PDF Integrating ServiceMax with SAP Sponsored by

[Pages:26]Integrating ServiceMax with SAP Sponsored by:


Introduction ..........................................................................................................................................3

Purpose and Scope...............................................................................................................................3

Why and What to Integrate With SAP ERP...........................................................................................3

Why to Integrate ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 What to Integrate............................................................................................................................................................................................... 4

How to Connect ....................................................................................................................................4

ServiceMax Interfaces...................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 SOAP APIs ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Outbound Messaging ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Custom Web Services .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Bulk APIs .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5

SAP Interfaces .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Which Interfaces for Which Scenarios? ........................................................................................................................................................7

Replicating Data Changes from SAP To ServiceMax....................................................................................................................................................7 Real-Time Integration ............................................................................................................................................................................................................7 Connecting from On-Premise to the Cloud ................................................................................................................................................ 8

ServiceMax Interface Objects Data Model..........................................................................................8 Work Order.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Installed Product ...............................................................................................................................................................................................10

Integration Scenarios Summary ........................................................................................................10 SAP to ServiceMax Object Correlation Diagram .....................................................................................................................................10 Integration Process Summary ........................................................................................................................................................................11

Integration Process Details ...............................................................................................................11 SAP Customer Master updates Salesforce Account ...............................................................................................................................11 Process Details.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................11 Data Mapping ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................12 SAP Customer Master updates ServiceMax Location ........................................................................................................................... 13 Process Details......................................................................................................................................................................................................................13 Data Mapping ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 13 SAP Contact Partner updates Salesforce Contacts................................................................................................................................15 Process Details......................................................................................................................................................................................................................15 Data Mapping ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................15 SAP Material Master updates Salesforce Product and Pricebook .....................................................................................................16 Process Details......................................................................................................................................................................................................................16 Data Mapping ? Salesforce Product to SAP Material Master (MARA) .................................................................................................................... 17 Data Mapping ? Salesforce Pricebook Entry to SAP Standard Price (MBEW) ..................................................................................................... 17 SAP Plant and Storage Location updates ServiceMax Stocking Location ......................................................................................18 Process Details......................................................................................................................................................................................................................18 Data Mapping ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................19 Overview of Work Order Invoicing and Stock Transactions ................................................................................................................21 ServiceMax Work Order updates SAP Sales Order................................................................................................................................21 Why Use Proforma Invoicing in ServiceMax?...............................................................................................................................................................22 Pricing Rules .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................22 Process Details.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................22 Data Mapping ? ServiceMax Work Order to SAP Sales Order ...............................................................................................................................24 Data Mapping ? ServiceMax Work Order Details to SAP Sales Order Items......................................................................................................25 Primer: ServiceMax Inventory Processes Update SAP Inventory and Sales Order ......................................................................25 Parts Consumption ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................26 Parts Request........................................................................................................................................................................................................................26 Stock Transfer ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................26


As you implement ServiceMax, you may need to integrate it with your back-office applications. What you integrate depends on the information needs of your field service team, your organization's business processes and transactional volumes of each process.

This document recommends a specific integration process for connecting and mapping ServiceMax to your SAP ERP. In this document you will find:

? An overview of ServiceMax integration scenarios with SAP ERP ? A ServiceMax data model for ServiceMax objects (tables) in each scenario ? Detailed process attributes, such as integration type, flow, mapped objects (tables) and field

maps for each integration scenario

Purpose and Scope

This document is for designers and architects who need to integrate the ServiceMax (Salesforce1) platform with their SAP ERP systems. This content is the output of many successful ServiceMax integrations with SAP ERP and associated modules.

Architects and developers should consider these integration scenarios during the design and implementation phase of a ServiceMax integration project to SAP ERP. When referenced this document can save you time during your project and can also be used as a template for documenting other ServiceMax integration scenarios outside the scope of this white paper.

The ServiceMax integration scenarios considered for this document reflect the current business needs of ServiceMax customers. They are the most demanded use cases that follow proven field service processes, such as invoice/sales order creation from a work order. If you have a need for detailed integration process information that falls outside the scope of this white paper, please contact your ServiceMax account or professional services manager.

