12600t specification - A S I A V E S S E L





Add: Rm 1103, 12F, Xiyang apartment, No.163 Xiyang Road, Taijiang District, FuZhou, FuJian Province, P.R. China; PC 350005

Tel: +86 (0) 591-8711 1262

Fax: +86 (0) 591-8711 1263

Email: hhsdc@vip.



001. PREFACE 5















016. DOCKING 26

017. DELIVERY 26



101. GENERAL 27



104. MAIN HULL 31

105. DECK HOUSE 34


107. RUDDER 37



201. GENERAL 40



204. WINDLASS 42





209. RIGGING 46


211. LADDERS 48






301. GENERAL 59
















501. GENERAL 84









601. GENERAL 100






607. GAUGES ETC. 117




701. GENERAL 125

702. CABLE 128













It is the intent of these specifications and accompanying plans to describe and set forth the design, material, hull construction, outfitting, machinery and electric equipment / installation of a double bottom and double skin of a about 16980 ton deadweight oil tanker/chemical tanker.

The vessel shall be suitable for carrying oil product(F.P≤600) and chemicals IMO II and III-16980dwt liquid cargo in bulk. The specific gravity of cargo oil shall be 1.025 t/ m3 in all cargo tanks and slop tanks.

The vessel to be designed, constructed, equipped, tested and delivered to the Owner by the Builder in accordance with this Specifications and working plans, which may be modified to the approved plans, all subject to the CCS Class and Owner's representatives at site approval.

Details in design, fabrication, installation, inspection and workmanship not covered in this Specification, or not covered by the approved plans, to be performed under the Standard practice of the Builder.

HHSDC is the designer for this project.

The following plans are to be associated with this Specification and to form an integral part of this Specification.

--- General Arrangement Plan

--- Mid-ship Section

--- Makers List for Major Equipment

Structure, equipment and installations specified or not specified in this Specification are subject to the final approval by the Classification Society.

Materials, machinery and equipment to be approved by Class and designed in accordance with the CB/GB standards, unless specifically agreed or stated herein.

All the materials, machineries, equipment, facilities, labour electric power, fuel oil, freshwater and seawater required to build, launch, outfit, trials, etc. shall be furnished by the builders at their expense excepting items specifically stated herein as to be furnished and supplied by the owner. And to be installed by the Builder. The list of Owner supply to be attached with contract.

Anything twice or more mentioned or enumerated in this Specification is to be only supplied once or executed unless otherwise specifically mentioned.

It is to be understood that the descriptions in general provisions are to be applied to the whole of the subsequent parts. Hull, Outfitting, Accommodation Refrigeration, Ventilation, Air-conditioning, Machinery and Electric parts, whereas any subsequent part is not effecting others.

If there should be any inconsistencies or contradictions between the general provisions and Hull, Outfitting, Accommodation Refrigeration, Ventilation, Air-conditioning, Machinery and Electric parts, the general provisions is to have the preference.

If there should be any inconsistencies or contradictions between the general provisions and the associated plans, this Specification is to have the preference.

If any inconsistencies are found among the Hull, Outfitting, Accommodation Refrigeration, Ventilation, Air-conditioning, Machinery and Electric parts, the description in the part that governs the installation or equipment will prevail.

All dimensions to be in ISO system unless where explicitly stated otherwise. Wherever the term “or equivalent” to be understood to mean that any substitute shall be of the equal performance standard and quality.

Any requirement of the Owner, which is in excess of the requirements of the Rules and Regulations as specified in Article 007 "Rules, Regulations & Certificates" and/or the content of these Specification, should be subject to adjustment to the contract price, deadweight etc., which may be effected.

Any amendment or change in Rules and Regulations, issued and coming into effect after signing the Contract, is to be treated as a change to the Contract and to be subject to separate negotiations between the Owner and the Builder.

Amendments and changes to be recorded on a memorandum or a written document signed by the Owner and the Builder. These documents shall be a supplement to the Contract Specifications.

Spare parts, tools and accessories shall be supplied by the Builder according to the Specification which meets the requirements of specified Classification Society, Regulatory bodies or normal standards of Builder and Manufacturers, whichever is greater.


The vessel is to be designed and built as a single screw, medium speed diesel engine driven oil tanker/chemical tanker for unrestricted navigation service transporting product oil.

When the vessel to be fully loaded crude oil, it’s deadweight capacity can reach to about 16980 tons in bulk( the capacity of cargo oil tank(incl. Slop tanks) is 20009 m3).

The cargo maximum density is to be 1.025 t/m3. That means the hull structure to be designed based on the cargo specific gravity up to 1.025 t/m3 in all cargo tanks and slop tanks.

The vessel to be a raked stem with a bulbous bow, a transom stern with open stern bulb, one (1) continuous upper deck with forecastle and poop. The cargo area is constructed with double skin, double bottom and two longitudinal bulkhead.

The fixed pitch propeller shall be applied.

Engine room and deckhouses including navigation bridge shall be located aft. as shown on the General Arrangement Plan.

The cargo oil tanks shall be segregated into three (3) grades with three (3) independent cargo piping system. And the cargo handling system to be able to perform discharging and loading of three (3) grades of cargo oil simultaneously.

The cargo area shall be divided by oil-tight longitudinal and transverse bulkheads into fifteen (15) cargo oil tanks and two (2) slop tanks plus.

Suitable number of water ballast tanks (P & S) within cargo area, fore peak tank and after peak tank shall be used as segregated water ballast tanks.

Five (5) tiers deckhouse, including wheelhouse will be arranged on above of engine room.


Main Dimensions

|Length, overall |abt. |150.66m |

|Length, b.p. | |142.00 m |

|Breadth, mld. | |21.60 m |

|Depth, mld | |12.38m |

|Designed draught, mld | |8.80 m |

|Complement | |21 P+pilot |

Main Engine

|Manufacturer |8PC2-6L |

|No. of set |1 set |

|MCR |4400 kW x 520 rpm |

|CSR (90% MCR) |3960 kW |

Fuel Oil Consumption

The fuel oil consumption at MCR excluding tolerance of +/- 5% as decided by shop test to be 203.6 g/kW hr based on a lower calorific value of 42705 KJ/kg (10200 kcal/kg).

Speed and Endurance

The 90% MCR of main engine power to be refereed to as CSR.

Trial speed at designed draft (8.80m), at max. Continuous output of main engine (3960 kW) with clean bottom in calm and deep sea (80 m) under Beaufort scale of 2 or less.

About 12.0 knots

Endurance based on 98% of fuel oil tank capacity and at design draft service speed to be approx. 4500 sea miles


One (1) set of five (5) blades, fixed pitch, nickel aluminum bronze casting propeller to be provided.

The design point of the propeller to be based on CSR 3960 kw with about 3 % light run margin of revolution.



The guaranteed deadweight of the vessel in seawater (specific gravity of 1.025 t/m3) at the design draft of 8.80 m and without trim shall be about 16980 metric tons.

The deadweight is the difference between the displacement in sea water with specific gravity of 1.025 t/m3 (including shell and appendages) at the assigned draught and the light weight of the vessel.

The displacement shall be determined by reading the hydrostatic table.

The lightweight and its center of gravity shall be determined by the lightweight measurement and/or inclining test.

Loading Capacity

The vessel is to have the following indicative capacities (100% volumes) of cargo oil tanks, water ballast tanks, fuel oil tanks, diesel oil tanks and fresh water tanks.

|Cargo tanks capacity (incl. slop tanks) |about |20009 m3 |

|Slop tank capacity |about | 772 m3 |

|H. F.O. tanks capacity (incl. sett. & serv. tanks) |about | 641 m3 |

|MDO oil tanks capacity |about | 147 m3 |

|Lub. oil tanks capacity |about | 95 m3 |

|Fresh water tanks capacity |about | 717 m3 |

|Segregated W.B. tank incl. F.P.T. & A.P.T. |about |6756 m3 |


Freeboard of the vessel shall be designed not less than the requirements of the International Convention on Load Line 1966 with amendment for 1979, modified by protocol of 1988 for Type “A” ship.

The freeboard mark to be positioned at the level not exceeding to the design draft after approved by the Classification Society.


The vessel shall comply with the relevant Rules and Regulations of the load line convention, MARPOL and IMO Regulation for stability requirements, both intact and damaged, for all loading conditions of normal sea operation.

The vessel shall be designed to have sufficient stability and suitable trim in usual service condition.

Draught and trim in ballast condition shall be sufficient for propeller immersion and acceptable steering and sea behavior of the vessel for all conditions of normal sea operation.

The preliminary trim and stability booklet and damage stability booklet should be submitted to Class for approval.

Loading computer and class approved software to be prepared by shipyard, the loading program to be involve all loading condition including damage stability

The provisional trim and stability booklet to be delivered upon vessel’s delivery. The final trim and stability booklet to be delivered after vessel’s delivery as soon as possible but before expire date of provisional one.

When the vessel is substantially completed, an inclining experiment to be carried out lightweight measurement and as to certain the position of center of gravity of the vessel at the finished light condition and measure the weight of light ship under the presence of the Owner's Representative. Reports to be submitted to the Owner.

The Builder is to prepare the Trim and Stability Booklet for various loading conditions based on the results of the inclining test and lightweight measurement and submit the booklet to the Owner.

The following loading conditions to be included in the trim and stability booklet:

|--- |Light ship |

|--- |Docking |

|--- |Normal Ballast condition |

|--- |Homogeneous Loading on Design Draft |

Except for Lightship and docking conditions, the conditions listed above to be calculated for Departure and Arrival.

Note: Departure – With 100% bunker.

Arrival – With 10% bunker.

Specific gravity of water ad oil for trim and stability calculation shall be as follows:

|--- |Sea water |1.025 t/m3 |

|--- |Fresh water |1.000 t/m3 |

|--- |Heavy Fuel Oil |0.92 t/m3 |

|--- |Diesel Oil |0.84 t/m3 |

|--- |Lub. Oil |0.90 t/m3 |

If the final trim and stability booklet is under approval by Class or Authority at the ship’s delivery time, the preliminary booklet to be on board for provisional use.

The Builder to deliver the final trim and stability booklet to the Owner before expiry of the preliminary version.


|Rank |Deck |Engineer |Other |Sum |

|Captain class | 1 |Capatain | 1 |C/Eng. | | |2 |

|Senior officer | 1 |1st/Off. | 1 |1st/Eng. | | |2 |

|Junior officer | 1 |2nd/Off. | 1 |2nd/Eng. | 1 |R/Operator |7 |

| |1 |3rd/Off. |1 |3rd/Eng. |1 |Elec./Eng, | |

| | | |1 |4th/Eng. | | | |

|Petty officer | 1 |Boatswain | 1 |1st/Oiler | 1 |C/Cook |3 |

|Crews | 4 |Seaman | 3 |Oiler | 1 |PILOT |8 |

| | | | | | | | |

|Total | | | | | | |21 |


Class Notation

The vessel, including its hull, machinery, equipment and outfitting to be constructed in accordance with the Rules and Regulations (edition and amendments there to being in effect as of date of the Contract signing) of the Classification Society and under special survey of CCS as well as shall be distinguished in register by the symbols of

★CSA Double Hull Oil And Chemical Tanker Type 2 F.P≤600 Ice Class B, ESP



The ship shall be registered under the china International Flag.

Rules and Regulations

The following Rules, Regulations recommendations and requirement of Authorities to be applied including any circular set into force at the date of signed the Contract.

| 1. |Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Ship by the Register of Shipping, 2000 and it's Amendments |

| 2. |International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, including the Protocol of 1978 and Its |

| |Amendments of 1981, 1983, 1988, 1989,1990,1950,1992, 1994, 1996, 1997, 1998 and 2000. |

| 3. |Marpol 1973 and Protocol of 1978 Relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from|

| |Ships, 1973 and Protocol of 1978 and it's Amendments of 1984, 1985, 1987, 1989, 1990, 1950, 1992, 1994, 1997 |

| |,1998 1999 and amendments incl. Reg.13 F and Annex. I, II, IV, V and VI for Nox. |

| 4. |International Convention on Load Line 1966 and its 1979 Amendments. Protocol of 1988 |

| 5. |International Tele Communication Convention,1973 and Radio Regulations, 1974 and those Amendments of Geneva |

| |1979, 1982,1983 and 1990 with GMDSS. |

| 6. |International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 and its Amendments of 1981, 1987 and 1989. |

| 7. |International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of hips. |

| 8. |ILO Concerning Crew Accommodation on-Board No.92& No.133 (except Swimming Pool) |

|9 |IMO Res. A708 (17) Navigation Bridge Visibility and Function. |

|10. |International Electro-technical Commission (IEC) for Electrical Installation on Ships. |

|11. |Rules and Regulations of Authority Government |

| | |


The Builder is to obtain following certificates and deliver to the Owner at the time of the ship’s delivery unless otherwise mentioned. Each certificate to be delivered one (1) original and one (1) copy to the Owner.

| (1) |Classification Certificate for Classification |

| (2) |International Load Line Certificate |

| (3) |Safety Radio Certificate, including GMDSS |

| (4) |Safety Equipment Certificate |

| (5) |Safety Construction Certificate |

| (6) |Classification Certificates for Anchor, Chains and Hawsers, Machinery and Equipment, etc. |

| (7) |Certificate for Life Boats and Life Saving Equipments. |

| (8) |Certificate for Navigation Light and Special Signal Lights. |

| (9) |International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate. |

|(10) |International Tonnage Certificate. |

|(11) |P & A Manual and SOPEP Manual Certificate. |

|(12) |Certificate of Compass Adjustment |

|(13) |Lifting Gear Certificate with relating Certificate of Main Parts. |

|(14) |De-ratization Certificate |

|(15) |Final Trim and Stability Booklet and Loading Manual. |

|(16) |Builder’s Certificate |

All equipment certificates required by the Classification and/or Authority to be supplied to the owner. However, if above mentioned formal certificates cannot be obtained at the ship’s delivery, the Builder shall furnish provisional certificates to the Owner, which substitute the formal certificate. But the formal Certificate should be submitted to the Owner before the provisional Certificate to be no longer in force.


Following equipment to be furnished and supplied by the Owner at their own expense, and installed on the vessel by the Builder or directly by the Owner.

| 1. |All nautical instrument more than the Rule's requirement. |

| 2. |All hoses etc., other than those required by the Rules. |

| 3. |Steel wires, ropes and hawsers for mooring and/or store handling in excess of the requirements of the |

| |Classification Society |

| 4. |Deck engine and cabin stores in excess of those specified in these Specifications. |

| 5. |All beddings (blankets, sheets, covers etc.) |

| 6. |All napery (serviettes, table cloths etc.) |

| 7. |All cook's and steward's utensils (crockery, silverwares, earthenwares, glasses, pots, pans etc.) |

| 8. |All chandlery (soaps, lamp oil etc.) |

| 9. |All charts, sailing books and flags. |

|10. |All consumable stores. |

|11. |All medicine and medical equipment. |

|12. |All air tools and hoses except those specified herein. |

|13. |Electric coffee grinder, electric cutting machine, juice maker, small electric boiler for galley and |

| |decimal balance, electric drying turbler, electric ironing machine. |

|14. |Spare parts tools, and flange etc., in excess of the requirements of the Rule and Regulations as specified|

| |herein, and/or those specified in these Specifications. |

|15. |Suez search light |

|16. |Consumable stores for ship |

|17. |Portable tank cleaning machines and hoses |

|18. |Typewriters and other office equipment |

|19. |All television sets, radios, stereo set and VTR set, etc. |

|20. |Loading computers, including Software. |

|21. |Water, fuel oil working oil for deck machinery, all consumable liquids or gas etc. consumed during the |

| |trials and tests to be supplied by the builder. The owner shall supply L.O. and Hyd. oil for deck |

| |machinery etc. the Builder shall pay the cost for the quantities of L.O. consumed during the trials and |

| |tests at the original purchase price. The owner will pay only for fuel oil, remained in main tanks and |

| |unroached storage drums on day of delivery. |


Materials, machinery, equipment and outfits on board to be approved by Class. And the relevant test Certificate shall be supplied to Owner by the Builder.

All materials, machineries, equipments, appurtenances and outfits shall be in accordance with ISO, GB/CB, IEC standard.

ISO -- International Standard Organization.

CB -- Chinese Shipbuilding industrial standard.

GB -- Chinese industrial Standard.

IEC -- International Electro-technical Commision.

The material and equipment used on the vessel to be new and in good quality. The Builder to choose materials, fittings, equipment, machinery and electric parts, etc. according to the Rules, Regulations and this Specification with due regard to world-wide availability of spare and service.

Equipment and fittings are to be purchased according to Makers List.

If Owner wishes to choose different Maker not covered in Makers List then the Owner to pay the extra purchasing cost if any.

Maker, even if not mentioned in Makers List may be chosen if agreed upon between the Owner and the Builder.

Material and equipment not specified in this Specification and/or Makers List to be chosen at the Builder’s option.

If any material or equipment described in this Specification cannot be obtained under certain circumstances, the substitute of equivalent materials or equipment will be used after the Owner’s approval.



The vessel's construction, machinery, outfits and equipment to be inspected and tested under the presence of the Owner's Representative(s) and/or the Surveyor(s) representing the Classification Society and other various Regulatory Bodies mentioned herein, in accordance with their respective Rule’s requirements.

Inspection and testing list to be submitted in advance to the owner for approval.

Inspections and tests to be carried out in accordance with the Class’s requirement and the Builder's standard (The shipbuilding Process and Inspection Standard ) for inspection and testing submitted to the Owner.

All steel structures to be inspected and water-tightness to be tested for tanks, bulkheads, decks and other wet spaces as required by the Rules.

Leak test to be done for all tanks including all closed compartments.

Tanks structure test to be carried out with pressure water as required by Classification.

X-ray photographs to be taken mainly from cross-points of seams and butts of block assemblies where found necessary as required by the Rule. U.T. and Dry-check to be done where required by Class. Failure detected, if any, the owner or class to be entitled to demand further tests.

All other tests for hull structure and installations to be conducted in accordance with the requirements of the Classification Society Rules and/or Regulatory Bodies concerned and/or to the standard protocol of the Builder's.

The tolerance to each steel plate's thickness which is shown in drawing shall be in accordance with Classification Society's Rule.

Inclining Test

The inclining test shall be conducted by shifting soilid portable weight on upper deck and by measuring the vessel’s heel. The measurement method shall be according to the Builder’s practice, and hen the position of centred of vessel in lightweight condition shall be decided by the calculation based on the results.

When the first vessel is substantially completed, the inclining test shall be carried out at quay of yard in presence od Owner’s representative and the Classification Society’s surveyor and Builder.

In case more than one ship to be built with this Specification, the inclining test to be lightweight measurement only when the second vessel or further vessel are substantially completed.


At the detail design stage the Sea Trial Scheme shall be submitted by the Builder for Classification Society and Owner approval.

When the vessel is substantially completed, dock test and sea trial tests to be performed by the Builder.

The vessel to be ballasted to the approximately designed full load draft and trim difference.

All machinery, electric equipment and deck machinery as well as others to be on board tested before sea trial.

Following trials to be programmed:

Dock Tests

Dock tests should be done before trial at sea.

Before sea trial, the test of the important equipment for the operation of the ship to be carried out in order to demonstrate satisfactory workmanship and proper working order. Before delivery, all equipment on board to be tested.

After passing these tests, no alteration shall be carried out on such equipment or system without Owner's approval.

Shop tests will be conducted as required by the Class and Makers. Running tests and trials of machinery to be carried out at manufacturer's shop after completion and necessary data to be recorded during these trials and submitted to the Owner.

