Russian cursive pdf

Russian cursive pdf

This article may be confusing or unclear to readers. Please help clarify the article. There might be a discussion about this on the talk page. (November 2018) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Main article: Russian language See also: Russian alphabet and Russian orthography Text written in russian cursive, with an average handwriting. The text is called (meeting in Brazil). Russian cursive is a variant of the Russian alphabet used for writing by hand. It is typically referred to as () (r?ssky) rukop?sny shrift, "(Russian) handwritten font". It is the handwritten form of the modern Russian Cyrillic script, used instead of the block letters seen in printed material. In addition, Russian italics for lowercase letters are often based on Russian cursive (such as lowercase , which resembles Latin m). Most handwritten Russian, especially in personal letters and schoolwork, uses the cursive alphabet. In Russian schools most children are taught from first grade how to write with this script. History A ukase written in the 17th century Russian chancery cursive The Russian (and Cyrillic in general) cursive was developed during the 18th century on the base of the earlier Cyrillic tachygraphic writing (, skoropis, "rapid or running script", which in turn was the 14th?17th chancery hand of the earlier Cyrillic bookhand scripts (called ustav and poluustav). It became the handwritten counterpart of so-called "civil" (or Petrine) printed script of books. In order, modern Cyrillic italic typefaces are based (in their lowercase part) mostly on the cursive shape of the letters. 18th century Russian italic font, note unusual "square" minuscule The resulting cursive bears many similarities with the Latin cursive.[1] For example, the modern Russian cursive letters " " may coincide with Latin cursive "ABDEUKMHOPCYX abgezuonpcmyxr" ( ), respectively (despite having completely different sound values in many cases); both upright and italic printed typefaces demonstrate less similarity. One must not confuse the historical Russian chancery hand (), the contemporary Russian cursive ( ) and the contemporary Russian stenography. The latter is completely different from the other two, though it is sometimes called like the former. Features Russian cursive is much like contemporary English and other Latin cursives. But unlike Latin handwriting, which can range from fully cursive to heavily resembling the printed typefaces and where idiosyncratic mixed systems are most common, it is standard practice to write Russian in Russian cursive almost exclusively. There exists some ambiguity from the fact that several lowercase cursive letters consist (entirely or in part) of the element that is identical to the dotless Latin cursive letter i, the cursive Greek letter or a half of the cursive letter u, namely , , , , , . Therefore, certain combinations of these Russian letters cannot be unambiguously deciphered without knowing the language or without a broader context. For example, in the words , "magician" and , "little house" the combinations and are written identically. The word , "you will deprive" written in cursive consists almost exclusively of these elements. There are examples of different words that become absolutely identical in their cursive form, e.g. , "I avenge" and (dative of "face"). In some forms of cursive, the distinction between and may become elusive because both are written in the shapes of either m or . To alleviate this case of ambiguity, a horizontal bar can be written above the character (like m or rarely ) if it is , or below (like or rarely m) if it is . Also, writing in its printed form (the T shape) rather than its usual m shape is common. The letter may also be written in the shape of . Several letters in Russian cursive are different from the cursive used in the Serbian and Macedonian languages. Thus, Serbian/Macedonian cursive lowercase looks the same as in Russian with additional macron, is written like the cursive Latin u with macron (), and the letter is written in the shape of .[2][3] Difficulty Some words in Russian may pose a challenge due to the similarities between the letters , , , , in cursive. The word (reshili), which means "they decided", or "it was decided". In red, a decomposition of the handwritten text showing the block letter equivalent. Charts Varieties of Russian calligraphic cursive from an 1835 dictionary Pre-reform Russian calligraphic cursive from a 1916 schoolbook Modern cursive taught in schools See also Cursive Russian alphabet Skoropis References ^ , . . (2001). XVIII-XIX . [Characteristic handwriting XVIII-XIX centuries. and terms in descriptions of manuscript collections]. : ; XIII [Auxiliary Historical Disciplines: Special Functions and Humanitarian Perspectives; Abstracts of Reports and Communications of the XIII Scientific Conference] (in Russian). Moscow. ?? ?? , , , , , . , . "Terms 'tachygraphy' and 'cursive' coexist in the Russian palaeography; meanwhile, in the development of the Russian tachygraphy there are tendencies that allow us to separate a new type of writing, one closer to the Latin cursive similar to its modern form. In the private sphere and in calligraphy, transition to the cursive writing occurred faster, but in the tradition of record keeping, these types of writing coexisted for a long time. ^ Peshikan, Mitar; Jerkovi, Jovan; Pizurica, Mato (1994). Pravopis srpskoga jezika. Beograd: Matica Srpska. p. 42. ISBN 86-363-0296-X. ^ Pravopis na makedonskiot jazik (PDF). Skopje: Institut za makedonski jazik Krste Misirkov. 2017. p. 3. ISBN 978-608-220-042-2. Retrieved from " Welcome to our lesson about Russian handwriting. You can take this lesson at any time, it does not need to be done in sequence with the other lessons on this site. Simply complete this lesson when you are ready to learn how to handwrite in Russian. It's useful to have a basic overview of the handwritten Russian alphabet because some letters look quite different to their printed forms. We start by introducing the alphabet one letter at a time. Afterwards we look at some words and phrases written in Russian. Video Use this video to help you learn the alphabet. Take me to YouTube. Joining Letters Handwriting Examples - Thank-You - Please - Yes - No - Hello - Hi ? - What is your name? - My name is Igor -? - Do you speak Russian? - I love music - Nadya does not like wine - I love you - I am watching television - I am studying the Russian language - One hundred and thrity-one - I don't understand , - I think that you understand - Australia - New Zealand - Russia - China - England - France Ukraine - Scotland () - United States of America (USA) - Mexico - Canada - Brazil - Argentina - Estonia - White - Black - Red - Green - Yellow - Blue - Dark Blue - Orange - Brown - Grey - Pink - Purple , - Moscow is more beautiful than London - Adam's brother loves Moscow - Coffee with milk and sugar - The lakes and mountains of Scotland is very beautiful. - - Our grandmother usually goes to the store this morning The New Penguin Russian Course: A Complete Course for Beginners - Probably the best course in a book. Russian-English Bilingual Visual Dictionary - A visual dictionary with lots of illustrated examples. A Comprehensive Russian Grammar - A great reference on Russian grammar. The Big Silver Book of Russian Verbs - A great reference book of conjugated Russian verbs. Russian Learners' Dictionary: 10,000 Russian Words in Frequency Order - A simple but powerful concept. Expand your vocabulary by learning the most used words first.

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