Fikret K. Yegül

Department of the History of Art/Architecture,

University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106


Middle East Technical University, Ankara B. Architecture 1960-64

Yale University B. Architecture 1964-65

University of Pennsylvania M. Architecture 1965-66

Harvard University Ph.D. Art Hist. 1971-75

Ph.D. Dissertation: "The Bath-Gymnasium Complex in Asia Minor during the Imperial Roman Era"

Primary Field of Study: Greek and Roman Art and Architecture; urbanism; history of architecture

Secondary Fields: 19-20th century Architecture; Islamic Architecture


1975-76 Assistant Professor, Art History, Wellesley College

1976-82 Assistant Professor, Art History, UC Santa Barbara

1983-88 Associate Professor, Art History, UC Santa Barbara

1988-08 Professor, Art History, UC Santa Barbara

1987-93 Chairperson, Art History, UC Santa Barbara

1993-94 Visiting Professor, Bilkent University, Ankara

2015 Research Professor: Retired from University of California, Santa Barbara, CA


* 1994 The Alice Davis Hitchcock Award of the Society of Architectural Historians

* 1994 The George M.A. Hanfmann Memorial Lecturer for the Archaeological Institute of America

* 1997-1998 Resident in History of Art and Archaeology, American Academy in Rome, (RAAR ‘98)

* 1995, 1996, 2000 Outstanding Faculty Member, Residence Halls Association, UCSB

* 2008 Professor “Above Scale” – Distinguished Professor Rank, UCSB

Fellowships and Major Grants

Fulbright Fellow to the USA, 1964-66

Bernard Berenson Travel Grant, Harvard University, 1974

American Research Center in Turkey Fellowships (ARIT), 1974, 1981

American Philosophical Society, Research Grants, 1978, 1979

American Council of Learned Societies, Grant-in-Aid, 1980-81

Mellon Senior Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts (CASVA), 1985-6, Washington,DC

The Graham Foundation Research Fellowship, 1989-90

UCSB Interdisciplinary Humanities Center Research Grant, 1989-90

College Art Association Millard Meiss Publication Grant, 1991

Resident Classical Studies, American Academy in Rome, 1997-98 (RAAR ’98)

Selected Professional Activities

1. Member of the Sardis Archaeological Expedition, 1963-current

2. Member of Isthmia Excavations, Ohio State U., 1990-current

3. Cosa Excavations (American Academy in Rome), 1968

4. Teacher, Course in Measured Drawings and Archaeological Surveying (Cornell), Rome, 1982-85

5. Member of the Board of Directors of the Society of Architectural Historians, 1989-92

6. Member of SAH 1990 Founder's Award Medal Committee

7. Chair of the Session "Urbanism in Asia Minor" in the XIV International Congress of Archaeology, Tarragona, Spain, 1993

8. Member of the Board of Editors for the American Journal of Archaeology, 1994-96

9. Tour Leader for the Annual Tour of the Society of Architectural Historians: "Ad Claras Asiae Volemus Urbes," An Architectural Study Tour of Western and Southern Turkey," May, 1993

10. Jury Member: The George M.A. Hanfmann Memorial Lecture, A.I.A., 1994-96

11. Principal Consultant and Designer of the "Roman Bath at Sardis," NOVA/WGBH, 1998-99

Program ROMAN BATH aired on national PBS Television, February 22, 2000

12. Society of Architectural Historians, Nominating Committee, member (1999); Chair (2000)

13. Organizer and Leader of the 2002 Foreign Study Tour of the Society of Architectural Historians: From Istanbul to Ani: Central and Eastern Anatolia and the Black Sea Coast of Turkey, June 6-26, 2002

14. Expert Witness in architecture in a legal case (Hablinski and Manion Architects vs Amir Construction, Inc.) about copyright protection of intellectual property, Los Angeles, 2005. (case won)

15. Jury member at Graduate School of Architecture, Yale University, Advanced Studio for the Bishop Professor Demetri Porphyrios, April 30, 2009 (invited).

16. Homage to C. H. Greenewalt, jr., Presentation at Bandelier Award, AIA. Gala for Crawford H. Greenewalt, jr., New York, April 25, 2012.


1. Books

* The Bath-Gymnasium Complex at Sardis (Sardis Archaeological Expedition, Report 3), Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1986.

* Gentlemen of Instinct and Breeding: Architecture at the American Academy in Rome, 1894-1940, Oxford University Press, New York, 1991.