The owner to be informed in good time in advance of the location and schedule for shop tests for the major equipment but the Owner will inform the Builder about the required equipment list in due time.

Spare parts shall be delivered in accordance with the recommendation of Classification Society and engine manufacturer's standard.

Sea Trials

When the vessel is substantially completed, sea trial tests to be performed by the Builder, in order to determine the efficiency and manoeuvrability of the machinery as well as the vessel’s conformity to the specification.

The sea trials shall be carried out in accordance with the sea trial program approved by Owner/Classification Society, and normal international ship building practice in the presence of representatives from the Owner, Class, Authorities, Builders and necessary subcontractors. The sea trials shall be carried out at design draft as in model test.

During sea trials the proper working conditions of all equipment and systems described herein, and which required to be tested at sea, shall be demonstrated. The results from sea trials to be submitted to owner for approval.

The vessel to be ballasted to the approximately designed full load draft and trim difference.

Progressive Speed trial

When the ship carry out the speed trial, the ship shall be ballasted with cleaning seawater into tanks (including water ballast and cargo tanks) up to regulating designed draught (8.10 m) and with less than 0.3 meters stern trim.

The progressive speed trial to be carried out under the following four (4) different main engine leads.

1. 50% CMCR Two times run

2. 75% CMCR Two times run

3. CSR (90% CMCR) Two times run

4. 100% CMCR Two times run

The speed at each output to be the mean speed of above two successive runs alternating in direction i.e. one (1) up and one (1) down on the test course.

The speed may be measured by DGPS.

Torsion meter shall be used to measure the output at the shaft.

Speed runs to be carried out below Beaufort 2.

In case of rough sea condition at trial, the speed results may be corrected to calm and deep sea conditions according to standard.

(2) Endurance Trial

Four (4) hours endurance trial to be performed at normal output (CSR) of main engine and the measurement of heavy fuel oil consumption to be carried out by flow meter (for reference).

During these trials the proper operation of M/E HFO installation shall be tested.

(3) Starting Test

Number of consecutive starts and minimum starting air pressure for the main engine will be in accordance with Class requirement and measured without recharging the air reservoir.

(4) Anchoring Test

Anchoring test to be performed in accordance with ccs rules

Each anchor shall be lowered minimum 15 further fathoms or such

length as may be required by class, whichever is higher, stopping at

5 - fathoms intervals with windlass motor.

5. Each anchor shall be hoisted separately 15 fathoms and their

respective hoisting speed shall be measured. Also the hydraulic

pressure of each motor shall be measured.

6. Each anchor shall be stowed in its pocket.

(5) Steering Gear Test

Steering trial to be performed at a speed in accordance with the Rule requirement, by steering control from the wheelhouse and auxiliary steering control in the steering engine room.

7. With the vessel navigating ahead at the rated rpm, the time required to put the rudder from 350 at one side to 300 to the other side while working on both steering gear pumps shall be recorded. The test to be repeated with the rudder initially at the other side.

8. The tests to be repeated with one steering gear pump running.

9. The tests to be repeated while working in each local control steering gear pump push buttons.

(6) Turning Test

Turning circle to be measured at normal output of main engine, port and starboard, when helm angle is taken up to 350.

10. Turning circle tests, with helm angle of 350 port/starboard

11. Crash stop tests, ahead and astern.

From running ahead at service speed, with ME running at CSR, to astern with engine running at about 60% CMCR, with the rudder at 00 angle.

12. 200/200 zig-zag test at service speed

13. 50/50 zig-zag test at service speed

14. Spiral test at service and manoeuvring speed

15. Manoeuvring information required by regulatory bodies shall be produced from these tests, and extrapolated to design draught, if tests are performed at ballast draught.

(7) Adjustment of Magnetic Compass

Magnetic compass to be adjusted and certified by the Builder.

After sea trials, working parts of main engine and auxiliary machinery to be opened for the Owner's inspection in accordance with the standard protocol of the Builder, and refitted to working condition.

Tests and adjustments of manouvering instruments to be performed during trial trips or at other convenient time.

(8) Minimum Shaft Speed Test

Minimum Shaft speed at which the main engine is capable of continuous running when maneuvering will be measured.

(9) Torsional Vibration Test

Torsional vibration amplitude of the main shafting will be measured at various shaft revolutions as per Class requirement.

(10) Cargo pump test

All cargo pumps are to be tested to determine the pumping rate and various data are to be recorded.

(12) Test and calibration or adjustment of navigation equipment and instrument, such as magnetic compass, auto-pilot, echo sounder, speed log and radar, etc.

Sea Trial for Subsequent Vessel

For subsequent vessel(s) of this series, only the following sea trial will be carried out in accordance with the Class requirement.

(1) Speed trial at the output of main engine, as specified in the Contract for Guarantee service speed.

(2) Anchoring test.

(3) Steering gear test.

(4) 6 hours endurance trial including 2 hours fuel oil consumption test at normal output.

(5) Crash stop astern and crash stop ahead test.

(6) Adjustment of magnetic compass.

(7) Starting test.

(8) Minimum shaft speed.

(9) Cargo pumping test


The Builder to submit of plan for approval to the Owner (or Owner's Representative), the Owner (or the Owner's Representative) to the plans to the Builders, together with their comments in writing, if any.

The Builders shall understand that the Owner have approved plans without any comments when the Builders do not receive their reply to plans within twenty (20) from arrival days after the date of arrival of the plans. Owner to confirm receipt of drawings in writing.

At the same time, all drawings and documents required by the Classification Society shall be submitted to Class for approval.

One (1) copy of Class approval drawings to be submitted to the owner for reference.

All plans and instruction books to be written in English.

At least the following drawings to be submitted to the Owner for approval:

|A. General |

| 1. |General Arrangement Plan |

| 2. |Capacity Plan |

| 4. |Propeller data with drawing |

| 5. |Test procedure for sea trials |

| 6. | Preliminary trim & stability calculations |

| 7. |Equipment number calculation |

| 8. |Lines plan |

| 9. |Radiographic inspection plan |

|10. |Pressure test plan |

|11. |Free board calculation |

|12. |Draft marks |

|13 |Engine room arrangement plan |

|14 |Accommodation layout |

|15. |CO2 room arrangement |

|B. Steel Construction |

| 1. |Mid-ship Section with transverse section |

| 2. |Profile & Decks Plan |

| 3. |Longitudinal & Transverse water tight Bulkheads |

| 4. |Stern frame |

| 5. |Shell expansion |

| 6. |Bottom and side structure |

| 7. |Stern structure |

| 8. |Bow structure |

| 9 |Deckhouse structure |

|C. Outfitting Plan |

| 1. |Main & auxiliary engine foundation |

| 2. |Anchors and Chain Arrangement |

| 4. |Paint schedule |

| 5. |Arrangement of Insulation for fire-proof & Heat/Noise |

| 7. |Fire-fighting equipment and extinguisher plan |

| 8 |Fire & wash water diagram |

| 9. |Navigation and signal lights |

|12. |Life saving appliances plan |

|13. |Bilge system and bilge separator system diagram |

|14. |Safety plan |

|15. |Manhole plan |

|16. |Docking plug arrangement |

|17. |Hatchway plan |

|18. |Inside and outside stairs and ladder plan |

|19. |Door plan |

|20. |Windows and scuttles plan |

|21. |Mooring arrangement |

|22. |Masts and lights |

|23. |Rails and handrails arrangement |

|24. |Deck covering in accommodation |

|25. |Zinc anodes arrangement |

|26. |Ventilation system balance calculation |

|27. |Diagram of natural and mechanical ventilation system |

|28. |Diagram of ventilation system for engine room |

|D. Piping System |

| 1. |Vent & sounding piping |

| 2. |Fuel oil filling and transfer |

| 3. |Fuel oil purifying and service |

| 4. |Engine room sea water |

| 5. |Ship service compressed air |

| 6. |Engine room service compressed air |

| 7. |Ballast system |

|8. |Bilge system |

|9. |Scuppers and sanitary drain system |

|10. |Forward and after hydraulic oil system |

|11. |Lubricating oil filling, transfer and purifying system |

|12. |Quick closing system |

|13. |Sanitary water |

|14. |Sewage treatment and outboard discharge |

|E. Electric Part |

| 1. |Electric load balance |

| 2. |Emergency electric load analysis |

| 3. |Main and emergency electric switchboard |

| 4. |Diagram of light and emergency light in Engine room |

| 5. |Shore power circuit |

| 6. |Inside and outside light |

|7. |Navigation and signal light |

|8. |General electric alarm system |

|9. |Call bells diagram |

|10. |Automatic, sound power & intrinsically safe telephones |

|11. |Radio room, navigation aids and miscellaneous diagram |

|12. |Antennas and radar arrangement |

|13. |Automation diagram for engine room |

|F. Cargo Handling System |

| 1. |Cargo piping diagram |

| 2. |Sea water diagram |

| 3. |Tank cleaning system |


Two copies of the finished plans of each vessel shall be submitted to the vessel and one copy shall be submitted to Owner.

The list of finished drawing to be submitted in advance for the owner approval.

All finished plans to be written in English.

Following plans and/or documents to be furnished in glass frames or other equivalent methods and placed on board the vessel be directed by the Owner.

1) General Arrangement Plan

2) Capacity Plan

3) Safety Plan

4) Cargo Piping Diagram

5) Ballast Piping

6) Fuel Oil Transfer System Diagram

7) Fire Control Plan (one of each deck plus three sets at outside)

8) Life Saving Equipment Plan (one of each deck plus three sets at outside)

9) Engine Room Arrangement

10) Maneuvering Plans in Wheelhouse

One (1) garbage box divided into three (3) parts with total volume of at least 2 m3 to be provided according to the requirement of MARPOL 73/78 and its Amendments.

As-Built Drawings ( To be delivered to owner in electronic form)

The following as built drawings to be delivered, one transparent foil and five copies, where of one transparent foil and two copies to the Owner office and two copies on the board.

|A. General |

| 1. |General Arrangement Plan |

| 2. |Capacity Plan |

| 4. |Propeller data with drawing |

| 5. |Test procedure for sea trials |

| 6. |Final trim & stability calculations |

| 7. |Equipment number calculation |

| 8. |Lines plan |

| 9. |Radiographic inspection plan |

|10. |Pressure test plan |

|12. |Fire plan |

|13. |Draft marks |

|14. |Docking plan |

|15 |Engine room arrangement plan |

|18. |Engine control room arrangement |

|24. |CO2 room arrangement |

|B. Steel Construction |

| 1. |Mid-ship Section with transverse section |

| 2. |Profile & Decks Plan |

| 3. |Longitudinal & Transverse water tight Bulkheads |

| 4. |Stern frame and rudder |

| 5. |Shell expansion |

| 6. |Bottom and side structure |

| 7. |Stern structure |

| 8. |Bow structure |

| 9 |Deckhouse structure |

|C. Outfitting Plan |

| 1. |Main & auxiliary engine foundation |

| 2. |Anchors and Chain Arrangement |

| 4. |Paint schedule |

| 7. |Fire-fighting equipment and extinguisher plan |

| 8 |Fire & wash water diagram |

| 9. |Navigation and signal lights |

|12. |Life saving appliances plan |

|13. |Bilge system and bilge separator system diagram |

|14. |Safety plan |

|15. |Manhole plan |

|18. |Inside and outside stairs and ladder plan |

|19. |Door plan |

|20. |Windows and scuttles plan |

|21. |Mooring arrangement |

|22. |Masts and lights |

|23. |Rails and handrails arrangement |

|24. |Deck covering in accommodation |

|25. |Zinc anodes arrangement |

|26. |Ventilation system balance calculation |

|27. |Diagram of natural and mechanical ventilation system |

|28. |Diagram of ventilation system for engine room |

|D. Piping System |

| 1. |Vent & sounding piping |

| 2. |Fuel oil filling and transfer |

| 3. |Fuel oil purifying and service |

| 4. |Engine room sea water |

| 5. |Ship service compressed air |

| 6. |Engine room service compressed air |

| 7. |Ballast system |

|8. |Bilge system |

|9. |Scuppers and sanitary drain system |

|10. |Forward and after hydraulic oil system |

|11. |Lubricating oil filling, transfer and purifying system |

|12. |Quick closing system |

|13. |Sanitary water |

|14. |Sewage treatment and outboard discharge |

|E. Electric Part |

| 1. |Wiring diagram of electric plant |

| 2. |Electric load balance |

| 3. |Emergency electric load analysis |

| 4. |Circuits booklet |

| 5. |One-line power diagram booklet |

| 6. |Main and emergency electric switchboard |

| 7. |Diagram of light and emergency light in Engine room |

| 8. |Shore power circuit |

| 9. |Inside and outside light |

|10. |Navigation and signal light |

|11. |General electric alarm system |

|12. |Call bells diagram |

|13. |Automatic, sound power & intrinsically safe telephones |

|14. |Radio room, navigation aids and miscellaneous diagram |

|15. |Antennas and radar arrangement |

|16. |Automation diagram for engine room |

Other drawings may be delivered after special agreement.


Name plates for main engine, deck and engine auxiliaries and electrical equipment to be described in English and in metric system.

Name plates written in English to be fitted to each valve, vent, etc. wherever necessary.

Name plates of other installations to be referred to respective specifications.


Before painting, all launching clips etc. to be removed and bottom and sides to be well cleaned.


When completed, the vessel to be delivered to the Owner in a seaworthy condition, afloat at the Builder's wharf under the requisite legal formalities.

Cargo tanks, bilges, accommodation and other spaces to be free from dunnage and dirt. Painted surfaces to be touched up and cleaned, machinery to be in running order, outfit and stores to be properly stowed, and compass adjusted.


Spare parts and tools shall be supplied according to the Rules requirements and this specifications as well as manufacturer's Standard.

These spare parts and tools to be properly protected from corrosion and mechanical damage and to be stowed in boxes, on shelves or racks in designated places on board, foundations to be arranged as deemed necessary.

Smaller spare parts to be stored in steel lockers or drawers on the shelves.



The vessel to be designed at design draft (8.80m) and to be of all welded construction. The hull construction shall be double skin and double bottom type.

The structural work to be executed in accordance with the Builder's standard practice and is approved by the Classification Society.

Steel of hull construction to be generally of mild steel approved by the Classification Society, Steel without specified in Rules to be complying with the standard of ISO and/or CB.

Welding to be performed by manual, gravity, electroslag or automatic welding for the entire hull structure assembly. The Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) shall be approved by the Classification Society .

Special strengthening of hull construction over the requirements of Classification Society not to be provided unless the Builder will consider to be necessary.

The hull structure to be adopted combined framing type. Except for the upper deck and bottom and wing tanks in way of cargo oil region to be adopted longitudinal framing type, the other areas all to be adopted transverse framing type. Two(2) longitudinal continuous oil-tight bulkhead and five (5) transverse oil-tight bulkheads to be located in cargo oil tank region.

Main hull structure to be designed and calculated in accordance with the requirements for oil tanker of Rules. The hull structure to be designed to load liquids with specific gravity up to 1.025 t/m3 in cargo tanks and slop tanks.

Steel for hull construction to be approved by the Classification Society. Steel without specified in Rules to be complying with the standard of ISO and/or CB/GB.

The scantling of all structural members to be meet the requirements of the Classification Society.

Clamps, dogs and other suitable devices to the Builder's practice to be applied for execution of welding so as to place the material into adequate position.

In order to ascertain the soundness of welding suitable number of X-rays photograph to be taken for the important members according to the Rules' requirements. Failure detected, if any, the owner or class to be entitled to demand further tests.



Welding procedure including edge preparation shall be executed in accordance with the Builder’s standard practice, which is in compliance with the requirements of the Class.

Provisional access openings for convenience for access communications and/or ventilation for the Builder's workers may be opened on the shell, bulkheads and other necessary places, and to be closed by welding when the work is completed. But the drawing of access holes for convenience of working to be submitted to the the Class and owner for approval and complying with the CB/GB standard.

Automatic and semi-automatic welding shall be executed extensively as far as practicable.

All contamination such as water, rust, oil, slag, paint, etc. impairing the quality of the welding seams to be removed from the steel surface before welding.

Corrective measures for mis-cut holes, lack of alignment of joints, excessive gaps, notches, etc. shall be applied according to the Builder’s practice.

Welding joints between castings and steel plates shall be heated prior to and/or during welding in accordance with the requirement of the Class.

Welding shall be carried out round the ends and cutouts for all structural members.

Double continuous welding shall be applied to the connections for main hull, for wet spaces and for the structures exposed to the weather. Intermittent welds may be applied to the connections in dry spaces in deckhouses according to the Rules and Builder’s practice.

The welding schedules to be submitted to Owner for approval.

Construction Test

The test schedule shall be determined by the Builder in view of the building schedule and submitted to the Owner’s representative.

Leaky test and structure strength test shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Class.

Hydrostatic strength tests shall be carried out by the Builder for the selected tanks with test pattern subject to approval by the Class for all series vessels.

Weather tight and/or watertight doors, hatches, etc. shall be tested with water hose in accordance with the requirements of the Class.

The rudder shall be leak tested with air after completion of fabrication by the maker.

Non Destructive Test (NDT) shall be carried out in accordance with the Builder’s practice under the approval of the Class.

Extent and locations of NDT shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Class and NDT plan shall be submitted to the Owner for reference. Any additional NDT exceeding the requirements of Class, if required by the Owner and the work does not adversely affect the Builder’s production schedules, may be carried out on the Owner’s account unless the test result turns out the Builder’s fault.


Structural details shall be in accordance with the Builder’s practice and approved by the Class, in general.

The standard of structural alignment shall be in compliance with Builder’s standard and the requirements of the Class.

Slots, air holes, drain holes, scallops and lightening holes on the non-tight structural members shall be provided in accordance with the Builder’s practice, wherever the cutting of such openings or holes is necessary or practicable and not disturbing the structural strength of the members.

Lap joints to longitudinal stiffeners on the hull envelope and double bottom structure in way of cargo area shall be avoided.

Butt joints shall be clear from the bracket toes of web frames as far as practicable.

Air/drain holes shall be located clear of bracket toes as far as practicable and lightening holes on the horizontal stringers shall be provided with protection bars to prevent personal falling through according to Builder’s practice.

Frames, beams and stiffeners shall be either of flat bar, built-up section and/or rolled section.

The shell and deck plates shall be gradually tapered in thickness from mid-ship portion to ends in accordance with the requirements of the Rules.

Plating under heavy concentrated loads shall be reinforced with doublers and/or stiffeners where necessary.

Flat plate keel shall be provided throughout the vessel’s length and connected to stern and stern frame.


1) Height between decks (at centerline):

|Poop deck & F’cle deck |3.00 m/2.4m |

|Poop deck –boat deck |2.60 m |

|boat deck – crew deck |2.60 m |

|crew deck – captain deck |2.60 m |

|captain deck – Navigation bridge deck |2.60 m |

|Navigation bridge deck – Compass deck |2.60 m |

(2) Sheer on upper deck:

|Forward |416 mm at F.P. at center line |

|Aft |115 mm at A.P. at center line |

(3) Camber of decks (straight camber):

|Upper deck |500 mm |

|boat deck outside |100 mm |

|Bridge wings |100 mm |

|Compass deck |100 mm |

|All other accommodation deck |Nil |

|Platform deck in engine room |Nil |


1041. General

The scantling, construction and materials of hull within a range of midship part to be as shown on MIDSHIP SECTION plan.

