Sagar Singh

Sagar Singh


(Hold Ctrl + Click for my work portfolio: URLs and screenshots of the wireframes and designs (pages 7 thru 11)

• 21 years of experience in leading the creative innovative and futuristic solutions, managing UX-UI projects across different industry domains. I have great references to talk about my success stories.

• Certification in Multimedia (Web Design Technologies) – I am a UX person first.

• Proven record of understanding client’s requirements, managing UX scope via Stakeholder Interviews/ Research Protocol Definitions/ User Interviews/ Research Analysis/ Prototypes/ Persona & Scenarios/ Information Architecture/ Static Wireframes & User Validation/ A-B Testing/ Visual Design Strategy/ Epics/ Stories & tasks/ Timelines/ Developing adaptive and responsive products for Web, Mobile, Desktop environments and managing projects.

• Experience designing UX-UI architecture to support applications in ASP, JSP, PHP for development in varied industry domains.

• Experience in collaborating with teams at multiple levels from leadership to sales and Stakeholders to final delivery in creating a successful solution.

• Extensive experience in Web 2.0, Cloud, SAAS, PAAS, APP, User Surveys, Analytics data research, Personas, Journey Maps, User Stories, Mockups, Wireframes, Usability and Accessibility while creating documentations (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, PDF), leading team efforts and architecting responsive designs, Boxed layouts, Fluid layouts or Grid based designs.

• Working experience with the SDLC using Agile-Scrum/Waterfall methodologies. Extensive Experience in working onsite/off-site/Remote with the teams across the globe for the clients in US and Europe. Experience in designing tablet based diagnostic applications and point of sales solutions

• Long term experience in developing interactive and dynamic UX-UI for the Web Applications, Portals (B2B, B2c), Intranet and Extranet with internationalization in multi-lingual project and as single-page application

• Working in conjunction with POs to lead the creation of products from scratch

• Well versed in UX project Starting, Managing, Hiring, Training and Guiding a UX-UI team. In this process, I carry our other responsibilities like keeping team and stakeholders updated on the progress and possible headwinds where my best effort is to make sure that the project stays on track. Also create design standards.

Major Clients

• Genworth (Former GE company), Xerox, Union Pacific Railroads, Glaxo SmithKline, Pfizer Finance, American Express, Pfizer Hospitals, Verizon Business, Verizon FiOS, Novartis, Carey International, UCLA, VisionGain, J&J, Chrysler, EXL Services, John Deere, Suzuki, Toyota, International Trucks, SPX, TXU Energy, Hallmark Cards Inc.

Web Skills

• Graphics: Photoshop, Fireworks, Flash, Illustrator, Sketch, InVision, Visio, Axure, PDF, Keynote, Balsamiq, Frontify, Proto, UXPin, Lightning Design, OmniGraffle, iRise, Microsoft Office suite etc.

• Web Tools and Libraries:

o HTML5, HTML4.1, CSS2 and 3 with SASS, Bootstrap 3

o JavaScript (DOM, OOPS and design patterns), XML, AJAX, jQuery, AngularJS, Grunt, Bower, NodeJS, Karma (testing), Jira (Issues Management: Story/Task/Defect), MAMP/WAMP/XAMPP, etc.

o Dreamweaver, Eclipse, Microsoft Visual Studio, Notepad++, etc.

o Wordpress, Drupal, Websphere, Sharepoint, AEM, Rally, Trello, Jira, etc.

o Outlook express, Lotus Notes, Gmail, etc.

o Git, CVS, NWDI, SUBVERSION, Tortoise SVN, etc.

• Operating Systems: Windows, MAC, UNIX, Linux

Understanding of: PHP, JSP, ASP, C#, SharePoint, Flex, MSSQL and MySQL.

Professional Experience

Lead UX/UI Architect/Manager/Director


User and/or Product research/HCI: Generating the understanding and gathering the knowledge of the usability, feasibility and scope of a product through the user surveys, prototype presentations (paper, wireframes, online surveys, GOMS-Keystroke, Haptics), data from tools like Google analytics, interviews (Heuristic Analysis) and live workflow interactions based on the understanding of human-computer interactions and accessibility.

UX/UI Project Management: To ensure that User Experience is given the focus that it deserves. By creating the project plan that incorporates appropriate UX activities that account for the user research and analysis and design stuff to be available throughout the design and production phases leads to a project management methodology for the user-centered design.