* Vitruvius ve Mimarlik Üzerine On Kitap, editor (trans. S. Güven), Ankara, 1991.

* Baths and Bathing in Classical Antiquity, Architectural History Foundation/MIT Press, New York, 1992.

1994 Alice Davis Hitchcock Prize of the Society of Architectural Historians

* Baths and Bathing in Classical Antiquity, MIT Press (Paperback Edition), 1995.

* The City of Sardis: Approaches in Graphic Recording (Harvard University, Cambridge, MA), 2003, co-authored with C.H. Greenewalt, Jr., and N. Cahill.

* Antik Cag’da Hamamlar ve Yikanma (Homer Kitabevi) Istanbul, 2006.

* Bathing in the Roman World (Cambridge University Press) 2010.

* Roma Dunyasinda Yikanma (Koc University, Istanbul), 2011.

1a. Books “In Press”

* Roman Baths in the Sanctuary of Poseidon in Isthmia (Princeton University: American School of Classical Studies in Athens), xco-authorede with T. E. Gregory.

* The Temple of Artemis at Sardis (Harvard University: Archaeological Exploration of Sardis),

2 vols: folio volume, text and drawings.

* Roman Architecture and Urbanism (co-authored with D. Favro) Cambridge University Press.

* Paradigm and Progeny: Imperial Roman Architecture and Its Legacy. D, Favro, F. Yegul and J. Pinto, eds. (Journal of Roman Archaeology. Supplement).

2. Articles

1) "Early Byzantine Capitals from Sardis: A Study in the Ionic Impost type," Dumbarton Oaks Papers 28, 1974, 265-74.

2) "The Marble Court of Sardis and Historical Reconstruction," Journal of Field Archaeology 32, 1976, 169-94.

3) "The Small City Bath and a Reconstruction of Lucian's 'Baths of Hippias'," Archaeologia Classica 31, 1979, 108-31, pls.27-49.

4) "A Roman Lady from a Southern California Collection," The J. Getty Museum Journal 9, 1981, 63-68.

5) "Mnesikles," Macmillan Encyclopedia of Architects (ed. A. Placzek), III, N.Y., 1982, 211-22.

6) "A Study in Architectural Iconography: Kaisersaal and the Imperial Cult," Art Bulletin 64, 1982, 3-31.

7) "The Bath-Gymnasium Complex in Sardis," in Sardis from Prehistoric to Roman Times (ed. George M.A. Hanfmann), Cambridge, MA, 1983, 148-61.

8) "Roman Architecture in Sardis," Sardis: Twenty-Seven Years of Discovery, ed. E. Guralnick, Chicago, 1987, 46-61.

9) "Vitruvius ve De Architettura," in Vitruvius ve Mimarlik Üzerine On Kitap (trans., S. Güven), Ankara, 1990, 11-19.

10) "Roman Architecture in the Greek World," Journal of Roman Archaeology 4, 1991, 345-55.

12) "Ephesus and Sardis: A Tale of Two Cities," La ciudad en el mundo romano. Pre-Actas (XIV International Congress of Archaeology), I, Tarragona, Spain, 1993, 231-35.

13) "The Palaestra in Herculaneum as a New Architectural Type," in Eius Virtutis Studiosi: Studies in Memory of Frank Edward Brown, (ed. R. and A. Scott), Washington, D.C., 1993, 369-93.

14) "Roman Baths in Isthmia in their Mediterranean Context," Corinthia (Journal of Roman Archaeology, Supplement, 8), 1994, 95-113.

15) "Street Experience in Ancient Ephesus," Streets of the World, Critical Perspectives on Public Space, (eds. Z. Celik, D. Favro, R. Ingersoll), Berkeley, 1994, 95-110.

16) "Efes ve Sardis: Antik Çagda Kentlesme ve Anadolu Seçenegi," Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi 1994 Yili Konferanslari, Ankara, 1995, 77-96.

17) "The Thermo-Mineral Complex at Baiae and the De Balneis Puteolanis," Art Bulletin, 78.1 (March), 1996, 137-162.

18) "Islamic Baths-Hammam," in The Dictionary of Art 3 (ed. J. Turner), New York, 1996, 374-78.

19) "Hypocaust," "Pantheon," "Palaestra," "Sardis," "Gymnasium," in The Dictionary of Art 3 (ed. J. Turner), New York, 1996, 51, 792-94, 828, 837-38, 886-97.

