| |

|BBC World Service explains the biggest business issues – now with two daily programmes. |

|World Business Report | |Business Daily |

| | | |

|World Business Report provides a fast-moving 9 minute briefing of all the | |This 18 minute programme debates the big issues of the moment, including: |

|breaking news you need to know, updated 8 times a day on the net, offering: | |A weekly comment piece on the workplace from Lucy Kellaway of the |

|Clear analysis from the BBC’s global network of correspondents | |Financial Times |

|Five million listeners tuning in every day, including one million in the | |A weekly commentary on technology from Jeremy Wagstaff of the Asian Wall |

|United States. | |St Journal |

|The key financial numbers, plus daily market reports from London, Wall Street| |Extended discussions and reports from locations across the globe |

|and the Asia-Pacific region | |Ending with a Wall Street news update in the 2130GMT edition. |

| |

|All our business output continues to look at business news in the broadest sense and how it affects our daily lives, including: |

|The latest on the influence of the global media barons, plus where the motor and aviation industries are heading |

|How the big takeover deals will affect investors, employees and consumers |

|The inside story of the battles between the corporations and the regulators |

|All sides of the debate on controversial business innovations like genetically modified food |

| |

|The BBC World Service reaches the biggest global audience of any radio station. Listeners can tune in on FM in 150 capital cities around the world. We are|

|also available on traditional shortwave frequencies, on the internet and on new digital radio sets. |

| |

|42 million people listen to BBC World Service radio every week in English (163 million in all languages). Listening in the United States is growing fast, |

|with 5.1 million tuning in every week, mainly on FM public radio stations. In the UK, 1.4 million people tune in each week. |

|Business news for listeners in |0420 |0730 |Net only: |Net only: |1820 |2130 |

|Europe |GMT |GMT Business Daily|0820 |1540 |GMT |GMT Business Daily |

|and NW Africa |WBR | |GMT |GMT |WBR Asia/Europe| |

| |Wall Street | |WBR |WBR |close edition | |

| |close edition | | | | | |

|Local time in Iceland and |4.20am |7.30am |8.20am |3.40pm |6.20pm |9.30pm | |

|Morocco: | | | | | | | |

|On Medium Wave: |SE England, NE France, |648 (463) |648 (463) |- |- |648 (463) |648 (463) |

| |Belgium, Netherlands and | | | | | | |

| |Northern Germany : | | | | | | |

| |Wales/west England: |882 (340) |- |- |- |- |- |

|Frequencies in kHz (metres) |In Gibraltar: |1458 (206) |- |- |- |1458 (206) |1458 (206) |

|BBC FM relays: |In Berlin: |90.2 |90.2 |- |- |90.2 |90.2 |

| |In Budapest, Hungary: |92.1 |- |- |- |92.1 |- |

| |In Dresden^,Germany: |91.1 |91.1 |- |- |- |- |

|Frequencies in MHz |In Prague,* Czech R: |101.1 |- |- |- |101.1 |101.1 |

| |In Tirane, Albania: |103.9 |103.9 |- |- |103.9 |103.9 |

|FM rebroadcasts: |In Nice/French Riviera: |100.5-101.0 |- |- |- |- |- |

| |(Radio International and |106.3+106.5 | | | | | |

| |Riviera Radio) | | | | | | |

| |In Athens: (on AIR)|104.4 |- |- |- |- |- |

| |In Geneva: (on WRG) |88.4 |- |88.4 at 1.20pm |- |- |88.4 |

| |In Gibraltar: |92.6 |- |- |- |92.6 |92.6 |

| |In Malaga, Spain: |88.5 |- |- |- |97.6 |97.6 |

| |(Coastline Radio) | | | | | | |

| |In Malta: (Campus FM)|103.7 |- |- |- |- |103.7 |

| |In Oslo: (relay by |- |- |- |- |- |93.0 |

| |NRK) | | | | | | |

| |In Rome: (R Citta |97.7 |- |- |- |- |- |

| |Futura) | | | | | | |

|Via Satellite TV: |UK Sky ch 0115: |YES |YES |- |- |YES |YES |

| |Astra 2D 28.2degE Horiz | | | | | | |

| |10.802 GHz (22000, 5/6) | | | | | | |

| |Canal Sat, France: |YES |YES |- |- |YES |YES |

| |Channel 119 | | | | | | |

* also for Czech Republic in Brno 101.3, Ceske Budejovice 89.8, Hradec Kralove 99.1, Jihlava 96.7, Karlovy Vary 94.7, Liberec 99.2, Olomouc 105.6, Ostrava 106.3,

