Jones County Index To Estate Records

|Jones County Index To Estate Records |

|Transcribed by Frank Bell |

|Index To Jones County, North Carolina Estate Records |

|North Carolina Department of Archives and History |

|Raleigh, NC |

|1996 |

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C.R. 057.508.1

Adams, Elizabeth 1907

Adams, George W. 1907

Adams, James 1866

Adams, James 1875

Adams, John Q. 1858

Adams, Micajah 1825

Adams, Micajah 1857

Adams, Owen 1852

Adams, Owen 1864

Adams, S. 1891

Alphin, William 1886

Amyett, Amos 1891

Amyett, Amos jr. 1866

Amyett, Amos Sr. 1864

Amyett, George 1876

Amyet, John E. 1872

Amyet, Vincent 1793

Andrews, Adam 1798

Andrews, Adam 1818

Andrews, Benjamin 1860

Andrews, Elizabeth 1870

Andrews (Anders), Francis 1850

Andrews, Harvey F. 1914

C.R. 057.508.2

Andrews, J. Thurman 1919

Andrews, John 1843

Andrews, John 1886

Andrews, John 1858

Andrews, Sarah 1858

Andrews, John B. 1883

Andrews, John S. 1885

Andrews, Lemuel 1798

Andrews, Mary 1920

Andrews, P.R. 1923

Andrews, Peter 1798

Andrews, Peter 1836

Andrews, Peter 1844

Andrews, Peter 1896

Andrews, Rachel 1870

Andrews, Susan 1836

Andrews, Susan E. 1852

Andrews, Susan W. 1921

Andrews, Peter R. 1922

Arthur, James A. 1928

Arthur, Juanita Parker 1938

Askew, Amos 1888

Askew, Benjamin 1885

Askew, Benjamin 1893

Askew, Caswell 1915

Askew, Catherine 1892

Askew, Josiah 1868

Baker, Ann 1925

Ball, David 1834

Ballard, F.H. 1881

Ballard, Francis H. 1867

Ballard, Jesse L. 1905

C.R. 057.508.3

Bancroft, Jonathan 1808

Banks, A.J. 1915

Banks, A.T. 1912

Banks, B.F. 1890

Banks, H.T. 1889

Banks, J.W. 1921

Banks, Jesse H. 1918

Banks, Jessie 1872

Banks, John R. 1883

Banks, Joseph B. 1915

Banks, L.V. 1935

Banks, M.T. 1888

Banks, Zeb Vance 1932

Bannock, Sutton 1849

Barber, Hulda 1902

Barfield, Samuel 1881

Barnes, James E. 1882

Barrow, George A. 1924

Barrus, A.G. 1904

Barrus, I.H. 1921

Barrus, J.A. 1864

Barrus, J.H. 1862

Barrus, R. 1869

Barrus, Roscoe 1891

Basden, Jesse L. 1916

Beasley, Needham 1847

Beasley, Needham 1871

Becton, Amos F. 1916

Becton, W.B. ---

C.R. 057.508.4

Becton, Bryan 1831

Becton, Edmund 1783

Becton, Frederick Isler 1853

Becton, Gaston 1925

Becton, James Q. 1855

Becton, Norris 1899

Becton, R.S. 1866

Becton, Simon S. 1861

Becton, Susannah [1824]

