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OVERVIEW & VNN UPDATE HELPING YOU UNDERSTAND AND LEARN TO USE THE WEBSITE & VNN DASHBOARDSHORT VIDEO LINKS ARE INCLUDED UNDER MOST CATEGORIES AND CAN BE REFERENCED BY BOOKMARKING THE ON-DEMAND TRAINING PLAYLIST AT UPDATESMULTIPLE USER NAMES/PASSWORDS: We are now under a SINGLE SIGN IN. All coaches and advisors should request EDITOR access to your GoBlackshirts page via the dashboard on (You can also request access for someone else) When you log in (just like you log into Pressbox) you should see several green boxes (ie “APP”) that says GO TO (fill in the blank) (You likely will only see Teammate, Pressbox, Alerts and Sportshub) I see more because I’m the admin IF YOU DO NOT SEE THESE GREEN BOXES WHEN YOU LOG IN OR IF YOU SEE THEM BUT WHEN YOU CLICK ON IT,` IT GIVES YOU AN ERROR CODE, I NEED TO KNOW THIS IMMEDIATELY—VNN NEEDS TO FIX THAT, SO I NEED TO CALL THEM. POST: This used to be called an article. They just changed the name to post. Think of a POST as an RSS feed about your sport or club. It’s more about current news and announcements than something that is ongoing and constant with your program. Pressbox actually creates a POST for you when you update it. Please note, to “attach” a POST to your specific sport or club, you can do this. Please see directions! CATEGORIES: The categories section as we knew it is gone. Ignore what’s there now. You will need to scroll down to where it says “TEAMS” and THIS is where you will start typing in your sport and click on the teams you want to attach the story too. It could be ALL the teams in your program, it could be just the level. That’s up to you. For example, you could type in BASKETBALL and it will automatically list all of the teams that match basketball. Just click on the teams and click ADD. If you want to add more than one team, just retype basketball and then pick the other one and click ADD. This will attach whatever you’re posting to your program. You can also write your own tag, and while it doesn’t provide direction to the computer with a tag, it will add the tag to your story so if someone googled it or searched the site, it may pop up with those key words. This is not required. It’s for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) PROGRAM LINK : If you remember, a program link is something that is ongoing with your program that you created as item to be included in a drop down menu. Most you added things like player expectations, information on your schedules, calendars and coaching info. These are now gone. VNN has added these things for us, they are under the MORE link within your sport’s pages and they are organized by LEVEL. This is nice because you can include specific information to EACH LEVEL, or you can make it exactly the same. These are now considered PAGES and they are found under the MORE menu on each of your sport’s specific pages. SCHOOL AND SPORTS PAGE: These have been eliminated. They have been replaced simply with “PAGES.” Unfortunately, while the purpose of this was to ease the process, it also eliminated your sport’s “landing page.” For example, on our old site, Wrestling had a general page wrestling The content on that page is no longer there because a Sports Page doesn’t exist. In order to create this, I had to get creative. If you look under the MORE tab on Wrestling for example, you’ll see “GENERAL PROGRAM INFO” This appears under both levels of the organization. We have expressed to VNN that we want the landing page back. Stay tuned. For now, the General Page is under MORE. If you don’t see yours there, let me know. PAGES: Pages have been simplified and we can build custom menus for your site and also order the items in whatever way you want. Take a look at your pages and let me know if you want anything added or deleted. Please note, “COACH INFO” is now under the MORE tab within your sport...or should be. If your info is missing, I am working on that. I think it is missing on both and there is an open ticket on this. The Coach Staff tab is another thing we’ve asked to have back. ACTIVITIES & PAGE ORGANIZATION: First, VNN (NOT SOUTH HS) ELIMINATED THE ACTIVITIES LINK UNDER THE NEWLY MIGRATED SITE. Their plan was to list them all under “COED VARSITY (insert activity name)” under the Year Round Sports Menu. They did this to give the activities as many options/bells and whistles as the sports pages. While they thought this was great, it was NOT great. No one in homework club, or Global Travel Club, wants to be known as Coed Varsity Homework Club or Coed Varsity Global Travel