20) "Baths of Caracalla, Rome," "Baths of Constantine, Rome," "Baths of Diocletian, Rome," "Baths of Titus, Rome," in Encyclopedia of the History of Classical Archaeology (ed. Nancy de Grummond), Westport, Conn., 1996, 129-31, 131, 131-132, 132-34.

21) "Roman Architecture," in Oxford Companion to Archaeology ed. B. Fagan, New York, 1996, 606-08.

22) "Tilework in the Context of Anatolian-Islamic Architecture," Tile Heritage 4.1, 1997, 3-13.

23) "De Architettura Romana," Olba I, 1998, 63-68.

24) "Bathing," Late Antiquity: A Guide to the Post-Classical World (ed. G. Bowersock, O. Grabar, P. Brown), Cambridge, MA, 1999, 338.

25) "Memory, Metaphor and Meaning in the Cities of Asia Minor," Romanization and the City: Creation, Transformations, and Failures JRA - Supplement no.38 (ed. E. Fentress), 2000, 133-53.

26) "Baths and Bathing in Roman Antioch," in Antioch: The Lost Ancient City (ed. C. Kondoleon), Worcester Museum of Art, Worchester and Princeton, 2000, 146-51.

27) “Sardis (Antiquity), Temple of Artemis,” Encyclopedia of the Hellenic World, Asia Minor. http//ehw.gr/l.aspx?id=6057.

28) “Closing Remarks on the III. International Symposium on Cilician Archaeology, 1-4 June 2002,” Olba 7, 2003, 1-11.

29) “Cilicia at Crossroads: Transformation of Baths and Bathing Culture in the Roman East” Olba 8, 2003, 55-72, pls. 7-21.

30) “Building a Roman Bath for the Cameras,” Journal of Roman Archaeology 16, 2003, 1-24 (co-authored with T. Couch)

31) “The Classical Column: A Fundamental Notion in Architecture,” in Sanat ve Klasik, ed. S. Erdem, Istanbul 2006, 197-210

32) “ Hercules at the Roundabout: Multidisciplinary Choice in the History of Architecture,” Rethinking Architectural Historiography, eds. D. Arnold, E. A. Ergut and B. T. Ozkaya, New York, 2006, 60-73.

33) “The Baths of Constantinople in Context: The Neighborhood Trilogy,” in Proceedings of the XVIth International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Boston, August 23-26, 2003, eds. C. Mattusch, A. A. Donohue and A. Brauer, Cambridge, Mass., 2006, 200-04.

34) “Antik Cag’da Efes Sokaklarinda Yurumek,” in Sehirler ve Sokaklar, ed. Z. Celik, D. Favro and R. Ingersoll, Istanbul 2007, 73-96.

34) “When a Theatron is not a Theater: ‘A Place for Viewing’ in Magnesia on the Meander,” Journal of Roman Archaeology 20, 2007, 578-582. Review article: O. Bingol, Theatron. Magnesia on the Meander (Istanbul 2006).

35) “Adolf Loos and Decorating Classical Architecture,” in Love for Lydia: A Sardis Anniversary Volume Presented to Crawford H. Greenewalt, Jr. ed. N. Cahill (Harvard U. Press), 2008, 187-204.

36) “The Baths of Constantinople: An Urban Symbol in a Changing World,” in Archaeology and History in Classical, Medieval and Post-Medieval Greece, Studies on Method and Meaning in Honor of Timothy E. Gregory, eds. W. Caraher, L. J. Hall and R. S. Moore. New York and London, 2008, 169-196.

37) “Halil Edhem Bey ve Birinci Donem Sardes Kazilari, 1909-1923,” Arastirma Sonuclari Toplantisi. Kultur Bakanligi Arkeoloji Sempozyumu, 1 (Ankara 2009), 191-98.

38) “Turkiye’de Arkeolojinin Gelecegi: Programli Arkeoloji ve Koruyucu Arkeoloji Uzerinde Dusunceler,” Arkeoloji ve Sanat (Journal of Archaeology and Art) 131 (2009), 109-26.

39) Bir Tiyatro Ne Zaman Tiyatro Degildir? Menderes Magnesia’sinda Bir Seyir Yeri,” Anadolu-Anatolia 30 (2008), 149-59.

40) “Exhibition of Architectural Drawings by the Fellows of the American Academy in Rome, 1909-1935,” (co-authored with J. Pinto), American Academy in Rome, New York, April 2009 (brochure).

41) “Strategies on Programmed and Preventive Archaeology in Turkey,” in Quale futuro per l’archeologia? eds. A. Lucia d’Agata and S. Alaura (Roma 2009), 117-33.

