Cycle 243 DaysThe recommended number of days/lessons is less than the number of days in the grading cycle to accommodate differentiated instruction, extended learning time, and assessments days. Oct 16-Dec 20, 2017Unit # of Days/LessonsTexas Essential Knowledge and Skills/Student Expectations (TEKS/SEs)The student will:Unit 6:In this unit, students will conduct investigations, collect data, and draw conclusions about force, motion, and work 1050-minute lessonsSuggested Pacing:________-________Unit 6: Force (10 lessons) ? 3.6B demonstrate and observe how position and motion can be changed by pushing and pulling objects to show work being done such as swings, balls, pulleys, and wagons.3.6C observe forces such as magnetism and gravity acting on objectsNotes to TeacherStudents should understand that a force may or may not result in an object changing position. Students might think that small forces are not useful, but examples from daily life such as opening a door, picking up a pencil or moving a pair of shoes can be used to illustrate changes in position and location.Students should be given opportunities to determine which force is acting on a particular object. Students should understand that gravity is a pulling force that depends on the mass of the objects and the distance between them; and magnetism can be either pushes or pulls depending on the polarity of the magnets Students might think that magnetism is only a property, but in fact it is a forceAcademic Vocabularypositionmotionwork forcegravityweightmagnetismsimple machinescrewinclined planeleverfulcrum wheel-and-axlecompound machinepulleyVertical Alignment 2nd Grade2.6B observe and identify how magnets are used in everyday life2.6CD trace the changes in the position of an object over time such as a cup rolling on the floor and a car rolling down a ramp; AND compare patterns of movement of objects such as sliding, rolling, and spinning Before After 4th Grade4.6D design an experiment to test the effect of force on an object such as a push or a pull, gravity, friction, or magnetismScience Background Information A force is a push or pull that causes an object to move, stop, or change direction. People, objects, or nature can pull or push an object. A catcher stopping a thrown baseball, a bulldozer pushing dirt, or the wind pushing leaves over a field are examples of pushing forces. A mother pulling on a toddler’s arm to stop the child from running, a tow truck pulling a car out of a ditch, or gravity pulling water down are examples of pulling forces that stop, move, and change directions of objects. A magnet can pull certain metal objects. Friction can pull on objects and slow them down. Several hundred years ago, Sir Isaac Newton, a British scientist, figured out some rules about how objects move. He concluded that the bigger the mass of an object, the bigger the force needed to move the object. The smaller the mass of an object, the smaller the force needed to move the object. For example, it takes more force to move a car than to move a toy car. Scientists after Newton added another idea about force: to do work requires force, but the force exerted has to actually move an object. Most people think if any effort is exerted, then work is done. The scientist’s definition of work is different than the common meaning for work. For a scientist, work is done only if a force moves an object across a particular distance. If you try to push a car and it does not move, then no work has been done on the car. You might have exerted effort and ended up sweating trying to move the car, but the car did not budge and no distance was traveled; hence, no work was done on it. Tools, such as swings, balls, pulleys, and wagons, can be used to help move objects. A swing is actually a pendulum that goes back and forth. Students can brainstorm how to make a pendulum game with a weight on a string to see who can propel (push) a small object the farthest. Games with balls that push objects, such as bowling, can be constructed on a small scale in the classroom to explore moving objects with a rolling ball. Pulleys can be made from a string looped over a pencil. Students can attach paper cups as a holder to raise objects to determine the greatest number of small objects that can be lifted to a certain height in a prescribed amount of time. Drawings or measurements can be made of the movement of the objects in each of these games to emphasize that work was done across a certain distance.Gravity Students will need to understand that the pull of gravity is a two-way similar to a tug of war between two objects. Size and distance matter. Gravity depends on mass and distance. Although a gravitational attraction exists between all objects in the Universe, the size of that pull depends on the masses of the objects and the distance between them. The Sun is so massive that its gravity can pull everything in the Solar System in orbit around it. The pull of gravity between small objects, such as two humans, is too small to matter. However, if one of the objects is massive enough, such as a planet, the pull of gravity is significant. Because Earth is much more massive than a person, the pull from a human body is not strong enough to move Earth. Distance affects the pull of gravity. The farther an object is from the center of Earth, the less is the pull of gravity. Since the Moon is close to Earth and is a quarter of the size of Earth, there is enough gravity between the Moon and Earth to pull on the ocean waters on opposite sides of the Earth, which causes tides to rise and fall. On Earth, students experience the force of gravity every day. For example, when students jump up, gravity pulls them back down to Earth. When a ball is thrown into the air, gravity pulls it back down to Earth. Things in nature move downward due to gravity. Mountain rivers flow down to the ocean, and glaciers push slowly