creative writing. ? 21/2/15:Our thoughts are with Bonny who has had a throat operation ! -Clem says she will be fine -Nothing can shut her up! - ?+ Was that really Clem having a hit on a Friday night ? ? Whats going on ? We advised the Keenagers that they could stay till 2pm yet the hall was empty by 12-45.? Good comp results from Lim + Clem. Kevin is going OK ?Neil C finds opposition easier to break than bedroom doors ! ? ? 18/2/15:Kiera marches in an declares -She hasn't had an offer for a while- GAWD ! hope she was talking about her Furniture trade ? Maureen declared that ?' yesterday she looked like a Platypus'. ? ? Bert- got pushed in the back by his doubles partner Sharyn -then copped a belt in the head from a stray shot from Frank # 2 alias Boots !?? ? 16/2/15:Big decision to be made by our Keenager of the Year.. defend the title or 3 months in Germany ! --After getting a belt on the head at home ? maybe its time for a visit overseas ?? ? 14/2/15:MACCAs budget -well and truly smashed-- Wonder if he had enough dosh to buy Carole the Spud Pealings ? Or did she have to peel the Spuds herself ? Big brother took centre stage - -all Eleventy 8 foot of him ! Off to the Drive in with Dad ?-A hot dog- Hamburger - chips -drinks- Only enough $s in the piggy bank for Big Macca snr to have some doughnuts !? ? 11/2/15:2 state umpys + both are Keenagers -Derek + John M forgot the rules when playing against each other !? ? Anyone interested in joining a planning committee for our special Anzac eve event ? ? ? 6/2/15:Another Bill joins Keenagers- Johns are becoming out numbered . Big macca and more budget woes- Denise from the golf club spends a morning with her ole mate- Morning tea at his expense ! ?--then that night he is to take Carole out. At least she only eats potato skins or so he thought- they were off the menu for the evening -so he bought his daughter A BOWL OF CHIPS ! What a guy .? Peter Ponte is not too well ?-a bit tired and lethargic so it will be a while before he returns to the club.?? ? 5/2/15:Caro's words of Wisdom - 'Take your hubby shopping ? ?my god ! - Guess John does not go on the shopping outing ! ? Lim celebrates his clean bill of health and says good bye to Gout ?-+ buys a new shirt --cheaper than a doctors visit he says ! ? Julie lifts up the net for Mel as he departs from the middle row of courts. ?- First time this sort of thing has happened to him since his Wedding night !? ? Bev was trying to convince Craig to move interstate. This is what happens once you lose the Shoot Out first round !?? ? Who is the Sleeping beauty who admitted to ?stopping during a Marathon event to have a kip ? then blamed Toby for dobbing him in ! A bit CAR e LESS ?to blame the wrong person !? 1/2/15:FEBRUARY-and the Keenagers start their holidays now that the Grand kids are back at school-First to depart ? ?-Garo off overseas for nearly a month !? 30/1/15:Tony spends a day with his brother- Booze + the TAB ?-so dinner time -+ the weekly meal out- ?a hot dog + potato skins were ordered-- obviously not many $'s left in the wallet. He is also missing Keenagers today-- Maybe the entry fee is a bit high for him at the moment ?? 27/115:No Shoot Out for the 'dangerous one' from Darwin or our current K/A of the year -they elected to have a hit together instead. Along comes Craig down to their court- Darwin Dennis was quickly evicted by Neil Callous- to the front courts. Neil c wanted Craig to himself !? 26/1/15:Monday Morning Coaching ?- TODAYS GROUP included- Lim-Tony Mac-Bev-Belinda-Toby (did you leave your jumper behind ? )Caroline - Patsy-with John M-helping. 25/1/15:Keeangers unite ! + pick on a little Mongrel mutt called Molly --first off Macca tried to poison it with his blood ! this time Duncan B drops in and chucks a boomerang- It went straight into the mutts mouth ! ?Was not long before the blood came from Molly's mouth. ?the Question was asked of Brute Brodie ?' why didn't he catch the 'rang ? (and he had gloves and a helmet on) ?-but was worried the boomerang might hit his hand ! Its hard to catch them if you dont use your hands Dunc !? 24/1/15:Alan's glasses were found but no thanks were delivered to the great man(Tony Mac) ?who found them ?-in his bag ! Australia day round robin and Keenagers were in the mix-- Neil C had some good wins and Derek also competed. ? 21/1/15:2015 and Keenagers have lost jumpers- bats- umbrellas- bats- covers- etc etc. Alan Chadwick ?CALLS ?me at home- He has lost his glasses. -they were on his head as he entered the hall -On his face as he filled out a form?-then inspected the tee shirt range- They made it to the gents ! but what happened after that is the mystery ? John Apples just might be the one to unravel the mystery !? ? 20/1/15:Grumpy Bear arrives at the club. He was quickly told 'go home -jump into bed - get up from the other side of the bed and return to the club But Mr Chadwick did provide the mornings entertainment !? ? Kevin Breen - ?Has arranged for another Sunday lunch at the Alfred Homestead in Warrandyte for the 15th March. Cost is $28 per head for a Smorgasboard lunch !?-See Kevin at the club for more details? 17/1/15:Bob Buttrose - attended the first Keenagers session for 2015. + left his jumper behind ?-So he returned to pick it up + left the club $40 lighter after buying a bat.? ? 16/1/15:Bomber Cath -goes to bring in the birthday cake ?-+ smashes it trying to cut it ! So she has to buy cake number 2. ?How old are you Cath ? As old as you want me to be was her answer. It was about then she realised she might be in trouble as comments started coming thick + fast ! -- ? Who left the lights on their car ?-as they were rushing to go to court 2 maybe ? - His excuse ? It is the wifes car ! -Hmm isnt this guy a DRIVING TEACHER ? ?Wonder if he had to push start a few cars with flat batteries ?? 15/1/15:OH NO ?says Kayo when she found out Craig was spending the day tomorrow with his girl friend !?Might just have been because that means Craig will not be coaching at the program where Kayo is a very keen student 14/1/14:Label your bats is the call ! Too late Bill Mac had already left his behind !?One minute after opening -Robert Temple left his drink bottle on the front counter. -Ellen left her Umbrella behind ?-the purple Jumper from last week is still at the club -+ Alan Chadwick left the pictures of himself at the club . (tried to sell them on e bay - but no one was interested)? ? Tony Mas has tried to poison Molly by leaving pieces of his flesh in her mouth ! ? 10/1/15:KEENAGERS ? - minus the illustrious leader who was paying for a day out with his little brother in his last day of freedom ! -Yes the whip cracker -returns from overseas today !? So how did we cope without Tony ? ?-Alan Chadwick did the 'right 'o you lot ! -' -about 10 times and was very pleased with his efforts ?-5 minutes later he realised not one person left the courts to join in for the Shoot Out- ?So then the human trumpet (John Alder) started screaming- But no one understood him ! -New man Bob missed out on playing the Shoot Out- He was overlooked ! we had Garo + John vs Caro + John - there were many delays trying to get players onto the courts + loads of confused players as we had 4 Johns -2 Roberts - 2 Neils - Caro + Garo -Ellen + Alan - 2 Caths - We have Bills + Franks - Come back Macca is the request - ? Claire has found her bat- but some one left another jumper behind and Neil C might well be called receipt less. + another bat with no name on it was left behind. ?Duncan filled out the TTV form - Preferred name ? he writes in 14. That should keep them guessing in the TTV offices.? ? 9/1/15:ONE OF THE MISSING CARDS ARRIVED -- dated 3rd November 2014- -Post office stamped from Malta ?? (card was posted in Spain) -- Want the overseas stamp ? -no stamp on the card - But apparently Derrick and Nancy were having a good time-- Now we await Ellens card ? _It was posted late November.? ? So big Macca dog sat MOLLY ?over Christmas-- Yesterday he spent the day with his brother in a pub ! near the TAB. Who was racing ? Missing Molly ? who backed Missing Molly ?? --the same guy who now is missing a few $'s as well as Molly !? 6/1/15:Keenagers back with the bang- 40 of them rocked up - Shoot Out was a shambles-With Waldorf + Statler ?A) having no idea what was going on and B) Trevor changing partners quicker than Za Za Gabore .. Fees ????-- might have to put Ellen and Julie in charge of this dept. - Birthdays ? Tony's 80th might just roll on until he is 90 + Clem's cake might just be the biggest for 2015.? Bill F + Mel might be asked to do a McMullan (drop the Dacs) after losing 11 zip ! ?+ John M running around in a towell proved he is not a Scotsman after being sprung wearing red undies under his kilt !? ? ?First session back and on the missing list - Keith glasses- Maureen's cardigan + Claire's bat. Neil C ? only thing missing is his form ! (but that will change shortly) -His form might return but he is sure to lose something ....? ? 5/1/15:Tomorrow is day 1 of Keenagers 2015. But Victor will be missing as he is having balance problems !? Another missing with be Margaret B who has had a stint in hospital. Brian (her hubby) ? is also not well enough to attend our first session of the year.? 2/1/15:Big start to 2015 for Big Macca- First Keenager to the club this year as he paints the white line and replaces the red strip ?-aimed at stopping Keenagers FALLING ?into the courts.Then he backs his new favourite horse now that Commanding Jewell has gone AWOL. -Maybe Alan Chadders is involved ? - The horses name is ?THEY CALL ME BRUCE? ? 30/12/14:WHAT A PRESENT WE HAVE FOR KEENAGERS IN 2015..... After doing a sterling job recently ?-Big MAC Enterprizes plan to branch out.?Tony minded Molly-- the Maddest Mutt -the roughest dog I have ever had. She has come back home a quiet little lady- SO OUR OFFER ?-Want your dog tamed ? the Grand kids calmed down ? the Cat minded ?-- Big Mac Enterprize ? -the place to go...(pay me in advance ?-drop the kids/animals at his house - + run ! ) ? Who could have wished for a better present for their 80th ? BIG MAC ?and 4 big Sooky dogs to look after for a few days !? Come and join us on Friday at the club as we give the floors another good coat of wax-- 11am for a couple of hours ! ? 24/12/14:KEENAGERS day ?or was it the Mac Keenagers ? 'The quiet 80th -the birthday we did not know about ?? ?-it was on ?-+ let me tell you Tony had a great day?So we are all invited back to his 90th. ? I for one was lucky to see the event. Went to the club the night before- grabbed a pie for dinner -made a hole and poured the sauce in.. Well I poured fluid in - Soapy water ! ?the empty bottle had been washed out. So over to the sink - tip the soap suds out and re fill with sauce ! ?Could not misbehave-- Bubbles could have escaped from any part of the body !? ? 50 years ago on Hayman Island?? -Jan followed a couple of muso's around -Bought their albums and had them signed. She bought them back to the club for all to see- They had been signed by Leo ! ? Neil Roberts ?wins another trophy ?! voted most popular player by the Keenagers - That says it all ! Well done Mr nice guy. (But now the battle begins for Neil as his wife start chemotherapy.) ? Lim ?-gave out photos to everyone. -A great gesture ?but why did he take such poor photos of the manager ?? Victors annual slide show was on display. Werribee Ted was back ! after a 5 way bi pass heart operation?- only 6 weeks ago.? ? But it was the party- Tonys 80th? -even got a kiss from the lady 'who don't kiss men ! (Bev) A dance routine from the CoburgKeenagerettes. The Ultimate Birthday card from CaroAnd as a sign of respect CLEM ?hobbled in just for the celebrations. (or was that birthday cake)? ? Bevs Christmas present .. What to give the girl who has everything ? She got a pair of XXXL Mens Pyjama's.??WIth Honda all over them. Should make interesting viewing next time she wanders down Pascoe Vale rd in her 'night wear'.?Trevor said to ?Bev - ?for people like you. (Hmm ?OK Bev what was he talking about ? )? ? ? 22/12/14:So tomorrow is the last day for Keenagers ?-vote 1 CAKE -- yes we will celebrate the big guys 80th-- So glad it is a secret ! ? ? Remember we start back on TUESDAY 6th January ?--AND WE PLAN ON INCLUDING 2 EXTRA TABLES FOR THE KEENAGER SESSIONS ?- might be a bit squashy but everyone will get a hit !? 19/12/14:KEENAGERS ?break up -- what a feast -thanks to all who contributed ?BUT WE ALL MISSED THE BIG NEWS-- December 27 ?-Shhhh!!!! its a secret TONY MAC TURNS 80? ? Kevin supplied some gifts ALAN Chadwick arrived just in time to win a container of ?BUTT CREAM !! ?use it wisely son? Neil Carless ?was crowned Keenager of the Year- ?Victor + Lim had a contest WHO COULD TAKE THE MOST PHOTOS ! Lim was even seen up high in the air taking shots !? ? Bev reported on the missing keenagers- Madge -down at Angelsea- Maureen -Doctors appointment - but still popped in for a chat- Margaret B -Not too good as she has a bad cold ! ? ? Trish ?thought it was??time she lost something !?--But she did have her name on her bat ! And Ellen will get her hand bag back ?- once Elven picks her up and bring her back to the club !?Everyone needs an Elven in their life ! ?-Answers the call to arms time and time again.? ? 18/12/14:It was 7-20am -Wednesday morning -+ Tony Mac + Phil Marchant were having a chat at this un-godly hour in Flagstaff ?Station. +Yes Keenagers was the topic !?Carole has been ill ?So Big Mac thought he was in luck and the budget would not include the weekly meal out. Wrong ! ?but he did not want his lady to over eat, so Potato Skins it was. On the subject of Phil ??Bout time Sue got into the swing of things ! we miss her cakes !? ? Talk about Over eat -THE KEENAGERS LUNCHEON -- or extended Morning tea ??Guaranteed to go into the afternoon ! ? Dont miss the event ! ?Keenager of the Year will be announced + the Keenager's personality of the year as voted by the players will be announced !?? ? 17/12/14:Frank H hands over $20 (2 x $20 notes) Gee Frank most people pay $4 to join Keenagers.? But i guess he should be penalised as he came to the club out of uniform -He actually wore civvies instead of Sunday's best.?Claire also paid extra -She paid twice - the first lot of $4 went down the gap in the slats on the veranda -(so she says ) Might have been playing two up while waiting for the front door to be open !? ? Charlie # 2 ?-The latest to join in the Bright Wheels Brigade..His colours though were still not as good as Norma's shoes !? ? Maureen -Hung around for 10 minutes before jumping onto a court - First shot? a top edge off the bat and she was belted between the eyes. Wore the glasses after that for protection . ? Bomber Cath - Waving her arms furiously + calling out BRING IT ON ? - some time even passive sport brings out the demons in you !? ? Poor Dennis ?- Stuck in the corner ?-Was he getting a lecture from his team Captain ??? -- Sergeant Sue??after copping a belting in Pennant.? 16/12/14:A phone call to my mobile (oh no Tuesday night ! Not another player not playing Pennant ?) -'Hello -I have something of yours ' Huh ? wonder who I am talking to ? -I have to get them to you straight away ?. -They are Pasties for you -?Hmm still dont know who this is ! Oh wait a minute -they are for John down the road- not for you at all. Oh thanks Moorsey ! ?-but I think this should make the web site Maureen -Don't you ? ?-Unfortunately yes ! But Kay would not let you eat Pasties anyway- Would she ?? ? SO THE PASCOE VALE RETIREMENT TWINS ? -Madge + Maureen ?visited Tony and dumped the Pasties with him -- Blatant favouritism is all I will say ! ? On the subject of Macca-- The budget will balance this week ? -Surely Carole cannot eat out after a rush visit to the Keenagers Motel - -AKA John Fawkner Hospital with A kidney stone attack ?- I knew Spud skins were no good for the system !?? ? KEENAGERS SHOOT OUT ?-- now this will be confusing and could take a while to sort out ! TRIPLES -- with 3 players on each team !.. 14/12/14:THIS WEEK AT KEENAGERS - Tuesday as normal ?-but Clem + Tony's birthdays are sneaking up on us ! - Then on Friday it is the Keenagers Christmas lunch. Bring a mate +a plate as we celebrate. KEENAGER OF THE YEAR WILL BE ANNOUNCED AND THE WINNER OF THE Tony Mac AWARD FOR MOST POPULAR KEENAGER ?! + a little tribute to our Keenagers.? ? Tuesday the 23rd final Keenagers of the year -9-30am to 12-30pm. WE ARE BACK ON TUESDAY THE 6TH OF JANUARY? ? ?Sunday 21st of December -The Clubs BBQ break up at 6pm + 2 Keenagers might just join the band for a couple of songs . ? THE ANIMAL CHRISTMAS ZOO AT THE MCMAHONS -- already taking orders + stray pets !? We just hope they dont attack ?the 'new wheels' .Yes ! Tony was that impressed with Norma's bright shoes he has a pair that could lead Santa's sleigh !? ? On the subject of Tony. -He has lashed out this week and allowed Carole a real meal during their weekly Hotel run- He can afford the extra because he landed lucky. Christmas ?+ New Years Day ?fall on a Thursdya so surely his lady wont want to eat out on these days ?? 12/12/14:SHOOT OUT -- The one Bat Doubles with a big ball-- GARO + BEA ?untouchable !+ cruise to a big win. Duncan ? well didn't he have trouble- ?Call to court 1- Billy Farrugia + Tony Mac- in marches Duncan- Once we sorted that out he enquired about the Japanese player -PETER ?from Vietnam !? WHEELS OF THE YEAR ? - Plenty of colour in the Keenager shoes-Caro Bill + Bomber come to mind but NORMAs steal the show?? 10/12/12:It is SHOOT OUT ?with a difference time ?-as we approach the end of the Year. This Friday's Shoot Out will see the matches extended to 8 points ?- with crappy bats -playing the One Bat format !--And to add insult- if you lose first round -you get a 2nd chance !? ? 9/12/14:Shoot Out and Trish wanted her partner Robert on court for round 2. But Robert lost first round yet here was Lim waiting to play. Surely she did not confuse Lim + Robert ? But in the end it was Caro + Charlie who delievred the goods to win the event. But why did Carolyn shy away from having the winners dance ?? ? Neil Careless- Carless-Container less- etc -might now be very well called Smell -Less. Here he was trying to sniff the perfumed aroma ?-from a plastic rose !? Which was purchased from the great list of items made by kath and on display at the club today ! ? ? MARTIN ?says ' I will vote for Doreen ! -so when I said 'Who's Doreen ?'- he said ' You spoke at her funeral you IDIOT ! -Maybe you mean Irene ! was my replyThen he followed it up with Hello Noel ?- when Joe entered the hall ! + do you have balls in boxes of 3 ? as I want 4 \ ? Keenagers night out was a rippa ! Well done Bonny - nearly 50 Keenagers and friends/family in attendance?- + everyone had a dance (yes I even did a twirl around with Patsy )THE DANCE OF THE NIGHT AWARD ?goes to Duncan Bradie. He started off doing a NUT BASH/ NUT BOTCH ? - but by the end of the Song he was NUT BUSHING ?as well as anyone . 6/12/14:DONT FORGET RESERVOIR RSL -Tonight ...40 plus Keenagers ?-- Look out Reservoir !? VOTING NOW until next Tuesday -the KEENAGER of the year award ?-Every Keenager is entitled to one vote. Could be for the best player or the most popular ? Maybe some one did a special dead ? ?Please vote everyone? ? On Friday the 19th December- Keenagers Christmas lunch -bring a plate -- 2 awards will be presented on this dayTONY McMAHON AWARd-Most popular Keenager as voted BY THE KEENAGERS - if you have not voted last chance next TuesdayKEENAGER of the year announced ?- by way of most points scored in the 2014 Shoot Out. Final Keenager day of the year TUESDAY ?the 23rd December ? ? Kevin wanted to know the ages of the girls in the band for Saturday night ??Maybe he needs to know should he bring his note book or Cheque book ! And on the subject of Kevin .did you know he has never bought a cake in for his birthday celebrations ? ?-A) I am too stingy he said + B) I spend my holidays each year in Queensland ! ? ? Kevin #3- Bomber said -'I have you in the gun !' -Kevin replied with OK pull the trigger !? ? Shoot Out - Eric staggers from court- twists -turns -side steps 10 pair of legs -about to sit down and is called back to play again. Did you enjoy the rest ???asks Tony.? 30/11/14:Kevin to Alan Chadwick - You are old enough to be my son -Alans reply 'Grand son thanks ! '. 29/11/14:GET WELL BONNY - a reaction to the morphine means another Keenager spends some time in our Motel (the John Fawkner)We asked Clem how she was ? His reply ' She's good but grumpier than normal ' . ? Keenagers -stand and applaud- PATSY + BOMBER CATH ? -Premiers in Friday 3 comp ! + Kevin a Runners Up trophy. ? Nice work today from John Alder as the Keenagers celebrated Peter Finotello's 79th birthday .? 27/11/14:YOU BEAUT NEIL C !?He trained all week with a back complaint- 'Cant let the team down ' he said as it was finals time - Last night his team wins the Semi final so it is onto the Grand Final. -Neil's opponent is David R who is a high ranked player in the world for players in Wheel chairs. Neil has to win or his team is out ! Very tight and tense -yet every time a ball went down Davids end of the court it was Neil who was rushing down to pick up the ball, which is hard when you have a crook back ! - Neil saves 3 match points + is now down 8 points to 10. A tough hard rally and the ball hits the net and dribbles over. Neil has been defeated and his team has lost ! -Neil smiles- rushes to the other end of the table and congratulates the victor + shakes his hand? On Friday ?at Keenagers- it is PETER day. Peter Finotello who runs the club on Sundays is coming in to share some birthday cake + we will welcome back Peter Pham to our group after a long absence.? ? 25/11/14:Now it is NEIL COOL-less ?-walking around like Dame Edna with his bunch of flowers that he was going to present to his 'good lady' saying he stopped at the shop + bought them ! But these were the very flowers Des J stole from his neighbors house then gave them away !? ? Grand final week + Keenagers will be playing ! -Wednesday - Sue vs Neil C ?-Friday and Bomber + Patsy ?will represent the keenagers. And in the big one on Tuesday night A grade ? -a special appearance from the Keenager sporting groupie Duncan B-- He will be seen on the main court umpiring !? 20/11/14:Who was sprung trying to sneak into the club ? our own human head line --the Keenager who never fails to find something that gets his name onto this web site - Neil Car-Less -Care -less-Clue-less-Key-Less is now Container less ?-after leaving his drink bottle behind . then he got caught sneaking back into the club to retrieve it ?-Now it is Neil -Car-caught coming back for the Container ! 19/11/14:Keenagers -Many thanks for my birthday party- 47 Keenagers- cakes -biscuits + other goodies. A birthday card -A song from the Coburg Keenager choir- Elllen on Harmonica- Party hat- More cards ?.. + a poem from Big Macca.? ? But one person not happy is Alan Chadwick ! ?The Jewell has left the stable -retired -Sold and to be used for breeding. One used TIE ?for sale- Go and see Alan-- you think he would wear it in and show us !? ? Berts keys have been found -the massive search stopped when were discovered in the boot of his car ? Jan says - 'Your grey hair makes you look EXTINGUISHED ! --well that sure put my fire out !? ? John M first inside the club but last onto the courts as he thought he had found himself in the 'running of the bulls !'? ? Did lance really remove the hearing aid ? His opponents were making one hell of a racket- Bomber Cath + Patsy ! At least he knew what the score was !? ? ?Did Tony ?read me a poem or write a new song ? Or was he auditioning for a spot in Main Street band ?? ? The original Kath is a Get Smart fan- Now she wants us to have 'the Cone of Silence'. ? Shoot Out - + Trevor found a new way to make the Semi's. Go missing?for 20 minutes then say 'you missed me ! '. ? Bomber Cath - found her missing bag- she put it on the front counter.??-She was asked if she was in the finals ? ?no they are playing Semi Finals ! ?-She also thought they were not in the top 4 because they are team no 6 on the FIXTURE made before the season commenced - + She was ripped off by an old time player who bought out a rule that was scrapped 20 years ago? ? 15/11/14:Robert-Norma-Lynette- George-Peter -all dressed in Red + Black-Yet Bomber Cath was not ???? ? Kevin met George form Scotland with -Where you from ?Scotland- Oh Just around the corner ! ? The Macca Zoo -is all but disbanded- The lizards have gone -one dog missing ?-His fish are dying ..So he is down to caring for 2 dogs- 1 cat- several fish + the man eating chooks ! ?Yet Poor Carole was still only allowed Potato Skins ?-while her old man feasted on ?the 'special fish ! '. ? 11/11/14:Well done Keenagers on your efforts for Rememberance day ?-pat on the back to Bonny for singing the national anthem.And well done Eric for wearing your red poppy to the club on this special day ? Brian Busby back at the John Fawkner for a couple of days -good to see Madge up and about yesterday ! ? Shoot Out + Bev does and spin around and asks 'where are we ?'? ? Boy this is an honest club ! Says Jan after having her $2 refunded for drawing a scratched horse in the cup sweep? 10/11/14:REMEMBERANCE DAY ?tomorrow ?-Keenagers will stop at 11am and remember those who lost their lives during the WARS? ? Check out the Rememberance day posters hanging on the side of courts 3 and 4.? ? Table Tennis World? owner Paul Pinkewich borrowed half the table from court 1 for a promotional excercise (He has loaned us the table + we don't own it) So Monday morning coaching and the first to enter the hall -Sue + Jan. They enter court 1 ?-Sue with a basket of balls.. It was only when she went to put the basket on the table she realised something was missing - 1/2 a table !? ? 8/11/.14:Bomber Cath gives Patsy her phone number then says ' if it doesn't work - give me a call '! Yeh sure ! then she said Oh no ! he will put me on the web site again ! You got it right this time Bomber.? 7/11/14:A card did arrive ?- From BERT who is having a holiday in Narooma Still have not seen Ellens card though ? ? + the other Alan ? ?has not surfaced since the Jewell became jaded !? ? Syed walked into the club and was keen for a hit?? but he also want to enroll for the English classes ..We have a lot of languages covered but finding some one to help a man from Iran was a challenge. ? Caro to the rescue--no Chocky biscuits or cake? ?-No Silver Beet --but a box of tissues which were requested by a member.? ? Vince- Who is trying to find a back hand -is being helped by his coach Darwin Dennis.?? Vince has owned a stall at Queen Vic market for over 23 years. 'His coach' had told him ?every soap you now sell must be handed over via the back hand ?-just to help him get used to doing things on the back hand ! ? Lance e mails Boony ?to find out if Keenagers were on -Cup day ! ?Did not get a reply and then decided if he went to the club he would not be able to go to the TAB in time ! ?-Keenagers got the boot for the day - + his bet come home ! and he is $150 better off .? ? ? 6/11/14:Whose care will arrive first ? Have they been addressed correctly ?Ellen posted hers from Sydney over a week ago + Nancy + Derek sent theirs from Spain over 2 weeks ago ? Neil C has recorded what could be the best win by a Keenager in competition . It at least rivals some of the wins by Phil Marchant.? 5/11/14:34 Keenagers at the club on Cup Day morning. -PATSY ?the stand out player -She won an award for wearing a CUP day hat. ? Tony read out his annual Keenagers Melbourne cup day race. the poor manager had to explain to Julie what 'Gelded meant'.? The cakes were great -can you have another birthday Collin ? ?-Julie had been baking ! But all we got out of the Silver Beet ' was a great poem from Caro which is now on display on the Keenagers wall. We welcomed back John M who has returned for his Santa duties + in a strange twist ?'the sisters' got their Neil's mixed up .? ? A new Charlie rocked up which leaves us with a new Christmas song ? - 3 Caths -3 Peters -3 Johns- 2 Charlies -2 Franks- 2 Neils -2 All/Ellens -2 Roberts + 2 missing boxes of Silver Beet. 1/11/14:Cup Sweep no 4 - Will we run it ? How will we find the people wanting horses ? Ok lets go with it and sweep no 4 was open -5 minutes later it was also booked out !? ? CHARLIE ?the Salamander lizard. Stuck his head out of hiding at Elvens house. (outside the house I will point out) -It walks to wards Eleven so he steps back to give it space- Obviously not quick enough for Charlie's liking so it charged and BIT Elven on the foot. Lucky he was wearing sand shoes at the time ! Poor thing might be feeling a bit ill now ! Elvens toe might not be the nicest tasting thing .. 30/10/14:Melbourne cup fever has hit Coburg-- Cup Sweeps- Roses are blooming - + the Applebees bought in some flowers for the lapels. Trouble was - the Silver Beet did not last long enough for everyone to wear on Cup day -Sylvie + Victor might ?have Silver Beat on their plates this weekend though? ? How to make the Shoot Out final Lynette style ! ? Make sure you play with the lucky ball !? ? Big Macca -?? Yes ! it is now less than 2 months to the big log's birthday so time now to open the till !- The son ? he is in England ?-Surely Tony handed him some spending money ?- the daughter ? ?-She was shouted BRUNCH ? -then taken for a ride (in her car though) to Sportsmart ! ?Where he purchased a reminder to Carole 'what beckons if the birthday presy does not exceed his expectations. ?He bought his darling daughter a Punching bag which now hangs proudly in the garage ?- near the disused table tennis table . - And he lashed out + bought new runners-- Well if he is gonna get fit punching the bag around ?-He needs new wheels to carry him on his planned walks with the dogs ! as he is now Mr Fitness of Winona grove. Then he took the little darling (once the Punching bat was secured to his liking) out for dinner- ?But the budget had been broken so he got Calamari + but she was only entitled to Potato skins !? ? Jan goes for coffee before Keenagers + gets offered 'a tart for a tart ?'? ? Blast from the past-- being a ping pong centre ?- just maybe Chinese is the most spoken language- Yet on court 3 today all 4 players -talking + scoring in Italian !? ? Duncan B is out of hospital and already bursting at the bit -wanting to come and have a hit !? 28/10/14:Frank Hurley ?-Winner of the Shoot Out -Great stuff Frank - we have people complaining about the Shoot Out- Yet frank has not said one word -+ it has taken him until November to make his first final for the year !? ? Madge is recovering after her recent operation + Duncan B goes under the knife to repair his Varicose veins. ? Ellen is in Sydney + Allan is in morning ! He missed out on his next 4 legged champ !? But Ellen is the story ?! ?-Day of the big train ride to Sydney + Taxi does not turn up ! ?A mad scramble and some help from a neighbour and she catches the train with a couple of minutes to spare ! ?-the train ride ? ?lasts as far as Albion ?-A wheel falls off the train.. So everyone is removed and put on a bus ! ?-So finally she makes Sydney -MINUS her luggage- It was left behind on the train ! ?-Just maybe Ellens daughter is in for a tough week with mum . ?Ellen will be back on Melbourne cup day + she can tell us the full story ? MELBOURNE CUP SWEEPs ?-closes this Friday - there is $2 + $ 1 sweeps ?-so enter on Friday !?? ? 27/10/14:Well Done Kevin Breen -We all had a great lunch + a great time at ALFRED HOMESTEAD?in Warrandyte 25/10/14:JUST IN CASE - the words saved for Neil ro as we pampered him ! Just in case he walked away with the big bucks on Hot Seat. -Neil did not win but copped a hard question.. Bad Luck Neil. ? Sunday + now it seems like Kevin has half of Melbourne coming to the Alfred Homestead for lunch ! --Well done Kevin. ? Tony Mac? was taking his son out for lunch yesterday ! ?-Wonder what the budget allowed ? ?-Not too much after Carole broke the budget on Thursday night.. She was able to get a bit more than some potato skins ! ? Peter Ponte -said 'I am going away Tuesday | Wednesday + coming home Tuesday ! -+ he could not go to Warrandyte on Sunday as he was going away the Tuesday after !?? so try and work that out !? 22/10/14:Popular Keenager Neil Roberts ?will be seen on national television on Friday night on Millionaire at 5-30pm channel 9? 21/10/14:Ballarat World Rowing Veterans Championships + the original Kaths hubby Antonia features . But with a different spelling of the surname. Kath ! we now have you with 30 different spellings of your? name ! time to come clean and tell us what it really is. Also competing in Ballarat was Chrissy Jones hubby Rod -Who walked away with a Bronze medal. Your turn now Chrissy as she is competing in Tasmania at the National Veterans championships. ? Bomber Cath was been on 3 club outings but felt Sundays trip to Yarrawonga was different. This had a club feel about it and seemed more competitive. Maybe that was because the first 2 trips were visits to other clubs Keenagers -This was the annual Coburg vs Yarrawonga challenge. ? Bev could not remember how to say SHOOT OUT. Her hands were waving -she also was loaded with a drink bottle and a jumper.? -The words would not come out her mouth -Then she said' I can't speak with my HANDS? FULL ? DONT FORGET THE ALFRED HOMESTEAD LUNCHEON IN WARRANDYTE THIS SUNDAY ? Shoot Out + what did Ilhan do to CHOONG ? After losing Choong was seen down on the barrier between courts 7 & 8 doing his excercise routine . Legs going up into the air and twirling around ! For a while he was entertaining the Keenagers as the Shoot Out took a back seat .! ? How did Sharyn miss playing in the 2nd round and landed in the Semi Finals ? By saying she lost first round -then 10 minutes later remembering that they won.? ? 18/10/12:Madge visited the hospital but it must have been a trial run ! She is back home feet up + planning her return visit next week ? Macca's budget was broken- Carole had a Parma + a pot of soft drink- So- S.A.B. ?-Save a Buck -Macca went for the All day breaky- Toast- Eggs + Bacon ! -Hope she gave him some of her chips . -And we noted that tony went home by bus -Obviously no cash left in his till - so Little Tony who is bigger - missed out on his Friday lunch with dad !? ? Has Elven recovered ? had to scoff down a sour strap so that young Luke could get some bonus straps with his purchase. Well at least one of them was happy .? ? Sylvie joined in the fun and hid the 3 packets of Orio biscuits in her bag- which left Tony to?open the box of Orio's - which was empty !? ? The girl can run? -Sharyn in full flight chasing Neil C down to the back of the courts !? ? Shoot Out - 2 matches being played simultaneously -on courts 1 + 2 and Lynette asks?? 'is the the final '!? 16/10/14:KEENAGERS ?join team for the Coburg / Yarrwonga challenge this Sunday. The real challenge will be keeping the players inside the Yarrawonga centre as just outside the doors will be the monthly market and it is always a beauty ! ?-Keenagers representing Coburg - Bill Mac- Neil C- Cathy Thorpe -Catherine (bomber) Prendergast - Jan- Charles -Sue Mac + John Alder. ? -26 players in total ?- ? 15/10/14:Madge enters the Keenager motel- the John Fawkner hospital for the removal of some cancer from her leg Good luck from all of us Madge. ? In the near future it is Duncan B's turn to have an operation . ? But one guy doing all right is Edis. He has sent us a post card as he is doing a 'Billy Mac' and chasing the Jazz music ?- around New York - + his card arrived in quicker time than Tony's did from Queensland.? ? Julie (we asked) - say Hello to our lady visitor to the club . 'Lady ? I though you were a man ' says Julie ?-then she asked ?'Are you married to George ? . 'Oh Julie' just leave her alone, she just got ?here !?? 11/10/14:Seems we have a bit of super stardom running through the club -Antonio was seen on ABC tv-Demonstrating ?his Rowing skills -that we first witnessed back in the 1956 Olympics. that was about the time he wooed a young Aussie lassie ?-+ they are still together -Our own THE ORIGINAL KATH !? ? Pick up the balls ! -Clean the courts - Don't leave anything behind ! -roars the big voice of Big Macca ! Surely that coat hanging over the chair where he sits ?-Is not his ? Surely Tony did not leave anything behind ? ? Potato skins again for poor Carole. it was the big night out??-and she was left hungry so she pinched half of her dads chips ! ?And Big Macca is still complaining - 5 days later !? ? The club is playing at Yarrawonga -But not Bert-he is by passing his favorite town and heading off for a month in Narooma. ? But the Keenagers will be represented in Yarrawonga- Playing for ?Coburg in the annual challenge is Cathy -Bill Mac- John Alder Bomber Cath + Neil Car-less meaning he has to catch the bus !?? ? 10/10/14:John Apples- Improved form has seen him promoted to his Bowling Clubs no 1 team -Surely Caro will have a 'run through' for him before the match !? ? 8/10/14:Coburg vs Yarrawonga ?- 8 teams representing Coburg. -from Keenagers we have Bill McMahon -Cathy Thorpe-Bomber Cath Prendergast ?+ Neil Carless.? ? Des Jones revenge ? -Des the Comedian turned Majician . he was standing around with all courts full. -So a look into the back room NO ONE THERE- HE DECLARED. Into the club came Scotty John -so together they marched onto court 10 in the back room ! Des says Oh there are 2 players there we can make a four some ?- + into the room they went- But Des came back ?-Oh ! there is 3 in there now so John can join them . But this was 5 minutes after Des said no one was in there ? ? But he did get back at me later or was it Tony ? ?-a huge cloud of Gas came filtering over the computer -+ hanging around a long time !? ? Need the grand kids looked after (or the pets ) ? ?Tony's place known also as the Northern Zoo. . He cared for the latest addition to our family ! While we went out for brunch ! Last Keenager to excercise my pet dog was Bev !- She entered my house then ?rode it down the corridoor ! ? ? Bomber Cath ?was having a bad day. She left early but rang me back at the club + said 'Oh is this you Mark ??Now Bomber we have had over 100 visitors to Keenagers in 2014 but not one Mark ! ?-She admitted that maybe she should be sent to the 'Funny farm' + allowed no visitors ! Nuh ! just a few extra visits to Keenagers will sort her troubles out !? ? Brilliant !John Apples let us in on a secret of how to save $'s. Go to pay the bill ?-then forget the Pin Number- Not to be out done ?-Caro had to pay but she plugged in the wrong Pin number ! --Look guys if you settle for Potato skins -Tony will pay.? 5/10/14:For the past few Saturdays, a huge Harley Davidson Motor bike has been ridden to the club. We often wondered who this young buck was ? -Could not believe it when we finally found out who this big bad bikie is !? A Keenager !!!!---Garo...the great. ? 4/10/14:Elven enters the club and is immediately taken to 'the interigation room. He is then asked a series of questions from the MacCarta ?Investigation branch. Now a review will take place to find out if he is guilty of putting his passengers finger into the cigarette lighter ! As her hair was standing straight up when she arrived !? My new mutt called Molly had been spayed so tony pointed out that she don't love vets Or other dogs now claims Billy Mac.? ? DOBBED IN -Kevin has been throwing his used foam cups into the CANS ONLY BIN ! -He dobbed himself in !? ? So it is not the Garage that has been painted in Pascoe Vale road- It is the Shed ! ?Bev has that many Paint tins she is considering becoming a graffiti artist.? ? Dennis From Darwin could very well be called Dennis from Darebin as he is in the hunt for a house in Melbourne. ? Neil Carless is just that so it is no surprise that instead of driving to Yarrawonga for the challenge he will be a passenger in the bus !? Still have room for 6 more passengers for this 19th of October trip. Cost is only $30. ? ? 30/9/14:C'Mon Kath ' was the call -As our original Kath was required to have 4 players on a back table. But she spent her time having a chat + by the time she was ready for a hit ! she was no longer required.?But our conversation led us the dilemma Tony has when writing down the names for the Shoot Out -You see. Kath the Original used to be Cath - 'We will settle for 'Kath' she says -But her name used to be Katherine or was that Catherine ? + on her Passport it is Cath !? ? Then there is Clare ?-who is Claire but us really Clelia ! How about Hurriyet or Hurryet ? -Is it really Julie ? + Bonny ? + Jan says it is really Jeanette ! ? So how about the lady with the short name ! Tony has called her Aeya -Amo -Ama-Ayo-Aga -Ago -but we have been assured it is Aya. Geez Tony ! next thing you will tell us that it not really Caro ! ?And Lim's name is Haison .? ? Bev + Maureen have returned from Canberra to play a bit of Ping Pong. Bev has really been 'Painting the town red ! -She painted the garage door Red just to make sure we know where she lives ! ?+ to make sure her Table Tennis form returns after the break she sneaked into the back room (court 10- the Dungeon) for a private session with Des ! -Maybe thats why he shortened his holiday to rush back home. ? Trevor 's big news ? He now plans to start his 100+ hours of learning to drive so that he can have a drivers licence. . Maybe Mel can take him out during the mid morning break ? Ditto his mate John (AKA as Allan) at the completion of each session . ? John Apple's - Too many cakes lately -he had to walk to the club today .? 29/9/14:Monday coaching session and a funny way to start proceedings - We introduced Vince to one of our players and next thing we know Vince is hugging his new found mate !? ? Monday squad- Dianne + Kaya ?who met up with Aya ! Bomber + Patsy - Julie and Hao -Peter # 2 + Lim -Lance and Vince joined in as well . 27/9/14:Des must have found out that Tony was found. As he shortened his trip to Cooktown. He made it as far as Noosa heads -Only 1908 kms short of Cooktown.? ? Macca a bit broke this week ? Carole chose the Parma over the spud skins ! ? 24/9/14:COME BACK KIDS ?-Bonny + Tony back having a hit and joining in the Shoot Out ? But Peter Ponte + Neil C ?are on the injured list ?-Plus Elven + Bomber Cath are having back problems.? ? I'm Normal? -Claims John/Allan of Commanding Jewell fame. -Seems not everyone agrees !? ? 20/9/14:Who can't read at the moment ? - Your glasses were left on the barrier on court 4 .? 19/914:MacApples - So a few ales in Echuca can send you Scottish it seems ? John A. bought a Haggis home. Now the problem is how to cook it + who will help eat it ? ? Peter P has popped a shoulder and cant play tonight ! ?- he demonstrated to Doctor Allan- swung his arm -Smashed his had into the bin + then lost his bat- straight into the bin ! He then said 'Lucky I didn't fall into the bin '.? 18/9/14:Mr Versatile ! ?-Neil C--Played a match where he would hit a winner then run down the other end of the court to pick up the ball + give it to his opponent. Maybe he is Mr leg-Less as he was so tired from running around the court, he needed a breather after the game + he was too tired to move the numbers on the score board while umpiring. ?Mr SCORE COUNTER -LESS - Lets hope he is this courteous at keenagers in future. Anyway being polite did not help him as Dave R -the 3rd best TT player in a Wheel chair in Australia was the winner !? 14/9/14:Big Macca's come back hit -In the back room-the Dungeon -2 minutes later Linda leaves the room, hobbling. ? Watch out for Maureen. Armed with new equipment -A tricky back hand rubber that is causing all sorts of problems to her opponents. ? Keenagers obviously do not read signs. The sign on the door said closed -but 47 people entered the hall before the sign got changed. ? Shoot Out Final -+ Kevin thinks he is back on the stage + he is playing the audience beautifully. Problem was, that while he was facing the crowd the other 3 players decided to play on-while he was not looking ? ? Friday comp- Elven on the winners list- Good wins last week to Patsy + Bomber Cath. ?Kevin is still undefeated in the Friday 2 comp.? ? 12/9/14:CONGRATULATIONS BONNY + CLEM ?50 years of marriage ? -And what a great way to celebrate Tony Mac + Keith joined forces to sing the Anniversary song ..? ? John Appelbee is officially and ole fart -Happy 65th John !? ? Tonys missing card ?-complete with the john A picture on the front was presented to the group by Allan Chadwick. -We noticed he can run faster then ?the Jewell when he has to ! 10/9/14:So the Keenagers Presidents card arrives 2 weeks after he left Queensland.?The reason for the delay ? -wrong suburb on the card ! -So it ended up in Murray Street Coburg??But a nice card with a picture of John Applebee on the front ! .-It is hanging on the white board as you enter the hall. 9/9/14:WHICH KEENAGER LOOSES THE MOST STUFF ?? Linda ? loses a lot of stuff ?-Ellen - Victor - Trevor - ?Elven leaves a few things behind. TONY Mac- found some keys before they were lost. But the award goes to NEIL CARLESS ?-or is it -Key less -Care less- Coat less - Clue less ?-this time it was nearly GAYE ?less. the great Marvin Gaye is in town but a Grand Final also beckons on the same night ...+ Mr In A Mess is in -He has a spot for both events. ?A HOPE LESS ?situation but he makes the right decision and departs from the club -But is back quickly. He is now Dollar Less ! -He dropped his $2 coin down the crack in the veranda outside the front of the club.? Now he is trophy less after his team made the Grand Final in his absence. ? Well done to our fashion Guru. ?the club shirt looks great with the buttons down the back, Trevor.? ? John Apples- A new record -3 first round losses in the same Shoot Out yet still in the Semi Finals .? ? 7/9/14:NEWS FLASH -- Revolt at the McMahon homestead. Greg Peck the chook did just that and attacked Tony. All because of his cheap meals for mum Carole ! -Give the chook some extra grain for being so brave ! ?Can you imagine how sour the taste of Tony's leg would be !? ? 6/9/14:Is the coaching program on Mondays working ? ?-Well Peter P has defeated Cathy T + Elven in consecutive weeks and Patsy + Bomber Cath have also recorded some good wins.? 5/9/14:So Big Macca returns and digs into the pocket + shouts his daughter out for dinner- POTATO SKINs it is -- so when challenged about this he pointed out he also now shouts on Saturday nights ! Fish + Chips !? ? Robert T falls back + knocks a few barriers over and ends up n court 4. Mel quickly asks him 'How many courts do you want to play on ? ? 2/9/14:A big year for new players at Keenagers. Garo + Lim are 2 serious players now with us ?+ we have a new Sue ! and a Bomber supporter to boot ! ? John M good luck -as he heads back to Perth for 6 weeks to help look after his mum .Then he is back so that he can resume his role as Santa ! ?Yep !!! Christmas is coming quickly.? ? Such was the success of Kevins lunch in the hills -he is now organising a Sunday lunch at the Alfred Homestead in Warrandyte. A 3 course meal for on ly $28. A date is yet to be set. ? Also another great night out with the Keenagers on December the 6th at the Reservoir RSL ?-Bonny has set aside 40 spots so let her know if you are interested. ? Kiera ? We found Tony !?Hope she knows -Kiera is off to Scotland for 4 weeks !? ? Ahh!!The friendship blooms between Alan and Trevor! Out in the Semis of the Shoot Out and Trevor shakes his mates hand and says Thanks John ! ? Duncan B. found a new way to introduce himself to a lovely lady ! ?Ride his push bike in front of her car ! ?-then get back up and adjust her side mirror he had knocked out of whack !? 1/9/14:Maybe its time the Keenagers were sent out looking for that missing plane ? ?We found Tony and will put him on exhibit tomorrow !? ? A Walk in the Park event - Awareness of Parkinsons Disease -? Plenty of Keenagers to support the event- Thanks to Cathy-Bomber Cath-Sharyn -Carolyn -Johm M-Neil-Duncan Bradie -Pam-Bea _Alex + ?Patsy who had 1000 people sing happy birthday to her !? ? 29/8/14:Another busy day at Keenagers. Kayo returns with Diane.- More members from the Carlton group where Irene used to play. Maurice is now running the group for David B. ? INTERSTATE TIT-BITS ?- A visitor today was Miho from Nambucca Heads ?-Obviously come to Melbourne for the sun and beaches !?Mervyn arrived but no birthday cake as he is now only a visitor as he bought a unit in a retirement village in his home town of Adelaide. He will be living next door to his sister but will still pay us some visits when he comes back to Melbourne.Patsy is in Uluru -Des in in Queensland + John M will soon be in Perth as the Keenagers expand their search for the missing Big Macca. Jim is in Hong Kong + Dianne + Ross are back in New Zealand. Kay is booking a trip to Fiji ! so surely we will find him soon ! ?We get more e mails and letters from the Applebees when they went out back or Bonny + Clem when they go overseas, than we have received from Tony, so maybe we have to expand our search ?? Kevin ?was embroiled in controversy in the Shoot Out with Chief Judge Linda !?Alan C has promised to make us all rich with the return to racing from the Jewell tomorrow at 4pm ? And who is the Keenager on steroids ? -Superman or Wonder Woman has left court 1 and smashed through the door leaving it destroyed ! ? Victor is already planning for his 100th birthday and signing any thing that comes his way !?? ? 