
P.O. Box 621489Littleton, CO 80162-1489February 2010REMINDER TO ALL MEMBERSLockheed Martin's Workplace Security policy, CPS-565 is strictly enforced. One provision of the policy is a workplace free of weapons, which includes Firearms, Ammunition, Bows and Arrows. The club must emphasize this policy to our members. Additionally, a state issued CCW permit does not supersede nor over ride this LMA policy. Members wanting to store firearms or archery equipment during the day ONLY, must contact Gene Adamson (303-971-1531) or Dave Mulholland (303-977-3674) for access instructions.CLUB NEWS Club Elections 2010Club elections are upon us. We have an excellent slate of candidates on the ballot for the 2010 SHFC Board this year. Please find the ballot under separate cover with this newsletter. Included in the ballot is a paragraph from each candidate seeking office for 2010. Please help decide the leadership of the club and cast your vote. Completed ballots must be returned by February 1st, 2010. Please follow instructions on the ballot. The completed ballot can also be dropped off at the Clubhouse at the beginning of the February Board Members meeting on Monday February 1st at 5:15 pm.SHFC Annual BANQUET The Skyline Hunting and Fishing Club annual banquet will be held on Sunday 21 February 2010 at Las Brisas Restaurant, 6787 South Clinton, Greenwood Village. Arrival at 11:00 am with lunch served at 12 noon. Come and welcome the new board members, socialize with fellow members, see who takes home the Big Game Contest Trophies, door prizes and more. The price is $20 for adults, $10 for children 12-18 years old and kids 11 and under are free. Tickets will not be sold in advance, payment will be at the door. A reminder email with the restaurant directions and the menu for the Banquet will be sent out and posted to the website a week or so before the event.MEMBERSHIP RenewalAs a reminder, the current 2009 membership badges expire at the end of February, 2010. This year, we are going to run the membership renewal a bit different from what we have done in the past. The skyline club will email you your membership dues (minus any workbond you have had for the year). Members that get their newsletter via US Mail will receive their notice via US Mail. Once we receive your check, we will then mail you your 2010 membership badge. It is hoped that this process will be more convenient for our members and streamline the process for the club. Look for further details included with the membership dues notice. Members are encouraged to review their Work Bond history as it should be claimed and credited when renewing for the 2010 year. Still not too late to volunteer if you need workbond. Check the workbond article below for new work bond opportunities. Thank you to all of you that have dedicated time to the range and the club this past year! 2010 Foul Weather Shoot ResultsFor Additional info call Keith Davis @ 303-972-1661 .On-Ice ice fishing seminar reportTen people were at the parking lot ready to go at 2:30, a few more rolled in around 4:00 or so. The guide drilled the holes, set up the rods, and answered questions until at least 6:30. Six trout were caught throughout the early evening and one walleye bit at night arrived. It was a slow day but the key here was that we learned an awesomely effective system for hooking into walleyes and have the confidence that we are ready to catch more next week. Having a group of 10 anglers we could change colors and lure sizes to see if that was the issue. We also knew that if a walleye came even remotely close to us it would see our baits. I’m used to fishing with one or two others and I’m always wondering, “what if they were right over there?” The group was really fun to meet and hang out with and the kids actually caught the most fish.Anyways, the guide is going to give us a couple of other spots to fish next week. He guides out there multiple times every week so he usually knows what areas have fish and what areas don’t. I will send out another email next Tuesday indicating where to park and where we will be fishing. We typically have the largest group on the ice so if you come late we aren’t that tough to find. If you do buy equipment here is what you want:2 rods2 reelsThe best jigging rod for walleye is a medium action rod that’s 24-32 inches long. The best bobber rod for walleye is a medium light