In designing, longitudinal strength to be checked to all loading conditions required by the Rules. It is to supply the calculation of main structure, midship section, construction plans (incl. profile, decks, bottom etc.) at the technical designed stage.

These drawings and calculations shall be submitted to owners for approval.

1042. Bottom construction

Double bottom to be located in cargo oil space and engine room region.

The inner bottom plates to be designed and calculated in accordance with the Rules requirements.

The double bottom structure in cargo tank area to be supported by longitudinal continuous girders and floors spaced 2.8 m apart. The height of double bottom to be 1.50 m. One suction well to be arranged in front of after bulkhead of each cargo tank and closed to centerline.

The double bottom structure in engine room to be supported by full height plate floors fitted at every frame and side girders complying with the Rules and strengthened girders fitted under main engine foundations to be provided.

The bottom plate in the area of forward to be strengthened in accordance with the Rules.

The longitudinal and floors to be arranged by the requirements of the Rules.

Plate floors to be fitted at every frame in engine room and the side girders to be fitted at the suitable position for corresponding to the longitudinal girders of the main engine seating.

1043. Engine Room Structure

Double bottom in engine room shall be built with transverse framing system and solid floors shall be fitted at every frame space.

Foundation of main engine to be of welded structure and to have adequate strength and rigidity and to be carefully calculated according to recommendation of engine Makers and Class Rules.

Shell framing in engine room to be adopted transverse framing type and the web frame to be fitted. Pillars to be fitted in suitable frame and to be connected with the plate floors and transverses.

Bilge wells shall be arranged at suitable place in the double bottom.

Engine casing arrangement to be as shown on the General Arrangement Plan. The stiffeners to be arranged inside engine casing. Access to be provided from outside.

Three (3) tiers platform deck to be arranged in engine room. These decks shall extend from side to side with openings around main engine. The openings in the platform decks shall be fitted with steel coaming.

1044. Fore and Aft Ends

The stem to be built with bulbous bow constructed by steel plates.

Two (2) self-stowing watertight chain lockers with bilge suctions to be fitted directly below windlass (P&S). And a suitable grading to be installed on the bottom.

Swash bulkhead with vertical stiffeners to be fitted centerline plane at upper half in fore peak tank.

Fore peak tank to be built with transverse frame system.

Chaffing area of the anchor chain on shell plate to be protected by half round bars. Suitable openings to be made on forecastle deck and forecastle bulwark to avoid pockets of gas/sea water.

Stern frame to be clear water type with rudder horn shall be designed to suit for installation of semi-balance rudder and having necessary clearance between propeller in accordance with the class rules and recommendation for clearance and rudder.

Stern boss shall be steel casting. Rudder horn shall be of fabricated with steel plate and steel casting.

Stern frame shall be formed suitable for the ship’s lines with rounded edges to minimize the edge making resistance and to obtain smooth water flow and minimize vibration.

Eye plates shall be fitted on shell outside for lifting of rudder and propeller based on the Builder’s practice.

The fore and aft peak tanks to be used as ballast water tanks.

1045. Side Shell Structure

Side shell plating are to be of the thickness approved by the Class and the thickness to be gradually tapered from mid-ship to ends according to the requirement of Class.

The double skin construction shall be provided in all cargo oil space and which shall be adopted longitudinal frame type. The width of wing tank is to be 1.35 m, in general.

The double skin structure shall be constructed with longitudinal framing and these longitudinal frames shall be supported by floors and side transverse webs.

Transverses in wing tanks to be replaced by perforated transverse bulkheads due to that the breadth is too small.

Openings of shell such as sea chest to be in accordance with the Rules.

1046. Deck Structure

The thickness of upper deck within 0.4L amidships to be meet the requirements of longitudinal strength.

The single upper deck with camber of 500 mm to be arranged. The deck transverse beams, girders and deck longitudinal to be arranged above the upper deck.

The longitudinal frame system to be adopted in cargo area. The transverse frame system to be adopted at fore parts, engine room region and after part.

The upper deck plate to be connected to the side shell plate by fillet weld.

Upper deck construction to be reinforced with carlings of doublers in way of deck machinery, mooring fittings davits and others where found necessary. Openings of cargo oil tank hatch to be of quasi-eliptical form and deck plating to be compensated with doubler.

Platform deck in engine room to be of non-watertight construction. The girders and beams to have sufficient strength according to Class Rules to support pumps and machinaries.

1047. Bulkheads

Watertight and oil-tight transverse bulkheads to be arranged as shown on the General arrangement plan.

two (2) continuous longitudinal bulkheads to be provided throughout cargo space.

Transverse bulkheads with corrugated type to be provided. But the transverse bulkhead for both end of cargo area to be flat type bulkhead with stiffening located outside of cargo tank.

All corrugated bulkheads are to be made of mild -tensile steel materia.

The oil tight longitudinal continuous plane bulkhead of double hull to be arranged. The width of wing tank to be 1.35 m.

1048. Pillars and girders

No pillar to be fitted in cargo oil tanks region.

Pillars to be fitted in suitable position in engine room, forecastle, and steering gear room. Web frames and transverse also to be arranged.

1049. Cofferdams

Cofferdams between SLOP TK(p&s) and fore peak tank shall be provided.


Four (4) tiers of deckhouse shall be arranged on poop deck as shown in GA plan.

Deckhouse shall be of welded steel construction.

The deck house to be steel and of flat plate watertight construction with vertical stiffeners. The thickness of the divisional steel wall to be adopted in accordance with the Rules.

Decks shall be transversely and/or longitudinally stiffened with beams, transverse and girders.

Continuous welding to be employed in all wet spaces. Deck plating in deck house to be well reinforced by carling/stiffeners in way of the location of mess table, desk, navigation equipment and etc.

Wind-deflector shall be provided on the front bulwarks of the navigation bridge wings.

Bridge wing shall be extended to full beams of the vessel and be suitable supported with open type construction.

Wheelhouse front wall shall be inclined outward from navigation bridge deck as shown on the G.A.P.


1061. Foundations

Main engine seating girders to be constructed as a part of double bottom construction and to be corresponded to the double bottom girders. Its to have adequate strength and rigidity and to be carefully calculated according to recommendation of engine makers and Class Rules.

Deck machinery and auxiliary machinery in engine room to be generally provided with foundation of steel welded construction and shall be reinforced with girders or carlings underneath where necessary.

Steel coaming of 75 mm high shall be fitted around the foundation of machinery containing the liquid.

1062. Bulwark

Steel bulwark of approx. 1,100 mm to be fitted in way of fore end of upper deck and on bridge wing with wind-deflectors (P & S).

Bulwark top shall be fitted with steel top plate.

1063. Bilge Keel

Bilge keel to be fitted for about 30% of Lpp amidships and consist of flat plate welded to the bilge shell plating, and bulb plate welded to flat plate as shown on MIDSHIP SECTION plan.

1064. Chain Lockers

Self-stowing chain lockers to be provided.

Access hatch and step to be provided for access.

Bilge well with perforated steel plate to be provided at the bottom of the chain lockers.

1065. Hawse Pipe

Hawse pipes of welded steel plate structure to be provided with bell mouth of cast steel.

1067. Bottom Plugs

The bottom plugs in double bottom ballast tanks to be provided with two (2) bottom plugs. Other tanks and cofferdam connected to the Vessel’s bottom to be fitted with one (1) bottom plug far from keel plate as far as practicable. The bottom plugs to be of stainless steel.

1068. Fish plate

The deck edge fish plate shall be 150 mm high, gradually rising to 250 mm in the after section with cargo space to comply with requirement.

The transverse fishplate at sides of deckhouse front shall be 450 mm.

1069. Funnel & Hull Markings

Funnel to be vertically stiffened with horizontal stringers.

Details of funnel mark, vessel’s name, port of registry and bow crest to be supplied by the Owner.

Hull marks to be outlined by intermittent welding beads and painted.


The rudder to be semi-balance rudder.

The rudder to have area ratio of about 1/90 against the under water lateral projected area, calculated as a mltiple of length between perpendicular and the design draft.


1081. General

Painting works including surface preparation and painting inspection to be carried out according to the paint Maker’s guidelines and the Builder’s practice and standard.

Painting schedule to be submitted to Owner for approval, colors of finish paint to be according to Owner’s color scheme.

Technical supervision to be provided by the paint Manufacturer during preparation and application.

In general, copper, copper alloy, aluminium alloy and stainless steel not to be painted unless otherwise specified. The galvanized steel surface not to be painted unless otherwise specified.

When small paint damage occurs before or after installation on board the damaged parts to be repaired with same paint. In case of extensive damages to the hull structure, same paint will be repaired according to the paint supplier’s recommendation and with the owner’s approval.

All sharp edge, edge of small holes, such as slots, scullops, drain holes etc. and frame cut free edges of structural steel to be grounded smooth with radius 2 mm, including 2 stripe coats for all edges.

Tank coating procedure after completion of hot works and tank testing shall be carried out in accordance with the Builder’s practice and to be mutually agreed between the Builder, Paint Manufacturer and the Owner.

1082. Surface Preparation

The hull structure and sections of 6 mm thickness and above to be shot-blasted to SIS Sa 2.5 and Just after primary surface preparation one coat of 15 microns inorganic zinc silicate shop primer to be applied.

Descaling, shop priming, derusting and painting works to be carried out in accordance with the Maker’s recommendation and the Builder’s practice.

No shop primer in the surface facing cargo tanks and slop tanks.

In case of surface with coated wash primer is burnt or damaged by welding, gas, etc. Surface preparation to be carried out by grade ST 3.

Fabricated materials and/or a part of them which cannot be sand blasting to be cleaned by wire brush.

1083. Paint Schedule

Following paint schedule to be just a guideline for Owner’s reference. The final paint schedule shall be prepared by the Paint manufacturer and Builder after the Painting Maker to be decided.

The following Painting Manufacturers shall be selected by the Shipyard:

|For general structure |XXX (epoxy) |

|For Cargo/Slop tank |XXX (phenolic epoxy) |

Painting Scheme

|Bottom and boot top |Total 450 microns|1 x 100 Modified epoxy |

| | |1 x 100 Vinyl modified epoxy |

| | |2 x 125 Tinfree-containing SPC A/F |

| | |Yard to propose 5 years system A/F |

|Top side |Total 300 |3 x 100 Epoxy |

|Weather decks |Total 300 |2 x 150 Epoxy+ 1 x 50 polyurethane |

|Superstructure area |Total 300 |2 x 100 Epoxy + 2 x 50 polyurethane |

|Chain locker |Total 300 |3 x 100 Bitumastic enamel |

|Cargo & slop tanks (side) |Total 300 |3 x 100 Pure epoxy/phenolic |

|Cargo & slop tanks (bottom) |Total 300 |3 x 100 Pure epoxy/phenolic |

|Ballast tanks |Total 400 |2 x 200 Modified epoxy + 2 stripe |

|Fresh water tanks |Total 300 |3 x 100 Pure epoxy |

|Fuel oil tank | |No painting, shop primer only |

|Lub. oil tank | |No painting, shop primer only |

|Bilge wells & Void spaces |Total 300 |2 x 150 Modified epoxy |

|Engine room |Total 200 |2 x 75 Primer alkyd |

| | |1 x 50 Enamel alkyd |

|Machinery | |As per Owner’s color scheme |

|Rudder inner | |Intertuf 16 JB A016 |

|Rudder outside | |As per bottom scheme |

|Rudder trunk | |Intertuf 606 JX A06/JX A010 |

|Stern frame | |Intertuf 16 JB A016 |

|Others | |Conventional paint |

1084. Inspection

The inspection of coating for checking of paint dry film thickness shall be carried out by Builder, Manufacturer’s representative and Owner’s representative.

The Builder to forward the detailed application and inspection list to the Owner for approval.

1085. Cathodic Protection

Zinc anodes to be provided on stern frame, rudder, propeller boss, sea chest and bilge keel as well as water ballast tanks etc. Life expectancy of anodes for hull to be three (3) years and in water ballast tanks to be three (3) years. Which to be dimensioned according to manufacturer’s recommendation.



Deck machinery to be arranged as shown on the General Arrangement Plan. The anchoring and mooring equipment arrangement shall be compliance with the CCS Regulation.

Steering gear to be electro-hydraulic system, consisting of one (1) set of rotary vane type steering gear with two (2) hydraulic pump units. One (1) pump unit shall be operated in normal service navigation and the other shall serve as a stand-by, using both during maneuvering.

The steering gear have to be suitable for the rudders and capable to helm the rudder angle from 350 PS to 35( SB. Otherwise, the steering gear shall be capable of putting the single rudder from 35( on either side to 30( on the other side in 28 seconds with one (1) pump unit in running, when the vessel running ahead at max. service speed.

Two (2) sets of hydraulic type horizontal windlass combined with mooring winch enclosed gear type to be installed on forecastle deck. The windlass to have one (1) chain wheel, two (2) declutchable hawser drum and one (1) warping head.

TWO (2) sets of hydraulic type mooring winch with two (2) hawser drum each (drums to be arranged in 2 parts for tension reeling) and one (1) warping head to be installed on the aft. deck.

All winches to have manual control. (Non automatic tension type).

Two (2) set of electro-hydraulic deck crane to be installed on the upper deck at midship to handle cargo hose.


Particulars of deck machineries to be as follows:

|Name of equipment |No. | |Duty capacity |Prime motor |

| | |Type |tons x m/min | |

|Steering gear | 1 |Elec-hyd. type |As per Rules | |

|Windlass | 2 |Hydraulic type |At gypsy wheel |hydraulic motor |

| | |Each 1 gypsy wheel, |28 t x 9 m/min |On f’cle deck, Non-autotension |

| | |2 hawser drum & 1 warping |At hawser drum 15 t x15 m/min|With split type mooring drums |

| | |head |At warping head 7.5 t | |

|Mooring winch |2 |Hydraulic type |At hawser drum |Hydraulic motor On poop deck. |

| | |Each 2 hawser drums and 2 |15 t x15 m/min |Non-autotension |

| | |warping head |At warping head 7.5 t |With split type mooring drums |

|Hose handling crane | 2 |Elec-hyd. type crane |2 t x 5 m |Hydraulic motor. |

| | | | |To be arranged near manifold |

|Provision hoist davit | 2 |Electric type Overhead |1 t with |Electric motor. |

| | |travelling crane |out reach of 3m |Between engine casing and |

| | | | |superstructure |


One (1) electro-hydraulic steering gear with two (2) power units, each consisting of a hydraulic pump and electric motor as specific in Article 202 to be provided and actuated by two (2) pump units each consisting of a variable stroke reversible discharge pump, flexibly coupled to a drip proof, constant speed, marine type, one hour rating electric motor.

The steering gear operate a semi-balance rudder, which capable to helm the rudder angle from 350 PS to 350 SB.

One (1) pump unit to be capable to supply full power to steer the rudder from 350 on one side to 300 on the other side with 28 second when the vessel running at max. continuous r.p.m. of main engines. The steering gear shall be controlled by control stand in the wheel house and to be operated by manual steering in steering gear room.

Suitable grating should be fitted around the steering gear for safer inspection and maintenance.

One (1) fixed set of hydraulic storage oil tank to be provided in accordance with the requirements of Rules and Regulations. The tank to have a sufficient capacity to recharge two power actuating system.

Materials shall be in accordance with the Classification Society's requirements.

The steering gear shall be controlled by the electric auto-pilot system in the wheel house, and emergency steering to be controlled by steering handle on the solenoid valve in the steering gear room. There shall be emergency power supply from the emergency switchboard.

|Type |Electro-hydraulic, rotary vane type |

|Torque |According to Class subject to rudder area and suppliers recommendation. |

|No of pump unit |Two (2) sets |

|Hydraulic pipe |Seamless carbon steel pipe |

Mechanical stopper angle to be of 360 on each side. Low level alarm of steering gear L.O.sump tank shall be provided in wheel house and engine duty room.

The mechanical type rudder angle indicator to be fitted on the steering gear body.

The rudder angle indicator to be independent to steering gear control system, and readily visible from the control station.

Working platform to be provided around the control device for easy accessibility.

The lubrication system driven by two (2) electric motors, each 100% capacity, shall be provided in steering gear for the lubrication of rudder carrier by grease together with the manual device for emergency.


The Windlass as specified in Article 202 to be installed on forecastle deck as shown on the General Arrangement Plan.

The windlass to be fitted with two (2) hawser drum and one (1) warping head mounted directly on the shaft.

All drums of winches to be of split type with working and stowage parts.

Hawser drum's torque to be decided at one (1) layer of hawser on drum.

Brake load for the gypsy wheel to be in accordance with the rules.

All bearings to be lubricated with grease.

Cable controller to be of lever type. Two (2) anchor lashing to be fitted with turn buckle.


The mooring winch as specified in Artide 202 to be installed on main deck aft. and on upper deck within cargo area as shown on the General Arrangement Plan. This winch shall be checked as per Rule’s requirements.

The mooring winch's torque to be decided by the manufactrer.

All winches to have manual control. (Non-automatic tension ).


2061. Hose Handling Crane

Two (2) electro-hydraulic crane shall be installed on main deck, suitable for cargo oil hose and fuel oil hoses handling as shown on General Arrangement Plan.

The crane shall be controlled from the control stand on crane body without cabin and necessary control and safety devices shall be provided in compliance with the Rules and Manufacturer’s standard.

|Type |Cylinder luffing and slewing crane |

|Capacity |2 tons at max 5 meters jib |

|Slewing angle |3600 (limited) |

|Operation |Motion by control level on the crane operation deck without cabin |

|Min out-reach |5.0 m outboard of ship side in line of cargo manifold |

|Hoisting speed |10 m/min on full load, 20 m/min with light hook |

One hydraulic power unit of high-pressure type shall be fitted in crane body. The hydraulic pump for hose handling shall be driven by itself unit and supplied by the manufacturer.

The crane shall be designed to operate satisfactorily against the max. 50 heel and 20 trim of the vessel.

The crane shall be so designed that one motion among hoisting, luffing and slewing shall be made possible under the full capacity and full speed, while two motions shall be made possible simultaneously under the reduced capacity and reduced speed in accordance with the Maker’s standard.

2062. Provision Hoist Davit

Two (2) set of electric motor driven overhead travelling type crane shall be installed between deckhouse and engine casing.

The particulars based on even keel condition of vessel shall be as follows:

|Capacity |2 tons (SWL) |

|Hoisting speed (full load) |10 m/min |

|Out reach |Out of reach 3 m (P&S) |

The crane will be used for handling provision, engine room parts and Suez boats, etc.


2071. Anchors, Cables and Mooring Ropes

Anchors, chain cables and mooring ropes to be equipped in accordance with the Rule requirements.

Mooring fittings shall be arranged according to mooring arrangement plan to suit the number of mooring winches and windlass.

Chain cables to consist of unit length of 27.5 metres including joining shackle. Joining shackles to be of ordinary type. Accessories shall be supplied according to Class requirement.

Two (2) roller-type chain stoppers shall be provided to hold the anchor safely in housed condition. Arrangement for tightening the anchors in the pockets shall be made.

Steel covers for hawser pipes to be provided.

A certificate for break holding capacity to be provided for each mooring winch. Oil dripping coamings to be fittedg round each hydraulic operated mooring winch.

Particulars to be as follows:

|2 |Bow Anchor |Stockless SPEK type, about 5250 kg. |

| | |Cast steel construction, |

|1 |Spare anchor |Stockless SPEK type, about 5250 kg. |

| | |Cast steel construction, |

|1 |Anchor chain |56mm dia. x 577.5 m in length, Grade 3, according to equipment number |

| | |calculation |

2072. Hawseholes

One (1) pair of hawseholes, fabricated of welded steelplate with steel bell mouth on shell and deck flange on deck, to be fitted at the bow and so located as to give a satisfactory housing of the anchors.

