Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Giving Birth

In the year 1955


Inside the chapel

A General view to all existing people

Closer shoots to the sad faces sitting in front of the monastery,

Who seem very sad upon the deceased!

A view to the reverent is standing on the bench looking down on the casket which holds Mrs. Mary in it.

The reverent starts to speak.

Reverent: We had lost today, the flower of Igor's family, the family which is well known to the whole town; she is departed away the beloved, and faithful wife of Mr. Igor.

The Camera is set on two couples who were deeply sad, sitting direct in the first raw, they were Mr. & Mrs. John Igor the son of the deceased, his wife was pregnant in her last month.

John touches the belly of his wife and says.

John: I hope this child will bring us relief to fill our sorrow.

His wife reply to him while touching her belly & resting her head on her husband's shoulder.

Mrs. John: We had waited so much for his arrival, I thought that

I won't ever be able to have a child.

John puts his arm around his wife's shoulder, to hold her closer,

Then they both put their heads on each others in a gentle way.

He starts to say while tears are filling his eyes.

John: Mum always wanted to see her grandchild before dying.

His wife whips off his tears, while tears are gathering in her eyes too.

The ceremony has ended!

The view now is from outside of the Chapel.

John is holding his wife, who can barely walk,

The husband opens the door of the car to his wife, to start on

Their way back home wired off & tired from grief & sadness.


Scene 2

A general view of outside the Igor's Castle at night!

A woman's screaming loud from within the castle.

A view from inside the castle.

Closer pause on Mrs. John's face while she is in agony shouting very loudly, getting worse.

He opens the door to step out into the corridor.

He meets the maid he asks her in anxious way!

John: Has the doctor arrived yet?

The maid: he's on the way sir.

He returns to his wife, holds her hand and says to reassure her.

John: The doctor will be here very soon darling, don't worry.

The maid enters to announce in relief.

The maid: The doctor is here, sir.

Before ending her phrase, doctor comes in following him,

The nurse who is carrying the aid & tools kit.

Doctor looks to the anxious husband with a smile.

Doctor: she's going to be alright, sir

(Then he looks to the screaming woman.)

Doctor: Try to relax, so that your baby comes safely, it must be

So beautiful like his mommy.

The doctor points to his nurse in order to open the bag & bring

Out all necessary tools which they are going to use through out the delivery operation.

They all can hear the sound of thunder & lightening from out side getting louder & stronger.

John begins to retreat little by little away from the bed; he wanted to sit in the most isolated corner in the room.

His mind wished to be released from this situation as away as it may, he fro zed his sight on the mirror, to watch the events taking place on the big bed.

Suddenly the doctor call for him, to snatch him away from his deep thoughts

Doctor: You can come & hold your wife's hand, she needs your

Caring & sharing her this glorious moment.

John runs to get beside the bed, to hold his wife's hand tightly.

The wife shout one loud scream, then the doctor says.

Doctor: Dear, just one big push, the forehead had came out,

Yes push again very hard, the rest of the face will appear.

Doctor looks to pale John in fear.

Doctor: this baby has shown me a delirious night & his mum

A critical delivery, he's going to give you such a hard time.

Suddenly the screaming had stopped, only the sound of Thunder & lightning is tearing the silent of the night.

The doctor's eyes are steeled on the baby's face, speechless.

Also the nurse is retreating back from astonishment.

Nurse: Oh, my God!!!

Mrs. John wasn't aware from the struggle of having the baby.

Mr. John was surprised from the doctor's reaction why didn't he say anything, congratulate him or even hand him his baby?

John walks slowly towards the doctor, who is holding the baby,

One step after the other until he is able to see the child's face completely! He is totally shocked from the view!

The doctor starts to talk whispering to Mr. John.

Doctor: If you wish to forget all about this night& this baby I can help you, this baby was born dead!

Doctor to the nurse: Please, wait outside!

The nurse leaves the room in silence!

The doctor's hands are slowly reaching the babies mouth to shut his crying forever, while John is standing a few steps away in grief, the tears are down rapidly from his eyes.

As the doctor placed his hand to stop the baby's breath.

John awakens from his delusion and cries out loud.

John: Nooooooo, Stop!

The doctor puts the baby on the bed, starts to collect his tools.

John: Please, don't heart him, he's my only hope, heir to my

Family name, my wealth, my castle, everything!

John cries while holding his deformed baby.

The doctor gets out of the room, then nurse comes in instead!

Nurse: What will you call him sir, so we can fill his certificate?

John whips off his tears, while looking to his helpless child.

John: we had already decided the name Edward if it's a boy,

Edward John Igor.

The nurse writes down the name, then turns to leave the room.

John carries the baby to handle him to his worn out wife.

The blowing storm lightning & thunder is still cracking silence.

The wife holds the little freak & speaks no words at all.

She starts breast feeding him while tears are falling silently from her eyes rolling rapidly on her cheeks.


Chapter 2 Stepping Out To the World


A view of the big hall leading to an another extension,

Which consist of an enormous dinning table for 14 people?

The camera rolls on the external hall containing refine furniture, leading to the dinning room which has a huge wall window, which follow to a large terrace that capture the whole garden.

Mrs. John: Edward baby, quite playing with your toys, come down here to have breakfast.

Mrs. John hears no reply to her calls, so she orders one of the maids standing around them, gathered to organize the table.

Mrs. John: Elizabeth, would you please, get him from his room immediately.

Elizabeth: right away, Madam.

Elizabeth goes to bring down Edward!

Mrs. John starts having a conversation with her husband before

The maid returns with little Edward.

Mrs. John: Can't you see that our son has grown up

John pays attention to his wife, as he was distracted from watching the arrival of Edward.

John: yes, he has, but what you mean by that!

Mrs. John: his has reached the primary school age,

He should start school this semester.

The words strike John's mind because the condition of his son.

He thought deeply: How could he mingle with other children in his same age, they will be afraid of his deformed different face.

The maid enters the dinning room holding Edward's hand.

Mrs. John smiles to him upon his sight and says

Mrs. John smiling: How is my little sleepy pony?

John hugs his son while Edward is rubbing his eyes!

John smiling: How do you feel today? Hope you're fine!

Edward smiles to his parents, sits down to start eating together.

They all seem normal in spite of their family unusual situation,

They're having breakfast like any other family, the father is teasing his son, the mother is laughing on her child's reactions.

When they finish eating their meal, Mrs. John node her head to

Elizabeth, who comes to take Edward upstairs to his room.

Mr. & Mrs. John move through the big window out to the terrace to drink their coffee.

Mrs. John speak while sitting on a chair around a small table,

Mrs. John: What have you decided John?

John: I don't know, since he was born , he saw or known any one except us & our castle's staff .

Mrs. John: That means he should stay uneducated all his life?

John: It means we ought to bring all required teachers here.

Mrs. John: Still he won't be able to face the outside world?

John thinks for a moment before replying to her.

John: Well, give me some time; I'll come out with something.



The bedroom of Mr. & Mrs. Igor

John enters his bedroom looking restless.

His wife was relaxing in her bed, when she sees him coming she sits and starts to ask him.

Mrs. John: How was your meeting with the headmaster?

Her husband takes off his jacket replying in a low voice.

Mr. John: well they accepted him, but I hope Edward feels

Comfortable in it among the students!

Anyhow, it's the most expensive school that is found for rich class, it's not a public school so I guess the children ought to be

With fine manners and good behavior.

His wife reply in frustration!

Mrs. John: I hope so! only the days may prove our guesses.