Becton, William B. 1890

Bell, Edith 1880

Bell, J.H. 1921

Bell, J.R. 1891

Bell, Margaret E. 1911

Bender, Bryan 1873

Bender, Bryan 1891

Bender, Frances 1873

Bender, J.K. 1891

Bender, John Roger 1928

Bender, Lucy H. 1918

Bishop, B.W. 1914

Blackshear, James 1790

Bowen, Elijah 1846

Bowick, Sutton H. 1849

Bratcher, Stanley 1902

Bray, Benjamin F. 1855

Bray, Hardy 1849

Bray, W.W. 1824

Brinkley, Charles 1898

Brinkley, M.A. 1914

Brinson, Hiram 1856

Broadfoot, J.B. 1931

Brock, Benjamin 1817

Brock, Benjamin Sr. 1889

Brock, Benjamin 1905

Brock, Cassandra 1855

Brock, Furnifold 1873

Brock, Ignatius W. 1853

Brock, Isaac 1902

Brock, Isaac 1912

Brock, J.W. 1859

C.R. 057.508.5

Brock, John H. 1866

Brock, Martin F. 1850

Brock, Orpah 1854

Brock, Timothy 1938

Brown, Annie E. 1918

Brown, Arthur 1922

Brown, Benjamin 1905

Brown, Columbus C. 1905

Brown, Cyrus 1887

Brown, Isaac 1905

Brown, John D. 1914

Brown, Joseph 1915

Brown, Marietta S. 1919

Brown, Matilda H. 1910

Brown, William 1844

Bryan, Ann 1785

Bryan, B.L. 1898

Bryan, Benjamin L. 1909

Bryan, Christopher 1827

Bryan, Frederick 1803

Bryan, Frederick C. 1875

Bryan, Hardy 1839

Bryan, Hardy 1852

Bryan, J.C. 1880

Bryan, James 1906

Bryan, James C. 1850

Bryan, James C. 1898

Bryan, James H.C. 1878

C.R. 057.508.6

Bryan, John W. 1855

Bryan, Joseph 1824

Bryan, Lewis 1871

Bryan, Mary Jane 1904

Bryan, Sarah 1840

Bryan, William H. 1872

Bryant, Delila 1923

Bryant, James 1906

Bryant, James H. 1934

Buck, Sarah 1897

Burney, Owen 1932

Burns, Francis 1801

Bush, A.C. 1905

Bush, William 1806

Busick, Lemuel 1866

Busick, Lemuel 1891

Busick, Mary 1887

Busick, Michael 1867

Busick, Thomas 1860

Bynum, Francis 1869

Bynum, Harriett 1892

Bynum, John 1892

Bynum, Lewis 1907

Bynum, Sena 1888

Bynum, William 1868

C.R. 057.508.7

Cannady, Lewis 1898

Cannon, Jeremiah 1865

Cannon, Jeremiah Sr. 1857

Cannon, John 1871

Cannon, John 1933

Cannon, Robert E. 1857

Cannon, W.T. 1919

Cardiman, Barnard 1799

Carinan, Washington 1871

Carr, Abe 1919

Carr, Henrietta __

Carter, W.B. 1902

Cary, Solomon 1834

Casper, F.A. 1912

Casper, Nellie 1903

Chadwick, H.A. 1921

Chadwick, Elizabeth ___

Charlton, Richard 1858

Chrispen, Daniel 1877

Clark, George 1796

Clifton, Ezekiel 1812

Cobb, John H. 1918

Cobb, Tobias 1812

Coble, George T. 1913

Colby, Isaac 1894

Colgrove, O.R. 1869

Colgrove, O.R. 1881

Collins, A.H. 1924

Collins, Benjamin 1868

Collins, Hardy 1838

Collins, Isaac W. 1907

Collins, Martha 1859

Collins, Nursey 1910

Collins, Thomas 1860

Collins, Thomas 1917

Conner, John 1835

Conner, Rachel 1857

Connor, William H. 1825

Coombs, Benjamin S. 1914

Coward, John 1822

C.R. 057.508.8

Cox, Andrew 1818

Cox, Elizabeth 1871

Cox, James E. 1867

Cox, John B. 1822

Cox, John H. 1860

Cox, John H. 1872

Cox, John W. 1867

Cox, Levina 1837

Cox, Lizzie D. 1902

Cox, Owen B. 1844

Cox, Perry 1867

Cox, Rachel 1848

Cox, William A. 1891

Cox, William C. 1866

Cray, William R. 1808

Crews, W.R. 1940

Croom, John 1934

Cruchfield, Rachel 1855

Cumbo, J.H. 1930

Dail, Windsor 1915

Daniels, Alfred 1904

Dawson, Abner 1895

DeBruhl, C.I. 1914

DeBruhl, Clifford J. 1904

DeBruhl, David E. 1914

DeBruhl, Edward 1889

DeBruhl, Edward C. 1857

DeBruhl, George S. 1891

DeBruhl, J.A. 1916

DeBruhl, Sena 1924

DeBruhl, Susan 1912

DeBruhl, W.J. 1913

Dickson, Daniel 1844

Dickson, Ferdinand 1850

Dickson, Robert 1847

Dillahunt, Alice 1861

Dillahunt, James T. 1867

C.R. 057.508.9

Dillahunt, John H. 1860

Dillahunt, Lafayette 1896

Dillahunt, Lafayette Jr. 1894

Dillahunt, Napolean 1842

Dillahunt, Samuel 1837

Dillahunt, Susan E. 1848

Dillahunt, [Thomas] 1818

Dixon, Daniel 1860

Dixon, E.S. 1923

Dixon, F.M. 1919

Dixon, John 1933

Dougherty, E. 1868

Dove, John 1907

Dudley, Abraham 1803

Dudley, C.C. 1932

Dudley, Cannon 1884

Dudley, D.W. 1925

