
 March 16, 2020Dear Yardville Speech Therapy Family,This remote learning packet contains activities to help your child work on his/her speech/language goals while at home. Please help your child complete the activities giving verbal and visual cues as needed. Indicate completion of an activity with a check mark. There are so many games and websites online to have fun practicing their sounds while they are having fun playing! I am putting together articulation/sound packet handouts which I am hoping the schools can mail to my speech students. Speech therapy may be incorporated into many different everyday activities. I know at this particular time it is not recommended to visit parks, grocery stores, and movie theatres etc. However, instead read magazines, comic strips, books, cereal boxes.... and Talk about Who, What, When, Where, and Why. Search your home for as many different types of foods with your sound. This activity can be carried out in your child’s bedroom, living room, etc. All of these ideas help to facilitate the speech and language development of your child no matter what age they are. These activities provide the flexibility to target several speech/language areas; please refer to your child’s IEP for his/her specific speech/language goals and objectives which will provide specific areas to focus on during each activity. Should you have any questions, I will be available via email. Thank you for your support during this tumultuous timeSincerely,Ms. G (Lynn Gravenstine)lynngravenstine@hamilton.k12.nj.usDAYActivityTarget(s)Completed (?)*1-10Practice SoundsArticulation/ Sound packets will be sent home to students. - Target sound (ie: /r, s, l, sh, ch, vocalic r, blends/ - Positions (ie./initial, medial, and final/ positions .-Levels of speech (ie. Isolation, in words, phrases, sentences, and spontaneous speaking situations) *2 Practice SoundsStart a Word List- Have your child search for words in stories, when playing, watching movies, tv shows, etc. Set a goal of 10 in the initial position, then middle /medial position, and then the final position. *3Practice SoundsPlay board games to elicit speech. -Listen for targeted speech sound , ask your child to repeat incorrect sound productions to the best of his/her ability. Also commend the correct sound productions in order to stabilize that correct production and hopefully it will carry over into their everyday speech.*4Increase Students ability to speak clearly, loudly and slowly enough to be under-stood.Ask questions about television, books read, choice of foods, drinks, etc. Ask questions (ie. What do you see? What do you think will happen next? etc.) Listen for their target sound as they answer your questions. Please try to correct sound productions without frustrating your child to the best of his/her ability. Also commend the correct sound productions in order to stabilize that correct production and hopefully it will increase intelligibility of connected speech. *5 and 6Practice Sounds Make a journal This should take a few weeks.Cut out pictures, use words, draw pictures, write about your pictures, ... be creative, (some ideas to add to your journals, i.e. how do you like doing school work from home instead of school, how are you keeping in touch with your friends, Some suggestions, Parents please use your discretion. No one knows your students the way you do. {Older students can write about how they feel about the “shut down “ of school . What are they doing to help their families during this crazy time} {Younger students can express how they feel that they are allowed to stay home and learn instead of going to school, what activities they are engaging in and what they wish they could do to change what is happening} Again please correct sound productions to the best of his/her ability. Also commend the correct sound productions in order to stabilize that correct production and hopefully it will carry over into their everyday speech.DAYThemeActivityTarget(s)Completed (?) 7 and 8 Make an edible incredible ice cream soda A fun edible, direction following, encouraging conversation, sound practicing sound activity which all of the family can participate. One week use cereal, another use candy or item of your choice. You can even use real whipped cream instead of marshmallows and ice cream and a straw instead of licorice or candy stick. See handout for specific items needed and directions to follow while completing activity to elicit articulation practice. WH QuestionsVocabularyTarget Sound Development at all levels9BingoHave child play bingo using specific sound worksheet. See handout for specific sound bingo cards and pics. Sound practice Use words in sentences of 310Make a Sound box{Younger students }Find an old shoe box , empty tissue box or any little empty box . You could Try to find pictures in olds magazines, newspapers, or draw pictures of things with your target sound. Glue, tape, on as decorations. As they are decorating box: X] Identifying their sound in a word, whether it’s in the beginning, middle or at the end of a word. X] Drawing pictures encourages them to think /produce/practice their target sounds. Later,your child can explain his creation[ the box] and share the names of the pictures and what position the sound is in and explain what category that the pictures falls into: food, clothing , place, person, tool, toy etc. This activity also involves vocabulary and grammar developmental skills. UNO FISH Card gameUse game along with having your child recite a word from his word box and at times ask him to make up a sentence with the word. Then he takes His turn with UNO / If you don’t have Uno play Fish/War with regular cards. Sound practiceEncourages speech sounds at different levels i.e. sentences, and connected speechVocabulary skills are also targeted. ................

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