action rod of the same length. Buy the best reel you can afford.Both rods will also work for trout.4lb Berkley Trilene XT line in camo green is what the guide uses.Try to find “ice buster” bobbers. These are yellow foam bobbers with a red bottom. Buy the medium size. Buy a small bag of bobber stops (small strips of cord that hold your bobber in place and tell you how deep your spoon is jigging. Put one of these on each rod and cut the ends with 1” of extra line.For jigs buy the #6 size of the northland fire-eye grub in one or two colors. The lindy frostee jig also works. Truthfully, and jig that’s around 1/8 oz will work.For spoons, buy any medium sized spoon in chartreuse glow, silver, gold, and red glow. Pick a spoon style that you like the best.The club has extra bobber stops, bobbers, and jigs that you can use. We have a few extra rods too if it’s your first time out.SHFC members can “check out” the gas auger and bait bucket for the weekend (or weeknight) by emailing me the day before. 85725-561975 Board Meeting Minutes January 2009Skyline Hunting and Fishing ClubMinutesDate: 1 / 4 / 2010Meeting type:Board XMembership □Other □ Board Attendance:David Mulholland (President)XDavid Norris (Vice President)XCorey Kroll (Recording Secretary)XWalter Tang (Corresponding Secretary)XTom Frickell (Treasurer)XDennis Dal Pra (Past President)XSherry Woodard (Director 2011)□Tony Christensen (Director 2010)XKeith Davis (Director 2009)XMinutes: Dave Harrison – Fishing Chair – present. Call to order at 5:25 PM. Dave Harrison presented some venue changes for the ice fishing at Chatfield Reservoir.So far, 10 individuals e-mailed showing interest. Dave obtained a power ice auger for the club.Ice fishing will start Wednesday, January 6th. Stated that both trout and walleyes are biting. Membership renewal – Walter Tang wants to procure the range rules booklet for FY 2010And has asked for an “official” copy of the range rules. Motion from Keith Davis to provide anaddendum to the range rules noting the storage and display location for the red “range in use”flags. Motion carried. Corey Kroll to provide flag storage and display locations to Walter Tang. Tony Christensen suggested having a membership renewal safety test question regardinguse of the flags. All agreed that this is a good item to include on the safety test. Walter Tang brought up the issue of billing for the SHFC web site and that the mailingsneed to be sent to the clubs P.O. box rather than to particular individuals. Keith Davis will be taking over the club insurance issues from Ken Boetcher. The club received a notice from the IRS of late tax filing. The club’s accountant iscoordinating with the IRS over the matter. It appears that there is a mis-understanding withinthe IRS over the club’s fiscal year not aligning with the calendar year. The banquet date has been set for Sunday, February 21st, tentatively again at Las Brisas,although alternate venues are being considered (Roxboro golf course, Jack & Grill). Planningis for 100 guests for a proposed 11:00 to 2:30 time period. Similar budgeting provisions asfor last year’s banquet. The deadline to complete is January 18th. The club is in the processof developing the VIP guest list. The road grader located on the range will be made operational in preparation for sale. JackMalin and Dave Mulholland will coordinate the required maintenance and expedite the sale. Dave Mulholland will ask Scot Roby for a listing of gate card “swipes” from the range roadbarricade on a quarterly basis. Jamey Smith has agreed to continue to work the membership effort. Meeting adjourned at 6:30 PM. Minutes recorded by Corey Kroll, recording secretary, January 4, 2010, to be approved at next board meeting.December 2009 Members Meeting MinutesSkyline Hunting and Fishing ClubMinutesDate: 12 / 14 / 2009Meeting type:Board □Membership XOther □ Board Attendance:David Mulholland (President)XDavid Norris (Vice President)XCorey Kroll (Recording Secretary)XWalter Tang (Corresponding Secretary)XTom Frickell (Treasurer)XDennis Dal Pra (Past President)□Sherry Woodard (Director 2011)□Tony Christensen (Director 2010)XKeith Davis (Director 2009)XMinutes: Call to order 5:20 PM Introduction of new fishing chair, Dave Harrison, promoting the Wednesday, after work, Icefishing event. Roll call of officers present. Treasurers report – Tom Frickell: $115,000.00 balance. The club