28/8/14:Elven is going to think it is Christmas on Friday. A large crowd of kids meant a lot of straps sold, so a few plastic containers heading Elven's way. ? 26/8/14:No Tony -No Cathy -No John A No John Apples -No Madge -No Des -No Keith? -BUT WHAT WE DID HAVE WAS A RECORD CROWD OF 50 PLAYERS TODAY - + only 2 of them were new comers? ? Frank H was back after having a leave of absence for 4 months. He spent one of those months traveling Queensland (and he did not find Tony) 25 hours in a train from Brisbane to Longreach -Then a 176 km - 2 hours bus ride to Winton. This is the area where Banjo Patterson wrote 'Waltzing Matilda'. There is among many things to see- 3,300 Dinosaur footprints set in Iron Stone. Frank had to return to Keenagers as he could not let Victor be the only 90 year old at the club. Now it is Des's turn to go to Queensland. Maybe he is now on the look out for Tony ? ? A check on court 10 today and I saw something very pleasing. 5 players on the court. Play one game and swap around so that some one was not too long off court. Well done Kiera -Elven-Frank-Ellen + Lim. ? How about the battle on court 2 Charlie up one with his partner -Duncan B the other with his partner. Dunc and Chazza belt every ball that comes their way (more miss than go on) -All their partners do is go and pickup balls. + this was the warm up! -Time to play -they go very conservative and forget how to attack completely ! ? Shoot Out So we ask Julie to get the guys out the back room. She picks up her bat and charges towards the room - "Julie we only wanted you ask them to come out -Not belt them ! Shoot Out Final - Billy Mac even had the crowd cheering for him as he entered the arena !And when Caro carried him to victory it was not a victory dance - but a team bonding cuddle and hug session ! ? All spots now taken for Friday evenings - Elven joins Bea as a team and Bomber Cath + Patsy join forces.? ? Friday pennant- Hot on the heels of Peter P's success - + Cathy and Kevin playing comp -Elven has joined forces with Bea. Another team to join up is Patsy + Bomber Cath .23/8/14:Still now word from 'O Great One' visiting Queensland.? But one Keenager has really stepped up to the plate ! Julie has been seen hitting with the 2014 World Champion Doubles pair !22/8/14:Come back quick Macca ! -I copped a belting from the band of 'Merry men' as I arrived. No Macca to defend my honor. Even Patsy was prancing around the car park ! ?? Happy Birthday Victor. Great card supplied by Julie ! ? Watch out -The Parking Nazi's are onto you Clem. Next time you better park straight mate !? ? Bomber Cath has resurfaced Welcome back Hope the eyes are working well. ? Friday comp. Will Peter remain undefeated ? A tough match tonight mate ! 19/8/14:Tony Tony ? Where art are tho ? Has he made it to Queensland ? Is he is Sydney or sleeping on the bench in Southern Cross station?A note rocked up from his brother Bryan. He has Tony departing tonight. Macca planned on catching a train from Southern Cross last night .So who got the dates mixed up ? So I guess if we hear about a Vagabond sleeping on a bench in Southern Cross station there would be a good chance Tony has been delayed !? ? Elven - Not good enough for Elven to be saving Keenagers. Today on his way to the club, a young lady carrying shopping bags and her 2 year old?son, stumbled and fell over. Elven picked up the kid and the shopping bags, helped the lady to her feet then drove them to a nearby friend of the lady, who worked in a Chiropractors practice. A simple good bye and good luck and Elven was on his way to Keenagers. ? The other Super Mac returned today. A visit to Far North Queensland then laid up for a week with the flu , so it was good to see Bill Mac, Alan Chadwick also returned after a bout of Mans flu ! But he had to improve as 'the Jewel' makes her return to racing on Saturday week + he has to be there to witness the great event. -The Cockram stakes is the event. ? Bomber Cath dropped in for a chat + Robyn wins her first Shoot Out event by carrying Mel over the line. ? Condolences to Bob Stewart on the loss of his mother a month ago.? ? 16/8/14:Peter Ponte ?- Just maybe the most improved Keenager at Coburg this year !?? ELVEN-the Possum remover !!!! ? -3 years on going this project of Elvens- remove the possums from the roof- then seal the hole where they get in + the problem will be solved. 12 possums have been caught and released in the Christmas Hills area(no one has told Elven -catch a possum and release it no more than 50 metres away as they are territorial ! ) -So he hears the scampering in the roof -Catch the last possum then it is job done ! UP the ladder he goes -Into the loft - Armed with his cage and the trusty torch ?--He sees a possum -He is hanging over a beam ?-waiting to pounce, Even catches the critter in the cage. Mends the hole -problem solved then--Yep ! the ladder goes - leaving him stranded-- did not take him too long to find out how long he could hang on for !-And down he goes ?-but he bounces -left with some bruises and a head ache Then he hears the scampering again. He has trapped a possum in the roof-now it cant get out ! so he continues on with what he set out to do. But this time it is an extension ladder outside the house as he has to get up onto the roof and remove some tiles ! To add to the insult the neighbor sprung him on the roof and was bemused by this man destroying his own home ! Elven did catch another possum - put it in the cage and bought it along to ping pong as he had a match to play. No time for dinner so a 4 'n 20 pie at the club was as good it he was going to get ! Then it was another drive to the hIlls to reunite the family of possums !-But some how i dont think the battle has been won just yet.? ? No Alan Chadwick for 3 weeks ! ?-a bad case of man flu is his excuse ! -He plans to soldier on and visit the Keenagers next week.? 15/8/14:John Connellan + the first time he is early so why not sit in the 'Big Maccas 'chair ? GET OUT OF MY CHAIR ?came the big booming voice ! ?+ didn't John quickly move !?Don't worry john. You can have the seat back next week as Big Macca plans on a 2 week stay in Queensland. - Now to partly fund this trip, Macca uses the saved money form when he takes his daughter out on the weekly evening meal shout ! ?Did not go to plan this time. She had the Potato skins but also had Garlic bread and chips. Add in his Scooner + the raspberry drink only enough funds in the wallet for a Pizza -He should have gone to Dominoes -Pizzas there are only 5 bucks !? ? George paid for Lynettes entry today ?+ didnt we all hear about it. Not sure if it will happen again !? ? John M shot through early today abut came back before we were finished. He went out to his car for a kip as he was up most of the night watching some of the old serials on tv. ? ? OK ? who has the coldest legs ? -Probably the person who left their tracky dax at the club today ! ? ? Mainstreet Band played at Dizzeys jazz club ?-Keenagers were well represented with Cathy -Bea-Patsy + hubby? 12/8/14:BIG NUMBERS at todays Keenagers including visitors from Dunedin + Dennis from Darwin . We also welcomed back Margaret. And how about the birthday cake (again ) for Sharyn. Cooked by Jan. + didnt the Senior Seagulls attack it?. Not even a crumb left and Macca left wondering, as he was too late to grab a piece . ERRR? Jan ? my birthday is in November + Tonys is in December. Maybe it is time to start cooking now ? Crash Helmet required ! Aya copped one right on the dial ! Now how will she explain the bruise ? Who belted her ? He is a lefty with the same name as 'the Ponte, is all we will say. ? The Shoot Out.? Margaret can't play She has to rush home as the visitors from Adelaide might be doing a house inspection.? So she agrees to play if she is on first. A large field and she makes it all the way to the semis -then is it time for the farewell chat and finally leave the club an hour later.? Meanwhile Bev was another to show improved form and fancy foot work. Bev won her first Shoot Out for the year+ put her improved speed down to her neighbour. Seems the neighbour knows when she leaves, which way she goes + even when she returns. Even quoted the times she left. So now FLASH sneaks out very quickly. ? Neil Car less (he does ride a bike) AKA as CarEless-Key Less-Racket Less- now its Wallet Less ! What else can he leave at the club ? Certainly did not leave any bad form at the club. He has shown the benefit of his hard training and defeated both Kay + Chrissy in pennant.? ? John M -well at times he can be different. Drops the strides in front of Patsy - Is standing in his undies in front of Linda- Jan + Sharyn -puts his trousers on -then goes to the change rooms ! 9/814:Great debut Peter Ponte in the Friday night comp. Also good to see Elven up and about playing comp ! + Kevin giving the young guys a lesson . ? 8/8/14:Sylvie says to Ivo (one of our junior coaches ) -I see your wife often. 'No you don't' replies Ivo. Yes I do ! at Safeway says Sylvie. 'Ivo says thats my wifes twin sister you see !? ? Drums classic meals ? Poor Carole got a serve of potato skins for her main meal ?-but dad (Macca) whose turn it was to shout ?was obviously a bit short or it was not Pension week ?-he only had the Trio of Dips. Hmm the son Tony jnr normally gets shouted for lunch on Friday. Looks like he might get a pie if he is lucky.? ? Well the good lady woman survived ! ?So her reward ? spend the day at the club yesterday -as a big crowd of school kids play at the club. ? Guess that means no Elven Tony Mac- John Apples or Bob Stewart will be seen within coo ee of the club !(all members of the I have sold Sour strap selling group ) ?+ we cant invite John Mc ?-He might eat more straps than we can sell ! ? I am officially a Keenager- + just maybe Macca is looking all right? you see I might be after a wife ? as mine could be a bit ill ! -Dry lips were the problem so she asked 'Can you get me some tea tree oil ! As always I obliged and gave her the oil !? -She started spitting + spluttering --and might have been a bit worse for wear. Apparently? tea tree Antiseptic oil does not taste too good ! 7/8/14:Keenagers will have a few members in the coming comp starting this week ! ?Well done + good luck all ? ?Julie ! asked 'why wasnt the urn working ?'- But it is ! 'No its cold ' -that is because it was only turned on 5 minutes ago ! '?No No No says Julie so John M comes to the rescue - I did not check the plug under the table when I turned it on ! that was when she gave the Lurch growl and marched out of the canteen. ? Better sure than sorry- Caro did a clothing stock take to see if she had a tee shirt on before removing the jumper- which naturally was the same color as the rest of her clothes including the sox. ? Record entry at todays Shoot Out- 38 players.? ? Look out for Fridays birthday cake ! some one has a mile stone birthday. -In between 60 + 70 maybe ? ? 4/8/14:Super League was great- Keenagers were well represented -Tony Mac-Sharyn-(throwing the payers onto her massage table)- Jan-Bea- Edis -Elven-Julie-John Mac-Cathy-Lynette-George + Frank Hurley. ? Need a $ or 2 ? the word is out -Our own Tony Mac is picking winners at 'the nags' on a regular basis -Maybe Keenagers need a weekly tip to follow the joke segment ? ? 01/08/14: Keenagers come to our help again and will be seen in numbers at Super League on Sunday.? Sharyn will be massaging the players.? John M will be organising the umpires and other Keenagers will be seen in various roles.? And as always Cathy will be doing a magnificent job. ?? Thanks to all Keenagers. ? Neil Carless-Yep no car today ?-so on the bike and was he heading home - It was pouring - ?Careless -rode in the rain then came back - he had left his back pack behind ?- Keyless? but not Crashless after his stumble and fall to the floor. ? Bea - in shoot out, cries out "I'm relying on you John Alder"? seems others did not have the same confidence in? her partner.? Duncan B - "I'm playing with a sore back"? Caro called back his name is Bert. Poor Bert, he lost first round, picked up the bat cover, got called back onto court, went up the stair, went down the stairs, got put onto other courts, which left him confused.? But the Coup De Ville was he copped Duncan's bat up his bum. Duncan partnered Bert into the final but didn't think too much of the opposition as he did his coat up before the match. ? TONY MAC - -the budget ! -He has been supplying Carole the?potato skins on their weekly meal out -this time she went a full meal so our budget boy had to settle for a Hot dog !? ? 29/7/14:Brian Busby on the mend and is home again. ? Trevor-Asked' are they 7 runners or slippers that I was wearing. Sorry Trev -I have never seen a green pair of slippers in the past.Trevor then sprang to Tony's defence, after Neil C enquired how Tony's beloved Blues footy team was going ? A bit of a stirrer says Trevor ! ? Julies bruised bum has been massaged back to 'good health'. But who massaged the damaged area ? is the question . ? Bonny has a new 'man' in her life. touch his button and he explodes into action. Yes, the new computer is a wonderful asset. Kevin B-asks Did Neil win the Shoot Out ??Sorry Kev none of the 4 on court are named Neil. Oh I meant Duncan ! -But he wasn't there either. ? John Apples -hosts a Christmas in July at his Bowling club. When it came to organising meals, it was just like Coburg during the Shoot out ? Tony?? is going in for a re bore ! the back courts never heard the Righto You Lot -Shoot out time - Fridays call promises to be quite loud.? ? 26/7/14:Friday night comp. It is up to Cathy to fly the flag for the Keenagers . She will play in next weeks grand Final ? Ellen is in need of a good plumber. So I gave her the Table tennis clubs phone and wrote my home number on it. It was agreed that she would ring me in the afternoon once I got home from Keenagers, and I would give her the number of a good plumber. ?-Imagine my suprise in the evening when I went back to the club and turn on the answering machine !~ -A big spiel from Ellen requesting a plumber !? ? 24/7/14:Good to note that Brian Busby is slowly on the mend after an operation.? ? GOOD BYE IRENE. ?With the Keenagers well represented at her funeral. Thanks to- Tony-Cathy-Carolyn + John -Lynette + George- the Original Cath -Maureen and Frank. Then it was time for a feast. Tony pipes up with 'Follow Caro, She will know where the cakes are'.?? ? 22/7/14:Our final farewell for IRENE? takes place on Wednesday (tomorrow )morning at 9-30am at the Fawkner cemetery. EDEN CHAPEL -Northern Memorial Park -Box Forest road -Glenroy Trevor 'you are on table 1' WHAT TABLE IS THAT ? Shoot Out + the first ever draw? as both Kevin + Jan felt that their teams won. Neil takes on a new name -showing respect for his fore fathers the lostagain tribe. He now will be known as ONESERVE 18/7/14:The start of the good byes to Irene- Keenager style ?-Some thoughts/memories THEN Caro stepped up to the plate. A fitting finale for Irene - ?a Poem that has Kevin McCuskey saying 'well done'.? Brian Busby back in hospital- Our thoughts go our to Brian + Margaret. BIG MACCA !!! ?Takes his darling daughter out for dinner ?-his shout of course. He buys her Potato skins. Probably gets her a glass of water to accompany the feast. Tony jnr pops in for lunch today but after hearing what his sister was shouted, it seems that the counter meal is off and he might settle for a Pie and Sauce !?? 17/7/14:GOOD BYE IRENE ! ?-the funeral could possibly be held next Wednesday -More info as it comes to hand ? Irene will be sadly missed by Keenagers + she will never be forgotten ?- Another page in our book of memories has softly turned !? Where were you John Apples + Elven ? -Only 20 kids at the club today for an hour and a half?+ over 300 sour straps were purchased !? 17/7/14:IRENE is on the final leg of her journey ! She is now on morphine and not in pain..?The long hard fight will shortly come to an end it seems. Did Essendon have a win in the footy ? Bomber Cath + Neil C were happy. joining Bomber in the red and black ensembles were ?bc- Derek-Nancy-Claire- Clem + Liao.. How come no Caro at the club ? An investigation at the club -Sherlock Carter? + Poirot McMahon were on the case. Who stole Ellens Continental Sandwich ? Onto the security camera's -but no sandwich was to be seen. Some sneaky devil hid the Super Sanger inside Ellens bag !? 12/7/14:Bea is the owner of a new bat ?-after her previous 'piece of joy' which was in her bag -was stolen from under her seat while she was watching a movie ! . Linda + Piers have visited Irene but unfortunately her health has deteriorated in recent time. ? ? 10/7/14:Several Keenager bats left behind and Neil Key Less -Car Less -Careless became Neil Coat Less !? 4/7/14:Shoot Out drama's a plenty -as CAREY? upset's his partner by demanding the use of the bat with the Green rubbers. then he complains to his partner Ellen that maybe he cant use it too well and that maybe they might not be able to Win the Shoot Out.? So she then has to complain on behalf of her partner who all the time was sitting back smirking ! On the subject of Carey - he also destroyed the good image of Big Maccas line marking enterprise. Parts lifting - scratched - not stuck? properly + he blames Macca for using cheap tape with no stick to its underside ! Hey Tony ? does your work come with a warranty ? + we will watch with interest to see if you bring your Apprentice to the club on Tuesday ? Record Crowd for a Friday -42 Keenagers in action ! Bev make-a plate - Brings a plate of sangers to the club yet it was not her birthday. the night before was meeting night at her house so she thought.But she was a week out. More sandwiches to be made next Thursday Bev !? Obviously Malcolm made a good impression on his return last Tuesday. He barely made it inside the club, only to find that he was rushed into the back room (then have the door shut behind him) as his man Trevor wanted a private session.3/7/14:THANKS TO KELLIE (Irene's niece) for contacting us. -IRENE HAS NOW BEEN MOVED THE THE AUSTIN HOSPITAL -OLIVIA NEWTON JOHN WELLNESS CENTRE -8th floor. Another who is not well is BRIAN BUSBY? -We wont see Margaret for a while as she helps Brian with his latest set back. Thanks to Carey + Tony -the Red line has been drawn ! Now we? dare you to put a chair across it ! Ellen was concerned about the Shoot Out -as she straddled the entrance to court 2. Who is my partner ? -the guy already on court waiting for you. Who is my opposition ? the guy you are blocking from entering the court. Malcolm returns after a? 3 year break and wins the Shoot Out. No sign of lost form at all -And Hurriyets return was also 'things as normal' as this time she lostthe end of a container within minutes of entering the hall. Peter #2 wanted his old bat back !? Trouble was that he actually had his old bat -with a newer rubber and the other side of his bat still the same rubber -just cleaned up a bit1/7/14:Trevor and the Shoot Out drama continues -This time Trevor was told he was going to partner Tony ! in the Shoot Out- He asked Who's Tony ? Today's Keenagers session was labeled THE RETURN -Welcome back Malcolm, Duncan, Kiera, Hurryet, Bill Mac, and Bev returned to pinch her container we had for 6 months - Carey popped in, and Lance dragged his son down from Seymour to check us out! 28/6/14:Trevor was leaving -the Shoot Out was not far away -In walk 'the Prez. So Trevor grabs him as his partner and re enters the hall !? So on with the game ! -the big booming voice calls out Bonny + Sharyn ! THAT'S UNFORTUNATE ?Bonny- says Courageous Carless ! But the trash talk did not last long ! Bonny + Sharyn made the Semi's- Neil C was out first round .? 25/6/14:Master of the Straps- John Appelbee ?-he packeted many of the sour straps today. ? He was even brave enough to sample one. had 1/2 a strap then waited a couple of hours before attacking the 2nd half. ?He has offered Caro's assistance next time a large group visits the club. 24/6/14:THE FINAL OF THE SHOOT OUT ? - the interest was with Patsy -doing the scoring + umpiring and arranging the players while sitting in Keenagers bay 13.? Bring on the kids ! 200 year 7 + 8 kids ?- Straps ready to be devoured and who is helping me bag them ? ?John Appelbee ! How come Martin and Elven have not thrown up their hands to help ? 23/6/14:Irene is in good hands at the Bundoora Extended care - Lots of visitors and phone calls ?-Well done Keenagers !? 22/6/14:Duncan Bradie ? -Runner up in the tournament held on the Ship he and Eileen are cruising around on !? Now visiting Turkey ?-Looking to find Julies relations ! Meanhwile i bumped into Duncans brother --visiting Maccas ! Oak Park Hmm- Wonder which brother is travelling better ? ? 21/6/14:Throw a party Bev- Your long lost Tuppaware container has been found !? 19/6/14:Eleven does a Keith ! ?Lost items ?-this time it is his Green coat. So he enters the hall -checks out lost items ?-NO coat -then comes behind the counter and spends an hour and a half selling/ bagging the Lolly straps ! ?-just like Bob S and Tony in the past -3 boxes of them sold today -Sugar everywhere + the man selling them asking the students 'do they really eat them ?' -Finally they leave so we turn on the cameras and review last Tuesday -Clearly show Elven arriving in his white jacket. Just where did you leave your green coat Elven ? ? -Oh well -thanks for the hand ?-Another group coming soon ? ! Wanna help me again ? BEV ?not liking the cold weather- She can't wear the mini skirt ! Margaret to the rescue ! -Wear tights under the dress is her advice !?? 16/6/14:Well done Bonny on her efforts in organising another great Keenagers night out. The Applebees are back ! -went whale watching over the Great Australian Bite -when all they had to do was check out Port Phillip bay to see a whale close up !? While travelling out back they were pulled in by the police for a vehicle check ! Same thing happened on the way home but this time John backed out of the queue and avoided a long delay !? Des is on security patrol ! Some one stole a plant from his beloved garden ?out the front entrance to the hall.? ?14/6/14:Irene has had a few visitors and recieved some phone calls- Well done Keenagers.? the number of the Bundoora extended care is 94953100 John Alder ?attempted to give an update on the coming Keenagers tournament in Albury.-Some time in July or was that June ? Even some sort of social day on the Sunday ?-But he was not sure which Sunday ! All Johns report did was make Tony say 'now I am even more confused ! '? 10/6/13:WHERE ART THOU ? IRENE -- She is on the move again + now we cna find her at the BUNDOORA EXTENDED CARE ?in Plenty Road ?-More info as it comes to hand will be put on this site. - Thanks to the Keenagers who have visited/called + worried about Irene's health ! The Big Macca was lost for words??- And during his speech time -Lucky that a quick hand ball to Bonny saved his bacon !? 6/6/14:Duncan Bradie about to visit the red light district in Amsterdam. Lucky that Eileen will accompany him to keep him on the straight and narrow !? 5/6/14:Tony Mac playing Twister + doing the Hokey Pokey at the same time -trying to get out of a Honda car. Left arm in -right foot out ?-- He fell in all right but getting out was the problem? 4/6/14:Cathy not too well at the moment so could not attend Keenagers or visit Irene.But Bomber Cath visited Irene ! ? Irene does say hello to everyone. She will be moved from the High Care section of twin Parks to low care which means she will be able to have conversatIons with the people living in the facility ! Another Irene fact- She was the local marbles champion in her younger days !?But she excited that today she will be handed a DVD of the Brisy Lions match against Carlton from last weekend !? DUNCAN BRADIE ? -off to Amsterdam today after visiting Paris -he sends his regards to the Keenagers. Neil Carless got a belting in the re match ! -He last played this lady ? around 36 years ago ! It seems that this girls bat is quite a hand full to play against. More Monday morning group coaching from her HUBBY is on the cards for Neil !? 3/6/14:Cathy -Bomber and I will visit Irene after Keenagers today-Others are welcome to join us 30/5/14:The latest from Irene is that she is doing all right + ready for visitors ?-Twin Parks -near the end of Tyler st Reservoir John Mc will be missing as he is off to Perth for a few weeks to help out his mum. - 29/5/14:New player in Pennant. And it was a great debut from Neil Carless ? 28/5/14:Frank No 2 (boots)- A class act. he thought that as Tuesdays are pretty much full + that he is a new comer maybe it best that he not attend Keenagers so that some one does not get a spot on a table. No frank -we will always swap around. Cant afford to lose a guy like you !? Another class act is the Appelbees. Currently they are in West Australia having a great time. ?Lots of stories to tell when they come back. Bev ! has found a new way to attract attention. And have men rush towards her. The morning rush ! -Open the doors to the club and it is a race to get onto court 2. This time Bev was on the court first +she was nearly flattened by the stampede !? 23/5/14:19th July -Keenagers tournament in Albury- Mens Doubles/Mixed Doubles/Ladies Doubles events -Lunch/morning + afternoon tea and only $20 pp. -People can be billeted + play a social game on the Sunday ! reservoir RSL Keenagers night on the 14 June- then Band is called CANDY- very sweet is the word .? Where's Tony ? asks Linda as she barged into the club- Looks like him sitting at the table, I said but no reply- as she was off in his direction very smartly ! ?Big Macca ?will be off to watch the footy at Etihad in the near future ! + for the first time in his life -Will be barracking for the umpy ! (during the little league) If this event works well we will host a Keenagers tournament on a Friday in September. Welcome back Bomber Cath. Now she can read with her left eye while the right eye is good for distance !?But she was not happy to see that Victor took group photos while she was not at the club ! Not impressed with being left out ! ?all a part of the 7 years back luck ?-She recently broke her mirror on the side of the car ! Did not say how though !? 20/5/14:Enter the McMahon precinct at your own will. -This time I got inside without even a minor bit of noise from Jonah + Dexter. Even allowed to pat the black monster as I walked into the hall way. ?Patted Chance avoided the monster Katt.. Made it out into the back yard ! -Feeling very pleased with the McMahon hospitality (still no cream cakes on offer though) 'come into the Chook Pen' were the words from 'O wise one'. Like a fool I listened ?-Pat the first chook on the head and all good ! then Peck Peck peck ! yep the other 'escapee from Kentucky ' Bit me 3 times on the leg !? 19/5/14:JOHN McMullan -Still ill and will be missing a while .? Happy 7th Birthday Keenagers- Current members who were at our opening day include -Tony Mac -Claire- Kath C-Julie-Trevor- Neil ?R. - Des -Norma- Frank- Victor -Madge- Keith + Bert Those who have deceased in this time include- Kevin our resident Poet-Collin - John O'B + John G. ? 14/5/14:Husband of the year ? Mel's wifes 60th birthday, A ladies luncheon - 60 women + 1 man -Mel who was the guest speaker. the subject ? FEMININITY ?-A mans view !? SHOOT OUT + no John Apples to help ! Even had club legend Bill Sibbison pop in to say HI to John Apples but he has gone AWOL !?SHOOT OUT # 2. Billy Mac says 'I will back Euthy + Bill F. Alan C a 2 time loser in yesterdays Shoot Out says ' You are right Bill. they will win because they beat me and my partner ! ?Bill replied 'can I change my bet !'. JUNE ?#1-Keenagers night out -Reservoir RSL-See Bonny for more info or to book a spot. -the Saturday after the Queens birthday weekendJUNE #2 ?-Expect a visit soon from Queen June O'B. -that will be a great Keenagers session !? 10/5/14:NO Bonnie again ? -Come clean Clem ! what going on ? ?But Irene's on the improve ?after a visit from Linda during the week the the 4 Musketeers on Friday afternoon ?- Billy Mac -Cathy -Bc + the Mutt !? Irene, maybe as soon as Monday, might be moved to another place not far from Victors -Maybe Twin Parks -in Reservoir. Will keep this site informed as info comes to hand ? 9/5/14:Frank H is only slowly recovering from his fall ?-Might not be at the club for at least 3 weeks !? 7/5/14:Good to see Bert back at Keenagers - thanks Norma for the lift !-- Hope the Appel's have the GPS batteries charged. John might need the help as they are off again + it was not that long ago Mr J A got lost in a Caravan park going to the toilet. Maybe finding a near by bush might be a safer option ! ?-HAVE A GREAT TRIP .? 6/5/14:10 Keenagers at Mondays training session. -Come pack up time and the question is asked -What does Tony mac + Sharyn have in common (apart from being the same size - 1 is eleventy 8 foot tall -the other around 3 foot nothing) NO ONE COULD GUESS THE ANSWER ! OK add Neil Carless into the mix ! -Ah ha - they left things behind ! Correct- 2 table tennis bats left laying around . /5/14:Frank had a fall and is a bit bruised and sore. has to miss next weeks trip with the Probis club. All he wants is some one to come and massage his bruised bum !? Bev is our Gossip Girl -Yep -Most of our gossip is about her ! -After seeing her garden we suspect that Des J has been paying her a visit !? 30/4/14:HOT OFF THE PRESS ? ?- 2 ladies in Pascoe Vale rd. 1-Checking out who was walking her way ? + wanting to take her for a walkNo2- Peak hour traffic going past- In sight of the Lollly Pop man ?- Having a big pash with some hunk of a he man ! with a big MO !?Happy Birthday Maureen ! The 3 umbrellas -Bev has found hers ?- Madge owns a large brolly- so the betting is that the one at the club is Ellens ! Irene is in Palliative Care ?-Olivia Newton John House- Austin Hospital?So if you get a chance pop in for a chat ! FOUND 1 x Umbrella-left behind after Keenagers-LOST 3 x umbrellas by Keenagers! Left behind at the club-Who is going to claim the one we have ? FRANK still in Anzac day mode -took a fall for the team as he marched his way to the final of the Shoot Out. Hope not too many bruises and bumps Frank - but he feels he will be Ok as he off on a trip with Bev + Maureen + 33 others !? Frank recently went on a surprise trip-rocked up to the airport and was off to Nelson Bay in NSW. -Waiting for him -The family + relatives at the sisters home. Guess you may as well have a big 'shing ding' when you turn 90- HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRANK? 27/4/14:Saturday training squad and Bea was training and doing very well !- In the afternoon Julie popped in for a hit ?-then the mutt arrived. Milly dragging Cathy into the club rooms ! ready to everything and everyone in sight !? The real story is Milly was well behaved did not bite me ! ?+ enjoyed her visit to the club. Irene is very happy to have her dog being well looked after. + Irene is on the improve + her health has improved a little.? 25/4/14:KEENAGERS ?in full force- At our event and again today -Keith in fine form with his encore performance of ?WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD -- title says it all ! Bev left the function early-' I did not have enough clothes on '. ?She seemed to be dressed when she arrived ? Trevor walked into the club + said '?I'm in a silly mood- He then had a conversation with Bea who said' Oh ! he lost me- Trevor then bought out a bottle full of black ?stuff that looked like OIL -Charcoal he told me ! Never did find out if he drank it or put it in some ones car ? Duncan 15 then walked in and Trevor said 'I dont know your name ? to which Duncan said 'Well I know yours. Trevor then walked off he was not going to have a conversation 'with a stranger'.? Patsy then waked in and asked 'Who won the SHOOT OUT ! Maybe she meant the Bill Sibbison medal ? Welcome back Ted and his sister in Law Herry ?- And good to see Sharyn back on the court.? 23/4/14:A big thank you from Irene to Cathy . Milly has now found a new home at Cathy's while Irene is in hospital. 22/4/14:IRENE ?is now in Palliative Care at the Austin Hospital (Olivia Newton John section)-- If you get the chance please visit Irene. ?-Cathy will pick up Milly the mutt tomorrow and take her home. ?-Well done Cathy ! Was this a record today ? ?45 Keenagers in attendance ! (and not one Easter egg in sight ! ? Claire obviously did not think too kindly of the swimming pool closing for the Winter. ?-She left her boot of the car open while it rained. She now has a swimming pool in the boot of the car .? 18/4/14:25 Keenagers playing this morning - And Lynette played Ms Easter Bunny and delivered us all some chocky eggs. Add in Patsy's Muffins and some Hot Cross buns ?- All adds up to a nice feast ! Then in the afternoon in rocks Irene ! ?--+ All she wanted was to share her latest disaster with the Mutt ! The Hall Way?was polished so time to send Milly the Mutt for a 2 week holiday. Left home at 9am to take the dog to a 'dog retreat' in Yarrambat -not too far from Eltham + she was armed with a good map -but there was one major problem .She decided that she would go 'her way' yet she had no idea where Yarrambat was. 3 hours later she rang the 'farm' to tel them where she was. - Still 13 kms from the farm and Irene was due home to be with the Hall Way polishers. So cancel the visit and find her way home. Irene gets home opens the door and the mutt runs down the wet hall way followed by Irene chasing the mutt !- Now the freshly wax hall way has 2 sets of prints marked in it. -So Irene cant stay home so she goes shopping + breaks the key in the ignition (again) - Leaves the ignition on -with engine off and soon she also has a flat battery. ?Gets a lift home calls the RACV. Her car is in Northcote when Irene remembers that in the car is some money she has left stashed- $600 to be exact. Leaves the car there overnight and in the morning remembers where the spare key is !? Another with Dog problems is Big Macca. The big black dog Spot (aka Dexter) ?is a food thief !reached up onto the bench dragged the cat bowel over to the edge + scored a free meal. This did not worry Tony too much . Now he thought he would put a couple of Frankfurt's in a pan. But he walked away without lighting the gas. In Tonys words 'the Spotted Mongrel '(well something like that) got up on its back legs leaned over the stove and ate 2 cold uncooked Frankfurt's. Apparently that is more of an offence than pinching the Katt tucker ! ? Maybe John Apples might have some thing for Tony. John was busy making Hot Cross buns in Carolyns absence. -She was out playing Golf. 18/4/14:Easter surprise for Keenagers today - Hot Cross buns + Patsy has delivered some muffins !? So far 3 Keenagers ?have asked this week is Keenagers on even though it is Good Friday ! ?-Tony will have to spell it out louder next year WE ARE OPEN ! + KEENAGERS IS ON ! ? 17/4/14:GOOD FRIDAY ?becomes Great Friday as Keenagers is on !!!!!! 15/4/13:IRENE called today ?-A little worse for wear- and using a walking stick but still might make it to Keenagers on GOOD FRIDAY Another to miss today was BEV According to our sources ?she was having a FIDDLE FADDLE plus a visit from a Tradie !? Maureen BELTS Alan Chad-ders -then ?Madge kisses him better ! Whats going on here ?? Duncan plays 1/2 the session then realises he has lost his glasses + that he can't see. SHOOT OUT problem ! ?PETER -get out of that court- We called out CATHY? John M enjoyed gaining the upper hand over Tony after Macca declared' We have been inundated by kids !~ John replied-there is only 4 of them 11/4/14:KEENAGERS ON DISPLAY AT WOOLWORTHS ?helping promote our group -thanks to Cathy Caro John A Neil + Mel. then back to the club to run the Shoot Out.-Trevor + Bomber Cath ! ? and an Urgghh (sounding like Lurch) from Trevor. - then 'I wanna new partner. ' But Trevor you won ! ' Pity help Bomber if they lose. ! -then it was' I want him (Alan Chadwick) ?Trevor -everyone wants him but for the wrong reason. By now it was up to the final ! -Trevor you are in the final What do you say to that ? " I dunno! ' -Then they won the final. OK Trevor what do you have to say now about Bomber Cath ? ?Oh ! she is a good partner .. Yep thought that might be the case Trevor.? 11/4/14:IRENE is out of hospital -Now maybe she will visit this morning .No word on Bert's car ! ?Hurry back Bert we miss you 10/4/14:A visit from Irene to the club for a short hit with Cathy- might be her last hit she felt ! ?--a few hours later Irene was back in hospital again ?-WE HAVE NO FURTHER INFORMATION AS THIS STAGE ! WOOLWORTHS-opening and we have a table set up ?4 TIME Olympian Miao Miao did a demo ?-but so did the Keenager Queen -CARO !?and IN THE AUDIENCE WAS JULIE? 9/4/14:PATSY ?in the Shoot Out ! -Gets called for her 2nd rd - with her Partner Charlie --' But I played with Peter' she said. Now this was confusing as Peter was playing on another court + her partner was actually Robert. I wonder who Charlie partnered ??? 7/4/14:Val from Drouin visited Coburg recently. She has invited any of our Keenagers to visit the Keenager group in Drouin if in the area. Their Keenagers meet Monday and Thursday mornings 9-30am to 11-30am -Hopefully some of our members will pop into the Drouin Keenager session in the future. 6/4/14:IRENE has been taken to St Vincents emegency as her health is not good at this time .We will update every time we hear something. On behalf of the Keenagers + Club members we al send our love and best wishes to this brave lady. 5/4/14:Bert G will be missing for a short while after being involved in a car accident. ?We believe that he is alright but he will be without 'wheels' for a while. Friday night handicap + Patsy made the final. Car Keys were found in the toilets. We asked around but no one claimed them. It was when we were down to the final few Keenagers the penny dropped ! Neil Carless -became Neil Keyless ! -this is the man who asked whether the white creamed biscuits were orange flavored !?? Trevor W complained about his thumb getting in the way as he tied to play a shot. ?But he was not impressed with the planned remedy. A sharp knife was offered so that the pesky thumb would not get in the way again. I guessed he passed on the offer, because he stayed clear of the table and the knife for the rest of the session. 1/4/13:Haven't things changed ? Not one April fool joke ! +Collin was not kidding when he said we are up and running again on this web site ?-Many thanks Collin ! Haven't we bought John Mac out of his shell -Yes that was John directing traffic in today's Shoot Out while tony took a well earned rest.? Kirk makes his maiden visit to Keenagers ! + fits in perfectly - he locked his keys in the car ! Trevor looked splendid with his hair cut and groomed -But did you notice that Kath the original had the same style cut ! Was it done at the same Barbers ? we wonder.? 25/3/14:John M ?- The classical master of Classical Music on his Piano ! ?-Well home come no one is invited to his unit to hear him play ? - Maybe there is no room in the lounge ?\ Does he not like visitors ??Is it because he only has 2 bowls and he uses both of them for his soup ?Maybe he only has one chair ?He might think we will mark the flooring ?? JOHN ?then wanders over to the counter + says ?'Now I remember'. ?I play the Piano whilst NAKED - Yes ! John that will stop us Might stop us also from asking John to play a song at our Anzac day event .!? Why havent we seen Mr Slingo for a while ? does not want to be seen until his new beard grows !? Bev + her mate?Linda-Are now picking up ladies walking the streets at night . 22/3/14:All ready to visit Elven ?-so he wrecks everything and staggers into the club on his pair of chop sticks !? Good to see him up and about ! + well done Ilhan for picking him up from the hospital ! But it took a long time to get home- out for lunch and with female company !At least we know a seat would be arranged ! (bit of a clue on the lady in question) ?but Elven did get home late and loved the company !? Sue ?(who is a volunteer worker for the club for the next 3 months ) was introduced to the Keenagers -Cathy did the cat walk in her new Anzac day shirt ?-+ some keenagers offered their services when we promote Keenagers at the local Woolworths grand opening !? BUT NO BEV ? -apparently out in the bush at a Caravan park -- Hope she does not own the John Apples map on how to find your way around a caravan park in the dark !? Thanks John M for helping me get out of a rather sticky situation in the car park !? 20/3/14:MAYBE BEV IS BUILDING AN OPPOSITION TABLE TENNIS CENTRE ? First the wood on the roof of the car -off loaded at her place ! ?-Then the work man comes in and the foundations have been dug ! Now we have bricks piled up and ready to be used to build something ? ?-And she walks the streets at night + was seen with a possible new member obviously about to inspect the building site !?I knew she was up to something the day she tried to ride my dog down the hallway !? 19/3/14: So some of the Keenagers are up and about ! ?-Elven is organising the Keenager get together at the repat on Friday ! Who is joining us ? ?--Maureen is up and about again ?-Welcome back Mooresy ! ?BUT WHAT's THE OAK PARKER UP TO ? ?-Walking along Pascoe Vale rd in the middle of the night ! ?-Who said Keenagers go to bed early ! ?-OK Bev come clean ? what were you doing out and about in the late hours of the night ?? 14/3/14:JUNE PLANS ON VISITNG US SOON ?-with one request- Some big tall guy to come and have a hit with her ? ?-Do we know any tall man ? who can shout out?'RIGHT'O YOU LOT !' The television was bouncing at the club was bouncing as the volume was turned up to the max. John M was shaking the tv remote ! at the Cd player in an attempt to turn down the volume. Sorry John but TV remotes work better pointed at the TV. ?The dear old Shoot Out ! --this time is was the case of 'the lost partners' - Bert lost his partner ! Lynette had no idea who Bill Farrugia was even after partnering him + even when they won a round or 2 she was still looking for Duncan ! + Mr Chadwick was just too busy talking which held up the draw as his partner was wandering around wondering who their partner was !?? The ?trenches have been dug as Bev and John M prepare to celebrate Anzac day ! And that is only the front yard !? Maureen might be renamed M 370 ! after disappearing off the radar ! ?Is she at the village ? In Brisbane ? or visiting the Keenagers Motel the John Fawkner ? ?HMM flight M 370 ?could be a nice nic name !? SHE WAS FOUND - not in Brisbane or Surfers- Or the John Fawkner- but back at the village resting up after her trip.? Bev has been seen sun baking in the front yard while the handy man with the dread locks does some work !? Elven is fine- Allan aint ill Maureen is in Queensland ! ?Madge was back having cuddles all 'round ?-So who is the ill Keenager ?? 13/3/14:A cyrptic message via voice mail over the land line- One of our Keenagers is in hospital ! ?-OK how about telling me who it is? JUMPING JACKS ? -Madge nearly hit the roof when John Alder screamed out when just behind her ?+ just when she settled down ?-roof wards bound again as Bonny sneezed ! As for Bill mac- he told Bonny to sit down the jumped up himelf when Julie tapped him on the shoulder ! ?Maybe he thought Clem was ?in the vicinity ?? 10/3/14:Narrow street - a bend in the road -a car coming the other way ? ?GUESS WHO was driving the little blue car ? O K her initials are IRENE ! - Most people would stop ! Not our girl ?- she simply moved over ! All good except for the parked car on the left ! Well Irene now has central air conditioning ! As her BENT door has a big gap ?+ as for the dents and scratches in her car ? Nothing that a good panel beater cant fix ! And the parked car NOT A MARK ! YEH ! SURE ! ?-Guess it was lucky the licence instructor who went for a ride with Irene when she cut off that small object called a TRAM ?was not the passenger ! So if anyone wants a lift to the club ? Just call Irene. You don't even have to open the passenger door -Just slide in between the gap between the car and the bent door !? 9/3/14:HAPPY 62 nd ANNIVERSARY ?- Sylvie + KeithAnother to have reason to celebrate is Tony Mac -the ZOO ?has expanded ?- Jeffrey the Rabbit is the latest addition.? JUNE O'BRIEN sends her best wishes to the Keenagers. Still a month or so from visiting the club, as she has had and needs another operation. We look forward to Junes visit ! FRIDAY ?the 21st.. Keep it free in the diary ?-Elven is having a Hip replacement done -So Keenagers at the club until 12-30 -then the Drums Hotel for lunch -then the entourage will visit our mate at the Repat !? 7/3/14:21st MARCH ? - After Keenagers - 12-30pm lunch at DRUMS ?near the club --then it is off to the Repat as Elven will book a room for us as we pop in to visit him after his Hip replacement !? GOOD LUCK IRENE ?as she takes the next step in her battle with cancer.? Not the first time i have copped a spray ! ?but this was from Trevor saying 'welcome back !'? 6/3/14:BET THERE IS A BIG QUEUE ON THE VERANDA IN THE MORNING WAITING FOR ' THE ORIGINAL 'CATHs ENTRANCE.?On Tuesday a big skid as hubby nearly overshot the entrance and did an Irene ! -All while the veranda was full ! Where was Cath ? red faced and trying to hide under the passengers seat !? 3//4/14:Maureen not too well - so taking a break at the Keenagers motel -AKA John Fawkner HospitalWe wish her a speedy recovery and hope to see her back on court in the not too distant future !? 2/3/14:How was dodging traffic -in a busy road just to run over and say hi to an old friend ? ?none other than Clem ! Thanks for the kind words mate !? 1/3/14:JOHN APPELBEE ?is every where -new papers - + now a visit to the RSL for lunch with the Keenager's escort - And I am stopped at the door with -I know John Appelbee ! After I was noticed in my Coburg ttc shirt ! -+ this was from a former Bowling club member THANKS for the support Keenagers-- See you all on TUESDAY --Thanks Cathy for helping out !? 23/2/14:IRENE ? -we wish her luck and our thoughts are with her as she takes on the next stage of her Chemotherapy. - Irene visited her sister recently and found out that if you put boiling water in a cold cup -the cup explodes ! then in her haste to clean up she knocked all the spoons everywhere ! Yep! just like she does at Coburg. 21/2/14:Thanks again to Cathy ?for running the Keenagers ! What are the most popular colour balls for Keenagers ? some prefer White some like the Orange-Red is the colour on John Ms mind at the moment! + he does not recommend laying naked with a bowl on hot soup on the body ! -Especially if you are a bit clumsy like he is prone to be!? 14/2/14:Sorry guys but out of action again -But Cathy + Tony will make sure the Keenagers group runs smoothly ! Council workers to repair car park -one car in the way ! Irene's ! 13/2/14:Thanks to Cathy ?for her running the club in my absence + keeping the Keenagers group going ! Many visits from Keenagers + phone calls and a card rocked up from 'the Original Kath ! ?-THANKS EVERYONE ! WHAT IS SHE UP TO ? - The Oak Park lady from Pascoe vale rd-- Had so much wood tied to her car . I thought it was John M's.?Don't ?know what she is building but will keep the eyes open as we might have found a builder to do the clubs extensions ! 9/2/14: Good News! Bruce is being sprung from the Northern Hospital today! So as he is released from the care of the wards he will probably return to the CTTC looney bin Tuesday night to assist with pennant. Cheers, Collin. 7/2/14: Bruce Update - Bruce is improving and has been very appreciative of all the people that have called in to see him. He has requested no visitors on Sunday please. If he hasn't scaled the walls by then he will at least be allowed out for a short period. Cheers, Collin. 4/2/14: Hi all. Just a quick update, Bruce is currently in the Northern Hospital with another round of cellulitis but is doing fine. He will probably be there for a couple more days at least. Cheers, Collin. 1/2/14:SHOOT OUT SAGA -- When we say Shoot Out -2014 we think of Norma ! she is either left off the list -forgotten about -or wins the event !? But Fridays Shoot Out -'takes the cake'. Norma's name again missing ?-But so was Clem's. Then we had the problem of Julie again pulling out 'as she does not win !' -so we send Peter and Bert to play Mervyn and late substitute Elven ?--then the old Switcheroo game began. 3 players up one end - no you go here ! -you go there ! -Some how sanity was restored and we had 2 teams competing. As Norma had been forgotten -then slotted in -she was promised a 2nd chance - but that when it was noticed that Clem was an absentee- her spare spot was gone ! -then Andrea comes along so again Norma was offered now her 3rd chance ! -Andrea cant play in Stilettos - so we grab Mario -Norma now called up for her 4th partner !- But Mario could not play so Norma has to settle for '1st round loser + no 2nd -3rd or 4th chance ! ' By now it was up to the Semi's and my turn to 'Stuff up ' -And suddenly Kevins name is missing- Neil thinks he is getting the 2nd chance that obviously Norma did not want -+ Kevin can't understand why he has been sacked after making the Semi's. Finally it was time to witness the finals and Sharyn carries John Alder to victory -+ she gets deafened by the Alder chant ! which John sang at a high level ! + to think it all happens again in a few days time 31/1/14:Duncan has been an absentee recently !