Run powershell script from batch file with parameters


Run powershell script from batch file with parameters

?Sorry to interruptCSS Error This simple batch file will enable a PowerShell script file (*.ps1) to execute with Administrator permissions in Windows. When preparing PowerShell code for others to use, it's a lot easier to wrap it up as a PowerShell script file (*.ps1) and then execute it from a batch file (*.bat). There are several good reasons for doing this: `Ordinary users' are often confronted by PowerShell and baulk at using it ("it looks scary").When a user double-clicks on a PowerShell script file (*.ps1) the default action is to open the file in Notepad (or similar) rather than executing it. This causes confusion ("it doesn't work").If the script relies on Administrator permissions to run properly, there is additional rigmarole for users to get this to work properly.Double-clicking on a file/icon is intuitive for 99% of the population. I have a number of scripts which co-workers rely upon. Each script is saved as a *.ps1 file and activated via a *.bat file which in turn is linked-to on each users' desktop via a shortcut (*.lnk). If I ever need to upgrade a script, I simply change the *.ps1 file and link to the new version using the *.bat. Because the desktop shortcuts for each user point to the *.bat, I never need to involve them when I update my work. Easy! Some of my scripts require Administrator permissions to work. I have found the following batch file code to work well in activating PowerShell scripts with Administrator privileges: PowerShell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& {Start-Process PowerShell -ArgumentList '-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File ""c:\path\to\file\script.ps1""' -Verb RunAs}" Simply change the file path to point to the *.ps1 file. Keeping it simple for users As previously stated, I create shortcuts that point to *.bat files so that users can then place these on their desktops for ease-of-use. When first creating shortcuts, there is a requirement to right-click on the shortcut, select "Properties", go to the Shortcut tab and then click "Advanced..." to choose the "Run as Administrator" option. Shortcuts to the *.bat files used to execute PowerShell scripts should be set to "Run as Administrator" by default. Once that's done, it's ready to roll. To run the script, a user just double-clicks on the shortcut. Microsoft Windows will still require users to respond to the User Account Control prompt, but the script will then execute seamlessly because the Batch file has instructed PowerShell to run with Administrator permissions. Users will still have to respond to a single User Account Control prompt when using a *.bat that requires Administrator permissions. Should it be desired to hide the PowerShell window whilst it runs, start the *.bat file with the following code: PowerShell -WindowStyle Hidden -NoProfile.... Note that the PowerShell window may still briefly appear when this code is used, but only momentarily. Have Your Say How do you put PowerShell code into a batch/cmd file without having to also have a separate .ps1 file? (If you can have an external .ps1 file ? you just invoke powershell.exe and supply the path to the script file as parameter.) I got this question recently from one of our field guys and thought I would blog about the trick publicly. The problem is that PowerShell syntax can obviously have elements that .bat files cannot stand, and that you cannot pass multiline script as powershell.exe parameter. There are actually a couple of ways to do so: 1. Encode the script: As Bruce points here PowerShell has the EncodedCommand parameter, which lets you pass any PowerShell code as base-64-encoded string. So if you have some sort of script, like this: #iterate numbers 1 through 10 1..10 | foreach-object { # just output them "Current output:" $_ } You simply (in PowerShell command-line or script) put it in curcly brackets and assign (as scriptblock) to a variable: $code = { #iterate numbers 1 through 10 1..10 | foreach-object { # just output them "Current output:" $_ } } Then use this PowerShell command to get the encoded version: [convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($code)) Then copy/paste the output of the command to your batch file: powershell.exe EncodedCommand DQAKAAkAIwBpAHQAZQByAGEAdABlACAAbgB1AG0AYgBlAHIAcwAgADEAIAB0AGgAcgBvAHUAZwBoACAAMQAwAA0ACgAJADEALgAuADEAMAAgAHwAIABmAG8AcgBlAGEAYwBoAC0AbwBiAGoAZQBjAHQAIAB7AA0ACgAJACMAIABqAHUAcwB0ACAAbwB1AHQAcAB1AHQAIAB0AG gAZQBtAA0ACgAJACIAQwB1AHIAcgBlAG4AdAAgAG8AdQB0AHAAdQB0ADoAIgANAAoACQAkAF8ADQAKAAkAfQANAAoA 2. Keep the code as PowerShell but turn it to a string: If the first approach for whatever reason does not work for you (e.g. you care about readability), you can try to flatten the script and pass it as a string: Take the PowerShell script. Remove all the comments ( everything that starts with #). Put ; at the end of each line. Remove all line breaks. Supply the string you get as the -command parameter for powershell.exe. The reason for all of this is that powershell.exe (the executable which allows you to run any PowerShell code allows you to either start an external .ps1 script file (which often creates additional complexity of having to maintain and ship 2 