Sabbath school powerpoint hamilton


Sabbath school powerpoint hamilton

brought to you by Sergio Fustero & Eunice Laveda of Spain using Microsoft PowerPoint 2007/2010 or their contact e-mail: Translated by: Juan Marcos Fustero If you do not have Microsoft PowerPoint on your system, you can download the PowerPoint Viewer install program from here. PowerPoint Presentations for 2021 1st

Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter

1st Quarter Isaiah January - March 2021 Slide Set PPTX PPT SmartPhone Outline No. Lesson Title Date 1 Crisis of Identity Dec 26 - Jan 1 2 Crisis of Leadership Jan 2 - Jan 8 3 When Your World is Falling Apart Jan 9 - Jan 15 4 The Hard Way Jan 16 - Jan 22 5 Noble Prince of Peace Jan 23 - Jan 29 6 Playing

God Jan 30 - Feb 5 7 Defeat of the Assyrians Feb 6 - Feb 12 8 "Comfort My People" Feb 13 - Feb 19 9 To Serve and To Save Feb 20 - Feb 26 10 Doing the Unthinkable Feb 27 - Mar 5 11 Waging Love Mar 6 - Mar 12 12 Desire of Nations Mar 13 - Mar 19 13 Rebirth of Planet Earth Mar 20 - Mar 26

2ndQuarter The Promise: God's Everlasting Covenant April - June 2021 Slide Set PPTX PPT SmartPhone Outline No. Lesson Title Date 1 What happened? Mar 27 - Apr 2 2 Covenant Primer Apr 3 - Apr 9 3 "All Future Generations" Apr 10 - Apr 16 4 An Everlasting Covenant Apr 17 - Apr 23 5 Children of the Promise Apr 24 - Apr 30 6

Abraham's Seed May 1 - May 7 7 Covenant at Sinai May 8 - May 14 8 Covenant Law May 15 - May 21 9 Covenant Sign May 22 - May 28 10 The New Covenant May 29 - Jun 4 11 New Covenant Sanctuary Jun 5 - Jun 11 12 Covenant Faith Jun 12 - Jun 18 13 The New Covenant Life Jun 19 - Jun 25

3rdQuarter Rest in Christ July - September 2021 Slide Set PPTX PPT SmartPhone Outline No. Lesson Title Date 1 Living in a 24/7 Society Jun 26 - Jul 2 2 Restless and Rebellious Jul 3 - Jul 9 3 The Root of Restlessness Jul 10 - Jul 16 4 The Cost of Rest Jul 17 - Jul 23 5 "Come to Me" Jul 24 - Jul 30 6 Finding Rest in Family July 31 - Aug 6 7 Rest,

Relationships, and Healing Aug 7 - Aug 13

Sabbath School Resources Sabbath School Videos Mission Spotlight Written by Ed Gallagher What this is A 2 or 3 hour seminar designed for adult Sabbath School leaders and teachers ... and for leaders of small groups in any

setting ... wide-screen format with many illustrations A PDF file for download ... great for personal study on computer ... also suitable for projecting to a group Crisis in Sabbath School ... Let's begin again ... How to use the time? ... The most important job ... Understand your group ... Bring the Bible to life ... How to create dialogue ... Mission &

outreach ... The challenge of change Keywords: Sabbath School, leadership, spiritual gifts, small group ministry Why you will want it It's no secret--adult Sabbath Schools are in trouble ... attendance is often poor ... the programme is often antiquated and ineffective ... younger adults in most places show little interest ... it's time to acknowledge this

and get on with something better! This provides a practical, biblical, genuine Adventist approach to a new future for adult Sabbath School ... easy to implement ... less work than the old way ... more likely to attract and hold adults of all ages ... not prescriptive--a framework easily adapted to the local situation View/Download Resource (PDF 12mb)

Church Role Guide: Sabbath School Coordinator Produced by the South Pacific Division, Personal Ministries. Have you been asked to serve your local church as Sabbath School coordinator? Or perhaps you serve on a church nominating committee and wonder what the Sabbath School coordinator is expected to do. This guide has been designed to

help you understand the role of the Sabbath School coordinator within your local church. View/Download Role Guide Adventist Mission DVD Each video report is professionally produced, and lasts from 2 to 10 minutes. An excellent way to communicate the world mission of Seventh-day Adventists. Purchasing Resources When looking for resources,

don't forget your local ABC! Books, bibles, kids/teens, magazines, media, Sabbath School, other resources. Adventist Book Centre (ABC) ? Auckland 1 ADULT SABBATH SCHOOL LESSON IN POWERPOINT PRESENTATIONThis presentation is licensed for use on a single computer and is non-transferable. This presentation works best with Microsoft

PowerPoint The teaching guide for this presentation is in a separate PDF file. Teach With Power Ministry 2 FORGIVING THE UNFAITHFUL ADAPT Teaching ApproachO L D T E S T A M E N T C O U P L E S HOSEA & GOMER FORGIVING THE UNFAITHFUL Adult Sabbath School Lesson PowerPoint Presentation September 22, 2007 ADAPT Teaching

Approach 3 4 Memory Verse HOSEA 3:1 "And Jehovah said unto me, Go again, love a woman beloved of her friend, and an adulteress, even as Jehovah loveth the children of Israel, though they turn unto other gods, and love cakes of raisins." 5 FORGIVING THE UNFORGIVABLESTEPS WE NEED TO MAKE Have mercy and compassion Love and

forgive 6 Have mercy and compassionSTEP ONE Have mercy and compassion 7 Mercy and Compassion A. What did God tell Hosea to do? Hosea 1:1, 2Gomer was a real person Hosea's choice of a prostitute was exactly like God's choice of Israel and of us 8 Mercy and Compassion B. How bad is adultery according to Christ's Words? Matthew 5:32 The

real issue in the story of Hosea isn't marital infidelity but spiritual apostasy What are some things today that could lead us into spiritual adultery? 9 STEP TWO LOVE AND FORGIVE 10 Love and Forgive A. Despite everything, what does the Lord tell Hosea to do? Hosea 2:14-23 Hosea is not only to take her back, but to love her Love her as God loves

