
Transfers of major conventional weapons: sorted by supplier. Deals with deliveries or orders made for year range 2003 to 2007

Note: The ‘No. delivered/produced’ and the ‘Year(s) of deliveries’ columns refer to all deliveries since the beginning of the contract. Deals in which the recipient was involved in the production of the weapon system are listed separately. The ‘Comments’ column includes publicly reported information on the value of the deal. Information on the sources and methods used in the collection of the data, and explanations of the conventions, abbreviations and acronyms, can be found at URL . The SIPRI Arms Transfers Database is continuously updated as new information becomes available.

Source: SIPRI Arms Transfers Database

Information generated: 11 November 2008

Supplier/ Year Year(s) No.

recipient (R) No. Weapon Weapon of order/ of delivered/

or licenser (L) ordered designation description licence deliveries produced Comments


R: Afghanistan (10) Mi-8T/Hip-C Helicopter (2002) 2002-2003 (10) Ex-Russian; aid; status uncertain

6 TV-3 Turboshaft 2004 2005 6 Spare engines for Mi-24 combat helicopters

(4) Mi-8/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter (2005) 2005 (4) Probably ex-Russian; part of $30 m aid; designation uncertain

Algeria 22 Su-24MK/Fencer-D Bomber aircraft 2000 2001-2005 (22) Ex-Russian; $120 m deal; probably modernized before delivery

42 Mi-8/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter 2002 2002-2004 (42) Deal worth $180 m; Mi-171Sh armed version

(3000) 9M133 Kornet/AT-14 Anti-tank missile 2005 2006-2007 (1000) For BMP-2M IFV

(300) BMP-2 IFV 2005 2006-2007 (100) Algerian BMP-2 rebuilt to BMP-2M

. . 96K9 Pantsyr-S1 Mobile AD system (2006)

(900) 9M311/SA-19 Grison SAM (2006) For 96K9 Pantsyr-S1 AD systems

(34) MiG-29SMT/Fulcrum FGA aircraft 2006 2007 (8) $1.2-1.8 b deal (part of $3.5-7.5 b deal; incl $300 m trade-in of 36 Algerian MiG-29); incl 6 MiG-29UBT; delivery 2007-2009; status uncertain

. . R-77/AA-12 Adder BVRAAM (2006) For MiG-29SMT and Su-30MK combat aircraft; status uncertain

(8) S-300PMU-2/SA-10E SAM system 2006 $1 b deal (part of $7.5 b deal)

(28) Su-30MK/Flanker FGA aircraft (2006) $1.2-1.8 b deal (part of $3.5-7.5 b deal; Su-30MKA version; delivery 2008-2009

(180) T-90S Tank (2006) 2007 (90) $1 b deal (part of $7.5 b deal); delivery 2007-2011

2 Type-636E/Kilo Submarine 2006 $400 m deal; delivery 2008

16 Yak-130 Trainer/combat ac 2006 $200 m deal (part of $7.5 b deal); delivery from 2008

Armenia 2 Il-76M/Candid-B Transport aircraft 2004 2004 2 Probably ex-Russian; part of 'Collective Security Treaty Organisation' co-operation

Bangladesh 3 Mi-8/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter 2004 2005 3 BDT78 m ($1.3 m) deal; Mi-171 armed version

60 BTR-80 APC (2005) 2006 60 For use by Bangladeshi UN peacekeeping operations

Belarus (150) 5V55R/SA-10B Grumble SAM 2000 2006 (150)

(4) S-300PM/SA-10B SAM system 2005 2006 (4) Ex-Russian; partly financed by Russia

Burkina Faso 2 Mi-24P/Mi-35P/Hind-F Combat helicopter 2005 2005 2 Mi-35 version

China (3000) R-73/AA-11 Archer SRAAM (1995) 1996-2004 (3000) For Su-27 and Su-30 combat aircraft

. . Kh-59M/AS-18 Kazoo ASM (1999) 2004-2006 (150) Incl for Su-30 combat aircraft

54 AL-31FN Turbofan 2000 2001-2005 (54) For J-10 combat aircraft produced in China

. . R-77/AA-12 Adder BVRAAM (2000) 2002-2007 (600) For Su-27SK and Su-30MKK combat aircraft

(150) 9M317/SA-17 Grizzly SAM (2001) 2004 (150) 9M38M2 (SA-N-12) version; for Type-052B destroyers

(8) Fregat/Top Plate Air surv radar (2001) 2004-2007 6 For 2 Type-051C (Luzhou or Shenyang),2 Type-052B (Luyang-1 or Guangzhou) destroyers and 4 Type-054A (Jiangkai-2) frigates produced in China

