Text Speak

Text Speak

Abbreviations and acronyms are very often used when communicating with others by e-mail and by text on a mobile phone. Can you find out what the following abbreviations and acronyms mean. Write your answers in the column on the right.

|AFK | |

|ATK | |

|BAK | |

|BBL | |

|BBS | |

|BFN or B4N | |

|BRB | |

|BRT | |

|BTW | |

|CYA | |

|CYAL8R | |


|F2FFCOL | |

|FYI | |

|FWIW | |

|GFN | |

|GMTA | |

|GTGN | |

|GTSY | |

|HHOK | |

|IASA | |

|IC | |

|IMHO | |

|IMO | |

Text Speak

Abbreviations and acronyms are very often used when communicating with others by e-mail and by text on a mobile phone. Can you find out what the following abbreviations and acronyms mean. Write your answers in the column on the right.

|IWALU | |

|JTLYK | |

|KIT | |

|L8R | |

|LOL | |

|LTNS | |

|NOMDB | |

|OIC | |

|OOO | |

|OTOH | |

|POS | |

|ROE | |

|ROTFL | |

|SI | |

|SWL | |

|SYS | |

|TAFN | |

|TRDF | |

|TTFN | |

|TTYL | |

|TTYT | |

|WB | |

|WI | |

|WTG | |

|YR | |

Text Speak - Answers

|AFK |Away from keyboard |

|ATK |At the keyboard |

|BAK |Back at keyboard |

|BBL |Be back later |

|BBS |Be back soon |

|BFN or B4N |Bye for now |

|BRB |Be right back |

|BRT |Be right there |

|BTW |By the way |

|CYA |See ya |

|CYAL8R |See you all later |

|DLTBBB |Don’t let the bed bugs bite |

|F2F |Face to face |

|FCOL |For crying out loud |

|FYI |For your information |

|FWIW |For what it’s worth |

|GFN |Gone for now |

|GMTA |Great minds think alike |

|GTGN |Got to go now |

|GTSY |Great to see you |

|HHOK |Ha, ha, only kidding |

|IASA |I am so annoyed |

|IC |I see |

|IMHO |In my humble opinion |

|IMO |In my opinion |

Text Speak - Answers

|IWALU |I will always love you |

|JTLYK |Just to let you know |

|KIT |Keep in touch |

|L8R |Later |

|LOL |Laughing out loud |

|LTNS |Long time no see |

|NOMDB |Not over my dead body |

|OIC |Oh, I see |

|OOO |Out of order |

|OTOH |On the other hand |

|POS |Parents over shoulder |

|ROE |Raising one eyebrow |

|ROTFL |Rolling on the floor laughing |

|SI |Sarcasm intended |

|SWL |Screaming with laughter |

|SYS |See you soon |

|TAFN |That’s all for now |

|TRDF |Tears rolling down my face |

|TTFN |Ta-ta for now |

|TTYL |Talk to you later |

|TTYT |Talk to you tomorrow |

|WB |Welcome back |

|WI |With irony |

|WTG |Way to go |

|YR |Yeah, right |


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