down a mountain. Plant roots grow downward. Rain and snow fall down. Leaves fall off trees and down to the ground during autumn. Heavy things sink in water. Magnetism Not all objects are magnetic. Only certain metals, such as iron, nickel, or cobalt, are attracted to a magnet. Aluminum and copper are not magnetic. Paper, wood, plastic, and rubber and other nonmetals are also not attracted to magnets. Magnets range in size from very large magnets, such as those used to pick up old cars in junkyards, to very small magnets, such as refrigerator magnets. Credit cards, videotapes, and computer disks use thin magnetic materials to store data. Lodestone is a naturally magnetic piece of iron ore that attracts and repels objects containing iron. The magnetic field depends on the size and strength of the magnet. The magnetic field begins at opposite ends called poles, labeled (N) north and (S) south or sometimes (+) positive and (-) negative. When two magnets are placed together with the same pole facing each other (N to N or S to S), the magnets will repel each other. If opposite poles (N to S or S to N) are placed together, the magnets will attract each other. Interestingly, if a magnet is broken into pieces, each piece will contain a north and south pole. The Earth itself is a type of giant magnet created from a spinning iron core. In the Northern Hemisphere, a compass will point toward the magnetic North Pole, and in the Southern Hemisphere, it will point toward the magnetic South Pole. Observable effects on objects. Students also can observe how gravity affects the way objects fall. Gravity pulls on similarly shaped objects at the same rate. Students will explore dropping objects with different masses and same shapes (Two round balls fall at the same rate and land at the same time.) compared to dropping objects with the same mass, but different shapes. Essential Questions How can we cause an object to change position and to move?What is work?What tools can we use to show work is being done?What is gravity and what effect does it have on objects?What is magnetism and what effect does it have on objects?Key Science Concepts Pushing and pulling can cause an object to change position and to move.Work happens when a force is used to move an object over a distance.Tools such as swings, balls, pulleys, and wagons can be used to help move objects.Gravity is a force that can move objects by pulling them toward each other.Magnetism is a force that can move objects by attracting them together or repelling them apart.Forces, including gravity and magnetism, can have observable effects on objects. Cycle 243 DaysThe recommended number of days/lessons is less than the number of days in the grading cycle to accommodate differentiated instruction, extended learning time, and assessments days. Oct 16-Dec 20, 2017Unit # of Days/LessonsTexas Essential Knowledge and Skills/Student Expectations (TEKS/SEs)The student will:Unit 7-The Sun and Water Cycle:In this unit, students will observe, measure and record weather changes and describe how the Sun affects the water cycle.5-7 50-minute lessonsSuggested Pacing:________-________Unit 7: The Sun and Water Cycle (5-7 lessons) 3.8B describe and illustrate the Sun as a star composed of gases that provides light and heat energy for the water cycle SPIRAL 3.5C predict, observe, and record changes in the state of matter caused by heating or coolingNotes to TeacherStudents should be given opportunities to illustrate the water cycle, including the Sun.Students should understand that the heat energy from the Sun is critical to systems on Earth. Students might think that the Sun is a planet, but in fact, it is a star made up of gases.Academic VocabularystarSunwater cycleprecipitationevaporationcondensationtelescopefresh watersalt waterVertical Alignment 2nd Grade2.8C explore the processes in the water cycle, including evaporation, condensation, and precipitation, as connected to weather conditions Before After 4th Grade4.8B describe and illustrate the continuous movement of water above and on the surface of Earth through the water cycle and explain the role of the Sun as a major source of energy in this processScience Background Information Our Sun is the star at the center of our Solar System. Stars differ in size, color, and temperature. Although our Sun is over a million times larger than Earth, when compared to billions of other stars, it is only average size and average temperature. Our yellow star provides just the right amount of heat and light to allow water to flow and life to flourish on Earth. The light and heat energy that a star produces is caused by the tremendous mass of gases crushing the inside of the star. Inside the Sun’s core, fusion occurs when hydrogen gas is changed into helium gas, which gives off light and heat energy that radiates throughout the Solar System. Earth, in its third position from the Sun, orbits at just the right distance so that water can exist as a solid, a liquid, and as a gas (water vapor). The Sun also produces bursts of energy originating events called sunspots, which produce solar flares. Sunspots are dark areas on the Sun produced by the incredibly hot gases on the surface of the Sun bubbling up and down, causing some areas on to be cooler than others. Sunspots can last weeks or months. A sunspot can cause the magnetic fields around it to become really twisted. If the twisted lines of the magnetic field lines snap and explode, solar flares are produced releasing huge amounts of energy. The heat energy from the Sun causes the temperature of the surface water in oceans, lakes, rivers, and streams to increase, causing some water molecules to move fast enough to break loose and escape into the air. This activity begins the process of evaporation where liquid water transforms into a gas called water vapor. The Sun heats Earth unevenly, causing winds to form