files) or execute a single line of PowerShell code as the -command parameter. Hence the requirement to flatten the script and turn something like this: #iterate numbers 1 through 10 1..10 | foreach-object { # just output them "Current output:" $_ } into: powershell.exe command '1..10 | foreach-object { "Current output:"; $_; }' See also this blog post by MoW on making PowerShell pass its exit code to command files. Tags: KB, Knowledge Base, Known Issues, PowerShellAdd to: | Technorati | Digg | | Yahoo | BlinkList | Spurl | reddit | Furl | I had created an article earlier for running powershell script from Uipath. However, some scripts need to be run as Administrator and so it gets difficult to run the script via Uipath. The solution below uses a batch file to run powershell with administrator privileges. Let's consider an example where user needs to work on two different windows services. Start a windows service (Requires to be run as Administrator) Get the info about a windows service and save it to text file (This does not require to run as administrator, but added for parameters example) The user will then create a powershell script and pass the two service names as parameters. Create Powershell Script as below StopService and GetServiceStatus are the input parameters to this script. Both are names of the services. The first one will be stopped and second one's status will be saved to text file. Save the powershell script as PSScript.ps1 Create Batch File as below: %1 and %2 are input arguments to batch file and this will be passed as parameters to Powershell script. The arguments names `StopService' and `GetServiceStatus' should match to the ones used in Powershell script. (The batch file supports up to 9 parameters. You can add or remove the parameters as per need.) Save the batch file as PSScript.bat Note: Use same name for batch file and powershell file as per bat file logic. Alternativley, you can try to pass the Powershell script file name as a parameter to batch file. Run the Batch file from Uipath by using Start process activity. Create two variables for passing the arguments and assign the values to them (PS_StopService and PS_GetServiceStatus). Combine these variables into single space seperated string and save (Bat_Arguments). Use start process activity and provide the file path of batch file created earlier. Pass the arument `Bat_Arguments'. Run the XAML file. Check if the service name passed to `PS_StopService' is stopped. Check if the information is logged for service name passed to `PS_GetServiceStatus'. Example is attached. (23.2 KB) Some Important Points: "powershell ?ExecutionPolicy Bypass" will start a PowerShell session that allows for running scripts and keeps the lowered permissions isolated to just the current running process as explained here -Verb RunAs - Starts PowerShell by using the Run as administrator option. Details here References: Invoking powershell in administrator mode Build Hello, I'm trying to invoke powershell command but it will only work in administrator mode, any way to do that? Daniel Schroeder's Programming Blog ? 17 Nov 13 Aside - This post has received many tangential questions in the comments. Your best bet at getting an answer to those questions is to check Stack Overflow and/or post your question there. How to run a batch file in UIPath? Build Hi Everyone, Actually i was looking for a batch File process automation.Can anyone please provide me with a simple small demo of it? And I am creating a Batch File for Simply creating a folder 3-4, but i am saving that bat file as "D:\UI Path Project\BatchFile\s.bat". Then My UI Project available folder was " C:\Users\ravi_d\Documents\UiPath\Calculator\BatchFile.xaml" . i am using the control START PROCESS set as - File Name : "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe". Arguments : "D:\UI Path Projec... How to Integrate PowerShell with UiPath- Step by Step guide FAQ How to Integrate PowerShell with UiPath This topic is a step by step guide for integrating Powershell with Uipath. There is an `Invoke Powershell Activity' available in Uipath which can be used to run the powershell scripts. For our example purpose, let us consider a simple powershell script which gives us the status of windows services on the machine. This script will have two input parameters: ? ServiceState (String) ? To get the status of service. For e.g. `Running' , `Stopped' etc ? Outp... Let's say you would like to pass the string Dev as a parameter, from your batch file: powershell -command "G:\Karan\PowerShell_Scripts\START_DEV.ps1 Dev" put inside your powershell script head: $w = $args[0] # $w would be set to "Dev" This if you want to use the built-in variable $args. Otherwise: powershell -command "G:\Karan\PowerShell_Scripts\START_DEV.ps1 Environment \"Dev\"" and inside your powershell script head: param([string]$Environment) This if you want a named parameter. You might also be interested in returning the error level: powershell -command "G:\Karan\PowerShell_Scripts\START_DEV.ps1 Dev; exit $LASTEXITCODE" The error level will be available inside the batch file as %errorlevel%. Assuming your script is something like the below snippet and named testargs.ps1 param ([string]$w) Write-Output $w You can call this at the commandline as: PowerShell.Exe -File