Club. Activities don’t need rosters, schedules or levels.. AS A WORKAROUND, I have manually created an Activities Menu under the MORE tab on the main screen. Each Activity has their own page. It is a simple page and they have access to update it, but the advisor needs a GetVNN user name and password….which is tricky because they don’t need or use Pressbox. If you are an advisor and would like this, please let me know. Otherwise, just send me your updates and I’ll do it for you for now. Dance and Cheer are the only Year Round Sports. PRESSBOX: Pressbox is the “app” on that allows you to report your scores and results. Once you log in and report a score, it will create an article, share it to the website, your page and social media, and will also update your record in the schedule and roster page. Also note that this isn’t a true “app” as you might think of from the app store, it is an application within the website. Don’t get confused by their verbiage. In order for your to get a Pressbox reminder, the event needs to be on R School. There are some issues with this because of how teams (esp when we are the visiting teams) approve contracts. Not to pick on wrestling, but wrestling is a good example. Some schools call it Wrestling, some call it Coed Wrestling, some call it Boys Wrestling. The goblackshirts calendar can only sync with ONE R School sport. So if your team is listed 3 different ways, only ONE of them will show up on our calendar. This is both a VNN program and a CONFERENCE r School today problem. We are discussing how to fix it. FYI, I can now change the visual label of all teams. So if you are JV2, vs FR, please let me know. For example, I changed Cheer to COED CHEER visually so a site visitor doesn’t see GIRLS CHEER and then photos of our Coed Team. PHOTO GALLERY: All of the sports still have photo galleries attached to them. They will fall under either a specific level OR all three levels of FR, JV and VAR, depending on how you tag them. Orientation Video: (please note---the videos are screen shot when the green buttons weren’t there—just a single button—they all take you to the same place, so just be aware) HOW TO CREATE A POSTThis is a helpful way to post something about your program. It could be a shout out to a player, a story about your community service event, info about an upcoming fundraiser or an announcement about Senior/Parent night or even your banquet. A post is just another way to share “news” about your organization. You can add media (videos, pictures, articles, etc) to your posts. You can also add links or embed other pages. Step 1: Login to like you do when you go to Pressbox. Click on GO TO POST to access the WordPress page which is what allows you to add, delete or edit your content. Step 2: Hover over the “+ new” tab at the top of the pageStep 3: Click on “POST”Step 4: Enter the title (Reminder, check your title for typos. It’s what creates your hyperlink. If you made a mistake, fix it and then click the little “edit” button next to the hyperlink and fix it there. If you do this before you save the page, it’s all good. If you notice the error after you save the page, you can change the title, but you cannot change the hyperlink) Step 5: Enter your story in the content box. If you want to add pictures, etc. click on the box that says "ADD MEDIA" and you can add pictures/document links. If you want to add a single photo that is like the header of your story, you can attach that picture if you scroll down the right side of the screen and upload it into the box that says "Set Featured Image". You won't see it on your screen, but you will see it when you publish it. Hyperlinks, etc all work like they do in MS Word. Step 6: THIS IS THE IMPORTANT STEP FOR ATHLETICS. See the box on the lower right side that says "TEAMS"... Type in your sport name and select the appropriate page(s) that you would like to tag the story to. This tells the computer to post this post not only on our home page, but also to your team’s page. Please do not select the check box on the upper right portion of the page states “FEATURED?