DEVCO/ (2011) D/



Annual Action Programme covered by the Council Regulation (Euratom) for the Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation (INSC) – 2011 - part I

Summary of the Action Programme

|Budget heading |19.060401 and 19.060402 - Assistance in the nuclear sector |

|Total cost |€ 38.7 million |

|Legal basis |Council Regulation (EURATOM) No 300/2007 of 19 February 2007 establishing an Instrument |

| |for Nuclear Safety Cooperation (OJ L 81, 22.03.2007, p.1) |


The Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation (INSC) emphasises cooperation to promote nuclear safety and came into force with an enlarged geographical scope compared to previous EU programmes such as TACIS. The Commission has proposed new priorities for its activities. A Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament (COM(2008)312 final) has addressed the issue of "international challenge of nuclear safety and security" and the Council has adopted criteria for the future implementation of the programme.

The 2011 Action Programme -part I for INSC will cover only general-, technical- and implementation- support measures for the nuclear safety cooperation instrument.


Since the early 90's, the EU has provided support for improving nuclear safety in Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) please spell acronyms the first time you use them in a text countries and has been a major donor to the international funds created and operated for the mitigation of the consequences of Chernobyl accident.

The EU has a mature nuclear industry and, as a result of its lengthy experience in the field, has the capacity to cooperate with partners in order to ensure that all nuclear activity is conducted in line with the highest standards of safety and security. The Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation (INSC) with its global geographical scope is the appropriate instrument to develop the actions of the Commission in the field of nuclear safety and safeguards.

Expected results

The expected results are detailed in the individual action fiches and can be summarized as follows:

• the global allocation provides the flexibility necessary for the implementation of the programme and will be implemented according to programme requirements.

• the following technical support activities are envisaged:

- Assistance in preparing the technical basis of the implementation planning

- Assistance in the selection of projects and reviewing / upgrading of Action Fiches

- Assistance with Drafting / Reviewing Terms of Reference (ToR), Technical - Specifications and Evaluation Criteria for the procurement of works, services and supplies

- Technical support for the tendering of projects

- Technical follow-up of on-going projects

- Technical assessment of project results

- Dissemination of the project results

- Support to maintain the library of technical documents in the Institute for Energy of the JRC, based in Petten

• the extension of the implementation support organisation in Moscow (called the Joint Management Unit, JMU) will contribute greatly to the project management capabilities of the overall EuropeAid programme in the field of Nuclear Safety in Russia. Results should include improved communications between EuropeAid and organisations in the beneficiary country, better preparation of Action Programmes for potential projects and support with the implementation of approved Action Programmes.

• the extension of the implementation support organisation in Kiev (called the Joint Support Office, JSO) will contribute greatly to the project management capabilities for the Commission's programme in the field of Nuclear Safety in Ukraine. Results should include well-maintained communications between the Commission and organisations in the beneficiary country, better preparation of Action Programmes for potential projects and support with the implementation of approved Action Programmes.

• the expected results from the EU contribution to the Chernobyl Shelter Fund (CSF) will allow the implementation of the projects funded by the CSF to continue according to the identified needs. The contribution will count against the pledge to be made by the Commission at the Pledging Conference in April 2011.

• Lastly, the expected results from the health-support programme for the victims of the Chernobyl accident are:

- improved knowledge of the radioactive contamination of the Ivankiev District

- more healthy, preventive and equilibrated nutrition for the population of the pilot district

- improved news and information dissemination

- improved maternal and child sanitary protection

- radiologically cleaner vegetables and other foodstuffs

- reduced migration of radioactive substances in the environment

Cost and financing

Summary table:

|Project Title |Amount (€) |

|Accompanying measures 2010 for the management of Nuclear Safety Instrument- Global Allocation |500,000 |

|AA.01/11 Technical support for the project cycle management of nuclear safety projects |2,500,000 |

|R7.01/11 Management of Nuclear Safety Instrument (INSC) in the Russian Federation. |1,000,000 |

|U7.01/11 Management of Nuclear Safety Instrument (INSC) in Ukraine |2,500,000 |

|European Union Contribution to the Chernobyl Shelter Fund |28,000,000 |

|Health and ecological programmes around the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone |4,200,000 |

|Total amount of the action programme |38,700,000 |

The Commission is requested to adopt the attached 2011 Action Programme for the Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation (INSC) – part I.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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