Dudley, Elijah 1795

Dudley, N.B. 1916

Dudley, Thomas 1860

Dunn, William 1857

DuVal, Francis 1845

dwards, Archie Z. 1931

Edwards, Bryant 1886

Edwards, S.P. 1922

Ervin, John 1846

Ervin, Leon S. 1927

Ervin, Lucy 1868

Ervin, Shadrach 1845

Ervin, William 1845

Eubanks, Alfred 1866

Eubanks, Alice 1858

Eubanks, Asa 1853

Eubanks, Bennie 1916

Eubanks, Calvin T. 1856

Eubanks, E.E. 1926

Eubanks, Elijah 1926

Eubanks, Isaac 1876

Eubanks, Leven L. 1874

Eubanks, Levi 1844

Eubanks, Lot 1856

Eubanks, Lycurgus 1916

Eubanks, Mary Ann 1925

Everit, Efly 1785


Fairbaine, Thomas 1858

Farnell, E.M. 1888

Faulkner, W.T. Sr. 1929

Fenderson, William 1871

Ferrand, Edward J. 1849

Ferrell, M.A. 1920

Ferrell, Minnie 1922

Fields, Caroline 1902

Fields, Council 1837

Fields, Edmund (colored) 1866

Fields, Jacob 1856

Fields, Richard 1795

Fonvil, David 1838

Fordham, C.L. 1931

Fordham, Christopher C. 1900

Fordham, Ira 1855

Fordham, Jesse 1917

Fordham, Jesse S. 1858

Fordham, John 1846

Fordham, L.P. 1874

Fordham, Nancy 1891

Foscue, Cyrus 1910

Foscue, Cyrus 1930

Foscue, E.M. 1890

Foscue, Edgar M. 1910

Foscue, Edward Montfort 1917

Foscue, F.H. 1925

Foscue, F.W. 1925

Foscue, Fannie M. 1920

Foscue, Frederick 1852

Foscue, George C. 1850

Foscue, H.C. 1918

Foscue, J.N. 1914

Foscue, John E. 1849

Foscue, Linda W. 1910

Foscue, M.W. 1918

Foscue, Mariana F. 1864

Foscue, Macon 1898

C.R. 057.508.11

Foscue, Nathan 1858

Foscue, Richard R. 1835

Foscue, Richard R. 1867

Foscue, Sallie E. 1919

Foscue, Simon 1831

Foscue, Simon, Sr. 1815

Foscue, Susan H. 1858

Foust, Ada 1914

Mills, John __

Foy, C.D. 1925

Foy, Charles H. 1856

Foy, Charles H. 1915

Foy, Enoch 1845

Foy, Enoch 1870

Foy, Frank 1917

Foy, Frederick 1822

Foy, Henry 1869

Foy, James 1841

Foy, Jefferson 1786

Foy, John 1796

Foy, John R. 1853

Foy, Joshua 1786

Foy, M.H. 1913

Foy, Margret 1839 wife of F. Foy

Foy, N.B. 1895

Foy, Sarah 1853

Foy, Thomas 1800

Foy, Thomas 1824

Foy, W.H. 1913

Foy, William 1890

Franck, Maria 1873

Francks, E.S. 1886

Francks, Sarah A. 1885

Frank, Martin 1781

Franks, Charlie 1932

Franks, Edward 1821

Franks, J.M. 1869

Franks, John 1795

Franks, Senus 1925

Franks, W.W. 1890

Franks, William 1933

Frazar, Micajah 1796

Frost, Miller 1808

C.R. 057.508.12

Gardener, J.C. 1937

Garrett, John L. 1858

George, William 1835

German, Job L. 1867

Gerock, C.F. 1928

Gerock, Samuel L. 1910

Gilbert, Dorcas 1870

Gilbert, Edward M. 1842

Gilbert, N.B. 1891

Gilbert, N.C., Mrs. 1924

Gilbert, Nathan 1904

Gilbert, Virginia 1923

Giles, John 1798

Giles, Nancy 1848

Giles, William M. 1848

Gillett, Thomas S. 1885

Gillette, Mary S. 1911

Gillett, John Q. 1856

Gillett, Thomas 1853

Gilliam, Robert B. 1893

Gilliam, Sarah H. 1919

Godwin, E.P. 1919

Godwin, Edward 1917

Godwin, Lonnie, Mrs. 1931

Godwin, S.W. 1906

Gooding, A.C. 1896

Gooding, Carney 1866

Gooding, Council 1865

Gooding, Daniel L. 1886

Gooding, Elizabeth S. 1923

Gooding, Frank 1922

Gooding, Furnifold C. 1881

Gooding, Isaac 1900

Gooding, J.F. 1913

Gooding, Olive 1913

Gooding, Lewis F. 1902

Gooding, Moses 1869

Gooding, Moses M. 1894

C.R. 057.508.13

Gooding, Nathan 1919

Gooding, Susan 1919

Gooding, Olivia 1849

Gooding, William 1858

Gough, Alice 1852

Granade, John C. 1809

Gray, Israel 1802

Gray, John P. 1908

Gray, Joseph 1783

Gray, Roscoe 1893

Gray, T.D. 1926

Green, Abner 1847

Green, Amanda 1923

Green, Anna (Nancy) 1854

Green, B.F. 1927

Green, Celia 1910

Green, Charles E. 1929

Green, David 1880

Green, David J. 1875

Green, F.F. 1906

Green, Henry 1925

Green, James 1801

Green, James 1823

Green, Joseph 1827

Green, Moses J. 1913

Green, Susan C. 1920

Green, W.M. 1883

Green, William 1900

Griffin, G.T. 1899

Griffin, J.C. 1934

Griffin, J.W. 1929

Griffin, Oliver S. 1860

Griffin, Susan S. 1930

Griffith, Benjamin 1824

Grimes, Robert 1792

