Electronic Human Resources (E-HR) Conference:

Human Resources – Return on Investment (HR-ROI) Conference:

Maximizing the Impact of Human Resources on the Bottom Line

The alumni of the University of South Florida’s Industrial/Organizational Psychology Doctoral Program are organizing a conference on maximizing the impact of human resources January 17, 2003 at the USF Embassy Suites in Tampa, Florida. This one-day conference will bring together experts on HR from around the country who will discuss the latest developments and practices. Included will be sessions on HR approaches that can contribute to better organizational functioning. Conference presenters are currently at the forefront of the HR field. Cost for the conference is $200, including lunch and refreshments. Proceeds will benefit the USF I/O Psychology Program. A limited number of vendor tables are also available (contact Jonathan Canger – jonathan.canger@). Registration will be from 7:30am to 8:30am and the conference will be from 8:30am to 5:00pm

Why Should You Attend This Conference?

Human Resources Professionals find themselves in a time of unparalleled change and uncertainty -- and unprecedented opportunity. On a daily basis, they are reminded that the demand for human capital is growing while the supply is shrinking, and that new ways of working, communicating, managing, and doing business are emerging every day. In today’s organization, HR must contribute to overall effectiveness. Those HR professionals who have an understanding of the advantages and pitfalls of effective practices can – more now than at any time in history – significantly impact the futures of their organizations and employees, and their own careers.

|Panel Discussion: How HR Can Contribute to the Bottom Line |

|Lawrence Hamilton, Senior VP of Human Resources, Tech Data Corp., Clearwater, FL |

|John Ramil, President, Tampa Electric Company, Tampa |

|Rich Vosburgh, VP for Human Resources, Americas Region, Hewlett Packard, Houston |

|John West, Chairman Acclaris, Tampa |

|Moderator: Gena Cox, Managing Consultant, The Human Capital Resource Center, St. Petersburg |

|Measuring HR: Results and Issues | |Human Capital Management |

|Jay Jamrog, President Research | |Jackie Greaner, Managing Consultant |

|Human Resources Institute, St. Petersburg | |Watson Wyatt & Co., Atlanta |

|How HR Can Help Distressed Organizations |Bottom-line Benefits of Employees Who Fit |Strategically Aligned Measurement |

|Susan Bowman, Executive VP of HR |Jonathan Canger, VP-Organization Development |Jeanne Carsten, VP Assessment and Evaluation |

|Genuity, Woburn, Massachusetts |TMP Worldwide/Monster, Tampa, Florida |JP Morgan Chase, New York City |

|Cashing in With Web-Based Hiring |Proactive Planning For Controlling Staffing Costs |Measuring Human Resources Strategic Alignment |

|Kevin Cook, Consultant |Dennis Michael, VP of Information and Performance |Through the HR Scorecard |

|Development Dimensions International, Bridgeville, |Systems |Juan Sanchez, Associate Professor |

|Pennsylvania |Watkins Motor Lines, Lakeland, Florida |Florida International University, Miami |

|Employee Involvement in the Disciplinary Process | |Competency-Based Selection Pays Off |

|Pamela Skyrme, President, Skyrme & Assoc, Inc. | |Jim Thomas, Senior Consultant |

|Clearwater, FL | |Development Dimensions International, Atlanta |

|Cynthia Bender, Human Resources Manager, City of | | |

|Clearwater, FL | | |

How To Register

Link to for more details, registration information, and online registration, or contact Paul Spector, Director of the University of South Florida Industrial/Organizational Psychology Program, spector@chuma.cas.usf.edu, 813-974-0357. Attached is a registration form that you can complete and mail.


Registration Form (Check or Money Order Only)

Human Resources: Return on Investment

January 17, 2003

Please type or print clearly. Registrations will not be processed without payment information.

Name (Last)_____________________________________(First)___________________________ (MI)_______________________

(Provide name you wish to use on your name badge.)

Preferred Title Dr. _____ Mr. _____ Ms. _____ Other _______________

Position/Title_______________________________________________Employer_____________________________ __________

Address ___Home ___Office Street/P.O._________________________________________________________________________

City_________________________________________________State____ZIP________Country if not U.S. ___________________

Daytime Phone(_______)___________________________ Fax (_______)____________________________________________

E-mail address_________________________________________________________________________________________

Registration Fees

Fee (includes all activities, luncheon, and refreshments)………………………………………… $200

$___________ TOTAL PAID (U.S. Dollars)

Please make checks or money order (U.S. dollars drawn on U.S. banks) payable to USF IO Psychology

Note: Cancellations after January 6, 2003 will be charged a 20% fee.

The University reserves the right to revise program content and presentations, or to cancel the program if registration criteria are not met or when conditions beyond USF's control prevail. If the program is not held, the University's liability is limited to a refund of the registration fee paid by each participant.

Return registration form and payment to: Dr. Paul Spector, Department of Psychology, PCD4118G, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL 33620; fax 813-974-4617; telephone 813-974-0357, spector@chuma.cas.usf.edu. Visit the conference website at


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