Washing derices for chain cable shall be provided to each anchor hawse holes.

Chain pipes shall be of welded steel pipes having ample bore to lead chain cable smoothly.

2073. Mooring Fittings

Mooring fittings, such as chock, bollards, fair leaders, to be arranged as shown on the General Arrangement Plan.

Bollard and fairlead to be arranged to satisfy CCS requirement.

Mooring hole, according to necessary.

In way of cargo manifold on upper deck, additional deck fitting, such as bollard, cross bitt, closed chock and hose supporting rack etc. shall be fitted in accordance with the OCIMF recommendation Category “C” for ocean going tanker.

2074. Signal Equipment and Flags

Following signal equipment shall be provided:

Three (3) - Black baloon, 610mm dia

One(1) - Electric air horn (D.C 24V).

One(1) - Hand operated mechanical plunger fog horn.

One(1) - 300 mm brass bell to be engraved with ship's name.

For electrical signal light refer to "Electric Specifications".

Flags to be equipped as follows:

One (1)set-- Ensigns

One (1)set-- House flags

One (1)set-- International

One (1)set-- Ship's name code flags

One (1)set-- Pilot flag

One (1)set-- Blue peter

One (1)set-- Quarantine flag

One (1)set-- Loading red flag

All flags to be supplied by the Owner


The mast and post etc. shall be installed as shown on the G.A.P.

Hull structure in way of masts and posts shall be stiffened to withstand load as well as dynamic load due to vibration where necessary.

Platform, railings, vertical or steps shall be arranged in way of lights, radar, horn and other equipment in accordance with the Builder’s practice.

One (1) fore mast of stay type, fabricated of mild steel plate construction shall be fitted on upper deck forward at the centerline of the vessel. Navigation lights and one electric horn shall be fitted on the mast.

One (1) radar mast of steel plate construction shall be provided on the compass deck at the center line of the vessel. The mast shall be fitted with the navigation lights, flag yard,signal yard, antenna fittings, step and fog air horn with electric heater etc.

All masts and posts should be fitted with necessary bracket and vertical ladder or climbingrings or small platforms for maintanance purpose.

A jack staff at bow and an ensign staff at stern with necessary fittings and halyards shall be fitted.


Necessary rigging and tackles for davits, flag yards, signal yards, etc. to be funished complete.

Blocks to be of International marine Standard.

Running rigging for flag yards, etc. to be of synthetic fibre rope.

Cleats, etc. to be arranged wherever necessary.

One (1) ensign staff to be fitted at stern and one (1) jock staff at bow.


Access shall be arranged for all cargo tanks, slop tanks, ballast tanks and tanks or compartments.

These accesses shall also be designed to allow:

--- Handling of injured personnel on stretchers.

--- Removal of cargo and ballast valves.

--- Access for personnel wearing oxygen-breathing apparatus during rescue operation.

--- Facilitate emergency evacuation of every compartment.

2101. Cargo Hatch & Manhole

Each cargo tank, incl. slop tanks and residual tank, to have one (1) oil-tight access hatch of swing away type as shown on the general arrangement plan.

Cargo oil tank hatch of swing type oil tight steel hatch cover with 300 mm dia. Ullage hole shall be provided for each cargo oil tank. The ullage hole to has a hinged cover and flame arrest screen of stainless steel wire net. The size of cargo oil tank hatch to be elliptical opening with 950mm dia. x 700mm. The hatches in cargo tanks to be of mild steel. The tank hatch is to have a coaming of 760 mm high and the hatches to be internally coated same as tank coating. Hinge pins, lifting screws, pivoting axles, bushings and threaded fasteners to be of stainless steel. Gaskets will be viton.

Each cargo tank hatch shall be clearly marked with the tank number by welding bead.

2102. Water Ballast Tank Manholes

Two (2) watertight access manholes of φ600 mm for horizontal openings, with mild steel bolted cover shall be fitted to every wing ballast tank in way of cargo area. These two manholes shall be located as far as apart as practicable.

Two (2) watertight manholes of 400X600 mm shall be fitted to fore & after peak tanks.

Gasket of ballast tank hatch cover shall be of neoprene.

2103. Small Hatches

Following hatches of hinged or bolted type shall be provided.

|Location |No |Type |Opening size |Operation by |

|Boat deck for E/R spare parts |1 |Weather tight, bolted |800 x 900 mm |Provision crane |

|handling | | | | |

The height of hatch coaming shall be in accordance with the requirement of the Rules.

The construction, materials etc. of hatches with covers shall be in accordance with the Builder’s practice. The gasket shall be of synthetic rubber gaskets and clampings. Hinge pins and threaded fasteners to be of bronze.

2104. Manholes

In general, two (2) manholes shall be provided for each of tanks and compartments, of which diagonal distance exceeds 9 m and one (1) manhole shall be provided for each of the other tanks and compartments.

Manholes in weather exposed areas to have steel plate covers secured with stainless steel studs and cap nuts.

Oil-tight manholes of 600 x 400 mm for vertical openings, oval with mild steel bolted cover shall be provided on each fuel oil tank.

One (1) manhole shall be provided for each smaller compartment.

To rudder trunk, each tank in engine room, aft peak tank, fore peak tank, closed cofferdams and other closed spaces, there is to be arranged manholes, 600 x 400 mm (horizontal openings), and 600 x 400 mm (vertical openings).

Emergency exits to be provided for engine room spaces, accommodation spaces, etc., according to requirement of Rules.

Manholes on engine room tank top to have coamings (abt.100 mm).

Manhole covers to have recessed hand grips, and thickness not less then the adjacent plating. Cover to be bolted with welded on stainless steel studs and brass nuts.

After cofferdam to have one oil tight hinged hatch with coming (400mm x 600mm).

Number of man holes to be as follows:

|Location & Type |Number of manholes |

|For each double bottom tank in engine room with 100 mm coaming |1 or 2 |

|For cofferdams and void no coaming space |1 or 2 |

|doubling only | |

|For fuel oil deep tanks no coaming and peak tanks doubling only |1 or 2 |


2111. Accommodation Ladders

Two (2) sets of accommodation ladder made of aluminium frame and steps shall be provided on upper deck, one for each side of the vessel. The ladder to have sufficient length to reach the ballast waterline of arrival condition at an angle of about 550 to horizontal. It shall be operated by one man and fitted with winch for compressed air operation.

The accommodation ladder to be designed to support uniform load 100 kg per step with ladder in horizontal position and platform for 600 kg and the width of ladders shall be about 600 mm.

The ladders shall be of one piece type with a lower platform and swiveling type upper platform. The step of the accommodation ladders to be non-slip curve fixed type.

The accommodation ladders shall be self-stowing type driven by air/electric ex-proof motor winches.

The lower platform to be fitted with pilot ladder in accordance with SOLAS requirement. The pilot ladders to be of sufficient length to reach to about 600 mm above water line at lightest ballast condition. The pilot ladder shall made of wooden steps.

One set of aluminium alloy wharf ladder with 10 m in length is to be stowed on main deck.

2112. Steel Ladder & Steps

One (1) set of steel vertical ladder of 350 mm width and with 300mm step spacing to be provided in all bunkers, ballast and fresh water tanks for access to tanks except cargo oil tanks etc.

Steel vertical ladders or steps to be also provided to double bottom tanks, deep tanks, service and settling tanks, unless space is limited and approval duty obtained from Owner, monkey steps will be acceptable.

Vertical ladders shall be fabricated with 65 mm x 10 mm flat bar and step of a 24 mm square bar with vertical diagonal (mild steel).

2113. Cargo Tank Ladders

One (1) set of inclined steel ladder with about 3000 mm length with platforms if necessary and 350 mm width vertical ladder at upper part shall be fitted in each cargo and slop tank in way of swiveling type cargo hatch. The steps to be of two 24 mm square bar and approved railing, according to Authority Requirement. The ladder with max. 650 inclination is to have at least one intermediate landings. The top section of ladder to be vertical and no more than 3 meters. Steps shall be fitted in tank entrance.

The inclining ladders shall be as follows:

|Width |Approx. 400 mm |

|Step |Two 24 mm mild steel square bar passed through and welded to stringer, having |

| |250 mm pitch. |

|Stringer |140 x 90 x 12 mm angle steel bar |

|Handrail & Stanchion |25 mm dia. round bar. |

|Inclining |Max. 650 from horizontal. |

2114. Ballast Tanks Ladders & Others

Two (2) sets of vertical ladders shall be fitted in each water ballast tank in way of the access bolted manhole cover (600 mm x 800 mm).

Also the vertical steel ladders without handrail shall be fitted in each cofferdam, void space, H.F.O. storage tank, D.O.bunker tank, fore peak tank, aft peak tank etc., where necessary to access as follows:

|No. |Two (2) sets for peak tanks, one (1) set for others. |

|Width |Approx. 350 mm |

|Step |One 24 mm mild steel square bar passed through and welded to stringer, having 300 |

| |mm pitch. |

|Stringer |65 x 10 mm steel flat bar. |

|Surface treatment |To be painted except bare steel for oil tanks. |

2115. Weather Ladders

Weather ladders to be provided outside of accommodation as shown on the G.A.P.

The inclined steel ladder and vertical steel ladders shall be as follows:

|Type |Inclined Ladders |Vertical Ladders |

|Width |600 mm |350 mm |

|Step |Galvanized checkered steel plate of 180 mm |24 mm steel square bar, 300 mm pitch |

| |depth and 4.5 mm thick, 230 pitch. | |

|Stringer |160 x 36 x 8 mm steel bulb flat |65 mm x 10 mm steel flat bar |

|Handrail |1.25” galvanized W.G. pipe |--- |

|Inclination |Max. 550 from horizontal. |900 |

|Surface treatment |To be galvanized. |To be galvanized. |

The ladder shall be installed on the deck with bolting.

All weather ladders shall be galvanized completely.

2116. Handrail

Steel handrails shall be provided as follows:

| |Deckhouse & upper deck |Platform on exposed area, in pump |Platforms, stringers & Large |

| | |room & other dry space |opening in tank |

|Top rail height |1000 mm |1000 mm |1000 mm |

|Top rail |1.25” galvanized W.G. Pipe |1.25” galvanized W.G. Pipe |25 mm dia. steel round bar |

|Mid. rail |3/4” galvanized W.G. Pipe |3/4” galvanized W.G. Pipe |19 mm dia. steel round bar |

|Stanchion |60x 15 mm steel flat bar, |60x 15 mm steel flat bar, max.1.5 m |60x 15 mm steel flat bar or |

| |max.1.5 m apart with stay 60 x |apart |25 mm dia. round bar |

| |15 mm steel flat bar at every | | |

| |third stanchion | | |

|Surface treatment |To be galvanized |To be galvanized |Same as surrounding |

Chain or hinged type handrail shall be fitted for accommodation ladder, lifeboat embarkation and pilot ladder.

2117. Storm Rail

Storm rails of 1.25” galvanized W.G. pipe shall be fitted on exposed deckhouse walls where necessary.

All storm rails shall be fitted at about 1000 mm above the deck covering with adequate distance from the wall.

2118. Catwalk

Catwalk of steel construction with hot galvanized steel open grating (width to be about 1200 mm) shall be provided from accommodation deck to forecastle deck as shown on G. A. Plan. Handrails and inclined ladders shall be provided on catwalk as shown on General Arrangement Plan.

The platforms for foam monitors shall be arranged on the catwalk at suitable position in accordance with Rules requirement.

Open gratings type platforms and ladders to be arranged in way of cargo manifolds, providing good access to manifolds, valves, mooring winches, and pressure/vacuum valves, with direct access from catwalk .


2121. General

Life saving appliances to be furnished complete in accordance with SOLAS requirements and its Amendments 1981,1983 ,1988,2000,2004 All equipment to be type approved by the maritime authority of the registered nation or its assigned authority.

Sufficient space should be provided for mounting freefall life boat and rafts on the ship as per the requirement of Classification society.

All life saving appliance to be marked with ship's name, port of registry etc. The necessary certificates to be supplied to the Owner for file use.

2122. Life Boats

Two (2) set of enclosed fire-resistant lifeboat of approved type for 25 persons, with GRP hull and inboard diesel engine as shown in the General Arrangement plan.

One of which should have rescue boat function.

The life boat davit to be gravity-slipping type and driven by air motor with steel wire to be arranged as shown on the General Arrangement plan.

Rope, ladders, life lines and equipment for launching of the lifeboat to be delivered.

Life boat davit and winches to be of approved type and shall be equipped with loose equipment required by the Authority.

The ship's name and port of registry shall be marked on each side of life boat’s bow.

The dimension, capacity etc. shall be marked on the boat.

|Type |GRP totally enclosed type approved by National authority with self-contained air support system |

| |and water spray fire protection system driven by diesel engine. |

|Capacity |25 persons |

|Dimension |Maker's standard |

|Propulsion |Fresh water cooled diesel engine with possibility of emergency starting device |

|Speed |Not less than 6 knots in smooth water |

The lifeboat to be equipped according to the regulations with safety equipment and provisions. Certificate from relevant national authority to be delivered.

The outside surface of the boat shall be of orange color.

2123. Rescue Boat

the one life boat should have rescue boat function.

2124. Life Rafts & Working Raft

Two (2) x 10-man inflatable life rafts in GRP containers shall be installed, on each side of the boat deck.

One (1) x 6-man raft to be arranged at ship forward.

Inventory of rafts will be according to international Authority Requirements.

These raft, one can be lunched by hand and another shall be lunched by davit, to comply with 1983 amendment to SOLAS.

2125. Life Buoys

Eleven (11) life buoys of rigid polyurethane covered with plastic type shall be provided as follows:

16. Five (5) with self-igniting light of electric battery type, one of these for the pilot embarkation gate.

Two (2) with self-activating smoke signal and self igniting light of electric battery type.

Two(2) with buoyant lifelines of 30 m in length

Two(2) with nothing

Each life buoy shall be marked with the name and port of registry of the vessel in black letter.

2126. Life Jackets

Life jackets with a light for 26 persons shall be supplied according to National authority. Arrangement for life jackets to be as follows:

20 – Each cabin

2 – Engine control room

2 – Wheelhouse

2 – Upper deck forward on shelf in Bosun’s store

Life jackets shall be stowed in steel boxes on accommodation deck.

2127. Life Saving Appliances

One (1) line-throwing appliance stowed in wheel house.

Twelve (12) parachute distress rocket signals

Six (6) rocket signals

Survival suits shall be provided according to SOLAS requirement.

2128. Personnel Protection

Protective equipment and safety equipment shall be in accordance with SOLAS and Authority requirement.

This to include:

Four (4) complete sets of following safety equipment stowed in suitable clearly marked space, each set consisting of:

24. One self-containing air-breathing apparatus (not using stored oxygen)

25. Protective clothing, boots, gloves and tight-fitting goggles

26. Fireproof lifeline with belt resistant to the cargo is carried

27. Explosion-proof lamp

1. One set of fully charged spare air bottles for each separate breathing

apparatus. A special air-compressor suitable for the supply of high-pressure air of the required purity.

2. A charging manifold capable of dealing with sufficient spare breathing

apparatus air bottles.

3. One suitable stretcher

2129. Medical Equipment

Medicine locker to be installed in hospital, according to Owner’s requirements.



Stack insignia as designated to the Owner to be marked and painted in each side of the funnel. The builder to forward drawings showing the location of above marking for Owner's approval.

Outline of insignia to be marked with steelplate welded beads.

Bow mark to be provided for bulbous designed.

Name & Port of Registry

The name of vessel to be outlined by welded beads and painted in both sides of the bow and on stern. Port of registry Name board to be fitted on each side of the wheelhouse top.

All life saving equipment to have the ship's name and/or Port of Registry.

Draught & Loadline Marking

Draught marks to be cut out of 6 mm steel plate and welded to the shell at 200 mm intervals up to 1.0 meter above the load waterline at stem, midship and stern, on port and starboard sides. Figures to be 100 mm height and Arabic figures to be used. The bottom edge of the numeral to indicate the projected vertical height in meters from the bottom of the keel.

Freeboard mark as required by the International Loadline Regulation to be cut out of 6 mm steel plate and welded to the shell and painted on both sides of the vessel amidship or other method approved by the Classification Society.

Tank Marks

The boundaries of bottom tanks to be marked with steel plate markings .

Tank number to be marked on bottom plug. Manhole covers to be marked with tank number.

Tug Boat Pushing Point Mark

Tug boat pushing point mark to be done with welded beads and painted.

Miscellaneous Marking & Labelling

License and notice frames, bulletin boards, "Cartoon".Plates,"No Smoking" signs, and room identifications etc.to be furnished and located as approved by the Owner's representatives, and as required by the Regulatory Bodies.

Brass plaques engraved with ship's call letters to be provided and secured in suitable locations in the wheelhouse.

Bottom Plugs

Each tank and cofferdam connected to the vessel’s bottom shall be fitted with one (1) 42 mm dia. stainless steel drain plug according to Builder’s standard. The plugs for oil tanks to have square key hole, while the plugs for other tanks to have hexagonal key hole.

Two (2) suitable keys to be for each type of plug.

Bow Mark

Bulbous bow mark to be done at port & starboard forward.


2141. Spare Parts for Deck Machinery

Spare parts to be supplied usually by Maker's standards. Including following spare parts.

(1) Windlass

Maker's standard.

(2) Mooring winch and cargo winch

Maker's standard.

(3) Cargo oil pumps

Maker's standard.

2142. Spare Parts for Deck Department

(1) Anchors and Cables

Anchors shackle with taper pin 1

Taper pin for anchor shackle 1

Joining shackle with taper pin 2

Taper pin for joining shackle 5

(2) Miscellaneous

Square window glasses * packing 5

( deck, wheelhouse )

Round scuttle glassed & packing 5

Bottom plugs 5

Pad locks with key 10

Packing for doors 10


2151. Boatswain’s & Carpenter’s Shop

(1) For mooring and anchoring

|Shackle disengage tools: | | |

| -- Shackle punch | |1 |

| -- Hammer (4.5 & 0.9 kg) |each |1 |

| -- Pin punch | |1 |

|Chain hook | |4 |

|Rat guard 600 mm dia. | |8 |

|Anchor stopper | |2 |

|Buoy hook | |1 |

(2) For painting

|Paint stage with rope | |1 |

|Paint pot | |2 |

|Paint brush | |2 |

|Paint roller | |2 |

|Paint scraper | |1 |

|Long paint scraper | |1 |

|Long paint brush | |1 |

|Wire brush | |2 |

|Varnish brush | |2 |

(3) Carpenter’s tools & Inventry

|Chipping hammer | |1 |

|Hand hammer | |1 |

|Claw hammer | |1 |

|Sledge hammer | |1 |

|Chisel | |1 |

|Bench plane | |1 |

|Hand saw | |1 |

|Gimlet | |2 |

|Axe | |1 |

|Tinner’s scissors | |1 |

|Whet stone | |1 |

|Claw bar | |1 |

|Carpenter’s box | |1 |

|Screw driver (large & small) |each |1 |

|Double end spanner | |2 |

|Monky spanner | |1 |

|Spanner for bottom plug (square & haxagon.) |each |1 |

|Spanner for scuttle | |2 |

|Spanner for glass keeper | |2 |

|Pipe head spanner | |1 |

|Coil broom | |2 |

|Marine spike | |1 |

|Tape measure | |1 |

|Sounding scale for fresh water | |1 |

|Parallel vice, square (opening 125,depth 95) | |1 |

|Safety net for accommodation ladder | |1 |

|Chain pipe cover | |2 |

|Hawse pipe cover | |2 |

|Bos’n chair | |1 |

|Rubber cork for scupper | | |

| 80A | |6 |

| 100A | |10 |

2152. Box, Board & Frame etc.

|Box | | |

| | | |

|Binocular box | |2 |

|Thermometer box | |1 |

|Life saving & fire control plan case(portable) | |2 |

|Self-activating smoke signal box | |1 |

|Parachute signal box | |2 |

|Self ignitting light box | |2 |

|Rocket signal box | |2 |

|Key box | |1 |

|Log rack | |1 |

|Ruler hook, triangle hook & pencil stand | |1 set |

|Flag box | |1 |

|Smoke signal box | |1 |

|Fireman’s outfit box | |2 |

|General service box | |1 |

|Gear box | |1 |

|Garbge box | |1 |

|Wooden box for International shore Conn. | |1 |

| | | |

|Board | | |

| | | |

|White board(Galley, wheelhouse, cargo Rm.) |total |5 |

|Bulletain board (passageway, mess room) |total |3 |

|Ship’s name board | |2 |

|No admittance board | |1 |

|Beware of propeller board | |2 |

|Name plate hanger | |1 |

|Sailing board | |1 |

|Sounding board | |1 |

|Cargo tank volume board | |1 |

|Course board | |1 |

|Don’t up & down board | |2 |



Accommodations to be provided for the ship's crew as shown on the General Arrangement Plan.

