Global Studies I

Global Studies I | Fall of Roman Empire | |Name:_______________________ Date:_______________ Per:____________

There are very many situations that led to the downfall of the Roman Empire. Historians usually put the reason into 4 broad categories- Social, political, economic, and military. Using the PowerPoint presentation, choose which Category each topic belongs to, and answer the question.


|Political Cartoon |Which of the theories is represented in this picture? Why? |Compare Rome to USA |

|[pic] |CIRCLE ONE: Social -- Economic -- Political -- Social |How much is spent on: Defense? ____________________ |

| |Specific Reason:_______________________________________ |Education? ___________________ |

| |What are two examples of activities that suffered due to the spending? |Do you think that the money spent in each area is fair? Should there be more money in|

| |* |either area? Why or why not? |

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| |How did the government try to pay for its soldiers? How did this hurt Rome? | |

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|[pic] |CIRCLE ONE: Social -- Economic -- Political -- Social |Does the personal life of politicians affect their ability to govern? Explain. |

| |Specific Reason:_______________________________________ | |

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| |What is the Praetorian Guard? |Should Eliot Spitzer have lost his job? Why or why not. |

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| |What happened to many Emperors? | |

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| | |In your opinion, what types of offenses should get a politician get kicked out of |

| |How did the Praetorian Guard contribute to political corruption? |office? |

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| | |Should Harry Reid resign? Why or why not? |

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|[pic] |CIRCLE ONE: Social -- Economic -- Political -- Social | |

| |Specific Reason:_______________________________________ |Inferior technology hurt the Roman Empire. How might inferior American technology |

| | |affect our quality of life? You may use the Toyota information as an example. |

| |What were examples engineering and public services did Rome have? | |

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| |Explain how these advances might have contributed to the decline of the Roman Empire? | |

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|[pic] |CIRCLE ONE: Social -- Economic -- Political -- Social |How much did each item increase in cost? |

| |Specific Reason:_______________________________________ |Bread= ________________ |

| | |Eggs=_________________ |

| |Define-Inflation:________________________________________________ |O.J.=__________________ |

| |_____________________________________________________________ |Milk=__________________ |

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| |_____________________________________________________________ |How will these price increases affect people who are on a fixed income (Do not get a |

| | |raise each year). |

| |Why did Roman coins become less valuable? | |

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| |How did store owners respond when coins became less valuable? | |

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| |Eventually, how were some people paid for work they did? | |

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|[pic] |CIRCLE ONE: Social -- Economic -- Political -- Social |Why might a drastic increase in unemployment become a burden on a Government? |

| |Specific Reason:_______________________________________ | |

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| |In your own words, explain why there were so many unemployed people in the Roman Empire. | |

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|[pic] |CIRCLE ONE: Social -- Economic -- Political -- Social |What are two similarities you see between the reading on Rome and the picture of Los |

| |Specific Reason:_______________________________________ |Angles from 2010? |

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| |Which economic group made up a majority of the urban population? |* |

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| |What are some problems that cities face when they have a growing homeless population? | |

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|[pic] |CIRCLE ONE: Social -- Economic -- Political -- Social |After reading about the Michael Vick story, can you give an example that you have |

| |Specific Reason:_______________________________________ |seen in school or your daily life that is an example of a decline in traditional |

| | |morals and values. |

| |Citing specific examples, which do you feel has more “moral decline” America or Rome? Why? | |

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How might Rome's choice of soldier have led to military decline in Rome?


How could inflation have led to the downfall of Roman Empire?


How would political corruption lead to the downfall of the Roman Empire?


Why would an increase in poverty in Rome lead to urban decay (troubles in the city)?


Do you think that things like movies, television, sports and video games are corrupting the American youth? Defend your answer.



Decline in morals and values Inflation Excessive military spending

Inferior Technology Political Corruption Unemployment Urban Decay


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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