Group behavior involves members playing particular roles, even though they may not be aware of doing so. Group roles include:

The Leader tends to be the one in charge, more likely to

control the group by coming up with ideas.

The Echo or Encourager backs up the leader ideas or

comments and encourages other members to do the same.

The Peacemaker tries to smooth over any disagreements

and makes effort to keep everyone "getting along."

The Follower tends to go along with the group (to a fault).

For example: does as told, and rarely questions the leader's authority. Or, they follow after careful consideration of the situation.

The Challenger questions the leader's ideas and puts

pressure on the leader (and maybe the group) to back off or to change their minds.

At some time in our life we have all played the different group roles. It's quite natural. The important thing for us to remember is that we must be aware of the roles we play and be in charge of our own decisions. It's all too easy for the group's decision to become our decision by default.

*** You have the right to do what's best for you! ***

If you feel like you're often in a role that doesn't allow you to do what's best for you, try to start exercising your assertiveness - be the Challenger! Be someone who dares to stand up for their values . . . Most likely you'll discover that the entire group wasn't really behind the idea or plan in the first place. Also, when you take a closer look at your group and the roles your friends are playing, you may decide that it's time to move on to a new group - one that will encourage youto do what's best for you!


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