Editora sc

Programación de Aula/Temporalización

CLIL Methologogy

English Language

Natural Science

Social Science


Educación Primaria: Curso Segundo

Material: Walking into English Year 2


Periodo por unidad y asignatura: 3 semanas



|Iniciación a la actividad científica. Aproximación experimental a |1. Obtener información relevante sobre hechos o |1.1. Busca, selecciona y organiza información concreta y relevante, la analiza, |

|algunas cuestiones. (L.5, L.12, |fenómenos previamente delimitados, haciendo predicciones|obtiene conclusiones, comunica su experiencia, reflexiona acerca del proceso seguido|

|Utilización de diferentes fuentes de información (directas, libros).|sobre sucesos naturales, integrando datos de observación|y lo comunica oralmente y por escrito. (L.2, L.4, L.5, L.7, L.8, L.9, L.11, L.12) |

|(L.1-L.16) |directa e indirecta a partir de la consulta de fuentes |1.2. Utiliza medios propios de la observación. (L.1, L.2, L.3, L.4, L.9, L.10, |

|Lectura de textos propios del área. (L.2, L.9, L.11, L.15&16) |directa e indirectas y comunicando los resultados. (L.5,|L.11, L.12, L.13) |

|Utilización de diversos materiales. (L.3, L.9, L.10, ) |L.12, L.13) |1.3. Consulta y utiliza documentos escritos, imágenes y gráficos. (L.3, L.4, L.5, |

|Trabajo individual y en grupo. (L.1-L.16) |2. Establecer conjeturas tanto respecto de sucesos que |L.7, L.8, L.10, L.11, L.12, L.15&16) |

|Desarrollo de hábitos de trabajo. Esfuerzo y responsabilidad. |ocurren de una forma natural como sobre los que ocurren |3.1. Utiliza, de manera adecuada, el vocabulario correspondiente a cada uno de los |

|(L.15&16) |cuando se provocan, a través de un experimento o una |bloques de contenidos. (L.1 – L.16) |

|Planificación de proyectos y presentación de informes. (L.12) |experiencia. (L.5, L.11, L.12, L.13) |3.2. Expone oralmente de forma clara y ordenada contenidos relacionados con el área |

|Realización de proyectos (L.12) |3. Comunicar de forma oral y escrita los resultados |manifestando la compresión de textos orales y/o escritos. (L.3, L.5, L.7, L.10, |

| |obtenidos tras la realización de diversas experiencias, |L.11, L.12) |

| |presentándolos con apoyos gráficos. (L.2, L.5, L.10, |4.4. Presenta los trabajos de manera ordenada, clara y limpia. (L.1-L.16) |

| |L.11, L.12, L.13) |4.5. Utiliza estrategias para realizar trabajos de forma individual y en equipo, |

| |4. Trabajar de forma cooperativa, apreciando el cuidado |mostrando habilidades para la resolución pacífica de conflictos. (L.1- L.16) |

| |por la seguridad propia y de sus compañeros, cuidando |5.1. Realiza experiencias sencillas y pequeñas investigaciones. (L.2, L.5, L.12) |

| |las herramientas y haciendo uso adecuado de los |5.2. Realiza un proyecto, trabajando de forma individual o en equipo y lo presenta |

| |materiales. (L.1- L.16) |ante la clase. (L.12) |

| |5. Realizar proyectos y presentarlos oralmente. (L.12) | |


Etapa: División de sesiones.

INICIO- El inicio de la sesión tiene como objetivos introducir la lección y la familiarización con el vocabulario, terminología y herramientas lingüísticas necesarias para comprensión y adquisición de los conceptos presentados.

DESARROLLO- Utilización del libro de texto en el que se presenta el objetivo de acuerdo con la destreza escogida y se llevan a cabo las actividades propuestas.

FINAL- Consolidación y refuerzo de de los presentado.


CO- Comprensión Oral

EO- Expresión Oral

CL- Comprensión Lectora

EE- Expresión Escrita


I- individual

P- por parejas

PG- pequeños grupos

GG- gran grupo, toda la clase


CL – Comunicación llingüística.

CMCT- Competencia matemática y competencias básicas en ciencia y tecnología.

CD - Competencia digital.

AA - Aprender a aprender.

CSC - Competencias sociales y cívicas.

SIEE - Sentido de iniciativa y espíritu emprendedor.

CEC - Conciencia y expresiones culturales.

|Comunicación lingüística |


|Comprende mensajes e instrucciones orales sencillas y reconoce palabras que le son familiares. |

|Identifica la idea global de un texto oral y algunos detalles específicos con ayuda visual. |

|Reconoce rasgos sonoros, como el acento, ritmo y entonación correctos en contextos conocidos. |


|Recita o canta una canción muy sencilla con una pronunciación y entonación correcta. |

|Contesta a preguntas de forma oral utilizando vocabulario y estructuras sencillas. |

|Participa en las asambleas e interacciones orales dirigidas de forma espontánea. |


|Comprende la idea general de rótulos y carteles muy sencillos. |

|Comprende frases escritas muy sencillas sobre temas conocidos, y con palabras previamente presentadas. |


|Reproduce palabras y estructuras muy sencillas a partir de modelos previamente presentados. |

|Competencia matemática y competencias básicas en ciencia y tecnología. |

|Reconoce y utiliza los números |

|Interpreta y reconoce las diferentes dimensiones del espacio. |

|Sigue secuencias rítmicas y series sencillas. |

|Resuelve puzzles y crucigramas |

|Monta y desmonta objetos planificando las acciones. |

|Identifica y diferencia elementos y recursos del entorno físico próximo. |

|Se orienta en el espacio y el tiempo con soltura. |

|Muestra respeto por el entorno natural y animal. |

|Conoce y práctica hábitos de vida saludable |

|Competencia digital |

|Utiliza las TIC para reforzar y apoyar el aprendizaje del inglés. |

|Realiza pequeñas presentaciones y producciones en inglés utilizando distintos soportes y herramientas digitales. |

|Localiza información básica en fuentes y soportes digitales. |

|Competencia sociales y cívicas |

|Participa en los juegos de clase de forma colaborativa y amistosa. |

|Utiliza un lenguaje respetuoso básico: gracias, por favor. |

|Comprende y valora el uso del inglés para relacionarse con otras personas. |

|Conciencia y expresiones culturales |

|Realiza composiciones artísticas sencillas siguiendo un modelo o de forma espontánea. |

|Participa de forma activa en los juegos, bailes, canciones y actividades artísticas en el aula. |

|Muestra interés y respeto por las expresiones culturales de los países anglosajones. |

|Aprender a aprender |

|Muestra interés al realizar las actividades individuales supervisadas por el profesor. |

|Acepta las indicaciones del profesor y expresa sus dudas. |

|Utiliza estrategias básicas de comprensión y expresión para conseguir ayuda para la resolución de sus tareas. |

|Sentido de iniciativa y espíritu emprendedor. |

|Participa con autonomía y respeto en tareas de grupo manteniendo sus propios intereses. |