“ unless it is super important and needs to be highlighted in the main slide show. Admin has the right to uncheck (Or check) this box if I feel it is appropriate to change this status. Step 7: Click “Publish”VIDEO: TO EDIT A POSTDid you make a mistake? No problem! Step 1: Login to your Dashboard. Click on GO TO POSTSStep 2: Find the Post. The easiest way to do this is to Click on MY SITES, VISIT, and the choose to visit the page. * You can also click on POSTS from the left hand menu and then search all of the posts for the one you published and click EDIT. Step 3: Go to your specific tab, find the POST that you published and need to edit. (NOTE: If you are editing your post because you forgot to tag it to your team, your post will only be found on the main page, not your sport’s specific page. Just scroll through and find it) Step 4: Open the POST on the page, ciick “EDIT” right below the headline, make your changes and click update. Your POST is updated! (Please note: if you change the TITLE, the link to the post will not change and you cannot fix what the social media links show once they are automatically sent out. So, always be careful to proof at least the headline very carefully. )* NOTE: While the method above is easier because you can see it, it does take a few more steps. Alternatively, you can also click on POSTS from the left hand menu and then search all of the posts for the one you published and then click EDIT. You will need to search ALL the posts that are on the site and not just yours so I have found that this can confuse some people. VIDEO: TO ADD A PAGE (Athletics Only) A “Page” is something you can create for information that you want to always remain on your site. For example, Team Expectations, Camp Information, Practice Schedules, etc These things are not “News”--they are parts of your program that you want to always be front and center and easily accessible. We create a Page and then can create menus for these pages. OR, we can create a page to create a link, but not index it and then put a the link to your un-indexed page within an article. If you have questions on this, please reach out. Step 1: Login to your Dashboard. Click on GO TO PAGEStep 2: Hover over the “+ new” tab at the top of the pageStep 4: Click on “School Page”Step 5: Enter the titleStep 6: Enter your information in the content box. If you want to add pictures, etc. click on the box that says "ADD MEDIA" and you can add pictures/document links.Step 7: Scroll down and select the “Program Link” under Page Type. When the pull down menu appears, select your sport. This will tie the program link to your sport page specifically.Step 8: Edit and manage just as any school page.Step 9: Click “Publish/Update”VIDEO: TO ADD A PAGE FOR ATHLETICS/BAND OR ACTIVITIES (“STEP 1”) A “Page” is something you can create for information that you want to always remain on your site. For example, Team Expectations, Camp Information, Practice Schedules, etc These things are not “News”--they are parts of your program that you want to always be front and center and easily accessible. OR, we can create a page to create a link, but not index it and then put a the link to your un-indexed page within an article. We used to call these program links. Now, we create a Page and then can create menus for these pages. For SPORTS, the extra pages are under your MORE tab on your page. For ACTIVITIES, each activity has it’s own page, and it’s on the ACTIVITIES MENU, which can be found by clicking MORE on the MAIN PAGE.* OR, we can create a page to create a link, but not index it and then put a the link to your un-indexed page within an article. If you have questions on this, please reach out. *Please NOTE: I have already created a page for each activity that has given me the information. If you page is blank (OR MISSING), please contact me...I still don’t have your info and I will create your initial page so all you need to do is maintain it. This is for your information only. Step 1: Login to your Dashboard. Click on GO TO PAGE Step 2: Hover over the “+ new” tab at the top of the pageStep 4: Click on “Page”Step 5: Enter the titleStep 6: Enter your information in the content box. If you want to add pictures, etc. click on the box that says "ADD MEDIA" and you can add pictures/document links.Step 7: Click “Publish/Update”Please note: this just CREATES the page. It doesn’t put it anywhere. Occasionally, this may be what you want, but usually you want to be able to add the page so it’s visible on your site. To do this, see STEP 2 VIDEO: TO ADD YOUR CREATED “PAGE” TO YOUR SITE (“STEP 2”) Step 1: Follow Steps in “HOW TO ADD A PAGE and PUBLISH the page. Step 2: Click on APPEARANCES off the main menu on the left sideStep 3: Find your team in the SELECT A MENU TO EDIT drop down menu and click SELECT. Step 4: Find the page you just created in the drop down menu on the left side and click it and THEN click ADD TO MENU in that same box. This will add that page to your menu structure that is in the box to the right. It will add it to the BOTTOM of that menu. You can drag the page up