Why and What to Integrate With SAP ERP

Why to Integrate

As with many enterprise software solutions, business processes cross multiple systems, and organizations use many different applications to bridge operational gaps. By integrating separate but related applications organizations achieve greater levels of operational consistency, efficiency, and quality.

Examples of important ServiceMax data and business processes that may need integration include: ? Field service teams' access to customer, contract, product master and inventory data to

perform their jobs. These data are most commonly mastered in ERP systems.

? SAP transactions related to field service transactions such as, service invoices compiled from work orders, inventory decremented from parts used in service, service contracts updated for additional installed products covered and conversely, new installed products in ServiceMax created from a SAP sales order.

What to Integrate

You may not need to consider all scenarios described in this document. And you can implement and roll out scenarios in phases that match your project schedules.

Which scenarios to implement and when to implement them will depend on factors like implemented ServiceMax modules, transaction volumes, scoped project phases and rollout time lines.

Here are some factors that can drive what scenarios to integrate. ? Transaction volumes. Focus on scenario integrations that generate the highest transaction

volumes. For example, if your organization creates a lot of work orders, then you may prioritize the work order to ERP invoicing scenario. ? Implemented ServiceMax modules. Determine what business processes ServiceMax will manage. For example, if you manage service contracts in ServiceMax and generate many new service contracts, then you may need to integrate service contract data with SAP. ? Business processes. Understand the flow of data to and from ServiceMax. For example, if your service jobs involve a lot of parts transactions, you may want to integrate your work orders and field service stocking location transactions with your ERP's managed warehouse inventories. ? Scope and time line of rollouts. Recognize the ServiceMax/SAP implementation scope and schedule and plan accordingly. A. Phases of ServiceMax module rollout: For example, if you roll out ServiceMax Advanced

Scheduling first and next year Contracts, then you will probably tackle the work order invoicing this year, and delay contract integration to the following year. B. Phases of business unit rollout: If you pilot ServiceMax for a subset of your organization in phase 1, and then increase to a greater population in phase 2, this can affect your transaction volumes and may allow you to implement some integrations in the later phases as transaction volumes warrant.

How to Connect

How to connect ServiceMax and SAP will vary on your business needs, your IT standards and system landscapes. We will discuss some of the common interfaces provide by both SAP an ServiceMax, describe some integration patterns and define interfaces that are commonly used in these patterns.

ServiceMax Interfaces

The ServiceMax Suite is native to the Salesforce1 platform that provides multiple interface options including: ? SOAP APIs ? REST APIs

? Bulk API for bulk data transactions ? Custom APEX developed web services ? Workflow configured outbound SOAP messages that can be triggered on internal events ? Outbound APEX calls (you can write custom APEX code to make outbound calls) ? File based imports and exports

While there are many options, the document focuses primarily on the native Salesforce1 SOAP APIs, custom web services with APEX and outbound messages (OBM).


The Salesforce SOAP APIs provide access to every object in the system. These APIs allow you to create, retrieve, update or delete records for all standard objects such as accounts, contacts, work orders and any custom objects you create.

Outbound Messaging

Salesforce Outbound Messaging allows you to configure an outbound SOAP API message that can be sent based on rules criteria. You can define the contents of the message, and the rules that trigger it. Custom Web Services Salesforce allows you to develop custom web services using APEX. Using custom web services has advantages over the standard SOAP APIs. By building custom services, you create a single service that handles complex logic. For example, you may need to insert a new Service Contract in ServiceMax and simultaneously associate related data like PM Plans, Included Services and Installed Products all in a single service.

Another advantage of custom APEX services is transactional control that gives you the ability to set save points and perform rollbacks.

Bulk APIs

If transactions volumes are very large (above 500,000 records), then the Salesforce bulk APIs should be used. The choice of which Salesforce interface to use changes the processing logic details in your integrations, but the data mapping semantics remain the same.

In some cases, it might make sense to use a bended approach to take advantage of what each option brings to the table.

For more details on these and other Salesforce integration options, including integration primers, patterns and best practice recommendations, refer to .

SAP Interfaces

SAP provides several connection options including interfaces like BAPI, iDoc/RFC, and ABAP to name a few. Third party middleware vendors also provide value added connections to consider. For example, Informatica provides a feature called the Table Reader that reads directly against all SAP tables through the application layer without having to deploy static ABAP.