and move the air mass with the water vapor to other locations. As the water vapor continues to rise, cooler temperatures cause condensation where the gaseous water vapor changes back to liquid water droplets. This condensation takes the form of clouds that can become too saturated with the water droplets causing precipitation to start. Precipitation comes in several forms: rain, snow, sleet, or hail. Once the precipitation is on the ground, the water soaks into the ground to eventually become groundwater or it drains into lakes, streams, and rivers, as run-off which flows back into Earth’s oceans, and the water cycle begins again. Special Note The current trend in the scientific community is to refer to the water cycle as the hydrologic cycle. This change in terminology is based on the concept that the molecules of H20 change state between liquid (water) and solid (ice) and gas (water vapor) depending on the conditions and stage of the cycle. Students need to be aware the cycle may be referred to as either the water cycle or the hydrologic cycle in literature and on standardized tests.Essential Questions What is the composition of the Sun?What types of energy does the Sun produce?What role does the Sun play in the water cycle?Key Science Concepts The Sun, like all stars, is made up of gases.The Sun produces light and heat energy.The Sun is the source of energy for the water cycle. Cycle 243 DaysThe recommended number of days/lessons is less than the number of days in the grading cycle to accommodate differentiated instruction, extended learning time, and assessments days. Oct 16-Dec 20, 2017Unit # of Days/LessonsTexas Essential Knowledge and Skills/Student Expectations (TEKS/SEs)The student will:Unit 8-Space:In this unit, students will explore the characteristics of the Sun, the location of the planets in the solar system, and the Sun, Earth, and Moon relationship.1050-minute lessonsSuggested Pacing:________-________Unit 8: Space (10 lessons) 3.8C construct models that demonstrate the relationship of the Sun, Earth, and the Moon, including orbits and positions; ? 3.8D identify the planets in Earth’s Solar System and their position in relation to the Sun SPIRAL 3.6C observe forces such as magnetism and gravity acting on objectsNotes to TeacherStudents should be given opportunities to compare the models with the real objects and identify similarities and differences. Students should understand that planets orbit the Sun, and moons orbit particular planets. Students might think that all the planets are the same size, but remind students of the enormity of space and the relative size of the other planets and Sun compared to Earth.Academic VocabularyorbitpositionmodelplanetaxisrotationrevolutiontidesphasesatelliteVertical Alignment 2nd Grade2.8D observe, describe, and record patterns of objects in the sky, including the appearance of the Moon Before After 4th Grade4.8D collect and analyze data to identify sequences and predict patterns of change in shadows, tides, seasons, and the observable appearance of the Moon over timeScience Background Information For thousands of years, Earth was thought to be the center of the Universe with everything in the heavens orbiting Earth. The Sun as the center of our Solar System was not widely accepted until several centuries ago. Today, we know that the Sun is an average yellow star in our Milky Way Galaxy. Earth with its solitary moon is one of eight major planets orbiting the Sun. Note: Pluto was reclassified as a dwarf planet and is not considered a major planet when listing the planets of the Solar System. It takes an average of 28-29 days for the moon to exhibit all phases, i.e., the time period from one new moon to the next. This time period varies because it is dependent upon Sun, Earth, and moon positions as the Earth and moon complete their orbital paths throughout the year. The lunar cycle, as defined by the exhibition of phases, is called a Synodic month. The moon completes one revolution around Earth in 27.3 days, i.e., the time period for the moon to return to a similar position with respect to star positions. This lunar cycle, as defined by relative position, is called a Sidereal month. The variations in a Synodic month as compared to a Sidereal month account for difference references to a “lunar month”; thus, the word “about” is used to indicate average lunar cycles. Making models involving the Sun, Earth, and the Moon requires an understanding of their physical characteristics, size, and position in the Solar System. Although these celestial bodies are spheres, they lack many other similarities. Earth is four times larger than the Moon, and 100 Earths would fit across the Sun. The Sun is a star; a ball of flaming, glowing gases. Earth is a planet, and the Moon is a satellite (natural bodies that orbit planets); both are spheres of rock, but after that, their similarities fade. Earth and its satellite, the Moon, are actually very different. The Earth is covered three quarters in water and has an atmosphere that sustains life, whereas, the Moon has no atmosphere, no liquid water, and is devoid of life. The Moon’s surface is scarred and cratered from billions of years of meteorite impacts. There is no water or atmosphere to cause erosion on the Moon, so the lunar surface has remained unchanged for millions of years. Unlike the Moon, the atmosphere of Earth causes most of the meteoroids aimed at Earth to burn up before they reach the ground. Very different from the Moon, Earth’s surface has oceans of water, along with landforms covered with forests, plants, and living creatures. Earth’s oceans are affected by the Moon’s gravity, making the water bulge on opposite sides of Earth to create high and low tides. The Moon orbits or revolves around Earth once about every 28 days. From Earth, the angle between the Sun and the Moon changes as the Moon revolves around Earth causing