User Interface: Designing the functional screens/templates/mockups for enterprise applications, web applications, portals, intranet/extranets using industry standards like HTML, CSS, JS, Photoshop, Illustrator, Visio, etc. Interface are designed for mouse based and touch based (including haptic feedbacks) devices as part of Web 2.0 world.

Development: While working many different development environments experience in implementing UE+UI output in the application pages that often includes merging HTML/CSS/Ajax functionalities with ASP/JSP/PHP pages.


Client: EXL Services - LifePRO (Indianapolis, IN) 70% remote + 20% travel

Application Type: Cloud based SaaS application for Insurance and HR management

Duration: January 2017 – December

Client is primarily in the Insurance sector (Health, Life and Annuity)

Working as the Lead UX-UI Architect for this project I am driving the user research for the products that includes stakeholder’s and user’s interviews, research analysis, persona & scenarios, paper prototypes, design consulting, propose design solutions (using Heuristic analysis, A/B testing other tests and data analysis, GOMS and Keystroke-Level Modeling), defining research protocol definitions/defining Information Architecture/working with offshore teams to create static wireframes & User Validation/Visual Design Strategy/Epics/Stories & tasks/Timelines/developing adaptive and responsive products and tightly engage the design into the development of the new product. This is a data intensive application and is mostly form driven that utilizes the concept of a scalable dashboard. As a team, we are generating epics, stories, personas, designs (paper model, sketches, card-sort, wireframes, flowcharts, interaction flows, interaction models, user tasks flows, style guides and the UI specifications as fully functional responsive layouts with Sketch, Photoshop, Illustrator, HTML5, CSS3 using Lightning Design Summer, JS (AngularJS primeNG), and preparing them to be implemented in development environment. The project is being designed for the desktop and tablet.

Key Technologies/Tools: Usabilia, Google Analytics, Adobe Suite (Photoshop, Sketch 3, fireworks and Illustrator), Axure, InVision, Sketch, Lightning Design Summer, PowerPoint, Word, CSS3, HTML5, Git, JavaScript (AngularJS), Eclipse, Outlook, debugging using firebug, Web Developer Tool, etc.

Client: American Express (New York City, NY) – 50% Remote + 10% travel

Application Type: Intranet application for Credit Card Fraud Prevention

Duration: May 2017 – Continuous

Client is primarily in the Finance sector

Working as UX Lead Manager for this project my primary role is to find the solution for a customer facing interface through the user research for the products. I conducted stakeholder’s and user’s interviews thus generating the research analysis, personas & scenarios, paper prototypes, journey maps and mockups. As part of the design consulting I successfully proposed design solutions (using Heuristic analysis, other tests and data analysis, GOMS and Keystroke-Level Modeling), defining research protocol definitions/defining Information Architecture/ created static wireframes & User Validation/Visual Design Strategy/Epics/Stories & tasks/Timelines/developing adaptive and responsive screens and tightly engaged the design into the development of the new product. This is a data intensive mostly form driven application that utilizes the concept of a scalable dashboard. It also included many video based tutorials (help and guidelines). I have been leading the product research through Web Analytics, User research and other modes of data gathering. As a team, we are generating epics, stories, personas, designs (paper model, sketches, card-sort, wireframes, flowcharts, interaction flows, interaction models, user tasks flows, style guides and the UI specifications as fully functional responsive layouts with Axure, Sketch, Photoshop, InViSion, Illustrator, HTML5, CSS3, JS (jQuery UI), and help them to be implemented in the development environment. The project is being designed for the desktop, tablet and mobile platforms.

Key Technologies/Tools: Usabilia, Google Analytics, Adobe Suite (Photoshop, Sketch 3, fireworks and Illustrator), Balsamic, Axure, PowerPoint, Word, CSS3, HTML5, Git, JavaScript (jQuery and jQuery mobile, AngularJS), Visual Studio, Outlook, debugging using Web Developer Tool, etc.

Client: FGMC (Charlotte, NC) 30-50% remote

Application Type: Web application for online Mortgage application and management. It has User facing and Call center facing designs

Duration: September 2016 – January 2017

Client is primarily in the Mortgage sector.

