PDF Maui Community College Course Outline - Laulima

Circulation Draft 5

Maui Community College Course Outline

1. Alpha Course Title Credits Department

NURS Number


Health & Illness III

9 credits

Allied Health Author Doris Casey, Rosemary Perreira, Carol Petith-Zbiack

Date of Outline

9/20/08 Effective Date: Fall 2012 5-year Review Date: Fall 2017

2. Course Description: Builds on Health & Illness I & II, focusing on more complex and/or unstable client care situations some of which require strong recognition skills, and rapid decision-making. The evidence base supporting appropriate focused assessment and effective, efficient nursing intervention is explored. Life span and developmental factors, cultural variables, and legal aspects of care frame the ethical decision-making employed in client choices for treatment or palliative care within the acute care, psychiatric and home health settings. Case scenarios incorporate prioritizing care needs, delegation and supervision, family & client teaching for discharge planning, home health care and/or end of life care.


Contact Hours/Type 3 lecture/18lab

3. Pre-requisites

Health and Illness II with C or better

Pre-requisite may be waived by consent yes no Co-requisites Recommended Preparation

4. Function/Designation

AA Category

Additional Category

AS Program

Category List Additional Programs and Category:

AAS Program Category List Additional Programs and Category:

BAS Category


Other: Explain:

See Curriculum Action Request (CAR) form for the college-wide general education and/or program SLOS this course supports.

This course outline is standardized and/or a result of a system-wide agreement.

Revised 1/3/2013

CAR Form (4-93), page 8

Circulation Draft 5 Responsible committee: Statewide Nursing

Revised 1/3/2013

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5. Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs): List one to four inclusive SLOs. For assessment, link these to #7. Recommended Course Content, and #9. Recommended Course Requirements & Evaluation. Use roman numerals (I., II. III.) to designate SLOs On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

I. Analyze ethical and legal concerns that are experienced by clients, families, and nurses associated with acute and chronic client care including the dying process.

II. Propose adjustments to plan of care after reflecting on clients' level of comfort and ability to manage symptoms and symptom of distress.

III. Incorporate evidence based interventions in providing care to groups of clients. IV. Use management principles, strategies, and tools in caring for a group of clients in clinical settings V. Collaborate with members of the health care team to plan individualized plans of care to meet the

needs of groups of clients. VI. Assist clients to obtain available health resources within the community to expand treatment options. VII. Advocate for the delivery of client centered care. VIII. Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness in interactions with clients. IX. Demonstrate clinical judgment in the delivery of safe care to clients across a wide range of settings.

6. Competencies/Concepts/Issues/Skills For assessment, link these to #7. Recommended Course Content, and #9. Recommended Course Requirements & Evaluation. Use lower case letters (a., b., c...n.)to designate competencies/skills/issues On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

I. Analyze ethical and legal concerns that are experienced by clients, families, and nurses associated with acute and chronic client care including the dying process.

a. Legal issues in working with mentally ill individuals: client rights, commitment laws, and duty to warn b. Ethical / legal issues for end of life care, organ donation, unexpected death c. Ethical & legal issues in critical care d. Individual and family response to the critical care experience e. Code of Ethics for nurses f. Scope & Standards of Nursing Practice g. Cultural awareness and cultural sensitivity h. Healthy People 2010 goals into practice. i. Evidence-based assessment and demonstrate competent performance of nursing skills and roles

including: use of the nursing process, prioritization, admission, treatments and discharge of clients, delegation, standards of care, utilization of resources, client education, documentation, report, medication calculations. j. Health care systems issues by competent performance managing multiple clients, participating as a team member, a team leader, and an interdisciplinary care team member; demonstration of professionalism. k. Clinical judgment/critical thinking: delivery of care of clients, maintaining safety, recognition of potential and actual client complications, implementation of measures of prevention l. Comprehensive understanding of complex clients