The principal's room,

Edward is sitting beside his father while crying with silent tears and trembling like a falling leaf.

Principal enters from the door after finishing first day speech.

His face is filled with shock & repulse the second his eyes fall on Edward's crying face, but he tries to get over his surprise.

He walks slowly towards Edward sitting on small sofa.

He bends his arm so as to shake hands with Edward.

Principal: I'm your headmaster, why are you crying Edward?

Don't you like your new school!

Edward stops crying, but his eyes are very sad.

Edward: It's very beautiful!

Principal: I'll go with you to show you the playing ground,

Toys room, dinning room and finally I'll introduce you to your

Class mates and your teacher.

Mr. John: That seems interesting you'll like it here son!

Principal: You may go now, Mr. Igor! Edward won't cry again.

Mr. John: everything will be OK? You'll see son!

Edward in a broken voice: yes father.



Class room

Edward is sitting beside another boy who is framed to the wall scared of his desk mate.

The class teacher asks every boy about his name & family to get

More acquainted with her students.

When the turn comes on Edward her face wears a frown instead of a smile, her face is pale.

Teacher: Do you have any brothers or sisters Edward?

Edward: No Miss I'm a lonely child.

One of the boys says loudly: lonely freak

All the students laugh while the teachers shout in them.

Teacher: keep quite please!

In the playing ground at the break time he sits alone on a bench

Children through dust and the remaining of their food on him.

He stands up and starts to run to the inner halls.

The boys gathered around him trying to knock him down while calling him in loud angry voices.

Voices: Freak! Freak!

Three teachers come running to get him out of the circle the boys made around him.

Edward sits for the rest of the break in the teacher's room.

At the end of the day he stays in the teacher's room also until his father arrives to fetch him.



Edward's room inside the castle

Now Edwards is a young man, he's standing in front of the mirror trying to convince himself that he looks nice.

Edward making believe that he's talking to a young girl.

Edward to the mirror: Hi, I'm Edward Igor, my family is the

most famous ones in this town, I live with my parents in our castle, please to meet you Miss! Hope we can be friends.

Edwards finish his preparations to get off to his college.

He get down rapidly on the stairs, he finds his mother sitting

In the leaving room! so he walks towards her smiling.

Edward: Good morning mother.

He bends down to kiss her while his mother taps on his shoulder

Mother: Good morning dear, won't you sit down for breakfast?

Edward slips out through the door while his father slips in.

Father: Where are you going son?

Edward: This is my first day in college, or have you forgotten?

Father: No, I haven't, that is why I brought you a present for this

Special occasion. Come with me I'll show it to you!



Castle's Garage

The father opens the big garage and steps along with his son,

John speaks while removing the cover of a small car.

Father: Here you are! Your new car son, your college present!

Edward with a fascinated face!

Edward: Wow, my God is this mine?

Father smiling: Didn't we practiced all summer on driving to get out your license so as you can own a private car.

Edward holds his father closely.

Edward: It's superb thank you Dad!

Edward takes the key from his father excitingly.

Father: Come on son, start your car & roll on to college.

Edward starts the car, waves to his father goodbye & sets off.


Scene 7

The College

Edward parks his car in front of the college parking zone.

He walks slowly inside the campus, he sees some girls standing

Together he revises to himself the dialogue of the mirror!

Edward: I'm Edward Igor, pleased to meet you!

He stands beside the girls, to start up a conversation!

The girls look very annoyed from him, then suddenly,

They all burst in laugh while, one of them speaks loudly!

Girl1: What do you want freak? Are you looking for your girl friend? Why don’t you ask about Mrs. Frankenstein?

Girl2: No, you ought to go to genius Frankie to make you one!

Edward retreated back with such a frightened look on his face!

These harassments lasted the whole day as he was surrounded by astonishment glances all the way trying to take his schedule.



Lecture Hall

The same disgusted looks followed him through all his movements; the whole raw was empty beside him completely.

The boy behind him was throwing paper clips in his collar.

When he finished first lecture, he ran fast to his car as if he

Escaped from hell, with his colleagues pointing their thumb's

Down indicating a losers mark! He was so sad & furious.



Far & Remote Place

Edward was glade to get out of this horrible experience to the beauty of nature in a far & isolated part of the town.

He felt tired so he sat in his car to get a little nap.

When he opened his eyes, the night had arrived & the full moon

Appeared brightly in the dark sky.

His eyes followed the big moon hiding behind a cloud.

When he felt slight drops of rain rolling on him he laughed

Bitterly to say: even heavens are mocking me?

He turns on the ignition start to drive back home, when suddenly

He heard a girl's voice saying to him with sharp soft voice!

Girl: Did I came all the way here walking so you may leave

me at the end in this lonesome place?

Edward turns his head to see the owner of the voice?

He was surprised to see a lovely girl, with a fabulous figure.

He looks around him to see if she's actually talking to him.

The girl laughs and says: yes, I'm talking to you, Edward!

He steps off his car and walks slowly towards her.

Edward says in a surprised gaze: how do you know my name?

She spread her hand to shake it with his formerly!

Girl: I'm Sara; I followed you here from the campus!

Edward: Are you attending college too?

Sara: yes, we moved to this town recently, I used to watch you taking long walks around the castle, or near by the woods.

I saw you today at campus and wanted to speak with you.

Edward: Sorry! But I was in kind of a hurry! You see I like to be alone & undisturbed by crowds.

Sara: So am I, my parents are religious, they don't approve of social associations specially between opposite sex.

The thunder starts & rain falls heavily unexpectedly.

Sara glances to her watch & says: I must go immediately.

Edward: this is my new car; if it's fine with you I'll drive you!

Sara raises her head to see the moon surrounded by clouds.

Sara: well, OK I'll go with you!

He directly goes to open the driver's door, he notice Sara still

Standing a few steps away from the car!

He remembers what his father does to his mother!

He returns to the rider's door once more, opens the door to Sara and says politely.

Edward embarrassed: After you, Miss Sara!

He closes the door & gets back behind the wheels excitingly.


Chapter 3

The New Generation \ Scene1

In front of a house in a quiet deserted street

Edward's car approach a dark house, all curtains are closed on each and every window.

Sara: This is my home, thank you.

Edward stops in front of it, while she looks up to the sky and smiles in relief.

Edward: will I see you tomorrow?

A serious look covers her face while watching his anxious face.

Sara: I don't know, I told you my parents are so strict in their rules, you know conservator families can be very old fashion.

A frown forehead has drawn on his face.

Sara: But I can call you if you like, write down your number.

Edward opens his notebook to write his number, suddenly the darkness disappear while the moon light spread once more.

Edward: That's better, I can see the paper!

He hears the car's door smashed furiously, he turns to find Sara

Is running to her house, opens the front door and steps in.

He shouts on her: Sara! Wait my number you didn't take it!

He waits with astonishment, a few seconds he finds a scarf

Is fallen from one upper window within the house he smell it.

He looks up, but there is no one at all; he starts the car to drive away without hesitation with his whiles scratching the ground.



Igor's Castle \ Edward's Room

Edward is lying on bed looking up to the ceiling.

His face glows as he remembers something, the scurf in his pocket, he gets it out and raps it around his fingers.

He gets up and slowly walks to the mirror hanging on the big wall; he starts to curse the scurf's owner.

Edward in an angry tone: you little sneaky, liar! Wicked witch.

He hears knocking on the door; he hides the scurf in his pocket.

Edward: Come in!