|Identifica y reconoce sus propios errores y trata de corregirlos. |

Natural Science

Educación Primaria: Curso Segundo

Material: Walking into English Year 2

UNIT 1 Our School

Periodo por unidad y asignatura: 3 semanas

|Objetivos |To recognize, name and classify classroom objects. To talk about the contents of our pencil cases. To identify and name playtime games and talk about their preferences. To |

| |answer a questionnaire about playtime activities, recognising and using frequesncy adverbs sometimes, always and never. To learn about and play some traditional English |

| |games. To follow rules while playing games. To listen to, understand and reproduce basic shopping dialogues. To read and write the names of school subjects and identify |

| |things we need for each of them. To talk about our school timetable, distinguishing between before and after, and to make one. To read texts about unusual schools around the |

| |world, compare our school with others and invent an unusual school. To orginise dat in a table. To transfer data from a table to a graph. To reflect upon our study habits and|

| |learn good study habits. To play a board game following rules. |

|Conceptos |ADJECTIVES |Ruler |Dining room |QUESTION WORDS |Open |

| |Angry |School bag |Gym |What |Paint |

| |Beautiful |Scissors |Head’s office |Which |Play (cards, football tag, |

| |Big |Shelf |Library |Where |hopscotch) |

| |Clean |Stickers |Playground |How many |Put on |

| |Closed |Table | |Who |Rain |

| |Cold |Template |PLAYTIME |Why |Read |

| |Curly |Toilet roll tubes |Cards | |Roller-skate |

| |Dry |Window |Football |SCHOOL |Run |

| |Fast | |Hopscotch |Boat school |Serve |

| |Fat |COLOURS |Marbles |Bus driver |Shout |

| |Happy |Black |Roller-skating |Caretaker |Sing |

| |Hard |Blonde |Skipping |Children |Sit |

| |Hot |Blue |Tag |Classroom assistant |Skip |

| |Long |Brown | |Cook |Sprinkle |

| |New |Dark blue |PLAYTIME |Corridor |Stick |

| |Old |Dark green |Cards |Dinner lady |Study |

| |Open |Green |Football |Head teacher |Swim |

| |Poor |Grey |Hopscotch |Home schooling |Twist |

| |Quiet |Hazel |Marbles |Lunchtime |Use |

| |Sad |Light blue |Roller-skating |Nurse |Wash |

| |Short |Light green |Skipping |Playtime |Write |

| |Slow |Orange |Tag |School (Staff) | |

| |Small |Pink | |School bus |TIME |

| |Small |Purple |PROPER NOUNS |Secretary |Month |

| |Straight |Red |Alex |Teacher |The past |

| |Strong |Violet |Ann |Timetable |Time |

| |Tall |White |Anna |Travelling school |Week |

| |Thin |Yellow |Ben | |Year |

| |Ugly | |Bill |SCHOOL SUBJECTS | |


| |Wet |Monday |Grace |English |Bicycle |

| | |Tuesday |Jack |Maths |Cane |

| |ARTS AND CRAFTS CONCEPTS |Wednesday |Jill |Music |Carriage |

| |Aged (picture) |Thursday |Kate |Natural Science |Chalk |

| |Copperplate (handwriting) |Friday |Kim |P.E. |Chimney sweep |

| |Left |Saturday |Lucy |Religion |Dip pen |

| |Right |Sunday |Mary |Social Science |Dunce hat |

| | | |May |Spanish |Farm |


| |Cards |Fork |Pat |SHAPES |In service |

| |Cloth |Glass |Sam |Circle |Ink (well) |

| |Coffee |Knife |Sue |Circular |Jack-in-the-box |

| |Coloured pencils |Napkin |Tom |Pentagon |Log book |

| |Crayons |Plate |Tony |Rectangle |Maids |

| |Elastic bands |Spoon | |Rectangular |Mill |

| |Glitter |Tray |PHONICS |Rhombus |Mine |

| |Glue | |[æ] |Square |Noah’s ark |

| |Jar |MATERIALS |Apple |Star |Queen Victoria |

| |Newspaper |Glass |Bag |Triangle |Rocking horse |

| |Paintbrush |Metal |Black | |Slate |

| |Paints |Plastic |Camera |ACTIONS |Thaumatropes |

| |Paper |Stone |Cat |Arrive | |

| | |Wood |Hand |Beat |WEATHER |

| |CLASSROOM OBJECTS | |Lamp |Brush |Cloudy |

| |Abacus |NUMBERS |Man |Catch |Cold |

| |Board/ Whiteboard |One |Map |Close |Foggy |

| |Book |Two |Pan |Colour |Hailing |

| |Bookcase |Three |Sad |Crumple (up) |Hot |

| |Chair |Four | |Cut |Snowy |

| |Colour pencil |Five |[e] |Draw |Sunny |

| |Computer |Five |Bed |Drink |Windy |

| |Crayon |Six |Egg |Dry | |

| |Cupboard |Seven |Head |Eat |WORLD |

| |Desk |Eight |Lemon |Fix |Bangladesh |

| |Door |Nine |Pencil |Fly |Siberia |

| |Globe |Ten |Red |Fold |USA |

| |Door |Eleven |Ten |Give | |

| |Globe |Twelve |Yellow |Go |EXPRESSIONS |

| |Markers |Thirteen | |Have |Before/After |

| |Notebook |Fourteen |PREPOSITIONS |Hit |Did you know? |

| |Peg |Fifteen |Behind |Join |Go back |

| |Pen |Sixteen |Below |Jump |Miss a turn |

| |Pencil |Seventeen |Between |Keep |Of course |

| |Pencil case |Eighteen |In |Listen |Throw again |

| |Pencil sharpener |Nineteen |In front of |Make |You win! |

| |Rubber / Eraser |Twenty |(In the) middle |Need | |

| | | |Next to | | |

| | | |On | | |

| | | |Out | | |

| | | |Outside | | |

| | | |(At the) top | | |

| | | |Under | | |

|Estructuras gramaticales |A /an + noun |Present simple |

| |Let’s + infinitive |Present continuous |

| |I love + gerund |I’m going to + infinitive (story ) |

| |I always /sometimes / never + infinitive |On + (day of the week) |

| |Can you + infinitive |Do you…? Yes, I do / No, I don’t |

| |This / That |What / Where / Why / When / How many / Who? |

| |There is / are… |Must / Mustn’t |

|Cuento |Lucy’s First Day at School |

|Canciones |My Classroom |Chants |Subjects Chant |

| |Action Song | |The Shape Chant |

| |Alex’s Pencil Case | |The Alphabet Chant |

| |Who Works at Our School? | |How Many? |

| |School in the Past | |Hair and Eyes Chant |

| | | |People Who Work at School |

|SESIÓN 1 Alex’s Pencil Case PÁGINA 28 |

|OBJETIVOS |Students talk about the contents of our pencil cases. Name things we need in the classroom. |


|INICIO | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Greet the students. |CO |GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