Grissom, Thomas 1820

C.R. 057.508.14

Haddock, A.J. 1924

Haddock, Dicy 1893

Haddock, J.H. 1937

Haddock, John H. 1880

Haddock, Willis 1917

Hall, Drew 1858

Hall, Elijah S. 1867

Hall, George W. 1867

Hall, Henry 1855

Hall, Henry 1899

Hall, Nathan 1866

Hall, Sarah E. 1868

Hall, Thomas 1819

Hall, Thomas 1859

Hammond, A.F. 1885

Hammond, Annie E. 1898

Hammond, John H. 1852

Hammond, William H. 1923

Hancock, Henry 1856

Hancock, Thomas 1860

C.R. 057.508.15

Harbord, William 1799

Hardy, W.G. 1912

Harget, Ann 1821

Hargett, Abner 1882

Hargett, Frederick, Jr. 1810

Hargett, J.M. 1927

Hargett, L.W. 1916

Hargett, Lewis 1839

Hargett, Olivia S. 1910

Hargett, Peter 1820

Hargett, Peter 1897

Hargett, Susan 1907

Hargett, W.I. 1928

Harper, Jessie 1958

Harriett, Benjamin 1827

Harriett, C.P. 1929

Harriett, Eliza W. 1879

Harriett, George W. 1860

Harriett, George W. 1891

Harriett, James 1877

Harriett, James 1888

Harriett, James 1919

Harriett, M.T. 1929

Harriett, N.M. 1921

Harriett, S.S. 1921

Harriett, T.A. 1923

Harriett, Winnefred 1849

Harrison, Benjamin 1827

Harrison, D.H. 1904

Harrison, D.L. 1918

Harrison, Daniel 1891

Harrison, Elvy 1892

Harrison, F.B. 1891

Harrison, Ivey 1850

Harrison, James 1844

Harrison, James L. 1915

Harrison, John 1802

Harrison, Mary 1891

Harrison, Mary Eliza 1860

Harrison, Owen 1881

Harrison, Stephen 1851

Harrison, Thomas 1885

Harrison, Thomas 1891

Harrison, William 1839

Hartley, Joseph A. 1866

Haskett, Iva 1861

Haskins, Augustus 1895

Haskins, B.J. 1905

Haskins, Calhoun 1856

Haskins, Calhoun 1877

C.R. 057.508.16

Haskins, Carrie 1929

Haskins, Elijah 1912

Haskins, Jave 1932

Haskins, Mary E. 1928

Haskins, L.H. 1905

Haskins, William 1885

Haskins, William 1933

Hatch, Anthony 1816

Hatch, Buckner 1824

Hatch, Edmund 1789

Hatch, John 1798

Hatch, Lemuel 1826

Hatch, R.J.R. 1891

Hatch, Rachel 1878

Hatch, William B. 1828

Hatchel, Kittie 1910

Hathaway, Issac 1827

Haughton, E.L. 1908

Haughton, Lawrence J. 1908

Hawkins, Elizabeth 1854

Hawkins, G.A. 1928

Hawkins, George 1863

Hawkins, George Alex 1885

Hawkins, James L. 1891

Hawkins, James M. 1933

Hawkins, Littleton 1850

Hawkins, Mary A. 1899

Hawkins, W. Major 1903

C.R. 057.508.17

Hay, C.H. 1868

Hay, Curtis 1911

Hay, J.M. 1897

Hay, James E. 1895

Hay, John 1813

Hay, Joseph 1891

Hay, K.R. 1894

Hay, K.R. 1917

Haywood, James M. 1889

Haywood, L.A. 1931

Haywood, T.F. 1912

Heath, Amos 1858

Heath, Argent 1891

Heath, Curtis 1910

Heath, E.B. 1919

Heath, Edward 1903

Heath, Elizabeth 1860

Heath, J.A. 1891

Heath, J.T. 1910

Heath, Jesse J. 1857

Heath, Joel A. 1881

Heath, John 1890

Heath, John D. 1904

Heath, Joseph R. 1867

Heath, Lavina 1882

Heath, Levi 1904

Heath, Samuel B. 1840

Heath, William 1867

Hellen, William 1821

Henderson, B.F. 1928

C.R. 057.508 18

Henderson, B.R. 1922

Henderson, C.C. 1928

Henderson, C.M. 1921

Henderson, Frank H. 1925

Henderson, Hillary E. 1868

Henderson, Jane 1930

Henderson, Nancy E. 1910

Henderson, Rachel W. 1908

Herrett, Fannie 1896

Herriett, George 1859

Herriett, John E. 1867

Herriett, Louisa F. 1867

Herriett, Nicholas M. 1867

Herriett, Winnifred 1860

Herring, Hattie 1927

Herriott, James 1887

Herrison, Iva 1874

Herritage, Furnifold G. 1846

Herritage, James S. 1885

Herritage, Richard K. 1847

Hewit, Rigdon 1842

Hewitt, Rigdon P. 1893

Higgins, Wiley F. 1851

Hill, James 1811

Hill, James 1835

Hill, Joseph 1822

Hill, Mary 1929

Hill, Robert 1959

Hill, Stephen F. 1934

Hill, Zachariah 1913

Hines, J.D. 1860

Hinnant, Isadora King 1925

Hodges, Margaret 1917

Hodges, Mary Jane 1909

Hodges, W.H. 1921

Holland, J.C. 1932

Honeycutt, R.A. 1916

Houston, John 1814

Howard, Henry 1930

Howard, Israel 1858

Howard, James W. 1848

Howard, Julia N. 1840

Hubbard, A.G. 1882

Hudson, George W. 1861

Hudson, J.S. 1916

Hudson, John H. 1871