The maid comes in with her eyes focused on the ground.

She speaks in a low voice: Mrs. John asks for you Sir!

Edward turns his back to the maid.

Edward: Tell her I'll go to her in a few minutes.



Master bed room of Mr. & Mrs. John

The mother is sitting on a sofa beside a corner lamp.

She is reading a book; she hears a knock on the door.

When she lifts up her eyes through her glasses she finds her son.

Mrs. John: Where were you honey? I was so worried about you?

Your clothes are socked wet!

Edward brushing his hair with his hand!

Edward: It's raining out side.

Mother: Why were you so late?

Edward approaches his mother in tiny calm steps.

Edward: I'll tell you everything Mum!

He starts talking to repeat all the events of his day.

The door is opened by which Mr. John enters to the room

Father: Hello Edward, how was your day son?

Edward: It wasn't quit well Dad! I'll bid you goodnight as I feel

So exhausted from this memorable day!

Edward closes the door behind him leaving his parents alone.

Mrs. John: your son was acquainted with a girl today!

John: Fabulous! How did he meet her?

Mrs. John: In a remote place, she followed him there! Isn't this kind of a strange behavior?

John: These days it's normal, but with our son it's very strange!



The dinning room

Edward is sitting having breakfast, when his father enters the

Room too and sees his son.

Father: Here is my smart son! I heard about your exciting

Adventure of yesterday! Is it true!

He sits beside him while saying these words.

Edward seems kind of shy from his father!

Father: Don't be shy this is a natural thing, you became a young

Man, you should experience meeting & knowing girls.

Edward: yes, I suppose so, we only met yesterday! Dad

Father: Don't you think we ought to meet her to get to know her.

Edward: I'll ask her the next time I see her, I'm late Dad ,I must set off to campus now ,say good bye to Mum for me !

He leaves the room quickly off to his college!

Father: Good luck son, don't forget what I asked you!

Mrs. John enters the room few seconds after her son's departure!

Mrs. John: Did you have a chance to talk about what we said last night? About that girl!

Her husband looks to her reassuringly!

Mr. John: Dear, give him a chance to live his age, you know he had always been alone with no friends, no relatives, his situation forced a certain way of life on him! Let him live his moments.

Mrs. John: He's so fond of her, that's what really worries me!



At college

Edward is dealing better with his colleagues when they annoys him, he feels normal in spite of his ugly face,

The mockery of other young girls or boys is habitual now.

He thinks naturally about himself, he's able to acknowledge

The opposite sex, he has a girl friend like any other guy.

He thinks to himself: Sara where are you? , i need you.

He sets off to the same place with his car!



The same remote, isolated place where he met Sara.

Edward waited a long time that she might appear again eventually, but he stayed until the night arrived and the moon appeared, the moon was ending his last quarter which made its

light quiet enough to see around him.

Obviously she isn't coming tonight! I must see her.

Edward speaks loudly to himself! Looking to his watch.

He enters his car off to her home!



Edward arrives to the house where he drove her to last night.

He is hoping to find any glimpse of light what so ever.

Darkness is rapping the house entirely, not even any sound

Is produced from around the whole place.

He steps out of the car to stand below a particular window.

Edward looks up to the window where her scurf felled from?

He starts causing attention by his car's horn, but nobody appears. The place was totally in dead silence.

He drags his feet to enter the car once more and drives away.



Edward is sitting on a bench in the same remote place where

they both first met each other, raising his head to the moon which now shows its slight appearance, the total disappearance of it completely will be tomorrow night.

Edward feels so tired of this helpless waiting with rare hope that

She might arrive at all. He sighed strongly.

Edward: Did I really saw her or she was just a reflection of my

Begging imagination to approach a young, beautiful girl!

He jumps into the car; drives back to home with eyes filled with tears, his hands are crushing something between them firmly!

It's her scurf, which bears her essence that is filling his senses.

He holds it near his nose to sniff deeply her provoking smell.



Edward recycling Sara's memory in the same spot of their first sight ever took place to one another.

This time he preferred to stay in the car the entire evening.

Suddenly! He heard tapping on the rear car glass.

He turned with his hopes are high and filled with joy.

He reaches to open the car's door next to him.

Pronouncing her name with his whole being!

Edward gladly: SARA! You are real, you're finally here!

Sara enters the car and says in laughter.

Sara: I was sure that I would find you here!

Edward: I was beginning to go crazy! Where were you hiding?

Sara: My aunt's husband died suddenly, we traveled to her resident and stayed with her for several days!

I tried to inform you, but I don't have your number, you didn't

leave it with me, remember!

She gives him a very devastating slight glance while saying.

Sara: Tonight I'm totally yours with unconditional restrains.

Edward's eyes melt from her words and couldn’t reply!

He smiles with his soul before his face.

Edward: My parents are anxious to meet you! They're curious about this angel that has stolen me from them?

Sara's eyes got deeper blue and said in such self control!

Sara: Same here, I'm deadly wishing to see them.



The Highway

Sara is stretching her body out of the side window shouting loudly with full ecstasy while looking up to the dark sky.

Sara: Wow! This is a special night baby, mark my words very well it's your lucky night! Trust me!

Edward is flying with the car as he's floating with his body.

He's driving between coming cars from the opposite lane.

He never drives riskily before; he is acting crazy like his girl.

They can hear cursing from other drivers to them.

Sara is doing all necessary gestures to defend her hero!

Sara: Ass holes, losers, bummers.

Edward takes a turn to where a big sign is written on it boldly.

The Igor's property!

Edward: This is our property which leads to the Igor's castle.

Sara's eyes are shinning with strange electrical vibrations.

Sara: It's beyond all descriptions any one can explain.

Edward laughing: Do you really like it?

Sara: Are you kidding? It's fabulous; I've always wished to come so near from this castle.

Edward stops the car in the enormous hall yard!



Inside the castle,

they slip through the huge door way after the maid opens it for them.

Sara's eyes are rolling all over the spectacular reception hall.

Edward starts to call for his parents with enthusiasm.

Edward: Mum, Dad! Come down I brought my Sara with me!

Mrs. John stands on the top of the stairs, giving with each step

down Sara deep thoroughly looks that introduce formal resent.

Mr. John comes from the balcony after hearing his son calling.

Mr. John: Finally we get to meet the famous divine SARA!

Sara smiles: Thank you! Eddy told me so much about you!

Mrs. John stretches her hand with a furious look &a cold smile.

Mrs. John: Unfortunately my Edward has told us so little about you, we wish to hear how you did both meet, how come you are

So fond of Eddy in such a short period?

Sara gives Mrs. John a fiery glance which electrifies the environment with cold obvious war between the two women.

Edward seeks help from his father who understands his son's request for immediate support to calm down the situation.

Mr. John smiles to the young couple.

Mr. John: Why don't you give Sara a tour around the castle and

Show her your room son!

Edward takes Sara by the hand and quickly climbs the stairs together before his mother can speak any further.


Scene 12

Edward's room,

he enters and leads Sara inside the room after switching the light on.

Sara walks slowly around his room with a satisfied face.

Sara: It's a lovely room, you have so many books your taste is unique for everything! even your room is special!

Sara stretches her body on his bed while saying these words.

Edward sits beside her reach with his hand under the pillow to get her scurf from beneath it where he put his head.

Sara: Is this my scurf, you have kept it so close!

She starts to unbutton his shirt while looking directly to his eyes.

Edward is hypnotized with her voice, her eyes completely.