will be continuing to try and sell the grader for additional funds. Only $35,000.00 to $40,000.00 of the budget hasbeen used so far. Individual groups can ask the Treasurer for their groups’ account balance. Walter Tang provided a “reading” of the minutes from the previous BoD meeting frommemory as his notes were not available. The hunter education date for the Colorado Division of Wildlife is scheduled for June 27th. Funding was approved for fishing and for a $1000.00 club sponsorship of the new shootingrange being built in Como. This sponsorship will allow SHFC club members a one year ?price discount for use of the facility. The expected opening of the Como range is May 1st, 2010.More details will be provided as obtained. The 1st year membership cost will be $35.00, andthereafter it will cost $50.00. Lifetime membership can be obtained for $350.00. The annual banquet date has been set for February 21st with the venue still TBD. Membership is disappointed that the manual trap thrower, which was removed from servicewill not be repaired. The BoD will look into other options for installation of an alternate product. The December newsletter was stated as having been distributed with the Januarynewsletter to be to be published next week. Voting for next year’s slate of candidates for the Board of Directors will commence with theJanuary newsletter. All ballots will be due by February 4th. Membership renewal is coming up beginning January 2010. The club’s approximatemembership count is between 650 and 700 mittee Reports: Ron Steen – nothing to report; Mitch Arnold – hunter education scheduled for Archery andrifle. 2009 had 400-500 students. 8 animals were harvested on the company property in2009. One buck deer tested positive for CWD. Mitch is still awaiting a BoD quorum decisionon the decisions regarding the wounding of animals. Mitch Arnold received the ColoradoDivision of Wildlife hunter education instructor of the year for this area of Colorado; RaySchwindt – trap is not currently getting a lot of participation; Road conditions – road is gradedand is much improved; Keith Davis – foul weather shoot is scheduled for Saturday, January23rd; CMP/high power – The last high power match was cancelled due to frigid weather;Silhouette - matches still occurring as scheduled; NRA – 2010 training schedule is set; 3-gun- match set for this [12/19] Saturday; Skeet – shooting every other Friday, will also shootChristmas eve. at 11:00 AM; Muzzle loader – annual turkey shoot was successful, will pick upagain starting January 9th 2010.Unfinished Business: Red range in use flags – Don’t forget to deploy. Plant protection – Dave Mulholland toInitiate service request to replace phone at the 200 yard range.New Business: Nominations requested from the floor for club officers. Jim Cathcart and Tim AndersonNominated for President from the floor. Ron Gorski added as nominee for RecordingSecretary. Remainder of the slate of officers as candidates to be published. Dennis Caseymotioned to accept the ballot as presented, motion seconded, and approved by voice vote. Motion to close the meeting made and seconded. Meeting adjourned at 6:15 PM. Minutes recorded by Corey Kroll, recording secretary, December 14, 2009, to be approved at next members meeting.New Archery Hunting Regulations for hunting on LMSSC Property – Effective 2010 SeasonRecently the Board had a discussion regarding the possible consequences of a wounded deer or elk being sighted by non hunters with an arrow in it either on or close to the LMSSC property. Each year, SHFC has to get special permission for its members to participate in the archery only hunting on LMSSC property. Any adverse publicity may impact the possibility of that special permission being granted by LMSSC Management. To minimize the possibility of wounded animals being wounded and sighted by the non-hunting public, the Board has voted to incorporate the following new regulations for the possible 2010 season:If a hunter wounds an animal on LMSSC property and is unable to recover it, that particular tag is no longer valid for use on LMSSC property. The hunter may continue to hunt in an effort to recover the wounded animal only. The hunter may also continue to hunt using other tags valid for another species.Each hunter is on the honor system to notify the archery committee chairman as soon as possible that they have wounded