Hudson, L.B. 1887

Huffman, Calvin J. 1866

Huffman, George 1933

Huggins, B.H. 1930

C.R. 057.508.19

Huggins, Benjamin 1912

Huggins, Eliza 1867

Huggins, Elizabeth 1860

Huggins, Felix 1873

Huggins, Henry B. 1863

Huggins, J.B. 1925

Huggins, J.H. 1926

Huggins, Leah 1887

Huggins, Lewis 1858

Huggins, Matilda 1867

Huggins, Thomas 1851

Huggins, Virginia 1859

Huggins, Wiley F. 1849

Huggins, William 1852

Hughes, George R. 1915

Humphrey, B.L. 1924

Humphrey, Hill 1828

Humphrey, W.R. 1917

Hurst, R.K. 1908

Hyatt, H.O. 1935

Ingram, Thomas 1934

Ipock, Annie Laura Nobles 1929

Ipock, Steve 1946

Isler, Ann 1837

Isler, E.B. 1890

Isler, Elizabeth 1845

Isler, Martha 1931

Isler, Martha A. 1933

Isler, Nancy 1837

Isler, Simmons 1843

Isler, Stephen W. 1915

Isler, William B. 1899

C.R. 057.508.20

Jarman, Clara 1901

Jarman, E.M. 1891

Jarman, Emmanuel 1843

Jarman, Emmanuel 1878

Jarman, Emma G. 1923

Jarman, Furnifold 1839

Jarman, Furney 1944

Jarman, Furnifold H. 1852

Jarman, J.I. 1929

Jarman, Job L. 1860

Jarman, John 1814

Jarman, John 1850

Jarman, McClendal 1853

Jarman, Moses 1859

Jarman, Oliver J. 1927

Jarman, Rebecca 1889

Jarman, Robert 1923

Jarman, Ruth Haskins 1932

Jarman, Saloma 1861

Jarman, Sarah 1857

Jarman, Sarah E. 1920

Jarman, Willoughby 1904

Jarman, Julia E. __

Jenkins, Amos 1894

Jenkins, Basil 1888

Jenkins, John H. 1905

Jenkins, Tom C. 1926

Jewett, George M. 1915

Jewett, Helen M. 1923

Johnson, Duncan B. 1857

Johnson, Putnam 1854

Johnson, R.T. 1923

Johnson, Roland Lee 1935

Johnson, W.H. 1925

Johnson, William 1925

C.R. 057.508.21

Jones, A. B. 1913

Jones, A. W. 1930

Jones, Calvin J. 1916

Jones, Cora 1928

Jones, Griffin 1800

Jones, Hardy 1792

Jones, Hatchaway 1922

Jones, James 1797

Jones, J. B. 1924

Jones, Jacob 1920

Jones, John 1854

Jones, John G. 1883

Jones, Jonas 1839

Jones, Jonas 1850

Jones, Mary 1868

Jones, Merritt 1862

Jones, Merritt 1888

Jones, Robert 1874

Jones, Starkey G. 1854

Jones, William 1842

Jones, William 1861

Jones, William 1895

Jones, William 1932

Jones, William A. 1919

Jones, William S. 1842

Jones, Wright 1925

Jordan, Samuel 1904

Kendall, E.H. 1914

Kennedy, Nannie E. 1914

Killebrew, Kinchen 1880

Killebrew, Piety 1856

Killebrew, William 1813

Killingsworth, H.L. 1935

Killingsworth, H.S. 1928

Killingsworth, Joseph 1858

C.R. 057.508.22

Kincey, Joseph 1858

King, Benjamin, 1906

King, Felix 1885

King, George 1847

King, Ivey 1870

King, Ivey 1912

King, Joseph 1858

King, Lewis 1920

King, Lizzie 1916

King, Sam 1931

King, Samuel 1889

King, Susan C. 1910

Kinsey, A.J. 1867

Kinsey, Carrie May 1918

Kinsey, Christopher 1827

Kinsey, Guy F. 1920

Kinsey, J.A. 1891

Kinsey, J.E. 1913

Kinsey, J.L. 1887

Kinsey, Jackson A. 1864

Kinsey, James D. 1844

Kinsey, John 1793

Kinsey, John 1828

Kinsey, Joseph B. 1849

Kinsey, Julia 1868

Kinsey, Julia F. 1917

Kinsey, Lavinia 1853

Kinsey, Mitchel 1872

Kinsey, Nannie P. 1913

Kinsey, William 1808

Kinsey, William C. 1915

Kinsey, Zilphia 1873

Knight, Kader 1822

Koonce, Amos 1891

Koonce, Amos J. 1857

Koonce, Amos T. 1928

Koonce, Ann D. 1857

Koonce, Arthur 1927

Koonce, Arthur, Mrs. 1931

Koonce, Benjamin F. 1860

Koonce, C.E. 1881

Koonce, Calvin 1891

C.R. 057.508.23

Koonce, Elijah 1841

Koonce, Emanuel 1869

Koonce, Emmanuel 1822

Koonce, Eva S. 1930

Koonce, F.B. 1928

Koonce, Frank, Sr. 1925

Koonce, Frank S., Jr. 1928

Koonce, George W. 1910

Koonce, H.B. 1861

Koonce, Hallon 1836

Koonce, J.C.B. 1861

Koonce, J.C.B. 1883

Koonce, Jarman 1810

Koonce, Jarman 1848

Koonce, John P. 1872

Koonce, John S. 1872

Koonce, L.F. 1888

Koonce, Lewis 1881

Koonce, Michael 1786

Koonce, Michael 1826

Koonce, Michael 1859

Koonce, Orpah 1911

Koonce, Richard 1830

Koonce, S.E. 1903

Koonce, Simon E. 1875

Koonce, Virginia C. 1852

Koonce, Virginia 1928

Koonce, Zenas 1825?