-- maybe he is hiding ? ?-He went to Sorrento recently and lost something ? not a wallet or keys ! He lost a TOOTH ~!-- Must have lost some strength as well as he let Kay drag a 30 ft branch off a tree across a paddock . he just sat on his bike and gave advice !? 29/1/14:SUPERMAN ?made it to the club ! YES Alan Chadwick arrived WITH HS UNDIES OUTSIDE HIS CLOTHES ! then claims ! Oh ! I thought these might have been undies I am wearing ! 30 keenagers rocked up to play in the heat ! Tough bunch this group ?+ 9 of our social players attended Monday morning coaching clinic? 25/1/14:IRENE enters the hall- Red eyes.. YES SHE HAD BEEN CRYING ALL MORNING ! ? -She decided to watch the television in the morning and watched a tear jerker ?-then cried all the way to the club !? Monday morning coaching is on again this MONDAY -Eleven -Norma -Big Mac and Caro have all said they will be there ! 22/113:KEENAGERS WEEKEND IN BALLARAT -11-12 + 13? April - We have the info at the club .? HOW MUCH TROUBLE CAN A SMALL CLUB BE IN WHEN A 'COG IN THE WHEEL' GOES AWOL FOR A SHORT TIME ? The computers were working overtime (Apple + Mac) -but obviously were not working together when I walked into the room ! -Lots of noise -lots of names being called out -but no one taking any notice- The Apple ! was missing an important/essential bit of data -CARO ?-+ the Mac was under too much strain with IRENE ?looking over the shoulder ! but not offering to help. The Pres JA said ' the Mac + Apple do not communicate- ?As for Norma-fresh from her first coaching class + armed with her re furbished bat- never got a chance to show her skill ?-her name did not get called out at all !? At least Tony got the 'comedian of the day award for his joke telling -It went down hill quickly after that. ?Big Macca said to Keira You becoming a bit more regular ? ?Only to get back -I was here last week ! where were you ? -Tony admits he was slow to react + needs to sharpen up !? Maybe we need to put a tape measure around him as maybe extra weight is slowing him down ? He claims 6 crumpets and another toastie have disappeared from the house and poor Spot (Dexter) again gets the blame !? 2 new visitors to Keenagers -Armed with big mo's ! ?made it harder to work out who was who !Peter Ponte paid us a visit- in between the grand kids supervising role at the moment ! and Madge ! - arrives back from holidays - + enters the club 2 minutes before 'her post card' does ! Was the postie slow ? or did it come home in the luggage is the question .? 21/1/14:Norma-Julie-Elven + Sharyn ?ALL ATTENDED THE COACHING GROUP ?- to be conducted every Monday at `10amIrene also popped in but decided to sit back and watch !? 20/1/13:After a few months away EDIS ?has returned. + Tony should be back also tomorrow 17/1/14:When is June coming ? Asks Irene- Quick as a flash Sharyn says ' in 5 months !' 14/1/14:-43 degrees so a few Keenagers understandably missing -ONLY HAD 30 KEENAGERS FILLING OUR HALL !?A truly remarkable effort -Kaye + Trish combined to make the 1/4 finals of the Shoot Out ?-Bonny + Kevin win the event. Norma requested an early Shoot Out as she had to leave early- A long time after the Shoot Out was completed? -Norma in front of a fan talking to Bonny + Bev- Departure time ? later than Tiger Airways + she was gone by noon !? BAT #1- Neil CarEless (minus the E) Lost his New Bat-worth a few? $'s. He put it on his bag but now it was gone- 3 x checks in the car ! Frantically checked every court-Walked the centre ! Finally come Shoot Out time. Anyone got a bat ? Yes says Jess-'I picked it up off that bag!? BAT #2 -Trevor?goes to back courts -But no one there -All watching or playing the Shoot Out -So back up the ramp and onto court 2 only to be kicked off as Shoot Out final was about to be played -All too much for our good man so he headed off home. 10 minutes later a bat was found in the car park ! -Yes Trevor best to close your bag and bat cover in future ! -Guess there will be a panic when he finds an empty cover !? Martin S - Has progressed from the Bath tub to the Swimming pool and now has ridden his Kayak down a river and did not fall in- So when is the rowing trip to Tasy?? ? Shoot Out + Elven gave Irene 'a bit of chin music- Yes ! she took it on the chin - A bat swipe from her partner ! + to think that Elven lived to tell the story ! -It shook Irene's brain a bit as she suddenly reminisced about the day she was bit by a dog while playing cricket- A trip to the doctors for 'a shot'. ?The Doctor asked?'Where did it bite you ?'- ?Her reply - down the road on the park says our Learned lady !? But Sharyn was a bit concerned - Her 10 week old Schnoodle (cross Poodle + Schnauzer ) had to stay at home alone !? 12/1/13:JUNE O'BRIEN ?to make her return on a FRIDAY in February ? -- WHAT A DAY THIS WILL BE !!! Mel was overheard saying '11 points to 4- Yes ! I love those close games ! IRENE has taken on Vic roads and won it seems- that famous intersection where she scared the living B 'Jesus ' out of the poor lady who had to be in Irenes car as a licence tester, when Irene decided it was Ok to turn in front of a Tram !??The intersection now has traffic lights !? Louisa has popped in to wish the Keenagers a great 2014. After a serious operation she is slowly on the mend but still a long way off playing. Good to note that John M popped in several time to visit her when she was ill.? 11/1/14:REST IN PEACE --JOHN O'BRIEN? Today was the day we said farewell to a friend ?-It was a celebration of a great life -lived to its fullest by a great man -AND A EULOGY from Dennis -john and Junes son ?-that I don't think can ever be beaten -we learnt many things about John we did not know and Dennis delivered a beautiful & great story. he did his dad proud. And weren't the Keenagers well rperesented ! Thanks guys ! - Bonny-Clem-Caroline- Bomber Cath -The Original Cath?-Norma -Elven - Frank +Margaret + Brian B...... Make sure you read our tributes to John at the club. ? 8/1/13:SHE GOT IT RIGHT? ?!! Says the niece. -It has taken 40 attempts ! - Irene has been cooking the pork for the past 40 Christmas day lunches + for this Christmas she finally cooked the crackling right !? Practice makes perfect ! so must maybe this year we might see her little car parked in one and one only car spot !? 7/1/14:WELCOME BACK KEENAGERS ?-All keen to play. But with a common word ! LOST - Bomber Cath- Pulls out a $5 note instead of a 50 to help pay her membership.- The missing bucks are LOST or sitting in her other purse! LOST - John M's lost love ! -Georgina?-Fancied SHE ?instead of HE? LOST- Tony's Lunch- Placed the sandwich in the Toasty maker -then went to answer the front door- On return Sandwich is LOST + poor Dexter dog cops the blame ! LOST ?-One day ! by the Pres- John A who says see you tomorrow night for comp ! -John you are the President and pennant is on Tuesdays ! That's right he says -See you tomorrow- Looks at his watch and says HOW DID THAT HAPPEN ! ?Monday was LOST !? LOST- ?Ellen goes to Kinglake to pick some Blue Berries- Comes home with the Berries but her glasses LOST in Kinglake ! LOST ?-the Punchline to the Toffee Apple joke by Bonnie as she giggles her way through the joke !? KEENAGERS ?back with a bang today ! -Tony + Clems birthdays to celebrate ! Cake galore ! But there will be some quiet moments as we think about John O'Brien . ? 3/1/13:John O'Brien t be cremated on Saturday the 11th of January at 10-30am at Fawkner 1-1-14:WHAT BETTER WAY TO SPEND NEW YEARS DAY -- with the family at the club WATCHING MACCA doing more painting -Including Craigs hand ! which for a while was a lovely shade of green ! THANKS AGAIN TONY !? 30/12/13:We say with a heavy heart ?GOOD BYE ?to a founding member of KEENAGERS at Coburg Table Tennis cente, MR JOHN O'BRIEN who sadly passed away at his home at 9pm last night. John had been ill for a while and was in Respite Care but he was bought home for his final few days. He did thank June for bringing him home and said ' If and when I pass away it is with the lady he has spent the past 65 + years with. JOHN O'BRIEN ?we salute you ! R.I.P A good guy right up to the end of the year -Macca has painted the white lines on the steps into courts 1-2 + 3. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL THE KEENAGERS + FAMILIES ?- See you on Tuesday the 7th of JANUARY ? 24/12/13:MERRY CHRISTMAS KEENAGERS ?-- Hurriyet rocked up today to the club ?-- Sorry but you have to wait until next year !? 20/12/13:KEENAGERS ?final session for the year/ Break Up party ?-MANY THANKS TO KATH FOR HER DONATION OF PRICES FOR OUR SHOOT OUT + MINI TABLE CHALLENGE? how did Irene start her day ? Waved a knife around, dropped it and nearly got Tony's toes. Next Ellen picked up the weapon and it also nearly got Macca. that was enough for him - He grabbed it and put it on the table ! VICTOR ?wandered around- onto court 1 then court 2- back around the dining table -Around and under the chairs ?-'Victor why don't you ask me if something is wrong ?' - I have lost my pies ! ?-All good ! they were in the pie warmer !? THE SEA GULLS SWARMED ?the full of food table- Leading the way -Mother bird herself ! Bev .. Elven??says that this place is not well known enough (we had 39 people today ) but he wants others to find 'the lovely people' . this club is far too good to keep just for our selves !.. ?MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE ! ? 18/12/13:CARO - played a starring role in the Christmas comp when she filled in ! . HAPPY BIRTHDAY Soon - to tony Mac and Clem --How dare they have birthdays when the club is closed- One way not to have to buy a cake ! WANNA GOOD PAYING JOB ? Come back as Irene's Solicitor? -Irene has just handed over $8000. DOCTOR DUNCAN ?-our Keenager of the Year 2013- Now volunteers a day a week at the Childrens hospital - WELL DONE DUNC . ELVEN ?brings out the note pad? -Victor wants Elven to take him to the hospital for his next check up - The 13th of Feb but then again it cold be the 19th. Now he says he thinks he goes to the hospital on the 19th!-I can see a few more visits to the car park in the new year for Elven. * -ANGELA made a cake - Bev said ' Keenagers attacked it like a bunch of Sea Gulls? 16/12/13:- GUESS WHO ? ?2 ladies from Keenagers ?- visited the club to preview the band's rehearsal for the clubs closing /Christmas party break up - they must have enjoyed it because they were seen dancing ! + having a good time? ?WHAT IS GOING ON ? CRICKET ON THE RADIO AND THEY GO TO AN ADD BREAK ? -WHICH STARTS OFF WITH RIGHT' O YOU LOT !?Thought you had to be a Keenager to say that !? 14/12/13:We heard about Elvens 5 visits to the Austin to pick up Victor-then his detour to Ellens with her keys she had lost. Why didn't she answer the mobile ? it is a bit hard to hear when it is hidden in the Dressing tables drawers.? Then we hear about Elvens shock to find Victor at the club having a hit not long after having a stress test ?-But the best is yet to come -Apparently Wednesdays stories -top them all !? LOUISE -Her first Shoot Out and she is in the final. - Obviously thought it might be a long match as she marched onto court in Board shorts-A towell- a bag- the newspaper and a cross word as well !? 12/12/13:A visit to North Carlton Community House to do a promotion for the Keenagers -3 of our Keenagers play there- Pearse -Pam-+ IRENE ! - the cost to go to this group ? ?gold coin donation for all except for one ! She pays ZILCH ! ?(guess who ??)? 11/12/13:Next Tuesday (17th Dec- during the morning break ) ?-An information session for KEENAGERS ?- 2013 fees ! - will be discussed and we will try and answer any questions you have !? KEENAGERS BREAK UP FRIDAY 20th DEC - bring a plate ?and we will have a ball !!!!? Trevor has joined a gym ! got a couple of sore spots including a sore upper leg -But he could very well be our next Super Man !?More on Saturday night ! - Jans first outing on her own for 5 years and she had a ball ! -? She was with the Dancing Duncan -Who later danced her all the way out to the car ! Oh Yes ! Duncan also found time to dance with his wife and any one who might be interested !? Sam Mac our new Scottish player- Has to go for an operation on his hand tomorrow (Friday ) we wish him well ! ?Great to see Trish up and about and playing and we welcome back Allan Chadwick !? ?Bev continues on her swimming lessons which his good news for Martin who might need her? next time he nearly drowns when he goes out on a Kayak ! 3/12/13:CARO HAS WRITTEN A WONDERFUL STORY ON THE KEENAGERS NIGHT OUT - CANT PASTE IT ONTO THIS WEB SITE ?-So will hand everyone a hard copy at the club during Keenagers 1/12/13:Keith is one of our Saturday coaches. -he brings in his home made meat pie for lunch and always places it on the top tray of the pie warmer? YESTERDAY - the lunch break and a new assistant is working the pie warmer ! John M. Keith comes in and Oh No ! the pie is missing ! 'john wheres the pies ?' Oh I sold them all '. But how about Keiths ? not sure but i dont remember selling one from the top shelf ! So Keith blames John ?-or even worse- some one came into the canteen and stole his pie ! We asked Keith several times to check his bag but no ! he knew he had placed the pie in the warmer ! --So finally after much discussion and finger pointing Keith opened his bag -And there in a plastic container was a PIE ! At least he did not blame us for putting the pie in his bag (I think) -- 29/11/13:Martin ?-triyng hard to get his kid into a sport- So why not Kayaking ? ?-Seems the kid spent more time under the water than on the water in a boat ! ? Might be safer playing Ping Pong kid !? JOHN M ?-back at the club -so lets do an interview !'My flat is in a bit of a mess- but i have uncovered the CD player- Now all I have to do is move some more stuff so that the door can open -then I could play a CD ! hmm doors ? -Cant shut the bath room door ?-& I can't get to the sink as the bicycle and tools are in the way ! And the stove is also blocked of (OK john we wont come for dinner) Can squeeze down the hall way to the bed room ?- & can open the draws with the sox and jocks in them -But cant see inside ?-have to reach and just grab- Well, what about the bed ? Oh thats in the lunge room, near the piano & I can watch the television. ?My motor bike is in pieces ?- part of it are in every room ? -except the wheels and engine- No room for them so they have been stashed at a friends house..?& My ex says I have a problem -She calls me a hoarder ! ??It was then that the noise started, the screaming form 40 Keenagers. you see John was leaning against the front counter talking to me & I was busy writing. ?- He then said 'I think I just changed my shorts, I got distracted & I forgot people can see me ! ?Yes John you do stand out ! And now I have forgotten if I have my boxers on ? as I am not sure ! ??and with that he shot off down the coridoor where the toilets are, so that he could change his shirt !? No Keenagers on Christmas eve morning but julie wonders if the club will open that night ?? Duncan B -asked me ' are you gonna see Trish this week ? ?-Duncan it is Friday afternoon . ?'Oh yeh ! was his reply The weeks do go quick? 27/11/13:TRISH ?- T-errific - R -eal tough ?- I -nspirational ?- S -uper effort ! - H-ero !!!? WHAT A COURAGEOUS EFFORT ?- ?to come to the club not long after having an eye removed due to cancer ! ?THANKS ?TRISH ? - you showed us how to handle hardship !? Met up with Margaret and Bev at the Glenroy Art show -Well done ladies MORE RETURNS THAN TARGET !!!!! - TRISH-JOHN M- CLAIRE- MARGARET-BEV-KIERA-BILLY MAC-MEL-MAIRI? Keenagers packed the place to the rafters again !!! ? 23/11/13:Irene tries to pay her entry in to Keenagers !Is that a 10c or $ 4 she asks ? ?'I have never seen a $4 coin Irene !' + this was after she said' A Police car with its bells ringing went past me.??It must have been Constable Plod, from Noddy + Big Ears as they are the only things I know with bells on the Police cars. Bomber Cath ?I could not find her phone number but we had Pauls. We ring and ask for her number ?but he has to fumble through the phone to find it. then he says, you can talk to her on my phone as she is here besides me ! . 20/11/13:Thanks for the birthday cards and the rousing rendition of the song led by John Alder !? B A B B A-- Contact me asap if you want to join the group going to BABBA ! ?$55 SHOW AND CONCERT - Friday week !? The next night - THE KEENAGERS NIGHT OUT AT THE RESERVOIR RSL ! ?contact Bonnie if you want to come ! 16/11/13:The field of destruction ? One name for our centre after Keenagers ! -Broken balls on courts ?-Balls in scorers ?- A drink bottle - even a full cup of coffee on the canteen ledge ?-+ 5 jumpers/jackets !? Neil CarEless without the E - He is wandering around all courts looking for his missing jumper, that had his car keys in the pocket. He was convinced some one had picked it up by mistake ! But on court 3 on the umpy's chair ? the missing jacket -keys and all .? Irene's beloved PRISONER ?tv show. the repeated series of the repeated series etc. Irene is not happy because A)??the final episode was shown + 'the baddie did not die ! ?+ B) Irene did not even realise that she had just watched the final episode.? Many thanks to DEE + ANNA ?for their birthday? poem + dance !? How come John Apples Appears on national television ?-+ then 2 days later turns up to the club with a black eye ?How come John Apples-Can walk along the Sydney rd footpath and get screamed at by a TRAM driver with many passengers on board ?How come CARO ?gets a lift to the club instead of having to walk, the moment Hubby is declared a National celebrity ? 15/11/13:After appearing on National Television -'the Project' -john Apple is prepared to sign all autographs ! And wasn't it a success ! His bowling club was the winner in this exercise ?. Hmm Exercise ! Bad Word for Macca ! - He got ' tag teamed' and now will be fronting Keenagers after all.. our Wobbly Warrior might even be on court with a bit of luck !? 14/11/13:MACCA ?having a bit of a rest after a bit of a stumble- So he thought ! the boss (Carole) has spoken- time to get up + about so no more laying around- he went and visited the Fawkner RSL! ?If his daughter gets her way -He will be at Keenagers on Friday !? JESS -Will be missing a while as he helps his wife recover from a hip operation ! Confined to barracks he claims. 12/11/13:TRISH ! OUR THOUGHTS ARE WITH YOU -Good luck ! ? Trish has had an eye operation as a tumor was found behind one of her eyes ! ?We will add more info as it comes to hand !? What will Irene do ? ?-Last night was the final episode of Prisoner on the Foxtel ! Big Macca had a bit of a fall but will be back at the club in a few days albeit a bit sore and sorry for himself . 9/11/13:CARO's CUP WEEK ! ?-Darling John buys 3 tickets in the cup sweep + promptly hands his lady 2 ! they come in 1st and 3rd. ?How did John handle it ? Well, Carolyn had to walk to Keenagers to collect the winnings- John drove on his own ! then Caro delivered the dance of dances ! after winning the Shoot Out. Not to be outdone. John the shy one ! is appearing on Chanel 10's TV show the Project next Tuesday night !- Ellen! Finally found the missing drink bottle with her name on it ! ?any one within ear shot got asked had they seen it--The the Conspiracy theory set it ?-it has been stolen ! - I had thrown it away ! ?-had it been hidden ? Maybe Aliens found it ? So where was it ? ?Underneath the seat where Ellen was sitting REMEMBERANCE DAY ? -check out the Posters on the White Board as you enter the stadium.?? 8/11/13:John + June O'Brien both doing it tough ! Hope to see you both up and about soon? 6/11/13:irene !!! ?RINGS ME ?and says' you know that card you gave me today ? ?(the one I said you will lose ! ) -Well I have lost it ! Irene made Vanilla Slices for Keenagers for Cup day. THIS IS HOW SHE WENT ABOUT IT 1- Cook the Pastry ! 2-Make up the Custard ?3- Then you read the Instructions -as she did not know how much Custard to make ! - 4-Cant find the answer so ring the company ! 5-No Answer- Funny how everyone is shut on Melbourne Cup day 6-FORGET ABOUT MAKING VANILLA SLICES But she did buy a cake last week but in here own words' made a Clerical error' . She took it to the Bowling club instead of Keenagers and it quickly got devoured ! -Tony was fine with that as he is still scraping the bitumen out of his teeth from her last cake she bought in? 5/11/13:Winners of the Cup Sweeps$2 sweeps--??Carolyn + ?Ellen ? -- $1`Sweeps - Leslie + Patsy Place getters include ?- Caro -Bob S- Madge & Bev Graham? Melbourne Cup day - And KEENAGERS is on ?from 9-30 to 12 noon !? 3/11/13:MELBOURNE CUP SWEEP - $2 SWEEP-NO 1 ?- FRANK H - HORSE NO 16-NEIL -14- JENNY-5 -STEPHANIE-2-NANCY-20 -DEREK -7 -PAUL-22 -ELIAS ? (sorry hard to read writing 1 JAN-3- DEE-21- CATHERINE -11 ?ELLEN -6- PETER PONTE- 17 -DUNCAN B - 23 -NORMA -18 $2 SWEEP ?No2 -SHARYN - Horse number 20 ?+ 19 -CLEM -5- BONNY-16- BEV G- 14 + 15 - CATH C- 1 + 22- MADGE - 11 & 3 -COLLIN W -7 -COREEN W- 23 -CAROLYN -6 JOHN APPLEBEE? -13 - DES -21 -EILEEN -17 - KIERA - 2 - ELVEN -4 -PATSY -12 $1 SWEEP NO 1- VICTOR 16- CLEM 9- & 8 -BONNY -18- GLENN-18-KEVIN B - 24 & 13 -SILVIE 22 - KEITH 11 -BOB -3 -DEE -7 DUNCAN B -1 EILEEN 21 DUNCAN B -17 MATILDE PONTE-4 - NORMA 2- BONNY-14 CLEM -12 $1 SWEEP NO 2- IRENE 11- & 19 -PATSY -7- MATILDE PONTE -13 - PETER PONTE -9 -BEV G 14 7 4- CAROLYN 15- DES GUESTS-1-JOY 20 & 5- ?JESS-23 - ALEX H (? hard name to read) 18- Elven -22- Kiera 14- Patsy 16-2-6-8 Saturday squad and again our Keenagers were represented-- 4 current Keenagers were training !? Oh ! My ! ?who said this ? -'What happened in the car park ? there is lots on glass on the ground !' -2 cars were broken into. Oh were the parked near the entrance or down the end of the car park ? They were parked right where the broken glass is ! Oh ! Don't tell anyone what i asked ! It's O K ?your secret is safe !? 2/11/13:Tony has donned the FLOATIES ?and has started WATER AEROBICS - Not to be outdone, Bev ?searching for the Bikinis so that she can join him in the pool ! CUP SWEEP HAS BEEN DRAWN ?contact me at the club if you want to know who you drew. Hope to put names and number up on web site on the weekend ? 30/10/13:THE KEENAGERS MELBOURNE CUP SWEEP ! Well that is what it started off at- A single Cup Sweep ! -day 1 and we are taking names on the 5th sweep ! --Still got some vacancies in both the $2 + the $1 sweeps Information session soon for KEENAGERS within the next 2 weeks- re 2014 fee structure / TTV registration + will try and answer every question you have! ? 2 nights out on the horizon -- BABBA ?talk to Cathy - Friday 29th November??-Windy Hill ?- + Bonny is organising a visit to Reservoir RSL -A date to be arranged-- And for Blues music buffs. Saturday 20th November at Music Land in Sydney rd Fawkner-2 blues bands $10 pp entry Hey Trevor ! 'who you talking to ?' -His reply Myself ! Oh well ! says Bev- You wont have an argument that way. How about Macca and his trouble with the Cup sweep ! ?1 x sweep original idea ! then it was agreed on 2- then 3 ?now it is 5-- How about his idea to hand ball the boards ? John Apples didn't even show up the day he started to put Plan A into play. Plan B included Keenager Duncan ?- He was a no show day 2 ?+ Plan C included Patsy ! she was found on court 4 when the board needed an update. 'Guess who still is in charge of the 5 sweeps ! and of course he has the job if making sure the money is correct ! Me thinks he might be putting his hand into the pocket as he is most likely going to short of some $'s. Irene B bought in a cake ! Well, that's what it started off as. It fell from the car seat, got swirled around the floor a bit and fair to say was tossed & turned before it made its way to the Keenagers table.??What flavour was this mess ? Hmm started off being a chocolate cake ,but Irene then said maybe it is a plain cake ? but I am not sure so Tony have a piece and tell me what you think ? He passed as he was sure that eating bitumen is not part of a stable diet !? Our girl bought a newspaper to read on the tram to and from the city. Did not finish it by the time she got back home. So thought she would read it ! ?She had 8 newspapers on the kitchen table but none of them were that days. later on she ventured outside and in a big puddle was a newspaper all spread out around the place. Never did find out if she picked up the paper & dried it out or put it in a bin or left it where it was ! Spot the Super Pooch AKA Dexter has learnt from Milly. The cakes came out of Tony's oven & he pounced and 2 cakes were very quickly devoured. ?How come they were subtracted from my allocated allotment ?? Elven' Diary -The computer ! - Put all the info onto the computer & you can't go wrong !?(take note Irene)- He had planned to come to Sundays 11am meeting at the club. All good except he turned the computer on at 3pm ! Looks like we have a winner in the SPOILT MUTTs event ! ?-Not Tony's 3 or Milly the Mutt - A knock on the door and my 83 year old neighbour not long out of hospital has bought in a bowl of CHICKEN ?for Buster ! had to get him out of Craigs bed to receive his prize ! Oh No! ?3 Bomber Caths this week at the club- more impersonators than Elvis !? So our driving teacher has been spreading the word ! --Seems Mel has been saying a lot of good words about our club ! ?Including talking to ?a good friend of mine !? 23/10/13:Arrive at the club and there is Madge on the doorsteps with her body guards ! Des's flowers ? Some are not doing too well after being mistaken for weeds by the council ?gardener armed with the round Up ! (weed spray) Another successful Shoot Out run by the Macca boys ! -are they ready to take the role on as Shoot Out organisers ?? Welcome back Ilhan-Trevor + Collin ! ? 21/10/13:KEENAGERS AT SUPERLEAGUE ? -Cathy was everywhere ! ?-Tony came in at 8am ?and did a power of work ! - Charles the master of the White board and writing the results up - Mario was watching -Louisa made a return after a long absence- Julie visited as did Irene ! - Martin come and left and his bat is still in the canteen ! Des Jones was involved in a lot of umpiring- Bill Mac was watching + Super Sharyn was the most popular person in the centre. Nearly all the players lined up for one of her massages !? 20/10/13:We know it was Tony who was training with the squad- We know it was Julie who joined in for WAR but who was the lady in red ? ?Was it our own Bomber Cath ?or her twin from the Albury Keenagers ? who ever it was they certainly showed some good form? 19/10/13:GREAT JOB KEENAGERS ?!--our 21 guests from Albury enjoyed themselves- Next year we will visit their club again So the Albury crew had 3 days on the road- Puffing Billy- Leongatha Keenagers + Coburg-- THEY HAD A GREAT 3 DAYS ! Peter Ponte- walks up to the counter- puts his $4 on the counter- Turns around and his bag has been pinched ! Well, eaten actually- by the Empty cans bin.?He placed it on the swing top of the bin and in with the empty cans it went ! -Needless to say we did not think he was going to put his bag down again during the day ! John Apples ! -Sick of the lime light ! been on Channel 31 ?-2 recent photos in the news paper-- Time to take a back seat ?- after he spends 2 days on national TV being filmed by Channel 10?? Kevin B -So proud of the Super League shirt (the size was ordered to fit Kevin) -He takes it into?AJ Loves real Estate to show them his treasure- It an't his no more ! Looks great ! The manager said and claimed the shirt as his own !? 18/10/13:BUSY TIME FOR KEENAGERS ? ?Albury visitors today ! ?Up early on Saturday to watch the telly at 8am then Super league on Sunday ! ? - Hmm !! Might need a rest on Monday? 16/10/13:Duncan ?-Keenager style -not to be confused with 15 ! was wondering why the shaving fluid he won does not lather up ? Wonder if it has something to do with it being AFTER SHAVE !? ?Norma ! - walks in and says 'where is everyone ' ? -Tony Mac - all taking advantage of free travel for pensioners. ' ?Norma 'I hope not- that was last week !' then in walks Bonny 'Where is everyone ? ' she says - Norma replies 'Don't steal my lines'. Irene got tooted by a driver as she made her entrance into the car park. I dont know why a driver doing 15 kph along Murray rd then slowing down to go into the drive way up sets anyone ? especially as they were coming up behind her and doing the regulation 60 kph. ?When we reviewed it on the security cameras Irene said' Oh the camera's lie !? Irene also had trouble with the car parks at Latrobe University -they all lead to dead ends as she took an hour to find her way back onto the main road .? ?Ok Macca please explain-- He knocked back 5 requests to go onto a court as he had his 'morning chores to complete. That is until Caro requested him to join them ! down tools and onto court 4 in very smart time. 15/10/13:News from Louisia ?- She is on the mend after a stomach operation ?-Might even be able to have a hit with us before December. A rather interesting phone call on the way home from work-Martin Slingo back from o/s ?-calls me, after spending half the night at the club-he was trying to find a way to say he had a slight problem ! ?Dont worry Martin we are all over it ! ?You see a bat was found on the courts ! and the red rubber was obviously the back hand one ?-and it had a finger mark right across it -that could only be done by a left handed player! And YES! ?Martin was the only lefty at the club last night ! It is OK Mr Slingo Tony does not read this site every day, so you might get way with this and not have it mentioned on his news letter ?but THEN AGAIN ? ?Looks like we might be selling a red rubber in the near future to some one !?? 13/10/13:SUPER LEAGUE on the television + was that Elven nearly in the picture ? Mario thought he might lean sidewards to see who that was, but it does not work with tv screens - still the same picture !? 11/10/13:NEXT FRIDAY --bring a plate day as we have 25 visitors coming from Albury to join us? Sorry lady Keenagers. Final womans only day next Monday -And Sharyn is supplying the banana cake ! Bert is nearly off overseas > He is going to take them table tennis players on again in Merimbula- Not quite overseas but looking over the seas ?-Enjoy the month away Bert ! Sharyn is helping at Super League ! Armed with the massager she will help the players as they get tired and sore during the long day of Super League. 'I'm here to meet my friend John Adler' said the visitor ! ?Hmm that might be Alder we suggested. Claire came to the club yesterday with hubby Frank in tow. And armed with 2 cakes , she was very welcome ! even got applause by all as they left ! Claire did say that she knew all the players except for one ! that was a surprise as there were 2 players I did not know, + i am here all the time.? IRENE ?!!!! had a complaint. 'Tony would not hit with me' she said ,as she was waving a carving knife around . + according to Irene ?-you can't catch a cold off anyone ! We wonder how it is spread then ?? ?8/10/13:Bev marches up to Tony Mac and says ' How's your Water works ? ' I am hoping it referred to his water aerobics ? Do the camera's lie ? It looked like Sharyn + Tony ?-ended up in the same toilet cubicle ? IRENE ?-'I've got something to tell you' she said as she entered the club. She was driving here with a pocket full of Honey Comb chocolate.??She dipped into the pocket maybe once too often as suddenly in her mouth was something hard + it tasted different. I am not sure, but I don't think it is advised that you eat drawing pins, but then again who has a pocket full of drawing pins on them anyway ? I guess it is one way of keeping your hands out of your pockets ! John Apples soon followed into the hall - He + Caro had a great weekend away in Heathcote at the Wine festival again. This time there was no Grand Final to disturb them so he did not have to wander around aimlessly and he did not fall over rubbish bins this time .? 7/10/13:Irene was a visitor to the weekends Asian Champs ?-And she was seen in the car park selling some clothes ! Some were for Karen Li's baby Thomas, says Irene. ?(his name is Samuel) ?Irene again reminded us that she does not eat anything that is not Gluten Free ?- except for Chocolate !? 6/10/13:SUPER LEAGUE SUPPORTER SHIRTS ?have been handed out ?-Leanne ?- Cathy - John A (with the Screaming President on the back) -Kevin Breen has one to show AJ Love for sponsoring the event - but how about Macca ? with RIGHT ' O YOU LOT ?on the back --We might see him wear it a few times to the club ! 4/10/13:Dont you dare miss the Morning break at Keenagers/Social today ! 3/10/13:CANT WAIT UNTIL FRIDAY ? - Cuppa time ! not to be missed ! ?-bring the camera !? 2 very special events coming up for our KEENAGERS - 1-THIS FRIDAY ?-Don't miss it- a couple of special presentations to be done ! 2-The 18th of OCTOBER- A Friday? -The ALBURY KEENAGERS make their return visit - 25 guests plus our own and the club will be rocking ! A Keenager spread and a great day is planned !! 29/9/13:Kevin B ?grabbed his keys and wandered onto a court. He quickly backed off and said I better play with a bat ! 27/9/13:The day started with a BANG! -On the club door step a a group GOOD MORNING - Just like the ABC radio show GOOD MORNING SIR ! -Green Bottle ?and who were the others ? Neil Roberts can name them all - can you ? Then Bev marched in ?-+ was she if fine form ! -Cracked a joke - then took a swipe at Tony + Elven . Mario fresh from his trip overseas - had to come via public transport- and a jog from Sydney road. The car has broken down - ?2 pumps destroyed trying to pump up the bike tyres then he stripped the thread on the pedals ! Irene had to rush out to her car. She did not have her hearing aid on. She was not worried that she could not understand anyone trying to talk to her. the problem was she could not hear the ball hit the bat !? THE PASCOE VALE SOUTH ZOO HAS EXPANDED ? -And Ranger Macca has more work to do ! Latest addition is a Gippsland Water Lizard. It has to be kept separate from the Frilled Neck lizard + the cage has to be dog proof as Spot has Lizard supper on its mind. Mrs F the Lizard hides in its cave all day so not much public viewing for the visitors. ?From there the ranger has to go to the chook pen, as the 3rd Chook ' No Name' ?is being attacked by Henry + Etta. Plus Chance the original Macca Mutt is ready to pounce should a Chook dare to escape. from there it is wander down to the Piranhas then try and control the Killer katt. As for Jonah the black wolf ! It is waiting for Craig and Mario to visit. An arm and a leg is on its menu !? Bomber Cath ! Impersonating a Movie Star - there she was leaning forward + the pointer finger was waving vigorously ?-Yep !??Groucho Marx for sure ! ?-But who said ' Pity she is not like Harpo ' ?? 26/9/13:Our BBQ ?man - is also the Beer bandit ! Page 5 of this weeks Leader newspaper ?- And there he is John Appels in a lovely club shirt (not one of ours though) -+ he has a title!!! ?Gee !! All we give out at Coburg is nic names !? IRENE ?did it ! ?got herself thrown out of court ! --One look by the magistrate was enough to convince him ?it was not worth the effort -She got off scott free and stil has a licence !? 24/9/13:Sam will be missing a while - A hernia operation is required so no Ping Pong until after the op. Now he is on the waiting queue for a bed in the Northern Hospital Margaret said' What's that for ?' Hmm what does one normally use the sauce bottle for ?'? Hurryet- was in Merimbula last week playing at the Merimbula Table tennis club. That adds up to a few of our Coburg Keenagers have popped in for a hit there ! Alan Chadwick 's Spring racing Carnival might have been derailed- The 'Jewell' is injured again !? The Pascoe Vale South Zoo has been extended -4 oversized Tad poles swimming around. Hope they are not Piranhas waiting to be hand fed ! So now Tony has - 3 mutts - a vicious cat - 2 chooks which have to lay their eggs while being chased by the mutts -while looking out for the egg pinching Crow- There is the Bearded Dragon -+ the Murray cods in the tank !- When does the Giraffe arrive Tony ? 22/9/13: Tony + Bomber leading the way representing the Keenagers at Saturday training. And both trying very hard to improve their games !? 20/9/13:It has taken a while but our girl is back ?on the web site again with this gem Irene got lost in the local Ikea shop. All the arrows pointed the wrong way she said - Just like the arrows in all the streets she drives down, near her home ! ? 18/9/13:Many thanks to our Keenagers for their efforts during the Yarrawonga challenge. John + Caro even came in just to help with the BBQ. ?-And plenty of plates of food arrived to feed the hungry troups. Tuesday Keenagers ?+ no Macca but the other Macca was introduced under his new name of Steve ! - Duncan was back after touring the USA. Bev was back on court as was Maureen . The birthday song was sung for Ellen. Daphne bought in a new lady Jo, who is friends with Nancy + Derek. Margaret won her first Shoot Oot for the year when she partnered Julie, who also bought in a large plate of goodies.?And no complaints at all about a very smoothly run Shoot Out. Well done -Billy AKA Steve.? 15/9/13:Coburg vs Yarrawonga - Cathy ?sensational - John Applebee -BBQ extrodonaire -Well assisted by Carolyn and Elven. Helpers during the day include Lynette, Patsy and George - Bev bought in stuff and helped (loved her hip hip operation card but is chasing Tony Mac to give him a belt) representing Coburg -Billy(Steve) Mac- Billy F -Bert- Lynette-George-Cathy-John Alder (who made a couple of very good speeches on our clubs behalf) + watching from the side lines -Bomber Cath - Julie + Patsy SORRY IF I MISSED ANYONE BUT IT WAS A GREAT DAY -next year we are off to Yarrawonga to play.? Bomber, Cathy ?and Tony ?working hard during the Saturday Squad. Great to see the Keenagers working hard on their games. Peter Ponte - Another working hard - but at home as his wife Matilda slowly recovers from illness. Hope to see Peter back with the Keenagers soon. 14/9/13:Edis is back ?- now how long until he realises he has no bat cover ? ?He left it behind before he went overseas. ?Trevor made his return after a long absence - 2 new members - John Appels again offers to help with Sundays BBQ - + Irene, bring in a photo album full of shots of her mutt ! ?But Caro is still on the injured list !? Maybe not everyone is happy to have Irene back on the road, driving again. Some one had their window down waving their fist and dropping a swear word or 2 in her direction ! Driving at 40 kph is the normal thing isn't it ?? 12/9/13:YARRAWONGA ?visit Coburg this Sunday ?+ good to see a few Keenagers names up on the board ?-Bring a plate would be good + if you have some skills with the BBQ we need you ! ? -About 40 hungry mouths to feed !? 11/9/13:Peter Pham ?or Peter 2 or Peter our Asian Keenager- helped set up the courts on Monday night. Certainly made it interesting for pennant players. Umpys scoring table 5 was in court 4 ?-6 was where 7 should be + on it went. Peter you have it wrong ! 'Oh I did not see the numbers he said ! 7/9/13:The walking wounded ! Caro has done the monkey muscle -so no golf ! no Tennis & no table tennis. What is the girl gonna do with her life ? ?A few home chores lined up for John one suggests !? But she did supply Birthday cake ! Well done Caro !? Good to have Madge back with us ! -Where are the Post cards Bonny & Mario ?? 5/9/13:A good fight but runners up trophies for Bill Mac and John M. Got some spare time ? GO TO CATHY THORPE ?on You tube and check out all the stuff on Coburg ttc.? 3/9/13:Norma ?! haven't you grown tough since you joined Keenagers- Now standing up very confidently in front of everyone telling the joke of the day !?? ?Kiera works with refugees as a volunteer -If you plan of buying a new lounge ?+ dont know what to do with the old one -talk to Kiera as she might be able to find a new home for your old stuff? 2/9/13:'Where was Bob S &Tony Mac in my hour of need ? ?-Schools were at the club ?-Not one pie pastie or sausage roll was sold - but the Sour straps copped a flogging-- $45 worth -In other words over 350 straps were eaten on the day !? And the next group on schools come in on Wednesday ! ?Where are you Bob ? ? 30/8/13:A WIN FOR STATLER & WALDORF ! ? without much effort one might add ! - Lynette was in a flap - Her Shoot Out Hero Bob was missing and no sympathy was forth coming from S & W. -And to her disgust- the big twits would not buy a card ! ?says he did not deserve one! & that they were too expensive -Add in costs of pen paper & postage ! - Lynette finally worked out we were having a lend of her- But Bob still has no card !? CAKE ! - what people do to not supply cake ! Bonny - overseas to celebrate her birthday - Ditto Duncan B ?-while Meryvn was simply trying to hide !? WHAT A WAY TO START THE DAY - John M drops his dacs in the car park ?-Big Macca drops his hand into the managers shorts-trying to find the keys was his excuse. then Big Mac flashes the colors- He is wearing red and black- rewarded with a cuddle from Bomber cath - But Billy Mac shows his colors -he is wearing the Blues tee shirt. But Bomber shot off running once 'girls from the good old days' were mentioned. A lost night for the Appelbees- they purchased a HDD ?- but it came with too many instructions ?- too many leads to attch -And an antenna lead that could not be fitted properly ! Paul the Lizard - the latest addition to Big Maccas farm ate 6 cockroaches & 2 crickets purchased from the local shop. Maybe Irene can supply a few ? Just a pity it can't catch the egg thief crow ! ? SHOOT OUT - Big win for Billy Mac- He was offered a kiss from Kevin ! ?-Irene had trouble finding her glasses - tried 2 pair on but stilll could not see too well ?-they were buried under the junk Irene put on the table & some words of advice for Julie -Keep avoiding Irene as he is in fine form with her new rubbers and plans to spank Julies bum !? Irene ? ?Oh no !?She found a dog out the front of her house so she took it for a walk after she asked it 'where do you live ?' -A few houses down the road she found an open gate so that is where the dog got shoved ! Pity help the house holders if they come home and find a strange dog locked in their back yard or if they have a yard full of cats .Irene's back has been playing up so she bought a Massager ! All good except she can't find where to put the batteries.? 8/8/13:A post card arrived from Edis who is having a great time in Lithuania. Mare sure you take the time to check it out -It is rather unusual OK Bonny- Ilhan & our other overseas travellers. Where's our Post cards ?? Another Keenager to hospital ?- but home now BOB STEWART after copping pneumonia. But one the good side- Maureen has recovered from her flue and was able to brig in Bev to the club. Victor is off the frame ond suing a walking stick. He will be home on Thursday Franca made her long awaited return. Only to say I am off to Italy for 6 weeks shortly Bert off to Yarrawonga for 5 days just to spy on the opposition for the coming challenge. Another to be spied on was our missing man ? He was seen at the Moonee Valley race course wearing the 'COMMANDING JEWELL tie. ?Looking for way to try and bring some bucks back into the bank balance he took the advice of M Slingo on the 6th race. Well the horse was clear of the field but the wrong end.? Well done John M on the Possum control work. A pity he could not find his missing tool Box buried some where in the home ! Poor Macca-- copped a belting with the 'What do you call a cross eyed kicker ? ?-A Carlton footballer' after Saturday nights narrow loss + the chooks in the Macca farm have had their eggs stolen by a pesky crow -Now there is netting all around the chook pen. But a chook still escaped- It was chased by 3 noisey dogs all after a Chicken leg or 2-! As the woofers got close the chook would fly up into the air scwawking + the dogs bark louder and the big man with the big voice would scream at the mutts while poor Carel would scream at her dad !?Pity the neighbors ! there is enough noise at number 11 with Jonah squashing his chicken toy and carrying it around the back yard.? 26/8/13:After a busy week on the campaign trail Bomber Cath hung up her 'Save Hirdy' plackard and joined in the ladies Monday morning Session. 24/8/13:Saturday training- 3 Keenagers in action ?-+ believe it or not Kevin B produced a $50 note from his wallet-- put it on the table but grabbed it back very quickly New role for Tony Mac ? as C C C - needs an assistant. Carol the Crow Controller is busy guarding the eggs that the chooks are laying. So Tony is now also on Crow control duty. A great day for the Keenagers- Victor visits so that we can celebrate his 89th birthday -Irene turns 69 ?- Eleven is rewarded for his efforts for ' being Elven' & Bev is home and wants more visitors. Julie calls to say she has left her camera at the club. A search is done and no camera. Julie comes to the club & is upset that her camera has been stolen -Yet no one had been to the club since she left. ?Anyway she now has her camera- She found it in her car !? Norma - In the car park was asked 'are you a bit grumpy this morning' ? - Her reply ' this is my natural face'.? The McMahon boys ?in the Semi finals next Wednesday with their respective partners -John M and Cathy ! 23/8/13:Bev is home and on the improve- And welcomes any visitors ! One visitor has been Elven and he has again been a marvelous ambassador for the Keenagers. Good luck with the Tattslotto ticket Elven ! 22/8/13:Welcome back Jess ! Armed with 3 medals won in Italy at the Vets Badminton tournament The investigators have been out and about again ?- Found in the Commonwealth bank in Sydney rd were our Detectives -Charles + Tony --on the look out for the Coffee Couple ! -Seems our detectives were too busy discussing their visits to their rehab sessions + did not go too far to look for any Keenagers who might be out and about. 17/8/13:Well done Eleven. he has discovered that Victor turns 89 next Friday. So he is organising a visit from Victor to Keenagers on this special day. Eleven will pick him up (he knows where Victor is as he has visited him 10 times since Vic took ill) + deliver back to Royal Talbot in the afternoon. Eleven ?loves to help those in need . But why ? 'I came close to knocking on the door myself' he says - 'but I came back and found Ilhan' - Now its my turn to help ! ?-You rippa Elven. 16/8/13:Bonny's farewell ?- Bon Voyage to the sounds of Kevin Johnson singing BONNY PLEASE DON'T GO Alan C hobbles in- Thrown into the Shoot Out ?-But he can't play ?-But his partner Ellen is giving Tony ?a hard time because he won't play -Tony says he is playing -then he ain't so Tony fixes the problem and is Ellens partner- So Al sits down and is the latest form a long list to cop the Irene and the licence story. Suddenly he wishes he played the Shoot Out. Was all on Irene's side until she said how she turned in front of an on coming tram while doing a licence test . ?Now our lady has a guy parking his ute in her street.He lives in Carlton but can't park it there ! So Irene has a chat with him and says how her back is sore . Next thing she knows Patrick (at least she found out his first name) has her straddled over a car and is rubbing her back ! And her thoughts on being Manhandled ? -Oh! that was wonderful ! . Margaret was not well ?(Berts wife) so a quick call home was shortened as he had to rush to the table to get a biscuit and some cake !? 15/8/13:THE CATHY & CLEM ?team feature on table 2. What a send off for Clem ?-the 2 top teams meet from Wed 3- + it is played on court 2 for all to see !? 14/8/13:REUNION DAY at Keenagers -Julie was Jumping -Brian was bounding + Margaret was mixing + Bomber looked splendid in her Red + Black ?- WELCOME BACK all as we bid ?Bonny + Clem a Happy Holiday. -As they join Mario + Edis who are also touring parts of Europe Billy Mac- Very confident that a win is the Shoot Out is not too far away. ?He went to the Soft Shoe Shuffle so that he could show everyone a new dance step when he next wins the famous event.? 13/8/13:FOUND HER !!! ?Just because her beloved bombers have been copping a belting ! Bomber Cath has been on a South Seas cruise. And cruise she did yesterday - in a car right past the club- Just getting ready for her grand entrance today ! If you plan on visiting BEV - Do it quickly ?-She leaves the Dorset Hospital on Friday VICTOR - is waiting for visitors. But if you cant make it to Royal Talbot ?-call him at the Meller ward on 94907530 (thanks for the info Elven) Maureen is still having trouble with her bad cold and Margaret Busby is another who has not been well !? 11/8/13:Keenagers again well represented at the Saturday training session. Pleasing to see Tony Mac moving well. John M also seeing the ball well as he should after recording in his diary he had knocked over his 57th coffee for the year.? No Slingo !~ but he was still in shock of the thought that Irene might be training again ?+ what would happen once she warmed up and had to remove the dreaded coats ! A visit after the club closed to drop in the Keeangers get well card to Claire's house -But unfortunately no one home so we left the card in the letter box? 9/8/13:IRENE !! ?IT WAS COLD TODAY AND IRENE HAD 2 COATS ON ! ?when she started to warm up, coat number 1 got loosened ! ?Led to the obvious question ?-What happens when coat number 2 comes off ? ?'it's OK I have a bra on ! ?and she started to undo coat number 2 ?