an animal and to discontinue hunting other animals with that tag.Hunters that do not notify the archery committee chairman and are later proven to have wounded an animal will be subject to disciplinary action by the board under Article Number X of the By-Laws for unsportsmanlike conduct. We strongly encourage archery hunters to only take high percentage shots within their effective range to minimize the possibility of wounded animals being sighted on or near the LMSSC property.These regulations will be part of the annual permit letter signed by HR and they will be emphasized and briefed at the mandatory safety and security briefing held prior to the hunting seasons. 2009 SHFC Big Game ContestFor 2009 the SHFC Big Game Committee will?again be using the Boone & Crockett scoring system. Entries will be accepted for pronghorn, moose, bear, bighorn sheep, mountain goat, whitetail deer, mule deer, & elk in both typical and non-typical categories. Participants must be current SHFC members in good standing, spouses and direct dependents living with the SHFC member are also eligible. Contest entries from SHFC youth & females are particularly encouraged, even for harvesting female big-game animals. Big game animals must be legally taken in the State of Colorado in accordance with all Colorado Division of Wildlife regulations and without the services of a hired guide or outfitter.Scoring sheets & instructions are available from the B & C website, the link is those without internet access, contact Mike McKaig at 303-932-4766 or Dennis Casey at 303-971-7197 and we will provide a scoring sheet.Please submit the appropriate completed B & C scoring form and Fair Chase affidavit to: Dennis?M. Casey at?dennis.m.casey@ or mail stop L5030 or: Mike McKaig at DC3742 or mike.mckaig@. No entries will be accepted?after 01-31-10.In the event of closely-scoring entries the Big Game Committee may measure the antlers or request it be performed by an official B & C Club Measurer.Note: there is at least one official B & C Scoring Measurer in the Club and numerous others in the Denver Metro area, and there is no charge for this service.The final results will be presented at the annual SHFC Awards Banquet.WORK BONDThe latest list of work bond jobs is listed at the website . Click the “Workbond “ tab and then “ Job List”. Some near term work bond jobs are helpers during the renewal sessions in March. Checking your work bond to make sure it is up to date will help speed up the renewal process. If you want to volunteer for one of the jobs or a task you think needs to be done please contact the Work Bond Chair, Norm Viste at normviste@ or 303-904-1828. Work Bond that you volunteered for with a specific committee should still be coordinated through that committee chair who will coordinate with Norm. Thank you for your help and participation.Electronic GatePer the SHFC Range Rules, each club member is required to "wand" their electronic gate card at the electronic gate for accountability. This will also reset the arm’s timer so it doesn’t come down on your vehicle. If the gate is locked open, listen for the “beep” as confirmation that badge was read. Upon leaving the range, each person should push the gate open button so the arm’s timer is reset so it doesn’t come down on your vehicle on the way out.members inputIf you have club related pictures, stories, member news, comments, suggestions or questions, please send them to me walter.w.tang@ or other board member and I’ll put it on here. If it’s a question or suggestion, we’ll put the answer or board response on here also. Lost and Found at the RangeFound- Pocket knive found in the SHFC Range parking lot on January 2nd. Call or e-mail Corey Kroll at 303-977-5507 corey.kroll@ to identify and arrange for mittee NewsHUNTER EDUCATION 2010Regular Hunter EdThe 2010 schedule for the rifle/regular hunter education is listed below. The current instructors are Gene Adamson, Mitch Arnold, Don Biesecker, Dave Unruh, Jim Gilmore, Ron Steen, Bill Wilson, Mike Jacobs, Mike McKaig, Ken Ruiz, Margaret Rothermel, Clayton Allen, Bob Ventura, and Jim Ball. Hunter Education always needs help in both the classroom and range. If you are interested in helping out in either the rifle and/or archery hunter education courses contact: Gene Adamson at 1-1531 or Mitch Arnold at 7-2117 and we’ll get you started.Students must attend the 