Working as UX-UI Lead for this project I am responsible to lead the user research for the products as per the customer requirements, propose design solutions (using Heuristic analysis, other tests and data analysis, GOMS and Keystroke-Level Modeling) and development of a new product for their financial needs that will help in the B2C process. This application utilizes the concept of shopping cart where the borrower can pay for certain services during the application process and for some after the forms are complete (Android and IOS based POS - online shopping and transactions via check, bank accounts and checks). I have been leading the product research through User research, Web Analytics, and other modes of data gathering. As a team, we are generating stories, personas, designs (paper model, sketches, card-sort, interaction flows, interaction models, user tasks flows, style guides and UI specifications as fully functional responsive layouts with Axure, Photoshop, Illustrator, HTML5, CSS3 (Salesforce Lightning Design Summer), JS (jQuery UI), and get them implemented in development environment. The project is being designed for the desktop, tablet and mobile platforms with mobile first approach development.

Major URLs:

Key Technologies/Tools: Usabilia, Google Analytics, Adobe Suite (Photoshop and Illustrator), Axure, PowerPoint, Word, CSS3, HTML5, Git, JavaScript (jQuery and jQuery mobile, AngularJS), Brackets, Outlook, debugging using firebug, Web Developer Tool, etc.

Client: Genworth Financial (Raleigh and Charlotte, NC) Onsite

Application Type: Web Application for online Mortgage Insurance (MI)

Duration: March 2016 – December 2016

Client is Financial sector major primarily in the Mortgage B2B sector.

Working as UX-UI Lead for this project I am responsible to lead the user research for the products as per the customer requirements, propose design solutions (using Heuristic analysis, other tests and data analysis, GOMS and Keystroke-Level Modelling) and development of a new product for their financial needs that will help in the B2B process. I have been leading the product research through User research, Web Analytics, and other modes of data gathering. As a team we are generating stories, personas, designs (paper model, sketches, card-sort, interaction flows, interaction models, user tasks flows, and UI specifications as fully functional responsive layouts with Balsamic, Photoshop, Illustrator, HTML5, CSS3, JS (jQuery UI), and get them implemented in development environment. The project is being designed for the desktop, tablet and mobile platforms with the mobile first approach. The website allows the merchants use this system and shop for MI online while paying online at the same time via their approved accounts (Android and IOS based POS - online transactions). This is a part on-site and part remote development where the team is comprised of the talented people from across the globe. We follow Waterfall and Agile/Scrum methodologies with 3 weeks sprints.

Major URLs:

Key Technologies/Tools: Usabilia, Google Analytics, Adobe Suite (Photoshop and Illustrator), Balsamic, PowerPoint, Word, CSS3, HTML5, Git, JavaScript(jQuery and jQuery mobile, AngularJS), Brackets, Outlook, Debugging using firebug, Web Developer Tool, etc.

Client: Hallmark Cards Inc. (Kansas City, NE) Onsite + 10% travel

Application Type: Cloud based web application: Inventory management, Travel record, Working hours tracking and part HR management

Duration: December 2015 – April 2016

Client is multimedia/mass-media sector major.

Working as UX-UI Lead for this project I am responsible to lead the research, design and development of VRU product (including Heuristic analysis, Heat Map analysis, Web Analytics, GOMS and Keystroke-Level Model). As team we are conducting live surveys, analyzing current website usage, redefining existing processes while optimizing them for better User Experience and better delivery, generating Stories, layouts ( from paper model, sketches, card-sort to wireframes and mockups), personas, fully functional responsive layouts with Axure, Balsamiq, Photoshop, HTML5, CSS3, JS (underscore, NodeJS), and get them implemented in development environment and do the UI validation and user acceptance testing to ensure the consistency. In this project, POS (point-of-sales) is big part and we have conducted big research leading to successful designs that have been rated from 8 to 10 on a scale of 1-10 points by the user groups. Our research focused on the user habits as a vendor, in-store shopper and online shopper i.e. we designed the POS (point of sales for ATM / Android-IOS-Browser based online shopping and transactions). The project has been designed for the Desktop, tablet and mobile platforms with mobile first approach. This is a part remote and part onsite project where the team is comprised of the talented people from the multiple vendors. We follow Agile/Scrum methodologies with 2 weeks’ sprints

Key Technologies/Tools: Adobe Suite (Photoshop, Sketch and Illustrator), Axure, PowerPoint, Word, CSS3, HTML5, JavaScript (Grunt, Git, Bower, NodeJS, backboneJS, jQuery and jQuery mobile), Bower, Outlook, debugging using firebug, Web Developer Tool, Salesforce, etc.