|DESARROLLO | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Listen to Alex’s Pencil Case and write how many of |CO |GG |CL |

| |each item he has. |EO |I |CSC |

| |Activity 2: Draw and label the things in your pencil case. |CL | |AA |

| | | | |CEC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|FINAL | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Draw a Venn Diagram on the |CO |GG |CL |

| |Blackboard. |EO | |CMCT |

| | | | |CSC |

|SESIÓN 2 In my classroom PÁGINA 29 |

|OBJETIVOS |Recognise, describe and name things we need in the classroom. |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Play the pointing things game. |EO |GG |CL |

| |Activity 3: Focus on There is / There are. |CO | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|DESARROLLO |Activity 1: Find seven things in the classroom. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Complete the riddles using the words from the word |EO |I |CL |

| |search. |CO |GG |AA |

| |Activity 3: Make signs for the classroom. |CL | |CSC |

| | |EE | | |

|FINAL |Activity 1: Tell the students some riddles about classroom objects.| | | |

| | |EO |GG |CL |

| | |CO | |CSC |

|SESIÓN 3 At the newsagent’s PÁGINA 30 |

|OBJETIVOS |Recognise, describe and name things we need in the classroom. To listen to, understand and reproduce basic shopping dialogues. |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Ask students to walk around the class and they|EO |GG |CL |

| |identify different objects. |CO | |CSC |

| |Activity 2: Ask students to look around the class and | | |CMCT |

| |answer questions. | | | |

|DESARROLLO |Activity 1: Listen and write “A” or “B”. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Listen again and circle. |EO |I |CL |

| |Activity 3: Draw yourself buying something. |CO |GG |CSC |

| | |CL | |AA |

| | | | |CEC |

|FINAL |Activity 1: Do a shopping simulation. | | | |

| | |CO |I/GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|SESIÓN 4 It’s playtime PÁGINA 31 |

|OBJETIVOS |To identify and name playtime games. |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students | | | |

| |Activity 2: Ask Where are we now? In the classroom. |CO |GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|DESARROLLO |Activity 1: Listen, write and number the pictures. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Complete the crossword. |CO |GG |CL |

| | |EO |I |CSC |

| | |CL | |CMCT |

| | |EE | |AA |

|FINAL |Activity 1: The children draw themselves at playtime in their | | | |

| |notebooks or on a piece of paper. |CO |I |CL |

| | |EO |PP |CEC |

| | | | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|SESIÓN 5 Do you…?PÁGINA 32 |

|OBJETIVOS |Students ask and answer a questionnaire about playtime activities. To recognise and use frequency adverbs sometimes, always, never. |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Ask. Questions using where. |CO |GG |CL |

| |Activity 3: Ask What day is it today? |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|DESARROLLO |- Focus the students on the picture in the Pupils’ Book. | | | |

| |Activity 1: Listen and tick. |CO |GG |CL |

| |Activity 2: Listen to the statements and say True (T) or False (F). |EO |I |CMCT |

| |Activity 3: Ask a friend and complete. |CL | |CSC |

| | | | |AA |

|FINAL |Activity 4: Talk about your friend in front of the class. | | | |

| | |CO |I/GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

|SESIÓN 6 Games PÁGINA 33 |

|OBJETIVOS |To learn about and play some traditional English games. To follow rules while playing games. To listen to different games and be able to distinguish between them. |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Ask the students. |CO |GG |CL |

| |Activity 3: Explain the different English games that students are about|EO |PG/PP |CSC |

| |to study. | | |SIEE |

| | | | |CEC |

|DESARROLLO |Activity 1: Listen and number. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Read and match. |EO |GG |CL |

| |Activity 3: Listen to Ring a Ring O’ Roses and In and out the Dusty |CO |I |CSC |

| |Bluebells. |CL | |AA |

| |Activity 4: Draw yourself playing your favourite game. | | |CMCT |

| | | | |CEC |

|FINAL |Activity 1: Play Simon says. | | | |

| | |EO |GG |CL |

| | |CO | |CSC |

|SESIÓN 7 School subjects PÁGINA 34 |

|OBJETIVOS |To read and write the names of school subjects. To identify things we need for different subjects. |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Let’s learn the school subjects. |CO |GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

|DESARROLLO |Activity 1: Listen to Subjects Chant. Read, point and colour. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Match and say. |CO |GG |CL |

| |Activity 3: Listen and circle the subjects the kids do not have. |EO |I |CEC |

| | |CL | |CSC |

| | | | |AA |

|FINAL |Activity 1: Put the class in small groups, one for each subject, and | | | |

| |assign a subject to each group. |CO |PG |CL |

| |Activity 2: Invite two students to the front of the class. |EO |PP |SIEE |

| |Activity 3: Say Now Natural Science has finished. What subject do you| |GG |CSC |

| |have next? What subjects do you have today? Today we have… | | | |

|SESIÓN 8 School timetable PÁGINA 35 |

|OBJETIVOS |To revise school subjects. To talk about our school timetable. To make a school timetable. To distinguish between before and after. |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Ask Can you remember the school subjects? |CO |GG |CL |

| |Activity 3: Revise the days of the week. |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|DESARROLLO |Activity 1: Listen and stick (Appendix 1, p. 225). | | | |

| |Activity 2: Make your timetable. |CO |GG |CL |

| | |EO |I |AA |

| | |CL | |CSC |

| | |EE | |CMCT |

|FINAL |Activity 1: Revise before and after. | | | |

| | |CO |GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|SESIÓN 9 In the dining room PÁGINA 36 |

|OBJETIVOS |To identify and use dining room vocabulary. To talk about materials. |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Let’s learn the names of things from the dining room. |CO |GG |CL |

| |Activity 3: Hold each item up and ask the students to listen and repeat|EO | |CSC |

| |the names. | | |CMCT |

| |Activity 4: Now focus on the story card 5 and ask the pupils to find | | | |

| |each object in the picture. | | | |

| |Activity 5: Stick the cards (spoon, knife, fork, plate, glass, tray, | | | |

| |and napkin) on the board in a row across the bottom. | | | |

|DESARROLLO |Activity 1: Look and count. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Read and complete in pairs. |CO |I |CL |

| |Activity 3: Listen and colour. |EO |PP |CMCT |

| | |CL |GG |AA |

| | |EE | |CSC |

| | | | |CEC |

|FINAL |Activity 1: Draw the students’ attention to the dining room objects you| | | |

| |left on the table/tray at the front of the class again. |CO |GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

|SESIÓN 10 Can I have…? PÁGINA 37 |

|OBJETIVOS |To identify and use dining room vocabulary. To understand, make and answer typical questions used in the dining room. |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Revise dining room vocabulary using the dining room |CO |GG |CL |

| |utensils. What’s this? It’s a fork, etc. |EO |I/GG |CSC |

| |Activity 3: Put all the cutlery on the tablecloth and the students | | | |

| |will identify each of the objects on the table answering questions. | | | |

| |Activity 4: The teacher will ask some students questions using these | | | |

| |structures. | | | |

|DESARROLLO |Activity 1: Match. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Listen and circle. |CO |I |CL |