3 classroom sessions (Tues, Wed, & Thurs; 6:00 to 9:00 P.M.) and the range session (Saturday 8:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.) to complete the course. All classes will be held at the clubhouse in the SHFC recreation area. You must attend all four days in a month’s session. Cost for the class is $10. Pre-register by calling Mitch Arnold at 303-972-8983 or Bob Ventura at 303-752-1430. A minimum of 10 students are needed at the first class to continue the class. Classes are open to the public.Dates for 2010 Regular Hunter Ed:Feb 9, 10, 11 & 13 March 9, 10, 11 & 13 April 27, 28, 29 & May 1 May 18, 19, 20 & 22 June 8, 9, 10 & 12 August 24, 25, 26 & 28 September 28, 29, 30 & Oct 2 October 19, 20, 21 & 23 November 16, 17, 18 & 20Dates for Archery Hunter Ed:Complete course WednesdayJune 23 1800 to 2100ThursdayJune 24 1800 to 2100SaturdayJune 26 0800 to 1400Advanced one day courseSaturdayApril 240800 to 1700 SaturdayJuly 310800 to 1700Note: To attend the 1-Day Courses you must already have a Colorado Regular Hunter Education Card. Times: 3- Day Course: Weeknights: 6:00 – 9:00 PM; Saturdays: 8:00 AM – 2:00 PMTimes: 1-Day Course: Saturdays: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PMContacts:Don Biesecker 303-344-8880E-Mail: dskygazer@ Mitch Arnold 303-972-8983E-Mail: skydivermitchel@ Archery CommitteePlease read the article in the Club News Section above on new 2010 Season LMSSC Property Archery Hunt regulation.NRA CLASSES2009 NRA Pistol classes have completed all scheduled dates. The SHFC NRA course saw approximately 100 students attend Basic Pistol and Personal Protection in the Home classes. 2010 dates have been established and coordinated for the clubhouse. The currently scheduled dates for 2010 are (note some dates changes from last month):Basic PistolApr: Thu 08, Sat 10Jun: Thu 17, Sat 19, Mon 21Aug: Thu 12, Sat 14, Mon 16Sep: Thu 16, Sat 18, Mon 20Personal Protection in the HomeApr: Thu 15, Sat 17, Mon 19May: Thu 13, Sat 15, Mon 17Jul: Thu 15, Sat 17, Mon 19Aug: Thu 19, Sat 21, Mon 23Sep: Thu 23, Sat 25, Mon 27Oct: Thu 07, Sat 09, Tue 12Contact Tom Frickell at 303/971-5493 or tom.frickell@ for early signup. The class dates commonly fill up quickly, so don’t delay if there is a particular date that you find appealing.Winter 3-gunThe February 3-Gun is scheduled for Saturday February 27th. Start time of 9:00 am with setup starting at 8:15 am. We are planning on using the running deer target this month. So stage your gear at the 100 range and get ready for fun! For those new to 3-gun or multi-gun, we shoot pistol, shotgun and semi-auto carbine/rifle for a combination of accuracy and speed usually including movement and target transitions. Typical ammo requirement is roughly 25 rounds of pistol, 50 rounds of rifle, 25 rounds of shotgun (mostly birdshot and occasionally 5 rounds of slug and buckshot). Contact Dave Mulholland at 303-977-3674 or email david.b.mulholland@ to get on the mailing list. High PowerThe SHFC High Power matches are conducted every “Track A” off-Friday, finishing by noon or 1 PM. We welcome all types of high power service or match rifles; some choose to shoot the Garand or M1A but the AR15 is the choice of most. The club has three AR15s, a Garand, two shooting mats, and a spotting scope with stand which are available to use during matches. Check the club website for the regional schedule as well as articles for the aspiring High Power competitor. For further information, or to check out club equipment, please call Gene Adamson (1-1531) or Dennis Casey (1-7197) with any questions. YOUTH SHOOTING SPORTS PROGRAMSHFC will once again be offering a youth shooting sports program this year. This will consist of Firearm Safety Training, Small Bore Rifle, High Power Rifle, Shotgun, and Muzzle Loading. We will also be hosting Boy Scout shooting events. The programs are COED, and open to all youths between the ages of 12 through 19 and who have a valid safety or NRA firearms safety card in their possession for admittance to the SHFC range. A parental permission form is required.YOUTH SMALL BORESmall Bore Shoot – Saturday February 20th from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm at the pistol house. NRA four position rifle. Bolt Action iron sight .22 rifles only. Club rifles and ammo will be available. Contact Bill Wilson 303-979-4547, olbullets@YOUTH SHOTGUNYouth