Year C KS2 including the Inca Jays if the majority of the class are Year 3Unit 4 Roman Empire– Key curriculum content to be covered as a minimum.Subject AssessedPossible Memorable experiencesBranodunum Roman FortNorwich CastleScience(Opportunities for working scientifically delivered through PoS content)Evolution and InheritanceKey NC content:recognise that living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the Earth millions of years agorecognise that living things produce offspring of the same kind, but normally offspring vary and are not identical to their parentsidentify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in different ways and that adaptation may lead to evolution.Themes: changes over time, Mary Anning, Evolution, Darwin, Wallace and Mendel, animal and plant adaptationRevisit: KS1 Plants, animal and the habitatsLink to fossils -Mary Anning link to Rock science topicScience - whole school assessment journeyArt & DesignFocus: box model/modrocKey NC content:To improve their mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing, painting and sculpture with a range of materials.Revisit: KS1 to use drawing, painting and sculpture to develop and share their ideas, experiences and imaginationLink to Roman topic (statues, jugs earthenware)Key assessment questions/task:ComputingKey NC content:Use logic reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work and to detect and correct error in algorithms and programsUnderstand computer networks including the internet; how they can provide multiple services, such as the world wide web; and the opportunities they offer for communication and collaboration.I.C.T. Links to topic: Online Safety Scheme: Things for SaleRevisit: KS2 design, write and debug programsKey assessment questions/task:Design and Technology / cooking and nutrition Not a focusKey NC content:Revisit: Link to Key assessment questions/task:GeographyNot a focus – see linkKey NC content:Use maps, atlases, globes, and digital and computer mapping to locate countries and describe features studied.Revisit: KS1 location knowledgeLink to the Roman EmpireKey assessment questions/taskMusicCharanga unit:LKS2: The Dragon SongUKS2: Make You Feel My Love (continued over from Spring 1)Key NC content: Develop an understanding of the history of musicRevisit: performanceLink to chronological periods in historyCharanga I can statementHistoryKey NC content:The Roman Empire and its impact on BritainThis could include:Julius Caesar’s attempted invasion in 55-54BCThe Roman Empire by AD 42 and the power of its armySuccessful invasion of Claudius and conquest, including Hadrian’s WallBritish resistance, BoudicaThe impact of Roman technology, culture and beliefs, including early ChristianityLink to visit to Norwich Castle re Boudica exhibitionKey assessment questions/taskBritish Values / SCMSHow armies valued life then and now.When is it right to fight?Gender rolesDebate religion v science (Darwin)Climate change – man’s impact on the world- current evolutionSchool values-5CsCourageousP.E./Swimming and water safetyNetballInvasion GamesPrimary PE Planning – unit assessmentsP.S.H.C.E. – R.S.E.Theme: Good to be meRSE focus; My Beliefs – (year groups separately)Key assessment questions/taskAssessment linked to RSE resourcesReligion and WorldviewsChristianity: How is God Three – and One?How do we know what happened at Easter?Age related expectations for Diocese of Norwich schools.FrenchLower KS2: Listening, reading and speakingFamily membersPetsEaster traditions in FranceUpper KS2: Listening, reading, speaking and writingFamily membersPetsEaster traditions in France Reading and speakingRecognise and say family and petsQuizReading and speaking taskWriting task for family and petsQuiz LiteracyGenres – linked to renewed frameworkStories with historical settingsFree verse poetryFilm narrative(These texts are suggestions only. Discussion and feedback will add and support this list)Key Texts:Escape from Pompeii – Christina BalitThe Thieves of Ostia Caroline LawrenceRoman Quests: Escape from Rome Caroline LawrenceBooks for topics have many more suggestionsMaths MasteryBased on White Rose unit plans but adapted to cater for the needs of our children.My Mini Maths or AIM basic skills workoutsEnd of unit/AIM/interim standardsPast papers KS2 SatsCPG resourcesPhonics/SpellingEnglish Appendix 1: Spelling.AssessmentNFER resources appropriate to year groupReading WorkshopsApplication of upper or lower KS2 NC programme of study for word reading and comprehension. Guided Reading appropriate to cohort:Scholastic: Read and RespondProject X: interventionORT: AIM criteria linked to NCPhonic interventionHooked on Books JCReading comprehension:Class read linked to topic where appropriateCPG resourcesEnd of year expectations/interim standardsHandwritingUpper or lower NC programme of study for handwriting as appropriate.End of year expectations/interim standardsGrammar/Sentence constructionEnglish Appendix 2: Vocabulary, grammar and punctuation.Regular revision - AIM Grammar Hammer skills years 3, 4, 5 and 6End of year expectations/interim standardsPast paper KS2 SatsSubject Specific vocabulary for each subject is listed as a minimum on the subject summaries. Further topic related vocabulary banks are to be made for units and with the children.Possible teaching activities:Identify the locations of countries within the Roman Empire and their current names Study key Roman leaders e.g. Julius CaesarStudy aspects of daily life relate to current daily life: compare contrastSports including gladiators and colosseumConstruct a model of a Roman Villa / buildings within a city e.g. PompeiiPrepare a Roman BanquetWrite historical fiction set within Roman TimesWrite a film narrative about life in Roman Times Visit Brancaster activity centre / Norwich Castle museum– Roman times sessionMake shields and prepare for ‘class wars’Listen to Roman musical instruments and compare them to similar sounds today. Compose own musicCompare communication systems within the Roman Empire and those available today including internet for collaboration ................

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