Designation of crew's ranks to be in accordance with Article 008.

|Cabin with separate bed room and private toilet |2 |Captain, C/Engineer |

|Cabin with private toilet |2 |C/Officer, 1st/Engineer |

|Single berth cabin with private toilet |7 |2nd/Off., 3rd/Off., 2nd/Eng. 3rd/Eng., |

| | |R/Operator, Elec./Eng. |

|berth cabin with private toilet |8 |Crews |

Public rooms and duty rooms to be provided as per G.A.P.

|2 |-- |Mess room for Officers & crews |

|1 |-- |Duty mess room |

|1 |-- |Hospital with beds |

|1 |-- |Deck office |

|1 |-- |Engine office |

|2 |-- |Laundry/drying room for Officer & Crews |

|1 |-- |changing room |

|1 |-- |Galley |

|1 |-- |Cargo control room |

|1 |-- |Engine control room |

|1 |-- |Wheel house combined with chart space and radio space |

|1 |-- |Air conditioning room |

|1 |-- |Emergency generator room |

|1 |-- |Steering gear room |

|1 |-- |Dry provision store |

|1 |-- |Refrigerating provision store |

|1 |-- |Public toilet for accommodation deck respectivelly |

|1 |-- |Duty room |

|1 |-- |Smoking room |

|1 |-- |Foam & fire control station |

|1 |-- |Cargo oil pump room |

|1 |-- |CO2 room |

|1 |-- |Paint room |

|1 |-- |Electric work shop & electric store |

|4 |-- |Deck store |


The fire protection of the vessel to be completed with requirement of International convention for the Safety of Live at Sea, 1974, incl. the Protocol of 1978 and its 1981 and 1983 Amendment. And to be also complied with Register Government’s requirements.

The living spaces and service spaces in the vessel are to be fire protected using IC Method.

Exterior boundaries of the poop and deckhouses in the vessel are to be insulated to ‘A-60’ class for the whole of the portions which face cargo oil tanks and 5 m aft. of the front boundary.

It is to be insulated to A-60 class for upper deck of top upper deck of engine room within superstructure and top of other machinery spaces except minor fire risk spaces with the consent of the Register to apply only steel plate.

Overhead ceiling of accommodation spaces under wheelhouse, chartroom, radio room etc. to be insulated to A-60 class.

Enclosed walls of multi-ply engine casing bounding living quarters are to be insulated to A-60 class. Except casing bounding other machinery spaces having A-0 class insulation and casing bounding exposed to the weather, it may be only steel wall.

Walls dividing stairway and passageway from engine casing and other space of greater fire risk are to be insulated to A-60 class.

Insulation material shall meet requirements of Register.



Accommodation block exposed to weather shall be insulated as follows:

|Application |Materials |Remarks |

|Thermal insulation |75 mm thickness rock wool (10 mm thickness ceramic |Exposed surface of accommodation |

| |fiber felt over stiffener) | |

|Sound insulation |50 mm thickness Partition |Between living spaces, office spaces, |

| |(Rock wool with density of 50 kg/m3) |public spaces and noise generating |

| | |spaces |

|Fire insulation |Surface facing to fire: 2x20mm ceramic fiber felt |According to Rules and Regulation |

| |(for steel wall), | |

| |25 mm ceramic fiber felt ( for deck) | |

Joiner Bulkheads

Partition wall forming passages shall be of complex rock wool plate of class B incombustible materials.

Division wall between cabins shall be of complex rock wool plate of incombustible materials.

Division walls between private lavatories and cabins, and between private lavatories and passageways shall be of 50mm complex rock wool plate of incombustible materials.

Stairway and passageway shall be lined with complex rock wool plate.

Sanitary spaces inside walls and ceilings where exposed to the weather shall be insulated and covered with 50mm glass wool.

Joiner Linings

Steel walls in all cabins and all public rooms shall be lined with complex rock wool plate of in combustible materials. Steel walls in catering spaces, stores and lockers where exposed to the weather shall be insulated and covered with 50mm glass wool.

Overhead Ceiling

Overhead ceiling of complex rock wool plate of in combustible materials shall be fitted for all cabins, all public rooms and all private lavatories.

Overhead ceiling of complex rock wool plate of in combustible material shall be fitted for passageways.

50mm glass wool shall be insulated and covered for catering spaces, stores and lockers where exposed to the weather.

Treatment of Joiner Bulkheads Linings and Overhead Ceilings

The Joiner bulkhead, Linings and Ceilings shall be treated with the synthetic resin film in general.

Steel walls and overheads without lining or ceiling shall be finished with paint as per Painting Schedule.


Weather Deck

All exposed steel deck to be of bare steel and coated with paint.

Living Quarters

Deck covering and floor matting shall be applied as follows:

|Materials |Room |

|Under layer |Top layer | |

|8 mm thick latex type |Carpet |All cabin and Off. Smoking saloon, crew day room |

| |2 mm thick vinyl sheet |Public spaces, Control spaces, Corridor spaces, Infirmary |

| | |wheelhouse and Living spaces |

|30 mm thick cement |5 mm thick mosaic tile |Sanitary spaces |

|40 mm thick cement |10 mm thick quarry tile |Catering spaces, cold provision store, galley, laundry |

|50 mm thick floating fire |Nor amount 5 mm or equal |Engine control room |

|resistance deck covering | | |

|8 mm thick latex type |Nor amount 5 mm or equal |Ship’s control center, Wheelhouse, Radio room |

|50 mm thick floating fire |Vinyl |All crew cabins on upper deck |

|resistance deck covering | | |

| |2 mm thick vinyl sheet |Suez crew room, corridor spaces, Gymnasium |

Spaces not mentioned in above table shall be bare steel painted.

Vinyl shall be wall-to-wall except under built-in furniture.

All sanitary spaces and catering spaces shall have suitable surface and have adequate slope to scupper.

Wooden gratings shall be fitted in all stores and laundry room.

Rubber gratings shall be fitted in showers and on deck in whellhouse & bridge wing (P/S).

Other details of deck covering shall be of Builder’s normal good practice and standard.

Galley Pantry Sanitary Spaces etc.

The floor in galley shall be laid with masaictile on cement of 40 mm thickness; with one tier skirting of height about 1.2 m around and gutter way shall be provided in the galley.

The floor in lavatories, laundry room shall be laid with masaic tile on cement of 30 mm thickness, with one tier of height about 1.2m of tile skirting around.


Overhead in all cabins, all public rooms, private lavatories and passageways where exposed to the weather shall be insulated with 75 mm thickness rock wool or glass wool, in general.(Glass wool for insulation shall have a specific gravity of 24 kg/m^3).

Steel wall in all cabins, all public rooms, private lavatories and passageways where exposed to the weather shall be insulated with 50 mm thickness rock wool or glass wool, in general.

The beam, girder and stiffener fitted to insulated overhead and wall in living quarters shall be insulated with 50 mm thickness rock wool or glass wool.

Overhead and wall in catering spaces and laundry, where exposed to the weather shall be insulated with 75 mm thickness rock wool or glass wool.

Surface of glass wool to be covered with glass cloth where no lining nor ceiling is fitted. The material of insulation where required fire protection insulation by the Rules and Regulations to be applied with approved type.


Wooden gratings to be laid on floors of all store room in accommodation. Others to be bare steel and painted.

Wooden shelves to be fitted at sides of boatswain store,cordage stores, deck stores steering gear room and lockers wherever necessary.

Galvanized steel shelves to be fitted in provision stores, and painting room. Wood material to be of soft wood.

In the steering gear there has to be arranged a lockable store for placing all vessels chemicals in accordance rules.


Deck Ladder & Stairways

Inclined steel ladders or stairways to be arranged in accommodation as shown on the general Arrangement plan.

The Interior stairs to be provided in accommodation as follows:

|Clear breadth |Min 800 mm |

|Inclination to horizontal |550 |

|Side stringer |Steel painted |

|Steps horizontal part |Steel. |

| |Covered with 6 mm composition and 2 mm thick vinyl sheet |

|Steps vertical part |2 mm thick vinyl sheet |

|Hand rails |Steel flat bar with hardwood top rail and polished |

| |stainless steel supports |

Stair steps to be fitted with P.V.C. non-slip edging

Platforms and ladder steps in engine room to be made of galvanized steel chequered plates or open grating, which wide of ladder is to be minimum 600 mm and to be inclined about 600.

Doors in Accommodation

Doors to be insulated where fire insulation is applied to the wall to which the door is fitted.

Steel hollow type hinged joiner doors with steel frame are to be fitted to all living rooms, public room, toilets and lockers in living quarters.

Finishing surface of the doors to be PVC covered steel plates.

Door catchers to be provided to all doors other than those with self-closing device.

Doors are to be fitted with locks, handles, sill plates and three (3) hinges.

Locks, handles and hinges to be of chromium plated brass.

Doorsills to have minimum height in the accommodation.

In general all door sill and thresholds to be covered with 1 mm stainless steel plate.

Door self-closing devices to be applied as follows:

Engine control room, cargo control room, stairway, catering space, public space, smoking room, hospital and entrance door from outside except steel single panel door, emergency exits and trunk doors.

Entrance from open deck to corridor on each deck except main deck and poop deck are to have weather tight door with 250 mm diameter fixed bull’s eye.

Sill height to be in accordance with the relevant regulation.

External doors to have cleats at upper and lower end including locks and handles and three hinges.

The height up to door top above floor is to be about 2000 mm and door’s minimum clear width is to be as follows:

|Location |Clear width |

|Living rooms |700 mm |

|Entrance of deck house, Galley, Provision spaces, Stairway, | |

|Day rooms, Mess rooms |750 mm |

|Hospital |800 mm |

|Private toilets |600 mm |

Steel Doors to Open Decks

Weather-tight steel doors 750 x 1400 mm with 4 closing cleats and three hinges to be located according to class requirements.

The doors to have door stoppers for fastening in open position.

Wheelhouse Doors

Sliding doors of stainless steel with glass gas-tight type door to be fitted. The width of door shall be 800 mm.

Locks and Keys

Locks to be provided for all doors using central key system as follows:

|Cylinder mortise locks |Living space, public space, office space, navigation and control space, |

| |public toilet, laundry, catering space and provision |

|Mortise latch without lock |Stairway thumb turn |

|Indicate mortise lock |Private lavatory, hospital bathroom |

|Pad lock |Bonded store, external doors |

|Keys |Three sets of keys to be supplied for each lock set. |

|Master key |Three sets of master keys to be provided for one group. Three sets of grand |

| |master keys. |

|Identification |All keys to be supplied with photo |

| |identification tag. The builder shall be |

| |provided key list with all keys identified by numbers and cabins. |


3081. General

Windows and scuttles for cabins to be fitted in all cabins accordance with the actual necessary. The fire resistance level to be arranged as per class requirements

Above main deck and in front bulkhead rectangular windows to be arranged. The windows to be of fixed type.

Eye brows to be provided on the window and side scuttle boxes, (except fixed ones)

Window platforms of open grating type to be provided outside the wheel house for access to windows.

Frame material of all windows and side scuttles to be in compliance with rules and regulations. All windows and portholes to have brass glass frames and stainless steel frame for welding. All windows sizes are clear glasses.

Above main deck and in front bulkhead rectangular windows to be arranged as shown on accommodation plan.

Windows facing cargo area and fwd part of side bulkheads to be of A-60.

Windows will be as follows:

|Location |Number |Size |Type |

|Captain and chief engineer cabins |2 side and 2 front |450 x 630 |Fixed, |

| |2 in bedroom - side | |See note below |

|Remaining officers cabins |2 side |450 x 630 |Fixed, |

| |2 front or aft if cabin adjacent to | |See note below |

| |front or aft bulkhead. | | |

| |2 in bedroom - side | | |

|Crew cabins |2 in each cabin |450 x 630 |Fixed, |

| | | |See note below |

|Office |2 |450 x 630 |Fixed |

|Day-rooms / mess-rooms |4 side |450 x 630 |Fixed, |

| | | |See note below |

|Day-room officers |4 side |450 x 630 |Fixed, |

| | | |See note below |

|Cargo control room |4 front |560 x 800 |Fixed |

|Side scuttle for others | |350 mm dia. |Fixed |


One window in each cabin, bedroom and day rooms to be open outwards if outside gas dangerous area.

3082. Wheel house Windows

Windows in wheelhouse to be according to Class requirements, for minimum blind sectors and the sizes of three centre windows at front to be 1200 x 800 mm.

In wheel house doors, one window of abt. 600 x 600 mm.

Windows in wheel house to be fitted with parallel wipers according to Class requirements. Two (2) wheel house windows each to have a clear view screen (350 mm dia.). Three (3) wheel house windows to be fitted with heating elements. Fresh water washing on all windows in front with spray pipe/nozzle of copper. Arrangement and size of all windows in wheel house to be approved by Class. Effective drainage from all windows to be arranged.

3083. Portholes

In outside doors one fixed porthole with abt. 250 mm diameter to be fitted.

Dead light and outside plug to be fitted only where it is required by the Rule

The height above the deck to the centre of the window to be about 1,600 mm for round scuttles.

|Localion |Glass Clear |Type |Frame |

|Wheel house square window (Front) |1200 x 800 |9 x Fixed |Stainless steel |

| | |3 x Hing-up | |

|Side & Aft. side |450 x 630 |Fixed |Rubber frame |

|Capl. deck at side |450 x 630 |Hinged & Fixed |Stainless steel |

|Poop deck |450 x 630 |Side & fixed |Stainless steel |

|Upper Deck Round Scuttle |300 mm dia. |Fixed |Stainless steel |


The materials of furniture to be used steel or wood and made in China.

The schedule of furniture shall be listed in technical document and suitable for room sizes. The detials to be shown on the layout of accommodation plan.

Colour scheme book to be submitted to the Owner for approval.

3091. Galley, Dry Provision Store and Laundry Equipment

All metal parts in galley, pantry, duty mess room and all equipment metal parts which are in direct contact with food preparation or prepared food must be of stainless steel.

Galley Equipment

|1 |Marine Electric Range, 4 - plates, 1 - griddle plate, 2 - ovens |

|2 |Marine Electric Fryer, 2 - wells, max capacity abt. 12 Lt. for each |

|3 |Marine Electric Tilting Bratt pan, capacity abt. 60 Lt. |

|4 |Hand Wash Basin |

|5 |Marine Work Table With Drawers and Cupboard, 3 - drawers, |

| |1 - cupboard with swing doors. |

|6 |Switch Board |

|7 |Trash Basket, capacity abt. 80 Lt. |

|8 |Marine Trash Compactor |

|9 |Marine Sink |

|10 |Marine Waste Disposer |

|11 |Marine Spiral Mixer – stainless steel pan abt. 48 Lt. |

|12 |Marine Work Table With Marble Top, Drawers and Bins, |

| |3 - drawers, 2 – bins container |

|13 |Marine Backing Oven, 2 - cooking chambers, 1 - heated cabinet |

|14 |Marine Potatoes Peeler, Capacity abt. 8 kg |

|15 |Marine Refrigerator, 2 - compartment, capacity abt. 500 Lt. |

|16 |Table With Sinks, 2 – sinks |

|17 |Motoreducer With Tools, tools type: mincer tool, greater tool, whipping tool |

|18 |Gravity Slicer |

|19 |Microwave Oven |

|20 |Automatic Coffee Machine, hourly capacity coffee abt. 20 Lt. |

|21 |Marine Work Table With Cupboard - 1 cupboard with swing doors |

|22 |Hood |

|23 |Top Table |

|24 |Marine Work Table With Drawer,1 – Drawer |

|25 |Marine Cupboard Suspensed, abt.1400 x 400 x 650mm |

|26 |Marine Cupboard Suspensed, abt. 1500 x400 x 650mm |

| | |

| |

|Office Pantry |

|1 |Marine Work Table With Cupboard - 1 cupboard with swing doors |

|2 |Toaster |

|3 |Microwave Oven |

|4 |Trash Basket, capacity abt. 80 Lt. |

|5 |Dish Washer, tank capacity abt. 18 Lt., max capacity abt. 24 Lt. baskets for hour |

|6 |Angular Table With Sinks, 2 – sinks |

|7 |Marine Refrigerator, capacity abt. 200 Lt. |

|8 |Grinding Dosing |

|9 |Marine Table With Drawer, 1 - drawer for coffee disposal |

|10 |Espesso Coffee Machine, capacity abt. 5 Lt. |

|11 |Marine Electric Stove |

| |

|Officer Laundry |

|1 |Rack With Four Shelves |

|2 |Marine Sloped Sink |

|3 |Marine Washing-Dryer Machine - max capacity abt. 5.5kg |

|4 |Marine Iron Table |

|5 |Marine Flat Iron |

| |

|Laundry With Dry Room |

|1 |Roller Ironer, ironing speed abt. 2m / 1 min |

|2 |Rack With Four Shelves |

|3 |Marine Sloped Sink |

|4 |Marine Washer, capacity abt. 10kg |

|5 |Marine Electric Dryer, capacity abt.10-12kg |

|6 |Marine Washing-Dryer Machine, max capacity abt. 5.5kg |

|7 |Marine Iron Table |

|8 |Marine Flat Iron |

| |

|Crew Laundry |

|1 |Marine Washing-Dryer Machine, max capacity abt. 5.5 kg |

|2 |Roller Ironer, ironing speed abt. 2m / 1 min |

|3 |Marine Sloped Sink |

|4 |Marine Iron Table |

|5 |Marine Flat Iron |

| |

|Provision Store |

|1 |Marine Chopping Block |

|2 |Hooker |

|3 |Marine Dripping Pan |

|4 |Marine Work Table |

|5 |Rack With Four Plates |

|6 |Marine Cupboard With Aeration Holes |

|7 |Platform Scale, capacity abt. 150 kg |

3092. Schedule of Furniture

The number and sizes of furniture to be determined by G.A.P.

The followings shall be referenced only.

