Salesforce Reports Creating Different Salesforce Reports

Salesforce Reports (Creating Different

Salesforce Reports)

Salesforce Reports (Creating Different Salesforce Reports)

Salesforce reports and Dashboards are used to convert business requirement in to visual representation. In this

Salesforce Tutorial training we are going to learn about Creating different Salesforce reports like Tabular

Reports, Summary Reports, Joined reports and Matrix reports.

What is a Report in Salesforce ?

A report is a set of records displayed in rows and columns. Reports data can be filtered , grouped and can be

displayed through graphical chart types like Tabular reports, Summary reports, matrix reports and Joined

reports. Salesforce Report can be Standard report and Custom report.

Standard reports are pre built by and stored in Standard folder. This standard reports can

not be edited, deleted and Searched.

Custom reports are the bult by from the scratch and can be stored in unified Public report folder. Custom

reports can be edited, deleted and searched.

How to create Salesforce reports custom folder?

To create custom reports folder login and navigate to Setup | Reports | New report folder.

Enter report folder name and unique name as desires.

Click on Save button.

As shown below Tutorialkart report folder has been created successfully. we can move custom Salesforce

reports from My Personal custom Reports to Tutorialkart report folder.

Salesforce reports and Dashboard can be deleted and can be retrieved from Recycle Bin.

Creating different Custom Salesforce reports.

Tabular Reports :- Tabular Reports in Salesforce the most basic, simplest and fastest generates report

formats. Here fields are listed in Columns and records are listed in rows. It displays just the row of records in a

table like format with grand total. Tabular reports are not used to created Dashboards in Salesforce.

Summary Reports :- Summary Report is the second Salesforce report format which allows users to group rows

data which supports sorting and display subtotals.

Matrix Report :- Matrix report is the most complex Salesforce report format where records data is summarized

in a grid format. Matrix reports allow records to be grouped by both columns and rows.

Joined Report :- Joined report is the fourth Salesforce Report format where user can create multiple report

blocks that provide different views of your data. Here we organize the data in the form of block. Each block is

defined as a Sub-report. It can have its own fields, columns, sorting and filtering. A joined report can even

contain data from different Salesforce report types.

Salesforce Report Area.

To create Salesforce reports, login to and navigate to Setup |Reports | New Report | Select

report type | Create.

report type | Create.

When creating new Salesforce report we can find different Section in report area as shown below.

1. Control Area.

2. Quick find.

3. Data tab.

4. Standard Filter Area.

5. Report filter area.

6. Report data preview area.

7. Report Selection.

How to create Tabular report format in Salesforce.

To create Tabular Report in Salesforce, login Salesforce with username and password. Now Navigate toSetup |


Now Click on New report as shown above.

Select the report type that to be created. In this Salesforce tutorial we creating Tabular report for Opportunities.

Click on Create button.

In Standard filter area, Select show all opportunities and opportunity status as Any, clear date ranges and

select range as All time as shown above.

Click on Remove All columns to clear default columns.

Now select the fields from the data tab.

Drag and drop the fields to the columns.


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