42) “The Temple of Artemis at Sardis,” in The Lydians and Their World. ed. N. D. Cahill (Yapi-Kredi Yayinlari, Istanbul 2010), 363-88.

43) “Ephesos’da Vedius Gymnasium’u ve Anadolu Hamam-Gymnasium’larinin Kimlik Sorunu,” Anadolu/Anatolia 34 (2008-2010), 87-98.

44) “Anadolu Su Kültürü: Turk Hamamlari ve Yikanma Geleneğinin Kökleri ve Geleceği,” Anadolu/Anatolia 35 (2009-2010), 99-118.

45) “Akademik Dünyanin Ulvi Salonlarindan Anadolu’nun Tozlu Tepelerine: Bariş ve Savaş Döneminde Birinci Sardis Ekpedisyonu ve Howard Crosby Butler.” In Cumhuriyet Döneminde Geçmişe Bakiş Açilari: Klasik ve Bizans Dönemleri, ed. S. Redford and N. Ergin (Istanbul, 2010), 75-125.

46) “From the Lofty Halls of Academia to the Dusty Hills of Anatolia: Howard Crosby Butler and the First Sardis Expedition through Peace and War, 1909-1926,” in Perceptions of the Past in the Turkish Republic: Classical and Byzantine Periods, ed. S. Redford (Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Supplement 31) 2010, 57-100.

47) “Bathing Culture of Anatolia: A Thousand Points of Light, A Thousand Fingers of Warmth,” in Bathing Culture of Anatolian Civilizations (Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Suppl. 37) ed. N. Ergin (Leuven, 2011), 8-48.

48) “Anadolu Hamam Kulturu: Bin Isik Huzmesi, Bin Ilik Parmak,” in Anadolu Medeniyetlerinde Hamam Kulturu: Mimari, Tarih, Imgelem, ed. N. Ergin (Koc Uni. Yayinlari, 23, Istanbul, 2012), 16-66.

49) “The Temple of Artemis at Sardis,” in Dipteros und Pseudodipteros. Bauhistorische und Archaeologische Forshungen (Byzas 12), ed. T. Schulz (Istanbul 2012), 95-112.

50) “Islamic Baths, Arts and Architecture,” in The Encyclopedia of Islam, Three, ed. K. Fleet, G. Kramer, et. al. (Brill, Leiden and Boston, 2012), 38-44.

51) “Development of Baths and Public Bathing during the Roman Republic,” in A Companion to the Archaeology of the Republic, ed. Jane D. Evans (Wiley-Blackwell, London 2013), 15-32.

52) “Thermal Matters: Intersected Legacies of Greek and Roman Baths and Bathing Culture.” In Greek Baths and Bathing Culture: New Discoveries and Approaches, eds. S. D. Lucore and M. Trumper. BABESCH 23, Leuven 2013, 73-88.

53) “Yagmalanan Sardes ve Turk Arkeolojisinin Gecmisle Ilk Hesaplasmasi, 1922-1925,” in Orhan Bingol’e 67. Yas Armagani – Festschrift for Orhan Bingol, ed. G. Kokdemir (Ankara 2013), 711-26.

54) “Lidya Mimarisi: Sardes’te Kesme Tas Yapilar,” Anadolu/Anatolia 38 (2012), 183-9.

55) “Roman Imperial Baths and Thermae,” in A Companion to Roman Architecture, ed. R. Ulrich (Wiley-Blackwell, London, 2013), 299-323.

56) “A Victor’s Message: The Talking Column of the Temple of Artemis at Sardis,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 73.2 (2014), 204-225.

Articles “In Press”

* “Roman Baths in Isthmia and Sanctuary Baths in Greece,” in Half a Century on the Isthmus, eds. T. E. Gregory and E. Gebhard. Hesperia (American School of Classical Studies in Athens).

* “Lady Hester Stanhope and Multiple Readings of an Eastern Triumph.” In Max Planck Research Institute – Bibliotheke Hertziana, Rome: A. Payne, ed..

* “Fregellae at the Crossroads: Some Thoughts on the Origins of Republican Baths,” in JRA-Supplement, eds. F. Coarelli, G. Battaglini, V. Tsiolis.

* “The Classical Column: A Fundamental Notion in Architecture.” In Paradigm and Progeny: Imperial Architecture and Its Legacy, ed. D. Favro, F. Yegul and J. Pinto (Journal of Roman Archaeology, Supplement). Fall 2015.