-Bare flesh ! was seen and people started screaming ?Please Irene do it up ! ?So why the no tee shirt ? They are all wet ' .?But you have a car full of them ?? Yes ! Irene and logic do not mix too well ..? Latest installment of 'Life with the Apple's' is on hold ?-All Caro will say is ' he's dead meat ! ' Now she is threatening to turn the volume of her phone up louder (OK Keith -time to find the music to OH CAROL ) 8/8/13:John M lost for words on Sunday night as he was dragged out to the performing area ' in front of all those people'. this is the man who has played Santa for the past 15 years . Has Martin Slingo ever screamed on court before ? ?He did on Sunday night ! still no match for Thumper though ! ? Another Keenager off overseas - Edis - away for a month ?-enjoy the trip I will keep your lost bat cover warm ! Geez ! Keenagers used to go to Queensland for a break - Now they all choof off overseas .? 7/8/13:Thanks also to Ellen for her work and effort on Sunday night Caro has a new fancy pants phone- It even plays OH CAROL when it rings But how to shut it up is the question ? Ok who is handy with the new phone technology ?? ROAD SIDE TRADING ! - What was Irene doing in the car park ? Bags of clothes being thrown from her car into another ! 500 garments in all -That Irene raided out of a dump bin ! And she has the other 500 pieces of clothes !? ?Great job on this weeks Shoot Out by Billy Mac -Maybe he might be ready to run it more often ? Billy Mac was seen waving in the morning to Tony Mac- ?If they got married at least they would not have to change their surnames ! 6/8/13:What goes one here ? Was Sherlock Macca sprung spying ? Or were a couple of Keenagers sprung ? Did Elven and Norma visit a cafe in Sydney road for lunch ? Yet not a Kebab on the table and the clock said it was mid afternoon ? But at least we can confirm that Victor is on the improve and he has had clothes delivered to him by our 2 do gooders ! ?But how did they end up in Sydney rd is the Question ? ?then again Macca says he never goes out ! ? John Appels, please investigate and give us some answers 5/8/13:KEENAGERS again ?were magnificent ! ?Norma ? were you out on the dance floor ? Caro Keith Bill John + John and John were !? Tony Mac was very proud of his Keenagers and must have had a good night ! He stayed to the end ! ?Lynette was brilliant ! Thanks also Charles, Bonny and Clem A great night was had by all and the clubs 70th will be even bigger and better ! ?? 4/8/13:KEENAGERS ARMED + DANGEROUS ?for tonights big event -thanks to those who are helping ! especially Carolyn + John A and Clem -Cathy and Tony Mac. CATHY ?walks into the hospital to visit Bev and is called ?THE ENFORCER ! SATURDAY SQUAD - Tony led his team well ! ?Kevin-Irene-Piers-John A the 3rd -John A the Pres and Cathy played WAR + Keith was coaching. 3/8/13:Bev is doing well ! ?Might have to ask for a bigger room as the Keengers rock up to see her. Friday afternoon and Cathy Elven + Maureen were part of the visitors in ?room 20. 1/8/13:CLAIRE ?is also in hospital ?-Most likely the Melbourne ?-Will update as info comes to hand Macca's farm ? ?Might have a new pet lizard moving in --Hmm ? the dogs have taken over the lounge-- the Chooks have dug up the back yard - the KATT ?is hiding in the dunny ! -the nephew has his eyes on the garage ! Just where will the Loopy lizard sleep ? Tonys' bed about the only vacant spot !? 31/7/13:Victor has been moved to Royal Talbot Rehab hospital -Miller Section ?-Thanks Elven for the update Joining Victor in hospital are LOUISA ?+ Bev Graham ?-We wish you all a speedy recovery Why was John M running out of the hall ? It seems last nights Pea + Ham soup was working a treat. ?But what about my poor Magpies copping all the gas and Des's garden is worse for wear !? John visited Louisa in the Alfred hospital ?-Well done John ! Most Keenagers leave their money on the counter ! -Frank MARCHED ?in and threw his coins down as if he was playing two up ! then he was 'marched' onto court 1. It was just like a day in the service again. Blue packet (the originals !) Cath walked in -actually she claims she was trying to sneak in . She was trying to be inconspicuous but once there was no change for her 'the paper money' got waved around in the air ! Just for everyone to see !? Went on a ?peace mission yesterday. Went to Tony's to try and patch up my relationship with 'the Whale' Jonah. See if Chance ?the black mutt was ready for a pat again- he wanted to eat Jonah last time we met- Plus I had to meet up with SPOT the ?dalmation, who only wanted to hide last time I entered the Macca residence. In via the side gate ?-now this is dangerous when Jonah is waiting for you to enter ! Then Spot err Dexter rushes me . Dexter is my new best mate and all he wants is a pat ! -Chance is OK as well and more pats are given ! ?But oh ! no ! -Macca ?is taking me for a walk ! ?-the back of the property . There is an area fenced off -Macca now has Henryet ?+ ?taa -2 chooks-- Add in the Cat and it is now Macca mahons farm ! then the sound of a Duck ! Jonah is carrying around a toy duck that squeaks every time it squeezes it.. + it sneaks up behind you and bites into the rubber duck ! 30/7/13:Carolyn +John A -Norma-Martin S-Elven-Edis -Bomber Cath-Charles all attended our Defib 'How to use it ' session MANY THANKS to Keenagers- Again leading the way in club functions? BRING YOUR BATS ON SUNDAY NIGHT ?_Our function starts at 6pm -And one of the first things on display will be our Keenagers !? 27/7/14:VICTOR IS IN THE AUSTIN HOSPITAL ?-recovering from having stents installed to help the blood flow to his legs. He is lonely + loves visitors ?-Already Cathy Norma and Elven have visited? 26/7/13:COME BACK VICTOR ? our mate Victor has been missing a while now-- We will keep our members informed of any developments. Back in the news - Big Tony and ?and continuing saga of the 'Animal take over '-Carol + the grand son took the 3 mutts for a walk ! Rumor has it that Macca was in quick search for a locksmith so that they could not get back into the house ! ?-As for me ? I will be armed in the AM with a bag of Doggie bikkies ! If the whale (Jonas) still tries to eat me --Then they will be slipped into Maccas coffee cup ! 24/7/13Our mate Macca - been fighting a bit of a cold ! ?Well now it looks like he is collecting FUR ?so that he can make himself a coat ! - Yes ! you enter the house and it looks like new carpet on the tiles ! ?Then the black monster comes out from around the corner and suddenly you worry that JONA the big black mutt is going to feed on you ! Did not take long before Tony's best mate CHANCE joins in and suddenly all hell breaks loose. I have now gone from a visitor - to lunch to a referee in 30 seconds. The fight stops as quick as it starts and ?+ in wanders SPOT ! a big ?dalmation called DEXTER. ?So now we know why there is fur every where ! Tony now has 3 dogs sharing his house ! -1 always wants to escape every time you open the door- One wants to eat who ever is in the house including Tony + the 3rd does not want anything to do with anyone ! Makes for interesting times come feeding the beasts . But wait ! there is more ! A Katt has also now moved in ! Chance's peace + quiet has gone !? 23/7/13:So the saga continues ! Wilpena pound part 2-- Yes ! John A did wander around the caravan park in the dark and Yes ! Caro was missing her man ! ?-but after dong a few laps and ending back at the same spot ! It was time to visit the dunny again ! Caro no 2 ! Very proud of her efforts ! No 1 to tell the first Royal Baby joke ? 22/7/13:Keenagers again help out at the club - A meeting re the clubs 65th birthday -Charles- Cathy- Lynette- John Alder-George + Elven were in attendance adding valuable contributions. 5 ladies -All Keenagers- in attendance at the Monday morning ladies only session today . thanks- Pam- Maria- Sharyn- Patsy + Mairi. John M again helping at the club -this time with covers for the ball baskets for the coaches to make sure they don't scratch the table tops ? 20/7/13:KEENAGERS ! who is coming to our 65th birthday on the 4th of August ? ?-We plan to have a Keenager demonstration to show our past members that you do not have to compete to enjoy our great sport. Who is up to do a demo on the night ? 19/7/13:Latest installment from the Happy Holidayer !?Not all the mishaps happen in Heathcote ?- We were reminded about the trip to Wipena Pound- A late night visit to the gents from John. All good ! Until his efforts to go back to the van ! ?- It was not where he thought it was - when Burke + Wills Apple's walked aimlessly around the caravan park in the dark and kept coming back to the same point, he figured out his inbuilt GPS was not working ! Next time he vows to take a CC -- Caro + a Candle !? Irene ! ?-trouble with arguing with a tram and not wanting to give right of way to one -while doing a licence test--next step and she was asked a few questions ?-- 'you appear not to know the road rules' was the explanation given to her . Today it was parking time and our girl realised she parked in 2 car spots (lucky no one noticed ?+ at least she used the car park entrance and not the concrete 'hurdles'. ) So we gave her the eye sight test as it might be useful to be able to distinguish colours ! Perfect ! as she assures us the new table in court 1 has a purple top ?as has the other new table (which we have had on court 2 for over 2 years) - Well in my books it is Blue ! and Caro even bought into the argument and waved a Purple shirt -Sheedy style - under her nose ! By the way Irene ? What color does Fremantle play in ?? The nag !?-Commanding Jewell -Photographed for the Herald Sun -minus the part owner ! (He could have displayed his new Blue Coburg shirt ! -) But the photo was taken just before day break at the training track -Alan made it to his own cot an hour earlier ! He thinks the traininer shojld train his horse at 4am- Alan is still up and about then !? And Big Mac ! ?Your son visits the club and you jump onto court ! Today we were blessed with the Brother Bryans visit and all you did was safe guard Elvens biscuits ! Would not even partner Cathy in the Shoot Out ! Des J did and into the final they went !? 18/7/13:Peter Ponte ! -Was reminded by Norma that he was playing last night (Wednesday) -Oh I thought i was playing next Tuesday was his answer. Then he forgot the starting time ?so rang me up and added 'What time is the Defibulator course being held this Sunday ? -Well actually Peter it is on Sunday week ! ?-Maybe next birthday we might buy you a diary !? Norma made her competition debut ! And won a match -She partnered Peter Ponte + they narrowly lost against Clem and Cathy. -John A won his first match for the season and Alan C was on fire !? 17/7/13:Bev has made the curtains for the back room ?-What a great job she did ?-Cathy did heaps of work again and John M worked in the club for quite a few hours. - Mairi helped out with the material for the doors ?that lead onto courts 1 -2 + 3.? GOOD LUCK JESS -Bound for the World Masters Badminton tournament in Italy ! - HOPE YOU DON'T GET RIPPED OFF ! bring back a medal ! Installment no 3 of the Applebees Grand final day in Heathcote- It is true John left the van because of the Caro's carrying on-Down the road to the Wine festival ?he went - + he came back to the van worse for wear ! after sampling a wine or 5. Stumbled over the wood ?-wobbled inside but it was not wine that was spilling over- Claret flowing from the cut from the knee down to the shin + not too much sympathy from Nurse Carolyn who had to patch him up? Where was our leader today ? Fighting a cold ! ?but on the way to recovery and might be back on deck on Friday ! In his absence Clem to the rescue to play comp tonight ! + against another Keenager Peter no 1. 13/7/13:WHAT POWER DOES TONY HAVE OVER THE COUNCIL ?? - Only took one phone call regarding the water which sits in the gutter outside the front of his house - the street has 50 rubber cones spaced out along the street- the worlds biggest tractor digging a crater + 20 work men armed with shovels !- repairing the whole street !! Victor was fascinated with John M's hair do - "he looks like a Zulu' says VictorJohn was not his his chirpy self this week. A hard training camp and a few nanna naps., then sleeping in most mornings. Wonder if waking up at 2am to watch on Channel 11- Charmed- JAG - Judging Amy + 7th Heaven until 6am has anything to do with it ? Heathcote part 2- So John has to leave the caravan because of the noise (web site keenagers section 10/7) -A winery visit was required but when he got back it was he who made some noise -he smashed his knee as he walked into a pile of fire wood !? 10/7/13:Who were we thinking of ? Both Tony + the manager were thinking of the same lady when we heard that a Fitzroy North Supermarket had a car drive in through its front window ! Don't really know what made us think of Irene ? Norma's birthday and her first chore ? Play Leanne's hair ! ?She did a great job then said 'I have not done this for a long time '. Birthdays ? Would have been Kevin McCuskeys this week -An original Keenager + our resident Poet.? Luke again out?in the 2nd round of the Shoot Out. This time he lost to the eventual winner -His younger sister Hayley + her partner Clem BEV -Good luck with the Hip Operation ?-We also won't see Sam for a month after Friday -he is taking over the?'driving the Grand Kids to school' duties. Trevor ?- Made a grand entrance onto court 1- A pirouette on the steps and he pushed his arm through the netting besides the door in the entrance. A few repairs now required on the netting -Trevor survived the ordeal . - But Trevor just might have entertained the people on his bus on the way to the club. He arrived with the head set on ?-But the speakers were not facing his ears- They were facing out wards for everyone to hear !? Tony is concerned ! People used to throw beer his way - But a visit to the pub last week ?-+ he devoured a pastie- a visit from Brother Brian -2 more pasties and now Daughter Carol also delivers 2 pasties ?- 5 Pasties in 2 1/2 days is a new record for Macca. Brians Pasties were bought in Heathcote - Isn't this the town where the Applebees had a caravan and were in it last time the Magpies won a Premiership ? And is it really true that John actually left the van as Caro was making a bit too much noise for his liking ! ?An afternoon on his own was a bit more peaceful.? ?8/7/13:Last Wednesdays Round Robin ?- Charles Runner up ! John -Caro + Clem also played Next Wednesday night ! A HANDICAP event - Limits are -Craig is on - 20 ? - William + Alexandar are on + 25 - -All matches are up to 31. Round Robin groups ?- so you are guaranteed a few matches ! ?$2 entry 7pm start next Wednesday night.? 1/7/13:Keenagers are still on during the school holidays ?-9-30am to 12 noon ?- Only $4 per person. Cathy might display her new shirt as New shirts are in vogue ! Could be some new clothes on display by one of our stalwarts.? 28/6/13:A morning with Irene ? ?Well actually a few minutes that cost you an hour or so ! -She cuts the cake-- and there is a lot of it on the floor ? -Wanders over to make a cuppa ! Get the milk - + may as well pour it on the floor because that is where it ended up !? Then the real problem ?-A driving test soon and she is obviously not quite sure what a STOP sign means. She does stop -then cribs up into the middle of the intersecting road for a better view ! then she is not sure who she has to give way to ! Personally, ?I think it just best to leave the roads in North Fitzroy clear -You could not be sure where she might pop up !? 27/6/13:The name JOHN is making a come back to Keenagers -7 was our record ?-But now only John Thumper ?Club Pres -John Apples- Media magnet - + John ?O B still makes an appearance from time to time. Now we have John Chadwick courtesy of Trevor + our Keenagers Pres Big Mac received an e mail addressed to John Mac !? 25/6/13:Trevor W thinks that Keenagers is not on long enough ?-Yet he is the one who arrives late and leaves early ?? Tony Mac ? Watch out Big Brother (or is it big son ?) is watching you ! ?-Tony Jnr visited- Checked out the venue but before he could talk to any one about his dad he was whisked away to the back room ! ?Don't know what happened but after he escaped he was not hanging around for much longer ! 21/6/13:Piers a new player walks in to join Keenagers- But first off he grabbed a biscuit or 2-- Then was mugged by Irene and had a kiss and a cuddle ?-All of this before he even waved his bat in anger.? ?Trevor wants to know why tony call Mr Chadwick Alan -when it is John . Also Tony is the blame (according to Trevor) the reason why John Chadwick hits the ball so soft !? John M returns but was saddened when at the morning tea break at Tuesdays Keenagers, he noticed that he had not washed his cup the last time he used it ?- 2 months ago 18/6/13:Peter Ponte is unlucky that his secret is out- But it needs to be shared - The club phone rang and the call was for Peter but the Loud speaker button was knocked on - 'Are you coming straight home -as your sister is here for your birthday ! ' ?says his wife OK Peter ! Where is the cake ? -'Well according to my mother I was born on June the 17th. But my father never registered me with the Registry until July the 2nd. So that is my official birth date -And now I have 2 birthdays a year. Peter ! you owe us 2 cakes ! She is back ! IRENE - Our girl -took a lady for a drive - for a licence review test - Went too fast over most of the speed humps. One of them she did not see until the last moment so nearly put the 'test lady' through the windscreen. Onto the Freeway - traveled too slow in the wrong lane -yet still managed to turn left off the Freeway. A bit later thought she may as well put the car in front of a tram ! So John M pipes up with ' When I first come to Melbourne I overtook a tram ! As for Irene - She hopes she has a different Tester next week ! ?As for the Tester, we believe she has asked for the day off !?? The MUTT-- Irenes neighbor now regularly walks the mutt ! recently she put a noose around it neck and walked Milly from Fitzroy North to Bell street + back . ?No wonder it has short legs !? TREVOR ?could not get his partners attention - the Semi Final but Trev's partner was not moving' So he called out 'JOHN JOHN JOHN ! It is hard to understand why his partner Mr Chadwick (Alan) was so rude and ignored him .? ? 17/6/13:No time for play on Tuesday morning ?-ITS STORY TIME - Clem will tell us about the work crew he supervised on Saturday -Billy Mac is back -He will give us a lecture on his operation - John M will let us know about Perth and his WA trip + the Screecher returns ! JULIE ?will inform us of the European trip and 'good old Turkey !'? 16/6/13:Well done Clem -Helping with the arrival of the Snooker table -But before joining the work crew he was on table 7 with Earn the Chew Train learning the finer points of our game. He is due back this week .. John M ?- now when is Julie coming back ?? 15/6/13:THE KEENAGERS SHOOT OUT ?-Lynette has not been going so well in Bob's absence- He comes to the club ?-+ is drawn to partner Lynette but he cant be found ? He was hiding behind the White board !? Our Bill's have both been unwell ?- Billy Mac returns next Tuesday but Bill Farrugia had a fall on some steps- he is still a monts away from returning. 11/6/13:Felt sorry for Big Macca ? well not really ! ?He had to contend with ?Martin + I and Mario later in the week and no Billy Mac another Carlton tragic to support him. Then in came Bomber Cath. 'I am not gong to say anything to Tony about Essendon beating Carlton.' Then the laughing started and Tony copped it for 10 minutes. The only way he could shut her up was to march her onto court and join in for a game of Doubles.?? 11/6/13:Round robin event today at the club -30 competitors. + 3 of them were our Keenagers. Martin Slingo was leading the 2nd division for the first 2 hours - But then it must have been coffee + biscuits time -because he stopped to a walk !? John Alder was heard more than he was seen ! ?and the 3rd Keenager was Peter Ponte making his debut into competition play. 9/6/13:Own up some one ? ?-Who said to the President (John Alder) - Are serving or throwing up ?? 5/6/13:What happened on Tuesday ? The club was opened + no one was on court 2- Tony had to bring in the bins. ?+ our 2 Bills (Farrugia + MacMahon) were again missing !? The Original Kath marched in - turned around and said ' Hi Tony, I did not see you there !' -after she walked past him. Time to change the glasses girl .? The SILENCER Told the Pres. John A to be quiet + quiet he was. How long does Madge really think he will be quiet for is the question.?? 3/6/13:What you say might be used against you in a court of law !. These are the words spoken to Irene. Just before the Police left her. Apparently you should hold a current licence when you drive ! ?Irene's favorite TV show is Prisoner. Maybe she can soon feature in her own real life version. So she had to go to Vic Roads. -This she did via Public transport but on the wrong tram of course.? Bonny was busy telling the jokes recently. But one person not listening was Clem. he was organising the top 4 for his next game of ping pong. Bill McMahon ! All is forgiven and you are welcome back . Been missing a while has my mate Bill. Wednesday night?- 25 juniors in action - But the Keenagers will be represented by John Apples -Tony Mac- The good Colonel Cathy - ?+ Alan of Commanding Jewell fame. 2/6/13:Invasion of the Irish -Wednesday night ?+ 4 McMahons will be in action ! -Yes Big Tony hits the come back trail ! but it seems he also bought in 3 distant relatives ?? 1/6/13:Welcome to our latest member Denise. She popped in for 10 minutes- ?Had a hit with the M & Ms (Madge & Maureen) -Played the Shoot Out- then had a little chat with Bonny - + left 1 and a half hours after she arrived !? There WAS NOT a car Boot sale in the car park - It was Irene searching through her car for something- Talking about her car- The police pulled her over + asked was she on the move ? ?Just maybe a full car of junk is not the normal these days !? 16/5/13:WE ARE BACK ?- hopefully all the Web site problems are over !? Friday a phone link up with John M who is missing us while in Perth ?-Now he is car less -After smashing into a motor cyclist-- And the owner of the motor bike is very happy with Johns driving ! the Motor bike had just been stolen Tuesday's 6th birthday bash ?-Was great ! thanks to everyone ?-Irene's pav was wonderful ! -Did not have to worry about her Mutt eating it ?-It was too full after stealing Irene's dinner the night before .? GREAT POEM ?-Hanging in the Keenagers Korner- from John and Carolyn A--OK ?- average poem but great Subjects !?Seriously though a great effort from the Appelbees.? Get well BILLY MAC & ELVEN ?-both having spells in hospital !??But both on the improve .? Got the WHISPER !?-One Big Mac is playing pennant starting in June !!! Watch out opponents ..Combined with the girl with the Grizzly - they will make a fine team- Other Keenagers playing comp ? Allan C (bet he is late) -Des J -Derek W -Charles S- John A + Martin S ? 8/5/13:Today (Friday) Eleven goes to the Austin Hospital for a serious spine operation .. We wish him well and will put up info on web site as it comes to hand. 8/5/13:Well done John and Charles -a fine report on a fine event at Albury. KEENAGERS turn 6 next Tuesday -Bring your finest Keenager memory along to share with the group during the morning tea break. ?Guess the Keenager DVD will have the dust swept off it and played !? Irene ! has discovered a new way of shutting her Mutt up + stop it barking - She put her hand in front of its mouth ! It was then too busy to bark- It bit her instead. Not sure if Doc Harry agrees with this treatment ! Did Clem really call Patsy, Julie ? ?Maybe he is missing our Turkish tiger. More on last weeks famous birthday bash for Maureen -Out for lunch was the plan- Left home at 10-30am -home at 10-45pm? 2 x Johns - 2 x Neils - there is 2 Duncans- 2 Peters- 3 Caths- 2 Tonys?but only 1 Irene ! Fridays ?breakfast- a Chocolate Honeycomb. 2/5/13:KEENAGERS FROM COBURG WILL BE REPRESENTED AT ALBURY THIS COMING WEEKEND thanks to Charles + John Alder.? Last week we got the SCOOP from Bev the Bonzer. -She reported that Maureen was missing last week as it was her birthday which meant she did not have to supply a cake. That is fine but our Coburg choir awaits her so that they can sing our Happy birthday song to her. She is not getting out of that ! 28/4/13:-How good were the Keenagers on Anzac tribute night ? VOTING PANEL ?for best player in the event- Bill McMahon -chairman ?+ wasn't he comfortable with a microphone in his hand ! -Charles looking splendid on this special night with all the Medals neatly in place -Tony Mac always a great help to this club. Frank Hurley marched onto the centre stage with the soldiers. Then he recited a fine poem !? The lights man Elven - Cathy doing everything and Maureen and Bev.- Julie one of the loudest supporters - Keith opened the event for us. Silvie was watching ? -And sorry to the Keenagers I missed but thanks for attending. 26/4/13:KEENAGERS ?prepare for tonights major event- Tony been painting Cathy still running around ?-Eleven the important lights man -Billy Mac and Charles are part of the voting panel to decide the winner of the Bill Sibbison medal . Frank to prepare for his all important speech. Hope to see a few people at the club and hope that they all enjoy the show ! ? 24/4/13:Julie arrived -new hair cut + driving skills to match Irene- Not only looked like Irene, but parked her car like Irene- took up 3 car spots ! entered the hall and had Claire say' good morning Irene. QUEEN tribute band night out- Good work from Cathy ?to organise the event. Heaps of ladies chaperoned by 2 fine gentlemen Martin + Allan Chadwick. Well done guys . Monday mornings ladies only 9-30am to 11-30am ? -ALL LADIES WELCOME ? 19/4/13:John M's last day at the club for 2 months- Enjoy Perth and we will see you soon John. Tony Mac -armed with paint brush and some junk artillery ? ?but he still set about painting the place preparing it for next Fridays Anzac event ! Cathy still working hard on club issues ?- has a group of people off to see Queen the tribute show tonight - Hope it is good but not quite as good as Mainstreet band on a Sunday night ! 17/4/13:Did she really say that ? ?Will she own up ? - Who said to the clubs President ' you can play on this table as long as you aren't noisy'. Did not work- Thumper's scream was soon heard all around the club.? 10/4/13:WELL DONE BONNY-- big turn out of Keenagers for Saturday's night out Congratulations BERT ! on your 80th birthday !? Wednesday night ? Is this a new Keenagers night out ? ?Cathy- Clem- John A-Charles - Julie -then in walks Bev and shortly after enters Tony !? Anzac commemoration ?event- Friday 26th of April 6-30pm start- Keenagers well represented - Cathy organising everything. Keith to sing a song- Frank to give a speech on the War. Tony one of the voting panel to choose the best player on the evening !? 6/4/13:Thanks Ken from the USA -he has made a donation towards our Anzac day event. Just when we thought we had Norma under control - Calm, Quiet +Sophisticated, she drop A Sledge Hammer ! She backs it up with I'm just Old and Grumpy !? Great to have the McMahon boys back - Bill has just sailed the Southern seas -Not the Yarra River as first thought !? Anyone interested to going to the Keeangers gathering -first weekend in May in Albury ? DON'T FORGET THE NIGHT OUT ON SATURDAY NIGHT ! -even have an extra hours sleep that night to help recover. ? 5/3/13:No fan fare -Just a good old hand shake Tony makes his return today . KEENAGERS ! Hands up who is going to the Keenager festival in Albury- first weekend in May? 4/3/13;GOOD JOB KEENAGERS ? - Plenty on hand to give Tony support and help him through this difficult time Great to see John + June O'Brien at the funeral ! ? Irene ! ?- Had a strange car parked outside her house for 3 days. This meant she had to park on the other side of the road !? So she goes out, locks Milly in the front bed room (the bed is comfortable for Milly when she wants sleep.) Irene returns and the mutt is not in the room. Panic now sets in as she is convinced the guy with the car out the front has stolen Milly. Seems Irene did not leave the Mutt in the bedroom at all. She left it in the lounge room while she went out and it was asleep when she returned. A pity the owner of the car didnt have the dog !? All thoughts are with Tony on his day- Nancy's funeral will be attended by a lot of Keenagers.. Chin up old mate on this very difficult day !? 30/3/13:KEENAGERS NEXT TUESDAY - ?Open at 9 but closing at 11-15 am so that we can go to Nancy's funeral Big turn out of Keenagers at the club on Good Friday. - But it started off quiet. In walks Norma. Not the first one in she barks ! so we made her exit and re enter with a good morning ! - And said with a polite Easter feel about it.? Shoot Out ! -Lynette who is your partner ? He is back ! + Phil stands up with both hands in the air ! looking like a prize fighter. Together they smash aside all comers to record a great team win. A prize for the winner and an Easter egg flies towards Lynette. -She drops it so at least she did not have to worry about breaking it open. But no! she wants a 2nd chance to prove she can catch once she is ready- the egg flies towards her for a 2nd time -Same result it is on the floor again !? 27/3/13:NANCY McMAHONs funeral ?- Next Tuesday 12 noon ?FAWKNER CEMETERY ? -Joyce Chapel Keenagers session next Tuesday will end at 11-15am. Cathy has been ill ?but was up and about today and joined in for a quick visit to see Tony.? GOOD FRIDAY ?- Keenagers will run from 9-30am to 12 noon? CAROLYNs Big debut tonight ! Amazing what a bit of bribery can get get you ! Norma arrived at the club on Tuesday morning + asked 'where is everyone ?' finally Jess walked in and onto court 1 they went. then the M+M's arrived - onto a back court (centre court still vacant at 9-15am) -In comes Neil and Bill F and onto the Show court. 9th person into the centre at 9-20 and still makes it to court 2- Julie ! Bert was recently seen wandering the Car park of the table tennis centre in Pambula. On Tuesday Grant and Inger arrived, from Pambula ! Claiming here for a Social visit. But had Bert on his toes ! Hmmmmmm.? Claire + Neil win the Shoot Out and immediately Julie and ?Irene claim the draw is rigged ! Kevin B Was asked to fill in for pennant. All good until he found out it was an 8-30pm start !?'My bed time' he said 'I will have to wear my Pyjamas + Slippers + the Night Cap as well !? Charles is the player of the round this week ?-Stunning form in Tuesday pennant- Well backed up by Kevin !? Irene still can't work out why people want to park so close to her car. Maybe it is because her car is always parked on the white line of the parking bay. Hun Wont join our group until he meets the leader. Sir Tony !?? Thanks everyone who signed Tonys card- It was a bit worse for wear after Irene buried it under a mountain of Onions and dirt.? John M missed Keenagers- Arrived early for Wednesday night play - A day early actually ?- Tuesday did not register- He thought the day was Wednesday. ? When injured the best logic is to be cleared by your Doctor so that you can play- Not so for Duncan 14 (the Keenager) he had to get the wifes permission to visit the club + was under instruction that he could not play ? 25/3/13:Elven + Cathy dropped into the club today and had a brief phone conversation with Tony ! -My old mate is doing it hard so we wont see him for a couple of weeks. When he is ready we will bring him in for the morning break- He can say thanks to everyone for their thoughts-then he wont have to talk to everyone individually. -We will then sneak him home, maybe he might have a quick hit ? -TONY ?we know you read this site- We are all thinking of you mate ! -Look forward to your next visit to our club? 23/3/13:NANCY McMAHON ?R. I. P. ?- TO OUR KEENAGERS PRESIDENT AND MUCH LOVED FRIEND TONY ? - we pass on our Deepest Sympathy. ?-More news will be put on this site as it comes to hand !? What was dangling on Slingo's sleeve ? ?The sports bag he was searching for ! ? 21/3/13:Keenagers Duncan -What a week for him -Defeats Sec 5 leading player - Plays against a former Victorian champion ?-And is seen watching Craig and Trent going head to head !--? Charles + John M went one better -they teamed ?up and played a match against Craig + Trent !? John M. running late for pennant (had to visit Dromana to see Angie) -stuck in traffic on way home- Gets home and loses car keys ! Gets old faithful out -the VW van -loaded to the hilt ! and it wont start ! -Then he loses his matches in comp. -But happy to have played against the boys later on .. 16/3/13:KEENAGERS weekend -1st weekend on May-Friday Saturday and Sunday -Is going ahead- 40 entries including one from Brisbane. Billeted accommodation -is available- 35 Albury members have offered to have people stay with them ! Lets hope the Coburg ttc Keenagers group is well represented ! ? Norma's been on a junk mail scavenger hunt ! -Marches in and litters the canteen with junk mail - Cars no longer have tow bars -they all have towing Hitches ! -And all the ads proved her point.? OK Bob time for a hearing aid and new glasses maybe ?- Flinders st. Station Near Norma's seats and Big tony is ignored (who could miss him ? ) Tony calls out Hi Bob, after saying 'you look lost mate '. What does Bob do ? Waddles off + snobs Tony. Janine says Martin is a lovely man ! ?OK mate ! what caused the girl to say this ? Lynette wants to start a Petition - 'Bring back Bob' after Duncan let her down in the Shoot Out Irene discovered that even at the Golf Club they have crooked parking bays as her car does not park straight there either. Keenagers Duncan was called a cheat ! After umpiring Duncan 15's matches in Pennant.? 14/3/13:Sherlock Clem on the job ! Pennant was over but Clem was sniffing around the result area ! -Checking out the leading player list- the teams list- who was his teams next opponent ? Who were the top players ? But where was Clems partner ? He shot off straight after the match - Had to check this web site to see if there was any mention of his name in an earlier article ! ?Why did Elven march onto court wearing a hat ? His partner John the Wrecker (Thumper) was waiting for him ! Elven was a substitute for Irene who copped a belt on the head from one of Johns bat swinging moments ! And yes the bat survived- It did not break Shoot Out -And Irene has her team in a strong position. But everything went pear shape. Who's turn to serve ? She had no idea- ! What was the score ? it was now 4 all and Irene was on the wrong side of the table- did not know it was her turn to serve + did not like everyone trying to rush her -put her in the right position -And try to get her to serve ! -Well finally she did -A FALT ?-game over ! leaving her to blame everyone for harassing her.? 13/3/13:the Mac boys both absent ? Whats going on here ? -Julie upset the club is opened at 10 past 9 - + Heaven forbid - last week on one of the days it was nearly 9-30am- Opening times for Keenagers/Social ? 9-30am to 11-30am ! Our Fruit/Honey Makers (bit of a cryptic here) couple arrive at separate times. One had the car and the lady had to walk in the 30 + temp from home to the club. At least she had warmed up by the time she arrived at the centre.? 10/3/13:John M -Parks his car, swing his feet out the door and notices he is NQR in a parking bay. So into Neutral, and let it roll the rest of the way- Goes for the Hand Break then remembers it does not work ! Now he is headed towards Des's garden ! Slap the Auto in park ! Not sure if this is the recommended ?way of stopping a car -But at least Des's plants were saved .? Lucky Claire - Won the Shoot Out with her partner Yankee Ken. + Won the prize from the Bob Jane T Mart. But maybe she will need new tyres to drive her to hospital, after Ken took a swipe and belted her hand with his bat- ! She now might be able to match Norma in the bruised body parts dept.? Good luck to Tony Macs lovely wife Nancy who has had a hip replacement. Nurse Tony awaits her home coming- Might just bake a cake or 2 for Keenagers ? while he is tinkering in the kitchen? 8/3/13:Keenagers today - No Tony - No Cathy ! just how will be survive ?? 6/3/13:Norma's leg injury ! Attacked in the car park by Billy Macs car- And no seat to sit on afterwards ! Maybe we should move the seat in Flinders street station to the car park at our club ? The Hitch bar (Norma's word for a tow bar) did the damage, but she at least can save on stockings as her leg is a pretty shade of black + blue !Bill was last seen checking 'the Billy Bomb's tow bar for damage. Apparently it survived the kicking. Martin Slingo was caught by the heavy hand of the manager. So that he could help Joy with her mobile problems. He now claims we owe him an hour of his life ! Where was Cathy in his hour of need ? Margaret notices the notice on the front counter. 'I don't normally go to the front counter' she says. Brian normally pays. But we have only seen Brian several times this year !? Own up ! Who said ' Collin waked into the club and delivered a sermon ! A simple hello would have been fine. Then Irene entered and gave us abuse ! then said' I can't pay. Left the bum bag at home ! Does anyone have a newspaper for her to read ??? George ! Wanted to take home Sams Chest Nuts and boil them. Lucky he stayed at the club long enough to discover he was about to eat Tulips ! Just what would have Tiny Tim thought ?? SHOOT OUT - Who was Kevin barracking for ? His team was up 4 points to 2 in the final before they did a Sam Stosur. Then on match point, the excitement was too much and Kevin fell down the hole between the tables and the nets and missed the vital last point !? 4/3/13:Ladies day- Again Cathy + Patsy were at the club. Not too long before Mairi joined in then we welcomed back KAZUKO who has not played with us for a couple of years.? 2/3/13:IRENE ?has started her Chemotherapy. 2 slow growing tumors , so the battle has just begun. Go girl !? ?FRANK HURLEY ?-Are you really 89 years young ? In world War 2 he was involved in the Darwin battle + fighting in ?New Guinea. After the War was over he volunteered to go to Japan . Frank will give his thoughts on the sacrifice and hardship endured during the War, in a moving Anzac day ceremony as part of our Anzac day event (to be held on Friday the 26th of April) Janine returned- We have not seen her lately. her view ? -'how dare family matters interfere with her social life'. Keith is on the move -Wont be too long before he is back playing? KEENAGERS ?-Take the balls home.? -Return the ball on their next visit - they leave the balls on the court- especially in the scores on each court- Poor Tony has to ?wander around after each session to return them to the bucket so that the Keenagers have some next time they?visit. Bats are often left laying around. Keenagers also lose their bat covers- Keeangers end up with bats that are not their own- Edis pays extra some times to make up for the times he forgets to pay when he comes to the group. Keenagers leave shoes, jumpers, coats but Sam takes the cake ! he rang up concerned about what he left behind ! His plastic bucket ! 28/2/13:Keenagers at the Wednesday night muster- Clem-John Appel. -Bonny popped in -Julie-Cathy-Duncan-Mario-Charles + Alan Irene is back driving ! ?& her little car was actually touching 3 parking bays ! It made Elven happy - He only took up 1 1/2 car spots.? 24/2/13:Send out an SOS ! -SATURDAY SQUAD ?- WAR- ?and no Julie ! - Then again it might have been the Keenagers annual picnic ! Only John M representing the Keenagers at the training group ! Where were the others ?? 23/2/13:Great to have 2 new members join Keenagers yesterday ?(Friday) Beatrix is from Canberra- She said 'Coburg is a little more organised than her club in Canberra'. Geez ! this girl has a lot to learn ! ? 21/3/12:John A takes a break from the Pennant -but Clem soldiers on and ?claims first blood in the new pennant. ?Clem feels that he found a real team mate ! but is looking forward to 'the Rockers return !' 20/2/13:Bev says ' I've pinched some one's bat cover ! Yes ! it is mine says Edis ! Last week, 'the Gardener, left a river - right through the club as he carried a bucket of water form the canteen to the front steps, using a bucket with a hole in it ! not impressed was our Bonny ! and she let him know ! ?So Des brings in his own bucket this time + goes one better this time, Cathy wants to deck him after he left the canteen flooded and had mud every where, but again a trail of water right through the club !His bucket had an even bigger hole in it ! our North Fitzroy North lady - Not only does her mutt disturb the neighbors with its noise, Irene also adds with her latest exercise fad- She continually bounces a golf ball against a wall inside the house. At least she does it mainly at day time 'because it is better light. Maybe Milly also ate the light switch ?? So Irene sat down with a coffee and her biscuit and gave a television show review- the Crime Channel -not to be missed - All about bodies being cut up, then they cooked the head of the person in a Sauce Pan which was left on Simmer all night. And only one person sat and listened to the full review !- The good Colonel herself ! 16/2/13:So Irene rocks up unannounced ! -Caught the Gilbert road Tram -got off at Murray rd and walked !? She no longer wants 'meals on wheels. but will ask if they can just deliver the deserts ! She loves the chocolate mousse Complains she did not see one bus on her walk ! - Followed it up with 'no buses at all on this road' -As a bus drove past us ! She complained about it being a one off thing as another passed us going the other way ! All of this going on the day she got some eye sight back - Yes ! Our girl told the doctor she was having problems seeing- The doctor told her there was a big scratch on the lens not helping things- then he cleaned the glasses ! Problem solved ! 15/2/13:Anzac day event -to be held on Friday the 26th April commencing at 6-30pm -Might just try and ask Frank from our Village to recite another Anzac day story ! during this event .. 13/2/13:New Challenge for Tony Mac- ?He plans on outlasting the Pope who is the first to resign in 600 years !?Obviously Tony plans on a few more newsletters before he retires ! Albury have done a great job organising the Keenagers event in May. Again I have found myself asked to adjudicate some controversy.The problem ? Alburys event clashes with another associations Veterans tournament ! ?-Both events in my mind should go ahead and hopefully we have Coburg well represented in both events ! A major veterans tournament and a major gathering of social players ! Edis is another who plans on another visit to the club -He leaves his bat laying around which gives him an excuse to return ? ALLANs Horse No. 3 ?-Led around the bend into home straight -but finished 40 lengths behind the winner. Allans words of wisdom ? To think that I backed it + I suspect it is a dud ! ? 11/2/13:KEENAGERS GATHERING ! In Albury 3-4-5 May -John Alder has already thrown his hand up to go !? But I am worried about his plan to go rowing on the Hume ! ? -I hope he does not mean the Highway ! ?Better attach some wheels and a big sail is my advice !? 9/2/13:Irene plans to visit on Tuesday !-Heaven help us ! Janene - Our newest recruit- How are they treating you ? Good until it was nearly time for the break ! - then they fire the Cannons -Never get between a Geriatric and a Cuppa and a Biscuit !?Is her advice with the help of Bonny !? Duncan is quite excited to be known as Duncan 14- But does that allow him to flatten the opposition (Louisa) before they enter the court in the Shoot Out ? Give the man a number and he will take a mile !? Bert is off again - Look out Table Tennis clubs on the South coast ! ? 8/3/12:No Irene today -but she says see you all on Friday. She has found a way to stop Milly the Mutt making a noise in the house ! Her poor neighbor comes in and takes the Mutt for an hours walk ! Irene was coming in tomorrow but the district nurse plans to visit her. ?-All sounds good except the nurse was supposed to come Monday and Wednesdays- then Irene got it changed to Tuesday and Thursday -now it is Monday, Wednesday & Friday -Who knows when it will be next week ? -Lucky there isn't 10 days in a week for Irene ! Irene has an appointment next Wednesday with St Vincents hospital re what is the plan regarding Irene's cancer. She lost the confirmation letter or simply forgot her appointment time. Rang the ?receptionist and asked again for her appointment time - Did not take long for forget the time again so rang hospital, and was on the phone to the same receptionist ! Again was given a time to visit.. All we know it is next Wednesday, not sure if Irene knows when though. 6/2/13:Who has been watching late night movies ? George must have seen the Deer Hunter + marches in with the big bandana on display. We wonder what he will wear when he next watches Priscilla ? Surely it is Shirley ? after Charles has been told that he is 'living in the 70's. !? Quote ! -truth be known that I have been too scared to come back to the club + when i arrived today and saw all the cars in the car park I did not want to come into the club - But now I am glad I did the Keenagers made me feel welcome. EDIS returns and we are glad he did. Neil no 2 -was invited to Coburg by his neighbor who knows Billy Mac. ?Where is my spotters fee asks Bill ?? 3/2/13:Keenagers at the club on Saturday - John M once he finally gets the shoes on it is full steam ahead all day ! Mario the magnificent is the word- Pre season favorite for the most improved improved award- Charles has a crack at the group training- Swinging 70's style-Using modern equipment though, with the enthusiasm of a teenager ! Martin belting a few balls around. Cathy down tools to join in for WAR . ?The New Neil- was leaving but in true Keenagers style, spent some time window shopping in the canteen + was still having a hit an hour later ! and Julie is the Norths side newest recruit for WAR . ?2/2/13:Mairi walks in and hands over ten bucks ! No you can't buy the building says Elven ! What did Bomber Cath say about Tony + Hurriyet having a hit on table 9 ? - That's the Rehab table Visited Keith today- Progress is slow but he hopes to be back at the club in March ! ? John Thumper -Has retired from competition Ping Pong- he plans on saving his energy enthusiasm and NOISE - for Tuesdays Keenagers. GOOD GRIEF ! ?bring the ear plugs ! Our own version of Sharapova !? 31/1/13:John M walks in so I quickly say 'give Johnathon (read his story in the news section of this web site) John replies OK but I have to get my bat out of the car. ?' Huh? 'was my reaction -Why didn't you bring your bat into the club in the first place ??Because I was going to use the robot ! OK John Don't explain, it does not matter ! but it sure has me confused !? 30/1/13:Tony takes over the role of manager ! Invites a lovely lady and a couple of kids in for a hit- Trouble was it was also hubby and a whole tribe ! -Not 2 kids ! but a load full spread out over the back row of courts !? No Irene today - She was sprawled out on the couch watching a morning matinee movie- where a lady poured lighter fluid over her man and set it alight ! ?Who says she only watches sport all day ? MADGE got Whipped ! Ellen says try the cake out I made ! Let me add some cream and add she did -All over Madge ! whipped cream every where. Missed the cake but found Madge, who looked lovely dressed in the 'white whipped cream outfit. Everyone wants to be a Star ! Keenagers Duncan wants his own court and number ! How do you prove Cathy is ill ? ?-Chocky mint cream biscuits but still no appearance !--Tony + I knocked down her share ! ? Keenagers- Mario + Charles - Christmas comp Premiers- Runners up -Derek's team 26/1/13:IRENE ?pays us a visit - + not too long before the pens + paper are being used -Tony's clip board also in action - And we were not even at the club? Arrive at the North Fitzroy palace- Tony stays in car- you handle the mutt he says. ' And sure enough the noise machine greets me at the door (damn I forgot the water pistol) So I try to talk to Milly ?-It wanted to eat me so politely screamed Shut Up ! ?-the big sook bolted down the hall way but then the real noise started ! I am sure it could be heard in the city !? So into the car Irene gets- the mutt is left in the house so don't know what it will eat in Irene's absence . Finally arrive at the club - Irene parks the bum and says to Cathy -?White tea ! Yep -She was going to take full advantage of her visit ! Bomber walks in + rushes up to Irene only to cop - 'you are in black ! going to a funeral ? Followed by' hope it isn't mine ! "She even played in the Shoot Out and all too soon it was time to go home- We all await your next visit Irene. 23/1/13: Trevor comes to pay his fees. The money was squashed, crumbled and mangled. It has been in his pocket for awhile. I think I need to get an iron on to the money to straighten it out.? John M jumped into the Shower and immediately had a fight ! Bang Clunk ! -Was worried John might disappear down the plug hole !..Wonder what the commotion was all about ? ?? 