(35) Mi-8/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter (2001) 2002-2003 (35) Mi-17-V5 (Mi-8MTV-5) version

8 MR-90/Front Dome Fire control radar (2001) 2004 8 For use with 9M38M2 (SA-N-12) SAM on 2 Type-052B (Luyang-1 or Guangzhou) destroyers produced in China

(4) S-300PMU-1/SA-10D SAM system 2001 2003-2004 (4) $400 m deal (partly payment for debt); no. could be 6

38 Su-30MK/Flanker FGA aircraft 2001 2002-2003 38 $2 b deal; Su-30MKK version

100 Zhuk Aircraft radar 2001 2001-2005 (100) Zhuk-8 version; for modernization of J-8B (J-8-IIM) combat aircraft

2 30N6E1/Flap Lid Multi-function radar (2002) 2006-2007 (2) Tomb Stone version; for use with SA-N-20 SAM on 2 Type-051C (Luzhou or Shenyang) destroyers produced in China

(150) 3M-54E1 Klub/SS-N-27 Anti-ship missile 2002 2005-2007 (90) For modernized and new Kilo submarines; probably incl 3M14E land-attack version

(150) 48N6/SA-10D Grumble SAM (2002) 2006-2007 (150) SA-N-20 version; for Type-051C (Luzhou or Shenyang) destroyers

(150) 53-65K AS torpedo (2002) 2005-2006 (150) For Kilo submarines

(225) 9M311/SA-19 Grison SAM (2002) 2005-2006 (225) For Kashtan AD system on Sovremenny destroyers

(150) 9M38/SA-11 Gadfly SAM (2002) 2005-2006 (150) 9M38M1 (SA-N-7) version; for Sovremenny (Hangzhou) destroyers

(35) Moskit/SS-N-22 Anti-ship missile (2002) 2005-2006 (35) P-270 Moskit (3M80MBE) version; for Sovremenny (Hangzhou) destroyers

2 Sovremenny Destroyer 2002 2005-2006 2 $1-1.5 b deal; Type-956EM version; option on 2 more

(150) TEST-71 AS/ASW torpedo (2002) 2005-2006 (150) For Kilo submarines

8 Type-636E/Kilo Submarine 2002 2004-2006 (8) $1.5-2 b deal

1 Zmei/Sea Dragon MP aircraft radar 2002 2003 (1) For use on balloon for surveillance of Taiwan Strait

(3) A-50U/Mainstay AEW&C aircraft (2003) No. could be up to 6 (possibly incl lease of 2); ordered after Israel (under US pressure) refused delivery of ordered AEW&C aircraft

24 Su-30MK/Flanker FGA aircraft 2003 2004 24 $1 b deal; Su-30MKK2 naval attack version

(300) 48N6E2/SA-10E SAM 2004 2006 (297) Part of $980 m deal

1 64N6/Tombstone Air surv radar 2004 2006 1 Part of $980 m deal; 64N6E2 version; for use with S-300PMU2 (SA-10) SAM systems

8 S-300PMU-2/SA-10E SAM system 2004 2006 (8) Part of $980 m deal

(180) AL-31FN Turbofan 2005 2005-2007 (90) For J-10 combat aircraft produced in China

(60) D-30 Turbofan 2005 Part of $300 m deal; for 15 Il-76 transport aircraft from Uzbekistan; D-30KP version

15 Il-76M/Candid-B Transport aircraft 2005 Part of $1 b deal; Il-76TD version; status uncertain

19 Il-76M/Candid-B Transport aircraft 2005 Part of $1 b deal; Il-76TD version; delivery 2010-2013

4 Il-78M/Midas Tanker aircraft 2005 Part of $1 b deal; status uncertain; delivery 2010-2013

. . Kh-59M2/AS-18 Anti-ship missile (2005) For Su-30 combat aircraft; developed for China

(8) MR-90/Front Dome Fire control radar (2005) 2007 (4) For 4 Type-054A (Jiangkai-2) frigates produced in China

100 RD-33/RD-93 Turbofan 2005 2006-2007 (45) $267 m deal; RD-93 version; for FC-1/JF-17 combat aircraft produced in China

(300) 48N6E2/SA-10E SAM 2006 2007 (80)

24 Mi-8/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter 2006 2006-2007 24 $200 m deal; Mi-17 version

8 S-300PMU-2/SA-10E SAM system 2006 2007 (2)

(2) Su-27SK/Flanker-B FGA aircraft (2006) $100 m deal; Su-33 version; for evaluation; option on 12-48; status uncertain

