
Key Term Assessment?1.?J10.?D?2.?G11.?A?3.?H12.?E?4.?N13.?P?5.?Q14.?L?6.?K15.?F?7.?O16.?B?8.?M17.?I?9.?CEvaluation of Learning?1. Serum. 2. To ensure that the test results are reliable and valid. 3.?To check the precision of the blood chemistry analyzer to determine whether the system is providing accurate results.?4.?When a new lot number of testing reagents is put into use.?5.?To monitor a blood chemistry analyzer to ensure the reliability and accuracy of the test results.?6.?Deterioration of testing components due to improper storage, improper environmental testing conditions, or errors in technique used to perform the procedure.?7.?Patient testing should not be conducted until the problem is identified and resolved.?8.?Glucose is the chief source of energy for the body.?9.?Insulin is required for the normal use of glucose in the body and for the proper storage of glycogen in liver and muscle cells.10.?a.?Fasting blood glucose FBG.b.?Two-hour postprandial blood glucose 2-hour PPBG.c.?Oral glucose tolerance test OGTT.11.?The patient should not have anything to eat or drink except water for 12 hours preceding the test.12.?To evaluate the progress and regulate treatment of a person with diabetes and as a routine screening procedure to detect prediabetes and diabetes.13. The condition in which glucose levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be classified as diabetes.14.?a.?Normal 70-99?mg/dl.b.?Prediabetes 100-125?mg/dl.c.?Diabetes 126?mg/dl or above (confirmed by repeating the FBG test on another day).15.? The patient is required to fast beginning at midnight preceding the test and continuing until breakfast. For breakfast, the patient must consume a prescribed meal containing 100?g of carbohydrates. An alternative to this is to consume a 100-g test-load glucose solution.16.?A blood specimen is collected 2 hours after consumption of the meal or glucose solution.17.?To assist in the diagnosis of pre-diabetes, diabetes, gestational diabetes, hypoglycemia, and liver and adrenocortical dysfunction.18.?Consumption of a high-carbohydrate diet for 3 days before the test, consisting of 150?g of carbohydrate per day. The patient must be in a fasting state when the test begins.19.?On the morning of the test, a blood specimen is drawn from the patient (FBG). The patient then consumes a glucose solution, and thereafter a blood specimen is taken at regular intervals.20.?A condition in which the glucose in the blood is abnormally low (FBG below 70?mg/dl); occurs with an overdose of insulin, Addison’s disease, bacterial sepsis, carcinoma of the pancreas, hepatic necrosis, or hypothyroidism.21.?To maintain blood glucose levels as close to normal as possible to reduce symptoms of the disease and delay or prevent long-term complications of diabetes.22.?Four times a day: in the morning after an 8-hour fast, before lunch, before dinner, and at bedtime.23.?Progressive damage to the body organs resulting in blindness, kidney disease, nerve damage, and circulation problems.24.?Convenience of testing; more patient involvement in self-management decisions; reliable decisions regarding insulin dosage; and decrease or delay in long-term complications.25.? a.?Before meals 80 to 120?mg/dl.b.?One to 2 hours after meals 100 to 180?mg/dl.c.?At bedtime 100 to 140?mg/dl.26.?The average amount of glucose in the blood over a 3-month period.27.?4% to 6%.28.?Less than 7%.29.?In a cool dry area at room temperature with the cap tightly closed.30.?Each time a new container of test strips is opened.31.?A white, waxy, fatlike substance that is essential for normal functioning of the body.32.?Most of the cholesterol circulating in the blood is manufactured by the liver; a portion of it comes from an individual’s diet (dietary cholesterol).33.?Fatty deposits that build up on the walls of the arteries; the arteries may become occluded, which eventually could lead to a heart attack or stroke.34.?LDL picks up cholesterol from ingested fats and the liver and delivers it to blood vessels and muscles where it is deposited in the cells. An excess amount of LDL cholesterol can cause plaque to build up on the arterial walls, resulting in