Kornegay, Daniel 1812

Kornegay, Elijah 1794

Kornegay, George 1793

Kornegay, Isaac 1827

Kornegay, John 1802

Kornegay, Louis 1923

Kornegay, N.L. 1923

Kornegay, Robert 1825

Lane, Emily 1885

Lane, Leven 1782

Lane, Laroque, Louisa 1833

Lane, Octavia O. 1928

Lassiter, W.H. 1921

Lavender, Charlotte 1858

Leary, A.J. 1896

Leary, Jane 1898

Leary, Job 1898

C.R. 057.508.24

Lee, A. S. 1907

Lee, Amos J. 1853

Lee, G.P. 1888

Lee, J.H. 1920

Lee, J. P. 1888

Lee, John P. W. 1869

Lee, L. F. 1902

Lee, Thomas 1820

Lee, Thomas 1902

Lee, Thomas S. 1887

Lipsey, Lemuel 1810

Lipsey, Roscoe 1835

Lipsey, William 1792

Loftin, C. G. 1923

Loftin, Gavin 1930

Loftin, John L. 1853

Lofton, Frederick B. 1835

Lovett, Abram 1897

Lovett, Elijah 1861

McDaniel, Adonijah 1875

McDaniel, Alex H. 1922

McDaniel, Andrew 1920

McDaniel, Benjamin 1858

McDaniel, David 1858

McDaniel, Duff G. 1871

McDaniel, Durant 1828

McDaniel, E.G. 1896

McDaniel, E.P. 1898

McDaniel, Elvin 1878

McDaniel, Elvin 1891

C.R. 057.508.25

McDaniel, F. 1891

McDaniel, F. D. 1902

McDaniel, Furnifold 1885

McDaniel, George H. 1898

McDaniel, George M. 1849

McDaniel, Henrietta E. 1853

McDaniel, James 1815

McDaniel, James 1854

McDaniel, James 1891

McDaniel, John 1858

McDaniel, John 1882

McDaniel, Lewis H. 1867

McDaniel, Lewis 1892

McDaniel, Lucy C. 1901

McDaniel, Mary A. 1834

McDaniel, Matilda 1869

McDaniel, Nathan 1878

McDaniel, Nathan 1891

McDaniel, Nellie 1891

McDaniel, R. L. 1928

McDaniel, Risdon 1858

McDaniel, Thomas 1856

McDaniel, Thomas 1891

McDaniel, W. F. 1881

McDaniel, William 1858

McDaniel, William 1870

McDaniel, William A. 1867

McParsons, D. 1913

McQuillen, Alexander 1783

C.R. 057.508.26

Maiden, Joseph F. 1921

Maiden, Matilda __

Maides, James 1866

Mallard, Daniel 1850

Mallard, G. M. 1929

Mallard, John 1853

Mallard, John Q. 1860

Mallard, Kissiah 1858

Mallard, Mary B. 1884

Mallard, W.H. 1891

Maples, Virginia 1850

Marshall, Hardy N. 1853

Marshburn, Daniel 1823

Mason, Edney 1930

Mattocks, A. F. 1918

Mattocks, Clyde 1911

Mattocks, Erbin F. 1861 (Urban F.)

Mattocks, Micajah 1858

Mattocks, Thomas Lomax 1925

Mattocks, Verbena Whitty 1931

Mattocks, W.F. 1910

Mattocks, William G. 1871

May, James N. 1932

May, Reding L. 1924

May, Cora 1931

Meadows, D. R. 1910

Meadows, Frederick 1842

Meadows, George H. 1857

Meadows, I. B. 1916

Meadows, Jennie 1916

Meadows, Thomas 1823

Meadows, W. J. C. 1932

Meadows, Zadoc 1841

Melton, Sallie E. 1911

Melton, Solomon E. 1907

Mercer, Furnifold 1899

Mercer, John 1884

Mercer, John 1905

Mercer, Lewis 1882

Merrett, Hezekiah 1805

Merrett, James 1877

Merrills, Wiley 1844

Merritt, Francis 1873

C.R. 057.508.27

Merritt, James 1849

Merritt, Lemuel 1853

Mervin, J. Q. 1921

Messer, James n.d.