Shotgun Shoot- Saturday February 27th from 12 noon to 4:00 pm. Loaner Shotguns are available in 12 ga as well as 20 ga youth models. Light target ammo available at $6.50/ box or you may bring your own. Contact Bill Wilson 303-979-4547, olbullets@The shotgun program will consist of informal trap shooting, a trap league, and a couple of trips to a sporting clays range. We also have an opportunity to register one or more teams (5) in the National Shooting Sports Foundation, Scholastic Trap Program. These teams will participate in the Colorado State Shoot. Winners at the state level will get an expenses paid trip to the Grand American Tournament. If you have an interest in the Shotgun Program contact: Bill Wilson 303-979-4547 olbullets@ He will provide you with the details and sign up information.MUZZLE LOADING NEWSMuzzle Loading News and Score Sheet The Muzzle Loaders hold our matches on the 2nd Saturday of the month. If interested, come on out to our next shoot on Saturday, February 13, 2010, with a start time of 10:00 AM. This time of year matches can be cancelled because of adverse weather or road conditions. If it’s going to be below 42 degrees then the match has a high probability of being cancelled. Remember all are welcome, Percussion, Flint, In-line. For additional information, call Ken Ruiz at ext 7-7827.METALLIC SILHOUETTE MATCHESWe have 22 RF and High Power silhouette matches running. All new shooters are always welcome. Schedule is 1st Saturday of the month is 22 RF and the 3rd Saturday of the month for CF. Start time is 9:00 am at the 200 yard range. For more info call Ron Gorski @ 303-977-8474 or 303-904-8196 or Keith Davis @ 303-972-1661.Results for the January 2nd Rimfire Silhouette match:??Course Scores?No.Shooter857259525171450952518097595251143009525TotalPlace????????1Ron Gorski81088341stPct.?????85%?2Corey Kroll8858292ndPct.?????73%?3Keith Davis51058283rdPct.?????70%?4Tony Christensen4986274thPct.?????68%?5Tom Cox9853255thPct.?????63%?6Don Hodder6553196thPct.?????48%?7Hugh Zeiner6523167thPct.?????40%?8Ken Ruiz3506148thPct.?????35%?9Ken Boetcher3331109thPct.?????25%?10Duane Jones0503810thPct.?????20%?Results for the January 16th High Power Silhouette match:??Course Scores?No.Shooter1619259525219075952557150952511430028575TotalPlace????????1Ron Gorski1010109391stPct.?????98%?2Corey Kroll89105322ndPct.?????80%?3Frank Jarossy8657263rd (tie)Pct.?????65%?4Dave Mulholland6677263rd (tie)Pct.?????65%?5Keith Davis7468254thPct.?????63%?6Tom Fellon4748235thPct.?????58%?.22 RIMFIRE SPORTER MATCHThis activity is similar in format to the high-power service rifle competition and will follow the guidelines described in the Civilian Marksmanship Program guide.To encourage participation, SHFC will allow ANY rifle capable of firing .22 long rifle ammunition, either bolt action, magazine fed, or, semi-automatic. Any type of sights or scopes of no more than 6 X are allowable. (Variable power scopes which go beyond 6X, can be set to 6X max.) The match will be fired at distances of 50 and 25 yards using paper targets and will consist of unlimited sighting shots followed by 60 shots for record in position stages of prone, sitting or kneeling, and standing.No special equipment is required but a spotting scope or binoculars may be helpful during the sighting stage and a mat or carpet runner would be helpful for the prone and sitting stages. The club can provide these if one is not handy. This event is for both beginners and experienced shooters of all ages and is a fun, low cost activity which will definitely improve your marksmanship skills.This match will continue on the?1st Saturday of?every month, following the .22 rimfire silhouette match, beginning 11:00 am. For more information or any questions, call Corey Kroll @ 7-5507 or Gene Adamson @ 1-1531.Results for the January 2nd match:Skeet shootingWe will be shooting on off Fridays throughout the winter months with a start time of 11:00. Please contact Tim Anderson at (303) 797-3724 or Tom Moore at (303) 978-9432 with questions pertaining to weather issues or questions in general. In the month of February, we will be shooting on Friday 2/19 only. WE WILL NOT BE SHOOTING ON 2/5.. Trap SeasonTrap shoot occurs weekly on Thursday evenings has ended for the season. For the winter months starting in November, we are scheduling Sunday trap shoots starting at noon. Please contact Ray