RGS History

The Suez Crisis 1956Identify 3 Arab states other than Egypt that experienced a military coup or insurgency between 1949 and 1951. (3)Syria experienced two (1949 and 1951)King Abdullah of Jordan was assassinated in 1951The Shah was deposed in Iran in 1951 (then restored by the US in 1953)What was the name of the Committee led by Nasser and Anwar Sadat that deposed King Farouk of Egypt in 1952?Free Officers’ CommitteeWhat were Nasser’s three key aims? (3)Make Egypt leader of the Arab worldForce the British to leave EgyptReduce Western influence among Arab states more generallyWhat did he encourage in the Gaza strip?Fedayeen incursions into IsraelWhy did he refuse to join the Baghdad pact?He saw it as an instrument of British interferenceWhy had Israel raids on the Gaza strip upset Nasser?It led to the deaths of 36 Egyptian soldiersWhy was he worried about growing Israeli strength?The latter had just bought the latest Mystere4 jet fighters from France.When did Nasser buy arms from Czechoslovakia and what did he do the following May to upset Britain and America? (2)September 1955He recognised communist ChinaWhat did the US and the UK do in response?Withdrew support for the Aswan DamWhat did Nasser announce on the 2th July 1956 as a direct response?He was nationalizing the Suez canal.Why did the French take exception to Nasser’s behaviour?He was sending aid to the Algerians against the French.Why did Britain care so much about Suez?It provided them with a vital route to its imperial territories in the East and to the oil trade.When did the British and French meet with David Ben Gurion to plan an Israeli attack?October 24th 1956What were Israel’s motives? (3)It wanted recognition;It wanted to open the Port of Eilat and gain access to the Red Sea along the Gulf of Aqaba.It was worried by the formation of a joint Egypt-Syrian command in October 1955 which was joined by Jordan in 1956.Why did the British and French withdraw on 7th November? (4)International condemnation;US put the UK under economic pressure, threatening to cut financial aid;Value of the pound fell;Soviets threatened to send troops to EgyptWhat were the consequences of Suez for Nasser? (2)Massive boost to his credibility – he had faced the western powers and won.Arab league pledged its support and Egypt began to take a leading role;Formed the United Arab Republic with Syria in 1958.What were the consequences for Britain and France? (3)Massive blow to credibilityBritish and French assets in Egypt were seized and property was attacked throughout the Arab world. Diplomatic isolation; governments in both countries fell in the following 12 months.What were the results for Israel? (3)Port of Eilat re-opened – gained access to the Gulf of AqabaIsrael’s military superiority confirmed; Russian tanks captured.Fedayeen bases in Sinai destroyed.What remained closed to Israel?Suez CanalWhy was Suez a major turning point in Superpower involvement? (3)The credibility of western powers was damaged by Suez and the Soviets saw this as an opportunity to make firmer alliances with Egypt, Syria and Libya.America extended its policy of containment to the Middle East through the Eisenhower Doctrine of 1957 which proclaimed America’s military and financial support for any regime threatened by communism.America joined the Baghdad Pact and it became CENTO (Central Treaty Organisation). ................

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