
Reading (50 points)

A Read the article and answer the questions that follow.

|5 |Collision Sports |

|10 |by Charles Ford |

|15 |It’s almost the end of the first half. The football player catches the ball but falls to the ground when his opponent runs into him. Four |

|20 |other players jump on top of them while excited fans scream encouragement. Welcome to the world of collision sports. |

|25 |Collision sports are games where the players collide or run into each other on purpose as hard as they can. While sports like basketball or |

| |baseball have rules limiting touch, physical contact is an important part of collision sports. It’s the rough action that makes sports like |

| |football and ice hockey so popular. For example, in ice hockey, the players skate at speeds of up to 120 kilometers an hour and may be hit |

| |by a hockey stick or by other players who crash into them. |

| |Therefore, it is not surprising that accidents are more severe in collision sports than in sports where there are rules limiting touch. |

| |Although athletes wear safety gear like helmets, they suffer a wide range of injuries to various parts of the body. Sometimes, an injury |

| |will end a player’s career. New York Jets football player, Dennis Byrd, suffered a neck injury when he ran straight into another player |

| |during a game in 1992. Byrd was paralyzed* from the neck down. He recovered partially and learned to walk again. His career was over, but |

| |Byrd knows that he is lucky to be alive. |

| |Collision sports also have a reputation for violence, since the constant physical contact encourages aggressive behavior. Fighting between |

| |players is an acceptable and important part of ice hockey. One player even claims that the fans are probably more interested in the fights |

| |on the ice than in the game itself. He jokes that without fights, the game would be boring and the fans would feel the cold more! But for |

| |many fans, the increasing level of violence is no joke. One blogger was so concerned about the dangers that he posted a list of more than 40|

| |football players who have suffered brain injuries because of extreme violence. On the other hand, there are bloggers who insist that safer |

| |football would ruin the character of the game that they love. |

| |Will collision sports change? Probably not. The action and excitement are too much for fans to give up even though they know there’s a price|

| |to pay. |

*paralyzed משותק / مشلول

1. What are we told about collision sports in lines 1-8?


a. what happens at games

b. what the rules are

c. how they began

d. why fans like them

e. what the players wear

f. how fast games are played

(2 x 5 = 10 points)

2. Name two differences between basketball and collision sports.

Take your answers from two different paragraphs. (lines 4-15)

1. In basketball, .

2. In basketball, .

(2 x 5 = 10 points)

3. COMPLETE THE SENTENCE. (lines 9-15)

We can understand that Dennis Byrd never .

(5 points)

4. Ice hockey players are often aggressive on purpose because … . (lines 16-23)

a. they are violent people

b. the fans like it

c. they want to keep their reputation

d. they enjoy the game more

(5 points)

5. One fan posted a list of players on his blog in order to show … . (lines 16-23)

a. why he supports this team

b. that football should be made safer

c. who played football that season

d. what rules should be changed

(5 points)


In lines 24-25 we learn why fans .

(5 points)

7. In the writer’s opinion, … .

a. collision sports will continue to be aggressive

b. changing the rules will ruin collision sports

c. the players should stop taking risks

d. the fans shouldn’t encourage violence

(5 points)

B Which of the bloggers’ opinions in lines 20-24 do you agree with? Explain.

(5 points)

Vocabulary (20 points)

A Match A to B to make sentences. (10 points)


1. His opponent

2. The girl gained the trust of the cat

3. I think it would be fascinating

4. Peter has the confidence

5. The audience consisted of

6. The celebrity tried to disguise herself

7. My friends are very supportive

8. As a result of her teaching methods,

9. I can cope with babysitting three children

10. They could tell by their mother’s expression


a. by wearing glasses and a big hat.

b. to speak in public.

c. when I’m upset.

d. the students’ grades improved.

e. won the match.

f. that she was angry.

g. people who like classical music.

h. by feeding it every day.

i. to visit India.

j. because I have experience.

B Complete the sentences with the words below. Make any necessary changes.

(10 points)

estimate claim react last local origin

defend discipline insist remain

1. There is very strict …………………… in the army.

2. The technician gave us an …………………… of 500 shekels to fix the computer.

3. Many English words are of Greek and Latin ……………………. .

4. She always …………………… on having things her way.

5. How did you …………………… when you got the email from Dan?

6. Passengers had to …………………… in their seats during most of the flight.

7. Buy a big bottle of shampoo. It will …………………… longer.

8. I live down the street from the …………………… supermarket.

9. The old woman …………………… herself by hitting the thief with her purse.

10. He …………………… that yoga is good for your health.

Language (20 points)

A Complete the sentences with the correct form of the Past Simple or the

Past Perfect Simple. (8 points)

1. Mom ………………………… (already cook) the meal when the guests ………………………… (call) to say they weren’t coming.

2. After the soccer team ………………………… (win) last week’s game, the fans ………………………… (go) to the beach to celebrate.

3. I ………………………… (not realize) until it was too late that I …………………………

(not bring) enough water for the hike.

4. The students ………………………… (give) the science teacher the lab report as soon as they ………………………… (finish) the experiment.

B Circle the correct form of the verbs. (8 points)

Charlie wants to take driving lessons, so he is working after school to earn money. Today he has a problem:

1. If he goes / will go to work, he won’t have / doesn’t have time to study for the big math test tomorrow.

2. Unless he studies / will study, he gets / will get a low grade.

3. The moment his grades drop / will drop, his parents don’t let / won’t let him keep

his job.

4. If he won’t work / doesn’t work, he won’t earn / doesn’t earn enough money to pay for driving lessons.

C Use the words below to write sentences with the Present Simple and Future Simple. Make any necessary changes. (4 points)

1. Mike’s performance / improve / once / he / begin / to practice

2. the girls / volunteer / to help / if / I / ask / them / ?

3. as soon as / the weather / get warmer / we / not have / to wear / our coats

4. dinner / never / be ready / unless / you / turn on / the stove

Writing (10 points)

Write a report about an event that traditionally takes place where you live. Write 80-100 words. Give examples in your composition.

You may write about the following points:

• what the event is

• where it takes place

• how long it has been a tradition

• how it has changed over the years

• why the event is special


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