if you want or rearrange the order just by dragging it up or down. Step 5 : AFTER your menu looks how you want it to look, click SAVE MENU. You may notice there are two ‘SAVE MENU” buttons. I have yet to figure out the difference, so to be safe, click BOTH. Step 6: I always go back to the website and make sure it worked. You can just open a new tab with and take a look to make sure it’s under your MORE menu. If you have problems and can’t figure it out, please reach out to me. HOW TO EDIT A PAGE FOR ATHLETICS OR ACTIVITIES/GROUPSRemember “Pages” are what fall under MORE for the Sports AND Pages are ALSO being used for activities and groups to avoid having to list “coaching staff”, rosters, schedules and levels going forward. Step 1: Login to your Dashboard. Click on GO TO PAGEStep 2: Go to the page you are looking to edit, then click on the “EDIT” option located near the title of your page.Step 3: Enter text and pictures just as you would for an article, including the “Add Media” button located top left if you need to add media or a document link. Step 4: When ready, click the blue “UPDATE” button. VIDEO: TO UPDATE YOUR PRESSBOX (Athletics Only) Pressbox is where you will go to update your scores. Pressbox basically creates a headline, a post and updates the score on your schedule/record on the website. Step 1: Login to your Dashboard. Click on PRESSBOX. NOTE: Every LEVEL needs an assigned user. This can be the head/assistant varsity coach, the manager, or the individual level Head/Assistant Coaches. YOU choose how who you want to report your program scores. Each assigned coach will only see their specific level. Step 2: Click on PRESS BOXStep 3: Look for the game on your schedule (Note, the game time must be PAST for your to be able to update)Step 4: Click on the ICON to report scores. Step 6: Fill in the scores. (NOTE: if what is on the screen doesn’t make sense or is too time consuming, add the most basic info and just add text content and tell your story there)Step 7: Add some commentaryStep 8: .Click “Publish/Update” (Please also UNCHECK report to media and then PUBLiSH/SHARE)HELPFUL HINTS:Double check that you entered your HOME score and AWAY score in the right place. If you transpose it the computer will think you lost when you really won, or vice versa. While this is easy to fix, it generates the headline automatically and all of the social media links will be wrong and unable to be changed. If you make a mistake, you can fix it! All Pressbox really does is enter the score in your schedule and create a template article. To fix:WHILE LOGGED INTO , go to your page and click on the pressbox article that is wrong and open it.. Click EDITMake the changes and follow the directions on how to edit an article. CLICK UPDATEREMEMBER, the social media already went out wrong, since it auto-sends when the article publishes. You can change what people see when they open the link, but you can’t change what the link itself says. If you have problems, or need help, reach out to me. VIDEO: HOW TO ADD A PHOTO GALLERY Photo galleries are easy to create. Warning: If you are adding a lot of photos, it can sometimes take a long time. When our photographer posts pictures onto your gallery, they can sometimes take over an hour to load. Step 1: Login to your Dashboard. Click on GO TO PHOTOStep 2: Hover over the “+ new” tab at the top of the page and click New Gallery OR look down on the left side of the screen and look for Photo Galleries. . If you click Photo Galleries, you will also need to click ADD PHOTO GALLERY if you don’t want to use the New Gallery shortcut. Step 3: Title your Gallery (ie, Girls JV Cross Country Conference Meet 10/2017) Be specific--it helps create the social media URL and if you just say “10/2017 Meet” no one will know which sport it is.Step 4: Click INSERT MEDIA Step 5: CLICK CREATE GALLERY (this is a new step, and an important one) and then UPLOAD FILES and SELECT FILES. Choose your media off of your computer or flash drive that you want to load. Wait impatiently while it loads. This is good time to have an adult beverage. (Just checking if you read this far) Step 6: See the box on the right side that says "TEAMS"? Start typing in your sport, and then select the team/sport you want to attach to this gallery. This tells the computer to post this gallery not only to the general gallery page, but also to your sport’s gallery.Step 7: OPTIONAL-add comments/more info in the Gallery CommentsStep 8: OPTIONAL - add featured image (this is the cover page of your gallery)Step 9: Click PUBLISHNOTE; When you create a new