Unit Name

Chemistry/Honors Chemistry – Pacing Guide and Know/Do List

San Ramon Valley High School

|Unit Name (regular |Essential Knowledge (Know) |General Knowledge |Suggested Activities/ Labs/Demos |Advanced/Extended List |Textbook Chapter(s) |

|pacing) |(Mastery) |(Understanding) |(Do) | | |

|(honors pacing) | | | | | |

|Science of Chemistry |Periodic Table – location of |- Physical Changes |- Qualitative Candle |- Branches of Chemistry |Modern Chemistry: 1 |

|(2 weeks) regular |metals, semimetals, |- Chemical Changes |Quantitative Candle |- Molecular Theory of matter | |

|(1.5 weeks) honors |non-metals and halogens |- Properties of matter |Mixture separation lab |(solid/liq/gas) |Chemistry: |

| | |- Matter Vocabulary |Metal/Non-metal lab |Differentiate between popular and|1 |

| | |- Mixture vs Pure Substance |Aluminum Foil Demo |scientific term “chemical” | |

| | |- Periodic Table Basics |4-piece puzzle square |Matter flow-chart/pyramid | |

| | |--Groups vs Periods |Scene of the crime observation | | |

| | |--Metals vs non-metals |activity | | |

| | |--metalloids |Paint can explosion | | |

| | |- Role of Energy |Observe and experiment without | | |

| | | |prompting | | |

| | | |4 unknowns observation activity | | |

|Measurements & |Conversion Factors |- Scientific Method |- Density of Pennies |- Percent Error |Modern Chemistry: 2 |

|Calculations |(Dimensional Analysis) |- SI Base Units |% Water content of popcorn |Specific Heat | |

|(3 weeks) | |- SI Derived Units |Aluminum Foil & CuCl2 |SI Rounding Rules |Chemistry: |

|(2.5 weeks) | |- Density |Observing physical & chemical | |2 |

| | |- Conversion Factors |changes | | |

| | |- Accuracy & Precision |Accuracy & Precision | | |

| | |- Significant Figures |Chocolate bar density | | |

| | |- Scientific Notation |Diet coke/coke density demo | | |

| | |- Proportionality | | | |

|Atomic Structure |Molar Mass |Foundations of atomic theory |- Electrolysis of water (demo) |Average atomic mass |Modern Chemistry: 3 & 21 |

|(3.5 Weeks) | |- Dalton’s atomic theory |- “mole”asses cookies |Nuclear Decay Series | |

|(3 weeks) | |- modern atomic theory |Constructing a model (modern chem) |Applications of nuclear radiation|Chemistry: |

| | |- Atomic Structure |Half-life simulation |Half-life |3 |

| | |- Atomic number and mass |Graphing activity, best-fit line | | |

| | |- Isotopes |Bomb Bags conservation of mass | | |

| | |- Relative atomic mass |Holt (C-1) conservation of mass lab| | |

| | |- The mole |Nuclear checkers (half-life) | | |

| | |- Avogadro’s Number |Flame Tests | | |

| | |- Balancing Nuclear equations |Pennium (pre/post 82) (average | | |

| | |Nuclear Force |atomic mass) | | |

| | |Relative energy of nuclear reactions | | | |

| | |versus chemical | | | |

| | |Some isotopes are radioactive | | | |

| | |- 3 basic forms of radiation (gamma, | | | |

| | |beta, alpha) | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Arrangement of Electrons|Number of valence electrons |- Properties of Light |Flame Tests |- Photoelectric effect |Modern Chemistry: 4 |

|in atoms |based on position on the |- Line emission spectra |Wave nature of light quick-lab |- Bohr Model | |

|(1.5 weeks) |periodic table |Electron configurations |(Modern Chem) |- Planck’s equation |Chemistry: |

|(2 weeks) | |Aufbau Principle |The Electric Charge (static) |- Quantum Model of the atom |3.3 |

| | |Electron orbitals |Spectral Tubes |Quantum numbers | |

| | |- Introduce Lewis Dot Structures | |EM Spectrum | |

| | | | |Speed of light | |

|Periodic Table |Trends of electronegativity |Trends: |Periodic Table cards activity |electron affinity |Modern Chemistry: 5 |

|(2 weeks) | |ionization energy |Reactivity of halide ions |relate position to reactivity | |

|(1.5 weeks) | |atomic radius |Relative solubility of transition |relate position to quantum |Chemistry: |

| | |ionic radius |elements |electron configuration |4 (skip 4.4) |

| | |group trends/common names |? Properties of oxides? | | |

| | |periodic trends | | | |

| | |history of the periodic table | | | |

|Ionic Bonding |Ionic bonds are formed by an |Ionic nomenclature |Heat salt and sugar |Electronegativity spread |Modern Chemistry: 6.3, 6.4 |

|(1.5 weeks) |exchange of electrons |Lattice Structure |Chemical bonds (Cheryl/Holt) |Lattice Energy | |

|(1.5 weeks) | |Ionic Properties |Sodium Chloride model |Extended list of polyatomic ions |Chemistry: |

| | |Metal bonded with non-metal | | |5 |

| | |Metallic bonding | | | |

| | |Properties of metals | | | |

| | |Polyatomic Ions | | | |

| | |Oxidation numbers | | | |

| | |Ionic charge based on position on the| | | |

| | |periodic table | | | |

| | |Octet Rule | | | |

|Covalent Bonding |Covalent bonds are formed by |Oxidation numbers |Molecular models |Molecular Geometry/polarity |Modern Chemistry: 6.1, 6.2 |

|(2 weeks) |the sharing of electrons |Lewis Dot Structures |Gumdrop models |Intermolecular forces | |

|(2 weeks) | |Covalent nomenclature |Model assignment |Electronegativity spread |Chemistry: |

| | |Octet Rule | |Orbital Hybridization |6 |

| | |Covalent properties | |Octet rule violators | |

| | |Double/triple bonds | | | |

| | |Structural formula | | | |

| | |Bond energy | | | |

|Chemical Nomenclature |Nomenclature of common acids |Naming common acids |Hydrates |- Hydrates |Modern Chemistry: 7.3, 7.4 |

|(1.5 weeks) | |Empirical Formula |Empirical Formula | | |

|(1.5 weeks) | |Formula Mass |Candy Coal | |Chemistry: |

| | |% Composition | | |7 |


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