|World War I |

|__________________ (the love of one’s country) and __________________ (using strong armies and threats of war) were on the rise in |Word Bank: |

|Europe and European countries signed treaties agreeing to help one another in case of attack. |Great War |

|In 1914, a series of events caused __________________to declare war on Russia and France. |Germany |

|The British joined France and Russia and formed the __________________Powers. Later the United States joined them as well. |Allied |

|Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire (Turkey and its colonies), and Bulgaria joined the Germans as the __________________Powers. |Ventral |

|World War I lasted until __________________ and an estimated 10 million people died. |1919 |

|The __________________ became known as World War I and later an even larger conflict began called World War II. |Nationalism |

| |Militarism |

|The Russian Revolution |

|Before 1917, Russia was an autocracy and the czar was the absolute ruler. The last of the czars was __________________. |Word Bank: |

|The czar __________________ the signs that people were unhappy. |Lenin |

|In Russia, during World War I, millions of people were killed, wounded, or missing. Citizens did not have enough ________ and |Vladimir Lenin |

|soldiers did not have enough clothes, shoes or weapons. The czar ignored the signs that people were unhappy. This was the beginning|Food |

|of the Russian Revolution. |Czar Nicolas II |

|Later in 1917, another revolution occurred. Communists led by ____________________________ took control. |ignored |

|The czar and his family were executed. ________________ reorganized the country and renamed it the Soviet Union. The new Soviet | |

|Union signed a peace treaty with Germany. The Soviets gave up a large amount of land to Germany | |

|Treaty of Versailles |

|The _________________________________ explained what the winners would get and what the losers would lose at the end of World War I. |Word Bank: |

| |Military |

|France and Great Britain wanted to make sure that Germany could not attack them again. They wanted to make Germany a weak country. |Treaty of Versailles |

|Germany had to reduce the size of its ________________. | |

|The Allies added a part to the Treaty of Versailles that said that Germany has to do what? | |

|________________________________________________________________ | |

| | |

|________________________________________________________________ | |

| | |

|________________________________________________________________ | |

|Worldwide Depression |

|After World War I, most countries began to prosper. Americans enjoyed a time called “____________________________” and people felt |Word Bank: |

|good about the economy |Panic |

|In the fall of 1929, the United States experienced a _____________________________________. The value of stocks (shares of |Economic Depression |

|ownership) people held in companies began a steep and quick drop. Stockholders feared they would lose everything and began selling |Stock Market Crash |

|stocks as fast as they could at any price. |The Roaring 20s |

|People had less money and could not pay their debts. They lost their jobs and panic occurred. People tried to get to the banks to |Run on the Bank |

|get their money. ________________ selling and a “_____________________________” caused the economy of the U.S. to come to a halt. | |

|Farmer who could not get money to pay their loans lost their farms. | |

|What followed the banks closing was a worldwide ___________________ __________________. As businesses and factories closed one by| |

|one, buying and selling almost stopped. | |

|Rise of Nazism |

|__________________________ came up with a big plan for Germany and he and his followers, called the National Socialist or Nazi Party,|Word Bank: |

|said they could fix the problems in Germany. |Nazis |

|The _________________ blamed the Treaty of Versailles for many problems and also the Jews for many Germans not being able to make a |Adolf Hitler |

|good living. |World War II |

|Hitler was named chancellor of Germany in 1933 and soon had complete control of the government. He and the Nazis began to rebuild |Military |

|Germany’s ____________________________. |Prison |

|Germans who spoke out against the Nazis were either put in _____________________ or ____________________. |Territory |

|In 1936, Hitler sent troops into some of Germany’s former ______________________ and by 1938, German troops controlled Austria and |Murdered |

|Czechoslovakia. | |

|In 1939, Germany invaded Poland and France and Great Britain decided something must be done. They declared war on Germany, and | |

|___________________________ began. | |


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