Croatia (10) Mi-8/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter 2006 2007 2 $65 m deal (payment for debt); Mi-171Sh version; incl for fire-fighting; delivery 2007-2008

Cyprus (3) Mi-8/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter (2004) 2006 (3) Mi-17V-5 version

Czech Republic 7 Mi-24V/Mi-35/Hind-E Combat helicopter 2002 2003 7 Payment for debt

10 Mi-24V/Mi-35/Hind-E Combat helicopter 2004 2005-2006 10 Part of $184-250 m deal (payment for debt)

16 Mi-8/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter 2004 2005 16 Part of $184-250 m deal (payment for debt); Mi-171S/Mi-171Sh version

Egypt (30) Pechora M-2 SAM system 1999 2002-2006 (30) Egyptian SA-3 SAMS rebuilt to Pechora M2 version; no. could be up to 50

(600) Igla/SA-18 Grouse Portable SAM (2007) Strelets version; for upgrade of ZSU-23-4 AAV(G)

Eritrea (2) MiG-29SMT/Fulcrum FGA aircraft (2002) 2004 2 No. could be 4

(10) Su-27SK/Flanker-B FGA aircraft 2003 2004-2005 (10) Incl Su-27UB

80 9M133 Kornet/AT-14 Anti-tank missile 2005 2005 (80) $0.17 m deal; Kornet-E version

Ethiopia (10) Mi-24P/Mi-35P/Hind-F Combat helicopter (2002) 2003-2004 10 Deal worth $25 m; possibly ex-Russian

(7) Su-27SK/Flanker-B FGA aircraft (2002) 2003-2004 (7)

(18) M-46 130mm Towed gun (2003) 2003 18 Possibly ex-Russian; designation uncertain

Ghana 4 Mi-8/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter 2004 2004 4 $55 m deal (financed with loan from UK bank)

Greece 1100 9M133 Kornet/AT-14 Anti-tank missile 2001 2002-2004 (1100) Deal worth $95 m

(350) 9M338/SA-15 Gauntlet SAM (2002) 2005-2006 (350) For Tor-M1 SAM systems

1 Pomornik/Type-1232.2 ACV/landing craft 2002 2005 1 $64 m deal; Greek designation Kefallinia

(19) Tor-M1/SA-15 Mobile SAM system (2002) 2005-2006 (19) $400 m or $700 m deal (offsets $1.3 b)

(415) BMP-3 IFV (2007) Contract not yet signed

India 20 AK-630 30mm Naval gun (1990) 1998-2005 20 For 3 Brahmaputra (Project-16A) frigates and 4 Kora (Project-25A) corvettes produced in India

(4) 140mm RL Naval MRL (1992) 1997-2006 4 For 2 Magar landing ships produced in India; designation uncertain

4 Cross Dome Air surv radar (1992) 1998-2004 4 For 4 Kora (Project-25A) corvettes produced in India

(416) Kh-35 Uran/SS-N-25 Anti-ship missile (1992) 1997-2004 (416) For Delhi (Project-15) and modernized Kashin-2 (Rajput) destroyers, Brahmaputra (Poject-16A) frigates, Kora (Project-25A) corvettes and Tarantul-1 (Vibhuti) FAC

7 Garpun/Plank Shave Air surv radar (1993) 1997-2004 7 For 3 Delhi (Project-15) destroyers and 4 Kora (Project-25A) corvettes produced in India; for use with SS-N-25 missiles

(27) SET-65E ASW torpedo (1993) 1997-2003 (27) For Delhi Class (Project-15) destroyers and Talwar Class frigates

125 Kopyo Aircraft radar 1996 2001-2006 (125) Part of $428-630 m deal for modernization of 125 MiG-21bis combat aircraft to MiG-21UPG Bison (MiG-21I or MiG-21-93); option on 50 more not used

(3900) R-73/AA-11 Archer SRAAM (1996) 1997-2007 (1900) For Su-30MKI, MiG-21UPG (modernized MiG-21bis) and probably for MiG-29 and modernized MiG-27ML combat aircraft

22 Su-30MK/Flanker FGA aircraft 1996 2002-2003 22 Part of $1.55-1.8 b deal; Su-30MKI version; ordered while still being developed

(48) 53-65K AS torpedo (1997) 1997-2003 (48) For Kilo (Sindhughosh) Class submarines and Talwar Class frigates

(300) 9M311/SA-19 Grison SAM (1997) 2003 (300) 9M311 (SA-N-11) version for Kashtan CIWS systems on 3 Talwar frigates