Plzen 98.6, Usti nad Labem 105.8 and Zlin 93.9. ^ also in Leipzig on 98.2 and in Chemnitz 88.9

|Business news for listeners in |1040 |1120 |0120 |0140 |0420 |Overnight: 0820 |

|US & Canada |GMT Business Daily|GMT |GMT |GMT Business Daily|GMT WBR |GMT WBR |

| | |WBR |WBR | |Wall St close | |

| | |Asia close |Wall St close | | | |

| | |edition | | | | |

|Time in California and |3.40am |4.20am |6.20pm |6.40pm |9.20pm |1.20am | |

|Seattle: (Pacific) | | | | | | | |

| |San Francisco: |91.7 (KALW) |91.7 |- |- |88.5 (KQED) |91.7 (KALW) |

| |Santa Cruz, CA: (KSPB) |91.9 |91.9 (also at |- (91.9 at |- |- |91.9 |

| | | |8.40am) |12.20pm) | | | |

| |San Diego, CA: (KPBS) |- |- |89.5 |89.5 |- |- |

| |Las Vegas, NA: (KNPR) |88.9 |88.9 |- |- |88.9 |88.9 |

|Time in Colorado: |4.40am |5.20am |7.20pm |7.40pm |10.20pm |2.20am | |

|(Mountain) | | | | | | | |

|On FM: |Calgary, Alberta: (CKUA) |- |- |- |- |93.7 |- |

| |Salt Lake City: (KCPW)|88.3 |88.3 |- |- |88.3 |88.3 |

|Time in Chicago and Texas:|5.40am |6.20am |8.20pm |8.40pm |11.20pm |3.20am | |

|(Central) | | | | | | | |

| In kHz (metres) |Iowa: (WOI-AM)|- |- |- |- |640 (469) |640 (469) |

| |Nashville, Tennessee: |1430 (210) |1430 (210) |- |- |1430 (210) |1430 (210) |

| |(WPLN) | | | | | | |

|On FM in cent US: |Dallas, Texas: (KERA) |- |- |- |- |90.1 |90.1 |

| |Memphis: (WKNA/WKNQ) |88.9 |88.9 |- |- |88.9 |88.9 |

| |Also West Tennessee and | | | | |90.7 |90.7 |

| |NW Mississippi | | | | | | |

| |Minnesota state: |- |- |- |- |91.1 |91.1 |

| |(KNOW in St Paul + many | | | | | | |

| |others) | | | | | | |

| |Oklahoma: (KWGS inTulsa) |- |- |- |- |89.5 |89.5 |

| |St Louis, Missouri: (KWMU) |- |- |- |- |90.7 |90.7 |

| |San Antonio, TX: (KSTX) |- |- |- |- |89.1 |89.1 |

|Time in New York and |6.40am |7.20am |9.20pm |9.40pm |12.20am |4.20am | |

|Toronto: | | | | | | | |

| In kHz (metres) |New York: (WNYC) |- |- |- |- |820 (366) |- |

|On FM in East US: |Boston: (WBUR) |- |- |- |- |90.9 |90.9 |

| |Charlottesville (WVTF-IQ) |89.7 |89.7 |- |- |89.7 |89.7 |

| |also throughout western |91.5 |91.5 | | |91.5 |91.5 |

| |Virginia | | | | | | |

| |New York: (WNYE) |- |91.5 |- |- |- |91.5 |

| |Washington DC: (WETA) |- |- |- |- |90.9 |90.9 |

|On Satellite radio: |XM pay service: |YES |YES |- |YES |YES |YES |

| |Sirius pay service: |YES |YES |YES |YES |YES |YES |

A further 66 sets of US public radio stations carry World Service between Midnight and 5am local time, including WAMC Albany, WHYY Philadelphia and WYPR Baltimore.

