Universitetet i oslo

NFI1100/4100 Teaching plan autumn 2014

|Teacher |Place |Topic |Lecture notes / comments | |19.08.2013

10:15-12 |Terje Spurkland  |Georg Sverdrups hus, undervisningsrom 2

|Introduction  |Read Erik Moltke: "Runic Writing"  | |22.08.2014

10:15-12 |T.S. |P.A. Munchs hus

Seminarrom 10  |Introduction  |Read Henrik Williams: "The Origins of the Runes".  | |29.08.2014

10.15 - 12 |T.S.  |PAM 10 |Inscriptions in Older Futhark  |Read Elmer Antonsen: "Sacral or Secular?”  | |12.09.2014

10.15-12 |T.S. |PAM 10 |Inscriptions in Older Futhark  |Read Michael Barnes: "On Types of Argumentation in Runic Studies"  | |19.09.2014

10.15-12 |T.S.  |PAM 10 |Presentations of

readings |Be prepared to discuss Moltke, Williams, Antonsen and Barnes.  | |26.09.2014

10.15-12 |T.S   |PAM 10 |The Eggja stone  | | |03.10.2014

10.15-12 |T.S.   |PAM 10 |The transition from the older to the younger fuþark |Read Einar Haugen: "On the Parsimony of the Younger Futhark"   | |10.10.2014

10.15-12 |T.S.  |PAM 10 |Viking Age inscriptions  |Read Signe Horn Fuglesang: "Swedish Runestones of the Eleventh Century. Ornament and dating"  | |17.10.2014

10.15-12 |T.S:  |PAM 10 |Viking Age inscriptions  |Read Aslak Liestøl: "The Literate Vikings".

The qualifying essay questions are handed out.   | |

24.10.2014 |On your own  |Anywhere  |Qualification paper  |There will be no class. This week is for the completion of the qualification paper. Deadline for sumission, on fronter, Tuesday 28 October 15.00.  | |28.10.2014 |On your own  |Fronter, at latest 15.00  |Qualification paper.  |Deadline for submission: 15.00.  | |31.10.2014

10.15-12 |T.S. |PAM 10 |Medieval inscriptions  |Read Einar Haugen: "The Dotted Runes: From Parsimony to Plenitude"

Karin Fjellhammer Seim: "A Review of the Runic Material at Bryggen"  | |07.11.2014

10.15-12 |T.S. |PAM 10 |Discussion of papers  | | |14.11.2014

10.15-12 |T.S.  |PAM 10 |Medieval inscriptions  |Read Helmer Gustavson: "Latin and Runes in Scandinavian Runic Inscriptions"

Terje Spurkland: "Scandinavian Medieval Runic Inscriptions - an Interface between Literacy and Orality?"    | |21.11.2014

10.15-12 |T.S. |PAM 14 10:15-12 |Medieval inscriptions/

summing up  |  | |25.11.2013 |None  |Some place at Campus at 09.00 AM  |Runes and runic inscriptions  |4 HOURS SCHOOL EXAM. GOOD LUCK!

NB: In addition to the classes there will be organized a museum visit at the end of the course. It is a must to be confronted with the real thing!

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