Client: Union Pacific Rail Roads (Omaha, NE) 30-50% remote

Application Type: PaaS application – Designed to manage

Duration: June 2014 – December 2015

Client is transport sector major. - SaaS

Working as Lead UE-UX Architect for this project I am responsible to understand and document the client’s requirements, research and analyze the data gathered from user research, user testing, etc. data mining to produce wireframes, screen mockups, interactive flows. As well I manage (hire, groom and lead) the on-site and off-site teams. As team we are generating screen layouts, fully functional grid-based layouts with CSS3, JS MVC and get them implemented in development environment and do the UI validation and user acceptance testing to ensure the consistency. The project has been designed for the Desktop and tablet platforms. A mobile app is also in the works. I work onsite with the off-site designers and onsite/offsite developers across multiple teams from multiple vendors. We follow both Waterfall and Agile/Scrum methodologies with multiple sprints.

Key Technologies/Tools: Adobe Suite (Photoshop, fireworks and Illustrator), Visio, PowerPoint, Word, CSS3, HTML5, JavaScript (Grunt, AngularJS, Bower), Eclipse, Outlook, debugging using firebug, Web Developer Tool, etc.

Client: Xerox (Chicago, IL) 100% remote

Application Type: Employee Benefits Management Web Application and SaaS HR Application

Duration: May 2015 – December 2015

Client is IT service major.

Working as UX-UI Director for this project I have been responsible to manage scope of work, manage teams in US and outside of US, understand and document the client’s requirements. Major objective of this project was to upgrade existing infrastructure without bringing drastic change for the end-user while still enhancing the UI-UX to the current web standards. As UI director, I got these developments designed and implemented. The project has been designed for the Desktop and tablet platforms. I worked 100% remote with the off-site designers and offsite developers across multiple teams from multiple vendors.

Key Technologies/Tools: Adobe Suite (Photoshop, Sketch, fireworks and Illustrator), Visio, PowerPoint, Word, CSS3, HTML5, JavaScript (AngularJS, jQuery and jQuery mobile), AEM, Dreamweaver, Outlook, debugging using firebug, Web Developer Tool, etc.

Client: Glaxo SmithKline (RTP Durham, NC) 50% remote (Cognizant)

Duration: Jan 2014 – February 2015

Client is pharmaceutical major.

Working as Lead UX Architect for this project I am responsible to understand and document the client’s requirements as Word/PowerPoint/Axure based documents along with the designs created in Photoshop, Illustrator. As well I manage on-site and off-site teams in terms of the deliverables. I have been leading the product research through User research, Web Analytics, and other modes of data gathering. As a team we are generating stories, personas, designs, interaction flows, interaction models, user tasks flows, and UI specifications as fully functional responsive layouts with Axure, Photoshop, Illustrator, HTML5, CSS3, JS (jQuery UI), and get them implemented in development environment. I am also responsible to generate fully functional grid-based layouts with functionalities like CSS, JavaScript and get them implemented in development environment and do the UI validation and user acceptance testing to ensure the consistency. The project has been designed for the tablet and mobile platforms as well. I work onsite with the off-site designers and onsite/offsite developers across multiple teams. In this project I have developed functionally-dynamic UI-UX using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (AngularJS, jQuery and jQuery mobile), etc. We follow Agile/Scrum methodologies with multiple sprints.

Key Technologies/Tools: Adobe Suite (Photoshop, fireworks and Illustrator), Visio, PowerPoint, Word, CSS3, HTML5, JavaScript (AngularJS, jQuery and jQuery mobile), AEM, Dreamweaver, Outlook, Debugging using firebug, Web Developer Tool, etc.

Client: Verizon (Colorado Springs, CO) Onsite Aricent Inc.

Duration: September, 2012 – December 2013

Client is telecom service provider serving major players like Verizon and ATT.