different parts of the face of the Moon to be illuminated by sunlight (moon phases). Although the Moon appears to be close to Earth, it actually is 30 Earth diameters away. The special relationship between Earth and Sun allows life to flourish on Earth. No other planet in our Solar System can support life as we know it. The distance between Earth and the Sun, about 93 million miles, allows for the warmth and energy needed for survival. The Sun heats Earth and provides light during the day, and darkness and a cooling down period during the night as the planet rotates in its 24-hour cycle. Rotation of Earth on its axis, as well as its yearly orbit around the Sun, also causes seasonal changes due to the angle of the Sun. Less direct rays of the Sun result in winter. More direct and intense rays cause summer. If the Northern Hemisphere tilts toward the Sun, it has summer and conversely, if the Southern Hemisphere tilts toward the Sun, it experiences summer. Humans have adapted around the globe to these daily and seasonal changes. Students are expected to represent the natural world using models, such as the Sun, Earth, and Moon system or volcanoes, and identify their limitations, including size, properties, and materials. Students need to understand that models can never be exact representations of reality, and must identify the specific limitations involved in those models. Making models also helps replicate the movements between Earth, the Moon, and the Sun that would otherwise be difficult to see given the great distances in space. Be sure students discuss the limitations involved in their exploration models, which are intended to demonstrate relative movement of the three celestial bodies, not a true representation of size or distance. For example, the balloon Sun is too small (One million Earths should fit inside the Sun model.); the Moon is not soft like the marshmallow (The Moon model should be hard.); and the Moon is too close to Earth on the model. (It should be 30 Earth diameters away.) With Earth the size of a Ping Pong ball (about 1.5 inches), the distance between Earth and the balloon Sun is too close. (The balloon Sun would have to be about four meter sticks away from the Earth to represent the 93,000,000 miles distance between Earth and the Sun.) Regardless of the model used, when students understand the limitations involved, they can avoid misunderstandings in science. Each of the planets of our Solar System orbit the Sun. Orbiting (revolving or going around) the Sun are planets, their assorted rings and moons, asteroids, meteoroids, comets, and a host of frozen worlds. Within our Solar System are eight major planets (listed from nearest the Sun to the farthest): Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The four planets closest to the Sun (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars) are called the small, rocky Inner Planets. Mercury, the smallest planet, has a cratered surface that looks like the Moon. Named for the swift messenger of the gods, Mercury is the fastest planet to orbit the Sun with a year only 88 days long. Venus, the second planet from the Sun and similar in size to Earth, is covered in a thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide with temperatures that make Venus the hottest planet. Known for the longest day in the Solar System, Venus spins so slowly that by the time it has orbited the Sun, it has spun just once on its axis. Earth, the third planet from the Sun, is noted for its life, water covering three quarters of its surface, and its one moon. Mars, the fourth planet from the Sun, is called the “Red Planet” due to iron oxide (rust) in the soil. Mars is a cold, lifeless, rocky desert where water once flowed on its ancient surface. Mars is known for polar ice caps, the largest volcano and the longest valley in the Solar System, and two moons. Separating the Inner Planets from the Outer Planets is the Asteroid Belt. Most asteroids (space rocks) revolve in their own orbits located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. They can range in size from very large, irregularly shaped chunks of rock to simple dust particles. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are the four gas giants that make up the Outer Planets. They are characterized by freezing temperatures, many moons, and ring systems. Jupiter, largest of all planets, has the most moons (63+ and counting) and a giant Red Spot, a famous storm that has lasted over 400 years. Saturn is known for the largest ring system and has close to 60 moons. Uranus, a green, glowing gas giant, has 27 moons and orbits the Sun tipped on its side, the result of an ancient impact. The last major planet is a blue gas giant named aptly for Neptune, the Roman God of the Sea, and has 13 moons. The closest planet to the Sun is Mercury, followed by Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. “My very educated mother just served us nachos” is a phrase that uses the first letter of each planet to represent the planets in order from the Sun. (Students can create their own planet sentence.) When exploring the spacing of the planets in the Solar System, students should observe that the inner planets are spaced quite close together, while the gas giants are spaced much farther apart at surprisingly even intervals.Essential Questions How can we use models to represent the orbits of the Moon and Earth?What are the eight planets of our Solar System and what is their position in relation to the Sun?How can we remember the order of the planets from the Sun?Key Science Concepts Models can be used to represent the Moon orbiting Earth and Earth orbiting the Sun.Each of the planets in our Solar System orbit the Sun.The closest planet to the Sun is Mercury, followed by Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. ................

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