22/1/13:HUGE NIGHT AT THE CLUB - Keenagers again well represented- BEV + MAUREEN ?helped Cathy with the catering ! (thanks girls !) ?Cathy was everything ! ?does she ever slow down ?--?We had John M- Des- Keith + Silvie-Martin-Charles-Mario-Louisa-Duncan-Derek-Clem-New Neil+ Julie -sorry if I forgot some one ! But what a great night ! Large crowd and a night full of excitement and fun ! 20/1/13:Well done Collin - Tonys newsletters can now be found on our web site .? Good to see some Keenagers play WAR today - Cathy leading from the front -Julie played-+ a new player soon to be a Keenager.? Good luck Sam next week with his throat procedure. ? 18/1/13:Keith is doing it hard - HIS KNEE OPERATION WENT WELL ?-But recovery is slow and pain full - hope to see him at the club soon ! ? 16/1/13:PETER PONTE ? -Spent Christmas in Hospital due to a ticker problem. GET WELL PETER ?from all of us ! SAMBLOS- OONGA-HOONGA- these were the 3 words spat out by Sam -We might just have to ask Trevor to tell us what they mean ? SHOOT OUT- ?late withdrawal -Julie - but in comes Des and all the way to the final but carried by Thumper one suggests. But out done by the 2012 champ Neil + Ping Ping Pong Patsy in the final.? 12/1/13:PETER KORBEL 6 time Olympian (time for a google search) is coming to the club - in 2 weeks time- Guess a Keenager style supper might be on the cards ! HURRIYET pointed out that JOHN M was the Moonee Ponds CHRISTMAS FATHER- ?Not sure what this means but he does look trimmer and fitter.? JOHN the Jigger (well we do have a couple of John A's )matches into the club and says ' More Scurrilous material has been written about me' . But John a club member saw you recently at a dance with no Carolyn. And you had a dance or 5 during the night !It's all OK says Caro 'Nothing escapes me- Everything that happens at the club filters back to me. ' Obviously what happens at the club stays at the club has flown out the window COME IN ONE AND ALL ?says Tony to our 2 visitors ?-Just glad he did not ask for their $4 each- they only wanted to use the bathrooms !? 11/1/13:Irene certainly grabs the head lines here - but what can one say when things like the following happen- -She just can't work out why I am laughing when she is trying to tell me of her latest mishaps. She visited her doctor worried that the cancer was giving her the breathing problems?. She was hoping that her years of problems with her nose was the cause of her problem. FESS nose treatment was applied by the doctor. ?He whacks the tube up her nose and gives it a squirt. Immediately she feels better and breathing is easier. Irene tells the doctor 'I have used this stuff before but it did not work. But I was using it the wrong way'. (Heaven knows what this means ) so you have to put the tube inside your nose and squeeze ! not sniff the contents. Then the conversation of the latest visit by the district nurse come up. When they come I have to put Milly (the Mutt) outside. But the other day the nurse arrived before I could put Milly outside so I locked her in the front room. The nurse and I went to a back room and shut that door as well just in case Milly escaped from the front room. Now Ms Nurse and Irene were actually locked in the room. How do we get out ? asks the nurse. Irene suggests that she rings some one (dont know how they were going to get inside the house ?) the nurse said her phone was in the car ! Better use Irene's phone ! 'But it does not work 'was Irene's reply and the house phone is in the lounge room ! So the nurse got the scissors + attacked the lock and was able to make an escape by picking the lock. the poor girl has to re visit Irene's house today. Wonder what is in store for her ?? ?So Irene decides she best complain about her phone ! It cuts out some times does not ring?- Wonder if she mentioned -gets eaten by a dog - Stood on after it is often dropped and even finds places to be lost for days on end. -She rings and ends up in a call centre in India. Now she has to wander down the end of her street to use the public phone ! What happened to the PMG she asks ?? 10/1/13:A phone conversation with Irene was interrupted when Irene screams out ' Millie has just eaten the chocolate ?Mousse I had ready for my dessert .Obviously Millie can't read - the instructions were - grab the mouse ! ? So Irene is not travelling too well- Incurable cancer -so no Chemo -just trying to make sure Irene is pain free. She hopes to visit the club for a short time on Friday and to have a bit of a hit ! 9/1/13:Irene is home and so is the Mutt- Apparantly if you bite your new owners, they no longer want your company ?? Martin S - Please talk to Norma, as your recycling skills need developing. It is better to bring empty bins into the club -Not full ones or were you caught up in the morning dash onto court 2 ? Ellen offers to pay her $4 then hands over a MYKI card. Does she want me to 'take a train ride "? Why can't John M have a Hair Cut ? -His Santa hat is designed to carry the crop. If he had less hair the hat would fall off his head.? John was asked the team match score last night- In the best of 7 match format -he declared that with 2 matches to play, both teams were level. does this mean we had a tie in Table tennis and both teams had won 2 1/2 matches each ? 7/1/13:IRENE ?has been found ?-a combination of mixed up numbers- her phone on the blink ?-and many interruptions for Irene as everyone rings to see how she is when all she wanted to do was lay back on the couch and watch the cricket !?But many thanks to Cathy + Tony for their perseverance + persistence ! -Irene plans on a visit to her doctors but only her one, as the new comers are not experienced enough for her liking ! I thought they had to be qualified to be called a doctor?? ?KEENAGERS ?-tomorrow -Tuesday - Arrive early and in large numbers- Ilhan's cake has not been completely demolished and if we cant get enough helpers. Tony and I might just eat it all . 6/1/13:IRENE ?where are you ? We are a bit concerned as Cathy Tony + I have been trying to contact her. All that we know is that she was having a little difficulty breathing yesterday. But we are not the only one's concerned with the great lady. Her neighbour recently could not make contact with Irene. The Ambulance was called- the side window to the house was broken so that they could get into the house. No one was found- Iren had went out and forgot to let anyone know !? SHOOSH ! ITS A SECRET- John A -was at a dance and no Carolyn to be seen ! -Held at his Bowling club !?but to be fair - he did a good job behind the bar !? John M ?-Well he rode his bike to the club only to find it was closed -So he come to the club on Saturday and discovered the club was open for Keenagers the day before- Why didn't he read this news on the net ? He does not have a computer - Why didn't he read the last 3 issues of Tony's news letter ? ? Does not really read them -Why not call me to see when we opened ? Calls cost money !? 4/1/13:KEENAGERs are back but how did Martin S arrive late- 10th person into the hall yet ended up on court 2 ?-as did Billy Mac who was in later yet also ended up on the same table. Then there is the new comer who reads this web site - Finds out Neil is the name of last years Champion Keenager, so walks into the club and says Hi I am Neil ! Might have been interesting if last years winner was named Dorothy ? - anyway we had Neil-Martin - Mel (who we did an article on recently) + Bill mac. So how come you are the only one on the main table Bill, who does not feature on this web site ? you will be featured on your Obituary Bill, says Mel !? Did we all have a good new year ? ?Seems that Lynette's was great but she can't remember New Years day !? 3/1/13:KEENAGERS- First session for the year -9am to 12 noon -Friday (tomorrow) 2/1/13:WELL DONE AGAIN TONY MAC - the white lines on the Entrance to the front courts have been re painted- WHITE -- ?So the next person who tells him he should have painted it YELLOW might cop his paint brush in their mouth !? 1/1/13:HAPPY NEW YEAR ?to our Keenagers and readers of this site. Looks like our New Years Wish might have come true ! Sue and Phil Marchant have been sprung shopping in the big supermarket-La Manna- Surely this means cakes galore for Keenagers ? Not that Phil was much value with the shopping- He was busy talking Table tennis with Lawrence Lim !? 23/12/12:How good of Cathy to organise Irene to be picked up so that she could attend the Keenagers Break up ?- Well, we picked her up -And didn't everyone in the hospital know that we were late. . Then a return time was set but Irene was determined to be allowed an extra 2 hours leave. Shortly we were headed back to the club, but first we detoured past her house- Down Brunswick Street in Heavy traffic-Wrong side of the road up to the back of a Tram to turn into a street Irene tells us has no Speed Humps- 20 bumps later -+ doing the Slalom as there were 2 poles a car width apart every 50 metres. We were convinced that some one ahead of us was on Skis, planting 2 colored poles into the ground. To add to the excitement there were large tress making vision difficult but Irene informed us that they were not that big 5 weeks earlier. Past her house and onto Nicholson street. for the next 15 minutes all we heard was 'you are going the wrong way' + I would not have gone this way ' + shouldn't you be going the other way ?' Finally Bell Street loomed and the lady with the name tag on the frame of her glasses as she always loses them, says, 'Oh I know where you are going. i forgot we were going to the club. I thought you were taking me to Kew ! ?Maybe that is why I get lost all the time ! YES IRENE NOTHING HAS CHANGED.? The day was great but all too soon it was time to take Irene home. Elven to the rescue, with Norma + Ellen. Irene did make it to the hospital but we were concerned when Elven walked back into the club at just after 3pm -the following day. Please don't tell us that Irene did the navigating ??And can't write about Irene without mentioning Millie the Mutt. Being looked after by new owners, but just maybe 'dog isn't Man's best friend ' after the gentleman looking after Millie got up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. On return to the bedroom, the mad mutt bailed him up and would not allow him past the door way . 22/12/12:MEL BOAK - retired from work some 4 years ago. the former Accountant, is one of the social Tuesday table tennis players at the Greensborough Sports Complex. ?Mel spends most Friday mornings at Coburg. So how does he fill in his spare time ? -He does 3 lots of driving each week as a volunteer for the Leukemia Foundation. He picks up people and takes them to hospital/Doctors. All over Melbourne he drives and has even picked up patients from Geelong and Shepparton. Mel is also involved with the L2P -Vic Roads and Council run program. He takes Disadvantaged Kids for up to 2 hours at a time on driving lessons. this is to help these kids get their 120 driving hours up, so that they can then go for a Licence. Not handicapped kids but kids with Social problems or without parents to take them on driving lessons. Mel has done over 700 hours of community work. Mel has now trained 34 students in this role ! But his biggest challenge is 'completing his wifes list of chores which started in 1982 + continues to grow;. 21/12/12:THANKS IRENE FOR PAYING US A VISIT - Ditto JOHN AND JUNE O'BRIEN - A great day and one hell of a break up ! See you next year ! 20/12/12:Our final gathering for the year on Friday ! -And the BBQ will be rolled out and our own Elf ! Irene will make a special visit ! -Just maybe a short hit on table 3 with Tony might just make us that little bit more aware of what Christmas means !? 19/12/12:Congratulations to NEIL ROBERTS - 2012 Keenager of the Year. ? 2nd place Greg- 3rd-Bob-4th -George 5th -Clem Open the door for the Keenagers and Trevor says' Hello Bruce' -All good except he was talking to Tony at the time.? 18/12/12:A visit to the club today from Bob ?-A player who lives in Melton but plays at Eltham with Mel. ?-Some great stories about Table Tennis from yester year were told to me from Bob. ?Hopefully he will join our Keenagers group next year.? 16/12/12:A visit to IRENE in hospital ?- She had a tumor removed from her bowell + possibly has some cancer in her lung + liver. ?She will be taken back to St Vincents Hospital on Tuesday . Irene was happy that Bomber Cath has rang her and Ellen popped in for a surprise visit which pleased her no end. Our thoughts and prayers go out to our tough lady !? 15/12/12:Keenagers BBQ next Friday - 85 year old club legend Bill Sibbison will be on hand to meet our Keenagers 13/12/12:A day in Bendigo with Tony + Cathy yesterday. A visit to a close friend LEANNE LOVELANDs Boomerang factory ! Tony writes in visitors book ! WHAT A GREAT SET?up. But thanks to Tony and Cathy for their company on a very hot and long day !?Don't forget our Keenagers BBQ Break Up on Friday 21st December ?- + We will re open on Friday 4th January? 12/10/12:BBQ ?break up for Keenagers - Friday 21st of December ?-Bring a plate might be a good idea ! The 2012 KEENAGER OF THE YEAR WILL BE ANNOUNCED ON THIS DAY !? 6/12/12:OK OWN UP ? It is not Tony or I who is the NIT WIT ! we got Ilhans name right all along-Maybe Mario will give us an apology ? NORMAs seats are back at Flinder Street Station ?-People power at its finest -And well led by Captain Norma. OK Big Mac -Who is the nit wit ? you or I - Seems ?that maybe we might not have an Ilhan at our club - It might actually be INHAN ? 5/12/12:Collin has heard about the stampede- The rush for table 2- he arrived at the club an hour early ! -Yet he still missed out on getting on table 2. Tony domestic chores continue- Now he makes breakfast for the nephew. Trevor walks in and says ' Hello Cathy !. ?Sorry Trev that might be Julie you said hello to ! then we see the new tag hanging off the tracky pants, which need some adjustment- he tires to hitch them up and some how knocks over the bucket of balls on the table - ?he quickly calls to Julie ' what are you doing to me !' 2/12/12:BONNY THE BEAUT : - Well done !! the big night at the RSL- we all missed Tony + Irene. ?Would have liked to have seen Madge + Maureen + Frank - but a huge turnout ! 44 places booked . Did they all turn up ? who knows ?- we had maybe 4 long tables full of Keenagers. so there was a heap of us. the band did not invite Keith onto the stage to sing with them but apart from that everyone seemed to have a good time? But how about before the event . Pick up Bev- arm in arm from the front door to the letter box -and copped 2 serves in that short distance. ?Then I whisked her home to my place- Now what is the strangest thing ever to happen on your front door step ? I kid you not - Poor BUSTER ?the mutt comes to greet Bev at the door ! She had the riding gear on obviously as next thing I know Bev is straddled over my dog about to ride it ! Can some one please buy her a horse for Christmas ? ?Sort of takes 'shake hands' to a new level !? And Cathy just has to get a mention- Sitting with Elven has a couple or was that several ? drinks. turns to elven and says ' I have got my dancing shoes on Elven ! - the rerly ?? raise the eye brows, twist the chin and say Good ! and that was the end of the conversation ! ?But soon Cathy was asked about her favorite Keenager. Irene What is wrong with Irene ? she was asked. SHE HAS A KNOT IN HER BOWEL was the answer. Sort of takes Scouting to a new level !? 1/12/12:KEENAGERS Leaving things behind- Jumpers- Umbrellas - Maureen is the latest to leave a bat- We have jumpers left behind + Trevor leaves half his ward robe . Cathy does not leave anything ! She just forgets to take them home with her !? TONIGHT - ?Keenager meet at the Reservoir RSL ! 7pm for a great night -well done ?BONNY ! 28/11/12:IRENE on the improve ?-Ward 7 floor 7 St Vincents hospital -Well done Cathy + Tony for paying her a visit ! Wednesday night Grand final ?-Bad Luck Charles + Mario ?-runners up this time ?- But a very good ?performance all season ! The 4 McMahon brothers met up with each other yesterday ! -Talk about 'NOT A LEG TO STAND ON ?" -2 WERE ON WALKING STICKS- 1 was Limping badly.+ the 4th one goes for a knee operation today !? Norma's Grand Entrance- 'Somewhere between the car + the clubs foyer- I managed to lose my bat. ? Didn't the rain come down ? Standing on the porch looking perfectly dry was Trevor. ?No coat -No umbrella -Bill Mac says' He has lost a lot of weight. Maybe he now fits between the water drops. ?(maybe the Drips ?) But then again maybe he just borrowed the 'Speed Machine' -Colonel Hogans Broom. Martin S joined Trevor in a game of Doubles and it was not long before they were fighting for the same patch of turf. ?Ah ! you are left handed as well points out our observant man Trev. Then our players started entering the hall- ?Mary Poppins maybe ? no it was Maureen with the umbrella up. Mario looked like a critter from Star Wars with his coat on + a hood over his head. The Jedi Warrior himself.Next in was Brian -A coat on and umbrella, followed by Margaret. She had the Silver Shade you put on the cars windscreen held over her head. ?A very different look I can tell you. then in comes Bonny- tee shirt and not a drop on her. her secret ? - Let Clem drive you right to the door. As for Clem ? On your own Sunshine ! ?Finally in comes Ellen. the good old plastic rain hat on her head + a coat making sure she was dry and warm. Des walks up to the counter and says to BC + Cathy ?- 'How's Your whizzer ? "Deathly quiet from Tom + Jerry. Des was finally asked' what did you say Des ? - His reply 'how's iz yu ?' ?Louisa meets John the Pres for the first time. In the Shoot Out as partners- They walk off court and Louisa calls him a 'Rampaging Elephant !' All the while the awesome 4 some are playing in the Dungeon. Finally they submerge and Alan is left with a hole in his forehand and 'the claret' flowing. Just what did you get up to boys ? And why is blood coming out of the cut in Al's scone ? ? Art Show - met up with Maureen - Bev- + Margaret. Great work done by the ladies. Tony unable to visit- More domestic duties to attend to.?? 25/11/12:IRENE is in Hospital. Her recent sickness due to a blocked bowel has seen her taken to St Vincents- We wish her a speed recovery. ?Also in hospital is Cathy Colonel Hogans daughter Jess with a kidney problem- Hope she is quickly up and about !? 24/11/12:TONY IS BATCHING AND BECOMING DOMESTICATED,- Baby sits the Grand kid ! -Even gets him to bed by 6 AM ?- after sending him to shower Changed the toilet roll at the club (after a battle with the toilet roll holder) + cleaned up the cups and the mess left laying around- Even had a crack at the dishes.? ?No Irene again and a hundred calls sent but we still cant find her !? 23/11/12:DONT FORGET -THE ART + CRAFT SHOW ON THE WEKEND AT THE PASCOE VALE POOL ! ?(who said Water Paints ??) 22/11/12:The DOORs were open ! A tad late maybe but the rush was on. Bins were left outside- the lights were not even switched on . THE TABLE 2 STAMPEDE. And the winners ? Bill Bill Martin + Julie !? Bert was back in the club wearing a shirt that looked like a prison outfit? HOW ABOUT TONY's MAGNIFICENT MELBOURNE CUP STORY - Brilliant job Big Macca. ? 19/11/12:THANKS KEENAGERS ? -Cathy -Tony-Elven-JohnA - Brian + Margaret -Chrissy +Rod all popped into the Pascoe Vale pub to help me devour the birthday cake !? 17/11/12:ALBURY KEENAGERS - next April -Who would be interested in a 2 day event in Albury for Keenagers ? -Ovenight stay and players might be billeted. -2 bbq's and a meal at a club -Lots of Table Tennis ?+ everything might only cost $50 per person.? SOMETHING NOT QUITE RIGHT HERE ! Can't quite put a finger on it ? -Trevor was sent to the back courts, as was Tony yet tables 4-5 + 6 were free. ?Des was running around with buckets of water, drowning everything in sight, including the canteen, then asking 'did I make that mess ?' ?while some grey haired guy was on the mop in the canteen mopping the floors. So who was sitting at the counter ?collecting the $s talking to everyone as they arrived- None other than the good Colonel herself !? 16/11/12:Our grand warriors have reached the end of the line -Alan -Clem and John A all out of the finals race- Charles + Mario are in with a big chance though? The original Kath ! Put out to the paddock for at least 3 weeks. Injured wrist ? GET WELL KATH ?- but where did the info come from ? A Keenager playing the pokies at the Paccoe pub.? 15/11/12:KEENAGERS ?can rest easily now- We might have the answer to the question on everyone's lips- TREVOR ?why has he been missing ? - He has been busy dong his home work as a result of a lecture he received from Professor Appelbee. Trevor now knows all about Sea Salt- Please take the time to ask him what John has taught him ! NORMA ?- join our clubs committee- We NEEDS YOU ! ?Norma has the country in her hands. She is leading the protest against the removal of seats from platform number 4 / 5 at Flinders street Station . (Norma no need to go there -we can supply 2 seats for you at the club if you wish ). Norma is a fan of the public transport system, which is great but how come she leaves home at 9am yet arrived at the club at 1/4 to 10 ? Borrow or hitch a ride on Cathys broom - it is much faster ! ?How do we know ? the same time you arrived late we rang Cathy and she flew into the club as she was answering the call.? Regarding ?Normas protest- which is quite legit- Who wants to stand when you have up to 20 minutes between trains. ?you can leave feedback at .au ?OR CALL1800800007 -they will answer with a return e mail !?? 14/11/12:ELLEN ?has found her missing daughter. (38 years old ) -She was on holidays with the hubby in Noosa. We have also discovered Maria -She is back working meaning she can no longer attend Keenagers. The Day started with a BANG-??Why was Colonel Hogan -Cathy 3 - the quiet one ? LATE ? Why didn't she stop the car and talk to Tony ? Why did she park in the school car park but not get out to talk to the other parents ? How come she drove past the club car park ? Even at the traffic lights, no attempt to get out the car and say HI! Wonder if it had anything to do with the clothing arrangement ? - tee shirt- PJ pants and little else is the word !? Then we arrived at the club and I was fortunate to witness the great man trying the Great Escape. ?Big Macca trying to smooth things over with Ellen who's horse run a place in the Melbourne Cup sweep. She received the grand prize of $4.oo. Yet Ellen was flabergasted as this very horse paid $11 at the TAB. Come on Tony, Tony's TOTE should pay better odds.? 11/11/12:K A R M A -- who is the Keenager who knocked back a lift - as he waited for the bus ? ?The same guy who ended up a 'drowned rat '! as he was stuck in the 'rain'. 9/11/12:CLEM + JOHN APPLEBEE ?into the Semi finals next Wednesday night 8/11/12:SUPER LEAGUE ?and our Keenagers crew was busy helping out. Lynette was 2nd in charge to Cathy. George and Elven in charge of court cleaning. Tony Mac was everything and was every where -except the car park come grog time. Julie was watching and umpiring as was John M, + Martin Slingo. By all reports a good time was had by all IRENE ! ?been out of action a while so we were getting concerned . ?After many phone calls the message bank on the mobile was full !3 days later she surfaced ! In true Irene style -she had lost her phone. She did notice a black one laying around - but her new phone is Silver and was no where to be found. 3 days later she picks up the black phone ! It the the back side of the phone facing up wards. When she turned it over - it was indeed the Silver phone . Not a good Cup carnival for Al -lost the $s he got on 'the Jewells last effort. Oaks today to try and recover some lost funds. 4/11/12:WELL DONE TONY + the Keenagers for their efforts at Super League -MELBOURNE CUP BBQ from 1pm - BYO food and drink ? AND WEAR A HAT ! ?we might have A BONNET-(hat wearing display )DISPLAY ! 3/11/12:OUR OWN LANCE ARMSTRONG ? I think the testers need to be bought in -just in case. the Shoot Out + our leader, Impregnated ? with a Motorized Bionic hip. He grabs the overseas visitor just to win the Shoot Out. Now he does not have a worry about a Christmas present for Nancy No Billy Mac this week -ie is off to the Jazz festival in Wang. He might be lucky enough to bump into another Keenager doing the same thing. If you listen carefully Bill, above the noise of the music you might hear Thumper giving a scream or 2. A win on debut for Peter. Watch out John Appels- Clem might have a new partner 31/10/12:THE DEBUT ?! Peter plays tonight- the 20th partner for Clem this years ! And up against Cathy + the kid !? How about the DOC ?dash ? -well he was sprung wanting to wrap his hands around Cathys throat + now he has been credited with the similarities between the under carriage of 'the girl' + table 2 ! And didn't he move quickly to the safety of his treddly ! Not long after he seen not too far from Tony's house ! What are they cooking up now ? Watch out Doc - You just might end up in the middle of next week if you keep picking on the girl ! ? + another has put up their hands to join the SOC (scared of Cathy) club - John Apples ?-he his not turning up to meet her tonight on table 7. poor Peter is all we can say 30/10/12:WE ARE BACK ? - sorry to say that Bob Overs one of our former members has passed away Clem and John A are making a huge charge towards the finals ?! - Mario is in Super form -Charles is winning matches as is Alan. John A has some wins to his name and Des + Derek have been competitive in Section 5. Greg + Phil M have also had good seasons. Cathy has broken her duck ! Bill Mac has been in good form when filling in. GREAT TO SEE TONY ?not only back on the court after such a long lay off, but he even played the Shoot Out. Keith has thrown away the glasses But maybe George should wear some after giving himself a hair cut but using the wrong number on the Shaver- Looked like Billy Mac only to end up looking like Biily F. Who is the Keenager who writes herself Shopping notes -then leaves them home ? the same girl who forgets she is at the club to play Table tennis at times- Spends a lot of time having a chat and scaring people ! Just ask 12 year old Leanne or Morris.? 9/6/12:Tony seemed rather quiet ! - Hmm ! Shell Shocked to receive a card signed by everyone - Yet he missed everyone sneaking in and writing on a card that said- HIP HIP REPLACEMENT -- one month until the big day ! Tried to sneak Bomber Cath into the back room to sign the card -She was too busy emptying her pockets which were loaded with Ping Pong balls that went home with her on Tuesday. -When i said' You're a Fair Dinkum Blonde' -She replied with 'I will show you ! _I will come to the club with Black Hair' - The Defence rests Your Honor??? Then Irene entered. She walks in and says 'I am not going to say anything !' - But I fed the dog (with rat bait we hope) her Breakfast. And just as i was about to leave the dog was sick down the passage way. Did you clean it up ? 'No! I was about to leave so it can wait until the afternoon ! Irene then had her 4th Computer teacher at Coburg (Cathy Colonel Hogan) Irene bought in the Lap Top but could not open the case carrying the Computer ! 8/6/12:JOHN O'BRIEN? Happy 85th Birthday bash at Hungry Jacks on Sunday- The family have booked out the 'family room' in Hungry Jacks at Gladstone Park. Just who would want to go there for a party thought June - She had visions of the 2 of them sharing an ice cream ! It has now swelled to 40 people ! So June had to book the room. the young lady?asked and 'what is the name of the child having the party ?' -? She nearly fainted when told that it was for an 85th birthday -for Jack at Jacks!Now word has it that June was seen skate boarding recently ! Maybe she might deliver the burgers on the Skate board ? Every chance we still might make it to Albury- A few people have put up their hands ! Maybe the Thursday could be an option- Might have to make a bed up in the back of the bus for Alan. He does not like to surface before midday. Who is getting grumpy in their old age ? - A keenager in the back room on the Robot - Not happy Jan, with a little bit of noise from 3 teenagers playing a bit of pong on court 10. -even had their parents on site supervising. Martin says the kids might have bit a little bit noisy ! 6/6/12:ALBURY visit in JULYSo far less than a dozen have replied-? If we go the group is divided between going by cars or with the Bus. -We should make the final decision in a week 5/6/12:The Lip stick was spread around her chops ! - The Scarf could have been tied tighter as it was swinging freely + her voice was heard as she entered the door- the Lions fluked a win and the poor Bomber & Blues supporters were about to hear from Cyclone IreneBut we do feel for the girl- Her home phone is still not working -It has been connected but the plug has disintegrated.?And finally when we explained about who was coming?to the club next Tuesday- she started rambling about a show on FOX footy where 2?guys played different sports?- Yes ! she was talking about the very show we had tried to explain to her. She knew all about it how it works who is on it? - but of course she refuses to watch it?as she does not like it ! Another with Jibber Jaws problems is our good Colonel !? -Poor Hogan (Cathy) was about to unleash her skill onto a court when Macca called out 'Shoot Out'? 'Oh No !? was her call - I have not even had a hit yet. ' She complained - It was 11-30- she had been at the club for over an hour and was now on her 3rd cuppa + had been too busy talking. Blame Tony for keeping you off the court is the best advice one can give ! 4/6/12:TUESDAY 12th of June - 9-30am?to 11-30am?FOX SPORTS ARE SENDING JASON DUNSTALL & SPUD FRAWLEY? TO PLAY IN A TABLE TENNIS CHALLENGE DO THE KEENAGERS WANT PLAY AGAINST ALBURY KEENAGERS ?- We can hire the 15 seat bus @ $30 a head - during the week of the 2nd to the 6th of JulyWhat day suits best ?? Please let me know ! A couple of courts might be?unavailable ?to the Keenagers for the morning on the 12th ?but with a good size crowd -it should generate plenty of interest. 1/6/12:The girls -Maria and Irene - returned for their 2nd computer lesson. Irene was excited she was finally going to learn about E Bay she thought - A chance to sell her junk ! -$'s in her eyes turned to tears - She learnt about E Mail ! not E Bay- and now another computer instructor has been given the bullet. 30/5/12:THANKS KEVIN BREEN -? Who donated a $100 Bob Jane voucher? to the Winner- the original KATH C -- who used to be Cath but it is now spelt KATH The Appelbee's found the stress of organising the Shoot Out too much ! -So off to Queensland for a couple of months -A visit to Longreach will be a highlightBut you think that after the car problems she is having - they should take Irene for the ride. -Fill up the van with her clothes and goodies- and spend the evenings sleeping under the stars -as there would be no room left in the Buggy ! Why take Irene ?? well, her car broke down- In Spring street- Heavy traffic so she climbed over the gear stick- over the hand brake- then hurdled all the junk in the passenger seat- rolled out the passenger?door and harrassed a poor jogger for the use of her phone as Irene's molbile is like her house phone- Out of action !- the RACV were now on their way-1 1/2 hours later- they arrived and by this time the battery in the car was also dead !? -Yes our girl was impatient and kept trying to start the bomb ! So $140 for a new battery- of course Irene kept the old one -just a bit more bric and brac to collect- But the car did not start- Funny how cars do not work IF THERE IS NO PETROL IN THE TANK -- C'mon Appelbee's surely there is room for her on the trip ? Thanks Collin M for the following - 29/5/12: Collin here all. Just thought I'd relay some moments from attending the Vic Veterans Open at MSAC on Sunday. The usual Coburg suspects were in attandance, King Eddy, Patto, Prisca and Jim Kilderry, though it took me a while to recognise him without the Heraldsun banner over his head :) The highlight though had to be the great Des Jones. This man brings a smile to my face before I even get to speak to him but he floored me Sunday. I was at the control desk and a match came up for Des and as luck would have it, he was passing the desk at that time. The lady calling the matches called out to Des as he waltzed past chatting to his mates completely oblivious. She called him again and still no response. So she picked up the microphone and just as Des stepped in front of the rather large speaker called Des's name again and again no response, mind you they could hear the PA from Brunswick. She called again but louder, then again to the point of almost shouting into the mic. By this time most of the people in the stadium were waving and pointing at Des but let me tell you, it must have been a great conversation because he was halfway across the room before folks started stepping infront of him and physically turned him around back to the control desk. Of course by this time there was no one at the desk as we were all on the floor in stitches. Another?to have hearing problems is?Irene ! She had her ear piece in - but with no batteries in it. Out ot the tip-? err -Car- and she has the wrong size batteries- Maybe she should attach the spare battery from the car. !? 28/5/12:Just who was the latest Keenager to try out the Saturday coaching squad ? IRENE ! -Keith went out on strike ! Mr 15 had a extended lunch break and Karen + Percy announced they will be taking holidays !But Irene nearly did not make it to the training ! -Lost in the house was the collar that electricutes the Mutt ! @ $75 a throw this would have been the 3rd one lost.Me thinks a visit to the animal hospital is a cheaper option. Irene and Maria went to? computer learning lessons. After one lesson Irene ssay she is ready to take on E Bay & sell her 2 1/2 thousand garments cluttering her home. As for her car ? A member rushed to the counter worried that some one in the club must sleep in their car as there is so much junk in it. What was confusing was that on top of the junk piled up to the roof were the groceries. ! Billy Mac - thanks for the hand !? 'Quick Bill call out to Stuart before he drives out the car park'. who does Bill call in ? BOB? - (Sterwart) -Yes ! Bill is from the era when everybody was called by their last name.Talking about Bob S. What does this man know about Aussie rules footy ? Obviously nothing at all, as he picked all 9 winners in the last round of the AFL ! Anyone with any knowledge of the game - could not have done that. 24/5/12:He is left handed- Follows the Bombers- Likes giving lip to Tony-+ He chucks a mean Boomerang. - Now he rocks up to the club to help man the canteen as I was a bit busy.? . Well Done Martin S. Wednesday comp tonight -round 1- And a few Keenagers in action - No George so Alan had a fill in we all know- Club Pres. Thumper himself- John was a little bit more noisey than George. -And they had to play against Clem with his new partner -+ who should be scoring ? -Another Keenager-Julie. On the next court, Cathy- Colonel Hogan was playing and she could not escape the carnage !. What is the penalty for having circles in the result section ? 22/5/12:John A gives us the flick in assisting with the Shoot Out. So it is left to an injured Pres to help run this prestigious event. The first match on centre court was disrupted before we even started. Gentleman John V - saw the commotion unfolding but still marched onto court. But where was?his partner ? -She was surrounded by would be helpers. Irene was being swallowed up by that vicious Red Chair- Sinking quicker than some one stuck in Quick sand - A victim of a big chair with a soft middle + a heavy posterior sitting in it.? No chance of Irene getting out of it without the help of all the Keenagers. Finally play got under way- The Sling + Bung leg were giving the chief steward the go over for giving the peoples favorites a dream run to the final.? When they led 4/2 in the final, all bets were being cashed in. But Beat them Bev + Bill With Skill Mac - won the next 3 points to steal a good victory. 20/5/12:KEENAGERS ARE NOW AN OFFICIAL SPORING GROUP - We must be as we can claim our first HAMSTRING INJURY? - Edis left early after twinging the Hammy Our girl ! 'Can you SMS Foxtel for me '?? -OK give me the number ? 'Do I need a number ? Oh! Can't you send it to the Television station '? And Bob's friend visited the group-? When asked her name ? Bob asked his friend 'err ! what is your name '? 18/5/12:Keenagers morning tea today ! -the snags are being re heated ! Wonder if Alan and Elven make it in time ? 17/5/12:2 Keenagers showing real form in another sport ? -Boomerang throwing enthusiasts in the making maybe ?? Easy to find?! Look for the 2 Bomber Supporters with the sore shoulders. WELL DONE KEENAGERS- A LARGE TURN UP TO HELP CELEBRATE 5 YEARS OF KEENAGERS AT COBURG TTC Great work Bonny on organising and bringing the food ! -Clem + John A? great job with the cooking - Cathy the Colonel helped with the setting up and cleaning - Clem also did more than his share of cleaning. + Tony joined Madge on the side lines and ate a snag or 2. Loved Dereks entrance only to be grabbed by Bonny who?remarked about his beard ?'Its growing -Now you look like a real Derro ! -Followed by ' You look like the bloke who stand outside Sex shops- Then Bonny warmed up and delivered - ' I take no prisoners + I (B H) have a sharp tongue !' Irene (cant leave her out ) - loves her footy ! She feels that the St Kilda player -Ahmad Saad might not be of Aboriginal decent- Good guess Irene. 14/5/12:CLEMS COOKING ! i CAN SMELL IT NOW ! -Keenagers 5th Birthday? - The BBQ will be smoking at 12 noon today DES time to make a sign ! your garden ! some one thought you were growing Spring Onions 13/5/12:Billy Macs quote no 2- Had something to do with losing the Shoot Out- Seems he wants weight for age introduced ! Des would have to carry 3 tonne ! BBQ on Tuesday to celebrate 5 years of Keenagers at Coburg 9/5/12:No manager ! No Keith -No Tony Mac so Bonny took care of the Keenagers and managed the club as well.??The Shoot out was even done in our absence.Who was the Keenager ? - who asked for change of $100? - then could not pay the $4 entry as they could not find their money Bev Monet-Picasso sold her first painting on the weekend ! - Trevor is on the mend after a bout of CFS but where is Sam ? 5/4/12:Billy Mac- Wins the Shoot Out and says ' a very popular winner !'Maude - Kicked Clem - Belted Bill just to get to the chair besides Tony ! - All because 'that is the chair I want to sit on ! ' 3/5/12:THE SHOOT OUT?? -Was always going to present problems once Kevin announced he had a prize for the 2 winners. No John A to assist -Julie was in as was Irene who was leaving one hour earlier.? When the final was over Carolyn stepped up to the plate and presented the prizes. But Kevin is missing soon - going to Queensland for his birthday. One way of not having to buy a cake for the Keenagers! but dont worry Kevin- the birthday will follow you where ever you go. -Maybe an overseas flight where you miss a day while flying might work ? MAUREENS? 80th birthday bash was held at Werribee Mansion. - The guest list included her son and 2 of his children -who flew in from Broome for the occassion. A cousin from Sydney also rocked up. Maureens great grand child was in attendance and a lady who went to the same college when they were 20 years old thought she might pop in to say hi.? Neighbours from her old home in Arndt rd + friends from Sunbury helped make this day special. Details of how the event went become a bit sketchy after that. 'Scoop' was known to have had some champagne +wine, so the pen and paper were put to rest. Just who were the McMahon boys talking to ? - Macca T - 'I'd hate to come home to you with the pay packet a couple of bucks short' ! Macca B - I would hate to come home?at all. ' MY HERO? -- who was the only person who noticed that the manager was missing for 15 minutes ? -rushed to his aide once he found out he was locked outside in the swimmiing pool area. Probably couldn't find the car keys and wanted a lift home ! Our girl ! - thought I would ask her why she was on the floor in the Taberet ? and why she was sitting next to the band - right against the speakers for 2 hours . She was asked to mind the ladies hand bags and one fell onto the ground. So here she was on all fours with everyone nearby dancing. thats OK but I thought the speakers were going to tumble on her followed closely by the table with the computer and sound machine - then the microphone + probably the singer ! Some how everything stayed intact and Irene made it back to her chair !? She could not talk to anyone all night as the music was loud. Guess the band was lucky she did not pull the plug out the socket !As for staying?out so long . In her own words - ' it got late so I stayed later'. ? Our girl #2 -The printer she took home. New?toner- 3 coloured printer -?it was not sure now what happens if it tries to print. Irene got it home but it never made it inside. not sure if printers enjoy a few hours left in the rain. WHO IS THE KEENAGER- who delivers papers?+ takes a can for cat food?so that a 'special' cat can be feed when she delivers to this house.?29/4/12:Great night out nearly destroyed by GUESS WHO? who fumbled around the floor and nearly destroyed the bands equipment. HAPPY 80TH MAUREEN? -Tuesday Keenagers will be standing room only -everyone is lining up already for the Birthday cake. 28/4/12:MOONEE VALLEY TABERET - About to be over run by the Keenagers tonight- See you at 6-30 in the Dining Room.? THE BIG MAN WAS BACK IN A BIG WAY? - Welcome back Maccca. Obviously Allan was impressed - He rushed over to Tony and gave him a cuddle ! Name the lady in question ? ' Tony !' she said ' Where are the 2 ladies ?' Tony replies - What 2 ladies ? ' -not them - the other 2 ladies' our girl replies.?? Yep ! that explains it all. ?Shoot Out- + after the torrid final Billy Mac belted John A with his bat. I think life for John might be safer lost in the out back again.? 25/4/12:OK OWN UP KEENAGER ? Who was overheard saying isn't that an American song ? the tune is question was ADVANCE AUSTRALIA FAIR ! Might have been a few ANZAC biscuits left but one lady tried to help us by eating 2 of them. had to stop then as she is still having trouble moving the Easter Buns that Cathy bought in a while back. 24/4/12:Wonderful stuff Frank ! -our Anzac day tribute was a beauty ! the Last Post was played- Frank gave us his account of life during the War as a soldier, the National Anthen was sung and Frank recited the RSL oath. We welcomed back Clare -Charles visited for the first time -the Applebees returned and John took control of the Shoot Out. Clem was back on court+ Edis popped in to say hello before he goes to Sydney. -And Bonny told the 'teaspoon' story that rivals Des's Bible sales man joke ! Round 1 tonight of Winter competition. Keenagers in action tonight- Phil- Des- Clem - Greg- Billy Mac- Martin + honorary Keenager Chrissy is playing although everyone knows she is too young to be a Keenager. Surely ? Irene was actually on court today. She saw my St Michaels jacket. So she says 'why are you going to school ?' -So that I can learn how to spell her name ! Maude ! All I got is Huh ? No I am not Chinese !? Yes Maude- err Irene- that sort of says it all. The Appelbees return with the following story - WILPENA POUND in South Australia + a late night toilet visit by John- he zigs instead of Zags + for the next half hour he is wandering around aimlessly. Finally finds a toilet block but not the one he frequented earlier. But he did make it back to the caravan safely. Not every day some one gets lost in a caravan park. !? ANZAC DAY? -And the Anzac Day Biscuits are ready to be devoured. + good luck Tony? with the Injection today. 23/4/12:Tuesday Pennant commences on Tuesday - Keenagers are well represented with Des-Greg-Derek-Clem-Phil-Kit + -Martin? all playing One player who will be missing for a short while is Edis- He is visiting friends in Sydney 21/4/12:NOW THIS IS WHAT I CALL A REAL GRUDGE ! Allan is still chasing a former top AFL coach- who coached Collingwood to its last flag - as this man promised to buy Allan a lunch - back in 1985 ! Now I also think Allan might owe me a grand as an AFL footballter got fined $900 for giving Joffa the bird ! Surely giving the manager the sign is worth a 'guerilla.'? 19/4/12:KEENAGERS NIGHT OUT - Moonee Valley Taberet - Saturday night 6-30pm 28 April. Please confirm with Bonny that you plan to attend. Music to midnight in the main hall after your meal if you wish !? -But I must warn you ! I am booked to have the first dance with Tony ! 18/4/12:The pressure was on from the start-?6 Keenagers ready to break the door down at 9am. No Tony today - No Des - No Bonny - adds up to no jokes - Maybe Billy Mac might step up to the plate - No Keith so could not get a song or 2 either. -Kevin Breen arrived for a hit but did not have the Drum kit.? No Trevor -so could not rely on him to tell us what was entered on this web page a year or 2 back. Then Irene entered, thought she might have a story or 2 for me - but she rushed onto the court.? Allan rolled up before it was coffee time. But just as the speeches were being organised, Bonny to the rescue- armed with the trusty book. As for Clem -he was dragging the chain with his crook back yet he still had to march up the ramp with no assistance and no one even opened the door for our wounded warrior.? Then the famous Shoot Out- No John A to help - No Tony with the big voice so it was Bomber Cath who offered to help - 'Hello everybody' she said followed by' what do I say now ! Clem then shook the building with his mighty roar !? 14/4/12:Our Do Gooders- to the rescue of a damsel in distress. Julie wanted 2 tyres pumped up ! -We do have nearly everything in the club ! but not a tyre pump. One tyre had some air in it? -the other was half flat- the bottom half ! - so the work crew took to the task of replacing it. Julie could not understand why ? as she checked the pressure only 2 weeks earlier. -Greg was the Chief + had it all under control. Assistant Bob was the handy assistant. One assumes Bob knew what was happening having worked as a Mechanic. John V ? an interested by stander. the Manager ? as useful as a cup with a hole in it ! . The tyre was removed and a close inspection showed us 3 nails stuck into the bald tread ! So off to have the puncture repaired ? Not quite -Julie is now the owner of 4 new tyres. A tad more expensive than a puncture repair. Sent Martin the Mauler into bat ! In other words he had the job of filling John A's big shoes for the Shoot Out ! if that is what you could call it Knew something was up when the good Doc would not help ! -Tonys list missed 2 players - Mervyn not even on the given list was on table 3 ! + grabbed his own partner. Clem had 5 different partners by my list + wound up in the Winners circle + how about the first match called- Assistant Martin called out 2 teams - the teams went onto seperate tables and stood there ! It all went down hill from that moment - Martin went AWOL - Peter was seen on court 9 which is a long way from the action on tables 1 -2 + 3 -And Tony blamed me for my lack of organising skill? ?Irene took the Printer on offer - free for a good home -'Well I have 2 computers' gotta fit one of them is her logic - But her coach the good DOC Maurice says ' she has no hope of installing it !-- Looks like more Bric + Brac for the market stall. Maude - err Irene's neighbour left a note on her door Shut that mutt up or stay home as it is quiet when you are home- So Milly is now the owner of its 3rd Collar that Zaps you if it makes a noise !? And Irene was worried when she did not hear or see the mutt. It was digging its way into her bed -Obviously trying to hide from the pain of being electricuted every time it made a noise ! And NO Tony! You cannot fit one on Irene ! (they don't make them big enough) 13/4/12: I AM OPENING A NEW FILE FOR KEENAGERS? - I can send you guys important info - But first send me your e mail address via this club web site !12/4/12:Well Done Keenagers -The way you treated our guests from Port? Arlington was first class -As for the BBQ well done Cathy alias Colonel Hogan for the way she organised everything -Also thanks to her assistants George + Clem Trevor nearly did not even make it to the court- recent Heart problems have left him a bit confused but when he unloaded his back pack and picked up his bat and charged towards a vacant court he nearly strangled him self -He still had the head phones connected to a huge Music Blaster and it was not going anywhere -except the cords wrapt around his neck ! WHO WERE WE THINKING ABOUT ? -A house fire today in North Fitzroy? (20000 people live in this suburb) A faulty wire on an old radio - the junk called Bric A Brac caught alight -a 70 year old lady was burnt and taken to hospital - IT WAS NOT IRENE as far as we know -Fridays Keenagers will be interesting,once Tony breaks the news to her - Never entered my mind it could be our girl !