Working as lead UX Analyst for this project I am responsible to to manage team structure, work on budgets with stakeholders, understanding different client’s requirements, manage on-site and off-site teams, deliverables, generating workflows, wireframes/prototypes, grid-based layouts and mockups (user interface designs) with functionalities like CSS, JavaScript, get them implemented in development environment and test the developed output in local environments before releasing for testing to other groups. This project allowed multiple vendors of Verizon Business to access the services and leverage the system to purchase desired services from the available options and stream their content. This is a multiplatform highly data driven application that is used world-wide. Some parts of the project are being developed for the Android based mobile platforms as well. I work onsite with the designers and developers across multiple teams. In this project, I have developed user surveys, wireframes, functional-dynamic UI-UX using Visio and Axure, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (jQuery and jQuery mobile), etc. We follow Agile/Scrum methodologies with multiple sprints.

Key Technologies/Tools: Adobe Suite (Photoshop and Illustrator), CSS3, HTML5, JavaScript (jQuery and jQuery mobile), Visio, Axure, Eclipse, Microsoft Visual studio, Dreamweaver, Outlook, debugging using firebug, Web Developer Tool, etc.

Client: Quicken Loans (Detroit, MI) Remote-OnSite mix

Duration: March, 2012 – September 2012

Client is mortgage service provider serving all over US.

Working as lead UX Analyst for this project I am responsible to to manage team structure, work on budgets with stakeholders, understanding different client’s requirements, manage on-site and off-site teams, deliverables, generating workflows, wireframes/prototypes, grid-based layouts and mockups (user interface designs) with functionalities like CSS, JavaScript, get them implemented in development environment and test the developed output in local environments before releasing for testing to other groups.

This is a multiplatform highly data driven application that is used world-wide. Some parts of the project are being developed for the Android based mobile platforms as well. I work onsite with the designers and developers across multiple teams. In this project, I have developed user surveys, wireframes, functional-dynamic UI-UX using Visio and Axure, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (jQuery and jQuery mobile), etc. We follow Agile/Scrum methodologies with multiple sprints.

Key Technologies/Tools: Adobe Suite (Photoshop and Illustrator), CSS3, HTML5, JavaScript (jQuery and jQuery mobile), Visio, Axure, Eclipse, Microsoft Visual studio, Dreamweaver, Outlook, debugging using firebug, Web Developer Tool, etc.

Client: SPX (MI, USA) SharePoint based Project Onsite

Duration: Nov, 2008 – June, 2012

Client is major supplier and information developer for the auto industry worldwide. Working as lead UE and UI Architect for this project I have been responsible for generating workflows, wireframes/prototypes, layouts and mockups (user interface designs) with functionality in internalized multi-lingual formats. A few of the projects were extended to mobile platforms as well. All of these projects focus on the aftermarket sales. Online sales platform was a big part. Thus, the applications comprised of online display of inventory, user accounts, sales and promotions, whole redefined shopping experience (POS), cross selling and more. I extensively worked with different teams from management level to developers and user groups to collaboratively develop wireframes in OmniGraffle. While working onsite with developers in the SharePoint environment I implemented the functional screens directly in the .net pages. We worked on transferring some functionality from Flex to HTML5. My job also involves debugging with developers in their own environment.

Key Technologies/Tools: Adobe Suite (Photoshop, fireworks and Illustrator), Microsoft Visual studio, Dreamweaver, CSS, HTML4.1, XHTML, JavaScript (YUI), XML, Ajax, ASP, Banners/Videos in Flash, Flex, Outlook, Visio, Debugging using firebug, Web Developer Tool, etc.

Major URLs: ,

Client: TXU (TX, USA) SAP Project Onsite

Duration: Apr, 2008 – Oct, 2008

Client is major electricity distributor. Working as lead UI and UX designer cum developer for this project I am responsible to generate requirement understanding with the end client and turning the information into wireframes, grid-based layouts, mockups, with functionality in JavaScript, CSS and Ajax. Files needed to be cross-browser compatible. Worked onsite with the JAVA developers in SAP environment helping them implement the functional screens. All work is cross browser compatible. My job also involves debugging with the developers using web developer tools like Firebug, DOM inspector, etc. The functionality includes advanced Java scripting, CSS, Ajax, and tools like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver. Eclipse, etc.

Key Technologies/tools: Adobe Suite, Adobe Life Cycle, CSS, XHTML, Ajax, JavaScript (YUI), XML, JSP, Outlook, NWDI. Debugging using tools like firebug, Web Developer.

Major URLs:

Client: Verizon (VA, USA) Onsite

Duration: Aug, 2007 – Feb, 2008

Client is leader in telecom, wireless and fiber optics network. Working lead UE designer cum developer for this project I have generated final requirements onsite with the client and developed functional screens in 2.0 frameworks. The functionality includes advanced Java scripting, Flash, , CSS, AJAX, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator.