Schwindt at (303) 985-8072 for weather cancellations or if you have any questions. FishingAn informal ice fishing group will meet at the Chatfield every Wednesday in January and February weather and ice conditions permitting, contact David Harrison at 303-977-3509 David.R.Harrison@ to get on the email list for each week’s trips and meet locations then look for the Green Honda CR-V and a guy in a purple jacket. This activity is for members and non-members and is open on a drop in basis. No need to RSVP, or even show up on time. Stop by for half an hour if you want to see how they are biting. A current fishing license is all that is needed as extra rods and lures will be available. Chatfield is one of the best walleye lakes in the western USA and is right on the way home!Working late? Here’s how to make time for fishing: go in an hour early on Monday and Tuesday, then leave two hours early Wednesday afternoon. I learned this from my friends in the LMCO golf leagues. Eventually your manager will expect you to leave early on “fishing day”.Redding Reloading EQUIPMENTSHFC has a direct dealer account with Redding Reloading Equipment and for 2010 our discount is 50% off of the retail price.? Shipping is usually free.? Their web address is redding-?? Email me your order to my home email or call, and I will process it.?? Redding makes some outstanding equipment and you won’t find a better deal anywhere. I especially like their competition dies. Ordering resumes in January.? Thanks.? Vito 303-730-3459? medeangelis78@ Legislative ActionFrom our Legislative Action Chair, James Cathcart, 303-977-7263 or james.a.cathcart@CLASSIFIEDS(Please contact Walter at walter.w.tang@ for additions or changes.) RULES FOR CLASSIFIED ADS: Ads will ONLY be run for three months unless I hear from you. No exceptions. The new ads will be listed first in the order I receive them. Send me the ad at least one week before the end of the month to make sure it gets included in the next month’s newsletter.For Sale:2007 Bowtech Allegiance, 70lb., Right Hand, 29” Draw, Smooth Mods, TruGlo 5 pin front sight, HindSight rear sight, Octane Hostage Pro arrow rest, Limb Saver stabilizer, String Tamer, 6 arrow Bowtech quiver, TruFire Hurricane Release, Plano hard case, 15 Goldtip arrows, Slick Trick 100 grain broadheads, Tackle box w/too many extras to list, Used for a season and a half, Over $1200 invested(bare bow alone-$700), Asking $850 for everything(selling as a package), Contact Bill Shafar at (303)971-0095 or william.c1.shafar@ (02/2010)For Sale:1) Ruger 1H, African, .416 Rigby, like new condition, plus dies, loads and bullets. $1100.00 See photo below. Please call for more photos.2) CVA percussion rifle, .05 cal., brown ironworks, maple stock, pewter forend cap and German silver patch box. $500.00 See photo below. Please call for more photos.3) Old Town "Tripper" canoe, 16.5 ft expedition style, maple twarts, gunnels and newly caned seats, plus motor board, battery mount, and Minn Kota 27 lb thrust motor. $1000.00+ new. Sell for $700.00.4) 12 foot Inflatable pontoon boat w/rowing platform and seat, whitewater capable. Excellent condition. $1400.00 new. Sell for $500.00Please contact Bob Boyd 303.798.1740 rockie427@ (02/2010)For Sale:2-100 round boxes Winchester 40 S&W 165GR Full Metal Jacket. $30/ea OBO. Call Tom 303-269-6420 or email Thomas.w.howard@ (02/2010)For Sale:40S&W Ammo: 409 rounds of Sellier & Bellot 180 gr FMJ; 245 rounds of American Eagle 180 gr FMJ; 50 rounds of 155 gr Premium Federal Hydra-Shock. All for $270. Contact Todd Girkins: tgirkins@ or 303-697-1615 evenings (02/2010)For Sale:Beretta Model 96, .40 S&W with original box, two original 11 rd. magazines and one additional 10 rd. magazine. Contact Marty Masters at (303) 798-9114 or m54128masters@ . Asking $500.00 (02/10)For Sale:1000 CCI Small Pistol Magnum primers, 1200 CCI Large Rifle Magnum primers. Looking to trade for equal number of Small Pistol, Large Pistol, Small Rifle, or Large Rifle primers. (no Wolf). Corey Kroll, 303-977-5507, corey.kroll@ (02/10)For Sale:1) AMT Automag IV, 45 Winchester Magnum – Excellent condition, bought new in 1998, fired approximately 50 rounds, and has sat in the safe ever since (except for periodic cleaning). Includes 3 mags (1 brand new) and some brass and ammo. $650 2) Smith and Wesson Sigma 40, 40cal, 1997 Limited edition – excellent condition, includes 