| |Activity 3: Look, ask and answer in pairs. |EO |PP |AA |

| | |CL | |CSC |

| | |EE | |SIEE |

|FINAL |Activity 1: Invite students to the front of the class and ask them | | | |

| |questions, similar to those on the opening activities, about |CO |I/GG |CL |

| |different dining room vocabulary. |EO | |CSC |

|SESIÓN 11 Strange schools PÁGINA 38 |

|OBJETIVOS |To compare our school with others. To invent an unusual school. |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Introduce different kinds of schools. |CO |GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

|DESARROLLO |- Ask the pupils to look at the first flash in the Student’s Book. | | | |

| |Activity 1: Work in pairs. Listen and match. |CO |I |CL |

| |Activity 2: Read and answer orally. |CL |PP |CMCT |

| |Activity 3: Invent an unusual school that you would like to go to and|EE |GG |SIEE |

| |draw it. | | |AA |

| | | | |CSC |

|FINAL |Activity 1: The children tell their partner about their unusual | | | |

| |school. |CO |PP |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |SIEE |

|SESIÓN 12 A graph PÁGINA 39 |

|OBJETIVOS |To observe the school environment. To organise data in a table. To transfer data from a table to a graph. |


|INICIO | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Greet the students. |CO |GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

|DESARROLLO |Activity 1: Listen to and recite How Many. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Let’s explore the school. Find out how many objects there|CO |I |CL |

| |are. |CL |GG |CEC |

| |Activity 3: Complete the graph. |EE | |CMCT |

| | | | |AA |

| | | | |CSC |

|FINAL |Activity 1: Encourage the students to talk about the finished graph. | | | |

| | |CO |GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CMCT |

| | | | |CSC |

|SESIÓN 13 Do you remember? PÁGINA 40 |

|OBJETIVOS |Review subjects, classroom objects and school subjects. |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Divide the class into two teams. |CO |GG |CL |

| |Activity 3: Divide the class into groups of four. |EO |I/PG/GG |CSC |

| | |CL | |SIEE |

| | |EE | | |

|DESARROLLO |Activity 1: Cross the odd picture out. Say why. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Ask and answer. |CO |I |CL |

| |Activity 3: Find eight subjects. Colour the ones you have on Fridays |CL |PP/PG |AA |

| |in yellow. |EE |GG |CSC |

|FINAL |Activity 1: Spell the subjects you have found. | | | |

| | |CO |GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

|SESIÓN 10 TEST UNIT 1 + Fast Finishers PÁGINA 41 |

|OBJETIVOS |1. Read the test Unit 1 with the students. |

| |2. Answer any doubts. |

| |3. Use the test as an evaluation. |


|DESARROLLO | | | | |

| |Each correct answer 0,5 pts (=2,5pts). |CO |I |AA |

| |Each correct answer 0,5 pts (=2,5pts). |CL | | |

| |Each correct answer 0,25 pts (=2,50pts). |EE | | |

| |Each correct answer 0,5 pts (=2,5pts). | | | |

|FINAL | | | | |

|Fast Finishers |What are they? Draw and write. |CL |I |AA |

| |What subjects do you have on Wednesdays? | | | |

|SESIÓN 15 y 16 PROYECTO The study habits game PÁGINA 42-43 |

|OBJETIVOS |To learn good study habits. To play a game following rules. To make a board game. |


|INICIO | | | | |

| |Greet the students. |CO |GG |CL |

| |Activity 2: Draw a desk on the blackboard and ask questions. |EO | |CSC |

|DESARROLLO | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Complete and colour the board game. |CO |PP/PG |CL |

| | |EO | |CEC |

| | |CL | |CMCT |

| | | | |CSC |

| | | | |SIEE |

|FINAL | | | | |

| |- Monitor the class and help with any difficulties. They can play as many|CL |I/PG |CL |

| |times as they like. |EO | |CSC |

Programación de Aula/Temporalización

CLIL Methologogy

English Language

Natural Science

Social Science


Educación Primaria: Curso Segundo

Material: Walking into English Year 2


Periodo por unidad y asignatura: 4 semanas



|Iniciación a la actividad científica. Aproximación experimental a |1. Obtener información relevante sobre hechos o |1.1. Busca, selecciona y organiza información concreta y relevante, la analiza, |

|algunas cuestiones. (L.3, L.4, L.5, L.7, L.8, L.9) |fenómenos previamente delimitados, haciendo predicciones|obtiene conclusiones, comunica su experiencia, reflexiona acerca del proceso seguido|

|Utilización de diferentes fuentes de información (directas, libros).|sobre sucesos naturales, integrando datos de observación|y lo comunica oralmente y por escrito. (L.1-L.16) |

|(L.1-L.16) |directa e indirecta a partir de la consulta de fuentes |1.2. Utiliza medios propios de la observación. (L.3, L.4, L.5, L.7, L.8, L.9) |

|Lectura de textos propios del área. (L.2, L.4, L.5, L.7, L.10, L.11,|directa e indirectas y comunicando los resultados. (L.3,|1.3. Consulta y utiliza documentos escritos, imágenes y gráficos. (L.1-L.16) |

|L.12, L.15&16) |L.4, L.5, L.7, L.8, L.9) |3.1. Utiliza, de manera adecuada, el vocabulario correspondiente a cada uno de los |

|Utilización de diversos materiales. (L.15&16) |2. Establecer conjeturas tanto respecto de sucesos que |bloques de contenidos. (L.1 – L.16) |

|Trabajo individual y en grupo. (L.1-L.16) |ocurren de una forma natural como sobre los que ocurren |3.2. Expone oralmente de forma clara y ordenada contenidos relacionados con el área |

|Desarrollo de hábitos de trabajo. Esfuerzo y responsabilidad. |cuando se provocan, a través de un experimento o una |manifestando la compresión de textos orales y/o escritos. (L.3, L.4, L.5, L.12, |

|(L.15&16) |experiencia. (L.3, L.4, L.5, L.7, L.8, L.9) |L.15&16) |

|Planificación de proyectos y presentación de informes. (L.15&16) |3. Comunicar de forma oral y escrita los resultados |4.4. Presenta los trabajos de manera ordenada, clara y limpia. (L.1-L.16) |

|Realización de proyectos (L.15&16) |obtenidos tras la realización de diversas experiencias, |4.5. Utiliza estrategias para realizar trabajos de forma individual y en equipo, |

| |presentándolos con apoyos gráficos. (L.3, L.4, L.5, L.7,|mostrando habilidades para la resolución pacífica de conflictos. (L.1- L.16) |

| |L.8, L.9, L.15&16) |5.1. Realiza experiencias sencillas y pequeñas investigaciones. (L.3, L.4, L.5, L.7,|

| |4. Trabajar de forma cooperativa, apreciando el cuidado |L.8, L.9, L.15&16) |

| |por la seguridad propia y de sus compañeros, cuidando |5.2. Realiza un proyecto, trabajando de forma individual o en equipo y lo presenta |