Key Technologies: XHTML, Flex, Dreamweaver, Flash (working dynamically), CSS, JavaScript, Adobe Suite CS, Ajax, , Eclipse, Lotus Notes, Subversion

Major URLs: Intranet Web Application

Client: Carey International (Washington D.C., USA) Onsite

Duration: Aug, 2006 – July, 2007

Client is largest in transportation sector providing services to private and government. As a key Lead UE designer for this project I have generated final requirements with the client and developed functional screens. The functionality includes CSS, JavaScript functionalities, JSP, Flash and Flex. Currently busy with the client and team for further work and understanding.

Key Technologies: DHTML, CSS, Flex, Flash, CSS, Dreamweaver, JavaScript, Adobe Suite CS, Ajax, JSP, Eclipse

Major URLs:

Client: Novartis (New Jersey, USA)

Duration: Oct, 2005 – Aug, 2006

As a UE designer for this project I was responsible for generating the design layouts. The functionality includes CSS, JavaScript functionalities, implementation into dynamic pages.

Key Technologies: DHTML, Flash, CSS, JavaScript, Adobe Suite, JSP, Dreamweaver

Major URLs: Intranet Web Application

Client: Visiongain (U.K.)

Duration: Feb, 2005 – Sep, 2005

As a key UE designer for this project I have generated final requirements with the client and developed functional screens. The functionality includes CSS, JavaScript functionalities, Flash

Key Technologies: Flash, DHTML, CSS, JavaScript, Adobe Suite, Dreamweaver, ASP

Major URLs:

2004 to 2005, Sr. Web Designer

Responsible for interacting with clients from California, USA and developing website designs

Employer: DHK International Inc. (California, Employer)

Duration: 2004 to 2005

(This is a new version done by someone else)

Client: DHK (USA)

Duration: 2 Months

I led a large team to develop the multi-lingual website and online shopping cart. All the content was translated, developed and designed by my team. This website included main divisions for Human Health, Animal Health, Defense and Aerospace.

Key Technologies: Photoshop, CSS, JavaScript, HTML, ASP, Online Language Translator Engines

Client: Patentdesk (USA)

Duration: 1 month

As a lead UE consultant I gathered requirements from the client and developed the website in sync with the team in California. This website provided online patent facility.

Key Technologies: CSS, JavaScript, Adobe Suite, PHP

Client: Rudnickrealty (USA)

Duration: 3 months

This was a big project concentrated on a large land development site. The website provided all data about geological location, sites, and facilities. This used an interactive map in Flash. Online walkthroughs were developed to give the idea of final development for each block. As a UE designer for this project I was responsible for generating and integrating the media elements. The functionality includes 3D, Flash, CSS, JavaScript functionalities.

Key Technologies: 3D Studio, Bryce, Flash, Action Script, CSS, JavaScript, Adobe Creative Suite

2002 to 2004 as Web Designer

Responsible for UI-Code integration while helping the developers leading to the generation of complex working layouts for intranets and extranets.

Employer: Nagarro Software Pvt. Ltd.

Client: Pfizer (USA),

Instinet (USA),

Umicore (Europe),

Lexware (USA),

Duration: 2years

Work was concentrated on the development of extranets with complex functionalities for complete office process. I was responsible for developing the working layouts and working with the development team.

Key Technologies: Photoshop, Flash, CSS, HTML, JavaScript

2001 to 2002, Web/Media Designer

Cooperated with developers to generate complex media elements for e-learning online portals..

Employer: Infopro Corp.

Clients: Oracle (USA)

Johnson & Johnson Co. (USA)

Gartner (Europe)

Duration: 1 year

I was responsible for developing the interactive media elements and working with integration team.

Key Technologies: Flash, Photoshop, Generator, CSS, HTML

2000 to 2001, Web Designer/Sr. Web Designer

Actively involved in the design and development of websites and CD-ROM based presentations.

Employer: Palsoft Infosytems Pvt. Ltd.

Client: Autopal Inc. (USA)

I was fully responsible for collecting client requirements, design development and delivery to development team.

Key Technologies: HTML, Photoshop, Flash, Action Script

Client: Schoolpal (India)

I led a team of designers and was responsible for generating UE and related media elements for the portal. This portal was an online school and involved teacher, student and parent interaction.