- I am not in on Friday Tony- you can take the rap 9/4/12:KEENAGERS FROM ALBURY? might re visit our club later this year.?But first off - Plans?are under way to hire the bus that we took to Bairnsdale? a couple of years ago. The plan is to take 15 Keenagers to Albury for a days outing. Leave Coburg around 7am - Morning tea and dinner in Albury - Leave Albury around 2pm -home by 5-30pm -? We look like setting a date in Late June/early July for this trip. 7/4/12:Good Friday and Tony and I arrive at 5 to 9 to open up. Even then we were too late and 4 cars were already parked KEEN -Agers they certainly are. Cathy supplied the Hot Cross Buns and not Doughnuts as suggested by a few Keenagers. When she popped into the Coles Express Servo, they asked' a family gathering '? to which she replied No ! they are for the Keenagers.' -the Manager then said -'So they are for the Coburg Table Tennis Club. OK own up who has been spreading the word about our group ?Billy Mac- He was early to arrive and did not want to leave ! -it is family time in the afternoon and the relatives were going to have a mass gathering at Billys place- So it was clean up + do the cooking . Bill was a distraction and was sent 'packing' -Go play some Ping Pong and leave me alone were the instructions. And to think I always thought of ourcentre a a 'drop off point' for the kids.? Obviously?we are also a Hide out?for Hubbys as well.Then Edis rang in - He could not escapte today + thought he should ring in with his apology. After speaking to him I said' would you like to talk to Tony ?- His reply was 'Who is Tony i want to speak to Bruce !?5/4/12:Tony Mac -arrived at the club dressed in his Sundays finest -trouble is it was Tuesday -fix that bloody leg macca ! Bonny about to tell a joke when Irene screams- 'Start again Bonny' ! But Bonny had not even started yet ! Where is Victor ?? A dredded cold has kept him home, but he is quite OK otherwise. John M - See you later- He is of to Perth to visit his unwell mother - then back across the country to Hamilton Island then?return to Perth. Sure is one way to miss half of Melbournes winter. Easter Buns this Friday - BBQ with the Port Arlington crew next Tuesday !? Great for the diet being A Keenager. 3/4/12:So the council are out to help Des- Some screenings and concrete spilt on Murray rd near our clubs entrance. The workers are quickly on the scene and clean up the mess then tip it all on Des's garden- that night it rains and now Des's plants are concreted in place- At least they wont be nicked Des ! Cathy 3 - Plans to take the kid Go Carting ! Better inform management before they let her loose on the track ! Todays warm up was shopping with a trolley- She ran over Shaun then smashed the wheel off the trolley. Ever tried driving a 3 wheeled trolley full of goodies ?? Heaven help us the day Cath & Irene have a day out on the town together ! 2/4/12:Trevor- Asks every Tuesday if the AWD squad that Trevor is a member of is training on the following Sunday - We keep saying YES ! but Trevor hardly turns up - The group will not be meeting for the next 2 Sundays. Murphy's law says Trevor is certain to rock up for a hit ! The Applebees and pleased to announce that they just caught 8 good size Squid ! Carolyn caught 7 of them but John landed the honours of cleaning them. 1/4/12:KEENAGERS-? we are open on GOOD FRIDAY? -9-15 to 12-30pm! Keith has had a rough few days - When the club champion Percy was asked 'were you at the club on Sunday ?' it was Keith who replied ! Yes he was. That is OK but we then pointed out that Keith has not visited the club on a Sunday for 5 years.? Keith also complained + wa backed up by Phil M -that the Possum was back and had made a mess on court 3. Now we know that animals each strange things but I don't think 2 rubber stoppers were part of the Possums diet.? Just maybe that had come off the feet of the Umpy's chair? - + Finally Keith lost - Ok did not lose- Just could not find his bat !? -But Bob W also lost his bat ?(actually left it at the club) + as for Irene? -it simply could not be found as it was hidden in the junk heap -Err car. then Bonny chipped in with 'Clem has not lost his bat -? I AM HERE !?Can some one explain how did Irene end up with her friends pyjama's ?? then again?? better not bother trying to explain Irene ! KEENAGERS FROM PORT ARLINGTON? will visit on Tuesday week + the BBQ will be fired up for lunch ! + We hope to have a special tribute for Anzac day on Tuesday the 24th of April.??? - And how is Tony travelling ? - lets say that by the time he makes it back to his chair after visiting the 'gents' it is time to hobble back there again. 28/3/12:HAPPY 70TH BIRTHDAY TODAY ELVEN?? - Yesterday you said' I am glad I got away with what number birthday we celebrated ! Yes ! Elven a day is a long time in Keenagers language !? but what you get away with yesterday? might just bite you today ! Another to land in Hot Water is our Pres and '& the shieila who is too young to be a Keenager, but we ain't gonna let her go !Both rolled up to the club in matching uniforms- Clinton? (the Pres) wearing the trousers + Hogan (she always escapes, but returns unharmed) wearing the top ! Just how did the clothes get mixed up is the question ? BERT on the Ball ! 'When is this Leigh Pasoce tribute night he asked ? -Don't worry Bert- just sit back and watch the video each time you enter the hall -Guess Tony needs to talk louder so that people can hear what is going on DONT FORGET WE ARE OPEN FOR KEENAGERS ON GOOD FRIDAYNext pennant season will see- Phil - Kit- Martin - Clem - Greg playing on Tuesday nights and George and Cathy (Hogan) on Wednesday nights. 23/3/12:A TIME FOR REFLECTION - 12 months ago we lost COLLIN? then KEVIN? from our Keenagers group - Our thoughts again go out to Jan, Norma and their families Our computer lady - Took a lesson from Maurice - went home and did exactly what he did - And the Lap top does not work ! - Irene is wondering if having the Lap top parked in between a heaap of clothes and other rubbish, is causing problems -Only if it is completly covered and you can't find the Lap Top ! 22/3/12:Collin is on the improve after his Cataract op and will return next Tuesday- But he has not been idle - He has arranged another visit for us from the Port Arlington players 12 players from Port Arlington TUESDAY 10TH APRIL?? -time to stoke up the BBQ ? 21/3/12:DONT FORGET KEENAGERS- WE ARE OPEN GOOD FRIDAY MORNING The 3 way conversation ! - Maurice discussing a LAP TOP -?Irene a LAP DANCE? + Tony -A POLE DANCE !Then when leaving Irene says to 'Bomber Cath ' I will see you when you have nothing on !Earlier on Alan marches in and was surprised to hear the Pres actually ask him how was the injury ? -But things went back to mormal as?Allan then copped a barrage of abuse from court 2 ! THE SHOOT OUT ! - Trying to call out names but Elven was behind the white board singing the National Anthem.? Then Tony wanted to pinch the paper that had the names on it for the Shoot Out draw.? then he discovered it was Des who had this precious piece of paper- Des had also scribbled on it so it was a real battle royale. All trying to claim ownership of this piece of paper. So onto the big matches- Cathy 3 was called. 'I am gonna win some points she says - then marched onto the wrong court ! But she did a dance when Her + Neil won a match ! All the way to the final where they fell short- No worries? -A dance for being runners up was then done Irene then grabbed her new man -the Doc ! Into the back room for more lessons ! -How did it go doc ? we asked - She is going to have some trouble - She did not know that you have to re charge the battery. What did Irene say ? He is a brilliant teacher! 20/3/12:Who was the Keenager who watched the Grand Prix then chased a 'robot around a room while on 'all 4's ? 18/3/12:Maureen you inspire us ??? 'cause now Beverley - the Bikie who scared the wits out of Trevor has joined you ' on the? mobile chop sticks ! A bad crash on her new motor bike has left her with a few cuts, scratches and a broken leg. And the bike is also the worse for wear.? HOPE YOU ARE UP AND ABOUT SOON BEV. Saturdays training - Keenagers well represented- Keith coaching-?and also we had Martin -Kit -?Ted? & Adis had his first crack at training with our squad. A time to reflect for Keenagers this week. Amidst all the fun - the Keenagers on Holidays - the members recovering from injuries and illnesses - we also think of one of our inaugural members -KEVIN? - 12 months ago we lost him - Lost to our group but never forgotten . 17/3/12:MOBILE PHONE NUMBERS -Keenagers style- Ask the Keenagers for their mobile numbers- OK not all of them ! no good asking Irene - If she hasn't lost it- the battery is flat or run out of credit. But some of the others- Numbers written in their wallet- Some numbers are stashed in the hand bag -One of our guys has the number taped to the back of?his phone and we have one with the same number as his birthday !Guess you can't forget that one ! WHERE's BILL ? -Was left out of last weeks Shoot Out and has not been seen since Maude ! err Irene -Thought she might have had her house broken into. So Irene rings her neighbour and said 'I must have had my house? broken into? - My house is such a mess.' The reply from the other end of the phone was You're house is always in a mess' But this is a different kind of a mess & I can't find the half of the $5 note I leave laying around.? But Irene did admit it was hard to work out if something had been stolen. Might have had some of the kids clothes nicked, but when you have over 2000 garments laying around it is a bit hard to see if any are gone. OK Keenagers ! who is offering to visit and do the stock take ? 14/3/12:Shoot Out time- Last Fridays went well it seemed ' under new management' -that was until we found out that one player missed out completely -So back with the Dim Wit this week to run it. - Bev was drawn with John no 45 ? (yes there has been a few of them) -Holds the door open for his entrance? -He marches in - turns around and marches out- Bev still there holding the door- the comment was made 'John? is making the most of this moment !' Welcome back Jake !? - or is it Tripod ?? -Our 3 legged lady entered the hall + straight to the clothes rack- Seems when you are on crutches you lose a lot of weight. Des has the Hammer waiting if anyone wants to try the new Maureen Weight loss method ! But it was good to see her at the club amongst us all again. Might have to wear a name tag though as when we said to Trevor say Hello to Maureen he marched over to Bev . Keenagers afternoon tea -this Sunday !? -down in the valley in Glenroy -Mel map 16. All you have to do is sit with us and watch the cars do a few laps. And of course lookout for the name BUSBY? in?the Benneton?team !Can't be writing something here without mentioning our girl - Slipped out the back with the DOC (MD)-More computer problems ! + she did not want to be seen as a 'dill'. She had taken the computer back to the store where it was pointed out that her model was' too slow' Her reply ? that's OK I am patient ! ' Seems Tony does not quite agree with the answer ! 10/3/12:An unevent full day as Tony took over the running of the Shoot Out + everything went to plan - without?any problems ! Dave walked into the club for the first time in years. Bumps straight into Bill McMahon who happened to be his nieghbour many moons ago. Dave also knows Bob? + Mel so is right at home with our group. 8/3/12:TAKE A BOW MR. TONY McMAHON -very easy to cop a few bullets in my role as manager. But the Big bloke -took the time to ring and discuss our club -the Keenagers- + of course set me straight about my job !? - he is very forthright and one hell of a guy - thanks for the support Tony. 7/3/12:KEENAGERS KNOW NOW THAT THEY ARE SAFE SHOULD TROUBLE EVER ARISE - Gorilla Warfare -is what Akram described. when Des Jones armed himself with a load of gum leaves & was ablely assisted by Lance Corporal Bill McMahon. Akrams only concern was what to do if a herd of Koalas headed towards the clubrooms chasing the heap of gum leaves our boys were spreading all over the floor !? All too much for the Possum as it slept in its hiding hole leaving our men scratching their heads wondering what to do with Des's branches and leaves. At least our hall smells good ! Eucalyptus fresh ! No John !? No Tony ! Maurice had no plans to help - Martin is too quiet !? So who should 'step up to the plate ' and scream SHOOT OUT ' ! - Those within ear shot thought a Chook had been let loose ! -It was actually Trevor making this strange sound.? -Next time he gets the microphone to see it that helps. It wasn't a problem getting the players to find the right entrance to the courts- It was geting them to stay ! As soon as Trevor made this sound / - there was a mass exodus towards the front door. Talk about re draws !? More lines than Telecom ! but soon things were under control (for the time being) and we finally got the line we have been waiting for Trevor's partner said - At least we wasn't robbed this time ! " As Jess won is first Shoot Out then declared he is now off on holidays to Surfers One who nearly didn't make the Shoot Out was our girl ! She was stuck in her car- the door would not open so he had to climb over the junk in the passnegers seat just to get out. Then she strolled around the car and Yes ! the drivers door opened easily ! Who knows what happended when she went home ? PAT THE POSSUM? was running amuck when the Keenagers arrived- then it reared its head at closing time. So we had Akram on the job with his 2 brothers in arms. - Bill Macca - the Critter attacker? + Dangerous Des - armed with a broom and wait for it ! - a branch full of gum leaves ! -the Possum won the battle but the Keenagers Battallion is marching in on Friday for round 2,?under the leadership of ?Colonel Mac Tony. 4/3/12:JOHN & CARO? - off again for?a couple of?months travel - They are looking for volunteers to help pack the caravan this weekend ! As Shoot Out assistant John A) obviously took it to heart his in ability to march the players onto the right courts -hence he is taking a break ! and B) Better sabotage todays match, to make sure he is well and truly missed & does not lose his job !The Shoot Out -started off with a Bang ! first 4 players marched onto different courts-different ends -some ended up with different partners. the first pair to be callled from the list Mr Big Macca gave me - were not even playing -they were off packing a caravan - Assistant number 1 John A -Not around to help - Assistant number 2 Maurice - Not allowed to help - too many players to be re called a dozen times- Shoot Out would last until midnight - Assistant number 3 - Tony Mac- Did not last long -?Once he called out the names and players shot off in different directions, Brother Bill (assistant number 4 ) stepped up to the plate - he thought he would try the mingle with the crowd approach -' Ned' ?got him and that was the end of that- Assistant number 5- Sir Bob ! - stood up and puffed out his chest like a rooster ! -All?going good until he claimed the 'chick' with the Perfume problem, who happened to be his partner, distracted him that much he could not play. That was the end of Sir Bob as he was now too busy being chased by Lynette ! (come back Phil was her cry !) - And?later as?Lynette was leaving - walking ?backwards- she nearly found her self sitting in a rubish bin ! -but no Sir Galahad come to her rescue- He had his hands tied so to speak ! So onto Assistant number 5- Martin - Promising effort until he realised he did not know half the players so he quickly shot off to the back courts ! Come back John A ! And now we have Colonel Hogan !?Cathy 3 --Escapes from the courts very easily and pops up in different locations all the time ! Colonel Klink Macca promises to keep control of her in the future. making sure she at least finishes one game before moving to another court ! 3 new Keenagers today ! - First one into the hall was Edis- but he marched in behind Billy Mac, who was armed with a large plastic bottle for Cath. So the bottle got thrown and our new visitor suddenly had to play 'dodge the flying bottle' before he even entered the hall. Still this was better than Stuarts entrance. He found the front stairs a real handfull.? Bag, bat & cover all flying in different directions. Don't worry Stuart - no one?witnessed the crash ! except the Security cameras. Who was the wimp trying to hide behind Irene ? -One frightened manager being chased by a bat swinging Keenager lady. Seems that Ms Bomber did not take a fancy to being called Ned Kelly as she is not a bush ranger ! But once? it was explained that the name derives from the fact that 'she holds up everyone' and that Tony had a hand in the name, she thought it was pretty creative and peace was restored and she went back to talking to Sylvie ! And as for Sylvie isn't she excited about next Thursday - Flowers from her great man ! Chocolates - red carpet treatment at its finest. Well, it isnt every day that your 60th wedding anniversary comes around - Who said 'it woldn't last ? 'CONGRATULATIONS from all of us ! Record attendance today for Fridays Keenagers/Social play - 38 players - A pity John O'Brien was not on hand to witness this event ! He was the one who had the vision that Keenagers would become a large group and that everyone would be on the courts having fun ! And what a pleasure for a manager to come from a meeting and see the Keenagers in full swing with the 3 new comers being accepted and joining in from the word go !And welcome back Elena ! - her courage - enthusiasm & determination showed us all what can happen if you never give up 29/2/12:When did Bev 'CRACK 'IT ? 'Once the Rat ate the Tomatoe's, that was it ! ' O K ! just hope neighbour is not the 'Rat'. By the way, Rambo! Just what did happen to the Rat who ate the tomatoes.? F?1 fans ! - Margaret & Brian will be watching again this year - Maybe we will see them on Telly, waving the Keenagers sign? ? THANKS IRENE !? as she handed over a very messy $4. Both $2 coins were covered in BUTTER - She forgot that she had ?put a satchel of Butter in her pocket a couple of days earlier. Of course it had well and truly melted, so the coins she popped into her pocket were very greasy & slippery. It's only Butter ! she said, as I was shaking my hand trying to remove something that i had no idea of what it could have possibly been as it had come straight out of the pocket. Not every person stores butter in their coat pocket. But then again, Not every person is like Irene . Irene lost power at her house. Out comes the slightly worn down 3" candle. It was not too long before our girls candle had burnt out and she was left sitting in the dark. PHIL - not so keen it seems to fill in on a Tuesday night after getting chopped up by the Battle Axe. So now it is Phils flicks night -Guess that means he is?now qualified to give a weekly movie review. 28/2/12:JOHN APPELs West Coburg Bowls Club lost its Semi Final to StrathmoreWas a motivation speech from John required ? - maybe the match was lost at the selection table ? -these are 2 areas we have been training John in. As the co organiser of the Keeanger shoot outs,? his performances have below par recently and we are concerned that his efforts might have been relayed to his Bowling team. John O'Brien is on the improve which is great news. But Margaret Georgelin's poor health continues and she will not be able to attend Keenagers for a long time. We all wish Margaret well and hope she can visit our group from time to time. 25/2/12:Good to see and hear Keeangers are back in form -In other words given us something to write about - KATH -err Julia? - Has broadened her political horizons- ?Went to Coburg Lake and attacked the Mayor ! She might have suggested he will take a swim in the lake if he didn't look after our club ! -But things were rosy quickly once he said' I know you from the Table tennis group Silvie - decided to show the locals in the city that she should be recruited oas a new transit officer. Once Keith got out the car and spoke to them, they thought they might take up a new career -Panel Beating- Even gave Keith a free demo ! Ms. 1/2 nose ! - Only got half the nose unplugged so she can only smell half of Milly the Mutt. Irene also wants a volunteer to offer to rub her belly. And waste of time them computer lessons. The lap top has a cracked screen., so she no longer uses it !. ?Wonder if leaving it on the bench then stacking things of top of the Lap top had any thing to do with the damage.? And the Pres !? -not leaving home quick enought these days, so Nancy bundled him into the car and bought him to the club. 22/2/12:Check out the photos from Allan Davidson - taken last Monday night at the Leigh Pascoe John O'B. has been ill- We all wish him a speedy recovery. Who is the lady in question ? - Delays the Shoot Out - Spends most of the session having a chin wag. Looks like Bomber Kath might be called NED KELLY? because she holds up everyone . Sorry to hear that Margaret's bad back is going to stop her attending Keenagers. Hopefully down the track she will have recovered and will return. The Pres - Hobbling around so a good excuse to pop in and say hi to Chance. -the wonder dog- Who walked straight past his owner just to get a pat ! -Capped off a bad day for Tony- even got sprung with his jumper on inside out !Julie had?to leave early on Monday night as she was hungry- 10 minutes after she left -the feast was bought out. Still had left overs the next dayDes had not even made it to the court when Sam said ' Before you leave Des ! ' Is this allowed ? Neiil?R praying on court during the Shoot Out- Seems to be an unfair advantage ! 20/2/12:KEENAGERS? do themselves proud. Thanks for the support -? Led by the president Tony Mac the Keenagers, present at the club was wonderful.? And it was terrific seeing Maureen at the club - Big boot and all 11/2/12:Who was quick to let everyone know that they won the Semi final of the Shoot Out, 5 points to zero. ? Probably the same guy who copped a sledging from Joffa Caro for losing the final by the same score line- 5 points to nil Bomber Cath will be missing on Tuesday- Valentines day and she is off to do some boozing in Benalla. - Also got the Pancakes and Mayple syrup booked for breaky.Tony and Lynette met in Sydney road, Coburg. Exchanged HI 5s which disturbed the locals in the busy strip. 5/2/12:CLARE? - not having the best of runs past couple of years ! Obviously it was on a bright night? -Full moon when she walked under a black cat - sitting on a ladder that had 13 steps on it ! - this time she nearly lost Frank - A head on Car crash - Only the Air bags saved him. Hopefully things change for the better now for Clare & her family. Good to hear no injuries to Frank ! Gotta love the message from Maureen - Bones are?quick to break?but?take a long time ?to mend ! - 3/2/12:We have a new Irene in our club. this lady thought the yearly fees were $1-40 -Claims she has lost a bottle of whisky & was late to the club today as her new Art group started today? -After Keenagers finishes ! But she did not leave the club with any of our ping pong balls in her pocket- She left that to the Pres as we now have to strip search him before he leaves the premisesBut not to be outdone -?the real Irene stepped up to the plate - She?asked to borrow the phone book (Milly had probably eaten her one at home ) -Wanted the phone number of a friend? -but she did not remember how to spell her name !~ it started with S (as does 3 million people living in Victoria - & she knew the suburb -narrowed it down to 300,000). Irene is a bit frantic -she is having an overnight stay in jail -err hospital - for work on her nose so that she can breathe (dont know how she has survived without breathing) -Who is going to look after Milly ? Maybe Tony's terror Chance might like a visitor ? -But before Irene can visit the hospital she must hand in the 4 page form -which is missing as she thinks it might have found its way into the rubbish bin? -Anyway thinks quietened down -& kath flew in -' I need a drink before i can play' were the first words she muttered. Better help Bev look for the whisky, but Kath says gin gets her going ! 1/2/12:GOOD LUCK TODAY GEORGE - He is having a hand operation !Lovely conversation with Madge on Tuesday . She met her husband to be when she was 10 (married at 21) and has lived in many parts of Victoria.She also informed me that Maureen is on the mend albeit a bit slowly -We wish Maureen well and look forward to seeing her soon 27/1/12: - O K KEENAGERS? its?welcome time??again !? -Morelands new Mayor is coming to visit -9-30am (Allan will miss the visit) TUESDAY 7TH FEBRUARY ELVEN take a bow ! - ILHAN - You bloody ripper ! We all admire Elven in his efforts to 'stand on his own 2 feet.' -But some times tasks are harder than we think - Eleven attends Keenagers - goes to Physio & other events all because his great mate picks him up and drives him everywhere. Ilhan says ' LONG TIME FRIENDS - You get lots of credit over a long time -when you (Elven) run low on credit I'll tell you. - Not to be out done Elven fired back with ' this man has taken friendship to a new level. WHEN YOU HAVE A FRIEND LIKE ILHAN YOU DISCOVER YOU ONLY NEED ONE FRIEND. And hasn't Elven? been chuffed with the treatment he has recieved from the Keenagers . Very pleased to to have Clem say welcome back - Still thank full of the visits from Tony & Norma when in hospital & pleased he can smile at Bonny's jokes . Guess you know things are back to normal when Maude err Maxine - Nabs you at the counter -+ gives you the 'Shut up and listen story.? Yes some things never change. Our resident sad sack booked the film RED DOG? on the fox tel. Naturally nothing happended at the scheduled time so give Foxtel a ring as she could not even get normal telly. Speaks to the operator? then stops her in her tracks- Some thing more important popped up - the Mutt had eaten the rice pudding. . But at least Irene has discovered something that shuts up the mutt. Irene come home + put her bag on the floor in the hall way and soon noticed Milly was quiet- Sprawled out on the floor in the hall -looks like the huge hunk of rich chocolate that?the dog?found in the bag & had eaten very quickly did not agree with its digestive system. Took a while for the gutsy mutt to recover. Not sure if Doctor Harry reccomends this kind of treatment to shut up a noisy flea bag. Sorry to say that the trip to Port Arlington will not be going ahead. maybe they might visit us again ? ?I keep hearing about how well the Shoot Outs have been going in my absence ! -the following had John A written all over it? + not the President John A. First off Teddy - did not know his?name was not dad dave or dopey ! - then?he could not find courts 1 -2 or 3. 12 players sent to the courts and 10 of them were in the wrong place - 4 should not have even been on court? - And the rest were laughing at the organiser ! (me!) -And this was only round 1. Teddy made more entrances than Marilyn Monroe - Sam had more partners than Sza Sza Gabor - + Tony left his old mate quicker than the captain left the sinking ship in Italy. & John A thought it was more funnier than a 3 stooges skit. Some how we struggled through and didn't one pleased winner by the name of Lynette give her ex partner Phil a pay out after' beating Phil' in the Shoot Out final. Especially as she was not on the entry sheets at all. 26/1/12:Well done George- runner up in the Teams Section -Section 3 in the Christmas Competition And how about Teddy ?? early leader in the Keenager of the Year award Bev might keep pinching the Table Tennis Balls - But we have her Drink bottle that was left behind 7 tough men all stop playing ?- as a Spider made its way onto the court- It took the 8th player- Julie -to work up the courage to remove the intruder. FEB 14 -KEENAGERS BEEN INVITED TO?PORT ARLINGTON?- Who is interested in going ? -our club will be open as normnal 2/20/1/2012: Yes I am back - thanks to Maurice -Hope he did not spoil the group too much. Thanks for the welcome home. The numbers have been good this year - Great to see Elven up and about- We have had the return of Bev the bikie - Madge - my mate Teddy from Werribee - Patsy & Alex & Lynette has slotted in Keenagers into her busy schedule. Allan has started off 2012 with a Bang ! He is even late for the morning tea break, but rumour has it that Maurice kept some bikkies aside for him. The sad news is that Pres. Mac refused to let Irene report in about the Mutt- Save the stories for me were the instructions. 23/12/11:Final Keenagers for the year & in typical Keenager spirit -large attendance -Plenty of food on the table ! + Des's best joke for the year. + of course- Another story about the mutt ! -Maxine? -err Irene- Bit worried- the mutt had its breakfast but could not eat Irene's crusts from her toast. Maybe it had something to do with eating a large bowl of Whipped Cream. Instead of timming its toe nails maybe it is itme to cut off a leg to stop it jumping onto the bench ! Why is Irene putting Hand Cream on her fridge door ? Because it would not open ! - Of course ! An obivous answer. Why didn't I think of that. ! Happy 70th Clem and to Big Macca? - We also say Happy Birthday -A pity John A was not present to lead the Keenager Choir. Well done VICTOR? -Photos? all 58 of them from Tuesdays BBQ- Number 8 ! What a ripper ! number 9 Err Bomber Cath - Seems you had a lot to say No. 10 the Big Macca. But Madge- you were shoving food down the gullet in every photo taken of you! -there is even photos of - can you believe it ? Keenagers playing Ping Pong. TRUE KEENAGER SPIRIT - Bev left our BBQ /Break up on tueday to visit her good friend Maureen in hospital - Ilhan popped in and said hello to Elven.Norma & Tony went and saw Elven - Now girls what do you ladies carry in your hand bags ? - Norma produced a Table tennis bat in case Elven wanted a hit. After a good hour with Elven, Norma & Tony went and visited Maureen .? Maureen and Elven are both in good spirits but sad that they won't join their families and loved ones for the Christmas Lunch ! ALL OF THE KEENAGERS wish Maureen and Elven a speedy recovery. Elven is in the Talbot Rehab centre in Kew and Maureen? in 9 west Royal Melbourne -Lets hope more Keenagers pop in and say hello to these popular members of our great group 21/12/11:Our Keenager of the year Phil was presented with his Coburg Keenager shirt but he?threatens not to wear it as it is white ! -Same colour as the ball. Obviously Phil has not heard that there is also Orange balls.? -But he did not last long in the final shoot out for 2011. A singles knock out - in memory of the late Kevn McCuskey. We used his bats and the inaugural winner was Claire. Sorry to hear that Maureen is another in hospital after a fall which left her with a broken ankle ! A sad way to start Christmas festivities. Out thoughts are with Maureen and Elven and of course we all spare a thought for Kevin, Collin?& John G -We also sit back and admire the strength & courage of Bev at this sad time. - We also hope that Norma McCuskey, wife of Kevin visits us in 2012., and that we are also visited by John & June. We?also look forward to the next visit from?Jan. ? KEENAGERS BREAK UP - A huge turn up -Allan was late but he had an excuse- Instead of a Break up -he had broken down ! -Done A hammy and is hobbling around -Didnt get much sympathy either ! CLEM was magnificent in his role as Chef- Bonny was chief organiser but it looks like I will be eating left over snags for the rest of the year. The spread the keenagers bought in was fantastic. Des was chomping into everything but might have over did the onions, as later in the day, I saw his wife walk out of the shop she was in and leave Des behind. Seems she might have forgotten him ? or was the onion breath a bit strong ? The poor Pres was in a bit of a flap - He did not even find time to get a hit -But? his suggestion to Bev was a bit odd !- ' go to court 8 he said. 'but there was no one playing on 8 ' Bev replied. Well go to 7 or 9 or somewhere ! Tony was still coming to grips with Norma's story that she saw him on Melville road. She was bipping her car horn but got no response from Tony- but everyone in the vicinity was looking her way ! -Maybe Tony was ignoring her ? - He might have heard the thumping sound coming from her car ? -Norma heard this thump thump thump & drove around the block- She then stopped the car and discovered the dreaded flat tyre ! Yep ! flat tyres get flatter the more you drive on them. Maybe Tony did not want to change her tyre ? Could not finish a long list of stories without writing something about?Maxine & the Mutt ! Maxine -err Irene arrived home and was greeted by the long suffering neighbour. Milly does not stop crying ! So a visit to a new Vet was arranged.? A blood test- Nails clipped-?& pills to pop- Don't know if it had the desired effect on the Mutt but it certainly shut Irene up when she got the $347-50 bill.? Why not just bury the mutt in Irenes car ? -the sound would be muffled? if it was stashed under the junk and the neighbour would not hear a thing ! 18/12/11:ELVEN? has had a mild stroke and has been placed in the Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Centre -No other news at tis time but we hope it is not too serious and that he is up and about shortly. 16/12/11:The Bowls club break up and Maude was going to (ms Gonna) make the sandwiches.? Ham, Curried egg a smorgasboard of sandwiches -Irene style. The Helga's light Rye bread was on the bench, but our girl needed a break, as it was time to gather her thoughts. in to the lunge, time to watch the Television set.? Finally, the time arrived, Motivated Maude trundled into the kitchen. the bread was missing.? An inspection of the house was done and there was the Mutt having 'Bread in Bed' . It was struggling to open the package so Maude snatched the bread out of the Mutts mouth. So the bread was saved but by now, the urge to 'make a plate ' was gone. Irene did make it to the break up and she was not empty handed. She handed over a loaf of Helgas rye bread, teeth marks and all. Spoke to Norma McCuskey & John O'Brien tonight. Sadly Norma & John and June can't make it to the break up on Tuesday but they do send their best wishes to the Keenagers 13/12/11:A LOVELY TRIBUTE TO JOHN GRAHAM TO BE PRESENTED TO THE KEENAGERS TODAY- Well done Tony. 11/12/11:John Graham has sadly passed away. No other news at this time. But we do send our sympathy to Bev and her family. ?'Another page in our book of memories softly turns !'- RIP JOHN on behalf of all the Keenagers and club members 9/12/11:OUR THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS GO OUT TO BEV GRAHAM & HER FAMILY- Unfortunately they have been 'dealt' a shocking hand ! John is gravely ill, which saddens us all at the Keenagers group. So close to Christmas seems to make it even worse. Tony bumped into Sylvie and Keith at the Keenagers Moreland motel ! (?John Faulkner?Hospital )- This place runs more tests than the local school! We hope you are all fine ! WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO WITH THIS GIRL ? -Nothing ! just continue to enjoy her life style and humour.Irene made some cup cakes - iced 12 of them - left them on the bench and?put the others in the oven. -She needed a rest so off to the lounge room to watch some telly.? When she returned 2 cup cakes were missing ! We are not sure that Dr harry would agree to feeding cakes to the mutt ! KEENAGERS BREAK UP - BBQ lunch at the club on TUESDAY? the 20th December. -We will also meet on Friday the 23rd December as Tony?& Clem have promised to bring in birthday cakes & want to partner each other in the Shoot Out.?On Tuesday the 3rd Janaury things are back to normal - just to make sure we don't forget how to play. 7/12/11:4 Keenagers played round 1 of Christmas comp- Julie-George-Bob & Phil. Bob was one fire but sadly only 2 courts away, Phil was having real problems. -might have had something to do with the opposition, but no quite sure ! 6/12/11:Finally gonna make it through the Shoot Out with out a mis hap. then it was time for the final - Suddenly all players stop ! the big discussion started ( I thought they had had the coffee and biscuits). Seems they all agreed the score was 5 points to 4 (the match is only up to 5 points) - the coin came out -heads or tails - we were ready for a game of 'Scissors- Rock -Paper- when it was agreed - play on Sudden Death - Next Point wins ! Could it mean that the winners had lost and now were equal on 5 points all ? 5/12/11:5 Keenagers at the club this weekend -time to recruit them again - SUPER LEAGUE GRAND FINAL? on Sunday 4-30pm followed by a BBQ. Who is putting up their hands to attend and help ? ?4/12/11:SATURDAY - Our busiest day and 3 Keenagers at the club - Well done Tony-George & Julie. Phil - Our Keenager of the Year - Missed a week? then eliminated round 1 of the Shoot Out as he was a bit rusty. All because DES gave him a Tomato Plant to bury. We are quite happy that Sue bakes the cakes a bit quicker than Phil can plant the plants. 3/12/11:Sticky Rubbers are a good thing normally. But maybe not as effective when they have been covered? by some spillage. -Like maybe Lemonade. Enter Maude -err Irene -and weren't her rubbers in a mess- One side sticky the other worn out because she still cant find her bat cover. Can some one find Elena ? - She still has not collected the winnings from the Cup Sweep. Points have been a bit scarce for Bob in the Shoot Out so he bought in the sausage rolls and party pies. - That guaranteed him a spot as Tonys partner for the Shoot Out. And win they did - As for Allan - he was lucky to be in the Shoot Out as he arrived after Morning tea had been and gone and all of Bob's party pies had been eaten. 29/11/11::No tony- No Clem - No Bonny- No Des & No Phil- Meant no cakes- No Jokes & No Master of Cermonies. -But up stood Claire for the speeches- Greg produced a couple of stories and Allan sneaked in but no one cared !--Keeangers run as smoothly as ever. Clare was in the Final - She played safely and did not make one error until it was match point- She then served a fault. 23/11/11: OK Hands Up - After the large spread ! plenty of Ping Pong and some new friendships made- Who sneaked home and had a nana nap in the afternoon ?? Well done Keenagers it was a great day. The day started well when a lady we won't name but her initials are Claire- said ' Don't tell Tony as he will put this in the news letter.' - She thought she had either lost her bat or left it at home . Could not find it anywhere. then the Penny dropped- Claire had it safely tucked under her arm pit. You're O?K Claire - We won't tell Tony -the story is too good not be go onto our Web site first. How about A L A N (A lways L ate A nd N everawake) -He is interested in joining the Social Tennis group organised by Bonny. Hope they have an afternoon starting time, otherwise the Doulbes match will be a 3 some until noon. 21/11/11:DONT FORGET - Port Arlington Keenager visit tomorrow? -PLEASE BRING A PLATEThey will arrive at 10am so Morning tea held over to 11am.? Shoot Out at 11-45. 19/11/11:Maude -Sometimes known as Irene -was at it again. Met her in the car park and asked her Why isn't your bat in a cover ? -I can't find it - was the reply. What are the dents in the number plate ? 'I'm not sure if I put them there- I don't think i did - But the broken guard on the front of the car. - I did that when I hit a gutter.? -So inside we went- + and as expected our girls computer skills were put to the test. ' I bought a computer but it did not work so I bought another- Well, I took my computer to the Telstra office, + was asked ' why havent you activated your sims card ? Only had it 9 months. Is that the reason my computer won't work on the internet ? -So the girl was up an running- 'I have an e mail address but I cant work out what the @ symbol means ? Do I have to put it in my e mail address ? + How do I get onto E Bay ? find Google ! I can find that ! Type in E Bay ! - Do I have to type that in ? - Well you can scream at the computer but?can't guarantee?that will work ! Well, what do I do about the @ symbol ? - Try screaming at that as well and see if that makes it go away! SHOOT OUT- - 2 Johns straight into Semis- just because they did not have their names called out- Lose the match and say - Too tired after the earlier rounds.? -We also had trouble with the Bill's- 'Which Bill did you call " there are 2 of us you know ? - Yes ! but I called Phil. 18/11/11:Don't forget ! - NEXT TUESDAY PORT ARLINGTON KEENAGERS are visiting us.. Lets put on a great spread and a great day. BOMBER CATH? or is that Bombers broke ! - 2 fines for a car that she got rid of 6 years ago . Might have been cheaper to keep the car ! 17/11/11:Good to see the Keenagers playing competittion or filling in. - But - Julie was on table 5.? -Her match was half way through -When she down tools and walked off ! & quickly re appeared on court 2 with a couple of the Keenagers who were also playing ! 16/11/11: - The Shoot Out and Ellen swings around asking 'who is my partner ? It was Vcitor who she nearly decked as he marched behind her. The Shoot Out Asst. John Applebee was put on notice after he could not seperate Allan & Billy man & get them onto the court.? His defence ? they would not listen to me ! 11/11/11:Great job by Greg as the Keenager remember on Rememberance day This week - Bikie Bev has returned -We have seen Sam - Bomber Cath is back?? - & recently we have had Bonny & Clem and Billy Mac return ! ?A new social group in the making ? -Wednesdays - Kaths clan ! - Euthy -Elena- Claire and a potential Keenager all meet regularly. Billy Mac & Victor trying to impress the selectors- Dancing together practicing the Winners Waltz before the Shoot Out. Their dance was better than their play - They got knocked out very early- and so did Allan but he bribed the judge and got a 2nd chance with Big Macca. Great play to win the final but no idea about the dance ! Neither knew how to lead.? Trevor loves reading the web site. But he is amazed that Irene is still alive after sticking her head over the boiling urn. Must be Cup time ! Neil modelling his latest fashion. Only thing missing was the Cup hat. 9/11/11:Margaret was concerned about the lack of promotion at the club.? She could not understand that she was not told about Hamish & Andy visiting the club. They did visit us- Could not get them in the main entrance as too many people in the club - + the visit ? March 2010. CONFIDENCE PLUS - Bomber Kath made the Shoot Out final and was dancing before the match. Phil threatened to boycott the Port Arlington group visit . We are more concerned that we might not get to sample more of Sue's cakes ! they come on the 22nd of November. FREE? entry that day just bring a plate of tucker ! 6/11/11:Start the Jungle drums- Send the smoke signals PHIL ! ( more importantly Sue) 12 Keenagers from Port Arlington are visiting our club on Tuesday the 22nd November? -Time to start baking the cakes again ladies !? -thanks Allan Evans for his work from the Port Arlington group . Doing nothing during the Christmas Break ?? - Coburg ttc is holing a tuesday night competition? - 3 x divisions -3 Tuesdays in December & 3 Tuesday nights in January 4/11/11:Swab him ? was the call after Tony led Kath to a victory in the Shoot Out. Did he tell anyone he is coaching on Thursday nights or that he has been seen at the last 2 Saturday coaching sessions ? -Or that he is the proud owner of a new bat ! But he was quick to splutter after kissing his bat at the victory ceremony for the Shoot Out. Seems he remembered where the bat was previously ! or did it have something to do with its previous owner ? Got some spare itme Keenagers ? - Mondays in November -back in the games - an initiative from Moreland Council - Games for fun without pressure of competition. 1-30pm to 3 pm? -$5 per session? at the Coburg Basketball Centre. 1/11/:Tony- 'You lent me the wrong computer book' says Maude -err Irene. The book is for complete idiots. -Sorry girl -But If the cap fits ! ?Melbourne Cup time -Which means that Irene's car registration is due. At least she did not destroy the sticker putting it on her windscreen - She ripped it opening the envelope. The Urn -The last one blew up after being on Melt down control when ever Irene was near it. She turned it up to full blast as she can't have a cuppa unless it is spitting out hot water everywhere.? -New Urn is now working - So Maude screams out 'Is it boiling yet ?' She lifts up the lid & is engulfed by steam. 'I am not sure if it is boiling' she says. BUT THE GIRL DID ALL RIGHT IN THE CUP SWEEPS= a 2ND AND A 3RD? Means Milly will be fed again this week26/10/11: Alan vs Big Macca- Insults and banter continually- Tony ahead on points - But Alan fighting backBut today it was all Tony !- He was writing up the scores from the Shoot Out- Alan sees he has 8 points but wants a form guide ! he is certain he is looking at the Cup Sweep Sheet?? -not much chance for Phil - with number 77 -If that was the case his horse would leave the barrier on the first Sunday in December- Or was number 77 the Steak and Bean Shoot and Fried Rice at the local Chinese shop ?Alan agreed he had stuffed this one up and Tony scored the points on the day Talking about Alan -Trevor was excited as Alan was going to partner him in the Shoot Out. Trouble was, Trevors parnter was actually Peter. PORT ARLINGTON Keenagers will be visiting us shortly ! Well done Collin Wilson for his work on thisNEXT YEAR (14 February maybe ?)- Coburg Keenagers will visit the Keenagers in Port Arlinigton 21/10/11:MAUDE - OK our version of the comic strip?character Maude- IRENE - Failed the carter computer class -yet she bought 2 computers. Could not work the 1st one so went and got a lap top. Still could not get it right so then bought a Learn how to use a Computer ' book - at a cost of $50. Now the book is missing - and Maude-- err Irene thinks she might have chucked it out with the Newspapers.? Not that it matters too much - She has lost her glasses as well so would not be able to read it anyway. Name the Keenager ? - I wont be winning the Shoot Out award as I will be working in the 2nd half of the year. Now it is nearly October and he still attends Keenagers ! Unless of course he is working the afternoon shift ? - Maybe Sue should start making room for another trophy - but not in the space where she bakes the cakes. Keenager Melboune Cup sweep -taking entries -? from next Tuesday. 17/10/11:Original Keenager -Brian Kays- has a bung knee but is being pressured by 'Watler and Sandler " (I think that is their names from the Muppets)How about a morning tea visit Mr Shirts ? 16/10/11:Congratulations, Kath on your display at 157 Sydney rd Brunswick. -Thanks Tony- He found Ms Monica Porter a former top notch lady player. We now will try and entice her to our club. IRENE ! -Lost her bat - in her car- Only racket she could find hidden in the junk was a Tennis racquet. Welcome back Elena after a long illness. 13/10/11:Allan finally made it to the centre before Tony. -His request ?? Lock the front door -As all the biscuits and coffee belonged to Allan according to himself 6/10/11:Another Keenager to have a fall- This time is was Julie -Left her very ill after landing on her wrist. only thing to stop us from ringing an Ambulance was the fact that she has no Ambulance cover. Took an hour to get some colour back into her cheeks. We wish her a speedy recovery, but please Keenagers make sure you have Ambulance cover & preferably some medical cover. Hi from Bonny & Clem -Bonny is the womens table tennis champ on the boat cruise. They are having a great time?& have a few photos to show us when they return. 29/9/11:A great day?& our guests were very impressed. Trevor quickly waltzed some players onto court 1 and the scene was set.? Even Irene cranked up her sore body and had a hit. 2 songs from Keith had Bill Mac dancing . John A. was missing his lovely lady so grabbed the next prettiest thing for a dance. And didn't Elven enjoy the attention. Bob finally sat down for a break- Armed with a cake and a coffee -Having a chat when Sam barged in and asked him to have a hit- the cake got scoffed- The coffee got skulled and off he went for a hit- Leaving Sam still looking for a partner. We enjoyed seeing Kevin on the big telly- Yes! we still miss him & we discovered that Jonesy & Big Mac aren't that comfortable with a mike shoved in front of them. Cant wait for a group of us going to Albury next year for a visit. And thanks to Bonny & Clem for their card- We will read it to the group on Tuesday. KEENAGERs big day - TOMORROW - the Albury 18 join us - 9am to 12 noon? - lots of fun - everyone is welcome - CAKES GALORE? is the theme for the day. 27/9/11:Walked into the club before 9am- 5 cars in the car park and players already on the court. And a used cup on the table and one used spoon in the tray. Then Trevor walked in very happy.?He had been?reading?this site & noted that Irene had beaten Bob in a match. Sorry Trevor Wrong Battle Axe- The one I was referring to is Margaret Mulcahy who is a former Victorian Ladies Champion and? Australian and International? Gold Medalist who just might be playing Section 2 next year at Coburg.Besides, it is Tony who calls Irene a Battle Axe. Then Peter entrered the hall. 'Thanks Peter, you got me in trouble last Friday'. Her thought for a moment then realised he was not at the club last Friday. that was my problem.? He was the first person I called to play the Shoot Out - & he was holding up the draw - because he was not even present. 