The choice of interface depends on the integration scenario and the capabilities of the SAP interfaces that service that scenario. Consider the replication of master data from SAP to ServiceMax. In this scenario, BAPIs may not be available to retrieve data changes conveniently. You might consider using iDocs/change pointers to send over data changes from SAP in an event driven process. Alternatively, your middleware may provide another connection option, such as the Informatica Table Reader mentioned above which allows you to query SAP directly for changes in a given time period.

The scenarios in this document describe at least one connection option, but may describe alternate connections as well.

Which Interfaces for Which Scenarios?

This section discusses which interfaces to use for given scenarios. The recommended strategy is to give preference to BAPIs where available. But since BAPIs do not cover every desired scenario, other options are considered.

Your IT organization may prefer a specific SAP interface based on IT standards. If a documented scenario does not meet your IT standards, it does not mean it cannot be accomplished through a different SAP interface. For example, if a process recommends a BAPI but your IT standard uses iDocs, you can take advantage of the scenario description information such as, details of the business process flow, and the semantics of the object-to-object field mappings to achieve your desired integration.

Replicating Data Changes from SAP To ServiceMax

SAP BAPis have limited support for retrieving updated table records in a given time period. A common SAP interface for sending data changes to an external system is iDocs/change pointers. This interface is typically used for real-time integrations and requires setup in SAP. Setup includes, specification of the iDoc structure, the change pointer configuration and a listener on the receiving system to receive the iDoc. Most commonly the receiving system is a middleware solution.

For Informatica customers, the value added solution called the SAP Table Reader, simplifies changes based on bulk data integrations. It allows direct query to SAP tables and makes extracting table changes for a given time period easier than the iDoc and change pointer configurations. Be aware that the SAP Table Reader solution relies on a query against the SAP Change Document Header (CDHDR) table for change output. Since this is a large table in SAP, it may be more efficient to simply extract all records of the SAP source table if the data set is small, and run the UPSERT operation in Salesforce, which will smartly detect any changes.

For replication use cases, in the Integration Process Details section below, master data change processes from SAP to ServiceMax, are described using the Informatica Table Reader. However, Informatica can work with iDocs and change pointer configurations, thus removing the concern of querying against the CDHDR table and introducing the work needed to configure the iDoc/change pointer configurations in SAP. Additionally, iDoc may introduce more overhead in the SAP system for both storage and performance.

Real-Time Integration

Real-time integration relies on triggers in the source system. If the source system is SAP then the outbound interfaces are most likely iDocs or ABAP custom developed APIs.

If the source system is ServiceMax, then outbound messages (OBM) can be used. One outbound message pattern that is widely used is to send a transaction to the middleware layer with the record Id that needs an action performed. Middleware then performs an API call(s) back to Salesforce and queries for needed data to complete the transaction to the back-end ERP system.

Connecting from On-Premise to the Cloud

The most common method to securely connect from On-Premise to the Cloud is to initiate all connection events behind the firewall of the On-Premise system. In middleware-based integrations with an On-Premise middleware solution this is straightforward.

If you want to leverage a cloud-based middleware solution to integrate an on-premise SAP system and cloud-based ServiceMax, middleware vendors typically utilize an on-premise agent. Details on how this agent works varies by vendor, but generally an on-premise system must be dedicated to run a small run-time integration engine. This engine runs the integration process between your on-premise SAP system and reaches out to ServiceMax system APIs in the cloud.

ServiceMax Interface Objects Data Model

Since ServiceMax is native to the platform, you are able browse the data model of your ServiceMax system in detail by using standard platform features like the Salesforce Schema Builder, and by viewing object definitions in the administrative setup. There are also many additional free tools available on the Salesforce AppExchange that describe the fields and data types of your data model, like Etherios "EasyDescribe", which is used to download Excel-based representations of objects with all the field metadata. These tools are useful if you want to document data mappings between ServiceMax objects and an external system. You can start by exporting the ServiceMax object definitions into Excel, and then manually add field data mappings to an external object.

Below are diagrams taken from the "ServiceMax Data Model and Data Dictionary". ServiceMax publishes a comprehensive Entity Relationship Diagram to show the important business objects, their relationships, and their standard fields. Refer to the separate document: ServiceMax Data Model and Data Dictionary.


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