|Business news for listeners in |1040 |5 mins to |1820 |2130 |0140 |0420 |

|Caribbean |GMT Business Daily|Caribbean 1205|GMT |GMT Business Daily|GMT Business Daily|GMT |

|Plus South and Central America | |GMT |WBR | | |WBR |

| | |WBR |Europe Close |(also WBR in | |Wall St Close |

| | | | |following hour at | | |

| | | | |2220 GMT) | | |

|Time in Central America: |4.40am |- |- |- |- |- | |

|On Short Wave: |W from French Guiana relay |- |11.865 W |- |15.39 W |- |- |

| | | | | |Then 5.975 W | | |

|Business news for listeners in |0140 |0420 |0820 |1140 |1820 |

|Russia & Mid East |GMT Business Daily|GMT |GMT |GMT Business Daily|GMT |

|Plus other former Soviet states | |WBR |WBR | |WBR |

| | |Wall St Close |Asia Close | |Europe Close |

|In East Mediterranean/ |4.40am |7.20am |11.20am |2.40pm |9.20pm | |

|Cyprus: | | | | | | |

|(also Baltic States, | | | | | | |

|Belarus and Ukraine; plus | | | | | | |

|Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, | | | | | | |

|Saudi Arabia and Yemen) | | | | | | |

|On Medium Wave: |In East Mediterranean: |1323 (227) |1323 (227) |1323 (227) |1323 (227) |1323 (227) |

| |In Persian Gulf: |- |- |- |- |1413 (212) |

|Frequencies in kHz |In Ekaterinburg: |- |- |- |666 (450) |- |

|(metres) |In Moscow and |- |- |- |1260 (238) |- |

| |St. Petersburg: | | | | | |

|Business news for listeners in |0420 |0820 |1120 |1540 |1940 |2220 |

|Africa |GMT |GMT |GMT |GMT Business Daily|GMT Business Daily|GMT |

|South of Sahara |WBR |WBR |WBR |to West Africa* |to East Africa |WBR |

| |Wall St Close |Wall St Close |Asia Close | | |Wall St Close |

| |East Africa |West Africa |West Africa | | |West Africa |

|Local time in West Africa:|- |8.20am |11.20am |3.40pm |- |10.20pm | |

|On FM in West: |In Accra, Ghana: |- |101.3 |101.3 |101.3 |- |101.3 |

|Frequencies in MHz |In Abidjan, Ivory Coast: |- |94.3 |- |94.3 |- |94.3 |

| |In Dakar, Senegal: |- |105.6 |- |105.6 |- |105.6 |

|On FM in East: |In Nairobi/Mombasa: |93.9 |- |- |- |93.9 |- |

|Frequencies in MHz |In Maputo, Mozambique: |95.5 |- |- |- |95.5 |- |

| |In Kampala, Uganda: |101.3 |- |- |- |101.3 |- |

| |In Lusaka, Zambia: |98.0 |- |- |98.0 |98.0 |- |

|Business news for listeners in India & Pakistan |0140 |0730 |0820 |1120 |1540 |1820 |

|also Bangladesh, Nepal & Sri Lanka |GMT Business Daily|GMT Business Daily|GMT |GMT |GMT |GMT |

| |Not Monday | |WBR |WBR |WBR |WBR |

| | | |Wall St Close |Asia Close |Europe Close |Europe Close |

| | | | | |Not Monday | |

|Local time in Pakistan: |6.40am |12.30pm |1.20pm |4.20pm |8.40pm |11.20pm | |

|On FM: |In Dhaka, Bangladesh: |100 MHz |100 MHz |100 MHz |100 MHz |100 MHz |100 MHz |

|Business news for listeners in East & SE Asia |2220 |0040 |0420 |1120 |1440 |1540 |