3 Talwar/Krivak-4 Frigate 1997 2003-2004 3 INR35 b ($0.8-1 b) deal; Russian designation Project-1135.6; ordered due to problems with Indian production of major warships; delivery 2 years delayed due to financial problems of producer and technical problems with systems on the ships

(175) 3M-54E1 Klub/SS-N-27 Anti-ship missile (1998) 2001-2007 (175) For Talwar and Shivalik (Project-17) frigates, Kolkata (Project-15A) destroyers and Kilo submarines; incl 3M-14E land-attack version

. . PJ-10 Brahmos Anti-ship missile (1998) 2006-2007 (10) Version of SS-N-26 Yakhont developed in cooperation with India and for production in India and Russia; incl land- and ship-based versions

10 Su-30MK/Flanker FGA aircraft 1998 2004 10 Su-30MKI version; ordered while still being developed

(300) 9M311/SA-19 Grison SAM (1999) 9M311 (SA-N-11) version for Kashtan CIWS systems on 3 Shivalik (Project-17) frigates

6 Fregat/Top Plate Air surv radar (1999) For 3 Kolkata (Project-15A) destroyers and 3 Shivalik (Project-17) frigates produced in India

4 Ka-31/Helix AEW helicopter 1999 2003 4 Deal worth $92 m

6 Kashtan/CADS-N-1 CIWS/SAM system (1999) For 3 Shivalik (Project-17) frigates produced in India

30 MR-90/Front Dome Fire control radar (1999) For 3 Kolkata (Project-15A) destroyers and 3 Shivalik (Project-17) frigates produced in India

(1440) 9M120 Vikhr/AT-16 Anti-tank missile (2000) 2002-2004 (1440) For Mi-17 helicopters

(125) 9M317/SA-17 Grizzly SAM (2000) 2003 (125) 9M317 (SA-N-12) version; for Talwar frigates

(125) 9M38/SA-11 Gadfly SAM (2000) 9M38M1 (SA-N-7) version; for Shivalik (Project-17) frigates

(1600) R-77/AA-12 Adder BVRAAM (2000) 2001-2007 (875) For Su-30MKI, MiG-21UPG (modernized MiG-21bis) and possibly for MiG-29 and modernized MiG-27ML combat aircraft

(2500) Igla/SA-18 Grouse Portable SAM 2001 2001-2003 (2250) Deal worth $32-50 m

3 Il-38SD/May ASW/MP aircraft 2001 Indian Il-38 rebuilt to Il-38SD; 2 supplied to India in 2006 but considered having technical flaws and not accepted by Indian Navy

5 Ka-31/Helix AEW helicopter 2001 2003-2004 (5) $108 m deal

20 Kh-35 Uran/SS-N-25 Anti-ship missile (2001) For Il-38SD ASW/MP aircraft

(225) 9M317/SA-17 Grizzly SAM (2002) 9M317ME (SA-N-12) version; for Kolkata (Project-15A) destroyers

250 V-46 Diesel engine (AV) (2002) 2004-2006 (150) For modernization of 250 T-72M1 tanks

308 V-46 Diesel engine (AV) 2002 2002-2007 (308) For 308 WZT-3 ARV from Poland; possibly from Polish production line

(3000) 9M133 Kornet/AT-14 Anti-tank missile (2003) 2003-2006 (3000) INR1.5 b deal (incl over 250 launchers); Kornet-E version

3 AK-100 100mm Naval gun (2003) For 3 Kolkata (Project-15A) destroyers produced in India

3 Kite Screech Fire control radar (2003) For 3 Kolkata (Project-15A) destroyers produced in India

6 Mi-8/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter 2003 2003-2004 6 For border guard; for use in Jammu and Kashmir; Mi-17 version

6 MR-123/Bass Tilt Fire control radar (2003) For 3 Kolkata (Project-15A) destroyers produced in India

1 Gorshkov Aircraft carrier 2004 Ex-Russian; $625-675 m deal (incl modernization and modification to conventional take off/landing (CTOL) carrier); Indian designation Vikramaditya; delivery 2011/2013

(3) Ka-27PL/Helix-A ASW helicopter 2004 Ka-28 version; for use on Gorshkov (Vikramaditya) aircraft carrier

(5) Ka-31/Helix AEW helicopter 2004 For use on Gorshkov (Vikramaditya) aircraft carrier

12 PS-90A Turbofan 2004 For 3 A-50EhI AEW&C aircraft from Uzbekistan

(28) 2S6M Tunguska Mobile AD system (2005) $400 m deal; status uncertain

(300) 9M311/SA-19 Grison SAM (2005) 9M311 (SA-N-11) version; for Kashtan CIWS on 1 Gorshkov aircraft-carrier