Edward: I want you Sara, show me how to love you, show me how to feel like a man when his woman is surrendering to him?

Sara starts to hang her hand on his upper neck going through his

Spin she approaches her mouth to his and deeply kisses his lips.

Edward melts with a seduced moan slips from his throat.

Sara's eyes turn deep blue her touches get more possessing.

Sara: If you want me, you'll have me right now; I'll give you all the ecstasy any woman can give her man! On one condition.

Edward looks like a yearning child eager to have his best toy!

Edward: I'll pledge you anything you may wish, I'll grant you all that I own or posses, my entire being is yours to have!

Sara: I want your body, soul, mind and heart to be mine alone.


Scene 13

Edward and Sara are getting down on the stairs to the big hall.

They are holding hands and laughing.

His parents are sitting in the living room with the chimney lit.

The love birds enter to say goodbye to them.

Edward: I'm going to drive Sara home! I won't be late.

Sara: Nice to have met you both! Thank you for your warm welcome! Mrs. John!

Sara looks with confidence and triumph to the lady of the castle!

Mr. John: We hope to see you always my dear; consider this place your home too! You're one of us now!

Edward: Dad she's very late, we must go now!

Mr. John: Why don't you take my car? If you wish I can lift you both so that you won't drive back home alone son!

Sara keeps looking to speechless Mrs. John!

Sara: That is so kind of you sir! Eddy you have such a nice Dad!

Mr. John: OK let's go then! Honey we won't be late!

Mrs. John follows the girl with her eyes, who is dragging along her most beloved ones, her husband & her son with dare nervous & boldness.


Act4\ Casting Spell over the Igor's castle


Mr. & Mrs. Igor Bedroom

John sits on the bed beside his wife who is still keeping the side lamp on thinking deeply without making any gesture.

John: Honey, won't you turn the light off to sleep!

Mrs. John: I have a strange suspicious feeling towards this Sara

She steps heavily on my nerves, don't know why?

John: You're so protective over Edward, any girl that would approach him you'll feel the same way about her.

Mrs. John: No, it's not just an ordinary mother's jealousy over her only special child; it's a hidden instinct of repulsiveness.

We must go to see her parents and her home!

John: It's too early to make such a visit , young girls now a day are so free in their way of life, they choose who ever they wish, visit them at their places, even travel with them , time has changed baby, since we were young and dating!

Mrs. John: would you agree with me this time, I am so disturbed this visit will put my mind at ease, for my sake we'll go tomorrow evening! Edward is so vulnerable!

John: I guess you're right such a lovely girl takes interest in a boy with our son's condition! It's very odd.



Edward's room

Edward is sitting on his desk writing in his diary note book.

He is writing with a very special smile on his face as if he's

Recalling all events that took place this evening within these

Four corners which surround him.

He lies on his bed with same smile that beholds his first special moments of exchanging love feelings with his Sara.

He hears the door opens, he's certain that his parents are checking on him to say good night, but he closes his eyes pretending to be asleep so he can keep his thoughts about Sara uncut by any body else.



Next day, at the evening

Living room in the castle

Edward is sitting on a big sofa drinking coffee.

He turns his head to the door way of the room; his parents are standing there ready to go out.

Edward: Good evening Mum, Dad!

John: Good evening son, how was your day?

Edward: fine! Are you going out, I thought you have no plans this evening? You look wonderful Mum!

Mother: Thank you my love! We're going to visit Sara's family.

We hope we may know them better as you two are taking each other seriously, we should get more acquainted.

Edward jumps from the sofa to stand beside them.

Edward: Dad! This visit is too early; you'll make them annoyed as if you don't trust Sara and showing your worry from her!

He makes a questioning gesture to his father who points to his wife in a way to express that she has suggested this idea!

Father: Don't worry son, everything will be Ok we won't stay long enough to cause any trouble between your starting relation.



In front of Sara's house,

Igor's couple is sitting inside the car watching the old creepy house which all his curtains are fallen.

Mrs. John: Are you sure this is the house you brought her to with your son yesterday? Why are the curtains down then?

Is it possible they traveled suddenly this morning?

They both steppes out of the car and approach the front door.

John knocks on the door with a big stony shape which is carved from brown rusty copper that looks like a devil's head!

He steps back and looks up to the covered windows!

John: There is no sound what so ever, no one is inside this house.

Suddenly the door was opened and Sara appears on the door way looking astonished to see them both, she seems very pale.

Sara: What a big surprise, won't you come in for a while!

Or you were on your way to another place?

Mrs. John: We came to see you!

Sara: Come on in then, to my humble home!



Inside Sara's house

The house from inside was darker, damper without any fresh air it seemed like a tomb with very little furniture.

Sara: Sit down here, please.

Sara calls on a name: Shauna, come here.

An old woman with a very pale scrambled face, she is walking in a very strange way, looking thoroughly to them.

Mrs. John trembled on her sight and holds her husband's hand.

Sara: what do you have coffee or orange juice!

You must have something to drink!

John smiling as his wife is still looking terrified from the old woman's freezing glances.

John: coffee is fine we wish to spend little time with you.

Sara: would you excuse me for a minute, I'll be right back.

Sara climbs the stairs to the upper floor, while the Igor's are sitting feeling uncomfortable from this weird place and horrifying old woman.

Mrs. John: I can't stand this fearful environment, it's just like we're dead and buried I must open a window to smell fresh air.

John: wait until Sara arrives and open it for you.

Mrs. John couldn't wait for anyone; she stands to reach a big high window which she opens its curtain first then opens the window itself after that.

The old woman is walking with leaping steps towards the couples sitting in the reception; she notices that the man is alone searches for the woman with her eyes.

She finds Mr. John standing in front of a window opening its two shelves widely filling the room with air and moon light!

Shauna is frozen at her place with a frightened face.

The moon light has fallen on her body skin like a snake which changes his wrapped surface to another one.

Mrs. John watches the woman skin falls to transfer into hard dark surface while screaming in pain and agony.

Mr. John leaps on his feet to grasp his wife by the hand and fled

Together to reach the outside door running from this hell.

Sara comes to the top of the stairs after hearing the scream.

She watches the few second scene from above, she sees the couple's running away to their car, she smiles in a wicked way.

Sara: You have a wish death for tonight because of your curiosity and your stupid pride along with your deformed son. I'll fulfill it for you right now! Happy couple and loving parents.

You are not supposed to live any longer!



Outside Sara's house at night

Igor's couple is running like crazy with all their power within them, John opens the car with his automatic keys,

Jumps inside it his wife sits beside him while screaming.

Mrs. John: Go Go Go!

John scratches the wheels to the ground in high speed they go for about 3 meters away from the house!

John: what in God's name was that!

Mrs. John is silent while her head is still hanged back wards to see if anyone is coming after them!

As she returns her head to talk to her husband, suddenly a face

Appears on the front big window out of no where.

Mrs. John screams with a sound uttered from hell.

John was terrified from Sara's transformed face which looks like the face of the carved copper head on their doorway.

The car is rolling on the side road from right to left like a leaf driven by the wind; he tried to unbalance her from the front glass window to drop her on the ground or under the speedy wheels, but this horrible creature laughs in a loud strong voice.

Transformed Sara: Where do you think you're going?

Home sweet home Mrs. John! HA HA Ha.

At this point the car reached the high way and the situation is getting worse as John isn't capable of controlling over it.

Because of all coming cars on the opposite lane, with all

their flash lights on while the creature stuck on the glass trying to reach Mrs. John's side window with her hand.