26/9/11:KEENAGERS? on Friday -We might have to share a court - but with 18 players from Albury and hopefully many from Coburg it will be a day to remember. Keith will sing a song and 2 elite players will be putting on a display of Table Tennis at 10-30 during the coffee break. Greg &?Des?have a joke or 2 ready and the day would not be complete with out a Shoot Out Coburg style. Then A special Doubles event to complete the day. 25/9/11: The cakes have been ordered.? Tony better ring Albury and tell them not to eat in the lead up to Friday. Our crew promises plenty of cakes -Sue has the oven working overtime already -Sort of gives a new meaning to a 'bun in the oven'. IRENE ! Who can fix a remote that does not work ?? Was it the cups of tea that kept getting spilt on it ?? or maybe the many times it has been dropped on the floor ? Sore bum and all- Irene ventured onto the court with Bob- Semi's of the Shoot Out. they lead 4 nil all due to her brilliant play. But they lose 5 points to 4.? Bob went to water she cried ! 24/9/11:FRIDAY 30th SEPTEMBER 9am - The Albury Keenagers (18 in total ) will visit Coburg- Lets hope for a decent turn up from our members. KEENAGERS UNITE !? Front and centre at the club please - 18 KEENAGERS? from Albury are coming to see us. Irene and the mutt can be the welcoming party. Trevor will give the welcoming speech. - Maureen will lay the law down on club etiquette - Julie & John Alder will lead the noise control - Phil & Bob will run the Shoot Out ( a definate rigged draw there) - Kath will teach them art? & craft? with the empty plastic bottles - Bomber Kath will be Hirdy's recruitment manager - Sam can teach them how to pluck the lemons from the tree - the Appelbees will teach them how to Rock n Roll - Keith will sing a song - The McMahon twins can put on a bit of face paint -whack an Ice cream cone on their heads and do the Zig and Zag routine -Greg will give them a few one liners- John V? will take the 'happy shots' & Phil will bring in SUE's CAKES !! Yay ! 21/9/11:Bob Stewart - got beaten up by a 75 year old lady.? Obviously does not practice with enough of the older players.But up to this match , Bob had been much better on Tuesday nights than he was on Wednesday nights.? He felt that his form is much better earlier in the week (Tuesdays ) than later in the week (Wednesdays) Irene put her hand into her coat packet. She found the broken remains of the cup cake she put in her pocket 2 weeks earlier. A bit crumby were her thoughts. 14/9/11:SHOOT OUT -? Big Mac grabs brother Mac & the Carlton twins win their first match. But Bill is off talking so Tony enters the arena for match 2 -Says to opposition ' it's OK I dont need a partner. ' & wasnt he correct - They lost ! 10/9/11:The Mayor Mr Oscar Yildez will visit the club on Sunday afternoon - 2nd October to watch Super League. -Great for the club and well done Oscar, giving up the family time IRENE DID A RUNNER- Armed with Madge's cake !? OK cake box - When she got to her car she realised she had picked up an empty box, so in true to her own style she rushed back onto the club and pinched the other box . then she returned again - She had broken her already broken car key an could not get into the car. When I opened the car door - she then could not start the car- Rushed back into the club saying' the car wont start. Might have had something to do with me leaving the lights on ! -the batteries gone flat. 2 sets of jumper leads could not get her car started, so after an hour- ring the RACV. An hour later i turned around and she had gone. Either Tony had picked her up or the RACV got her going and by now she had decided that she would not waste time by saying good bye. 8/9/11:We bid farewell to Bonny & Clem this week, as they head off for their long planned break but welcome back Hurryet after 4 long months away.? Her Physiotherapist suggested that she play Table Tennis? to help with the rehabilitation. Hurryet did not need to be told twice.Maybe we better contact this Pysio ! Irene can't play as she ' has? pain in the bum ' She said she knew she shouldn't have done the house work. 6/9/11:WHERE WERE YOU BOB ? -the till was opened 96 times today - 3? schools and it was mainly the sour straps that were bought ! 2 days later Still no Bob so Kay & Craig to the rescue 2/9/11: GREAT NIGHT OUT - Thanks Claire but we missed you Tony.But how about the S O F? - She was seen mixing her drink with the straw ! Sounds OK ? she was drinking WATERPlayed a gentleman in Golf recently (watch out Tony) A free throw per hole? was his handicap. Irene (whoops let her name out of the bag) wins the first hole -2nd hole he is on the green in 2. She wanders up reminds him of the free throw. Picks up his ball -does she throw it into the rough ? NO - Instead -Chucks it into the river. WELL DONE KEENAGERS TODAY? -All rolled up for the 2pm start. But who will own up ? A keenager visited the club at 9-30am but high tailed it very quickly. Just before the Shoot Out- Keith said that he will play with Irene and put his arm around her. The reply 'I'll punch you right up the throat'. KEENAGERS Dinner- 6-30pm -Darebin RSL in Bell street Preston 1/9/11:BOB HAS BEEN SAVED - New school rules forbid clubs to sell food to junior school kids during sporting eventsSo Bob wont be selling the sour straps DONT FORGET KEENAGERS - This Friday only- 2pm to 5pm .21/8/11:Big week for Keenagers- All courts full today - 2pm start on Friday - & Saturday night we are off to the Darebin RSL for a meal and a chat. Anyone for lumpy Pan Cakes ? -Irene (who else could it possibly be ? ) -made some Pancakes. they are a bit lumpy as she dropped a cut up Sausage into the middle of the mixture 29/8/11:Happy birthday John Graham. Bev did a marvellous job and the Keenagers were out in force. -Clem & Bonny- Margaret-Bomber Cathy, Tony Ma, Norma & Maureen. And this was early in the afternoon so I am sure a few more popped in and said hello. DONT FORGET KEENAGERS- this Friday -Keenagers from 2pm to 5pm .. 28/8/11;COLTON PLACE Glenroy TODAY - Hope we get many Keenagers pop in to celebrate John?Graham's??birthday. -Afternoon tea in the living room. Bev will be waiting to see everyone. What gives the New Yorkers the right ! -Imagine them complaining about Cyclone Irene ! -We have had to put up with it for years ! Not sure if Irene can make it- She is currently busy giving Milly dancing lessons.? -Watch out Tony- you're next !Don't forget KEENAGERS -Next Friday - 2 pm to 5pm -Come in early and you can help Bob with the sour straps. Then Saturday night- See you at the Darebin RSL for our annual night out. SHOOT OUT- Kath loses first round with Bill Mac- Teams up with Allan and wins final after coming through the Reprecharge heats.Bill claims 'she was not trying' when she was his partner. 22/8/11:Well done Julie? -A great win on Wednesday night KEENAGERS PLEASE NOTE - FRIDAY 2ND SEPTEMBER - the group will still meet- but from 2pm to 5pm ! -Come in early & you will be helping serve the sour straps. John A- Looks at Des's Poppies- He is told- You can eat them plant them or smoke them. John then adds or inject ! I'll take them. Our girl, Irene, went 10 days without the hearing aids. She found one in the dirt behind the vanity basin, so then washed it. Was not long before it fell to pieces. As for the 2nd one ?- It ended up on her bed -Chewed up. (by Milly the Mutt one suspects.) 16/8/11:The girl had only been in the club five minutes. 'Tony says I remind him of Dean Cox -Hmm he is eleventy eight foot tall. Irene is 3 foot 6. I See the resemblance. Then I got in the same breath, 'My eyes are sore from the dust at home, my back aches, my neck is sore, that's why I play Table Tennis, I have to sit down as I am tired and my feet need a rib. My thumb is also sore as it got jammed between a clothes rack and some baskets.'So Mr President -Time for you to - Buy new glasses - insert some eye drops - get the feather duster and put on the pink Tu Tu. Rub the ladys back, make her a cuppa tea, then massage her feet. Make sure you take a wire cage for the Mutt for when it attacks you. Then you can ice the lady's sore thumb.VACANCY? -Who's putting up their hand to offer to take over the President's role for a short time ? NEW RECORD FOR KEENAGERS -All courts full -Well done -Shoot Out was a tad different when one pair I didnt even call or put together marched onto court to play opponents who were on the wrong court.? So Phil survived the fall and in appreciation Sue supplied the cakes. Plans are under way to tie his shoe laces together more often if this is the reward we get for helping him to his feet.10/8/11:You beauty !We cried out as Phil recieved a phone call from the lovely Sue. Must be a batch of cakes heading our way.? Soon after a loud crash and Phil had kissed the floor. Quick, get the cakes delivered before the Ambulance arrives was the call.? Phil survived the crash & was back on court quickly belting a few winners.Talking about cakes- Irene's Eclairs were such a flop that she drowned them in cream then ate the lot herself. -Bet Milly the Mutt had some as well ! Bev, the roving reporter says it is worse than having night mares, thinking about Tony in a hot pink Tu Tu. John and Caroline are back. 2 months in the far north as they could not afford the hight altitude training like the beloved magpies did in Arizona. Still it must have worked, as John come back and won the Shoot Out straight away, carrying Trevor to his first title of the year. 8/8/11:Norma is upset with the abbreviatons of peoples names- OK -Chance is the dog owned by the Big Mac ! hope this helps.the Screamer is back ! - There goes the piece and quiet. IRENE? - Was making scones & eclairs - But not for the Keenagers. Why ? - Because she lost her Hearing Aid ! (try and work that out ?)Lynette was convinced- She was on 13 points for the Shoot Out tally. Runner Up on Friday, so another point was won - According to Lyn, this will make her total - 12. 4/8/11:Poor CHANCE? the dog. It was time to take the dog for a walk. the dog was happy, the owner not quite so thrilled. He takes a glimpse at the telly & the football is interesting. Guess who missed out on his walk ?Our newest Cub reporter says that the owner of Chance the Dog can be quoted as saying ' I look good in a dress !' Hmm rather interesting as his good lady is holidaying in Cairns. 9/7/11:Clem You Beaut.? -Rocked up to Pennant to watch the Keenagers who were playing pennant. We were short of a player and Clem put up his hand to help out the club. Not for the first time . - It is Keenagers like Tony- Bonny- Clem -Greg & Bill Mac who help the club out when we are short of players or need stuff done around the club - that make us very happy to have the Keenager group at our great centre. 25/7/11:Tony -You better watch out ! -Irene says 'i am now on Steroids . How about the new Keenagers uniform displayed by Keith . Shirt- tie and runners of course. & Matched by the President of the club -John A on the weekend on court no 3. We hear there is a birthday shortly ? -Sue has been busy in the kitches and Keenagers will reap the reward of her hard work. Phil ! can you have 2 birthdays a year ? OFFICE WORKS? - gets a visit from 'our lady'. Little pieces of paper to be stuck onto an A 4 piec of paper -to be photo copied.? It takes over 30 minutes of the shop assistants time. Total cost Irene forked out- $1-70.Irene then?attempted to use?one of the shops?computers. She asked the nearest guy, who was minding his own business, 'How do you turn this computer on !- His reply' It is already on!'. Peace and quiet is over- the Screamer has returned. Yes! Julie has returned from overseas. How about Bob ? - the first school for the term and he hands the assistants reigns over to little Darcie. she spent the next 2 hours handing our the sour straps & placing them into?bags for?the students 20/7/11: First day of the school competitions. No Bob in sight. Darcie had to do the 'selling the sour straps' caper in his absence. 29/11/10:CHRISTMAS EVE? - Friday 24th December - Club will be open from 9 to noon -FREE ENTRY - but bring a cake !We will announce our KEENAGER OF THE YEAR !??? -Plus a Singles Shoot Out- Played up to 3. USING A SPECIAL BALL 28/11/10:WELL DONE KEENAGERS - 33 of us at the Darebin RSL? -Well done Clare- And all on Sylvie's birthday !But the big news - Spoke to the big Macca in the afternoon- And doesn' t he sound well - Looks like the nurses treated him wellDon't forget Tuesday? -the unveiling of the Coburg Keenagers DVD ! 22/11/10:NOW THIS IS A BEAUTY - Sunday morning and in walks Trevor. Is this yours ?? (A phone holder found last week in the toilet) Yes !? It now makes 10 different things that Tevor has lost at the club this year. But Trevor was not worried Nothing was going to upset him as he started Laughing. He pointed to court 3. That is Taxi Tom ! He screamed like a baby in the ice bath last week. Now the penny dropped- You been reading our Web site Trevor ? Then he started lauging again- There is 15 -as he pointed to Duncan. And he started to laugh that much his top dentures nearly flew out of his mouth (made me duck for cover - imagine being shot by flying falsies !) Tevor was now in full swing talking about the dog that ate the 3 star ball. He now knows we have a 15 fan club & that Chrissy kissed a big dog recently.Trevor promises to read the web site more often - maybe he can give the Keenagers a weekly report ? and he might even have some information to be added onto our site.20/11/10:In a couple of weeks time- Some representatives from our club will be paying Gowenbrae Retirement Village a visit to do some Table Tennis Exhibitions. Hopefully this will attract some new members to our Keeangers Group. But one member who will be attending is hoping that his good lady does not find out. She has plans to ship him there permanently. Hey Tony! Want us to pick you up from your home ? 19/11/10:Margaret walked into the club & asked if she can put 'this page' on the White Board. She turned around and it was not there. Spinning and turning and she kept complaining that it was no where to be seen. We pointed out that her shoulder will improve but not much hope for her eyes.? Once she turned the 'other way' there was the super size white board. 13/11/10:Milly the Mutt made it into print again. Irene grabbed me and said - I have another Milly story but it is not really about Milly.? -Now I was convinced that she had lost her marbles.It seems that?Innocent Irene was watching the telly (sports channel of course). An advert for Tablets to give the dog to stop the stress. So out she went to buy some. 11 Chemists later all sold out.. So off to Chemist number 12. - It was closed. But our girl does not give up easily- Off to the vets. Maybe they should have given Irene a tranquiliser to calm her down ? -Their suggestion ? -go to the Chemists. Our suggestion ? take the dog on a holiday - to Nimbin. they have stuff there that can calm down even the wildest animals.10/11/10:One big Mac -failed to show on Tueday but is qiute OK? -In his absense the other Big Mac (Bill) made the final of the Shoot OutHow well are we travelling ? - Bill F - about to leave the club and realises that he has $4 in his pocket. (Yes ! married men and extra money ?? does not compute!) So Bill says. Oh I must have forgotten to pay. I took the $4 and wasa about to punch in the money - into the photo copier !Bob is back but before he could enter the club he and Dee were twisting an turning, jumping about and not sure what else in the car ?Recently they left their car and opened the sun roof to let out the heat as it was a warm day. When they returned and jumped into the seats, guess what ?? wet bums - Yes Melbourne is famous for 4 seasons in one day ! Trevor has us running around as he had only been at the club 5 minutes and his bat was no where to be seen. Then the penny droped ! Oh ! I must have left it at home. 5/11/10:A poor turn out for Wednesdays Super League. But great to see the Keenagers support this event. Clem, Bonny & Keith led their teams out onto the court and some of the best Table Tennis seen at our club was played. 3/11/10:Keenagers Cup Sweep? -Who was the late entrant demanding a horse ?? Non other than Killer Carolyn who walked away with the winning horse.Talk about Killers ?? How about the Dopey Dog who thought he would help his master ??There was a large insect buzzing around the house. Open the Jaws and attack was his thoughts. Trouble was the owner ? attacked the insect at the same time with the big mitt. Bang- 1 insect -alive - 1 dog owner left with a big gash in the hand?? 1 - poor dog?- not allowed to go for a walk for 2 days as he probably is still over .05? and can't have him caught drunk & slobbering, after drinking his owners blood. Not to be outdone -Milly the Mutt- had to be fed a sedative ? Must have worked well, because it run around the house then head butted Irenes leg. -then got thrown into the car as the Tiler was on his way back to complete his work and he had already been bitten once by Milly. So what did the D.D. (Drugged Dog) do ? -Attacked the car - bit the car seat - turned on every switch possible -Wipers going - head lights on - windows up and down -radio - and of course the indicators ! Last week the door was removed from court 3 for repairs. Bill F walked onto the court, stopped and tried to shut the door . where's the door he asked ?Julie has set a new club record. It is Spring racing time and the new clothes?are on display - but she has exchanged her new club shirt 3 times.Phillip M. -Felt tired after the Club Championships. Says he will cut down on events next year. That is a certainty. He blasted away many good players and will be promoted from Section 6 to Section 4 at the verey least. 30/10/10:What a brave man . The tiler actually visitied Milly & Irene again even though the Mutt bit him last visit. Irene thought that she better tranquilize the Mutt before the Tradesman arrived. Time to sedat Milly so out of the fridge a lovely piece of Porter House Steak. Plan was to cut off a piece and shove 2 tablets in the meat then shove it down the Mutts mouth. Turn around and TOO LATE.? No tablets taken and the whole Steak was gone. 29/10/10:WHO'S THE BOSS ??? Not? even a Sun Baking Snake - Sitting on the veranda, basking in the sunshine was going to hang around when Bonny decided it was time to leave- Down the stairs and into the garden bed. Then Killer Kit took over and off it went along the tree bed to the end of the hall before heading towards the creek (we hope)? The snake had obviousl heard that the jokes today were good and wanted to see if there were any more about to be told. Or maybe it had heard about Tony's Ticker playing up and wanted to kick start it a bit ? KEENAGERS NIGHT OUT -?Saturday ?the 27th November at the Darebin RSL. (Bell St just east of St Georges Road -It used to be called the Preston club )? 6-30pm sit down time 27/10/10:The filming of the Keenagers at Coburg has been completed.? We said our good byes to the crew . We thanked Elissa and as she left Tony Mac declared - She is a fine young lady. It is a pity that she will grow up to be a woman.Don't forget -keenagers will still be conducted on MELBOURNE CUP Day 23/10/10:Adele Meheld was one of our original Keenagers. She was also our first Keenager to compete in competition. We knew her knees were causing problems but now we have been informed that she is slowly recovering from a Stroke. We wish you a good recovery, Adele and hope to see you back at Coburg in the new year. 22/10/10: TONY MAC is not very well. On behalf of all Keenagers and club members we wish a speedy recovery. Super League will be held at Coburg every Wednesday during November. Six teams of two players need to have a team leader who will be required to lead their team on the court for the first match. Already Clem and Bonny will have teams name in their honor. Our girl Irene brings in a newspaper clipping from a few years ago. She equalled the golf course record at Latrobe with a 74. The obvious question was asked "Why didn't you turn professional?" as she replied "I did not want to leave home and I didn't like golf back then." We wonder what she could of been like if she enjoyed the sport? Irene and Milly the Mutt are back in the news again. Home renovations and the Tiler comes to her home to do her floor. Milly took offense and bit him leaving him wounded and not impressed.The next day Milly found a mouse and brought it inside the house. Of course Milly let it go which means Tony and I have declined the Afternoon tea offer just in case we are offered Chocolate Mouse.? Irene problems do not end there. Why did her new front door cost $400 more than the original quote? Irene measured the old door and ordered a new one from Bunnings. She measured the door in cm's did not add the extra mm's because they were not shown on her old measuring tape. Hence when Bunnings arrived with her new door it was too large and the carpenter spent all day trimming wood so the door could finally fit. Congratulations Irene. Another first she actually found a way to have her little car parked in parts of three car parks. Kath walks in the club with a five year old Adam. She says it is ok, this one is mine. Something we didn't know about Kath? Shoot Out Phillip walks on the court singing the Zig & Zag song. Must have worked as he and Lynette won the event. 21/10/10:Hurriyet - Can no longer attend Keenagers, but would love a hit either on weekends or weeknights. Her number is at the club should some one be after a casual hit. 20/10/10:The Big Mac - the Pres- He ?is back - Not quite well enough to play - that was until the cameras rolled- Guess who was in front of the camera - bat in hand doing a 1 person demo - The quiet man himself.John A - first person to do a dance before the Shoot Out. A feat also performed by Phillip. -Next we will have the dance during the Shoot Out .Kit ( the smiling Assassin) Pats Norma on the back and says 'well played ' after giving her a belting.And Dino spoke to Franca in the language of love (italiian)- exact words ?- GET STUFFED. 14/10/10:In for a good night ! - Jess arrived for the finals. No thumper to support him. No Sam who has failed to turn up for matches in the past. Plus Jess had lost his track suit on his last visit to the club. Try court 3 was the suggestion, so he charged onto court 2. Not here ! he said. Court 3 Jess were the words. He finally found court 3 and walked in and started throwing some clothes around. But they were not his. He was soon reunited with his clothes -they were in the lost property box.? So back onto court 2 he wanders, saying we are playing here. But we are playing here says the guys warming up for their finals elimination match. The words on the white board were then read out -Jess table 1, but he was having none of this -He was on table 2. So the full line was read out. 4th vs 5th table 2. Sam and Jess table 1. He grabbed his bat and bag & barged onto court 3. Clem who was watching from the Spectators area, laughed and said 'this might be a quick night. 10/10/10:Elven is back! -He has just re newed is work contract- It includes No work on Friday mornings- they have been swapped with Saturday mornings. All so that he can join our group on Fridays. Silly Milly the Mutt -Irene had to go to bowls -Milly went hiding so no choice but to leave the mutt indoors. When Irene arrived home the sad eyes weere looking out of the window. And a note was on the door -Either shut the mutt up or let it loose on Nicholson street. Milly was crying all the time while its owner was off enjoying her self.But Milly did escape recently. Milly run donw the lane and shot off around the corner with Irene lagging behind. Grab her Irene was screaming to no avail, until Milly crossed the road with a young man. It was then that the young man worked out that the screaming woman wanted the ankle biter caught. Carolyn - said that her partner in the Shoot Out could not chew and play ping pong at the same time. Neil Roberts - Wearing his favourite runners. His missus wont let him wear them and says he has to wear the new ones she bought. Well, Neil you can wear your old runners at the club as your secret is safe, until your wife reads this web page at least. And yes ! he did arise -Tony visited the club for a short visit before heading off to get a few wires attached to see if his ticker is still working OK Kath could not play for an hour after she arrived. The cameras were at the club again and she had a stall of her goods to set up and advertise. Camera Kath just might be her new name.? -Then Kevin must have noticed the cameras - he put on the sun glasses, Cool Kevin was in town.The birthday cake, a vist from John and June, the marshmellows? -we had everyting and the Keenagers choir of course. John did say to Bev - Happy birthday -How old are you ? and these were the opening words to his speech.? Julie at last nights pennant- you are on table 1 ?? she points to table 3 and says over there ? Playing at Coburg for 3 years and still does not know where the courts are. Maybe pops wasted his time numbering the umpire stands. 6/10/10:With Tony still feeling poor -Another big man stepped up to fill the big shoes. John O'B took control but could not get the 12 players from the back courts to join in the Shoot Out.But we had a good session, with the cameras again filming our players. Caroline come bouncing in on one leg wearing her Collingwood jumper &?Kevin was singing their teams theme song. Bring on season 2011 early, I say.As for Tony's illness. I believe he caught the dreaded September disease that got thrown out of the MCG- The Collywobbles?makes your throat lumpy & leaves you feeling fatiiguedBert pops in and says Hello & then Goodbye- He is off to Narooma for a month. Hope they have a ping pong centre there 3/10/10:More filming on Tuesday.?? Our film crew will be back on Tuesday to do some more filming. They are very happy with the results of last week. Just need to tidy up a few things. 1/10/10:Tony Mac,? made his usual appearance to Keenagers but like Tuesday he was not well enough to play. His regular doctor is out of town so it looks like the manager might be required should Tony fall down. But in all seriousness we hope that it is not too long before the big man has fully recovered.Another who was not well today was Trevor. But once he laced himself with some mints he was up and about again. His Steroids he claims. 29/9/10:Well done Keeangers. the filming was done and the crew was very happy with everyone's participation. Our young recruits -87 year old John was interviewed and Bill (Oh No !?another McMahon) fitted in very nicely. We are concerned with the health of the sound man, as he had the 'cones' on with volume turned up as the manager was being interviewed. The sound mike was just under his nose and he was wearing a mike as every attempt was being made to have his interview heard above the noise of the table tennis being played in the back ground. Suddenly Trevor waltzed in front of the camera, stopped and smiled then marched into the rest rooms. Suddenly a huge Bang ! as the toilet seat was dropped. The man with the effects ringing in his ears thought a bomb had hit our club.. Tony Mac - was not well at all and could not even have a hit, yet he soldered on, making sure everything went perfectly for the filming. He calls me the groups mother hen, but I do not come close to this man who does everything possible to help out the Keenager group. Have a good rest mate and we hope you are up and about real soon. 27/9/10:Sunday morning - And Trevor needs help with his bat. A new rubber is the request and he removed the one to be replaced .But what a mess ! Glue everywhere -all over the rubber that was staying on the bat- all over the handle & the bare side looked like it had been attacked with Chewing gum .I had most if it cleaned and Trevor thought he would help by sticking his finger into the sticky part and again glue was spread very quickly. I did not bother to ask what had happened but half way through the AWD session his rubber fell off -There was the evidence -tons of glue on the rubber and blade and it was still very wet ! Once you put water based glue on the bat and rubber you have to wait until it completely dries. Unfortunately Trevor and patience do not come hand in hand. Where were those bat masters when you need them ? Obviously 15 and Craigo knew some thing was up and stayed well away from the club when their bat making skills were required. 25/9/10:Irene - A bit sluggish after 2 days of Bowling ? hopefully she was not used as the Bowl ?? -But nothing compared to Tony who failed to make it to the club on Saturday -as his aches were even aching. He was not moving too smoothly on Friday after a week of helping at our camp. Hope his is fit for Tuesday at the cameras will be rolling. John Thomas (our 87 year old? player) will make a visit as will Bill McMahon hopefully. 21/9/10:Keenagers -I arrive at 9am to open up the club so that every thing is ready for the 9-30am start. 3 cars were already in the car park. Bev -she was ready to play -Bill -relax time as he was reading the news paper. Jess- Seat back and he was fast asleep. Obviously got out of bed too early Madge also arrived early - 10 minutes before the coffee break. At least Kath arrives just as the coffee is being served -she does not want to miss Bonny's jokes.13/9/10:Interesting day at Keenagers. Tony was called Dopey by Trevor, Bob was labelled a Floozy, Irene again was punching into the President & Kit was only an houjr and half late for his hit with PhilOK Tony -It is time for you to help Shorty out. Milly the Mutt was under?the bed and would not move. So Irene does her best Mary Poppins impersonation, and grabs a broom. The mutt charges out from under the bed, into the curtains and becomes entangled. Then the curtains fall to the ground, leaving Irene to ponder how can she get them back up again as they have to be raised 12 foot.? It is a bit high for shorty to reach up so the curtains currently lay on the ground. How can she 'hang these curtains' or should she just 'hang the dog ?' 12/9/10:Things were a bit tense on Friday morning. Every leg that walked up the stair way was checked out. When I saw shorts coming up the stairs, the blood pressure rose until I saw that attached to the legs was John Appelbee. So the full story. It was 9-30am and a lady come into the club looking for her son. The local Secondary school was on the way to play table tennis. I had no record of them but? the problem was I lost a diary some months ago and if the booking for a school was in this diary (some schools book 12 months in advance) I might have had a double booking. Hence the look of worry every time some one marched up the stairs. I was planning in my head how I could accommodate a school and Keenagers at the same time. And more Keenagers rolled up so no much spare room in the centre. The lady rang the school. Yes the Basketball and table tennis teams had left -It was inter school sports. 5 schools were going to play table tennis. The blood pressure dropped.? once we found out that Basketball was being played in Epping. I assumed then that the Table Tennis must have been played at Greensborough. As for the lady ? she had to go to work and never got to watch her son play, but vows that she will return in the future for a hit? Birthday cakes galore on the table for the Keenagers session. The cakes were attacked before the candles were set in place or the Choir had sung its birthday songs. Even had Kath with Cake & Coffee before hitting a ball in anger.Irene has a shot at Tony (nothing new here) then I copped a whack! Then she was worried that she had over stepped the mark by commenting about me and that it might have upset 'the little lady who sleeps with me'. Irene even told 'Milly the Mutt' that she might have upset the 'Dragon' with a comment she made about 'the manager'. Don't worry Irene, the good lady agrees with everything you have said about me and Nancy asks you to keep Tony on his toes and belt him around the ears once in a while. ? 8/9/10:Tony the Pres.? Calls out quiet -followed by Quiet (again and again) without much luck at all -Suddenly Victor screams out Shut Up! & the place is quiet. 7/9/10:ELVIS has been found? Whilst travelling OZ recently, John & Carolyn found Elvis. Carolyn even sneaked across to the caravan next door & took a photo of the 4 wheel drive with the number plate ELVIS. Lots of confusion today. We let Tony take control of the Shoot Out. Lots of interesting comments flown in his direction but he simply shrugged his shoulders and completed the difficult task -Well done big Mac.The Kick a Keenager duo beware? Bob & Tony did such a great job at the 'school kid attack day' that Irene is interested in having them visit her home and help spread a tonne of crushed rock (pebbles ) around her front yard. A good day at Keenagers -We had Margaret, June, John, Derek, Nancy, Sam, Kevin & Bert all return after being absent for a while. 1/9/10:The handy men duo - Bob & Tony have done a mighty job cleaning up the club. They can be booked via the club for parties functions and general clean ups. 30/8/10:Mad Monday? and Tony is entertained by the Bomber-ettes dance troup. They waltz onto his court and start singing 'See the Bombers Fly Up'. while waltzing in such good form that it is a wonder that they have not been snapped up for the next edition of 'Dancing with the Stars. Then Tony says' you would not be dancing with that lady if you knew where she hung out. Apparantly,? Kathy and Tony had a rendervouz outside the gents toilet at a local shopping complex. At Keenagers today Kathy said to John G 'I can handle you. Bev bounced back with 'leave my hubby alone.? ? Irene - gives Graham from Tasmania the directions on the location of the warehouse she often visits, in Preston. Cross Bell Street, 2nd lane on the left- down the end to the bright Yellow building. he has not been seen since and never visited the warehouse. I wonder if it had anything to do with the fact that this Yellow building is actually Cream colored with light green paint around the edges. At least it is Yellow inside the building. 28/8/10:Trevor with the Band aid on the face just hanging on. The rest of the band aid is flapping as he walks. A poor mans Norman Gunston imitation. Anway Trevor says'? Next Tuesday -No Keenagers' Thats right Trev. No more Tuesdays ? Only next Tuesday Trevor- We will be here on Monday instead. But no more Tuesdays ? Only next Tuesday ! We will be here every Tuesday after that. No Keenagers on Tuesdays ? - So I bang my hand on the desk to grab his undivided attention. Next Week Monday for Keenagers then it is back to normal? -Of Course Trevor got in the last word which left me speechless? But what about Friday ? (reminded me about the advert on the telly with the car insurance and the alians) Irene - who has to leave early -can't play the shoot out -Arms too sore from taking Milly for a walk - yet on both days this week after much complaining, still found her way onto the court, playing the Shoot Out and making the Semi's - but what about her efforts in trying to dak poor Tony as she is sure that he must wear Pink Undies.Irene did point out that playing Doubles with Tony is like taking Milly for a walk - never know which way they will go, you always have to 'tell them off' and drag them around and both deserve a swift kick in the behind from time to time. And both want to bite her. The only difference is that Milly?has a lead?attached to her collar.?Irene cant reach that high on Tony. 24/8/10:Dont forget Keenagers -next Tuesdays meeting will be held on Monday.Phil marches in with a cake. Yes ! the lovely Sue has been cooking again. Which led to the question. 'can Sue visit each week ?armed with a cake of course.Irene asked for some milk. See that white thing beside you- open its door. Oh you have a new fridge, I didn't see it.Now I always said Norma tells the truth. So we should listen to what she says. The problem with the stories on this page is that I say too little. I am a man of far too few words, according to the lovely lady. OK Tony? What is Mrs Appelbee's correct name ! so he spelt it out C-A-R-O-L-Y-N then pronounced it Caroline. So I was still confused as ever. John! What is your wife's name ? Carol !? well that left us completely stuffed. For the record -Carolyn -we won't get it wrong again (until next time that is) 20/8/10: The Money was collected, then recounted and the numbers did not match. Finally the culprit and handed in the missing 5 cents. Thanks Norma.Irene was interested in the lollies in the plastic container. Not sure how they would of tasted as she was looking at the coloured Double Fish Table Tennis Balls.Irene has just joined the new group. The sacked Tony was my partner group as she complains that she never wins the Shoot Out and feels she deserves a better partner. No wonder Milly always wants to bite her. 18/8/10:Keenagers take centre stage in pennant. Playing this week were Phillip (player of the Round section 6) -the Pres John A, Julie, Sam, Jess & Kit. Well done guys. 13/8/10:So good to see Bert back at the club yesterday He hopes to be able to join in for a hit in the next week or 2. 1/8/10:Monday nights see the club bulging at the seams. People waiting and all courts are full all night. Sometimes you just have to barge in and join others. Julie was standing around so I said ' Join in on court 8. -4 or 5 times I said this to her. Finally got the reply 'Where's 8' -Just next to 7 ! Oh! did you say court 7? '8 number 8 ! -Oh I don't want to go there !. The Strawberries arrived - the Shoot Out was disrupted -and the Strawberries went quicker than one match in the shoot out Trevor rolled up and he was soaked. Especially the front of him. Not one dry inch. One wonders if he took the short cut -via the Swimming pool ? & swam the last 50 metres. Bev arrived late. Starts the search for the $'s. Empties the coat pockets & finds 2 of our table tennis balls that went home with her last week. Attacks the track suit top, the multi layers of clothes, still no money - then the penny drops. Found a $10 note - it was in her hands all the time. 3/8/10:Des calls the club. Ask everyone if they would like some Strawberries, as I have some. Well Des you better have a farm full as, 'sales' rivalled the Boxing Day specials in record time. Last count? says there is over 30 boxes requested. 1/8/10:Elven popped into the club. Armed with a bat that did not look like making it out of its cover. But we had a good chat and he sends his regards to the group. Kath come to the club, picked up a bag of plastic bottles and took them home. Trouble is when she opened the bag it was full of cans !Trevor had an empty cup in his hand and was about to drop it into the can bin.'Don't drop that in there' I said ' Oh sorry - then it did that and dropped the cup in the can bin!Tony has not been seen in the club lately- Rumour has it that he is sending all of his relatives away as he keeps driving to the air port. But the plot thickens ! He has our winnings from Tattlotto. And there is cheap air fares on offer. I don't think you can fly too far with $12-20 though. OK own up! Who mistook Phil for John Alder ? Surely there can't be 2 of him ? 27/7/10: Anger Management - Irene got her key in the ignition of her car. Twist, pull and bend, a lot of foul language but finally the car started. Now she is the owner of a car key held together with sticky tape. Her dog Milly the Mutt is also in trouble as she has not been registered in the past four years. No wonder the dog is always upset and wants to eat everything in sight.? Best wishes to Kevin McCuskey who is having a spell in hospital. We all wish him a speedy recovery. 25/7/10:John & June popped down to MSAC to watch Trent on Thursday. Trouble is that he did not play until Friday. But J & J did see some of the pre qualifying tournament. John said the same as I did to several of the organisers. No atmosphere with too long between matches & no entertainment. I did ask for a match between some of the players who missed out on the main draw but are of good standard. I now take pride that we at Coburg offer entertainment at our functions not only Table Tennis.? John said to Trent, wait for another 50 years to see if you are just like me. Sorry John quite a few more than 50 years. 24/7/10:Tony Mac- How did this club survive before you joined us ?- This week -Tuesday -have a hit -help the Keenagers supply the brithday card organise everyone to sign it.. Wednesday night pennant. Thursday night -Come to the club early to help get everyone to sign important forms. the join in the junior squad to give some coaching advice to the juniors. Friday -Keenagers again -run the Shoot Out collect the fees then lock up the hall after everyone has left. Saturday -join in the squad training,just to learn a few more skills so that he can pass on this info the juniors. OK Tony now that you are on a roll -How about a hit on Sunday after Church (actually called a game of golf) 22/7/10:'Righto Julie' right over the top of the net' I asked. (the large net seperating the courts ) What me ? was the reply. No - Just the ball thanks. A good bat says Irene. -Hmm it might have been but we have just worked out that it was over 40 years old. Fair to say that the rubbers were a bit tired 21/7/10:Sorry guys just like last year -NO KEENAGERS Tuesday 31st August due to school competition -We will offer Keenagers a different day that week20/7/10: Milly the Mutt has changed its name. Now officially known as Mickey Conlon.?No wonder this dog?has caused so much?problems. You think it would of known its own name though.?John O'B did not think much of his partner Mitch in todays Shoot Out. He took Mitch for a drive and dropped him off at the end of Fawkner Cemetery. 13/7/10: Don’t go to Norma’s for a dinner party for a while. Her 2 boarders ? come from Vietnam and China . Norma plans to be cooking rice, rice and more rice for the main meals.?Milly the Mutt. Again failed to make it to Coburg today. The car ride did not excite her and Milly did not think much of being lifted into the car by Irene. And the other problem was that Milly is too heavy for Irene to lift. So? Milly's?penalty ? stay at home with her new heated bed. One gets the impression that Milly has taken over the house hold. Hmm the Tony vs Irene golf challenge ? Obvious the mutt needs some excercise. Maybe Tony will drag Milly along the course ? Don't let her near the golf bag Tony, as she might eat that as well . 12/7/10:Coburg Keenagers have been busy this week. Bill Tony, Kevin,?Julie and Clem played in the Wednesday night?pennant. Tony was assisting at the clubs holiday camp for 5 days. Bill was helping at the Saturday squad.as was Keithy. ?Hurriyet and Julie were having a hit on Saturday afternoon. Bob Stewart took a break from his weekend away and played in the Victorian Veterans championships. Clem spent Sunday morning rolling around the floor being attacked by a 3 year old. 9/7/10: Des Jones - Winner of the guess Madge's mum birthday. The year was 1880 Trevor was frightened by the vicious bikie busy standing in the doorway. He was not impressed when we asked?Trevor, where was the nearest bikie club? He was much relieved when the big bikie helmet was removed and bikie Bill becomes bikie Bev, yes! it was our own Beverley. Milly the Mutt Series 2: Irene had a Shepherds Pie which ingredient included a lot of onion, sitting on the table. Did not take long for Milly to scoff the lot. Included in the eating her habits was finding the doggy biscuits hidden in Irene's coat and the ham which was to be place inside Irene's sandwich did not last long once the sniffing snout smelt it. Before Irene could turn around the ham was eaten. But none of these could match the problem when Irene to take the dog to the vets to get its nails trimmed. Look out Keenagers Milly might be paying a visit next Tuesday. 7/7/10:More Keenager winners in pennant. Good wins to Clem and Bill last night, An improved effort from Kevin and some wonderful screams from Julie.?Tony was feeling the pinch of a long week. Just how many balls have you hit over the net this week ? Probably a million and 15 is the likely guess.TONY'S SCRAP BOOK?Now we know how much Keenagers and our club mean to Tony, His scrap book is magnificent and well worth a look. Congratulations Tony. You are the Mother Hen of this group. Television time at Keenagers - WHO'S IN CHARGE?? -Come to mind when I asked Clem how he was and Bonny replied by saying Oh he is OK. ROCKY & BULLWINKLE wathing Big Tony having a hit with 7 year old Phillip (who Tony refers to as the kids he wants to adopt. ) And wasn't it funny when Phillip marched onto court with his partner on the Shoot Out, John O'B. Some one from the audience shouted out, 'put him in your pocket John'. The GOLDEN GIRLS were on court 3 -Hurryet, Kath, June and Beverly. Akram and Trevor trying to have a conversation was LAND OF THE LOST.? F TROOP -come to mind when Des asked 'Are there any spare courts ? -turn around Des (Vanderbuilt) and look - only have players on courts 1-2-3 & 7. The rest are vacant. MISSION IMPOSSIBLE when trying to give the Coburg web site address to Trevor or how to find it via the TTV web page.? And we finish with ALL IN THE FAMILY -When Akram pointed out that he just found out that his twin brother used to play Table tennis at Coburg. WHOOPS a late entry. After watching Kevin murder his birthday cake with the big knife ? DOCTOR CASEY. 2/7/10:Triple M did not make an appearance today afterall. Mad Mutt Milly is ready to eat me, but I was armed with doggie biscuits in a?gesture of I?surrender.? We were going to take our stances at 20 paces but it did not eventuate. Irene could not get Milly into the car without getting eaten herself.Alexander was asked 'do you want to partner Grand Ma in the shoot out ?' No way ! was the reply - he wanted to play against her. Tony Mac had a real issue to deal with. Why didn't he wave to Madge and Kath. -Kath ended up doing a higland fling in an attempt to get her leaders attention. Bet, he waves to them next week. 30/6/10:Just home from Melbourne Sports and Aquatic centre. On the wall outside the Table Tennis centre is some photos. One has the caption JOHN and JUNE - over 80 both of them and enjoying our sport. On closer inspection, it was not our J?& J and it was a different sport- How dare they pinch our Super stars names. 29/6/10:Irene ! Has got herself a wonderful white & black (not to be confused with Collingwoods black and white) Jack Russell mutt. Milly will be paying us a visit at Coburg shortly -as she has eaten everything at Irenes home, she may as well help herself to a spare leg or 2. Irene the vet has solve one problem -how to stop Milly attacking visitors ? give her a valium before they arrive. When Irene is on the phone, Milly grabs the doll and shakes violently and bites into it. If that does not get Irene off the phone, the slippers get a decent chewing. The dog does not like the loungeroom and the heater so has a bed in the bathroom. But when it is bed time, and time to be thrown out, more bites for the nasty lady for trying to move it.MILLY four years old found in the lost dog home, hates visitors loves eating and soon the?fridge.?Even the local vet dislikes Milly. Milly is owned by the?lady who is known as the owner of a mad dog. The Appelbees have reached Darwin. Oh well time to head back towards home guys, Keep going further away from us and you will get wet feet. Bob Stewart sitting in the corner just waiting for someone to acknowledge that it was his birthday today. He supplied a?3?course morning tea for everyone yet he was the only one not playing table tennis. He had his phone in one hand and he had his?reading glasses in the other hand trying to fit them over his normal glasses while the?text were coming in thick and fast. So onto the?microphone to announce its Bob's birthday.?Offers come in thick and fast inviting him to come on the court's to have a hit. Now he is waving the glasses and dreaded phone frantically, mumbling about the broken screen and the print which is far too small for a 62 year old to read. All ended well with a rousing rendition of the birthday song by the keenagers choir. Elven Davidson won't be seen for awhile as he will be working at Moorabbin airport. He is working in the Design office on the new Strike Fighter. Hope they take you for a test ride one day Elven. 