Key Technologies: CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Flash, Action Script, ASP

Client: Dataforwarders (U.K.)

This project was for a BPO sector company. I was responsible for developing website with a presentation in flash for online visitors and a CDROM based presentation for business meetings.

Key Technologies: Action Script, Flash, JavaScript, Photoshop, ASP

Work Samples Top

1. Adaptive and Responsive design:


2. Responsive Layout with advanced CSS and JS controls:


3. Responsive design:



4. Responsive and advanced CSS:



5. Dynamic Ajax based widgets design: – YUI


6. Fluid Layout: Extranet


Wireframe: Checkout Process





3. (B2C) – Wireframes


External Websites (A lot of my work has been done at the internal portals/big applications that are not external facing, so here are some of the work that is external facing):

1. Genworth MI

Duration – 9 months


Role – UX Lead, Content Developer, Documentation (User Testing, Personas, Wireframes, Stories, Designs, Design Standards, HTML+CSS+JS screens)

2. Good Mortgage

Duration – 5 months


Role – UX Lead, Content Developer, Documentation (User Testing, Personas, Wireframes, Stories, Designs, More)

3. Glaxo SmithKline

Duration – 1 Year 1 months


Role – UX Lead, Content Developer, Documentation (User Testing, Personas, Wireframes, Stories, Designs, point of sales, mobile design, app design, More)

4. Hallmark

Duration – 0 year 4 months


Role – UX Lead, Requirement Analyst, UI Designer, Documentation (Paper Designs, Personas, Wireframes, Stories, Designs, point of sales, mobile design, app design, More)

5. Chrysler

Duration – 1 year 6 months


Role – UX Lead, Business Analyst, Content Developer, UI Developer, point of sales for a separate B2C aftermarket portal, mobile design

6. SPX

Duration – 2 year 6 months


Role – UI Lead, Business Analyst, Content Developer, SharePoint UI Developer

7. Design

Duration – 5 months


Role – Team Lead, Designer, Content Developer, UI Developer, point of sales, mobile design

8. Design Calance

Duration – 3 week


Designing Capabilities:

1. My creativity continues to improve with new assignments. I have strong skill sets and extensive experience with designing web applications, e-learning, e-commerce, motion and print media and animation. Also, I have many years of experience in dealing directly with clients and delivering accordingly.

2. Expertise in creating graphic elements such as buttons, icons, navigation bars, mastheads, colors, etc.

3. Production of graphics, layouts, and compiling into a semi functional html based layout with Jscript/JavaScript functionality and delivering to the development team.

4. Extensive experience visualizing and designing for web-based complex corporate portals with clients overseas or with software engineers.

5. Experience in the creation of detailed functional GUI's with dynamic data along with delivering a consistent overall appearance, complete layouts, and final look and feel in both the web application and the pitch-book documents (PowerPoint and Adobe PDF formats) produced by the application.

6. Expertise in rapidly prototyping the application look, and ability to visualize alternate graphical layouts to the product team.

7. Extensive experience working directly with engineers in a fast-paced software development environment. Ability to interface with both end users and software engineers and have a "can do" attitude.

8. Extensive experience designing and creating visual elements and look and feel for enterprise-class web-based GUIs.

9. Expert in creating all the visual elements for a web-based application including graphics, images, icons, CSS, typography and Flash.

10. Expert in HTML, DHTML, CSS, and JavaScript, including cross-platform issues. I understand limitations of what can and can’t be done in the UI with the various tools and technologies and I am able to hand-code efficient HTML/DHTML.

11. Ability to perform short-timeframe prototyping using low and high fidelity models.

12. Expert in using web graphics and publishing tools (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Fireworks, Quark, Acrobat, Director and Flash MX with action script) and in using HTML tools like FrontPage and Dreamweaver.

13. Understanding of localization, internationalization and branding of a web application.

14. Experience creating a visual design specification for an enterprise class web application.

15. Experience with Microsoft PowerPoint and Adobe Acrobat Template Design.

Personal Information:

IT Education

• Certification in the field of Web and Print Production.

• Certification in PMP

• Certification in App Design

• Currently perusing Computer Science certification at MIT.

About Self

• Name: Sagar Singh

• Mobile: +12405439675, +1(586)806-9828

• Email: sagarsingh@

• Status of Residence: Green Card


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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