| |las herramientas y haciendo uso adecuado de los |ante la clase. (L.15&16) |

| |materiales. (L.1- L.16) | |

| |5. Realizar proyectos y presentarlos oralmente. | |

| |(L.15&16) | |



|El cuerpo humano y su funcionamiento. Anatomía y |1. Identificar y localizar los principales órganos |2.1. Identifica y describe las principales características de las funciones vitales del ser |

|fisiología. (L.1-L.16) |implicados en la realización de las funciones vitales |humano. (L.1, L.2) |

|Las funciones vitales en el ser humano: (L.1, |del cuerpo humano, estableciendo algunas relaciones |3.1. Reconoce estilos de vida saludables. (L.15&16; SS: L.1-L.4, L.7&8) |

|L.2) |fundamentales entre ellas y determinados hábitos de salud. |3.2. Identifica y valora hábitos saludables para prevenir enfermedades. (L.6, L.15&16; SS: |

|- Hábitos saludables para prevenir enfermedades |(L.1-L.16) |L.1-L.4, L.7&8) |

|La conducta responsable. (L.6, L.15&16) |2. Conocer el funcionamiento del cuerpo humano: órganos. |3.4. Conoce y explica los principios de las dietas equilibradas, identificando las prácticas |

|- Avances de la ciencia que mejoran la vida. |(L.4, L.5, L.7, L.8, L.9, L.10) |saludables para prevenir y detectar los riesgos para la salud. (L.15&16) |

|(L.11) |3. Relacionar determinadas prácticas de vida con el adecuado|3.9. Conoce y aplica estrategias para estudiar y trabajar de manera eficaz. (L.1-L.16) |

| |funcionamiento del cuerpo, adoptando estilos de vida |3.12. Manifiesta autonomía en la planificación y ejecución de acciones y tareas y desarrolla |

| |saludables. (L.1, L.2, L.6, L.15&16; SS: L.1-L.4, L.7&8) |iniciativa en la toma de decisiones. (L.1-L.16) |



|Organización interna de los seres vivos. Estructura |1. Conocer la estructura de los seres |2.1. Observa e identifica las características y clasifica los seres vivos: Reino animal. (L.12) |

|de los seres vivos. (L.12) |vivos: órganos, características y |2.3. Observa directa e indirectamente, identifica características, reconoce y clasifica, los animales |

|Los animales vertebrados características y |funciones. (L.12) |vertebrados. (L.12) |

|clasificación. (L.12) | |4.1. Muestra conductas de respeto y cuidado hacia los seres vivos. (L.12) |


Etapa: División de sesiones.

INICIO- El inicio de la sesión tiene como objetivos introducir la lección y la familiarización con el vocabulario, terminología y herramientas lingüísticas necesarias para comprensión y adquisición de los conceptos presentados.

DESARROLLO- Utilización del libro de texto en el que se presenta el objetivo de acuerdo con la destreza escogida y se llevan a cabo las actividades propuestas.

FINAL- Consolidación y refuerzo de de los presentado.


CO- Comprensión Oral

EO- Expresión Oral

CL- Comprensión Lectora

EE- Expresión Escrita


I- individual

P- por parejas

PG- pequeños grupos

GG- gran grupo, toda la clase


CL – Comunicación llingüística.

CMCT- Competencia matemática y competencias básicas en ciencia y tecnología.

CD - Competencia digital.

AA - Aprender a aprender.

CSC - Competencias sociales y cívicas.

SIEE - Sentido de iniciativa y espíritu emprendedor.

CEC - Conciencia y expresiones culturales.

|Comunicación lingüística |


|Comprende mensajes e instrucciones orales sencillas y reconoce palabras que le son familiares. |

|Identifica la idea global de un texto oral y algunos detalles específicos con ayuda visual. |

|Reconoce rasgos sonoros, como el acento, ritmo y entonación correctos en contextos conocidos. |


|Recita o canta una canción muy sencilla con una pronunciación y entonación correcta. |

|Contesta a preguntas de forma oral utilizando vocabulario y estructuras sencillas. |

|Participa en las asambleas e interacciones orales dirigidas de forma espontánea. |


|Comprende la idea general de rótulos y carteles muy sencillos. |

|Comprende frases escritas muy sencillas sobre temas conocidos, y con palabras previamente presentadas. |


|Reproduce palabras y estructuras muy sencillas a partir de modelos previamente presentados. |

|Competencia matemática y competencias básicas en ciencia y tecnología. |

|Reconoce y utiliza los números |

|Interpreta y reconoce las diferentes dimensiones del espacio. |

|Sigue secuencias rítmicas y series sencillas. |

|Resuelve puzzles y crucigramas |

|Monta y desmonta objetos planificando las acciones. |

|Identifica y diferencia elementos y recursos del entorno físico próximo. |

|Se orienta en el espacio y el tiempo con soltura. |

|Muestra respeto por el entorno natural y animal. |

|Conoce y práctica hábitos de vida saludable |

|Competencia digital |

|Utiliza las TIC para reforzar y apoyar el aprendizaje del inglés. |

|Realiza pequeñas presentaciones y producciones en inglés utilizando distintos soportes y herramientas digitales. |

|Localiza información básica en fuentes y soportes digitales. |

|Competencia sociales y cívicas |

|Participa en los juegos de clase de forma colaborativa y amistosa. |

|Utiliza un lenguaje respetuoso básico: gracias, por favor. |

|Comprende y valora el uso del inglés para relacionarse con otras personas. |

|Conciencia y expresiones culturales |

|Realiza composiciones artísticas sencillas siguiendo un modelo o de forma espontánea. |

|Participa de forma activa en los juegos, bailes, canciones y actividades artísticas en el aula. |

|Muestra interés y respeto por las expresiones culturales de los países anglosajones. |

|Aprender a aprender |

|Muestra interés al realizar las actividades individuales supervisadas por el profesor. |

|Acepta las indicaciones del profesor y expresa sus dudas. |

|Utiliza estrategias básicas de comprensión y expresión para conseguir ayuda para la resolución de sus tareas. |

|Sentido de iniciativa y espíritu emprendedor. |

|Participa con autonomía y respeto en tareas de grupo manteniendo sus propios intereses. |

|Identifica y reconoce sus propios errores y trata de corregirlos. |

Natural Science

Educación Primaria: Curso Segundo

Material: Walking into English Year 2

UNIT 2 Playing Sports and Hobbies

Periodo por unidad y asignatura: 4 semanas

|Objetivos |To learn that plants, animals and people are all living things, to learn the names of the three life processes of living things: nutrition, interaction and reproduction, to |

| |identify and talk about the three life processes. To understand nutrition, why we need food and learn the names of the main meals. To identify body parts and know whether |

| |they are found in our head, torso or limbs, to describe bodies, to understand the purpose of the skeleton, learn the characteristics of bones and name some important ones. To|

| |learn which internal organs the skull and ribs protect, and that the spine supports our body. To learn about how we protect our bodies doing different sports. To learn some |