3. Book and Exhibition Reviews

1) The Pantheon (Harvard University Press, 1978) by W. L. MacDonald, in Journal of Architectural Historians 31, 1978, 121-23.

2) Die Stabianer Thermen in Pompeji (Deutsches Archaeologisches Institut, Berlin, 1979) by H. Eschebach, in American Journal of Archaeology 85, 1981, 507-08.

3) Die römische Thermen und das antike Badewesen (Darmstadt, 1983) by E. Brödner, in Classical World 73.6, 1984, 379-80.

4) Bauforschungen in Selge (Tituli Asiae Minoris, no.9: Vienna, 1981) by A. Machatshek and M. Schwarz, in Gnomon 56, 1984, 647-53.

5) Das Gymnasium von Samos (Deutsches Archaeologisches Institut, Berlin. Samos XVI, Bonn, 1984) by W. Martini;

6) The Great Bath on the Lechaion Road (Corinth XVII, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Princeton, 1985) by J. C. Biers, in American Journal of Archaeology 90.4, 1986, 469-99.

7) Aphrodisias: City of Venus Aphrodite (Oxford, 1986) by K.T. Erim, in American Journal of Archaeology 92.2, 1988, 303-04.

8) The Legionary Fortress Baths at Caerleon, 2 vols. (Cardiff, 1986) by J.D. Zienkiewicz, in American Journal of Archaeology 92.3, 1988, 455-57.

9) Roman Public Buildings (Exeter Studies in History, 20), ed. I. M. Barton, in Classical World 84.5, 1991, 425-26.

10) Light, Wind, and Structure: The Mystery of the Master Builders (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1990) by Robert Mark, in American Journal of Archaeology 96.1, 1992, 167-69.

11) Thermae et Balnea, 2 vols. (University of Aarhus, Denmark, 1990), by Inge Nielsen, in American Journal of Archaeology 97.1, 1993, 185-86.

12) The Architecture of Petra (British Academy Monographs in Archaeology, 1), Oxford, 1990, by J. MacKenzie, in Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 52.1, 1993, 95-97.

13) Louis I. Kahn: In the Realm of Architecture (New York, Rizzoli, 1991) by David B. Brownlee and David De Long; Louis I. Kahn: Writings, Lectures, Interviews (New York, Rizzoli, 1991) by Alessandra Latour; Paintings and Sketches of Louis I. Kahn (New York, Rizzoli, 1991) by Jan Hochstim, in Journal of Architectural Historians 52.1, 1993, 115-118

14) Hadrian's Villa and Its Legacy (Yale University Press, 1995) by William L. MacDonald and John Pinto, in Art Bulletin 79.3, September 1997.

15) Principles of Roman Architecture (Yale University Press, 2000) by Mark Wilson Jones, in Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 60.4, 2001, 500-504.

16) Roman Builders, A Study in Architectural Process (Cambridge University Press, 2003) by Rabun Taylor, in the Journal for the Society of Architectural Historians 63.3, 2004, 387-89.

17) “Bir Tiyatro Ne Zaman Tiyatro Degildir? Menderes Magnesia’sinda Bir Seyir Yeri,” in Theatron: Menderes Magnesiasi (Istanbul 2005) by O. Bingol, in Anatolia/Anadolu 30 (Fall 2007) 1-9.

18) “Pompeii and the Roman Villa: Art and Culture around the Bay of Naples,” LACMA in Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 69.1 (March 2010), 136-9.

19) Das Vediusgymnasium in Ephesos by M. Steskal and M. La Torre (Forschungen Ephesos, XIV/1), 2 vols. Vienna, 2008 in Gnomon 82 (2010), 544-52.

20) “Ephesos’da Vedius Gymnasium’u ve Anadolu Hamam-Gymnasium’larinin Kimlik Sorunu,” Anadolu-Anatolia 34 (2008), 87-98.

21) “William L. MacDonald (1921-2010),” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 69.4 (2010), 181-3. (co-authored with J. Pinto and D, Favro).

22) Lydian Architecture: Ashlar Masonry Structures at Sardis (Archaeological Exploration of Sardis, Report 5). Cambridge, MA 2011 by Christopher Ratte. In The Journal of Hellenic Studies 132 (November 2012), 245-6.


2008 “’Our Complicity in the Classical Looting,’ or Contesting the Past at Sardis, 1922-1925,” International Conference: Owning the Past: Archaeology and Cultural Patrimony in the Late Ottoman Empire, UCLA and Cotsen Center for Archaeology, February 29-March 1.