Mess Room

|4 |Rectangular table (1800 x 900 x 760 mm) |

|24 |Chairs |

|1 |Side board |

Duty Mess Room

|1 |Mess table (1800 x 700 x 760 mm) |

|6 |Chairs |

|1 |Refrigerator, 50 ltr. |

|1 |Wall cupboard (stainless steel) |

|1 |Service table with 1 sink (stainless steel) |

|1 |Hot plate, 1 kw |

|1 |Electric toaster (4 slices) |

|1 |Electric kettle, 2 ltr. |

|1 |Electric water boiler, 4 kw |

Captain Class Room (Total two rooms)

Day room with bed room for each

|1 |Tea table (800 x 800 x 500 mm) |

|1 |Sofa (200 x 700 x 380 mm) |

|1 |Sofa (1500 x 700 x 380 mm) |

|2 |Arm chairs |

|1 |Corner table (700 x 700 x 550 mm) |

|1 |Combined locker for TV set |

|1 |Revolution arm chair |

|1 |Desk |

|1 |Refrigerator, 50 ltr. |

|1 |Bed with drawer (2000 x 1500 mm) |

|1 |3 door wardrobe with mirror inside (1200 x 600 x 1900 mm) |

|1 |Dressing table with mirror (1000 x 500 x 700 mm) |

|1 |Bed side table (600 x 500 x 700 mm) |

|1 |Stool |

|1 |Chest of drawers |

Senior Officer’s Room (Total two rooms)

|1 |L-type desk (1600 x 700 x 760/900 x 400 x 700 mm) |

|1 |Tea table |

|1 |Sofa (L-type) |

|2 |Arm chairs |

|1 |Revolution arm chair |

|1 |Combined locker and book case (1800 x 600 x 1900 mm) |

|1 |Filing cabinet (2 drawer) |

|1 |Refrigerator, 50 ltr. |

|1 |Bed with drawer (2000 x 1400 mm) |

|1 |3 door wardrobe with mirror inside |

|1 |Dressing table with mirror and drawers |

|1 |Bed side table (600 x 500 x 700 mm) |

|1 |Stool |

Junior Officer’s Room (Total seven rooms)

|1 |Desk with drawers (1200 x 600 x 760 mm) |

|1 |Arm chair |

|1 |Sofa (1800 x 700 x 380 mm) |

|1 |Wardrobe with mirror inside |

|1 |Bed with drawer (2000 x 1000) |

|1 |Bed side table (400 x 400 x 550 mm) |

|1 |Book rack (600 x 270 x 250 mm) |

|1 |Tea table (700 x 400 x 550 mm) |

Petty & Crews’ Room (Total eighteen rooms)

|1 |Desk with drawers (1200 x 600 x 760 mm) |

|1 |Arm chair |

|1 |Sofa (1600 x 700 x 380 mm) |

|1 |Wardrobe with mirror inside |

|1 |Bed with drawer (2000 x 1000) |

|1 |Book case (600 x 270 x 250 mm) |

Sanitary Room

|1 |Shower |

|1 |Wash basin |

|1 |W.C. |

|1 |Toilet cabinet with mirror |

Hospital (Total one persons)

|1 |Chair |

|1 |Desk |

|1 |Book rack |

|2 |Bed (2000 x 1000 mm) |

|2 |Bed side table (400 x 400 x 560 mm) |

|2 |Wardrobe (400 x 600 x 1800 mm) |

|1 |Medicine locker |

|1 |Refrigerator, 100 ltr. |

|1 |Sink (stainless steel) |

|1 |Electric boiler sterizer |

Wheelhouse (Including chart & radio space)

|2 |Pilot chairs |

|1 |Flag locker |

|2 |Binocular boxes |

|1 |Chart table with drawers & chromomere box |

|1 |Book case |

|2 |Locker including fireman outfitting locker |

|2 |Folding wall table |

|1 |Tea table (800 x 400 x 550 mm) |

|1 |Radio table |

|1 |Revolution arm chair |

|1 |Stainless table with sink |

|2 |Book rack |

|2 |Notice boards |

Engine Office

|3 |Desk with computer table |

|2 |Filing cabinets |

|1 |White board |

|1 |Wall locker |

|1 |Book case |

|3 |Revolution arm chairs |

|1 |Table |

|6 |Chairs |

Deck Office

|3 |Desk |

|4 |Filing cabinets |

|1 |White board |

|1 |Book case |

|3 |Revolution arm chairs |

|1 |Table |

|8 |Chairs |

Cargo Control Room

|1 |Desk with computer table |

|2 |Revolution arm chairs |

|2 |Book case |

|1 |White board |

|1 |Sounding board |

|1 |Locker |

Engine Control Room

|1 |Desk |

|2 |Revolution arm chairs |

|1 |Filing cabinet |

|1 |Book case |

|1 |White board |

|1 |Electric kettle, 2 ltr. |

Changing Room

|18 |Steel locker |

|1 |Wash basin with mirror (stainless steel) |

|1 |Bench |

Gymnasium (provided in Suez crews cabin)

|1 |Power rowing machine |

|1 |Exercise bicycle |

|1 |Ping pong table with net & table tennis bat |

|1 |Locker |

|1 |Bench (2000 mm) |

Cold Water Fountains

Four (4) cold water fountains of domestic type to be fitted and located as follows:

1 - Meeting room

1 - mess room

1 - Engine control room

1 - wheel house

Provision Store

Floor to be composition wooden floor. Two tiers of galvanized steel shelves with fiddle to be provided.

Boatswain’s Store & Cordage Spaces

Floor and ceiling to be of bare steel and painted.

One tier of wooden shelves and wooden gratings for ropes to be provided and painted.

Paint Store

Side walls, floor and ceiling to be bare steel and painted.

Extranction fan to be fitted.

One tier of steel round bare shelves to be provided and painted.

CO2 fire protection to be installed for paint store.

Deck Stores

Side walls, floor and ceiling to be bare steel and painted.

One tier of wooden shelves to be provided.

Battery Room

Side walls and ceiling to be bare steel and painted.

Floor to be painted and fitted with rubber gratings.

Steel shelves and wooden battery boxes for storage of batteries to be provided and lead lined lined . Warning notices to be on outside of door. All electrical fittings to be provided with Rule's requirements.

Deck Work Shop

Floor and ceiling to be bare steel and painted.

To be furnished with three tiers of wooden shelves, a steel locker, a wooden working bench with vice and drawers.

Tool board and hooks to be provided.

Steering Gear Room

To be arranged on top of the aft peak tank. Floor to be bare steel and painted.

Steering engine to be seated on strong foundations and platforms with steel hand rails to be fitted where necessary.

The pipe of easy damage to be covered Emergency notices to be prominently displayed.

3093. Upholstery

Clothes of sofas and easy chairs in captain class and smoking room to be of wool cloth and the others to be of vinyl leather. Seats of sofas and easy chairs to be of foamed synthetic resin. Backs of sofas and easy chairs for public rooms, to be foamed rubber covered with vinyl leather.

Mattresses stuffed with foamed rubber covered with cotton cloth for berths and spring type for captain class and junior officer's class to be supplied for all berths.

Crutains to be supplied between chart space and wheelhouse window curtains to be supplied in all private cabines, public rooms and offices, curtain facing bridge front to be lined with lightproof lining.

Bed curtain to be supplied in captain class and senior officer class cabin. Shower curtains to be provided in all private cabins.



4011. General

The vessel to be designed to have twelve (15) liquid cargo tanks and two (2) slop tanks.

The cargo handling system shall consist of three (3) sets of cargo oil pumps, one (1) set of stripping pump and piping for cargo loading and discharging.

The system to be able to load and discharge three (3) different grades of cargo oil simultaneously without contamination and to eliminate cargo pockets or collecting points within the system. The general discharge and loading design criteria are as follows:

|Design pumping criteria |Pressure head: 0.8MPa. at pump outlet with cargo S.G. 1.00 t/m3 |

|Design discharge time |15 hours at design criteria with 3 cargo pumps running simultaneously, not incl.|

| |stripping. |

|Maximum discharge rate |1500 m3/h at 0.8MPa., S.G. |

|Segregation |Cargo system Three (3) segregation |

| |Simultaneous discharging of three (2) grades via separate pumps and manifolds. |

| |Simultaneous loading of three (3) grades over manifolds and drop lines (cargo |

| |pump by pass) to cargo tanks. |

| |2-valve segregation between two pumps. |

4012. Cargo and Striping Pumps

Motor drive gear type cargo and striping pumps to be installed in pump room, the electric motor should located in engine room, which direct drive the cargo pump via a gas tight type stuffing box.

Each pump to be equipped with temperature monitoring system for pumps casing, bearing and stuffing box in accordance with classification society, the monitoring terminal should arranged in cargo control room. The pressure indicators for pump discharge side to be furnished in cargo control room also.

Cargo pump

|Number of units |three (3) |

|Type |Screw pumps, with built in relief valve |

|Design capacity |500 m3/h for each. |

|Design pressure head at outlet |0.8MPa. |

|Materials |Maker standard suitable for cargo carried |

|Drive |Electric motor. |

|Shaft seal |Maker standard |

Striping pump

|Number of units |One (1) |

|Type |Screw pumps, with built in relief valve |

|Design capacity |80 m3/h. |

|Design pressure head at outlet |0.8MPa. |

|Materials, pump impeller, stack |Maker standard suitable for cargo carried |

|Drive |Electric motor. |

|Shaft seal |Maker standard |

Emergency stop button shall be situated out side of pump room.

4013. Cargo Piping

Cargo system to be presented to Owner for approval before commencement of work.

All valves inside cargo tank shall have operation hand wheel with open and closed position indication on main deck.

The cargo pumps draw from each cargo tanks via three groups of cargo piping system and discharge to respective manifold. Total three (3) cargo main line and one (1) slop main line to be arranged on main deck.

Each group of cargo tank to be fitted with separate direct loading drop line by-passing the cargo pump.

Delivery lines on deck to be arranged with expansion joints to compensate for thermal expansion in piping.

Pipe diameter to be suited to pump size ensuring good flow characteristics.

Slop tanks, slop tank equipment, and piping shall be according to MARPOL Annex I and Annex II. Special care shall be given to the overboard slop discharge lines to avoid intake of effluent into sea water systems of the engine room. The thickness of the cargo line to be complying with class regulations

The cargo piping on upper deck and in cargo tank to be made of carbon steel pipe. Gate type valve to be used in cargo system in general.

4014. Cargo Manifolds

The Oil Companies International Marine Forum's (OCIMF) Standard for Tanker Manifold and Associated Equipment, to be complied with, where relevant.

Three (3) cargos manifolds to be arranged.

A sample point, pressure gauge with C/W ball valve and flange at the port and starboard side of each cargo manifold shall be provided.

The presentation flanges, reducers for cargo manifolds shall be supplied in accordance with the OCIMF standards/ owner requirement and stowed in a rack.

Each presentation flange of the principal reducers shall be provided with a removable carbon steel blank flange fitted with handles.

4015. Drip Trays

Drip trays with steel grating shall be fitted beneath port and starboard manifolds. Material of hose rack and drip trays shall be of cargo steel also. Drip trays shall have the arrangement to drain the spilled oil to slop, and fitted with stop valves. Size and volume of trays shall be according to IMO and OCIMF regulations.

4016. Pipe Hose Support

In order to protect the hose from sharp edges and obstructions, a horizontal pipe section hose support shall be fitted at the ship’s side and above the fair lead to comply with the requirement of OCIMF.

The radius of pipe shall not less than 150 mm. The hose supports should lie in the fore and aft axis at the ship’s sides and be at least 900 mm below the level of the centers of presentation flanges. The hose support should extend beyond the center of bunker connections at forward and aft ends of the manifold.

4017. Materials for Cargo Pipes

The cargo piping on upper deck and in cargo tank to be made of cargo steel. (designing pressure 1.0 MPa).


4021. General

The gas freeing of the cargo oil and slop tanks to be performed by the portable gas freeing fans.

Two (2) sets of portable sea water driven gas freeing fans with capacity of about 3000~6000 m3/hr for each shall be provided and with flexible ducting.

4022. Gas Freeing System

Ventilation and Gas Freeing For Cargo Oil Tank

Cargo oil and slop tanks tank shall be vented by means of portable sea water driven fans. Two (2) portable fans to be delivered.

Fans to operate through tank cleaning hatches. The capacity of portable fan is to be about 3000~6000 m3/hr.

Common type cargo tank vent system to be used, the pipes and fittings arrangement should meet classification society requirement.

The material to be carbon steel for venting pipe.


4031. Cargo Tank Sounding System


The level and ullage measurement system to be restricted type. All cargo and slop tanks shall be equipped with sounding pipe and deck vavle.

The remote ship’s draft measuring gauge to be provided.

Two (2) portable gas safe (hermetic) tank level gauging device which serves as oil/water interface detector and ullage gauge of the cargo and slop tanks.

High-level Alarm/Overflow Control

Each cargo and slop tank to be arranged with two (2) independent level alarm sensors, one high-level alarm sensor at 95% of tank volume and one high-high level alarm sensor at 98% of tank volume. And both sensors are to trigger visual and audible alarms in the CCR.

4032. Oil Discharge Monitoring System

One oil discharging monitoring and control unit shall be provided in cargo control room in accordance with the requirement of MARPOL 73/78

Annex I.

The system comprises for the following main components:

Oil content monitor

Flow meter system

Central control unit

Sampling system

Discharge control system

Output information of the system shall be as follows:

Instantaneous rate of discharge of oily water

Total quantity of discharge of oily water

Time and date

Oil content (PPM)

Ship’s speed

The overboard discharge of oily water from slop tanks shall be automatically stopped and dumped back to port slop tank upon high oil content. The value of oil content shall be monitored. Equipment such as suction pump, sampling tube, flow meter, sensing unit, control system, monitoring device and recorders shall be provided in accordance with manufacturer's standard and to meet the Rule’s requirement.

4043. Tank Cleaning System


Tank cleaning system and equipment to be arranged and suited to minimize shadow areas.

The tank cleaning system to be arranged for the following possibilities:

Two (2) portable tank-cleaning machines to be supplied, for tank cleaning through tank cleaning hatches.

The tank cleaning system shall be arranged for manual operation of valves and connecting of hoses on deck.

Seawater and fresh water for tank cleaning system will be supplied by tank cleaning pumps.

Two (2) sets of horizontal tubular type steam heat exchanger with capacity of abt. 45 m3/hr each to be fitted on upper deck for hot water washing.

The heat exchanger to have steam supply from oil-fired steam boiler in engine room to produce hot pressure water and to have capacity of utilizing to deliver washing hot water of 800C, with sea water temperature 20oC.

Each branch shall have two outlets with quick connections and valve with special flange. All quick connections shall have caps, and dimension for valves.

Four (4) standard length hoses to be supplied fitted with quick coupling.

Flexible hose connection to be arranged between washing main line and for portable washing machines.

Sea Water Washing System

One (1) tank-cleaning pumps for seawater shall take suction of seawater from the sea chest. The water shall be delivered to tank cleaning main line through the tank cleaning heat exchanger on upper deck.

The cargo pump shall take suction of washed oily water from the cargo oil tanks and discharge to the port side slop tank.

Oily water shall be transferred from the port side slop tank to the starboard side slop tank via. a levelling line.

The sea water washing system to be designed to operate of eight (8) fixed machines simultaneously.

Fresh Water Washing System

The tank cleaning pump shall take suction of fresh water from the fresh water tanks. The water shall be delivered to tank cleaning main line through the tank cleaning heat exchanger on upper deck.

Tank Cleaning Machine

Fixed tank cleaning machines shall be mounted on each cargo oil and slop tanks with the required number and capacity as per the shadow diagram.

Tank cleaning machines shall be of programmable twin nozzle type and the material to be of stainless steel.

The tank cleaning line shall have the branch connections with stop valve. The hose coupling and hose racks shall be supplied for fixed cleaning machines.

Two (2) sets of portable tank cleaning machine shall be supplied.

Tank Cleaning Heater

Two (2) tank cleaning heater shall be provided for the hot water washing.

|Type |Horizontal, shell & tube type, steam heated |

|Capacity |Capable of heating the seawater from 200C to 800C |

| |Approx. 45 m3/h |

|Material |Accordance with the Manufacturer’s standard |

Shipyard and Manufacturer to check capacity of tank cleaning heater based on final selection of tank cleaning machines.

Water temperature shall be controlled automatically by the thermostatically operated regulating valve.

One local thermometer shall be fitted at the sea water outlet of the heater.


4041. General

A cargo control room to be arranged on accommodation deck front as shown on the G.A.P.

4042. Remote Level Alarm System

Level alarm and tank pressure monitoring device shall be arranged in accordance with the Manufacturer’s standard.

Electric equipment and communication circuits located in gas-dangerous are shall be designed in compliance with the requirement of the Class.


4051. Portable Vapour Detector

Two (2) sets of portable vapour detector to be provided with battery, battery charger and suitcase.

Portable vapour detector shall be able to measure the following:

|--- |Flammable vapours in ballast tanks |

|--- |Toxic vapours in ballast tanks & accommodation |

|--- |Oxygen content |


For the prevention of marine pollution, an oil discharge monitor, control system and a potable oil / water interface equipment to be provided to meet IMO RES. A586 (XIV) requirements. The system comprised the following main components.

|1. |Oil content meter |

|2. |Hydraulic panel |

|3. |Discharge flow meter |

|4. |Operator’s console |

|5. |Valve control unit |

|6. |Sampling intake at oily water overboard discharge line |

|7. |Permanent drip trays |

The overboard ballast line shall be connected to the sampling intake of oil discharge monitoring system (for oil content high alarm only).

The system shall monitor the oil content, discharge ratio of oily mixture and discharged oil quantity, and it shall automatically stop the overboard discharge of oily mixture, and the oily mixture shall be returned to the port side slop tank when the oil content exceeds the limitation of pre-set valve. The oil content monitor to be suitable for measuring all cargoes in the cargo list.



Descriptions in this part specification shall cover the following system piping such as:

Ballast system

Bilge system

Oil filling system

Fire fighting and deck-wash system

Refrigerated system

Vent & sounding system

Sanitary system with discharges drainage system

Cargo heating system

Service air line on deck 1 inches

Fresh water line on deck 1 inches

The material and dimensions of pipes, valves and fitting shall be in accordance with ISO, GB and Builder’s standard unless otherwise specified.

Pipe clamps to be provided with suitable protection against galvanic corrosion and mechanical damage to pipes and clamps.

Pipe clamps for all pipes on deck to be fitted with nylon liners where not otherwise specified.

The accessories and details, omitted from in this section shall be based on the builder's normal practice to meet the rule and regulation concerned.

The piping shall be designed to allow for the stress due to the thermal expansion and the deflection of the vessel’s structure.

As far as practicable, liquid pipes shall not pass over the essential electrical equipment. If unavoidable, welded sleeve joint shall be used for liquid pipes arranged over the electrical equipment. While electrical equipment to have adequate protection.

Penetration of water or oil tight bulkhead, deck or tank top plate shall be by flanged or welded sleeves.

Bending work for pipes shall be carried out by cold bending machinery or using bend piece of welded steel pipe.

The bending radius at the centre line of bends of steel pipe shall be not less than three times of nominal diameter of pipe, except that is not applicable in agreement.

Small radius bends of steel pipe shall be fabricated with welded elbows.

The bending radius of copper pipe shall be about two and a half times the nominal diameter.

All piping shall be tested after installation as required by regulations.


The system shall consist of two (2) sets of self priming centrifugal type water ballast pump, interconnection valves and pipes as shown on the diagram of ballast system.

The system shall be arranged to permit ballast pump to take suction from the water ballast tanks or from the sea and to discharge overboard.