atherosclerosis. HDL removes excess cholesterol from the walls of the blood vessels.35.?A combined measurement of the amount of LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol in the blood.36.a.?Desirable cholesterol level Less than 200?mg/dl.b.?Borderline cholesterol level 200 to 239?mg/dl.c.?High cholesterol level 240?mg/dl and greater.37.?Less than 40?mg/dl for men and less than 50?mg/dl for women.38. To screen for the presence of high blood cholesterol related to CAD.39.?Fast for at least 12 hours before collection of the blood specimen.40.a.?Normal Less than 150?mg/dl.b.?Borderline high 150 to 199?mg/dl.c.?High 200 to 499?mg/dl.e.?Very high 500?mg/dl or higher.41.Obesity, type 2 diabetes, being physically inactive, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, hypothyroidism, kidney disease, and liver disease.42.?To detect kidney disease.43.?The scientific study of antigen and antibody reactions.44.?Bacteria and viruses, bacterial toxins, allergens, and blood antigens.45.a.?Rheumatoid factor To assist in the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis.b.?Antistreptolysin test To assist in the diagnosis of rheumatic fever, glomerulonephritis, bacterial endocarditis, and scarlet fever.c.?C-reactive protein To assist in diagnosis or charting the progress of rheumatoid arthritis, acute rheumatic fever, widespread malignancy, and bacterial infections.d.?ABO and Rh blood typing To prevent transfusion and transplant reactions and to identify problems such as hemolytic disease of the newborn.46.?Through saliva by direct oral contact.47.?Mental and physical fatigue, fever, sore throat, severe weakness, headache, and swollen lymph nodes.48.?Clumping or agglutination of red blood cells.49.?On the surface of red blood cells.50.?The clumped red blood cells cannot get through the small tubules of the kidneys, which may lead to kidney failure, and the clumping of red blood cells leads to hemolysis of red blood cells.51.?A antigen, B antibody.52.?B antigen, A antibody.53.?AB antigens, no antibodies.54.?No antigens, A and B antibodies.55.?Rh-positive blood means the Rh antigen is present on the red blood cells; Rh-negative blood means the Rh antigen is absent from the red blood cells.Critical Thinking ActivitiesB. Oral Glucose Tolerance Test1.?Consumption of food and fluid Do not eat or drink during the test. (Food and fluid affect the blood glucose levels.)2.?Water consumption You can drink as much water as you like during the test.3.?Smoking Do not smoke during the test. (Smoking acts as a stimulant to increase the blood glucose level.)4.?Leaving the test site Have a seat in the waiting room, and do not leave the medical office during the testing process. (The patient should remain at the testing site so that he or she is present when needed for the collection of a blood specimen.)5.?Activity Do not walk around because this could affect the test results. (Activity affects the test results by using glucose.)E. Rh Incompatibility1. The fetus has Rh-positive blood, and the mother has Rh-negative blood. During delivery and, in some cases, before delivery, the Rh antigen of the infant enters the mother’s bloodstream, causing her to produce Rh antibodies. When these antibodies are produced, they are capable of combining with the infant’s blood cells, resulting in agglutination of the infant’s blood cells.2.?Jaundice and anemia3.?An exchange transfusion in which the infant’s blood is replaced with Rh-negative blood4.?An injection of Rh immune globulin (RhoGAM) within 72 hours after the birth of an Rh-positive infant whose mother is Rh-negativeAPPLY YOUR KNOWLEDGE1.B.? 2.D.? 3. A 4. C.? 5.?E.? 6.B.? 7.C.? 8.C.? 9.?A.? 10.?D.? Immunology ?1.?D ?2.?A ?3.?C? ?4.?D ?5.?B ?6.?A? ?7. D ?8.?B? ?9.?C 10.?B Video: Procedure 19-1: Blood Glucose Measurement Using the Accu-Chek Advantage Glucose Meter____T___1. ____T___2. ____T___ 3. ____F___4 . ____T___5. ____F___6. ____T___7. ____T___8. Video: Procedure 19-B: Performing a Rapid Mononucleosis Test____F___1. ____T___2. ____F___3. ____T___4. ____T___5. ____T___6. ____F___7. ____T___8. ................

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