(38) BM-9A52 Smerch MRL 2005 2007 (10) $400-500 m deal; originally more planned but reduced after Russia refused technology transfers; delivery 2007-2008

2 Il-38/May ASW/MP aircraft 2005 Ex-Russian; modernized to Il-38SD version before delivery

16 MiG-29SMT/Fulcrum FGA aircraft 2005 $700-740 m deal; MiG-29K version; incl 4 MiG-29KUB; for use on Gorshkov (Vikramaditya) aircraft carrier; option on 30 more; delivery 2008-2009

28 3M-54E1 Klub/SS-N-27 Anti-ship missile 2006 INR8.44 b ($182 m) deal; for Kilo submarines; 3M14 land-attack version

3 Talwar/Krivak-4 Frigate 2006 INS55 b crore ($1.2 b) deal; Russian designation Type-1135.6; ordered due to problems with Indian production of major warships; delivery 2011-2012

(1) Akula-2 Nuclear submarine (2007) $700 m or $1.4 b deal (possibly lease); option on 1 more; possibly to be armed with Indian nuclear weapons; delivery 2008

24 BM-9A52 Smerch MRL 2007 $300 m deal; delivery 2010

80 Mi-8/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter (2007) $140 m deal; Mi-17V version; delivery 2008; contract not yet signed

18 Su-30MK/Flanker FGA aircraft 2007 Su-30MKI version; exchanged for 18 Indian Su-30K; replacing original planned modernization of Su-30K to Su-30MKI; partly swapped for 18 Su-30K

40 Su-30MK/Flanker FGA aircraft 2007 $1.6 b deal; Su-30MKI version; delivery 2008-2010

Indonesia (16) Mi-2/Hoplite Helicopter 2002 2003-2004 (16)

(2) Mi-8/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter 2002 2003 (2) Mi-17 version

4 Mi-8/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter 2002 2004 (4) Deal worth $18-22 m (loaned from Malaysian company; probably incl $3 m lost in corruption); Mi-17 version

(24) 9M114/AT-6 Spiral Anti-tank missile 2003 2003 (24) For Mi-35P combat helicopters; designation uncertain

(16) Igla-1/SA-16 Gimlet Portable SAM 2003 2003 (16) For Mi-35P combat helicopters; designation uncertain

2 Mi-24V/Mi-35/Hind-E Combat helicopter 2003 2003 2 Possibly ex-Russian; part of deal worth $193-197 m (incl $26 m cash and rest barter)

2 Su-27SK/Flanker-B FGA aircraft 2003 2003 2 Possibly ex-Russian Su-27 modernized to Su-27SMK; part of deal worth $193-197 m (incl $26 m cash and rest barter)

2 Su-30MK/Flanker FGA aircraft 2003 2003 2 Part of deal worth $193-197 m (incl $26 m cash and rest barter); orginally 20 ordered 1997 but cancelled after 1997 financial crisis and renewed 2003; option on 8-18 more

(20) BMP-3 IFV (2007) Contract not yet signed

(3) Mi-24V/Mi-35/Hind-E Combat helicopter (2007) Contract not yet signed

(10) Mi-8/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter (2007) Contract not yet signed

3 Su-27SK/Flanker-B FGA aircraft 2007 Su-27SKM version

3 Su-30MK/Flanker FGA aircraft 2007 Su-30MK2 version

(2) Type-636E/Kilo Submarine (2007) Contract not yet signed

Iran (540) 9M114/AT-6 Spiral Anti-tank missile (1999) 2000-2003 (540) For Mi-171Sh helicopters; possibly incl AT-9 version

(20) Mi-8/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter 2001 2002-2003 (20) $150 m deal; Mi-171Sh version

(40) R-60/AA-8 Aphid SRAAM (2003) 2006 (40) For Su-25 combat aircraft; designation uncertain

(6) Su-25/Frogfoot-A Ground attack ac (2003) 2006 6 Su-25T version; incl 3 Su-25UBK; for Revolutionary Guard

(500) 9M338/SA-15 Gauntlet SAM 2005 2006-2007 (500) For Tor-M1 (SA-15) SAM systems

(29) Tor-M1/SA-15 Mobile SAM system 2005 2006-2007 (29) $700m deal (part of $1 b deal); incl for protection of Iranian nuclear plant

Iraq 10 Mi-8/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter 2005 2006 10 $65 m deal; ordered via Polish company; Mi-17V-5 version; incl 1 for VIP transport

(18) Mi-8/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter (2006) 2007 (4) Ordered via USA and Polish company BUMAR; delivery 2007-2008