Ballasting and de-ballasting of the water ballast tanks to be handed by two sets of water ballast pump.

The aft peak tank shall be used as ballast tank. The bilge/GS pump and/or fire/GS pump shall be connected to the sea main suction line and serve as ballast pump.

Two (2) set of motor driven centrifugal ballast pump to be installed in pump room, the pumps driven by electric motor located in engine room via gas tight bulkhead stuffing box. Each pump to be equipped with temperature monitoring system for pumps casing, bearing and stuffing box in accordance with classification society, the monitoring terminal should arranged in cargo control room.

The ballast pumps to have suction from sea chests located in pump room and deliver to main ballast lines in pump room, with branches to each ballast via manual gate valve.

Water ballast pumps

Two (2) sets of centrifugal ballast pump for installation located in pump room. The pump should be self-priming type.

|No. of sets |Two (2) |

|Type |horizontal centrifugal pump-self priming type |

|Capacity |350 m3/h |

|Pressure |25 mLc |

|Drive |Electric motor driven |

|Pump housing |Maker standard |

|Impeller |Sea water resistant bronze |

|Seal |Maker standard |



Bilge piping shall be arranged according to the class rules and authorities requirements.

Suction heads for bilge shall be fitted with rose boxes and suitable rose plates shall be provided on bilge wells.

Emergency bilge suction shall be arranged as required by class rules.

The valves for bilge suction lines shall be easily accessible and of hand operated non-return type. Bilge water in deck store on upper deck shall be led to weather deck by means of drain plugs.

Water in steering gear room and foam room shall be drained to engine room and bilge wells through self-closing valve in engine room.

Chain lockers, stores rooms in forecastle to be served by ejectors. Drive water supplied by fire/deck-wash line.

Bilge/GS pump

|No. of sets |One (1) set |

|Type |Vertical centrifugal pump with self priming. |

|Capacity |abt. 173 m3/h, |

|Pressure |9.5 bar |

|Drive |Electric motor |

|Casing |Cast bronze |

|Impeller |Maker standard |

|Shaft |Maker standard |

|Shaft seal |Mechanical |

Oily water separator

|No. of sets |One (1) set |

|Type |Gravity difference separate |

|Capacity |3.0 m3/hr, below 15 PPM |

|Automation |Automatic oil contents monitoring and alarm system |


Heavy Fuel Oil And Diesel Oil

Heavy fuel filling connections of ND 150 and Diesel oil filling connections of ND100, each with a gate valve and a blank flange shall be provided in front of accommodation both side (P&S).

One (1) heavy fuel oil filling main line and one (1) diesel oil filling main line as filling connection shall be arranged on upper deck and led to the heavy fuel oil bunker tanks and D.O bunker tank.

One (1) sampling cock shall be fitted on each filling main line of the heavy fuel oil and diesel oil.

A boss with gauge cock for portable pressure gauge and a boss with plug for portable thermometer shall be fitted on each filling connection.

Blind flanges for above to be provided.

Each manifold for H.F.O and D.O in front of accommodation shall be provided with drip tray as per rules.

Fuel oil transfer pump can transfer oil from each bunker tank to related settling tank or daily tank.

HFO transfer pumps

Two (2) sets of gear pump located in engine room used for HFO transfer.

|No. of sets |Two (2) |

|Type |horizontal gear pump |

|Capacity |12 m3/h |

|Pressure |0.35MPa |

|Drive |Electric motor driven |

|Pump housing |Maker standard |

|Seal |Maker standard |

DO transfer pumps

Two (2) sets of gear pump located in engine room used for DO transfer.

|No. of sets |Two (2) |

|Type |horizontal gear pump |

|Capacity |12 m3/h |

|Pressure |0.35MPa |

|Drive |Electric motor driven |

|Pump housing |Maker standard |

|Seal |Maker standard |

Sludge pump

One (1) set of screw pump located in engine room used for sludge transfer, which transfer sludge from sludge tank etc. to ashore

|No. of sets |One (1) |

|Type |horizontal screw pump |

|Capacity |5 m3/h |

|Pressure |0.8MPa |

|Drive |Electric motor driven |

|Pump housing |Maker standard |

|Seal |Maker standard |

Lub. Oil/ F.O/D.O tanks

Each tank shall be provided with one air vent pipe and one filling line leading to main deck. Drip tray as per rules to be provided.

One (1) set of gear pump located in engine room used for lub oil transfer.

Lub oil transfer pumps

|No. of sets |One (1) |

|Type |horizontal gear pump |

|Capacity |5 m3/h |

|Pressure |0.35MPa |

|Drive |Electric motor driven |

|Pump housing |Maker standard |

|Seal |Maker standard |


The fire precaution, fire extinguishing and fire fighting apparatus shall be provided in compliance with the SOLAS, Class and Authority concerned.

Fire-fighting system as follows:

|Space |Fire fighting equipment |

|Engine room |CO2 system, sea water system, fixed local water based fire |

| |fighting system and Portable fire extinguishers. |

|Cargo tank deck |Fixed low expansion foam system sea water system |

|Paint store |Separate CO2 smothering systems |

|Accommodation area |Sea water system |

| |Portable fire extinguishers |

Hoses, hydrants, extinguishers, fireman's outfits, breathing apparatus, etc. according to Rules’ requirements.

5051. Sea Water Fire and Deck Wash System


Fire and deck wash line shall be led to all hull parts, tank deck, and accommodation quarters and engine room.

Fire hydrants on weather deck and in engine room shall be located so as to be capable of supplying two (2) jets of water simultaneously to any part of the vessel.

International hose coupling stop valves of approved type shall be arranged in suitable position so that the jet from two (2) hose nozzles can reach any part of the vessel at the same time in accordance with the regulations.

Fire hydrants shall have hose connections for min. 50 mm diameter hose for weather decks, engine room and accommodation. Fire hose couplings shall be used for hose connections. Hoses and nozzles shall be fitted as required by regulations. The hoses shall be stored in glass fiber lockers.

Two (2) international shore connections shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of applied rules and regulations and shall be suitable for a working pressure of 10 kg/cm2.

Fire main shall be served by fire pump installed in engine room with independent suction and also connected to emergency fire pump.

In engine room, the system to consist of branch lines at each side from tank top to upper platform, and fire hydrants arranged at each level.

For accommodation, from main deck to navigation bridge deck fire hydrants shall be arranged at each deck according to the class regulations and Authorities requirements.

The emergency fire pump shall have independent suction and shall be connected to fire main with stop valve. Non-return valves shall be fitted at emergency fire pump discharge side. Pressure gauge shall be provided at suction and discharge of emergency fire pump. Separate branch pipes with stop valves shall be led to hawse pipes for chain washing.

Fire/GS pump

|No. of sets |One (1) set |

|Type |Vertical centrifugal pump with self priming. |

|Capacity |abt. 173 m3/h, |

|Pressure |9.5 bar |

|Drive |Electric motor |

|Casing |Cast bronze |

|Impeller |Maker standard |

|Shaft |Maker standard |

|Shaft seal |Mechanical |

Emergency fire pump

|No. of sets |One (1) sets |

|Type |horizontal centrifugal pump/self priming type. |

|Capacity |abt. 60 m3/h, |

|Pressure |7.0 bar |

|Drive |Electric motor |

|Casing |Cast bronze |

|Impeller |Maker standard |

|Shaft |Maker standard |

|Shaft seal |Mechanical |

5052. Foam Fire Extinguishing System for cargo area

Foam fire-extinguishing system to be complied with SOLAS and class rules.

The deck foam fire extinguishing system shall be served by the fire/GS pump and bilge/GS through main foam line.

Foam mixing unit and foam concentrate tanks shall be located in the foam room complying with regulations. The unit capable of delivering separately the required amount of foam solution.

Foam monitors shall be of approved type.

Foam shall be generated from foam compound and seawater mixed at a proportioner. The foam water rate shall be in accordance with requirements.

The total available supply of foam compound, compatible with cargo carried, shall be sufficient for the operation of the system for a period of at least 30 minutes without recharging.

Number of foam monitors shall be arranged according to calculation requirements.

The main line shall be fitted with isolating valve just forward of the foam nozzles and hose connection valves.

5053. CO2 fire extinguisher system

One set of fixed high pressure CO2 fire extinguisher system to be arranged to protect engine room and pump room. The CO2 bottle quantity and the arrangement should be in accordance with class rules and SOLAS requirement.

An independent CO2 bottle to be arranged for paint locker according to class rules.

5054. Fixed local water based fire extinguisher system in engine

One set of fixed type local water based fire extinguisher system to be arrange in engine room to protect main engine, diesel generator engine, purifier, boiler burner etc. in accordance with SOLAS requirement.


Two (2) refrigerating plants, one for working and one for stand-by, consist of two (2) compressors, each having a sufficient capacity to keep the following insulated refrigeration provision chambers at specified temperatures within 16 hours of automatic operation per day. Automatic defrosting with heat-traced drainage to be provided. Refrigerant used to satisfy international requirements, R-22, in general.

The refrigerating plant to be designed to maintain the following temperature, at cooling water temperature of 32’C and at the outside air temperature of 35’C° to be used, for the chambers listed below:

|Chamber |Temperature(0C ) |Volume (m3) |

|Meat & Fish room |-200C |As per G.A. plan |

|Provision store |+100C |As per G.A. plan |

|Vegetable room |+20C |As per G.A. plan |

|Total | |As per G.A. plan |

Each chamber to be cooled by fan coil unit type air cooler.

Dial thermometer for each chamber to be provided. Remote temperature indicators to be provided for each chamber, with readout in the galley.

Valve panel to be located adjacent to each cooler as per maker's standard.

One (1) push button with alarm in each chamber with alarm bell provided in the galley.

Great care to be taken for refrigerating piping installation and penetration part.

The coolers in freezing room to have electric defrosting. Refrigeration compressors to be regulated by temperature switches.


5071. General

Air-conditioning system to be installed to serve as ventilation, cooling and heating for all living room, public room, ship office and wheelhouse.

The system to be designed to cool or heat the supply air and to maintain the following conditions when doors, windows and side scuttles are closed:

| |Tropical |Winter |

| |condition |condition |

|Sea Water temperature |32OC |0OC |

|Outside air temperature / Relative Humidity |35OC / min. 70 % |-20OC / 50 % |

|Inside air temperature / Relative Humidity |27OC / 50 % | 20OC / 50 % |

The above conditions will not apply to wheelhouse when exposed to sunlight; the temperature here has to comply with rules.

The ratio of fresh air is about 40 % in summer or winter. In the intermediate seasons the whole spaces are to be ventilated with 100 % fresh air. And air changes are to be about 6 times per hour for living room and to be about 8 times per hour for public room.

5072. Ventilation and Air Conditioning System for Accommodation

The air conditioning system to be designed as a middle pressure and single duct system. Air flow to each cabin to be individually controlled from each cabin.

Air from hospital not to be re-circulated.

The air conditioning plant to consist of One (1) central air handling unit and built in compressor/condenser/evaporator units,the condenser should be served by a separated sea cooling water pump, the capacity is about 57m3/h-0.33Mpa of a motor driven centrifugal pump.

The refrigerating compressor unit built in air handling unit to be comprised of:

One (1) compressors with R-22 and direct evaporation of refrigerant in cooling batteries, with necessary accessories.

Air conditioning supply duct to be pre-insulated type spiral or rectangular or round duct as per the maker's standard.

Controllable diffuser in all room units to be fitted at outlet of air conditioning supply duct in air conditioning space and louver in other space.

Mechanical exhaust ventilation to be arranged from the galley, laundry and lavatory space etc.

One (1) packaged air conditioning unit to be arranged for ECR.

Ventilation and air change rate

Air conditioning and mechanical ventilation system to be designed to have the following minimum rate of air change (times/hour) based on the volume of each compartment. Which shall be compliance with the Class requirement.

Rate and supply table

| |Air change (times/hour) |Mechanical Supply |Mechanical |

|Compartment | |(times/hour) |Exhaust |

| | | |(times/hour) |

|Living space |6 |- |- |

|Public space |8 |- |- |

|Office space |8 |- |- |

|Wheel house & |10 |- |- |

|chart space | | | |

|Cargo control room |10 |- |- |

|Sanitary space |- |- |15 |

|Laundry, dressing | | | |

|room, shower rooms |- |- |10 |

|Galley |6 |15 |40 |

|Private lavatory |- |- |10 |

|Dry provision |10 |- |- |

|Steering room etc. |- |8 |- |

|Locker |- |- |10 |

Note: Other space not specified above to be provided with natural ventilation.

Outlet terminal of exhaust fan from sanitary space and galley to be arranged away from air intake as far as practical.

Natural ventilation

Natural ventilators to be fitted to any accommodation space not covered by the mechanical exhaust ventilation system.

Suitable mushroom ventilator, wall ventilator or door louvre to be provided where necessary.

Ventilating louver with shutter shall be provided on door leading to passageway from the living space (except hospital), public space, office space.

Coaming height of ventilator to be as class rules requirement for the upper deck, and to be as per Builder's practice for the other decks.

Steel insect screen with steel wire mesh guard screen to be provided at weather opening of supply and exhaust ventilation duct.

5073. Ventilation and Air Condition for Engine Control Room

The engine control room to be air-conditioned by Packaged separate air condition unit (R-22) designed for the following conditions:

| |Tropical condition |

|Outside air temperature / Relative Humidity |45OC / 70 % |

|Inside air temperature / Relative Humidity |25OC / 50 % |

5074. Engine Room and Pump Room Ventilation


The fans for engine room to be axial flow type. Separate exhaust fan to be provided for separator room. A exhaust fan should be equipped for cargo pump room, the pump room supply air is natural, the air exchange times to be according to class rules.

The fan and driving motor to be incorporated in the fan casing, and fan and motor to be mounted in common bedplate. Fan impeller to be dynamically balanced.

Ventilation arrangement

The ventilation fan to supply fresh air to the operating stations and necessary places in the engine room through air ducts. Special consideration to the lower regions of the engine room.

Exhaust air from the engine room to be led to the funnel through engine casing.

Each engine room fan to have separate air duct. Air ducts to be of fabricated steel plate of abt. 3.0 mm thickness for main line and abt. 1.0 mm thickness for branch line. Air intakes of the ventilating fan to be taken from suction with wire mesh filter.

Engine room fans

|Number of set |2 sets |

|Capacity |100% higher than consumption of all combustion machinery and boilers according to |

| |class rules, abt. 39,000 m3/h – 610Pa for each |

|Type |Axial flow motor driven. |

Pump room fans

|Number of set |1 sets |

|Capacity |abt. 15,000 m3/h – 460Pa for each |

|Type |Axial flow, motor driven, ex-proof non-spark type. |

Separator room exhaust fans

|Number of set |1 set |

|Capacity |Acc. to size of compartment |

|Type |centrifugal flow el.-motor driven. |

All fans to have start/stop outside engine room and pump room.

5075. Ventilation of Spaces Other Than Accommodation

Mechanical ventilation

Steering gear room, emergency generator room, and hydraulic power pack room shall be mechanically ventilated and air ducts shall be provided, if necessary.

Rope store, paint store to be ventilated with fan and firemen's outfit room shall be naturally ventilated by wall or gooseneck ventilator.

5076. Vent and Sounding System

Vent Pipes

Vent pipes of suitable size shall be fitted to all water and fuel oil tanks including cofferdams, and void spaces except small tanks in engine room, cargo and slop tanks.

Air pipes shall be fitted at the highest part of the tank and shall be self-drained under normal trim conditions.

Vent pipes shall be placed near bulkheads and behind stiffeners where possible.

All vents pipes to be arranged in-group where possible, clearly marked and protected.

Vent pipes located on deck, for any fuel oil tanks, to be arranged with trough on deck below vent head outlets. Drain from troughs to fuel oil drain tank.

The area of air vent. pipes shall be sufficient to prevent development of pressure in excess of design head specified by the Classification Society, but not less than 125% of the area of the tank filling connections.

Air vent head for the overflow tank to have float check ball and fire proof stainless steel wire net flame screen for fuel oil tanks.

Ballast and freshwater tanks to have approved air-heads provided with float-type closing devices.

Vent pipes from main engine, aux. engines, boilers, boiler feed water / inspection tank and sewage treatment plant to be led to top of funnel. Swan neck to be arranged at outlets.

Vent pipes from all tanks to be located above damaged waterlines according to MARPOL damage stability calculations.

Sounding Pipes

Sounding pipes for manual sounding shall be fitted for HFO tanks MDO tanks, F.W. tanks, W.B. tanks, sludge tanks, drain tanks, cofferdams, void spaces, chain locker etc., except cargo and slop tanks. Pipes shall terminate at accessible locations.

View glass, with self-closing valves to be used where suitable, for instance for LO tanks.

The sounding points shall be located as near to the suction pipes as possible. Small tank sounding connection shall terminate at the tank.

Welded sleeves shall be used for sounding pipes passing through deck and joints.

No sounding pipes to pass through cargo tanks.

Sounding pipes extending to open deck to be fitted with bronze cap. All pipes to be laid to the bottom of tank and end parts to be fitted with striking plate for protection of bottom shell.

Self-closing sounding head to be fitted for sounding pipe of double bottom tanks in engine room. Heads to be equipped with check valve for checking against overfill before they are opened.


5081. Piping System in Accommodation

Piping general

The general requirement for piping systems contained herein are particularly applicable to piping systems in accommodation, unless otherwise especially stated, For detailed and/or specific requirements of a particular system, refer to that section which describes the system and to the applicable Rules and Regulations.

Piping work to be associated with each type of piping, diameter and the pipe thickness, unless otherwise required by authority.

5082. Sanitary System

Sanitary Supply System

Toilet/shower installations in the accommodations shall be of acceptable size and Owner approved. Each unit (including shower, wash basin, toilet cabinet, soap dish and water closet, etc.) is to be provided with separate deck and shower drains. The doorway is to be provided with a 300 mm high coaming.

Sanitary Discharge System

A standard-type sewage system, gravity type to be provided. The sewage treatment unit to comply with all regulatory bodies. The sewage treatment plant to be sized for 20 persons.

5083. Fresh Water System

Domestic Fresh Water System - Cold

The system to be fitted with necessary connections and distribution piping for all consumers in onboard.

Branch pipelines to feed water tank, expansion tanks for cooling water, tank for water to separators and to hot water heater.

Cold water supply lines to be led to Two (2) deck levels in engine room.

Fresh water nozzles for cleaning of wheel house windows to be arranged.

Fresh water line (DN25) to be arranged on main deck with appropriate number outlet.

The system to consist of the following:

Four (4) fresh water storage tanks

One (1) Hydrophore tank. 0.5 m3 at 4 kg/cm2.

Two (2) Hydrophore pumps, 3m3/h-40m, el.-driven centrifugal pumps

Domestic Fresh Water System - Hot

Hot water system shall be continuous circulating system with a calorifier.

Hot water supply lines to be led to Two (2) deck levels in engine room.

One (1) hot water pipeline to go to separators in engine room.

The system to consist of the following:

One (1) water heater for accommodation, 300 l electric, 12 kW

One (1) Hot water circulating pumps, capacity abt 0,5 m3/hr x 1 kg/cm2

The water heater to be arranged with thermostatic valve.

Hot water circulating pumps to be installed in return line of loop system through accommodation and discharge to water heater via non - return valve.

5084. Scuppers, Discharge in Accommodation

Discharge of waste water from wash basins, showers, sinks, wash tubs and drain from internal scuppers to be collected in sewage treatment plant or discharge overboard directly.