| |characteristics of teeth, muscles and joints. To investigate different animals’ teeth and bones. To understand the importance of calcium for healthy bones. To identify some |

| |foods which contain a lot of calcium. To make a presentation about foods containing a lot of calcium. |

|Conceptos |ADJECTIVES |DAYS OF THE WEEK |PEOPLE |Sue |Pump (your muscles) |

| |Big |Monday |Baby |Tom |Relax (your muscles) |

| |Elastic |Tuesday |Baby boy |Tony |Respect |

| |Flat |Wednesday |Baby girl | |Ride |

| |Hard |Thursday |Brother |PHONICS |Rinse |

| |Long |Friday |Doctor |[m] |Roller-skate |

| |Old |Saturday |Father |Markers |Run |

| |Pointed |Sunday |Mother |Maths |Skate |

| |Rigid | |Princess |Lamp |Ski |

| |Sharp |FOOD |Sister |Meal |Sneeze |

| |Short |Almonds |Specialist |May |Spread |

| |Small |Banana | |Summer |Squeeze |

| |Soft |Biscuits |PERSONAL HYGIENE AND ILLNESS |Mmm |Surf |

| |Strong |Breakfast |A cold |Meal |Train |

| | |Broccoli |Broken (arm / leg) |Morning |Walk |

| |ANIMALS |Cakes |Brush my/your/his/ |Sum |Wash |

| |Bear |Calcium |her teeth |Mum | |

| |Fish |Carrots |Chicken pox |Material |WEATHER |

| |Insects |Cereals |Common cold virus |Marmalade |Cloudy |

| |Lion |Cheese |Cough |Name |Cold |

| |Rabbit |Chips |Dental floss |Remember |Foggy |

| |Tiger |Chocolate chip |Dentist | |Hailing |

| |Tortoise |cookie |Earache |SEASONS |Hot |

| | |Crisps |Filling |Autumn |Snowy |

| |BODY |Dinner |Germs |Spring |Sunny |

| |Ankle |Doughnuts |Handkerchief |Summer |Windy |

| |Arm |Fast food |Headache |Winter | |

| |Artificial (knee/ |Fish |healthy | |ARTS AND CRAFTS CONCEPTS |

| |joint/ limb) |Fruit |Ill |SPORTS AND HOBBIES |Beautiful |

| |Back |Green beans |Instrument |Badminton |Borax |

| |Bones |Hot chocolate |Kiss |Ballet |Bouncy ball |

| |Brain |Hotdog |Medicine |Baseball |Card |

| |Canine |Ice-cream |Mouthwash |Basketball |Cardboard |

| |Chest |Lunch |Norovirus |Cycling |Clay |

| |Ears |Milk |Operation |Dancing |Collage |

| |Elbow |Omelet |Soap |Drawing |Cotton buds |

| |Eyes |Orange juice |Specialist |Exercise |Craft foam |

| |Face |Pasta |Stomachache |Football |Crane |

| |Feet |Pizza |Temperature |Games console |Crayons |

| |Finger |Pop-corn |Thermometer |Golf |Drinking straw |

| |Foot / feet |Potatoes |Tissue |Gymnastics |Egg box |

| |Hair |Rice |Toothache |Horse riding |Food colouring |

| |Hand |Salad |Toothbrush |Judo |Glue |

| |Head |Salmon |Toothpaste |Painting |Googly eyes |

| |Heart |Spaghetti |X-ray |Roller-skating |Hole punch |

| |Hip |Sugar | |Running |Lion |

| |Incisor |Sweets |PLACES |Sailing |Long |

| |Joint |Vegetables |Circuit |Skating |Marble |

| |Knee |Yoghourt |Court |Soccer |Material |

| |Leg | |Field |Table tennis |Metal |

| |Limbs |LIVING THINGS |Ground area |Tag |Modern dance |

| |Lips |Animals |Gym |Tennis |Paper |

| |Lungs |Interaction |Pitch |Volleyball |Pencil |

| |Milk teeth |Non-living |Stadium | |Pendant |

| |Molar |things |Swimming pool |SPORTS EQUIPMENT |Permanent marker |

| |Mouth |Nutrition |Track |Ball |Plastic cup |

| |Muscles |People | |Baseball field |Plasticine |

| |Neck |Plants |PREPOSITIONS |Basket |Scissors |

| |Nose |Princess |Behind |Bat |Sculpture |

| |Permanent |Reproduction |Below |Bike |Short |

| |Teeth | |Between |Clothes |Silhouette |

| |Premolars |NUMBERS |In |Club |Sports visor |

| |Ribs |One |In front of |Glove(s) |Stapler |

| |Shoulders |Two |(In the) middle |Helmet |Stickers |

| |Skull |Three |Next to |Knee protections |Sticky tape |

| |Spine |Four |On |Net |Stone |

| |Stomach |Five |Out |Pads (wrist/knee |Template |

| |Teeth |Five |Outside |/elbow) |Thin |

| |Toes |Six |(At the) top |Protective clothing |Three dimensional |

| |Tongue |Seven |Under |Racquet |Tree |

| |Tooth |Eight | |Skates |Wind |

| |Torso |Nine |QUESTION WORDS |Skis |Wool |

| |Tummy |Ten |What |Swimming pool | |

| |Wrist |Eleven |Which |Table tennis table |ARTS AND CRAFTS VERBS |

| | |Twelve |Where | |Add |

| |CLASSROOM OBJECTS |Thirteen |How many |VERBS |Colour |

| |Black |Fourteen |Who |Blow (your nose) |Cut |

| |Blonde |Fifteen |Why |Bounce |Display |

| |Blue |Sixteen | |Brush |Draw |

| |Brown |Seventeen |PROPER NOUNS |Contract |Glue / stick |

| |Dark blue |Eighteen |Alex |Cough |Imitate |

| |Dark green |Nineteen |Ann |Cycle |Make |

| |Green |Twenty |Anna |Dance |Staple |

| |Grey |Twenty-one |Ben |Eat |Wash |

| |Hazel |Twenty-two |Bill |Fish | |

| |Light blue |Twenty-three |David |Floss | |

| |Light green |Twenty-four |Grace |Gargle | |

| |Orange |Twenty-five |Jack |Grow | |

| |Pink |Twenty-six |Jill |Have a shower | |

| |Purple |Twenty-seven |Kate |Hit | |

| |Red |Twenty-eight |Kim |Jump | |

| |Violet |Twenty-nine |Lucy |Kick | |

| |White |Thirty |Mary |Love | |

| |Yellow | |May |Move | |

| | | |Nick |Paint | |

| | | |Pat |Play | |

| | | |Sam |Pull | |

|Estructuras gramaticales |A / an + noun. |Present simple. |

| |This-that / These-those. |Present Continuous. |

| |There is /There are. |On + day of the week. |

| |I like + gerund. |Do you…? Yes, I do / No, I don’t. |

| |I love + gerund |What / Where / Why / When / How many/ Who. |

| |Can you + infinitive |Can / Can’t. |

|Cuento |The Olympic Games of Our Dreams |

|Canciones |The Sports Song |Chants |The Odd and Even Numbers Chant |

| |The Seasons and Sports Song | |Autumn Chant |

| |The Life Processes Song | |Living Things Chant |

| |I’ve Got Ten Fingers | |My Body |

| |Pump Your Muscles! | | |

| |The Joints Rap | | |

| |Dem Bones | | |

|SESIÓN 1 Interaction, nutrition and reproduction PÁGINA 80 |

|OBJETIVOS |To learn that plants, animals and people are all living things, to learn the names of the three life processes of living things: nutrition, interaction and reproduction, |