Messer, John 1879

Messer, Susan 1850

Metts, Martin 1938

Metts, Sidney J. 1935

Miller, Beneter 1859

Miller, C.W. 1919

Miller, George H. 1906

Miller, James 1829

Miller, John 1867

Miller, Richard 1887

Mills, George 1911

Mills, John 1914

Mills, Robert 1924

Mimberry, D. H. 1931

Mitchell, Alex 1880

Monk, Harvey G. 1921

Monnett, John 1917

Moore, A. S. 1927

Moore, Eliza 1930

Moore, George 1924

Moore, L. W. 1927

Moore, Lanna 1905

Moore, Mattie W. 1921

Moore, Nannie E. 1915

Moore, Owen 1932

Moore, Susan Phillips 1906

Morehouse, John B. 1845

Morgan, C. M. 1932

Morgan, Howard 1932

Morgan, Hubard __

Morris, Calvin J. 1837

Morris, Lewis 1850

Morris, William B. 1817

Morton, Eva Banks 1936

Morton, Nannie E. 1920

Morton, Sarah E. 1918

Mumford, Edward 1821

Mumford, Lewis 1810

Mundine, Ann 1836

Mundine, Francis 1805

Mundine, Sarah 1809

Murphy, Joseph 1917

Murphy, Thomas, Sr. 1793

Murphy, Thomas 1827

Murrell, Hagar 1928

Murrill, Ann 1886

Murrill, Henry 1905

C.R. 057.508.28

Nelms, Jeremiah 1800

Nethercutt, John H. 1867

Newbold, J. B. 1883

Newbowl, Basel 1841

Newton, Hardy O. 1860

Noble, Braddock 1845

Noble, Daniel 1810

Noble, Enoch 1891

Noble, J. I. B. 1910

Noble, M. M. 1900

Noble, S. F. 1912

Nobles, William H. 1851

Oldfield, R. C., Mrs. 1902

Oettinger, C. 1932

Oldfield, Richard 1817

Oldfield, Richard 1868

Oldfield, Sarah 1850

Olive, J.B. 1909

Oliver, Isaac T. 1862

Oliver, John 1860

Oliver, Joseph J. 1865

Oliver, Penelope B. 1872

Orme, Bazel 1814

Owens, Archelaus B. 1854

Owens, Charlotte 1855

Owens, Henry 1867

C.R. 057.508.29

Packer, Frederick 1860

Parker, Charles A. 1856

Parker, Deborah 1913

Parker, J. C. 1917

Parker, Mary A. 186_

Parker, N. Z. 1856

Parker, Robert P. 1920

Parker, Zelpha 1899

Parks, Charles A. 1856

Parry, Daniel 1840

Parsons, D. K. Mc. 1913

Parsons, Ed 1932

Parsons, Jeremiah 1820

Parsons, Mary E. 1925

Parsons, Nathan F. 1857

Parsons, Phoebe 1893

Pate, F. M. 1875

Pearce, John 1912

Pearce, John 1922

Penuel, William 1922

Percevell, William 1922

Perry, Adonijah 1830

Perry, Elijah 1844

Perry, Elijah 1858

Perry, Erasmus 1845

Perry, Hannah __

Perry, Hardy 1839

Perry, Silas 1824

Perry, Silas 1842

Perry, Victoria 1907

Perry, W. J. 1911

Perry, Waxel 1813

Perry, William Jeff 1907

C.R. 057.508.30

Philyaw, D. W. 1935

Philyaw, James 1901

Philyaw, Nancy Jane 1931

Pitt, Aaron A. 1866

Pitt, W. A. 1861

Pittman, William C. 1891

Pitts, Wiley 1878

Pollock, Cullen 1846

Pollock, Dan 1926

Pollock, E.H. 1900

Pollock, George 1840

Pollock, George W. 1882

Pollock, I. H. 1919

Pollock, Mary A. __

Pollock, J. E. 1939

Pollock, James 1816

Pollock, James M. 1908

Pollock, Amanda S. __

Pollock, Lewis M. 1908

Pollock, Mary 1858

Pollock, Mary A. 1918

Pollock, Paul P. 1918

Pollock, Thomas 1850

Pollock, W. D. 1928

Pollock, W. W. 1928

Pollock, William W. 1929

Pollock, Leonora __

Presecot, Thomas 1796

Prichard, Bazle 1805

Prichard, Clement __

Prichard, Clement 1804

Pritchard, Mary E. 1883

Prichett, E. P. 1885

Pritchett, Mary C. 1883

Pritchett, T. E. 1923

Pritchett, William 1841

Pybus, John 1802

Raines, William 1897

Randal, Malida 1840

Randall, Shadrach 1866

Reynolds, Elizabeth 1855

Reynolds, Hannah A. 1931

Reynolds, J. B. 1934

Reynolds, J. E. 1927

Reynolds, James 1835

Reynolds, Joseph E 1925

C.R. 057.508.31.

Reynolds, Richard G. 1856

Rhem, Melchor 1860

Rhem, O.H. 1920

Rhem, William 1833

Rhodes, A. L. 1932

Rhodes, E. C. __

Rhodes, Edward H. 1872

Rhodes, Henry 1845

Rhodes, Henry E. 1856

Rhodes, John M. F. 1897

Rhodes, Zilpha 1864

Richards, Durant 1862

Richards, John, Sr. 1820

Riggs, James W. 1916

Riggs, L. T. 1928

Roberson, Della M. 1929

Roberts, James 1843

Roberts, James 1850

Roberts, Richard 1818

Roberts, Richard 1849

Robinson, W. G. 1873

Rollins, Wyatt 1895

Russell, Daniel L. 1886

Russell, William 1868

Sanders, David W. 1866

Sanders, John 1917

Sanders, Joseph 1807

Sanders, Robert 1824

Sanderson, E. F. 1910

Sanderson, Joseph 1810

Sanderson, Mary 1920

Sanderson, Shadrach 1803

Scarboro, J. H. 1886

Scott, A. H. 1928

Scott, E. W. 1905

Scott, Elijah 1931

Scott, James K. 1891

C.R. 057.508.32

Scott, Redding 1861

Shackelford, John W. 1867

Shaw, N.G. 1915

Shelfer, Elizabeth 1850

Shelfer, Jesse 1827

Shelfer, Jesse 1840

Shelfer, Jesse 1875

Shelfer, John 1846

Shelfer, John 1866

Shelfer, Luke 1830

Shepard, Virginia C. 1912

Shephard, M. L. 1869

Shepherd, Henry 1840

Sheppard, J. W. 1912

Shilling, Christopher 1779

Shine, James 1821

Shiver, W. E. 1891

Shivar, W. P. 1931

Simmons, A. L. 1898

Simmons, A. W. 1824

Simmons, Abraham 1847

Simmons, Abram 1893

Simmons, Abram 1935

Simmons, Abram B. 1823

Simmons, Alexander 1885

Simmons, Alfred N. 1865

Simmons, Amos L. 1898

Simmons, B. C. 1895

Simmons, Benjamin 1812

Simmons, Benjamin F. 1859

Simmons, Christiana C. 1933

Simmons, Clen 1927

Simmons, Daniel 1823

Simmons, David 1862

Simmons, E. W. 1885

Simmons, Elijah 1851

Simmons, Elizabeth 1822

Simmons, F. G. 1903

Simmons, Furnifold G. 1827

Simmons, Furnifold M. 1942

Simmons, George W. 1880

Simmons, James 1806

C.R. 057.508.33

Simmons, John 1793

Simmons, John 1891

Simmons, John 1902

Simmons, John B. 1876

Simmons, Larry 1931

Simmons, Lemuel H. 1846

Simmons, Mariah 1859

Simmons, Needham 1822

Simmons, Primas 1867

Simmons, Rachel A. 1916

Simmons, Rachel E. 1897

Simmons, Robert 1915

Simmons, Annie __

Simmons, Wright 1826

Slade, Robert 1882

Small, Benjamin 1818

Small, Emma J. 1926

Small, John, Sr. 1910

Small, Joseph 1842

Small, Needham 1846

Small, Needham 1913

Small, Reuben 1797

Smith, C. C., Sr. 1918

Smith, Caleb 1831

Smith, Freeman 1871

(see Koonce, John C. B. 1871)