Great care to be taken that adequate fall is provided for all discharge piping and no discharge are to be led behind insulation and in way of lifeboat.

Soil from all water closets to be gathered into main line and be led to the sewage treatment plant.

Discharge from each water closet to be so connected to the main lines to avoid back flow from the other water closets.

Scuppers and drain lines other than those mentioned above to be collected into main line and discharge overboard.

Scuppers to be fitted in all public toilets, laundry, galley, and other space where water might be expected to collect. Drain from galley to be fitted with grease filters.

All scuppers shall be of water seal type.

Sweat drain plug to be provided for air space enclosed behind joiner wall lining where exposed to weather in cabin, public room, officer, etc.

All scuppers except on exposed part to be fitted with brass gratings.

In the galley scuppers to be fitted at lower points discharging to the discharge line.

All exposed superstructure decks to be efficiently drained by scuppers separate from the indoor scuppers.

One (1) shore connection to be provided for waste and grey water discharging ashore.



The machinery shall be designed, constructed, tested and installed in accordance with the class rules and manufacturer's practices.

The main propulsion unit shall be a single screw driven by one medium speed diesel engine located after, and a F.P. propeller through a gearbox.

The manoeuvring stand for the main engine shall be located in wheelhouse and in the centralized control room in the engine room. For emergency condition it shall be controlled at engine side.

The main engine shall be designed so as to burn heavy fuel oil with a viscosity up to 180 Cst at 50(C, under a normal sea going condition.

The electric generating system shall consist of three (3) main diesel generators and one (1) emergency generator.

The main switchboard shall be suitably arranged in the ER control room and emergency switchboard shall be arranged in the emergency generator engine room.

Generator engines shall be designed to burn diesel oil only.

The heating plant for the vessel shall consist of one (1) combined (oil fired/exhaust gas) steam boiler. The aux. oil fired steam boiler is used for fulfilling the usages of cargo oil tank heating, cargo oil tank cleaning water heating, F.O. and lub. oil heating, and hot water heating for domestic usages. The composite boiler is used for F.O. and lub. oil heating and improving the heat recovery.

The burn of steam boiler oil fired section shall be designed to burn DO only

Air compressors and pumps for the propulsion system shall be so designed that the main engine is satisfactorily operated at maximum continuous output with following design conditions:

|Sea water temperature |32 (C |

|Ambient air temperature |45 (C |

|Fresh water temperature |36 (C |

|Atomospheric air pressure |0.1 Mpa |

|Relative humidity |60% |


6021. Main Engine

One (1) – SXD 8PC2-6/L

4-stroke cycle, single acting, injection, turbo-charged, medium speed type marine diesel engine. The engine to be arranged as a single bank engine with anti clockwise direction of rotation, looking forward.

|Type |8PC2-5/L |

|Max. Continuous Output (MCR) |4400 kw at 520 rpm |

|Continuous Service Rating (CSR) |85% MCR |

|No. of cylinder |8 |

|Dia. of cylinder |400 mm |

|Stroke of piston |460 mm |

|Fuel oil consumption rate |186 g/kw.h at MCR |

Cooling system of main engine shall be as follows:

Lubrication oil cooling : Sea water

Charge air cooling : Sea water

Cylinder jacket cooling : Fresh water

The main engine shall burn heavy fuel oil with a viscosity up to 180 Cst at 50 (C under a normal sea going condition.

The main engine should comply with MARPOL 73/78 Annex VI Regulation 13 (Mandatory code on NOx emission).

Main engine supplier will be responsible for vibration calculation and results of the complete propulsion system. the Torsional Vibration Calculation and Shafting Alignment Calculation should be finished by Main engine manufacture or related equipment supplier

Shop and installation test shall be conducted in conformity to the requirements of Classification Society and manufacturer.

Spare parts and tools shall be supplied in compliance with the class recommendations and manufacturer's standard basis for the ship with single unit installation and unrestricted service.

Manoeuvring by speed control to be operated from the wheelhouse and/or in engine control room.

Accessories And Fittings

They shall be furnished in accordance with the manufacturer's standard and according to class requirement

Cooling Water System

The sea cooling water system and fresh cooling water system to be adopted and arranged as manufacturer's standard.

Automatic control valve of engine maker's standard shall be provided for maintaining the fresh water & L.O. temperature.

Other system for main engine shall be furnished in accordance with the manufacturer’s standard.

Main engine Sea cooling water pump

|No. of sets |Two (2) |

|Type |Vertical centrifugal pump |

|Capacity |208 m3/h |

|Pressure |0.28MPa |

|Drive |Electric motor driven |

|Pump housing |Maker standard |

|Seal |Maker standard |

Main engine fresh cooling water pump

|No. of sets |Two (2) |

|Type |Vertical centrifugal pump |

|Capacity |130 m3/h |

|Pressure |0.42MPa |

|Drive |Electric motor driven |

|Pump housing |Maker standard |

|Seal |Maker standard |

Main engine FOV cooling water pump

|No. of sets |Two (2) |

|Type |Horizontal centrifugal pump |

|Capacity |3m3/h |

|Pressure |0.4MPa |

|Drive |Electric motor driven |

|Pump housing |Maker standard |

|Seal |Maker standard |

Aux. Sea cooling water pump

|No. of sets |Two (2) |

|Type |Vertical centrifugal pump |

|Capacity |100m3/h |

|Pressure |0.32MPa |

|Drive |Electric motor driven |

|Pump housing |Maker standard |

|Seal |Maker standard |

Lubricating Oil System:

This shall be furnished in accordance with the manufacturer's standard.

Main engine lubricating oil pump

|No. of sets |Two (2) |

|Type |Vertical screw pump |

|Capacity |110 m3/h |

|Pressure |0.7MPa |

|Drive |Electric motor driven |

|Pump housing |Maker standard |

|Seal |Maker standard |

Main engine lubricating oil filter

|No. of sets |One (1) |

|Type |Assembly by One back flushing filter unit and single strainer, with manual change over|

| |valve |

|Capacity |Not less than110 m3/h |

|Pressure |0.7MPa |

|mess |30 micron |

|marterial |Maker standard |

Rocker lubricating oil pump

|No. of sets |Two (2) |

|Type |Horizontal gear pump |

|Capacity |According main engine requirement |

|Pressure |According main engine requirement |

|Drive |Electric motor driven |

|Pump housing |Maker standard |

|Seal |Maker standard |

6022. Shafting and Propeller

The shafting material to be forged steel. One propeller shaft and one intermediate shaft should be arranged, a shafting earthing device to be equipped.

The propeller shaft has a cone with key way at both propeller sides and forward side, so that withdrawal of the shaft to aft is possible. The intermediate shaft has integrated solid flange, the propeller shaft will be connected to intermediated shaft flange via removable coupling.

The stern tube shall be of welded construction of steel plate and push into the stern boss, which constructed as a part of hull structure. Bush bearings shall be of cast iron/brass lined with white metal. Bronze seal housing to be provided. The stern tube seal shall be of four (4) rings lip seal type.

A guard plate shall be fitted between propeller boss and stern tube seal and provided with net cutters and rope guard.

Reduction Gearbox

The reduction gearbox to be input and output shafting in line type, with built in thrust bearing, and lubrication oil pump, and electric motor drive lub oil pump to be arranged according to maker recommendation. Other aspect should according to maker standard.

Model: GWC 70.85

Gear ratio: i=4:1.

A high elastic shaft coupling to be equipped according to final shafting Torsional Vibration Calculation, arranged between main engine and gearbox.

Elastic shaft coupling


Gear ratio:

For the gearbox lubrication, cooling and material etc. manufacture standard and recommendation to be used and fulfilled.

Thrust Bearing

The main thrust to be directly coupled to gearbox and the thrust bearing to be built in gearbox.

Stern Tube

The stern tube inside the hull shall be of steel fabricated type.

Stern tube bushings to be of sea water lubricated and cooling type.

Bearing length to be in accordance with the Classification Rule requirements.

Seal of compact type to be provided on the forward of the stern tube.


A fixed-pitch propeller shall be installed in accordance with the FPP manufacturer's standards.

|Type |Fixed pitch type |

|Number |One (1) set |

|Diameter |As per drawing |

|Revolution |Abt 148 rpm |

|Material |Nickel aluminum bronze |

|Manufacturing tolerance |Class I of ISO 484/1 |

6023. Electric Generating Plant

All generators to be of marine type, brushless and self-magnetizing with voltage regulation.

The variation of the generator voltage to be kept within +/- 2.5% of the rated voltage at the rated power factor under any steady condition from zero to full load.

The voltage of each generator to be adjusted manually with the voltage setting rheostat inside the main switchboard and emergency switchboard.

The electric power plant to include:

|Three (3) |-- |Diesel generator sets |

|One (1) |-- |Emergency generator |

Main diesel generator sets

Generator engine

Vertical, 4-stroke cycle, single acting, trunk piston, airless injection diesel engine with turbocharger.

|Type |Z8170ZLD |

|Rated horse power |Abt 441 kw |

|Rated revolution |1000 rpm |

|No. of cylinder |8 |

|Fuel oil |Diesel oil |

Main generator

|Type |brush less type |

|Output |Approx. 400 kW x1500 rpm |

|Voltage |AC. 400 V |

|Frequency |3 phase, 50 Hz |

Air starting system shall be used.

The cooling system and lubricated system to be in accordance with manufacture’s standard


The accessories shall be supplied for each engine and furnished in accordance with the manufacturer's standard.

Construction And Materials

The construction and materials shall be accordance with the manufacturer's standards.

Emergency Generator Set

A diesel driven emergency generator set to be provided in emergency generator room on poop deck. The emergency generator room is to be well insulated and diesel generator to be mounted on resilient foundations to minimise noise transmission.

Diesel oil tank, supply valve to motor, to be quick closed type for operation from outside of emergency generator room.

The capacity of the generator to be sufficient to supply all required emergency loads, including steering gear, one bilge pump and emergency fire pump.

Emergency generator engine

|Type |4-stroke, marine type, |

|Rated horse power |Abt. 132kw x 1500 rpm |

|Cooling |Fresh water-cooled |

|Lubrication |Sump |

|Fuel type |diesel oil |

|Starting |Electric batteries / air motor |

Emergency Alternator

|Type |self-ventilated brushless type |

|Output |Approx. 120kW x 1500 rpm |

|Voltage |AC. 400 V |

|Frequency |3 phase, 50 Hz |

6024. Heating Plant

The vessel to be fitted with a steam heating system, served by one (1) oil-fired steam boiler and one (1) exhaust gas boiler. The boilers to supply heated steam to the following system:

Cargo/slop tank heating coils.

Heating coils in HFO bunkers, settling and service tanks

Heaters in fuel supply system, etc.

Heating coils in bilge tanks, FO drain tank, and waste LO tank, sludge tank.

Accommodation heating via. A/C unit.

Heat exchangers for tank washing system.

Domestic hot water heating.

Oil-Fired Steam Boiler

|Number |1 set |

|Type |Oil fired steam boiler, Vertical type |

|Capacity |abt. 10 t/h |

|Pressure |7 kg/cm2 |

|Feed water temp. |60 oC |

|Fuel |HFO 180 cSt and marine diesel oil |

The main heaters capacity to be suitable for max. cargo heating and tank washing requirements. The capacity may be checked according to final steam balance calculation.

Two feed water pumps to be installed for oil fired boiler.

Exhast Gas Boiler

|Number |1 set |

|Type |LFL 130-0.7 |

|Capacity, |exhaust gas side ~1.0 t/hr |

|Pressure |0.7 Mpa |

|Feed water temp. |60 oC |

Two feed water pumps to be installed for exhaust gas boiler. The boiler to be capable of running dry for a period in emergency.

Atmosphere condenser and hot well should be arranged accordingly.

Atmosphere condenser should be tubular type, with heat exchange area about 40m2, the hot well volume to be about 3.5m3, a separate atmosphere condenser sea cooling water pump to be arranged.

Atmosphere condensor cooling pump

|No. of sets |ONE (1) |

|Type |Vertical centrifugal pump |

|Capacity |148m3/h |

|Pressure |0.25MPa |

|Drive |Electric motor driven |

|Pump housing |Maker standard |

|Seal |Maker standard |

6025. Air Compressors

Air Compressor

The vessel shall be equipped with the following air compressors:

|Name |No. |Type |Capacity |Discharge press (MPa) |

| | | |(m3/h) | |

|Compressors |3 |2-state air cooled |20.4 |3.0 |

| | |E-motor drive | | |

Main air compressors shall be of 2-stage compressed, air cooled type with self-contained lubricating system and shall be driven by an electric motor.

Main air compresors shall be furnished with automatic starting and stopping arrangement in order to maintain the sufficient and safe pressure in main air reservoirs.

Automatic drain of high-pressures upon stopping when running, and automatic unloading at starting of main air compressors shall be implemented.

The lubricating of the main air compressor shall be furnished in accordance with the manufacturer's standard.

Compressed air from the main air compressors shall be led to the main air reservoirs through oil-water separator, otherwise built in compressor.

One drain connection with valve shall be provided at the lower point of starting air supply line for main engine.

The alarm functions for the compressors shall be furnished in according to the manufacturer's standard.

The construction, material and accessories of air compressors shall be in accordance with the Manufacturer’s standard.

Compressed air of 0.8 MPa shall be supplied from the main air reservoirs through a pressure-reducing valve with by-pass line for general service, control and instrument.

Air Reservoirs

Two (2) main air reservoirs of - M/E maker's standard cylindrical type shall be installed for supplying the compressed air for starting machines such as main engine and for actuating equipment such as air horn. Also they shall supply compressed air for general services, control equipments.

Each main air reservoir shall be provided with an air inlet and outlet valves, a safety valve, a drain valve and a pressure gauge with a valve.

The inside of air reservoirs shall be coated with rust preventive paint after sand blasting.

The construction and material shall be accorded with the manufacturer's standard.

|Name |No. |Type |Capacity (m3) |Pressure (MPa) |

|Main air reservoir |2 |Welded steel |1.7 |3 |

|Service air reservoir |1 |Welded steel |0.5 |0.7 |

|Aux. air reservoir |2 |Welded steel |0.1 |3 |

|Control air reservoir |1 |Welded steel |0.25 |0.7 |

|Horn air reservoir |1 |Welded steel |0.1 |1.0 |

Control and instrument air shall be provided from the main air reservoir via a pressure-reducing valve or from working air reservoir through a control air dryer.

Air reservoirs shall be of welded construction of steel plate in accordance with the requirement of the Classification Society.

Total capacity of main air reservoirs shall be capable of providing 6 consecutive starts of main engine.

For starting of main engine and aux. engines, compressed air of 3.0 MPa shall be used.

One control air dryer to be provided.

|No. of set |1 |

|Type |Refrigerating and flittering type |

|Capacity |0.9~1.1 Nm3/min. |

|Motor |0.5 kW |

|Design pressure |0.7 MPa |

6027. Oil Purfier

The HFO, MDO and LO purifying system in general to be according to engine maker's recommendation. It shall be including as follows: (supplied by ALFA LAVAL)

|Quantity |Description |

|2 |FO Purifier |

|1 |Lub. Oil Purifier |

H.F.O. Separation

Fuel oil separators to take heavy fuel oil from settling tanks and discharge to heavy fuel oil day tanks.

The fuel oil separators to be able to operate in parallel.

F.O. Purifier

|No. of sets |Two (2) sets |

|Capacity, each |Sufficient capacity to serve 110% fuel consumption of the main engine at 100% MCR and oil |

| |fired boiler normal operaton. |

|Type |self-cleaning total discharge |

|Max. density |0.95 kg/m3 at 15 (C. |

Two (2) sets of pre-heater for FO separator to be provided. The type and capacity shall be decided according to separator manufacturer’s standard.

Lub.Oil Purifying System

One (1) lub. oil purifier plants to be installed

The lub. oil purifying system includes following units:

L.O. purifier:

|Number of sets |One (1) sets |

|Capacity, each |In accordance with engine maker's recommendation. |

|Type |Discharge by hand |

One set of pre-heater for LO separator to be provided. The type and capacity shall be decided according to separator manufacturer’s standard

6028. Ventilation Fans

|Name |NO. |Type |Capacity (m3/h) |

|Ventilation fan for engine room |2 |E.M.A.F. |39,000 |

| | | |for each |

|Exhaust fan for purifier room |1 |E.M.C.F. |2,000 |

Note: E.M.: Electric motor driven

A.F.: Axial flow type

C.F.: Centrifugal flow type

6029. Heater Exchangers

The following heater exchanger shall be installed:

|Name |No. |Type |surface area (m2) |

|FW cooler |1 |Tube |Subject to heat balance |

|LO cooler |1 |Tube |do. |

|ME FW preheating unit |1 |Tube |do. |

|ME fuel valve cooler |1 |Tube |do. |

|Atmospheric condenser |1 |Tube |do. |

|Fuel oil heater for M/E |2 |Tube |do. |

|Fuel oil heater for purifier |2 |Tube |do. |

|Lub oil heater for purifier |1 |Tube |do. |


The following equipment to be provided:

|1 |Fresh Water Sterilizer |

|1 |Oily Water Separator, 3.0 m3/h with oil content mometer (15 ppm) |

|1 |Lifting device for main engine, 2.0 tons lifting capacity |

|3 |Lifting device for generator engine, 1.0 ton |

|1 |Air conditioner in engine control room |

|1 |Drilling Machine, Max.drill diameter: 25 mm. |

|1 |Tool grinder, Double head dry type, 200 mm.dia. |

|1 |Electric arc welder set, 250A with 2 x 30 m cable |

|1 |Gas welder set, Oxygen two (2) bottles and Acetylene one (1) bottle |

|1 |Sewage treatment plant, Biochemical type, 20 persons |

|1 |Lathe for engine room work shop, center distance abt. 1500 mm |

The capacity, motor power and r/min of machineries shall be decided finally by the manufacturer's standard.

6031. Engineer’s Work Shop And Working Tools

The engineer's workshop shall be located at a suitable place in the engine room.

One (1) motor driven drilling machine, one (1) motor driven lathe and one (1) motor driven dry type tool grinder shall be provided in the workshop.

A working steel table, a vice, shall be furnished in the workshop.

A beam and a trolley for big parts from the working area of main engine lifting device to the workshop shall be provided as far as practicable.

All rotating electric powered equipment to be connected to emergency stop/push button according to the Rules.

6032. Machine Overhauling Equipment

As main engine overhauling equipment, there shall be one (1) set of electrical operated transverse beam, trolleys and electric hoisting winch having lifting capacity of 2 tons. Crane hook to reach bottom floor.

Three (3) beams with trolleys and chain blocks with a capacity of 0.5 T shall be provided for convenient overhauling of generator engines.

Also, for the overhauling of other machinery having a weight more than 100kg in the engine room, beam shackles or other equipment shall be provided, if necessary. The safety-working load of each lifting equipment to be decided according the weight of machinery concerned and eyes test and SWL to be marked.

6034. Oily Water Separator

One (1) set of oily water separator shell to be provided.

The oily water separator shall be provided with automatic oil drain control device, oil content monitor and necessary fittings such as valves and a pressure gauge.

Maximum oil content in discharge water from the oily water separator shall be 15 PPM, which is tested by the maker in accordance with the requirements of IMO resolution concerned.

The constructions and materials shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's standards. Oil content in discharge water shall be constantly monitored, if found excessive, the discharge water shall automatically return back to bilge tank.

6035. Sewage Treatment Plant

To be complied with IMO circular and MARPOL requirements

One (1) set of sewage treatment plant of biochemistry type:

Capacity: 20 persons

Suspended solids: ................

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