* “Howard Crosby Butler, Director of the First Sardis Expedition, 1909-1922: Discoverer, Recoverer, Sullied Hero,” University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, April 14. The Allan K. and Leonarda F. Laing Memorial Lecture.

* “Halil Edhem Bey ve Birinci Donem Sardes Kazilari,” Kultur Bakanligi Arkeoloji Sempozyumu, Ankara, May 26-28.

* “Bathing Culture of Anatolia: A Thousand Points of Light, A Thousand Fingers of Warmth,” Keynote Address: International Congress on the Islamic Hammam - French Cultural Center, Damascus, July 14.

* “The Bathing Culture of Anatolia: History, Architecture and Imagination,” Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas and Southwest Texas Archaeological Society, September 22.

* “Strategies of Programmed and Preventive Archaeologies in Turkey,” International Workshop on “Quale futuro per l’archeologia?” The Italian National Research Council-Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Rome, December 4-5.

2009: * “Monument Restoration in Asia Minor: Some Thoughts,” Il restauro monumentale tra scienza delle conservazione e turismo archeologico” (Monument Restoration, Conservation Science and Archaeological Tourism), Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, International Conference, Ferrara, Italy, March 26.

* “The Temple of Artemis at Sardis: An Experiment in Greco-Roman Architecture,” International Conference on “Dipteros und Pseudodipteros,” Regensburg, Germany. November 13-14.

* “The Redoubtable Lady Hester Stanhope and the Conquest of the Orient,” Seminar on the Triumphal Arch and Triumph (Marx Planck Institute and Harvard University), The Herziana, Rome, November 16-17.

* “Bathing and Baths in Antiquity” and “Some Thoughts on the Origins, Development and the Future of the Traditional Turkish Bath,” in Spankara: Spa & Wellness International Congress, Gazi University, Ankara, December 18 and 20.

* “Anadolu Su Kulturu: Turk Hamamlari ve Yikanma Geleneginin Kokenleri,” Department of Archaeology, University of Ankara [Ankara Universitesi-Dil ve Tarih-Cografya Bolumu], December 21.

2010: * “Thermal Matters: Intersected Legacies of Greek and Roman Baths and Bathing Culture,” Introductory Talk: Greek Baths and Bathing Culture: New Discoveries and Approaches, American Academy in Rome, Rome, April 16-17.

* “Lady Hester Stanhope and Multiple Readings of an Eastern Triumph,” Max Planck Symposium on Triumphal Arches and Triumphs, Cortona, Italy, May 15-17.

* “The Leopard’s Skin: Libyan Archaeology Bridging Greece and Rome,” Conference on Archaeology, Museums, and Cultural Heritage Preservation in Libya: Perspectives for the 21st Century. University of Wisconsin, Madison, October 8-9.

* “ The Idea of the Column in Classical Architecture,” Keynote Address, Southeast Society of the Architectural Historians, Chattanooga, October 14.

2011: * “The Classical Column: A Fundamental Notion in Architecture,” Paradigm and Progeny: Roman Imperial Architecture and Its Legacy, An International Conference in Honor of William L. MacDonald, American Academy in Rome, December 6-8.

2012: * “A Victor’s Message: The Talking Column of the Temple of Artemis at Sardis,” 13. Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, Philadelphia, January 5-8.

* “Introductory Address: “Privileged Situations: Urban Design and Topography in Roman Asia Minor,” 12. Annual Meeting of the Society of Architectural Historians, session chair, Detroit April


* “Yagmalanan Sardes ve Turk Arkeolojisinin Gecmisle Ilk Hesaplasmasi, 1922-1925,” Ankara Universitesi, Klasik Arkeoloji Bolumu, Ankara May 21.

* “‘Our Complicity in this Classical Looting’: Triangulating the Past at Sardis, 1922-1925,” The Annual Archives Lecture, The American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Athens, May 29.

“Artemis’in Konusan Sutunu ve Zafer Sarkilari,” Ankara University, December 21.

2014: “A Victor’s Message: The Talking Column of the Temple of Artemis at Sardis.” Harvard University, Loeb Lecture. April 28.

2015: “Change You Can Believe In: Religious Architecture and Unorthodox Classicism in Asia Minor.” International Conference on ‘Contacts, Migrations and Climate Change,’ in Prague, CZ, May 21.

“Thermal Patrimonies in Antiquity.” International Congress on Water: Healing Spa and Life Quality.” Vigo University, Ourense, Spain, September 24.


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