gallery, it will automatically send them out on social media. NOTE: Once in awhile the gallery doesn’t post correctly. I see all the galleries when they post and if it looks off, I’ll go in and fix it. No worries. NOTE: Activities can also add galleries, but it won’t attach to your page. You have to type in your club (for example, Debate, into the teams box. Choose COED VARSITY DEBATE) and it will allow you to publish a gallery. You can insert individual photos right into the content of your page if you just want a few photos.) VIDEO: TO EDIT AN EXISTING PHOTO GALLERY Photo galleries are easy to edit/add to. Step 1: Login to your Dashboard. Click on GO TO PHOTOSStep 2: Click Photo Galleries on the left side of the screen and click VIEW PHOTO GALLERIESStep 3: Look for the gallery you want to edit and click it, then select “EDIT” Step 4:: Click INSERT MEDIA and choose the additional media off of your computer or flash drive that you want to load, or delete photos. (Why would you want to do that? Occasionally, a student wants a photo removed. I’ve had it happen a handful of times. We need to be respectful of that’s their photo)Step 5: See the box on the right side that says “TEAMS”? Look and make sure you have specified your team. This tells the computer to post this gallery not only to the general gallery page, but also to your sport’s gallery.Step 6: OPTIONAL-add comments/more info in the Gallery CommentsStep 7: OPTIONAL - add featured image (this is the cover page of your gallery)Step 8: Click UPDATE NOTE; When you add pictures, it will just edit the photo gallery. It will not automatically send them out on social media again. HELPFUL HINTS for both ADDING and EDITING: I find it easier to only add photos you’ve already edited. This will save a lot of time and frustration.If it seems like it’s taking forever, just go back and do it later. Sometimes the photo upload can be really annoying. Helpful hint: Swearing at your computer doesn’t help. I tried. :) The Booster Club has a volunteer (Matt Lewis) that has posted ALL of our photos on the site for us, with the exception of some drama pictures. He does his best, but cannot get to every single sport and game. IF YOU HAVE A PARENT OR FAN THAT TAKES PICTURES THAT YOU WANT LOADED ON YOUR PAGE, I CAN TRAIN THEM AND ADD THEM. PLEASE LET ME KNOW. VIDEO: TO ADD A PHOTO GALLERY (Activities Only) Due to some “work arounds” we are using to avoid clubs and activities being labeled as “COED VARSITY (insert club name)” you cannot add a photo gallery for clubs/activities. You CAN, however, share photos. Please know we are continuing to have dialogues with our vendor about this. Options: On your SCHOOL PAGE (see directions above), simply click “ADD MEDIA”and put your pictures right on your page. You can even add a featured image (lower right hand corner) and that picture will be a headline type picture. Add an ARTICLE (see directions above) and name your article “Photos from (event name” or something like that. While in article, click ADD MEDIA and insert the photos you want to share right in the article. SOME BEST PRACTICESThese are some bullet points about some best practices I’ve learned over the last year. We’ll talk about them and please take notes and ask questions if they apply to you. Google Docs/Calendar/Drive files are your friends. Use these on your site and all you need to do is maintain those documents and your site is always up to date.If you have a parent, coach, manager etc that takes lots of pictures, get them trained to use the site. You’re happy, fans are happy, your page looks great. Why not? (PSA: Make sure you trust the parent 100% with access to your page)Have a person AT EACH LEVEL trained to do their own pressbox posts. Not a computer person? It’s easy, but you can always farm it out to someone else. ALWAYS put your sport in the headline. If you don’t, when people read the article they won’t know who you’re talking about. Get to know how to use un-indexed pages to link onto your page. Share your social media on your page. You can embedd your twitter feed, for example. Use the Social Share buttons at the bottom of the articles/posts to share via your team’s social media. Just be sure you are logged in as your team’s admin or it will share on your personal page. USE PICTURES. People love pictures. Use them within your post. Using them within the article is fine but make sure to set a “featured image” so that image shows up on the story preview on the webstie. GET HELP ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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