Jordan 8 PS-90A Turbofan 2005 For 2 Il-76MF transport aircraft from Uzbekistan; PS-90A-76 version

Kazakhstan (14) Mi-8/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter 2002 2004-2007 (14) $100 m deal; Mi-17 version; for anti-terrorist and anti-narcotics operations

(80) BTR-80 APC (2003) 2004-2007 (17)

(12) Mi-8/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter 2007

Kyrgyzstan 2 Mi-8/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter (2003) 2003 2 Second-hand; modernized before delivery; Mi-17 version

1 Mi-8/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter (2005) 2005 1 Probably ex-Russian; part of $3 m aid (in return for Russian access to Kyrgyz air base)

Laos 3 Il-103 Light aircraft (2002) 2003 (3) Status uncertain

(50) Igla-1/SA-16 Gimlet Portable SAM (2004) 2005 50 Designation uncertain; deal incl also 25 launchers

Latvia 2 Mi-8/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter (2003) 2004-2005 2 Mi-8MTV-1 version; incl for SAR

Malaysia 17 N-019ME Topaz Aircraft radar (1999) 2002-2003 (17) For modernization of 17 MiG-29N FGA aircraft

. . Kh-31P1/AS-17 Anti-radar missile (2003) 2007 (12) For Su-30MKM combat aircraft

10 Mi-8/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter 2003 2006 (5) $70-120 m deal; Mi-171Sh armed version; for CSAR

(150) R-27/AA-10 Alamo BVRAAM (2003) 2007 (50) For Su-30MKM combat aircraft

(150) R-73/AA-11 Archer SRAAM (2003) 2007 (50) For Su-30MKM combat aircraft

(150) R-77/AA-12 Adder BVRAAM (2003) 2007 (50) For Su-30MKM combat aircraft

18 Su-30MK/Flanker FGA aircraft 2003 2007 6 $900 m deal (offsets over 33% incl $270 m as barter and incl space technology transfer and training of Malaysian astronaut); Su-30MKM version; delivery 2007-2008

Mexico 5 Mi-8/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter (2004) 2006 5 Possibly second-hand and modernized before delivery; Mi-17 version

Morocco (12) 2S6M Tunguska Mobile AD system 2005 2005-2007 (10) $250 m deal; delivery 2005-2008

(300) 9M311/SA-19 Grison SAM 2005 2005-2007 (300) For 2S6 AAV(G/M)

Myanmar (Burma) (100) D-30 122mm Towed gun (2005) 2006 100 Designation uncertain; probably ex-Russian

NATO 1 An-124/Condor Transport aircraft 2006 2006 1 'SALIS' deal; lease until 2012 (EUR38 m for first year; interim solution until delivery of A-400); for use by 14 NATO countries, Finland and Sweden

Nepal 1 Mi-8/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter 2004 2004 1 $4 m deal; Mi-17 version

Nigeria 4 Mi-8/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter (2002) 2003 4 Mi-171(Sh) armed version

Pakistan 12 Mi-8/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter (2003) 2004 12 Part of $51 m deal; 1 more delivered for VIP transport; ordered via UK company

(150) RD-33/RD-93 Turbofan (2004) 2007 (2) RD-93 version; for 150 JF-17 combat aircraft from China

Palestinian Authority 25 BRDM-2 Reconnaissance veh 2007 2007 25 Aid; ex-Russian

Peru 5 An-32/Cline Transport aircraft (2005) Part of $140 m deal; status uncertain

Poland (200) 9M120 Vikhr/AT-9 Anti-tank missile (2004) For modernized Mi-24PL helicopters

7 Mi-8/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter (2006) Ex-Russian

South Korea (2000) 9M131/AT-13 Saxhorn Anti-tank missile 2002 2003-2006 (2000) Part of $534 m 'Bul-Gom' or 'Red Bear-2' deal (incl $267 m debt payment)

(37) BMP-3 IFV 2002 2005-2006 (37) Part of $534 m 'Bul-Gom' or 'Red Bear-2' deal (incl $267 m debt payment)

(23) Il-103 Light aircraft 2002 2005-2006 (23) $9 m deal (incl $4.5 m debt payment); part of $534 m 'Bul-Gom' or 'Red Bear-2' deal (incl $267 m debt payment); for training

7 Ka-32A/Helix-C Helicopter 2002 2003-2004 (7) Part of 'Bul-Gom' or 'Red Bear-2' deal worth $534 m (incl $267 m payment of Russian debt to South Korea)

3 Murena/Type-1206 Landing craft 2002 2005-2007 (3) Part of $534 m 'Bul-Gom' or 'Red Bear-2' deal (incl $267 m debt payment); delivery 2005-2007