They came to a cliff slide which the high way cuts and they have to turn with the car totally to its left ax.

Thus Sara decide to completely block the view from John's driving side ,he tries to shake his head left and right to see the whole road twisted ahead, but he surrenders to the eyes of Sara

Which steals his attention with its dark blue hypnotizing gaze?

The car is finally stepping out of the road taking the leap all the way down off the cliff.

Mrs. John's screaming fills the night air until a huge sound of crash covers over her screams to entirely put an end to her voice

A few seconds passes after an explosion sound can be heard

From beneath the cliff.

Sara is standing in a spot with no moon light reaches it, wearing a dark coat a car comes to stop over the road side to watch the explosion below, two young men get off their car in a hurry.

the cars go to nears eadge and then come to it fasting and fall down.

abig exploding was happen , all of people come to see what happen and then the voice of the police cars was heared , the police is come and each person moving to make the police cars come nearst.

in far place , sara was seeing what's the mutter has she done



Inside the Igor's Castle Edward's bedroom after sunset.

Edward is sitting in his bed looking to a photo album of his childhood with his parents, tear drops are falling on the album's surface reaching the faces in the photo characters.

The door of his room is knocked upon with 3 short knocks.

Edward: Come on in Maria!

The door opens and Sara appears looking so dashing with a very black sexy dress that shows all the roundup of her flaxy body.

Sara walks slowly towards the bed after closing the door.

Sara: Baby you can't lock up your self all day in your room without eating or sleeping you'll get sick! I'm sure your parents

Won't like this attitude of sadness and giving in!

Edward: I can't help this devastating feeling, I feel so helpless

And lonely without them, the castle seems like a prison or a tomb which I live in waiting for my final sentence of death.

Sara starts to touch his face very lightly to move his head over her almost bear chest browse out her very open dress she wears.

Sara: I agree this accident is a shock to you, but you must know that they were so happy the night of their death because they felt so relieved after visiting my home and meeting my family.

Edward: Sara! I need you so badly your presence around me gives me such strength and support to concur this ordeal.

Please, stay with me tonight, for every night be my companion.

Sara smiles viciously with such a devouring glance.

Sara: I would like to spend the night with you, but you know my family is so strict about staying over at night especially in my boyfriend's home, but there might be a way!

I don't know if it's OK with you!

Edward holds her closer to him as she keeps on talking.

Sara: You can speak to my parents on the phone and invite me and them to stay this week of the funeral with you in the castle.

I suppose they won't mind with this way I can sneak to your room after they all fall asleep and we can stay all night together.

Edward raises his head from her bosom and looks helplessly to her with a yarning desire of her closeness and passion.

Edward: yes honey this is a great idea, I'll call them right now so that you come all tomorrow after the funeral to stay with me in the castle ,I'm eager that you won't leave my sight for a second.

You're all I have in the whole world without you I'm totally alone in this life! Thank God I knew you before this disaster.

Sara kisses his lips with all the desire she has to control over him and be the one & only mistress of the Igor's castle.


Scene 8

Inside The Castle the big hall of the reception

Sara enters with her family following her into the main entrance.

Edward is gathering the maids and other workers.

Edward: I wish to introduce my Sara's family; please we would like to make them so welcomed not as our guests, but to consider them my new family! Maria show Mr. & Mrs. Dawn their room and Beth take Mrs. Dam & her daughter to their room as well! I hope you have a nice stay here, Thank you all for accepting my humble invitation.

The guests go upstairs with the two surprised maids who were looking in astonishment of this invasion.

Sara relaxes on the big sofa that his mother used to sit upon.

Sara: I'm sorry Eddy about being forced to invite my Aunt and her daughter along, but they arrived last night from their home town suddenly without any early preparations.

Edward sits beside her and holds her hand while pressing on it.

Edward: Don't upset me by being so sensitive about every thing you're my only love I treat you as my girl, my first woman that I'll give her my life gladly with no hesitation.

Maria appears suddenly in front of them glancing with fury looks to Sara who sends back to her a deep blue electrical gaze.

Maria: I finished preparing your room Ms. Sara the one directly next to Master Edward's room; dinner will be served at six.


Scene 9

Edward's room at midnight

Edward is sleeping while he's humming with strange words.

He is twisting and turning in his bed, while his whole body

is sweating his face is so pale, his features is very sad.

He wakes up with a strong moan which is produced from his frightened voice that makes his body tremble as a shaken leaf.

Sara opens the door and enters his room on her finger tips.

Sara: Eddy! are you alright baby?

Edward: I dreamt of my parents while they were crashing from the cliff, mother was screaming so loud I can still hear her voice.

Sara: I'm with you right now , I'll stay with you until dawn as we agreed ,but I think it's better for all of us if we dismissed all the maids from the castle , as well as the gardener and the gator .

Edward: I can't send them all away, who is going to serve us and take care of the castle?

Sara: don't worry my cousins are coming for our visit; I'll ask them to do all necessary work needed to take care of the castle

and my aunt and her daughter will serve us all!

Edward: As you wish my love, I'm just so tired right now!

I'll go to sleep my thoughts are so stumbled and disorganized.

Sara: leave everything to me, I'm going to take care of you and the castle , just try to get out of your sad thoughts, life goes on you have to face that your parents had left you alone and you must be a grown strong man my man.


Act5 \ Edward's Diary


The hall of the reception in a cold stormy night

All curtains are falling down while Sara's family is gathered around the stone fire drinking tea and talking.

Edward was standing on the top of the stairs feeling completely

Strange in his own home being with strange people whom he don't know directly after his sad critical lose of his parents.

He hears voices coming from the lower floor out of the big hall.

Sara's father: what's going on Sara? He seems very sad, he rarely comes out of his room, and did you make sex together since his parents died?

Sara talks after sipping from her cup .

Sara: no we didn't, but I'm sure he will yarn for me very soon.

Sara's mother: Do you think he suspected anything about us? or

it's just his natural feeling of resent to our demon damned souls.

Edward is struck from what he just heard eventually took few steps backwards which caused the wooden stair release a tap.

Sara's father points his finger to his mouth to make them all keep quite and whispers to hush.

Sara's father: go check if he's still in his room?



Sara opens Edward's door room very slowly to check on him.

She finds him asleep and tucked in his bed.

She returns smiling to her family.

Sara: he's sound asleep; don't worry from his reactions I control him just as I'm going to dominate my little offspring from our mating together, the deformed human and the female demon.

They laugh from Sara's joke strongly and loudly.

Edward had returned to listen to their chat and heard his supposed girlfriend's joke about them.

He stood patronized from the horrible fact which he had discovered too late.

He runs back to his room closes the door tightly and gets out his diary and start writing with a face full of fear and sadness.

While he is writing his tears are falling on his trembling hands and troubled words of much shacked shaped letters.

He stops suddenly and murmurs with soft regretful voice.

Edward: Mum, Dad forgive my stupidity! God forgive my sin

I can't erase what happened, but I can prevent the dark coming future! Please help me to correct the dark evil path which I started and to close this door of hell I opened.



The next morning Sara enters Edward's room.

She looks at his body lying still on the bed, she start to call on him with very soft hussy voice.

Sara: Rise and shine my love, my strong sexy man!

She notices a big red stain on the bed cover sheet, she shakes her

head trying not to believe what she senses and fear to find true.

Sara: no you didn't do what I think you actually did?

She raises the cover off Edward whose corps lying socked in blood with his face smiling and looking so comfortable.

