
Style:Based on:Combination:Description:Eros(IR-os)RomancePrimary styleThis love style is the one most commonly portrayed in Hollywood movies. Also known as "love at first sight", it is based on "chemistry" and a strong physical and/or emotional attraction.Ludos(LOO-dos)ConquestPrimary styleThis style is used by those who see love as a game and want to "win" as many partners as possible. The focus is on having fun in the moment and therefore relationships of this sort tend to be very short.Storge(STORE-gaye)FriendshipPrimary styleThis style of love grows slowly out of friendship and is based more on similar interests and a commitment to one another rather than on passion.Pragma(PRAG-ma)PracticalityLudos + StorgeThis love style is very practical and realistic. People who prefer this style approach their relationship in a "business-like" fashion and look for partners with whom they can share common goals.Mania(MANE-ee-ah)ObsessionEros + LudosThis style usually flows out of low self esteem and a need to be loved by one's partner. Lovers of this sort usually become very possessive and jealous.Agape(aw-GAW-pay)SelflessnessEros + StorgeIn this style of love, the individual is willing to sacrifice anything for their partner. It is based on an unbreakable commitment and an unconditional, selfless loveTriangular Theory of LoveIntimacy close, connected, and bonded feelings in loving relationshipsEnhances feelings of attachment that strength the will to commit to the relationshipContinual discover of oneself and ones partner that develops slowly in a relationshipPassionEmotion that leads to romance, physical attraction and sexual desireCommitmentShort-term acknowledgement that one loves someoneLong-term the goal to maintain loveWillingness to work through problemsSeeing the relationship is worthwhileTypes of LoveNon-Love (no intimacy, passion or commitment)Casual interactions with people that do not involve loveFriendship/liking (only Intimacy)Non-passion/commitment No intense feeling of passion or commitmentInfatuation (only Passion)Love at first sightCrushes, sexual relationshipsEmpty Love (only commitment)Unhappy marriageWhen intimacy is goneOnly marriage contract left Romantic Love (passion + intimacy)Physically and emotionally bonded but lacks commitment Upset if breakup but not fully committed to partnerFatuous Love (passion + commitment)Courtship, whirlwind romance Unlikely to sustain a long term relationshipCompanionate love (intimacy + commitment)Passion has died down but replaced by committed friendshipConsummate Love (passion + intimacy + commitment)Complete love Kind of love people strive for but often difficult to attain/maintain ................

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