EDIT202 – Portfolio Lab Assignment Guidelines Creating the ...

EDIT202 ? Portfolio Lab Assignment Guidelines

Creating the Links, RSS feeds and Widgets You have almost completed your portfolio! The last step is to complete the side navigation of the WordPress page.

1. For us to view anything on the left hand navigation of the page, the first step is to add some Widgets to your profile. Add the following widgets: ? Links ? Recent Posts ? Categories

? To begin adding widgets navigate to the Widgets link located in the Appearance Tab on the left hand side of the Dashboard as shown below.

? On the Widgets options page add the categories listed in the grey box above by selecting, clicking and dragging from the left hand side (Available Widgets) to the right hand side (Sidebar).

2. Edit the Categories Widget to have the title "Samples of My Work".

? To edit the settings of your Categories Widget select the drop down arrow located on the right hand side of the widget box. This will display the widget options.

? In this options box, change the Categories title to Samples of My Work.

? Select the Show as hierarchy box in this menu. Finish by clicking on the Save button as shown above.

? Lastly, preview your ePortfolio and return to the dashboard. Note: When you preview your portfolio you should now see your Categories under the new heading on the right hand navigation menu as well as some posts in the Recent Post heading. However, you will not see any links yet.

3. Order the widgets in the following order: 1. Categories 2. Links 3. Recent Posts

? To re-order your Widgets navigate to the Widgets link located in the Appearance Tab on the left hand side of the Dashboard as shown below.

? Once you are on the Widgets page re-order your selected widgets by simply placing your mouse over the widget and then dropping and dragging the widgets into the desired order.

? Repeat this process until your Widgets appear in the correct order listed in the grey box. Be sure to save these changes

? Lastly, preview your ePortfolio and return to the dashboard.

4. In order for the links to appear in the right hand navigation menu we must add link content. Add the following Link Categories. ? Education Links ? RSS Feeds

? To add Link Categories to your page select the Link Categories button

located on the left hand side of your dashboard under the Links tab. ? To add a Link Category type in the title in the Category name box and

select the Add Category button as shown below.

? After adding the Education Link category finish this stage by adding the RSS Feeds category in the same was as shown above.

5. Add the following links to the Education Links category along with a short description of the site. You should obtain this description by visiting the website and learning a little about it.

? The Alberta Education Home Page ? ? Alberta ICT curriculum - ? Learn Alberta - ? Shaw TLT - ? Telus 2Learn -

? To add a link, begin by selecting Add New from the links tab on the Dashboard.


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