Sara screams loudly with furious voice while her eyes turn from deep blue to shining red, she grasps Edward's body by both her hands and shouts in his cool smiling face.

Sara: you had concurred me, now you're the winner!

And I lost every thing my entire plot had failed because of you

Filthy, little creep, ugly freak! Damn you!



Inside the Igor's castle

Mick's room in the afternoon

A voice is calling from a distance, from the lower floor.

Voice of an old woman: Mick, Mick come down!

Mick is disturbed by this voice and stops reading from a certain book in his hands, he closes it sharply and looks very terrified.

He put the book in his drawer very quickly then shut it back.

Mick gets up and replies on the lady in a loud voice.

Mick: coming Grandma!

The drawer wasn't shut completely, there is a little space which let the camera comes near to take a zoom in on the book Mick

Was reading from! It's written on it Edward Igor Diary!


Scene 5

Inside Igor's castle

The Corridor between upper rooms

Mick opens his room's door to find his grandma standing in front of him looking furious, the camera zooms in to her face.

She is Sara looking older in age.

Mick is startled by his grandma's sudden presence.

He shuts the door of his room.

Mick: Oh! Grandma you scared me.

Sara: why didn't you answer me, what were you doing?

Mick is playing with a lock of his hair lies over his forehead.

Mick: why were you calling on me?

She walks a few steps towards her bedroom, while Mick is walking beside her.

Sara: Who is this Julia? She called 5 minutes ago asking for you! I told her there is no one here called Mick!

Mick stops walking from astonishment!

Sara comes closer to him so that she can approach his ears.

Sara: It seems that you don't know whom you are or represent exactly? We don't give ourselves to anyone outside this family.

She looks directly into his eyes which paralyzed his thoughts.

Sara: even your late mother was a member of our family,

Her eyes turned deep blue while starting to utter the next words.

Sara: If you're looking for a girlfriend to cord or be married to! Neither your father nor the entire family will let you bring a strange woman an outsider to force her among us.

Mick's eyes rolls by tides of floating thoughts filled his head seeking to find answers to these mysterious rules and conditions.

Sara feels his restless soul and searching heart she lower her tune and smile to him while putting her hand on his shoulder.

Sara: To set your mind at ease, we're a very unique family our breed is so rare just like Arabian horses, not only because our wealth, but for what we own inside ourselves of such outstanding features, I wish that you can understand what I'm saying! One day I hope you will.

Mick stood very annoyed with what he has just heard also from what he has been reading from Edward's Igor diary.



The college campus

Mick parks his car in the parking zone, when he notices Julia crossing the street to enter the campus front yard.

Mick runs rapidly trying to follow her up to the campus stairs.

Mick grasps her from the back of her shoulder to make her face him directly as she didn't reply when he's calling on her.

Julia: What do you want; will you give me your neighbor's phone number this time?

Mick tries to stop her from moving on to her way.

Mick: listen to me please; my Grandma answered your call!

You don't imagine how protective she is over me, since my mum died; I was raised by my grandma alone!

Julia smiles in rejection and mockery.

Julia: now you'll invent new stories to make me believe them!

How could you say such a lie about your mum that she's dead?

Mick: It's not a lie mother died when I was 2 years old!

Julia stands near a wall inside campus corridors to face Mick!

Julia: Emily told me such strange story, her father has been a policeman in this town for 20 years, he mentioned the truth to his daughter and she told it to me the first minute we saw you!

Mick: What! A Story you mean about my mum?

Julia: yes, your mother is alive in the state mental institute!

Mick takes her by the hand and grasps her with such anger!

Mick: we must find Emily right now!



Emily's house\ her bedroom in the afternoon

Emily is sitting on a chair near her bed while Julia is sitting on the same chair's edge.

Mick is standing in front of them both with his nerves stretched

on a very tight thin wire waiting anxiously for the truth.

Emily: yes I mentioned this information about you when you asked Julia out on your first date; she was new in town and wished to find more about you!

Mick startles from Emily's speech and looks to her in fury.

Mick: you're lying to me, where is your father I must hear the truth from him directly, I can't believe she's alive all these years

away from me without trying to see me once!

Emily's father enters the room in his uniform!

Emily's father: relax son! I'll tell you everything, my name is Sam! 20 years ago I was just a patrol policeman checking on the castles and wealthy houses in the isolated places around town.

I found your Mum one night running around the Igor's state

Like a lunatic, it was me who took her to the mental institute.


Act6 \ The crystal truth\ Scen1

A full moon night\ Igor's state 20 years ago 1980

A woman is running with terror drawn all over her features,

She sees the police car's flash light; she throws herself in despair with her whole body to make them stop.

The two policemen come out of the car, they try to calm down the woman who is crying and humming with strange phrases.

Helen: They aren’t humans, I saw him he changed into another form, they're demons you must believe me!

Sam: where're those creatures Miss? Do you mean the Igor's?

Helen tries to focus her thoughts and relaxes to control her fear.

Helen: I saw him transform when the moon light fell on his face! I always suspected something wearied about them.

always keeping the curtains down, always whispering.

Sam takes his pistol to check if it's loaded, fetches his torch.

Sam: Miss stay here with my colleague until I come back!

Sam knocks on the big outside door with shaking hands!

A girl opens the outside door, which stands in a distance from it.

Sam: Can I see Mr. Igor! Please.

Sara is coming down the stairs, while Sam notices the dark curtains fallen all over the big wide windows he feels an itchy atmosphere that surrounds the whole place.

Sara: Is there anything wrong officer?

Sam takes few steps within the castle's hall!

Sam: Do you miss anybody from your relatives Mrs. Igor?

A young man comes near them and looks very worried.

Sara: This is my son, Edward Junior, his wife Helen is missing she had disappeared suddenly after dinner; you see she has been mentally disturbed since she was pregnant in my grand child.

Sam: Maybe all these closed windows annoy her and keep the sun and fresh air from the little baby that is why she's imaging things about creatures that transform into demons.

Sara starts to cry and looks very touched by Sam's words.

Sara: Oh this pain can't go on, see son how her state got very critical; we had been dealing with these gossips since my late husband Edward Igor's suicide one year after his parents were

Killed in a car crash, people like to play with other's ordeals.

But your wife couldn't ignore them, her mind is playing games

with her, you shouldn't have married her in the first place.

Her son pates on his mother's shoulder in a soft gesture.

Edward Junior: Right now she's not in the shape to raise my son before she is cured from these hallucinations!

Sara: All right then, officer you can take her to visit the shift doctor in mental hospital, we can't stand her madness anymore.

Sam's voice in present accompanies his departure from the castle to drive Helen away to the mental institute in silence.

Sam: I had no choice, but to check her in the county mental hospital, since then she has been locked there with no contact what so ever with the outside world specially the Igor's suspicious existence.



Mental hospital corridors in the next morning

Mick is walking along with a nurse leading him towards a room.

The nurse stops and led him in a small room with no windows

A middle age woman is sitting on her bed staring at the ceiling.

Nurse: Helen I've got a special surprise for you, someone you've been dreaming to see, your son Mick!

Helen rolls her eyes while she's still staring to the ceiling with her head, she's aware suddenly to the presence of him.

Mick reaches to her while sitting beside her on the bed.

Helen looks to his eyes directly trying to discover his soul and penetrate his velvet thoughts to recognize him.

Helen: Is that really you my baby? You've grown up my son.

The nurse closes the door on them as she notices that Helen is calm and her son's presence doesn't annoy her.

