
|August |September |October |November |December |January |February |March |April |May | |History |America Becomes a World Power: Expanion of US Navy, Annexation of Hawaii; Spanish American WAr |America Becomes a World Power: Teddy Rosevelt and the RR, Philipino War, Panama Canal, TR as Pres |WWI & European Geography |WWI & European Geography |Russian Revolution |Roaring 20’s

Great Depression |Great Depression

New Deal |Rise of the Dictators

WWII through 1939 |Holocaust Studies |WWII 1940 - 1945 | |Geography |Pacific expansion |Cuba

Central America

Panama Canal |European nations 1914 |Post WWI Europe |Russia: effects of vast geog on nation’s history

|US Geography |US Geography |Review of European Geography |Human Geography |Pacific Theater | |Writing |Initial Assessment of writing skills; Power Outlining |Biographies


Weapons project |Cause & Effect

Multi-paragraph essays |Causes of Russian Revolution mini DBQ |DBQ: Prohibition |DBQ: Dust Bowl |Journal Writing |Journal

Writing |DBQ: Why did the Japanese Bomb Pearl Harbor | |Political Sci/Econ |Expansionist policies & Trade |Roosevelt Corollary |NIMSA

Mobilization |League of Nations |Communism vs Tsarist rule |Basic Econ concepts;

Beginning of Social Welfare systems – New Deal Programs |Basic Econ concepts;

Beginning of Social Welfare systems – New Deal Programs |Appeasement |Economics of the Holocaust/ National Economics of Nazi Germany |Politics of War and Peace | |


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