
Name___________________________________ Pd._________Due_________Ancient Rome PacketYou must complete all pages of this packet. Please use this checklist as a guide, and check off what you have completed already. GO IN THE ORDER IT IS WRITTEN HERE! When it is due, you should have all pages in the following order:____ pg. 2 Complete the Ancient Rome Map, directions are on the bottom of this page____ Read pgs. 3 & 4 “The Founding of Rome”. Then answer Set A questions on pg. 7 ____ Read pgs. 5 & 6 “The Early Roman Republic”. Then answer Set B questions on pg. 7____ Read pgs. 8 & 9 “Roman Society” & Answer Set C questions on the bottom of pg. 9____ Read pgs. 10-12, then complete the venn diagram on pg. 12Map Directions: Use pgs. 311, 327, 337 in your textbook as a guide to complete the map. Everything below must be labeled that is listed below in black ink or pencil. *Color the water light blue and the land light green or another light neutral color. Label the map “Ancient Rome” as indicated below:Bodies of water: Adriatic Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Tyrrhenian SeaRivers: Po, Tiber, RubiconMountains/ Peaks: Alps, ApenninesIslands: Corsica, Sardinia, SicilyCities: Rome214312519050Ancient Rome Map00Ancient Rome MapSet A -Questions for Reading: “The Founding of Rome” Directions: After reading pgs. 3 & 4, answer the following questions in complete sentences. What natural/geographic advantages did the city of Rome have?According to Roman mythology, how was Rome founded?? What was the real story?What did the Romans borrow from the Etruscans?Why is 509 BCE an important date in Roman history?Set B- Questions for Reading: The Early Roman RepublicDirections: After reading pgs. 5 & 6, answer the following questions in complete sentences. 1. Who were the patricians and plebeians?2. Why did patricians want to prevent plebeians from holding important positions in Roman society and government?3. What were the roles and terms of office of the following?:?consuls, tribunes, senators,assemblymen?4. How did the office of dictator contribute to the balance and stability of the Roman Republic?5. What were the requirements for Roman citizenship?? What "rights" did Roman??citizens have?6. How "democratic" was the government of the early Roman Republic?Set C- Questions for Reading: “Roman Society”Directions: After reading pgs. 8 & 9 answer the questions below in complete sentences. 1. Who was the?paterfamilias?? What role did he play in Roman society?2. What power was wielded by the?paterfamilias?3. What was the relationship of the Roman family to the Roman state?4. List some of the characteristics of the official Roman state religion.5. What did the hearth symbolize for the Roman family?? Who took care of the hearth?6. How was religion linked to the state in early Roman times?7. What were some of the key virtues that were taught to Roman children?8. In your opinion, what was the most important Roman “virtue?”? Explain why.Directions: Now that you have read pgs. 10-12 about “Roman Slaves, Gladiators and the Spartacus Revolt”, create a Venn diagram comparing slaves and gladiators. Write as much information as you can inside the appropriate circle, or overlapping area.3819525247650Slaves00Slaves1257300222885Gladiators00Gladiators ................

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