Mick's tear drops fall on the bed sheets as he feels the soft finger tips of his Mum for the first time on his skin.

Mick rests his head on her bosom as he starts to talk in agony.

Mick: I can't believe I'm sitting here in your arms, mum!

They said you died giving me birth all these years I've been deceived by my own family, why all these lies? WHY?

Helen makes him face her and takes his head in her palms.

Helen: Listen carefully they aren’t humans, you must believe me they hide from the moon light, the direct sunlight doesn't affect them only the reflection of it does! Moonlight is a reflection of the sun! that's why they appear normal to everyone in daylight!

Mick: I'm afraid you might be right! Since I was a child they have always frightened me from trying to enter Grandpa's room in particular, Sara said it's haunted by his soul! Because he committed suicide inside it!

The camera leaves the hospital to enter Edward Igor's closed room where Mick explains to his mother how he entered it.

Mick's voice on the background of Edward Igor's room shot.

Mick: I wanted to collect my courage by all strength within me,

One afternoon they were all busy in my father's party for the mare I gathered myself and entered it, he had a big library with all kinds of books I found by coincidence his diary between the shelves in a fake book.

The camera follows him in the room making the exact moves he is explaining with his voice.



Inside Helen's room in hospital

Mick: how come you agreed on marrying my father without suspecting any strange different actions you may sense?

Helen's face turns pale as she remembered the circumstances about meeting and marrying Edward Junior.

Helen: I was raised in a ranch near by this town, we always heard about the wealthy famous Igor family and different stories were produced about the habitants of the castle.

I dreamt of meeting the young master of this castle, I thought he looked like his late father deformed Edward who looked quite ugly although he was bright, gifted person he was an artist.

Helen stops to hold her son's hand to feel reassured.

Helen: I was amazed when Edward Junior picked me from all the young girls in town to marry me after my father died.

I had absolutely nobody; he was a sanctuary to my loneliness.

He saved me from poverty, from hungry sexual ranchers who wanted to use my body as their own sake bag.

The camera leaves the actual moment to go back in time the night Helen was brought to the county hospital.

Helen voice accompanies the camera to the Igor's castle.

Helen & Edward Junior on their bed and little Mick beside them in his small bed, Helen is sleepless because of the dark closed room with all curtains down, as the weather is so hot that summer night which caused baby Mick to be so restless.

Helen voice: suddenly I felt breathless, I couldn't respire enough air which wasn't floating in the room, and I heard you crying so badly! I was compelled to open the curtain letting the air fill this rotten atmosphere; you stopped crying I felt so fresh!

I lost myself for a while without counting the minutes actually passed looking up to the moon smelling night's air, suddenly your father started to moan in a deep way.

I remembered the Igor's fear of opened windows and lifted curtains, my thoughts were working quickly why they're afraid?

I turned to check on your father! I was putrefied, the moonlight

had fallen on his face that is not your father, this is a monster!

Who's this inhumanly creature sleeping in my bed beside me!

Did I make love with this creature which I had my baby from?

The scene goes back to the present minute inside the hospital in Helen's room; the nurse opens the door in silent slowly way.

Nurse: you had passed your visiting time son!

You should go now! You can come later and I'm sure her doctor will let you return continuously.

Helen holds Mick near and whispers in his ears.

Helen: Take care son, you aren't like them, you didn't inherit their evil dark part you're totally human like me and your deceased true Igor's family, with kind sensitive soul.

Don't let anyone else convince you that your nature is otherwise.



Mick's room late at night

Mick is standing in his room facing the closed window with black curtains covering it completely.

Mick to himself: Tonight is the night of truth, now I'll know if I have the same wicked nature within me, I must face my reality.

Mick reaches the curtain with shaking hands , he lifts it up then he unlock the window to open them wide apart to let the moon light beams enter the room .

He hides for few seconds from fear of what he might discover!

He is sweating all over his body feeling terribly weak; he spread one hand to the direct light which is entering from the window.

He glances to his hand in horror while it changes to another state as it converts taller darker with tall nails and thick skin.

Mick starts crying with agony and despair.

Mick: Oh my God! Is this my true nature, I'm one of their tribe.

Mick stands up with slow motion way and closes the window, sets the curtain down again, looks to the mirror in his room and

falls on his knees crying his soul out.



In the next morning \ Igor's castle

Mick enters the dining room with a very determined face of complete resent and challenge.

His father and grandmother are sitting having breakfast.

Mick sits on the table without looking to them at all.

Sara: Did you forget your manners, you skipped all meals yesterday, we didn't see you entirely through the whole day and now you ignore our presence completely?

Mick looks up to her having the courage finally to face her!

Mick: because you've been laying to me my entire life, filling me with your crap which all turned to be nothing but lies!

His Father: How could you speak to your grandma in this way?

You're completely out of your mind! Just like your late Mum!

Mick hit both his hands on the table and starts shouting.

Mick: you mean my crazy Mum who has been staying the last 20 years in the county mental hospital, telling stories about

Demons that shows their reality in the full moon light, which strikes them to unrevealing their hidden damned souls.

Sara's eyes turned deep blue as she tries to control herself.

Sara: you see why we kept you from visiting her or even knowing that she exists, we have been protecting you Micky!

Mick stands up to walk towards his grandma's chair.

Mick: protect me from the truth, or from discovering my cursed existence to keep me blind and under your control.

He ends his last word near Sara who grasps him by her hands to make him sits on the chair beside her in a very demanding way.

Sara: We have you under our control since you were born, you will do what we order you to do, be the tool of our plan whether you like it or not , you can never escape from us because we will always know where your are who you see ? And when?

Mick: I can disobey you, you can’t force me to be apart of this!

Sara knocks him on the ground and presses her leg on his neck!

Sara: you aren't a free soul you belong to our demon tribe;

We have been working for only one aim possession of mankind.

We used to be the superior race since the beginning of universe; once God created man he was favorable to him mighty rather than all other creatures' even angels! God gave him the authority and power to rule the earth, since then we're fighting for our rights which are stolen by humans, noble, loving, innocent, weak humans like your grandfather.

She releases him from under her foot to let him breath again.

Sara: You'll fulfill your role and mate with one of our demon women to bring to life the new generation we had been planning to prevail with and claim earth under our domination.

After that you're free to take one way ticket to hell!



The same morning

Campus Yard

Mick approaches his car gets out the keys when he hears Julia's voice calling on him from behind.

Julia: Mick, Hay Mick.

Julia is practically running so that she can reach him before taking off with his car.

Julia: Finally I found you! I have been looking for you all day

Did you see your mother? You look so pale and distracted.

Mick opens the car door for her so that she can ride beside him.

Mick: We're going to spend all afternoon together just both of us

forgetting everything except being two young couples dating!

They ride together feeling wild and free until the sun starts to set

They watch the sunset together while sitting so close in the car.

Mick: Can we go to your place to be alone; my home won't be

exactly suitable right now.



Julia's room \ after sunset

Mick is sitting near the window in Julia's room thinking deeply

of his love to her, staring at the curtain which is dropped down.

Julia enters the room places two cups of coffee beside him on a small table, looking at his grumpy gesture drawn on his face.

Julia: I won't let you slip away once more! You ought to confine in me or perhaps our relation is not that serious as I thought?

Mick holds both her hands, looks deeply in her eyes smilingly.

Mick: Do you really love me come what may?

Julia: Do you need a solid prove! Ask me anything I'll do it immediately with no restrains.