(10) T-80U Tank 2002 2005-2006 (10) Part of $534 m 'Bul-Gom' or 'Red Bear-2' deal (incl $267 m debt payment)

Sudan 12 MiG-29S/Fulcrum-C FGA aircraft 2002 2003-2004 12 Deal worth $120 m; MiG-29SE version; incl 2 MiG-29UB version

30 BTR-80A IFV 2004 Sudanese designation Shareef-1; status uncertain

(20) Mi-8/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter (2004) 2004-2006 20 Designation uncertain; combat helicopter; could be armed Mi-17 version or Mi-24/Mi-35 combat helicopter

Syria (1500) 9M119/AT-11 Sniper Anti-tank missile (1998) 2000-2005 (1500) For modernized T-72 tank

(500) 9M131/AT-13 Saxhorn Anti-tank missile (1998) 1999-2005 (500)

(200) Igla/SA-18 Grouse Portable SAM 2005 2006 (200) For use on vehicles/helicopters/ships (not with portable launchers after Israeli and US pressure)

(36) 96K9 Pantsyr-S1 Mobile AD system (2006) 2007 (2) Part of $400 m deal; no. could be up to 50

(850) 9M311/SA-19 Grison SAM (2006) 2007 (50) Part of $400 m deal; for Pantsyr AD system

Tajikistan 2 Mi-24P/Mi-35P/Hind-F Combat helicopter 2006 2006 2 Ex-Russian; part of $26 m aid; version uncertain

2 Mi-8/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter 2006 2006 2 Ex-Russian; part of $26 m aid

UAE (1500) 9M311/SA-19 Grison SAM 2000 2007 (60) For 96K9 Pantsyr-S1 SAM systems

50 Pantsyr Mobile AD system 2000 2007 (2) $800 m deal (incl development partly funded by UAE); incl 26 wheeled and 24 tracked version; delivery delayed from 2003-2005 to after 2007-2009

UK 31 Igla-1/SA-16 Gimlet Portable SAM (2004) 2005-2006 (31)

Uruguay 48 GAZ-3937 Vodnik APC/ICV 2005 2006 48 Payment of debt

Venezuela 3 Mi-24P/Mi-35P/Hind-F Combat helicopter 2005 2006 3 Part of $120 m deal; Mi-35M-2 version; Venezuelan designation Caribe

5 Mi-24P/Mi-35P/Hind-F Combat helicopter 2005 2006 5 Mi-35M-2 version; $81 m deal; Venezuelan designation Caribe

1 Mi-26/Halo Helicopter 2005 2006 1 Part of $120 m deal; Mi-26T2 version; Venezuelan designation Pemon

(6) Mi-8/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter 2005 2006 (6) Part of $120 m deal; Mi-17-1V armed version; Venezuelan designation Panare

2 Mi-24P/Mi-35P/Hind-F Combat helicopter 2006 2007 (2)

2 Mi-26/Halo Helicopter 2006 2007 (1) Mi-26T2 version; Venezuelan designation Pemon

(14) Mi-8/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter 2006 2006-2007 (14) Mi-17-1V armed version; Venezuelan designation Panare

(20) Mi-8/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter (2006) Mi-17-1V armed version; Venezuelan designation Panare; incl. 2 VIP versions

(150) R-73/AA-11 Archer SRAAM 2006 2006-2007 (120) For Su-30MKV combat aircraft

(100) R-77/AA-12 Adder BVRAAM 2006 For 24 Su-30MKV combat aircraft; status uncertain

24 Su-30MK/Flanker FGA aircraft 2006 2006-2007 (18) $0.8-1.5 b deal; Su-30MKV (Su-30MK-2) version; delivery 2006-2008

(12) Tor-M1/SA-15 Mobile SAM system (2007) Status uncertain

Viet Nam (2) BPS-500/Type-1241A FAC(M) 1996 2001-2005 (2) Assembled from kits in Viet Nam; Vietnamese designation Ho-A

(125) Igla-1/SA-16 Gimlet Portable SAM (1996) 2001-2007 (70) SA-N-10 version for BPS-500 (Ho-A) and Svetlyak FAC

(40) Kh-35 Uran/SS-N-25 Anti-ship missile (1996) 2001-2005 (40) For BPS-500 (Ho-A) FAC

4 Mi-8/Mi-17/Hip-H Helicopter 2002 2004 4 Mi-17 version

(75) 48N6/SA-10D Grumble SAM 2003 2005-2006 (72) Part of $200-380 m deal

2 S-300PMU-1/SA-10D SAM system 2003 2005 2 Part of $200-380 m deal

4 Su-30MK/Flanker FGA aircraft (2003) 2004 4 $100-120 m deal; Su-30MK2V version

(2) Svetlyak/Type-1041Z Patrol craft (2003) 2006 (2)

