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Table of





Legal Issues


Types of Images


Public Domain


Creative Commons


Royalty Free


Getting Deals On Photos


Monthly Subscriptions


Deal Sites


Free Stock Photos


Paid Stock Photos


Other Photos





Amazing Images



Amazing Images

It doesn¡¯t matter what type of business you¡¯re in, chances are, you use

images. Whether you¡¯re sharing images on social media, using images

to create promotional material like

banners or flyers, or posting images

on your blog to go along with your articles, you¡¯re probably using images.

But are you using those images legally?

Legal Issues

If you use images you¡¯re not properly

licensed to use, you could face serious

legal consequences that could end

up costing you thousands of dollars in

damages, and you may be required

to pay the other party¡¯s legal fees, as


Big stock photo agencies have millions

of dollars to spend fighting unauthoA lot of people seem to think it¡¯s okay rized use of their photos, and they ofto grab images of Google Images or ten pursue the rights of the photograother sources. After all, they¡¯re avail- phers who submit to them vehemently.

able publicly, so it must be okay,


U.S. copyright laws allow for up to


$150,000 in damages for a single infringing use, which means you could

end up on the hook for millions if you

steal a large number of photos. That¡¯s

enough to drive most companies

completely out of business and put the

owner in debt for the rest of his or her


Legally, you can only use images you

have permission to use, and you can

only use images you have permission

to use in certain ways, depending on

the license granted by the copyright

holder. Confused, yet?

In fairness, most cases are settled out

of court for a few thousand dollars, but

And to top it off, buying images to use do you have that kind of money lying

legally can be extremely expensive. around to hand over to someone?

Some stock photo agencies charge

several dollars for a single image, and Legal stock photos only cost a few

may even charge hundreds of dollars bucks, and if you look around, you can

if you want to use the image for some- find sites that have them for $1. Something like a t-shirt or print. Outrageous! times you can even get them for a few

cents if you buy a bulk deal, which we

Fortunately, there are ways to save will talk about later.

money on your images, getting them

much, much cheaper, or even free. Read more here:

Best of all, you can do this legally, so


you won¡¯t be sued!




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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