| |to identify and talk about the three life processes. |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Listen to and sing Living Things Chant. |CO |GG |CL |

| |Activity 3: What can you see in the poster? |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

| | | | |CEC |

|DESARROLLO |- Can you remember the names of the three life processes? | | | |

| |Activity 1: Sing The Life Processes Song. |CO |GG |CL |

| |Activity 2: Circle the life processes: interaction in red, |EO |I |CSC |

| |nutrition in green and reproduction in blue. |CL | |AA |

| |Activity 3: Listen and number. | | |CEC |

| |Activity 4: How do you interact? Draw yourself. | | |CMCT |

|FINAL | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Draw a Venn Diagram on the blackboard. |CO |GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CMCT |

| | | | |CSC |

|SESIÓN 2 Nutrition PÁGINA 81 |

|OBJETIVOS |To gain an understanding of the life process of nutrition: why we need food and to learn the names of the three main meals. |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Listen to and sing The Life Processes Song. |EO |GG |CL |

| |Activity 3: What food do you like to eat? |CO | |CSC |

| |Activity 4: Ask them to say sentences. | | |CMCT |

| | | | |CEC |

|DESARROLLO |Activity 1: Look, read and complete the picture (Appendix 2, page | | | |

| |241). |EO |I |CL |

| |Activity 2: Read and match. |CO |PP |AA |

| |Activity 3: Number the pictures to show how we grow. |CL |GG |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|FINAL |Activity 1: What about you? | | | |

| | |EO |GG |CL |

| | |CO | |CSC |

|SESIÓN 3 Parts of the body PÁGINA 82 |

|OBJETIVOS |To identify and name parts of the body and know whether they are found in our head, torso or limbs and to describe bodies. |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Listen to I’ve Got Ten Fingers song. |EO |GG |CL |

| |Activity 3: Show them the cards for the parts of the body.|CO | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

| | | | |CEC |

|DESARROLLO |Activity 1: Label. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Read and match. |EO |I |CL |

| |Activity 3: Talk about the monsters. |CO |PP/GG |CSC |

| |Activity 4: Recite and act out My Body. |CL | |CMCT |

| | |EE | |AA |

| | | | |CEC |

|FINAL |Activity 1: Introduce a puppet. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Play Charlie says touch your… |CO |I/GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

| | | | |CEC |

|SESIÓN 4 Facts about bones PÁGINA 83 |

|OBJETIVOS |To understand the main purpose of the skeleton, to learn the characteristics of bones, to identify and name some important bones (skull, ribs, spine) |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Listen to the song Dem Bones. |CO |GG |CL |

| |Activity 3: Focus the students on the poster. |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

| | | | |CEC |

|DESARROLLO |Activity 1: Listen, write and number the pictures. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Listen again and complete the sentences. Spell the |CO |GG |CL |

| |words. |EO |I |CSC |

| |Activity 3: How do we protect our body? Talk and complete (Appendix|CL | |CMCT |

| |2, page 241). |EE | |AA |

| |Activity 4: Sing and dance Dem Bones. | | |CEC |

|FINAL | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Bones reinforcement. |CO |I/GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CEC |

| | | | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|SESIÓN 5 The Backbone PÁGINA 84 |

|OBJETIVOS |To learn that the spine supports our body. To identify and name some important bones (skull, ribs, spine) |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Review what the students learnt about bones in the previous |CO |GG |CL |

| |lesson. |EO | |CSC |

| |Activity 3: Tap your head- Introduce the new lesson. | | |CMCT |

|DESARROLLO |Activity 1: Listen and point. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Listen and circle the correct answer. |CO |GG |CL |

| |Activity 3: Look, match and say. |EO |PP |CMCT |

| |Activity 4: Think! What are the bones for? Make 3 sentences. |CL |I |CSC |

| | | | |AA |

|FINAL |Activity 1: Sports and bones- how to protect yourself. | | | |

| |Activity 2: What other sports do you think you need a helmet for? |CO |I/GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|SESIÓN 6 Protective clothing PÁGINA 85 |

|OBJETIVOS |To understand the importance of wearing a helmet and protective pads when doing certain sports and to talk about how we protect our bodies doing different sports. |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Draw a stick person on the board and ask the students Can |CO |GG |CL |

| |you remember the three parts of the body? |EO | |CSC |

| |Activity 3: Show the students the Sports equipment cards. | | | |

|DESARROLLO |Activity 1: Listen, cut out the pictures and stick them next to the | | | |

| |correct character (Appendix 2, page 241). |EO |GG |CL |

| |Activity 2: Listen again and tick the correct boxes. |CO |I |CSC |

| |Activity 3: Draw yourself doing a sport. Write about the protective |CL | |AA |

| |clothing you need. |EE | |CMCT |

| | | | |CEC |

|FINAL | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Protective clothing. |EO |GG |CL |

| | |CO | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|SESIÓN 7 Our teeth PÁGINA 86 |

|OBJETIVOS |To learn some characteristics of teeth. |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Use the body cards and play Let’s investigate our teeth! |CO |I/GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CEC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|DESARROLLO |Activity 1: Read the text and complete the gaps using the words in | | | |

| |the box. |CO |GG |CL |

| |Activity 2: Classify. |EO |I |CEC |

| |Activity 3: Identify the teeth. |CL | |CMCT |

| | |EE | |CSC |

| | | | |AA |

|FINAL |Activity 1: Play the guessing teeth game. | | | |

| | |CO |I/GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

| | |EE | | |

|SESIÓN 8 Our muscles PÁGINA 87 |

|OBJETIVOS |To learn some characteristics of muscles. |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Let’s discover our muscles. |CO |GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|DESARROLLO |Activity 1: Sing Pump Your Muscles! | | | |

| |Activity 2: Listen again and point to the pictures. |CO |GG |CL |

| |Activity 3: Listen and complete. |EO |I |AA |

| |Activity 4: Listen, think and circle. |CL | |CSC |

| | |EE | |CMCT |

| | | | |CEC |

|FINAL |Activity 1: Play the Pump your Muscles song. | | | |

| | |CO |GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CEC |

|SESIÓN 9 Our joints PÁGINA 88 |

|OBJETIVOS |To identify and name important joints and to understand that we need joints to move. |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Bone’s review. |CO |GG |CL |