C:\scripts\testargs.ps1 "Test String" This will print "Test String" (w/o quotes) at the console. "Test String" becomes the value of $w in the script. When a script is loaded, any parameters that are passed are automatically loaded into a special variables $args. You can reference that in your script without first declaring it. As an example, create a file called test.ps1 and simply have the variable $args on a line by itself. Invoking the script like this, generates the following output: PowerShell.exe -File test.ps1 a b c "Easy as one, two, three" a b c Easy as one, two, three As a general recommendation, when invoking a script by calling PowerShell directly I would suggest using the -File option rather than implicitly invoking it with the & - it can make the command line a bit cleaner, particularly if you need to deal with nested quotes. To prepare a new batch script, save the file as plain ASCII text with the file extension .CMD A batch file can be run by double clicking it in Windows explorer, or by typing the name/path at the command line, optionally passing any parameters needed. From the start menu: START > RUN c:\path_to_scripts\my_script.cmd, OK If the filename includes any spaces, then you will need to surround the command with quotes: "c:\path to scripts\my script.cmd" Open a new CMD prompt by choosing START > RUN cmd, OK From the command line, enter the name of the script and press return. C:\Batch> Demo.cmd or C:\Batch> c:\path_to_scripts\my_script.cmd param1 param2 This can be made easier by creating a shortcut for the start menu or taskbar. To run a batch file from within another batch file, use the CALL command, otherwise the first script will start the second script and immediately exit, so any further commands in the first script will not run. It is also possible to run batch scripts with the old (Windows 95 style) .BAT extension, but be aware that these will run in 16 bit compatibility mode, and that sets the ERRORLEVEL according to the old MSDOS rules. The environment Variable %CmdCmdLine% will expand into the original command line passed to CMD.EXE When a batch file is launched from the command line %CmdCmdLine% will return: C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe param1 When a batch file is launched by double clicking in Windows Explorer or START > RUN, %CMDCMDLINE% will return: C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c ""C:\demo\batch.cmd param1 The /c can be used to detect the start mode: Echo %CmdCmdLine% | findstr /c:" /c " >nul && Echo Started with a double click. To run a PowerShell script from the CMD shell: C:\> powershell -file "c:\batch\demo.ps1" With arguments: C:\> powershell -file "c:\batch\demo.ps1" filename1.txt Testing If the arguments need quotes you will need to triple them so they are escaped: C:\> powershell -file "c:\batch\demo.ps1" """\Path To\filename1.txt""" """A Test string""" When calling PowerShell from CMD be aware that a comma is a CMD delimiter, this makes it impossible to pass an array of comma separated values to PowerShell. item1,item2,item3 is treated the same as item1 item2 item3 To run a VBScript from the CMD shell: C:\> cscript c:\batch\demo.vbs "The method of the enterprising is to plan with audacity and execute with vigor" ~ John Christian Bovee When a script is loaded, any parameters that are passed are automatically loaded into a special variables $args. You can reference that in your script without first declaring it. As an example, create a file called test.ps1 and simply have the variable $args on a line by itself. Invoking the script like this, generates the following output: PowerShell.exe File test.ps1 a b c "Easy as one, two, three" a b c Easy as one, two, three As a general recommendation, when invoking a script by calling PowerShell directly I would suggest using the -File option rather than implicitly invoking it with the & - it can make the command line a bit cleaner, particularly if you need to deal with nested quotes. CodeProject, 20 Bay Street, 11th Floor Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5J 2N8 +1 (416) 849-8900 By: Koen Verbeeck | Updated: 2020-12-07 | Comments | Related: More > Integration Services Development This webinar covers more advanced development concepts of SSIS like variables, looping, debugging, script tasks and more. Problem I have a script written in PowerShell, which needs to be executed as part of a larger ETL process. We use Integration Services to implement this process. However, I cannot seem to find a task which can execute PowerShell scripts? How can this be done in an Integration Services package? Solution Integration Services (SSIS) is a mature ETL tool part of the Microsoft Data Platform. It supports a variety of sources and can perform many tasks. However, there's no native support to directly execute a PowerShell script, such as we do have for example for executing SQL scripts. Luckily, there's an easy work around: the Execute Process Task. This task can execute any application or batch file. As such, it can also call the PowerShell.exe executable to execute a PowerShell script. Executing a PowerShell Script from the Execute Process Task Sample Script In this tip we'll use a short PowerShell script to illustrate the implementation in SSIS. There's no need for a complex script, the focus