Smith, Freeman S. 1859

Smith, F. S. 1892

Smith, Hannah H. 1850

Smith, Jaber 1867

Smith, Joseph K. 1872

Smith, Maggie F. 1927

C.R. 057.508.34

Southerland, Henry D. 1898

Southerland, W. D. 1897

Speight, John 1807

Stanley, Benjamin F. 1885

Stanley, Bryant 1884

Stanley, E. F. 1899

Stanley, Frederick 1865

Stanley, George W. 1905

Stanley, Hubbard 1846

Stanley, James A. 1891

Stanley, John 1817

Stanley, John 1855

Stanley, John L. 1840

Stanley, John L. 1869

Stanley, Nancy 1891

Stanley, Nathan 1855

Stanley, Wright 1856

Stanly, Ann M. 1865

Stanly, Eliza 1931

Stanly, F. 1891

Stanly, William 1854

Stanton, Ed 1929

Steel, Elijah 1806

Steel, Peter 1792

Stephens, C. 1890

Stevenson, Charles 1792

Stewart, J. W. 1926

Still, John 1813

Stilley, Charles R. 1917

Stilley, Effie 1917

Stilly, Joseph 1939

Stilley, Sarah 1821

Stilley, Thomas 1829

Strayhorn, William 1927

Stricklin, Fereba 1865

Summersill, G. M. 1885

Sutherland, Bryan 1866

Sutton, Elizabeth 1934

Sutton, R. L. 1929

Swain, J. D. 1922

Swilley, Zenas 1816

Sykes, Cora A. 1931

Sykes, Howard A. 1930

C.R. 057.508.35

Taylor, Amos 1861

Taylor, Braddock 1915

Taylor, C. M. 1935

Taylor, Elias 1922

Taylor, F. M. 1930

Taylor, Frederick 1870

Taylor, Harry 1927

Taylor, J. E. 1925

Taylor, J. F. 1928

Taylor, Lon 1911

Taylor, Moses 1865

Taylor, Sarah 1872

Taylor, Stephen A. 1923

Taylor, Tom 1914

Taylor, W. G. 1888

Thompson, David 1866

Tilghman, Alex, Sr. 1906

Tonvielle, David 1827

Truckner, Eli 1894

Truckner, Walter 1894

Turner, Ann 1855

Turner, Aretus W. 1859

Turner, Cullen P. 1866

Turner, George J. 1922

Turner, H. B. 1876

Turner, Hardy 1874

Turner, J. B. 1891

Turner, Whitfield __

Turner, J. J. 1918

Turner, John 1845

Turner, John B. 1884

Turner, McCandal 1838

Turner, Whitfield 1883

Tyndall, L. H. 1920

Tyndall, Walter L. 1926

Vanse, R. B. 1868

C.R. 057.508.36

Wallace, J. C. 1863

Wallace, Joseph 1855

Wallace, Robert 1826

Wallis, Stephen 1827

Ward, E. W. 1902

Ward, Evan 1847

Ward, Maria L. 1860

Ward, W. E. 1889

Ward, W. P. 1891

Waters, E. 1869

Waters, E. H. 1912

Waters, S. S. 1917

Watson, Alexander B. 1879

Watson, Daniel J. 1909

Watson, George W. 1887

Watson, Ivy 1820

Watson, James 1796

Weber, G. A. 1901

Weeks, Archelus 1798

West, Eli 1797

West, Ila 1855

West, J. 1855

West, Martha C. 1900

Westbrook, Arthur B. 1875

Westbrook, Benjamin 1803

Westbrook, J. R. 1933

Westbrook, John 1846

Westbrook, L. M. 1928

Westbrook, Letha 1859

Westbrook, N. B. 1875

Westbrook, Samuel 1826

Westbrook, Sarah 1874

Westbrook, William H. 1867

Whaley, J. I. 1933

Whaley, Lewis 1860

Whaley, Miley 1916

Wharton, Edmund 1830

Wharton, John 1849

Wharton, Sarah 1849

Whitaker, F. A. 1898

C.R. 057.508.37

White, A. W. 1901

White, Fred 1926

White, George W. 1929

White, H. A. 1897

White, N. B. 1891

White, N. M. 1908

White, R. N. 1923

White, Sarah 1814

White, W. H. 1928

Whitfield, George 1857

Whitford, Caroline W. 1914

Whitford, Hardy 1917

Whitford, John N. 1890

Whitford, Mary E. 1890

Whitford, Mary E. 1890 (see Williamson, Daniel, 1854)

Whitty, Alfred 1867

Whitty, Alfred 1891

Whitty, Ann K. 1850

Whitty, Charles 1925

Whitty, John H. 1891

Whitty, Lewis 1855

Whitty, Lewis 1900

Whitty, Oleta B. 1911

Whitty, Owen 1867

Whitty, Owen 1891

Whitty, Susan W. 1867

Wilcox, F. 1915

Wilcox, George 1868

Wilcox, Nancy 1896

Wilcox, Stephen 1847

Wilcox, William 1868

Wilder, Godfrey 1900

Wilkins, Senie 1917

Williams, Ann Mariah 1872

Williams, Andrew C. 1869

Williams, Aretus 1866

Williams, Aretus 1866 (see Turner, Whitfield, 1883)

Williams, Bryan B. 1855

Williams, Chaney 1899

C.R. 057.508.38

Williams, Fountain 1814

Williams, Fountain 1888

Williams, Francis 1811

(see Hill, James, 1811)

Williams, J. B. 1932

Williams, James 1784

Williams, Jonas 1878

Williams, Lewis 1858

Williamson, Daniel 1854

Williamson, David 1796

Williamson, Francis 1811

Williamson, Francis T. 1858

Williamson, Richard 1792

Willis, Harriett 1933

Wilson, I. W. 1899

Wilson, Isaac T. 1887

Wilson, William J. 1920

Windley, S. H. 1910

Witton, Robert 1824

Winberry, D. M. 1931

Winset, John 1790

Wood, Aaron 1846

Wood, C. B. 1867

Wood, Frederick 1849

Wood, Hannah 1845

Wood, Jacob 1837

Wood, Joseph 1819

Wood, Sarah 1854

Wood, William H. 1853

Wooten, Caroline D. 1917

Wooton, Elvira Foscue 1891

Worley, P. B. 1925

Worley, Thomas F. 1919

Wright, Edmund 1822

Yates, Penelope 1807

Young, Sarah 1849

Young, John 1846


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