
-4000-2838450001In a cricket match, a bowler bowls to a batsman.01.1The team coach is watching the bowler. She notes in Table 1 how far the ball travels, and the time taken to reach the batsman.Table 1Ball12345Time in s0.420.460.480.550.58Distance in m17.5518.3018.4017.9017.75Suggest a pattern, if any, between the time the ball is in flight and the distance the ball travels. (1 mark)01.12What is the resolution of the stopwatch the team coach uses to time the ball?(1 mark)01.3Test match cricket uses an electronic timer to record the speed of the ball.Suggest one advantage of using an electronic timer instead of a stopwatch. (1 mark)01.4A doctor states that all cricketers must be made to wear a helmet when playing.Do you agree with the statement? Give a reason for your answer.(1 mark)02A group of students used the apparatus shown in Figure 1.Figure 102.1Plan an experiment to find out how changing the height of the tube affects the acceleration of the ball.(6 marks)02.2Write down the equation that links acceleration, velocity, and time. (1 mark)02.3The velocity at light gate A is 0.20?m/s, the acceleration is 0.32?m/s2, and the time taken is 1.9?s. Calculate the velocity of the ball at light gate B. Velocity: m/s(3 marks)02.4The apparatus is set up so that the end of the tube is balanced on blocks of wood. Suggest an improvement to the apparatus set up. (1 mark)02.5Suggest a relationship between the acceleration of the ball and the height of the wooden block. (1 mark)02.6A second group of students modify the investigation to also record the velocity of the ball as it leaves the end of the tube.A graph of one test is shown in Figure 2.Figure 2Calculate the acceleration of the ball between points B and C on the graph. Give the unit of accelerationAcceleration: Unit: (4 marks)02.17Calculate the distance the ball travelled during the test. Use the equation:distance = velocity × timeDistance: m(2 marks)03A velocity–time graph of a high speed rocket is shown in Figure 3.Figure 303.1Describe how the acceleration after 10 s can be calculated using the graph. You do not need to do the calculation.(2 marks)03.2Describe one method of calculating the distance travelled by the rocket using the graph. You do not need to do the calculation. (2 marks)03.3Give a reason why the equation v 2 – u 2 ? 2as cannot be used to calculate the distance travelled by the rocket. (1 mark)03.4Calculate the distance travelled by a person sitting in a high speed train.initial velocity is 11?m/s, final velocity is 60?m/s, acceleration is 4?m/s2Use the equation:(final velocity)2 – (initial velocity)2 = 2 × acceleration × distanceDistance: m(3 marks) ................

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