His people 11 Love and Forgive B. What does the taking back of Gomer symbolize?God loves His people Israel even though they have been adulterous God's grace, mercy and forgiveness far outweigh our worst sins 12 SUMMARY We can forgive the unforgivable byShowing mercy and compassion Showing Love and forgiveness 13 14 Q APPLY How

can this lesson about forgiveness affect my life today?Do we have the desire to show mercy and compassion to others? Do we have the desire to show love and forgive those who had sinned against us? 15 Q PLAN How can we use this lesson about forgiveness this coming week?What are the practical things we can do to believe and claim God's

promises? 16 TRANSFER TRUTH Q What changes do I need in my life? What biblical principle from the lesson can we use today? 17 Q TRANSFER TRUTH What changes do I need in my life?Let's make the decision! PRINCIPLE APPLICATION PROBLEM DECISION We need to love and forgive others as Jesus loves and forgives us This is very had to

do This coming week I will talk to the person who had done me wrong By forgiving those who are unforgivable 18 ADAPT it! Teaching ApproachEffective for SMALL GROUPS ASSOCIATE truth ? Why should I study this lesson? DISCOVER truth ? What does the Bible say about this truth? APPLY truth ? How can this truth affect my life today? PLAN

using the truth ? How can I use this truth today? TRANSFER truth to life ? What changes do I need in my life? Teach With Power Ministry Quarterly Index of Weekly Lessons | Introduction to the Quarter | Current Daily Lessons | Current Weekly Lesson | Daily Lessons by Email | Lessons in PDF Format| Teacher Resources | More Resources on Rest in

Christ | Previous Quarter: The Promise |Next Quarter Third Quarter 2021: Rest in Christ See extra resources on our quarterly page (click link above). Large Print and Teachers' editions are available only at your local Adventist Book Center or at in paper format (with added shipping charges). You can also download PDF files

for each week's lesson at the Adult Bible Study Guide site, including the regular Adult Lessons, Easy English, Teachers' editions. Spanish lessons are under "Other Languages." You can join other Sabbath School students to study your lesson daily on our blog and exchange ideas with others from around the world on the topic of the current lesson

study. You may order a print or Audio copy of this Bible Study Guide online at the Adventist Book Center. The lesson organization in English provided at this web site is quoted directly from the lessons prepared by the Office of the Adult Bible Study Guide, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists), and is used here by permission. You may

contact the editors of the Adult Bible study guide by going to this page. Recent Lessons Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guides Online Sabbath School for mobile devices, such as iPhone, iPad, iPod, Android phones and tablets The iPhone and Android app produced by the Sabbath School and Personal Ministries department of the General

Conference of Seventh-day Adventists gives you access to print content from Beginner through the Adult Bible Study Guide. The app is simply called "Sabbath School." It provides links to all lessons in PDF format, which are downloaded when you click on them. Also included are the Adult, Kindergarten and Primary audio podcasts, the Kindergarten

animation podcast, the weekly reading of the Collegiate Quarterly, Sabbath School University video, Sabbath School University audio, and podcasts in various languages. Sabbath School Leaders can discover ideas in Cool Tools and access the Sabbath School Manual right from the app.The app is available for free in the Android app store. It is also

available at the iTunes app store. Apple may charge a small fee for access. The Sabbath School Quarterly app for androids features the complete Adult Bible Study Guide, with links to a companion Bible app, and it includes sections for notes that are saved till needed in Sabbath School discussions. On your Android device, just go to Market and search

for "Sabbath School Quarterly." It's a free app in the Books & Reference section. All it lacks is online discussion. For that you have to come back to Sabbath School Net. Discussion and/or Teachers' Helps Other Adult Sabbath School Resources Audio, Video & Braille Resources for the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guides Click here to go to the

Audio , Video & Braille Resources Collegiate / Young Adult Resources Click here to go to the Collegiate /Young Adult Resources Youth Sabbath School Resources Click here to go to Youth Sabbath School Resources Juniors & Teens Sabbath School Resources Resources for teachers and students. Kids ? Beginners to Primary Resources for teachers and

students. More Resources in our Links Section Click here to go to our Links section Non-English Sabbath School Resources Find Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guides in other languages. Please note that we do not write or edit any of the Study Guides for any age group. You can click on the link to contact the editors of the Adult Bible Study Guide.

For the editors of other lessons, please go to the appropriate site. Any comments made here, but addressing another site, will be deleted. We do not send out paper copies of anything. This is an internet ministry. Everything we offer is found on this site. Please explore the site before asking questions. If you still have questions after searching this site,

you may contact us through the link under "About Us" in the menu. If you wish to comment on a lesson, you may do so under the appropriate lesson post. Amen!(223) Learning, growing and loving together, because God first loved us.Saturday 9:30am Bible StudySaturday 11am Main ServiceAdventists believe life is more than just the accumulation of

"stuff". It's about more than just surviving. It means more than simply maximising pleasure and minimising pain. We believe every life is of infinite value. Why? Because every human is miraculously crafted by God who wants us to live life to the full. What's more, He sent His Son to demonstrate true love, forgiveness and grace.We would love for you

to join us at Hamilton Church. We know you will feel at home.What to expect...We meet together every Sabbath, mid-week prayer meeting and in-home gatherings.Find out more...We are a family learning to love like Jesus. Who are Seventh-day Adventists?Find out more...

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