2 ten round magazines, 3 used 15 round factory magazines, and 6 brand new 15 round factory magazines. $400 3) Smith and Wesson model 645 45acp - very good condition, includes 3 used magazines and 3 brand new factory magazines, still in wrapper. $350 Please contact Michael.b.dean@ or 303-921-1176 (02/10)For Sale:280 rounds of South African 7.62 x 51mm (.308) ammo. Headstamp A80 R1M1. $160. Contact Dave Hall, david.s.hall@ or 303-971-9994 (12/09)For Trade:Savage Arms .17HMR Model 93R (Wood stock, scope bases, no sights, 5 round detachable magazine). Looking to trade for a Ruger 10/22 or other .22LR rifle. Contact Eric Sze at eric.sze@ and 908-240-9285 (12/09)For Sale:Ruger M77 Mk II .338 Win Mag with Burris FullField II 3-10x Ballistic Plex Scope. 80 rounds run thru. 1 box Remington .338 Win Mag 225 gr. Contact Mike Watson at (303)973-4570 or mwatson11061@ . Asking $500.00 (11/09)For Sale:AimShot HG-M1 Holographic sight. $80.00. Ed Barthlome 720.260.3941 email: Ebarthlome@ (11/09)For Sale:Ruger .22 Pistols: 1). Mk I Target: .22 LR semi-auto target pistol, blued, 6.75" tapered target bbl., factory muzzle compensator (rare), Micro adj. rear sight, Franzite target grips (plastic), 1958, $400; 2). Mk I Target: .22 LR semi-auto pistol, blue, 5.25" tapered heavy target bbl. (rare), Micro adj. rear sight, black hard rubber grips w/single black eagle medallion, 1954, $375; 3). Standard Model: .22 LR semi-auto pistol, blue, 4.75" tapered bbl., black hard rubber grips w/single black eagle medallion, 1955, $250. Pictures available. Contact Dennis, woodsman@ (11/09)For Sale:Accurate Arms 3100, 8#, unopened keg, $120. Call Steve, 303-676-6848 days, 720-299-4868 eves (11/09)SunMonTueWedThuFriSatFebruary 1stSHFC Board Meeting5:15 pm at Clubhouse.Ballots Due Ballots can be dropped off in person at the beginning of the board meeting.2nd3rdIce Fishing 3 pm @ Chatfield. David Harrison 303-977-35094th5thOFF FRIDAYHigh Power Match09:00 @ 200 yard range, Gene 303-971-1531 6th22 RF Metal Silhouette 9:00 – 12:00 pm @ 200 yard range Ron 303-977-8474RESTRICTED22 RF Sporter Match11:00 am –2:00 pm @ 200 yard range Corey 303-977-5507RESTRICTED 7thTrap Shotgun range, 12 noon start Ray 303-985-80728th9th Hunter EdSHFC Clubhouse 6 to 9 pm. Mitch Arnold 303-972-898310th Ice Fishing 3 pm @ Chatfield. David Harrison 303-977-3509Hunter EdSHFC Clubhouse 6 to 9 pm. Mitch Arnold 303-972-898311thHunter EdSHFC Clubhouse 6 to 9 pm. Mitch Arnold 303-972-898312th13thMuzzleloader Shoot@ 200 yard range 10:00 am start. Ken Ruiz 303-977-7827 RESTRICTED Hunter Ed @ Range8:30 am to 3:00 pm @ 100 yard RESTRICTED Shotgun range with permission of instructor. Gene Adamson 303-971-153114thTrap Shotgun range, 12 noon start Ray 303-985-807215th16th17thIce Fishing 3 pm @ Chatfield. David Harrison 303-977-350918th19thOFF FRIDAYHigh Power Match09:00 @ 200 yard range, Gene 303-971-1531 Skeet 11 am Shotgun range. Tom Moore 303-978-9432 or Tim Anderson (303) 797-372420thCF Metal Silhouette9:00 – 12:00 noon @ 200 yard rangeRon 7-8474RESTRICTED Youth Smallbore@ Pistol House 12 pm to 4 pmBill Wilson303-979-4547 RESTRICTED21stAnnual Banquet22nd23rd24th Ice Fishing 3 pm @ Chatfield. David Harrison 303-977-350925th.26th27thYouth Shotgun@ Shotgun range 12 noon to 4 pm Bill Wilson 303-979-4547 Winter -3-gun@ 100 and 200/300 range 8 am to 12 pmDave303-977-3674 RESTRICTED 28thTrap Shotgun range, 12 noon start Ray 303-985-8072March 1stSHFC Board Meeting5:15 pm at Clubhouse.2nd3rd4th5thOFF FRIDAYHigh Power Match09:00 @ 200 yard range, Gene 303-971-1531 Skeet 11 am Shotgun range. Tom Moore 303-978-9432 or Tim Anderson (303) 797-37246th22 RF Metal Silhouette 9:00 – 12:00 pm @ 200 yard range Ron 303-977-8474RESTRICTED22 RF Sporter Match11:00 am –2:00 pm @ 200 yard range Corey 303-977-5507RESTRICTED 7thTrap Shotgun range, 12 noon start Ray 303-985-80728thSHFC Members Meeting5:15 pm at Clubhouse.9thHunter EdSHFC Clubhouse 6 to 9 pm. Mitch Arnold 303-972-898310thHunter EdSHFC Clubhouse 6 to 9 pm. Mitch Arnold 303-972-898311thHunter EdSHFC Clubhouse 6 to 9 pm. Mitch Arnold 303-972-898312th13thMuzzleloader Shoot@ 200 yard range 10:00 am start. Ken Ruiz 303-977-7827 RESTRICTED Hunter Ed @ Range8:30 am to 3:00 pm @ 100 yard RESTRICTED Shotgun range with permission of instructor. Gene Adamson 303-971-1531SHFC February 2010 Calendar ................

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