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m. Therapeutic communication including communication with distraught family members, difficult, or violent clients

n. Differential diagnosis utilizing signs and symptoms of psychiatric illnesses

II. Propose adjustments to plan of care after reflecting on clients' level of comfort and ability to manage symptoms and symptom of distress.

a. Pharmacological & non pharmacological methods b. Pain & discomfort c. Airway management d. Treatment of clients with various psychiatric disorders, substance abuse

disorders, emergency, cardiovascular complications, trauma, and end of life conditions

III. Incorporate evidence based interventions in providing care to groups of clients. a. Differential diagnosis of the client's signs and symptoms b. Cardiovascular functioning (dysrhythmia) c. Treatment of clients with hypoxia d. Complications of the renal & gastrointestinal systems e. Treatment of clients with psychotic, mood, anxiety, and substance abuse disorders

IV. Use management principles, strategies, and tools in caring for a group of clients in clinical settings a. Activity and Rest

1.1 Concepts in ICU 1.2 Review of turning, skin care, position, technical innovations to promote b. Circulation 1.1 Fluid & electrolyte balance 1.2 Acid base balance 1.3 Arrhythmia's and treatments 1.4 Shock/Trauma treatment c. Ego Integrity 1.1 Anger/ violence 1.2 Depression, delirium, dementia, psychoses 1.3 Mental health/psychiatric emotional crisis situations 1.4 Psychoparmaceuticals in the treatment of mental disorders 1.5 End of Life 1.6 Addictions--prevention of/recognition of substance abuse d. Elimination needs 1,1 Shock: complications with acute renal failure 1.2 Bowel obstruction: treatment and complication 1.3 Urinary obstruction, benign prostatic hypertrophy e. Food & Digestion 1.1 Nutrition for acute & complex clients 1.2 Hygiene associated with digestion 1.3 Enteral & parenteral nutrition f. Neurosensory 1.1 Glasgow coma scale 1.2 CVA-hemorrhagic tx (changes seen with increasing intracranial pressure

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g. Pain/Discomfort 1.1 End of life pain control and other symptom management at end of life 1.2 Nonpharmacological control 1.3 Medication delivery systems

h. Respiration 1.1 Acid/base balance 1,2 Airway Management 1.3 Respiratory failure/Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome

i. Safety 1.1 Homehealth: home safety assessment, safety in the critical care/emergency environment1.2 Crisis intervention

j. Sexuality/Sexual orientation k. Social Interaction

1.1 Therapeutic communication at end of life and in crisis situations, communication with the multidisciplinary team.

1.2 Hospice care l. Teaching/Learning

1.1 Pre-op/post-op teaching clients from acute care to home (home visits) 1.2 Homehealth teaching 1.3 Teaching after myocardial infarction 1.4 Rehab teaching

V. Collaboration with members of the health care team to plan individualized plans of care to meet the needs of groups of clients.

a. Health care systems issues including standards of care, priority setting b. Managing multiple complex clients as a team leader d. Delegation and interactions with other disciplines e. Team member collaboration to maintain a safe nurse-client milieu

VI. Assist clients to obtain available health resources within the community to expand treatment options. a. Education in a variety of settings: acute care, home health, psychosocial, vocational, community clinics, and rehabilitative b. Appropriate resources & referrals

VII. Advocate for the delivery of client centered care. a. Demonstrates the ability to meet client/family needs b. Effective client advocate during client treatment team meetings and discharge planning meetings c. Involvement in community service learning projects d. Professional response with clients with sexuality /gender identify issues

VIII. Demonstrate sensitivity and responsiveness in interactions with clients. a. Therapeutic communication with difficult, distraught, anxious, or angry (including with those who are potentially violent) and establish relationships with persons with psychiatric diagnoses. b. Interactions with clients, family members, peers, and other disciplines c. Crisis concepts and techniques with interacting with angry / violent individuals in acute or community settings

Revised 1/3/2013

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