Mick: I'll show you my inheritance which is only a part of me not my whole being! I need you to promise me you'll cherish our love , you can resent me , avoid me ,but please don't hate me.

Julia drowns into his eyes trying to reveal any hidden secrets.

Julia: I'm ready Mick, I'm a priest's daughter I have faith in God and destiny! I'm sure our souls are combined in a certain way.

Mick takes her by the hand to face the window, kisses her lips

gently trying to pour all his love in the respond of his lips.

Mick: My love, lift the curtain and open the window.

Julia obeys him while tears are falling from her eyes as she senses the fear in his voice and within her.

The moon is full rising plainly in the dark cloudless sky.

Julia's face is terrified as she observes the changes which take place on Mick's skin, features and body.

Julia: I guessed this outrages truth from all the gossip and rumors told around your family and stories of the castle.

She turns her head to face the window to close the curtain down.

She feels Mick behind her sniffing her hair while getting closer to her body wrapping his arms around her waist in softness.

Mick: You can look to me now, my repulsive nature is gone!

You know I discovered a solid fact tonight; I love you deliriously in my human form, love you much more in my cursed dark form I need you to be my soul companion forever!

Julia turns to hide in his chest crying hysterically.

Julia: I feel so safe with you, I rather be with you more than any other person, and you'll always be the same to me.

Mick: Julia will you marry me?

Julia looking to his soft tender eyes.

Julia: yes Mick I'll marry you with all my heart.



Mick's room inside the castle

Same night after he returns from Julia's place

Mick is sitting on his desk opening a drawer locked by its key.

Suddenly his grandmother enters the room without knocking.

Sara: Are you still seeing this girl from the collage?

I told you I'll know every step you make! does she know about your reality or you're afraid that she might react like your mother and stay all her life in a mental institute.

He thinks about his mother & Julia trying to be as calm as possible, he looks strait to Sara's eyes in such boldness.

Mick: Will you keep me a prisoner in the castle?

Or force me to achieve all your plots successfully?

Sara smiles back to him with shivering glances.

Sara: You'll stay here until tomorrow night you'll be married to Sheba granddaughter of my deceased sister who descends

from pure demon forms. Don't defy my will Mick!

Mick is speechless with his mind working so fast revising all the events which took place since he first discovered the diary.



Inside a church \ in the morning

The priest's room in church (Julia's father)

Mick & Julia are sitting against his desk holding hands.

Mick: I know you don't believe what Julia told you, but this is my inescapable fate, I love your daughter honestly I'll guard her with my last breath, we have to unit today otherwise I'll let them finish their devilish quest which had been working on for the last 70 years with the Igor's family descendants.

The priest: I read lots of books about demons and their consecutive attempts to dominate mankind and posses his soul, but I never thought my daughter will participate in such conflict.

Mick: If you approve on marrying us now, we can stop their conspiracy permanently at least for the Igor's family we can reclaim the castle and restore it from under their spell.

This diary will be the proof you need to expose the truth.

Mick gives Edward Igor's diary to Julia's father.

Julia reassures her father with her begging eyes.

Julia: please Dad! Say yes, I love Mick truly I'm certain of my love to him just as I'm sure of your love to me.

Her father is silent for a moment before he speaks his decision.

The priest: Let God's wish be done.



On the alter after one hour

The priest is standing looking at Julia and Mick while uniting them in holly matrimony.

His two assistants are standing beside them astonished from the ceremony of this speedy wedding.

The priest was ending his last phrases as they hear strong loud voices coming from the main entrance of the church.

All of their attentions were attracted by this rumble, but the priest points to his assistant to approach him he whispers

a few words to him before he said to the bride & groom.

The priest: My children please, focus only on my words.

He continues the ceremony while Sara is running down the ail .

Sara: stop this ridiculous charade right now!

She screams loudly with furious tone.

The priest: I pronounce you now husband and wife.

What God has united no man or other creature will break.

Sara tries to reach for Mick to catch him; the priest takes a bottle of some sacred water his assistant brings to him, spreading its contents on Sara and her son make them frieze in their places.

The priest: Children take this key to the cabin, Julia knows its place.

Mick & Julia fled from the back door holding each other hands.



A cabin on the hill and sea shore under \ late after noon at sunset period.

The newly wed couples are sleeping within a watery bed

, they're looking to the sea from a wide opened window.

Mick: This place is fabulous we can forget the entire outside world only remember this moment while we dissolve in each other ,when our bodies become one shape ,one being.

Julia recall the last scene of their wedding and her eyes get sad.

Julia: I'm still trembling from the sight of your family; I can't keep my thoughts from imaging their rage and anger.

Mick starts to kiss her softly with all the love he posses to her.

Julia: I feel that we're floating on water, carried by waves and tide to settle on a remote isolated island where we start a new dynasty just like Adam & Eve.

Mick continues making love to Julia while his eyes were filled with tears from the exquisite experience of pure love portion.


Scene 12

time later , after they finished makes sex.

mick look to the smiley julia's face.

Mick: Honey if anything happens to me you must reclaim the castle to your possession with the help of your father & officer Sam Emily's father, don't let them behold my true inheritance.

Julia looks frightened .

Julia: Why are you saying this? We'll fulfill your wish together,

we'll fight their dark evil together.

Suddenly Mick looks towards their cabin where he finds Sara and his father Edward Junior stepping out of their car.

Mick hags Julia in his arms so close for few seconds.

Mick: I can't escape from them; this evil won't end unless I fade from among the livings to join my true Igor descendants.

Julia notices his family going inside the cabin fetching for them.

Julia: What do you mean Mick? What're you thinking of?

Mick: Baby run away, go to your father, and restore my home.

Get my mother out of the hospital, take care of her.

Please, my darling if you love me do as I say.

Julia runs and hide inside a truck which drives away from the place slowly, she watches Mick jumping into the sea and going deeper and deeper until he emerges totally under water surface. Julia's tears are dropping rapidly on her cheeks.

Sara & her son are screaming from the sight of Mick drowning.



At the outside yard of the castle.

Two months later while moon cycle is full

There are lots of police cars also the priest with his assistants

Along with his daughter and her friend Emily with her father

officer Sam, they're getting ready to invade the castle.

They enter in same time while the priest is spreading sacred water in every corner of the castle, reading verses from the bible and his assistants are holding their crosses giving blessings to all rooms & corridors of the place.

Julia and Emily are opening all curtains letting the moon beams

through every window or door within the castle.

They can hear sounds of screaming and fading weak voices.

Julia who is pregnant put her hand on her belly smiling to herself remembering Mick with his sweet smile over his face.



Another Town

Remote isolated place

At the evening in the beginning of the month

The moon is just born, hiding behind clouds

A young man who is sitting outside his car, it seems that one of his arms was cut off from below elbow.

He finishes smoking a cigarette, starts to get into the car and put his hand on the key's car to moving , when he hears

a voice coming from beside the car.

Female voice: jack ......jack , will you leave me here alone, after coming all this way to find you?

The girl looks exactly like Sara who is young & beautiful.

Sara: My name is Sara I've just moved recently to this town.

I know your name you're Jack and we're neighbors.

Can I ride back with you; I'd like to get more acquainted.

She jumps in the seat next to him with her dashing dress

Relaxing her body and looking so sexy and willing to mate.

then , jack moving his car and start to gooo


Finished with the god's help

Screenplay by: Eslam mohsen

Translated by: Dr, Iman azim

15th, dec, 2006

All rights received


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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