| |GMT |GMT Business Daily|GMT |GMT |GMT Business Daily|GMT |

| |WBR | |WBR |WBR | |WBR |

| |Wall St Close | | |Asia Close | |Asia Close |

|Local time in Burma |4.50am |7.10am |10.50am |5.50pm |9.10pm |10.10pm | |

|(Myanmar): | | | | | | | |

|On Medium Wave: |In Hong Kong: |675 (444) |675 (444) |675 (444) |675(444) |675 (444) |675 (444) |

| | | | | | | | |

|Frequencies in kHz (m) | | | | | | | |

|On FM: |In Singapore: |88.9 |88.9 |88.9 |88.9 |88.9 |88.9 |

|Business news for listeners in Australia |1920 |2220 |0140 |0730 |0820 |1120 |

|New Zealand and the Pacific |GMT |GMT |GMT Business Daily|GMT Business Daily|GMT |GMT |

| |WBR |WBR | | |WBR |WBR |

| |Europe Close |Wall St Close | | |Wall St Close |Asia Close |

|Local time in Perth: |3.20am |6.20am |9.40am |3.30pm |4.20pm |7.20pm | |

|(Western Australia) | | | | | | | |

|On Medium Wave: |In Sydney: |630 (476) |- |- |- |- |630 (476) |

|Frequencies in kHz |In Perth #: |585 (512) |- |- |- |- |585 (512) |

|(metres) |Auckland, New Zealand: |1476 (203) |1476 (203) |1476 (203) |1476 (203) |1476 (203) |1476 (203) |

|On FM: |In Darwin: In MHz |102.5 |- |- |- |- |102.5 |

# On ABC News Radio - Perth service also on MW in Canberra on 1440 kHz (208m), Brisbane 936 (321m), Newcastle 1458 (206m), Melbourne 1026 (292m),

Adelaide 972 (309m) and Hobart 729 (412m)

|WBR includes latest numbers from the |0820 |1120 |1206 |1540 |1820 |1920 |2220 |

|financial markets |GMT |GMT |GMT |GMT |GMT |GMT |GMT |

| |to Mid East, |to Asia, US FMs|to Caribbean |to East and |to Europe, Mid |to Australia and |to Asia also 0120 |

| |West Africa, & |and West Africa| |South Africa |East and South |New Zealand |and 0420 GMT to all |

| |South Asia | | |and all Asia |Asia | |other regions |

|SHARES: Dow and London FTSE |111 | | | | | | |

| |YES |FTSE only |YES |YES |YES |YES |YES |

| Tokyo and Hong Kong indices |Tokyo only |YES |Tokyo only |- |- |- |- |

| BBC index of 20 leading companies^|YES |YES |YES |YES |YES |YES |YES |

|CURRENCIES: $ /Yen | | | | | | | |

| |YES |YES |YES |- |- |- |- |

| Euro /$ plus £ /$ |YES |YES |YES |YES |YES |YES |- |

| South African Rand / $ |- |- |- |YES |- |- |- |

|COMMODITIES: NY Oil | | | | | | | |

| |- |- |- |- |- |- |YES |

| Cocoa and Coffee |- |- |- |YES |- |- |- |

^ The BBC index is our own real-time calculation showing what the value is now of $100 invested in 20 leading stocks in Europe and America in January 2000 - this is useful because it draws in the mood across the UK, Germany, France and US in one number, and is also a figure which demonstrates clearly the pain suffered by investors

since the market peak in 2000 - it's currently around $110 (August 2006), having dropped to just $62 in March 2003.

Ten of the companies are based in Europe and ten in the U.S. They are chosen to provide a range of industry sectors and avoid those companies which hold a potentially vulnerable monopoly in their market.

AEROSPACE & ENGINEERING: 1. Boeing 2. General Electric 3. Siemens

BANKS & INSURANCE: 4. Allianz 5. Citigroup 6. Deutsche Bank 7. HSBC

DRINKS: 8. Diageo


ENERGY: 11. BP 12. Total Fina

HEALTH & HEALTHCARE:: 13. Johnson & Johnson 14. Pfizer

MEDIA: 15. Disney

METALS & MINING: 16. Alcoa 17. Rio Tinto

MOTOR: 18. Ford

RETAIL: 19. Carrefour 20. Wal-Mart


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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