is on the integration in the SSIS package. This sample script takes two integer input parameters, multiplies them and returns the result: #declare calling params param( [int] $input1, [int] $input2 ) #multiple inputs $result = $input1 * $input2 #write output Write-Host $result An example of an execution of the script: With this script, we can test how we can pass input parameters to the script, but also if we can capture the output. Sample Package The SSIS package is straight forward: one Execute Process Task to execute the PowerShell script and one Execute SQL Task. This last task serves only as a dummy and is used to create a precedence constraint after the Execute Process Task. Two package parameters are created for the input variables: If you're working with the SSIS package deployment model (where parameters are not available), these can be replaced with normal SSIS variables. For the output, a variable is created: Its default value is set to 0, so we can easily check if the value was overwritten by the Execute Process Task. The Execute Process task needs to be configured in the following manner: Executable: The full path to the application you want to execute. In our case, powershell.exe. On a Windows machine, this should be: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe. Don't be misled by the v1.0 in the path name, it doesn't necessarily indicate the actual PowerShell version. Arguments: The command line arguments for the executable specified the line above. For PowerShell, we need to specify the ExecutionPolicy and the command. The command contains the location of the PowerShell script and the two input variables. StandardOutputVariable: the output variable to which we want to write the result of the script. In the example above, the two input variables are hard-coded into the command. To pass the values of the two parameters, we'll need to use an expression. Let's create another variable of the string data type. The following expression is used: "-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -command \"C:\\poshscript\\Test.ps1 " + (DT_WSTR, 10) @[$Package::InputParameter1] + " " + (DT_WSTR, 10) @[$Package::InputParameter2] + "\"" Keep in mind the command has backslashes (in the file name) and double quotes. Both need to be escaped with a backslash character. Also, the two input parameters need to be converted to string data types (DT_WSTR in the SSIS expression language) so they can be concatenated with the rest of the command. In the Execute Process Task, we need to put an expression on the Arguments property: You might've noticed the ExecutionPolicy switch is set to Unrestricted in the arguments. Execution Policies are a safety feature of PowerShell and they determine how exactly a script can be executed. More information can be found in the documentation. The default policy on Windows machines is Restricted, which allows commands to be executed but not script tasks. If the Execution Policy is not changed, the Execute Process Task will fail. However, the error message will just complain the process exit code was not expected: To see the actual error message, we need to ignore the process exit code: We also need to change the data type of OutputVariable to string, because the error message will be written to this variable. When debugging (put a breakpoint on the Execute SQL Task by selecting it and hitting F9), we can see the error message in the value of the variable: The error message states the script is not digitally signed and therefore cannot be loaded. To circumvent this, the Execution Policy is set to Unrestricted. Everything seems to be ready to execute the PowerShell script. However, when executing the package, the Execute Process Task fails with an error message saying the type of the OutputVariable is not correct. PowerShell tries to assign a string value to the variable, but since it has an integer data type this fails. This is odd, since the output of the script is supposed to be an integer. When we change the data type to string and run the package, we can inspect the value of the variable in the locals window: Apparently, PowerShell added the character (which stands for newline) to the integer value 30. The script works, but it returns a value which cannot be stored in an integer data type. If you wish to use the variable at another location, you might want to clean it up first. Conclusion We can execute a PowerShell script in an SSIS package using an Execute Process Task. Using an expression, we can pass input variables to the script. Optional output can be captured in an SSIS variable. There are two caveats: Make sure the correct Execution Policy is set so the script can be executed. Take care choosing data types as there might be a conflict. Alternatives If the ETL process is scheduled through SQL Server Agent, you can also use the PowerShell job step to execute a PowerShell script. An example can be found in the tip Using a PowerShell Script to delete old files for SQL Server. If you want to keep it in an SSIS package, you could also use a .NET script task to launch the PowerShell script. Although, if you're already using .NET, why use PowerShell at all? An example is given in this blog post. Next Steps Last Updated: 2020-12-07

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