2 Gepard Frigate 2006 Part of $300 m deal; delivery 2010

. . Yakhont/SS-N-26 Anti-ship missile 2007 Part of $300 m deal; Bastion coastal defence version

Yemen (176) R-73/AA-11 Archer SRAAM (2001) 2002-2005 (176) For MiG-29SMT combat aircraft

(50) Kh-29/AS-14 Kedge ASM (2003) 2004-2005 (50) For MiG-29SMT combat aircraft

(8) MiG-29SMT/Fulcrum FGA aircraft 2003 2004-2005 (8) Incl 2 MiG-29UBT version

(100) R-77/AA-12 Adder BVRAAM (2003) 2004-2005 (100) For MiG-29SMT combat aircraft

180 BMP-2 IFV 2004 2004-2005 (180) BMP-2D version; no. could be 188

32 MiG-29SMT/Fulcrum FGA aircraft (2006) $1.3 b deal; status uncertain

L: China (105) Su-27SK/Flanker-B FGA aircraft 1996 1998-2007 (105) Part of $1.5-2.5 b deal for 200 but about 95 cancelled; assembled from kits; Chinese designation J-11

. . Kh-31A1/AS-17 Anti-ship missile (1997) 2003-2007 (225) For Su-30, J-8M and/or JH-7 combat aircraft; including production in China

. . 9M119/AT-11 Sniper Anti-tank missile (1998) 2001-2007 (700) For Type-98 tank

. . Kh-31P1/AS-17 Anti-radar missile (1998) 2001-2007 (270) Incl for Su-30 and JH-7 combat aircraft; produced in China as KR-1 or YJ-91

Colombia 100 BTR-80 APC 2005 2006-2007 (6) Assembled from kits; 'Caribe' version

India . . 9M113/AT-5 Spandrel Anti-tank missile (1988) 1992-2007 (7300) For BMP-2 IFV; ordered from Soviet Union and produced under Russian licence after break-up of Soviet Union; incl 9M113M version from 2003

9 Garpun/Plank Shave Air surv radar (1998) 2000-2005 3 For 3 Kolkata (Project-15A) destroyers and 3 Brahmaputra (Project-16A) and 3 Shivalik (Project-17) frigates produced in India; for use with SS-N-25 missiles; assembled in India as Aparna

140 Su-30MK/Flanker FGA aircraft 2000 2004-2007 (25) $3-5.4 b deal; assembled from kits in India; Su-30MKI version; delivery 2004-2014/2015

. . 9M119/AT-11 Sniper Anti-tank missile (2001) For T-90 tank; delivery delayed due to problems with production in India

310 T-90S Tank 2001 2001-2006 (310) $600-700 m deal (incl 55% advance payment); reaction on Pakistani acquisition of 320 T-80UB tanks; 124 assembled from kits in India

(200) AL-55 Turbofan 2005 Status uncertain; $200-350 m deal; most assembled/produced in India; option on some 1000 more; for HJT-36 trainer and HJT-39 trainer/combat aircraft produced in India

123 BMP-2 IFV 2006 $90 m deal; BMP-2K version; delivery 2007-2008

(67) MiG-29SMT/Fulcrum FGA aircraft 2007 Indian MiG-29 rebuilt to MiG-29SMT in India

(347) T-90S Tank 2007 $866 m deal (part of $2.5 b deal); option on some 700 more; assembled from kits; delivery 2008-2010

Iran (15000) 9M111/AT-4 Spigot Anti-tank missile (1991) 1993-2007 (10500) For BMP-2 and Boraq IFV

. . 9M14M/AT-3 Sagger Anti-tank missile (1995) 1996-2007 (3000) Iranian designation RAAD; incl I-RAAD version

. . 9M113/AT-5 Spandrel Anti-tank missile (1998) 1999-2007 (1600) Iranian designation probably Towsan-1

North Korea . . 9M111/AT-4 Spigot Anti-tank missile (1987) 1992-2007 (3050) Continuation of original order from Soviet Union; status uncertain

. . Igla-1/SA-16 Gimlet Portable SAM (1989) 1992-2007 (1450) Probably continuation of original order from Soviet Union; status uncertain

Poland 12 An-28TD Bryza-1TD Light transport ac 2001 2001-2004 (12)

Viet Nam (10) Tarantul/Type-1241 FAC(M) (2004) 8 produced in Viet Nam; probably Tarantul-4 version


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