28/6/10:Hope our regular readers read this- WEB SITE problems so have not been able to update the news section for 2 days. I am able to get into the Keenagers section so that is why I have posted this messageKeenagers- Very pleased to hear that Friday night went very well. We thank the Keenagers, partners and friends who made the effort to go to the RSL and hope you all enjoyed yourselves. Congratulations to John and June. I was lucky enough to spend 2 days with their son. He is doing a great job as the President of New South Wales table tennis association. A fine man who speaks in glowing terms of his parents. I hope in 30 years my kids (OK in 30 minutes) speak with as much passion?about their parents.Keeanger alert. Chrissy Jones - has been conducting her 50th birthday party since february. -50 years- 50 birthdays is her motto - back to Yarrawonga next weekend to continue on the same trek. But rest assured- the celebrations are coming to an end and she is officially a KEENAGER.one would expect to see her roll up on a Tuesday and or Friday. Shoot Out time ?is 11-30 girl! 22/6/10:Shoot Out Keenagers style - No one knew what was going on, who was playing, and who was on what court. No one was listening to Tony who was walking around screaming out names, sounding like the old conductor on the tram. he got the same response, no one listened and no one knew that it was their stop . But this Shoot Out did have it all- NORMA -got in trouble for being ready to play.She normally leaves before the Shoot Out so it was assumed that she had left. IRENE belted Tony with her bat. She wanted to play singles. VICTOR - was not game to leave his chair as earlier on Tony told him off. When Victor did finally move, Malcolm jumped into the vacant chair and did a Victor. Attacked the biscuits. KATH practiced her victory dance before the final. Newcomer FRANKA-waved her bat to her admiring fans after winning the Shoot Out at her first attempt. She is still looking for a trophy that one expects when winning such as prestigious event 21/6/10:Friday night out with the Keenagers. It happens this friday night, 25th June at 6-30 pm Reservoir RSL. But what happened last Friday night ? No one told Keith, Sylvie or Des the correct date - they thought the night out was last week ! 20/6/10:Keenagers be proud of your members who represented Coburg in Yarrawonga. A 6-30am departure on the long drive north. On arrival, at the Yarrawonga show grounds, ?Bonny Clem and Elven shot through. When it is the monthly market day, Table Tennis takes a back seat.Bill won a couple of great matches as did Elven. Bonny's sholder stood the test of a full days play and she showed some good improved form. Clem also played well against some tough juniors.? Out of Coburgs 22 players to play -12 were Keenagers age. Congratulations to Elven on a fine PR excercise spending his spare time with 2 local youngsters. they had a great time17/6/10:Tony said ' I will go to court 3 to join the 3 ladies. - Irene, Cathy & Peter. Well done Kevin. He is the latest Keenager to join the Wednesday night pennant. He will fill in for the leading team for 3 weeks. Just hope that his eye sight improves. You see, he asked 'what were the textas for, on the the table in the spectator area?. When told, they were for the white board', he said 'What white board ?'? -that big thing over 2 metres high he was standing next to. Hope the lady who was worried that Steven might be?too noisy has recovered from the shock of hearing screaming coming from the courts. She nearly fainted when I said that is the club president. No wonder she did not hang around for long. 16/6/10-Still taking entries for the ?In what year was Madge's mother born ?For the Keenagers who wanted to purchase the new Blue club shirt as modelled by Kevin. The size M blue shirts have arrived. Only $28 each 15/6/10:The Pres (Mr. J A.) See's a hobbling Bob walking across the car park. ' Your knee playing up Bob ? Now that's good news ! Onto court 1 my friend.kath has let out the secret to why she arrives late. It gives Tony something to talk about. As for Madge -late for Bingo as she had to play the Shoot Out, only to lose first round to Mr Mac and partner.Good luck to Margaret on Friday as she has another operation on her wrist which has been giving her problems for 12 long weeks. Another having an operation is Clem. Today he was having the eyes worked on. Look out Yarrawonga on the weekend. the ball will look as big as a basketball. 12/6/10:Sometimes you just happen to fluke some important information.-One shrinking violet has not bothered to tell anyone that on a Tuesday in June -29th to be exact -He is turning 62. Dee promises to send him armed with a cake to Keenagers that day. His request is a full Esky armed with Tony's medicine. But it is OK Bob your secret is just between you and I and the readers of this web site. The Keenager choir is ready to sing you a song11/6/10:Madge - You Champion. First off agrees to be the focus of our competition. (In what year was Madge's mother born ?) But today she did what others have wanted to do. Instead of being bullied by Tony, she gave him the Lizard - poked her tongue out at him. And later on she gave a display to rival Kath after leading Phillip to a win in the Shoot Out.Did some one really say 'there is an odd one here ! which drew the response - 'more than one odd one,' which was followed by Bonny's A whole bunch of them. 10/6/10:What a performance. Julie won her first match. She carried Tony to a memorable teams victory. Not to be outdone, the screaming on court 4 could only mean one thing. Very gracious in victory - John and Clem also recorded a win.. Well done to both teams. Kath was convinced that she and her partner, John A would win the Shoot Out. She promised a Logie winning effort once they won the final. During the preliminary rounds, she was quiet and focused as her partner, grunted, pirouetted, laughed, screamed & made a general exhibition. Of course they won the final, shook hands with the opposition then blasted into a display that had the audience thinking they were watching the Kindergarten?Follies. Fridays winners have a huge task trying to better this performance.10 Keenagers entries in the competition. In What Year Was Madge's Mother Born ? - One entry per person. Keep the guesses coming. !An injured Keenager ! -Margaret might have to put painting on the back burner until recovers from the dreadful TWRGI. (The Wii Rowing Game Injury) Stick to Ping Pong girl, is our advice 4/6/10:Tony Mac is a big supporter of our club. He helps Keith on Thursday nights, assists at the Holiday camps, does the newsletter and is a good President of this Keenagers club. Yesterday he dropped into the club to witness the weekly game of WAR.? It is not his 'cup of tea' and he hears more noise from the double J's than the 2 teams could produce. But he did come and look so that he could make his own opinion. I hope it was worth the visit and that one day in the future Tony takes the next step and plays in one of the matches.? TRIVIA QUESTION-IN WHAT YEAR WAS MADGE's MOTHER BORN ?- There will be a prize for the winner (closest to the year} ONE WEEKS FREE ENTRY TO KEENAGERS or FREE ENTRY INTO THE CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS - if no one selects correct year.) One guess per person. Winner announced at Keenagers night out? -Early leader is Bonny. Next Keenagers outing. Friday night 25th of June at 6-30pm -Dinner at the Reservoir R.S.L. Confirm your booking with Tony Madge -Drives faster than a speeding bullet. On my way way to the club and a car zooms past me only to quickly drive into the car park. I was shocked when Madge stepped out of the car. We discussed her driving or is that her low flying habits. With Madge giggling we walked to the court when the President was playing. After that it was back to my cubby hole. Over come Irene. 'What's going on'? she asked. Once I explained, Irene walked off leaving me with the following remark. 'Is that all -that's tame' Irene would have rather I said something a bit more spicy. -That's next week.And what did the speedster lady say when leaving the club? See you in a flash ! Keenager Kids Control - A no brainer really ! Who controls kids better ? Male or?Femlae ? ?Table 4 and kids were out of control -even trying to climb over the table. Tony Mac in charge here. But not as bad as the monsters on court 6. Julie marches onto the court. Within 1 minute 6 little angels? lined up hitting ever so well to 'the Lady in Charge. Back to court 4 ? Capt Mac ? well all I can say is lucky he did not have his beloved clip board. It might have been swinging more than his bat. What did Coach Keith hvae to say ? Tony deserved them. 3/6/10:Lost ! 1 clip board - a winning partner in the Shoot Out - The good form in Pennant. If found please return to Tony.Looks like a week in the next school camp is on the agenda. If anyone would like to help out at the camp during the school holidays, just like a Tony does, you are more than welcome. 1/6/10:Keenagers and friends night out. Friday night either the 18th or 25th of June at the Reservoir RSL -Let Tony know this week which date suits you.News from our Jet Setters -An e Mail from John & Caroline. Soaking up the sun along the West Coast beaches & playing table tennis on a new elite table. Frank has returned from Germany. He met with Ellen in Kuala Lumper on the way over. Ellen has sent us her regards from Vienna.But for the rest of us -travel is on our agenda. Coburg vs Yarrawonga -27 players required of all standard of play. Already Bonny, Clem & Bill have agreed to play. We are off to Yarrawonga on June the 20th. The 15 seat bus departs from our clubs car park at 6-30am. Cost is $30 per person or $50 a couple.? Who has been checking out the $27 accommodation in Diggers Rest? Warm Pool, Cold Pool, Excercise classes with a 20 year old lady leading you around. Shared rooms with 2 or 3 others at the Diggers Rest Kennels. Not sure what this means but John has missed several Friday sessions at Coburg. Phillips wife had the oven in overdrive. Final result was a cake which was sampled by the Keenagers. It passed with flying colours & got Phillip the chance to partner Tony in the Shoot Out and get into the victors circle. The cake testers are waiting for their next sample taste testing opportunity. Bob Overs from the 'Village' has not been seen at Keenagers for a long time now. Obviously too busy with the modelling caper? He features in a full page spread advertising the Pascoe Vale Village.What's next ? maybe we will see him in Neighbours ? Also seen advertising the village is Franks friend who travelled overseas with him. OK frank, use your influence as we want to see Madge and Maureen in next weeks Leader in a full page advert. A motivated Macca (Tony Mac) rolled up before Kev (Bartlett had given his morning speech) All because he had heard of Bob & Chrissy's great weekend results. All due to a practice session with Bill the Coaching Star Farrugia. Obviously after some special advice for his big match on Wednesday. Tony's team is last and they play the 2nd placed All Stars. 28/5/10:Sam has lost his jumper and cant find it. Might have had something to do with being left at the club 5 weeks ago. The Salvation Army will do something very positive with the nice jumper. 27/5/10:2 wins for the Keenagers last night. John Alder and Tony Mac both recorded wins. Julie and Tony won a Doubles match as well. 23/5/10:Keeangers out in force at Peters function. Even had Dame Edna ? (some one with some Gladioli did arrive) -thanks DesClem and Tony helped set up things.Keith sang. and too many Keenagers in attendance to mention. Not game to name them all ?in case I forget some one? -thanks KEENAGERS? your support?to this club is invaluable 22/5/10:Allan Loury passes on his best wishes as he has decided that for the time being at least he will no longer attend Keenagers.We wish him well and thank him for his attendance.Don't know how she did it, but it seems Bonny had no trouble at all convincing Julie to play the Shoot Out. OK girl, next task is to convince Des to play.Never ceases to amaze me does Trevor. Today he had his hat sticking up into the air that high that he looked like a Rooster. Entering the hall behind Trevor was Sam with the yellow trusty bucket full of lemons. 'By popular demands' he cried.Irene was looking for her glasses. What are the things are on your head? the Pres asked. They are glasses, said Irene, but they were not the ones Irene was looking for'.Tony's newsletter was not making much sense to Clem. He was reading the wrong side of the paper.But not as good as Tony is. What was he doing talking to an answering machine? 20/5/10:Our 2 Keenager teams in pennant. Next week, 1 of the teams will be on centre court in the match of the round. The other team will be fighting just to get off the bottom of the ladder. 17/5/10:Just a follow up from Pres. Tony's words. Well done guys for letting Anh and Hung join in and be part of our group.Watch out ! John G is armed and dangerous. His new rubbers have him back on all cylinders firing. Hard hitting Harry might just be his new?nic name Keenagers might just take centre stage next Saturday at Peters function. A keenagers challenge might be held so bring the bats along guys just in case. 16/5/10:Mal (62 years old) about to hit with Keith (81) -says 'You have to wait while I adjust everything. this happens at my age, just wait until you get there.' to which Keith replied 'I hope I never get there'.Julie thought she had better remind Sam that he did not turn up on Wednesday night to play in her team. Trouble was he did not even make it across the car park before she started reminding him. Why wasn't Madge invited to 'the wedding' ? According to the Pres and the Manager- She cries at Weddings and drinks all the punch'Has anyone noticed that it takes Bob a while to get kick started now a days. The wonky old knee gets the blame but the truth is, that just like Elven and Irene, a coffee and a chat takes priority. Socialise before you play.Trevor in the new/old shorts. He was asked 'are they long shorts or short longs?' He replied they are Pete Sampras style shorts. That was Ok but Pistol Pete never wore his shorts that high that they also kept his chin warm.? Don't tie the string tight Trev - you might strangle your self 13/5/10:A John story. Read the article in bold print below. John Appelbee is touring Australia. John O'B - he is off to England.? John G. went for a visit to down town Glenroy for a Hair cut & our most famous John the Pres. come to Keenagers. straight from Barwon Prison. Allan Loury -thought he might wander down to Royal Park golf Park to spy on Tony. He sat? on the edge of the fair way. Best place to find Tony but the most dangerous, as word has it Tony zigs zags down the course and anyone near the trees is in danger. The Keenager match was a fizzer -No Sam ? And a big win to Clem and John A.? Bonny made her debut into competiton, representing an oppostion team. Hi Bruce & Keenagers,We have crossed the Nullabor and Carolyn has completed the Nullabor Links— the longest golf course in the world.? She lost a ball to the thieving crow at Nullabor Roadhouse and her clubs are not looking too good after playing on rocky fairways.At last we found a caravan park that has a decent table tennis table at Albany and we made the most of it.? The only other one we found was at Ceduna where the table was broken!We’re staying in sunny Perth at present with John’s uncle & aunt.We hope you are all well and are enjoying your table tennis.Cheers, John & Carolyn 10/5/10:Wednesday night - 7-15pm The Keenagers Clash- Clem and John Alder vs Julie and Sam. Who will win the big match?Should be a bit of noise floating around the hall, one guesses as long as John is feeling a bit better than he was last week. 5//5/10:Keenagers stand and applaud. A good victory to Clem last night and oh so close in his other singles. Julie is not happy with her partner and has sent him to the 2nds for a week. Who will partner her next Wednesday? is the burning question. Collin is unavailable, Chrissy is busy & Bob will be out partying. Maybe Sam ? Could it be Kath ? Maybe Mal ?? All will be revealed at Keenagers on Friday. 3/5/10:Could not afford Picasso so had to call on Tony. Now the line on the steps is white and no Keenager will fall into any of the front 3 courts. Just hope John O'B brings in the white glove to give it the official seal of approval. 28/4/10:Can't believe I rolled up at 9-30 to find 20 Keenagers waiting patiently to have the doors opened, yet I got off very lightly. No great verbal bashings at all, the bins were ready to be rolled into the hall and everyone was chirpy. Luckily Trevor rolled up later than I as he was in his shorts. He was still suffering from the heat from the previous day as he had to play 20 matches in long pants as his shorts were no where to be found.Norma's tee bag collection is up to 20 on day 1 of her attempt to get 80,000 used tea bags. Looks like Tony might have to change his drinking habits to help Norma out.? 25 cuppa's a day Mr. President is the requirement.Irene, was all motivated as she watched Ma Lin (world table tennis champion ) on her Foxtel on the weekend. How did her sesson?go ? -I think I played worse than normal, was her reply. 26/4/10: 3 Keenagers in action today. The Anzac tournament was a beauty. Bill defeated some good players. Bob won Section 3 in a great display of consistency and never give up play. John O"Brien was another to record a victory.But the overall champ was DAVID THOMPSON -President of the Coburg RSL. A fantastic tribute to our fallen heroes as a mark of respect before the Tournament began 25/4/10:Peter Finotellos day? for the keenagers who venture to the club on Sundays, they will know Peter from behind the counter. On Saturday the 22nd May when we hold this function, we are hoping to find several vounteers to help us run the white elephant stalland of course we are still chasing gifts for this stall !! 25/4/10:ANZAC DAY -A service will be held at the club 2-30pm?MONDAY 26TH APRIL-by David Thompson - President Coburg RSL.Everyone is invited for this short but emotional service.?To be followed by the ANZAC?day Tournament. 3 divisions $10 entry for the tournament NORMA -JUST GOTTA LOVE THIS GIRL - She is collecting USED tea bags. A group of her friends are collecting used tea bags. 80,000 tea bags (the paper tags actually) When they reach this figure- A lucky person will have a much needed wheel chair donated to them. A container is at the club. 24/4/10:Was pleasantly surprised to receive a phone call from Maria. But was shocked to hear that she fell off her friends front step. She has shattered her elbow. Maria has already had 3 operations on the elbow and the doctors have said it will be at least 12 months before she can even drive a car. She will never regain full movement in her elbow, and will never play table tennis again. But when she imroves a bit she will pop in and have a chat and a coffee with the Keenagers.Another on the injured list is Brian Kays, His knee is still causing some concern. On Wednesday, on the Kevin Bartlett show, on SEN radio, a voice that sounded familiar rang in. Brian from Merlynstone. Now my ears popped up. And Brian was quick to point out a few facts about the Melbourne Football club. Good to know that Brian is still up and about.? He will be pleased to read that it now takes 3 assistants to do his job. Every Tuesday, the bins are wheeled? into the hall and placed in their spot well before the Keenagers President makes his entrance.How about Madge ? Doing the Statue of Liberty march, with bat pointed high into the sky, after winning the first round of the Shoot Out. Bit of a fizzer after that as she and her partner found round 2 a bit tough.Who is going to own up ?? Lynette was late for the shoot out and is was thought that maybe she was looking for the ear ring again.? Someone yelled out 'its OK Bill is wearing it' 22/4/10:Congratulations to Clem. Led his team to a Premiership, Wednesday night Super Series. Now the real comp next week. Clem will partner John 'the pres ' in the Melbourne Comp Winter pennant. Tony & Mrs Mac (Julie ) will also team up in this competition. 15/4/10:Thanks to the O'Brien family for their gifts that will be added to the Mystery Pack which will be auctioned at the fund raiser for Peter Finotello on the 22nd May. 14/4/10:John & Carolyn have headed off into the sunset. We wish them a happy trip and look forward to a few emails and photosWord has it that new member Anh is pretty handy with a bat. Allan has fitted into our group like a hand into a glove. Next seasons Wednesday night competition player list includes - Julie -Tony -Clem and John the pres- Free coffee and biscuit for any Keenager who comes and supports the Keenager representatives. 6/4/10:Triple Js- June, John and Julie took Tony Mac onto court 6 for a bit of a hit. What they did not know was that he wants to be called Tiger Tony now that he joined them straight after winning a golf tournament. He thought they were going to have champagne with him. They simply decided to look after his health and have him playing a bit of table tennis instead. 4/4/10:Keith Keane has retired from the clubs committee. Looks like more time for Keenagers, and former President Bruce Baluch got his bum smacked by young Dillon from Mildura in comp. He is also planning on joining Keenagers in the future. 2/4/10:Look out for June. First player in Melbourne to use the new Nittaku (Cricket bat shaped racket) got the seal of approval from Craig who says no one stands a chance now that she is armed with some thing so dangerous. More lethal than partnering?Thumper for a full session. Can some one send some one decent with a lawn mower to visit? Norma ? How about poor Allan, Rolls up to the club to play a bit of ping pong and it is not long before he is watching Graeme and Kathy (son & daughter in law) pinching his spot on the courts. Clever bit of recruiting by Mr McMahon. Drumming up new members. But did you check their ages Tony ? 30/3/10:Can some one remove the big key in Bills back ?? It has been overwound and didn't we cop a serve this morning. Look out opponents tonight. Then not long after in marched Norma. first words' I want to grab my bat and belt some body. It seems that her new light bulbs lasted 4 days. (simple solution girl, don't turn on the lights ) then we discover? that she has more 'grass' than the local dealers. Yes ! her lawn mower man has gone AWOL. Well, after we calmed down Norma, and sent her to court 9 with our new player Allan. in comes John Appelbee alone. Carolyn has GOUT problems -G-Out Gout-get Out were her words to John beofe she?set off for the gofl course. John Alder - Congratulations-- New President of Coburg table tennis club.? Surely its time now for the Ex Pres Bruce B to join Keenagers?Just joking as this man has given 18 years to the club in his role as President.. THANKS BRUCE B. 20/3/10:Poor Lynette lost one of her precious big earings, and what did Victor say to console her. 'Without the ear ring you will be lop sided'. 18/3/10:Often maligned John Alder, not known for his undeniable intelligence (I knew he was clever all along !) will present 2 paper presentations on the Health of Psychologists at an International Conference of Psychology. in Melbourne. The presentations will each be of 20 minute duration. But not to be outdone, the lovely, Melissa will give a presentation on Counselling Psychology, in Rome, before tourning Paris with John. Good luck with the presentations John, maybe you can practice during the coffee break at Keenagers? 17/3/10:June liked the catches done by the boomerang throwers on Sunday night. Especially the shirt up the jumper catch. Not sure if I saw that catch or it is a new one to be included in future competitions. 16/3/10:Many Keenagers at the Hamish and & Andy night. Keith sang 2 songs, John and June were front row spectators. Bob Stewart was closer to the action as he was abducted by the Boomerang team and thrown into the action. John Alder a star performer with Hamish and Andy. Clem was involved in the game of WAR. Dee, Sylvie?and Bonny were in the audience, but things are a bit of a blur after that . A lot of organising to do. Sorry if I missed a Keenager who was in the large crowd. 13/3/10:Shoot Out Doubles last week was won by the Painters (Margaret and Tony) who are the Dockers? but yesterday, Sam and Euthy set a record that probably will never be equalled. Lose first round, into the repercharge and end up winning the final against the Blue Twins (Clem and John A the 2nd. ) the Mystery has been solved ! Elven's spoon has again been missing and every time it returns it is in far better condition that when it is lost. And now it is shines brighter than?Mrs Marsh's teeth. It seems that the good lady managers wife, comes in? & cleans up a bit, First stop is the Keenagers area where the stripey sugar bowl is located. She finds Elvins spoon, polishes it and shoves it in the canteen. I find it and return it to its owner, in some what better condition than it was left in. Locko dropped in today after everyone had gone home (yes! even Keenagers have a home to go to) He was sorry he was late as he feels the Keenagers are his right standard to play against.?So he promsies to drop in next week armed with biscuits to say sorry for missing todays session. Gee! using that strategy, the Applebees owe us a roast leg of lamb with all the trimmings.Poor Billy! not the happiest day of his life -could actually say he had a Julie of a day.? It made me think of a song from the 60s. - KEENAGERS STYLEClem and Trevor wanted Tony, Tony wanted Julie, Julie wanted Sam, Sam wanted Billy and Lynette was standing free, How did they fix it ? Tony wandered over to court 3. 8/3/10:We run Bob Stewart through his paces today, with the indoor boomerangs. He was outstanding and very co ordinated, so we will try and fit him into a team for Sundays boomerangs session with the Australian team and Andy and Hamish. Feeling very happy with his newly found skill, Bob walked onto court and fell over a barrier. 7/3/10:Congratulations & a warm thank you to Julie. We hate seeing people sitting around waiting for a hit. Today (Sunday) Kevin a young man with a disability, was sitting around hoping some one would have a game of ping pong with him. It was Julie, in fine Keenagers spirit, who asked him to join her for a hit. Kevin was much happier getting onto a court with an opponent, his dad Cheung was able to read?his news paper in peace and the rest of the centre carried on oblivious to the fact that again Keenagers lead the way in Table Tennis. This time the lesson to others was, a simple 'come and have a hit?are the best?5 words one can hear at our club. 3/3/10:Elvin comes into the club limping. All because he rides a bike, says'the man who won a tournament in China 40 years ago, Trevor Wilson. It was not long before Norma limped into the club rooms. Another to ride a push bike says Trevor. Some how I can't picture Norma riding a push bike!Trevor then strode onto court with his new student, John Appelbee. It was going to be Elven but he grabbed a coffee and quickly poured luke warm water into the cup leaving John A stranded. Have you noticed the lovely coloured patterns?in the big sugar container? It is not brown sugar mixed with the white sugar. the patterns were formed when an injured male push bike rider, grabbed a big spoon full of coffee and missed the cup, instead pouring the coffee into the sugar.Don't expect a news letter for a while Keenagers. the editor, left his notes and clip board at the club. Funny how he writes about people leaving things behind. Shoot Out. the poor hard done by manager, copped serves from 20 people about the pairings in todays Doubles Shoot Out.? Kit and John Alder was not a good pairing everyone said.? Well they were right, as the pre match favourites went out first round.And how about Victors screaming 'who is my doubles partner'?? We are not sure, but if we had to guess, we probably would say Peter who was not only just behind Victor, he was actually standing aginst the edge of the table waiting to play. 19/2/10:Bonny is out of action for up to 4 weeks with the shoulder playing up again. We wish her well and look forward to her return. Another with shoulder problems is Elven. He got bowled over while riding his bike to Keenagers. He landed on his shoulder which is sore but he thinks the pain is worth it as he was playing his best table tennis today. Then the pres made a special presentation, the return of the lost favoured spoon which was some what cleaner than the last time Elven saw it. Where is the spoon now?? still at the club as the owner left it behind again.We had complaints?about the Shoot Out doubles pairings today. And rightfully so. Bill and Thumper?were eliminated in the 2nd round. We wanted them to last much longer. A- to see if Bill was still standing after a few rounds with the dangerous one and B -what sort of performance John would have done if he and Bill won the event. The President's role includes having PR skill. So we worry a little about Tony who shot off like a wild herd of buffalo on stampede, nearly flattening the poor manager & leaving Clem talking to no one. And Clem was only half way through his story. I did not think the story was that bad Clem. 17/2/10:Great to have June & John back with the Keenagers today. Lucky they were not early as Kevin was driving around the car park as if he was practising for the Grand Prix. We are all looking forward to the lady Mayors visit next Tuesday. Maybe our Keenagers President might wear a tuxedo? 13/2/10:Elven has lost his big spoon. So a search party was quickly organised. The spoon has been found so things should get back to normal pretty quickly. Maybe this will stop Elven putting the coffee into the Sugar container. Some shaking and stirring and it now looks like brown sugar in the sugar jar. Eleven finally made his coffee, then spilt it everywhere. You see, he was so busy rehearsing his magicians routine, seen on his computer, that doing any other chore was a distraction. Carolyn was very impressed with the magical skit ?and thought she would show her magicians skill. She slapped a ball which appeared to go into her doubles partner right ear and fly out of his left ear. Left Trevor a little ballsed up. John and June. About time the holiday was over. We need some to help control Tony 11/2/10:Thumper (John A the 3rd) living up to his title. Escorts the lovely Norma into the hall and says' ready for another beating?'Sorry for recent lack of info. All stored in the pocket of the shorts which made the washing machine. Any sympathy for all the lost Keenager info?? Nuh! the little lady was more worried about the little white bits of paper either stuck to the other washing or floating around the washing machine. 3/2/10:The Keenagers, pass on their condolences to Keith, who lost his sister on the weekend, less than 2 weeks after his brother passed awayClaire has asked to step down as President of the Keenagers at this time. things are tough for her at the moment and Tony has offered his services as the clubs mouth piece for the remainder of this year. In November we will again ask who would like to do a term as Keenager president.but Claire and Kath have joined forces and will be our Socialites, organising functions. Currently work is being done on a club picnic.ELVENS? lucky day. He was dragged into the car park by the manager, then on his return, Trevor grabbed his hand and escorted him to one of the back courts.Clem and Bonny go separate ways ? well they did drive to the club in seperate cars and then had a meeting in the car park with our own Judge Judy, Tony Mac. 30/1/10:With no Claire, No Tony, No John & June and Kath not arriving until 'coffee time' claiming she' not nomally late, it was left to Bonny to say a few words. But Des was also missing so again Bonny was called on - this time for the joke of the week. Bonny had 2 jokes up her sleeve and decided the 'nice one' would get a run.? It was a story about a lady farting . Lynette made the final of the Shoot Out for the first time this year. But her partner Chrissy, is not 50 until mid year, still we claim anyone and Chrissy is invited to participate again.What was going on on court 2? Margaret, Kath, Euthy & Norma all standing still and no words being spoken. thought it might have been out of respect for Tony, but he is OK and will return this week. Can only guess that the girls were practising for the Anzac day ceremony. 26/1/10:Did a Dougie today. Took an order over the phone for a home delivery. Obviously Jan & Collin it was cheaper to order over the phone &?get Bonny to deliver the parcel instead of paying the $3 fee and visiting the club.Keenagers, please note Des Jones did not know that there was a big step onto the front courts. Please let him play on courts 1, 2 or 3 in the future please. 25/1/10:Keenagers - Coburg thanks you A few members rolled up to the club on Saturday night to listen to the noise the band was belting out. To join in the WAR? match. And to enjoy the entertainment. Thanks to John and Carolyn for their fabulous dance routine.? Watch this space -A special night being planned for around April will be the best yet done at the club. 23/1/10:Sorry to hear not everyone likes what is written about Keenagers. We don't try to embarrass any one, or make our articles offensive. We do try to point out some of the things that happen, which is not always seen by everyoneAnyway today I was reading the Newsletter, which I thinks was the best newsletter done by our editor. Was reading about the bike maintenance when in comes our new 'bikie' Elven. Tries to park his bike and all I can hear is crash, bang. A dummy run for bike maintenance was his excuse.Cleaner Clem?is helping the club for 3 weeks while our regular cleaner is on holidays.?We know he will do a great job.Trevor was seen running into the toilet, armed with the club phone. Peter was making too much noise emptying the can box into a plastic bag, for 'pops' who was on his way to the club with the new steps, he had made to help make the Keenagers life a little easier getting onto the courts.. Well, the steps were put in place but had to be taken home as ' they didn't have a white line on the edge and did not look to be non slip, said one of our senior members. ?So 'pops' had to bundle them into the car, then head off to Bunnings to purchase some rubber to stick on the top of the new steps. But back to Trevor. He come out of the toilets quite happy. His wife had surgery on her eyes and was home wards bound. Now she would be able to see everything perfectly clear. Hmm better fix up that shave you sort of had in the morning Trev, as it was as patchy as my front lawn.Finally who wins the Mr Fitness award for the week. Tony & Bob help out with our coaching camp. Tony plays golf the next day while Bob cant bend down or move freely for 2 days. Suddenly serving the lollies seemed a nicer option, than belting the balls with the group for a few hours. 19/1/10:OK Keenagers smarten up your act. You send in your main man today to help with the coaching. But 4 hours later he had run out of petrol. Bob felt it was easier handing out the sour straps last year. Also had the pleasure of Tony McMahon who also helped out. But only once he has escorted the ladies in white to the front door. Kath and Julie all decked out in white arm in arm with the big Macca. What is going on ? Our thoughts are with Keith Keane as his brother is burried tomorrow, after a long illness. 15/1/10:Bob Stewart played with the Keenagers then stayed on for the training camp, gaining some great match practice against our top juniors and some not so young.Our Keenager quote comes from Bev who said "I can't come next week and I have to get a hair cut.' Gee! girl, we are pretty handy at Coburg with the scissors.Great to see Maureen up and about today. Thought she was preparing for the winter olympics as she hobbled into the club with what looked like a big ski boot on her leg & foot. Even offered her the mop bucket on wheels to help her skate along a bit. 12/1/10:20 Keenagers braved the heat and played table tennis today. But things cooled off when 6 year old Lucien said' why are there only old people playing table tennis ?And the first of the 2010 quotes ' I don't fit through small spaces any more. I am wider than I think I am'. Norma is the leader in the quote of the year award. 11/1/10:Cool it Keenagers. A hot day tomorrow so less table time and a couple of breaks. At least gives everyone a chance? to catch up with what happened over Christmas and the latest news on the grand kids. Maybe a ferw extra biscuits on the menu as well. 4/1/10:The year starts off with a bang for Keenagers. But where were the biscuits? -4 people were told where they were stored, yet no one could find them. The Shoot Out was a non contest & Peter behind the counter was fed all sorts of stories. But a good day with plenty of players. WELCOME BACK KEENAGERS 2/1/10:Silly me thinking I wont see our Keenagers until Tuesday. Frst day back at the club for the year. in walks Tony McMahon. Not long after, in comes ?Bonny, Clem, Bob Stewart and Dee. Who will pop in tomorrow ? Trevor for sure but who else ? 1/1/10:Wasn't too long a break for Keenagers ? Was it??We start back next Tuesday and the Keenager Shield for player of the year is already up on the wall for everyone to see. 23/12/09:Final meeting of the Keenagers for 2009. Tony and Clem have been sent out to build up their lungs after failing to blow out the candles, in trial runs for their coming birthdays. Trevor accepted his trophy for winning the Keenager challenge. Only thing missing was his victory speech. Bill Farrugia come home with a wet sail to win the Keenager of the year Award, by leading the point scoring in the Shoot Out. 49 players scored points during the year. June led the way making sure everyone was well fed and the noise coming from the back of the centre was not a wild animal on the loose. (but then again ?) It was indeed our own Thumper Alder practising for the main event. WAR?at 9-30 tonight features all the clubs stars and John will be representing the Keenagers. MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone - see you back at the ranch ! First Tuesday in January.. Probably the 5th but we have already called it many numbers including February.And keeping up the average. Mr Nice Guy McMahon again fails to see me while driving.? Bet he wouldn't miss me if I was crossing the road in front of him. Maybe he has been the Taxi driver who fails to see me when I am in need of an urgent lift. 18/12/09:Elvin pops in to the club on a Friday night just to say hello?? And to pick up the things he left behind, including the mobile phone. Probably the 20th phone left behind this year so you are not on your own Elven 17/12/09:Tony Mac waves to Kay who is driving the?van but totally ignores me who is behind in Trents car, bipping the horn and waving my arm out of the window. 16/12/09:Sad news. Bert Gerin has had a bad fall while on holidays. Now he has 7 screws on a plate in his leg and 2 long nails in his ankle. Maureen also had a fall and has a damaged shoulder. We wish them both well, speedy recoveries and look forward to seeing them in the new year.Claire was finally back with us and Tony made a guest appearance in time for morning tea.But what were Elvin and Bob doing in the car park at 2 o'clock in the afternoon?" 15 of us mainly Keenagers, squashed into a rather smallish bus for the trip to Bairndale. 14 back seat drivers, 2 not qualified to drive, wanted to drive drivers. Plenty of seat swapping at every stop. A teacher eating a Sunday on?a Monday for Breakfast. And 2 lost tourists looking for a Shell garage, which had obviously been moved that day and a shop which was on the wrong side of the road. Keenagers locked up in Squash courts playing table tennis. All added up to one great day and well worth the effort. Must note that the youngest member of the group was the 15th and last person to meet the bus. No wonder we call him 15. 11/12/09:Just mention a get together and the Keeangers will be there. 28 people turned up to the RSL. Lots of laughter and dancing. Some even stayed until stumps at 12-30. It was a good night again and I am sure that there will be many more gatherings in the future. Wiggles Keenagers style Court 1 Bonny in the Blue - John Appelbee in the Yellow - Carolyn in the Purple and Clem in the Red. A much better looking four some you would struggle to find. Bairnsdale, you better look out. 7/12/09:Bob Stewart & John Alder joined in at a special training session yesterday. John?was one player who handled the difficulties on court 4 rather well. Also seen at the club n the weekend sneaking on some practice was Julie, Bonny & Clem 6/12/09:Who was the Keenager sneaking into the club on a Saturday afternoon for a little extra practice. Maybe getting ready to make her asault on the Shoot Out. She just might have a victory dance aimed at up staging the 'Chefs' latest effort. 3/12/09:Shoot out and a distraught Ellen calls out Oh No ! because she drew our own copy of the 'Swedish chef'' from the Muppets, Thumper or Mr. Alder, for the Shoot Out. Was not long before her opinion changed as they won the event. Then she become scared again. Her partners victory dance up staged any thing we have seen in the past, Ellen thought she might get trampled. 'The Chef' even ended up on the green barriers doing a Tarzan dance. Amazing what happens to a person when they discover love again. Lets hope we hear wedding bells then who knows ?? little Tony's and Clems running around 29/11/09:BAIRNSDALE trip. 14th December. Time to bring in the $s. $30 per person for the bus trip. 25/11/09:Hotly contested Shoot Outs. Brian Kays was the 1st to really celebrate a victory. Other stand out victory dances have included Clems Rocky impersonations followed closely by John Appelbee. But it looks like Caroline wins the winners award for the year. High legs lifts across the court to shake hands with opponents. The arms in the air with a few jumps, then through the doors, and up the stairs. Yes ! we think she might have been happy to win this one.But then the audience participation. Above the applause, Bonny screams out 'no longer a virgin Carolyne' Even Tony was stumped for words 24/11/09:Birthday celebrations all 'round today. Madge turns 80, Keith 81. An injured Bonny attends as does Claire. To complete the trio, Tony McMahon pops is to see what cakes are on display.Keenagers Christmas night out. Reservoir RSL Saturday night 12th December. Please inform us so that we can book the venue.The bus has been booked and all systems are go. BAIRNSDALE bound.The program ! Depart Melbourne Melbourne 14th December 6-30am. Around 8 o clock break fast at a McDonalds before driving to Bairnsdale. Play table tennis at the new centre with the Keenagers from Bairnsdale. For the people in our group who do not wish to play table tennis, we can take you to the shopping comples in Bairnsadale for a couple of hours. Around noon or a little after, head back home wards. Stop for lunch at a pub around 1pm. A couple more stops on way home, ikncluding a coffee break before arriving home around 7pm. Stil have 2 more spare seats. Cost is $30 pp for the bus trip 20/11/09:BAIRNSDALE? here we come Monday 14th December -still got 2 spare seats in the 15 seat bus. $30 per person Trevor made the final of the Shoot Out doubles with new partner 'the lawn mower' (Victor)They were leading 2/ zip and the crowd was ready to celebrate Trevors win. But that was the last point they got as Sam and Cathy found over drive. Oh well, not too many others can say they have been runners up 11 times. Tony McMahon will be leaving his retirement cot this evening and heading home. Look forward to his return next week to our Keenagers. 18/11/09: The following is from John O'Brien and we thank him for his outstanding contribution. LIFE ISN'T THE DAYS THAT HAVE PASSED. LIFE IS THE DAYS WE REMEMBER. THE TUESDAY?KEENAGER DAYS. BAIRNSDALE trip. Monday 14th December. 12 confirmed starters. I plan to book the bus on Friday, so let us know if you wish to come along. Friday might be your last chance to join us when we meet the founding Keenager group. Tony McMahon, has hit feet up at the moment as he takes a short break. A few more tests to be done before he can re join us. We send Tony and his family our thoughts and wishes. At least the long suffering Nancy gets a break, but the person we feel for the most is Tony's daughter who is missing out on her weekly lunch dates with her dad. All at his expense of course.We all were very happy to see Claire pop in for a visit. She is moving about as good as I after a dance session with Hitler, (only Joking Maureen).? We all look forward to having you back us every Tuesday and Friday next year. What feast . All because some fool had a birthday. Had to get Keith to lock the doors as we dare not allow anyone to leave until most of the banquet had been eaten at least. Plus we had to get practice at eating cakes and goodies as next week Keith is having a birthday and one of our Keenager Angels turns 80.And the parties don't stop there. With Julie and Sam's birthdays approaching, it was decided that we would celebrate with them at the Reservoir R.S.L. on Saturday night, December the 12th. and make it our Keenagers Christmas party as well. 10/11/09:Bairnsdale trip December the 14th a Monday. Bus leaves at 6am and we will get back around 7pm- Cost will be somewhere between $25 & $30 per person.Wont know for sure until we know what size bus we need. People wishing to come must let me know by next week. Lots of news with the keenagers today. All started with Bonny being the 1st to arrive to the club. 'the old Tupperware party beckons' so she had to get to the club early, have a hit then off to the party. Could not affford to be slowed down, so get rid of Clem by sending him else where for a game of snooker.She's back' the screamer, and her opening words were 'I've missed Tony. He's my darling'. A?compassionate side to Trevor we don't normally see.' How's the wife' he asked John O'Brien. had his head bitten off by the reply 'Ask her yourself, she is playing on the court next to ours. John then went for a break so I asked him ' John do you want the cooler on?' 'Oh! do you have one?' Yes! the one you gave us that is standing a metre from where you are sitting'.The leader of the group in Claires absence? up and marched the troups. Everyone to court 6 he demanded. 25 people all marched onto court 4. But we can make allowances as we suspect it had something to do with a day next week that he got confused with a month ago. 8/11/09:Keenagers were represented by John Alder in the Yarrawonga/Coburg ?challenge. Was the star of the game WAR but I don't think we will see a repeat performance next tuesday.Then the Sunday afternoon session began. June and her merry men, Tony, Victor, Kevin and even John?her good hubby. 2 hours in the heat, no winners, still no agreeing on the service rule, and only June walking away as the winner. 7/11/09:KEENAGERS on the move. Monday 14th December and a tribe of players from Coburg plan to visit the new Bairnsdale complex. Some morning fun with the Bairnsdale Keenagers, lunch in a pub on the way home and back home that night, in time to get a good sleep so that you can attend Tuesdays Keenagers at Coburg.But we must book a bus, so let us know if you would like to join in the fun. The cost for the bus will be around $30 per person.Maybe?Bairnsdale might get a repeat performance of the dancing display from the Appelbee's. But they will not be accompanied on the dance floor by Maureen & the Mug! She has trashed her partners knee! 4/11/09:3 Looks like it is now Lucky John. As 2 of the Johns were winners of the Cup Sweeps.Victory Dance. Clem and John Appelbee who is winning everything this week, won the Shoot out. High 5s, arms in the air, then the run through. Up the stairs and through the spectators, and in Clems case, through the front door, across the car park and into the car. Wonder if it ha anything to do with Bonny's phone call asking' has Clem left the club yet.' 2/11/09:KEENAGERS Plans are under way for members of our club to visit the new table tennis centre in Bairnsdale.We plan to visit in early December. Full details should be worked out this week. We will play against the Bairnsdale Keenagers in the new table tennis centre. 30/10/09:Not many balls being hit over the net by Bonny & Beverley.?Which is understandable as they were both at the same end of the court comparing products. 28/10/09:Confidence in his partner. Elvens partner in the Shoot out was Kath. Obviously not too confident as he strolled towards the court, armed with some cake and a coffee.Same event and Tony and his shocked partner Caroline are eliminated very quickly. But Tony is the lucky loser and gets a 2nd chance. Teams with Beverley and steam rolls everyone to to record a great victory. Left his first partner exclaiming 'didnt play that good when he was on my team'. 25/10/09:A phone was ringing loudly ? just whose phone? was the question. Along comes Crocodile Norma and attacks the black bag. Gee! Norma, answer the phone don't kill it. She then grabs the bag, shakes it and finally finds the ringing monster, which by now was shaking violently in her hands. At that time Norma?says ''had to find it as it is the only thing now that gives me a thrill.Sprung -the biscuit man Victor- Opening the biscuits 15 minutes before the group took its break. Must have been the new fancy packaging, which attracted his attention.Boss lady Bonny. was after a hitting partner, so we suggested 'the coach' (Trevor) 'oh he wont hit with me, as he does not like me' Rubbish we thought. Trevor, have a hit with Bonny? ' No I have a head ache and now have to go home' and go he did. Shot off quicker than a Neil Roberts loop. 18/10/09:Challenge matches proving to be a highlight for Trevor. Walk in the door and you will be challenged or asked to Challenge him. He is a run a way leader from John Alder, but Tony McMahon is 'rising' up the list quickly. Chess style Shoot Out played at Keenagers. The important Shoot Out Semi Final and on court 2 looking like 4 stunned mullets. Kath, Trevor, Kathy & SamA stalemate indeed. It was the old - she said he said routine. ................

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