| |Activity 3: Let’s find joints in our bodies. |EO | |CSC |

| |Activity 4: Draw two large circles on the blackboard and label them |CL | |CMCT |

| |Joints in my arm and Joints in my leg. | | | |

|DESARROLLO |Activity 1: Sing and act out The Joints Rap. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Find the joints. Circle the joints in the arm in blue and |CO |I |CL |

| |joints in the leg in green. |EO |PG |CMCT |

| |Activity 3: Complete the mind map with the joints. |CL |GG |AA |

| |Activity 4: Can you find more joints in your body? |EE | |CSC |

| | | | |CEC |

|FINAL | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Let’s do The Joints Rap. |CO |GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CEC |

|SESIÓN 10 Our body PÁGINA 89 |

|OBJETIVOS |Review bones, muscles and joints. To do a crossword about parts of the body. |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Make a complete review about bones, muscles and joints. |CO |GG |CL |

| | |EO |I/GG |CSC |

|DESARROLLO |Activity 1: Listen about the body and say True (T) or False (F). | | | |

| |Activity 2: Do the crossword. |CO |PP |CL |

| | |EO |I |AA |

| | |CL |GG |CMCT |

| | |EE | |CSC |

| | | | |SIEE |

|FINAL | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Can you think about your body? |CO |PP |CL |

| | |EO |I/GG |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|SESIÓN 11 Artificial joints PÁGINA 90 |

|OBJETIVOS |To understand that we need joints to move, to find out about artificial joints and to classify artificial joints / body parts as being from the past or present. |


|INICIO | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Greet the students. |CO |GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

|DESARROLLO | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Work in pairs. Listen and match. |CO |GG |CL |

| |Activity 1: Are these artificial joints and limbs from the PAST, |EO |I |CMCT |

| |PRESENT or the FUTURE? |CL | |SIEE |

| | |EE | |AA |

| | | | |CSC |

|FINAL | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Invent a robotic hand for the future. |CO |I/GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

|SESIÓN 12 Animals’ bones and teeth PÁGINA 91 |

|OBJETIVOS |To learn some characteristics of teeth, to distinguish identify and distinguish between milk and permanent teeth and |

| |to learn that we have different types of teeth. To investigate different animals’ teeth and bones. |


|INICIO | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Greet the students. |CO |GG |CL |

| |Activity 2: The different types of teeth we have. |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|DESARROLLO |Activity 1: Find out about different animals (Appendix 2, page 243). | | | |

| |Activity 2: Look at the clues and talk about one of the animals |CO |I |CL |

| |(Appendix 2 page 243). |EO |GG |CMCT |

| | |CL | |AA |

| | |EE | |CSC |

|FINAL | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Animals and teeth. |CO |GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CMCT |

| | | | |CSC |

|SESIÓN 13 Do you remember? PÁGINA 92 |

|OBJETIVOS |Review |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Do you remember the songs and chants? |CO |GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CEC |

|DESARROLLO |Activity 1: Match. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Look and complete. |CO |I |CL |

| |Activity 3: Listen and say True (T) or False (F). |EO |GG |CMCT |

| |Activity 4: Write milk teeth or permanent teeth. |CL | |AA |

| |Activity 5: Classify the words. |EE | |CSC |

|FINAL | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Your favourite song, chant or rap. |CO |GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CEC |

|SESIÓN 10 TEST UNIT 2 + Fast Finishers PÁGINA 41 |

|OBJETIVOS |1. Read the test Unit 2 with the students. |

| |2. Answer any doubts. |

| |3. Use the test as an evaluation. |


|DESARROLLO | | | | |

| |Each correct answer 0,3 pts (=1,8pts). |CO |I |AA |

| |Each correct answer 0,5 pts (=1,5pts). |CL | |CMCT |

| |Each correct answer 0,5 pts (=1,5pts). |EE | | |

| |Each correct answer 0,4 pts (=2pts). | | | |

| |Each correct answer 0,8 pts (=3,2 pt). | | | |

|FINAL | | | | |

|Fast Finishers |Label the body. |CL |I |AA |

| | |EE | |CMCT |

|SESIÓN 15 y 16 PROYECTO The study habits game PÁGINA 42-43 |

|OBJETIVOS |To investigate different animals’ teeth and bones, to understand the importance of calcium for healthy bones, To identify some foods which contain a lot of calcium and to |

| |make a presentation about foods containing a lot of calcium. |


|INICIO | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Greet the students. |CO |GG |CL |

| |Activity 2: Facts about bones. |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|DESARROLLO |Activity 1: Look, read and think. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Listen and circle the food that has a lot of calcium. |CO |I/GG |CL |

| |Activity 3: Look. Can this food help your bones to be healthy? |EO |PG |CMCT |

| |Activity 4: Make a poster presentation. |CL | |CSC |

| | | | |SIEE |

|FINAL | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Present your project to the class. |CL |I/GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

Programación de Aula/Temporalización

CLIL Methologogy

English Language

Natural Science

Social Science


Educación Primaria: Curso Segundo

Material: Walking into English Year 2


Periodo por unidad y asignatura: 4 semanas



|Iniciación a la actividad científica. Aproximación experimental a |1. Obtener información relevante sobre hechos o |1.1. Busca, selecciona y organiza información concreta y relevante, la analiza, |

|algunas cuestiones. (L.12) |fenómenos previamente delimitados, haciendo predicciones|obtiene conclusiones, comunica su experiencia, reflexiona acerca del proceso seguido|

|Utilización de diferentes fuentes de información (directas, libros).|sobre sucesos naturales, integrando datos de observación|y lo comunica oralmente y por escrito. (L.1-L.16) |

|(L.1-L.16) |directa e indirecta a partir de la consulta de fuentes |1.2. Utiliza medios propios de la observación. (L.1-L.16) |

|Lectura de textos propios del área. (L.2, L.6, L.9, L.11, L.12, |directa e indirectas y comunicando los resultados. |1.3. Consulta y utiliza documentos escritos, imágenes y gráficos. (L.1-L.16) |

|L.15&16) |(L.1-L.16) |3.1. Utiliza, de manera adecuada, el vocabulario correspondiente a cada uno de los |

|Utilización de diversos materiales. (L.11, L.12, L.15&16) |2. Establecer conjeturas tanto respecto de sucesos que |bloques de contenidos. (L.1 – L.16) |

|Trabajo individual y en grupo. (L.1-L.16) |ocurren de una forma natural como sobre los que ocurren |3.2. Expone oralmente de forma clara y ordenada contenidos relacionados con el área |

|Desarrollo de hábitos de trabajo. Esfuerzo y responsabilidad. |cuando se provocan, a través de un experimento o una |manifestando la compresión de textos orales y/o escritos. (L.1-L.16) |

|(L.15&16) |experiencia. (L.12) |4.4. Presenta los trabajos de manera ordenada, clara y limpia. (L.1-L.16) |

|Planificación de proyectos y presentación de informes. (L.12, |3. Comunicar de forma oral y escrita los resultados |4.5. Utiliza estrategias para realizar trabajos de forma individual y en equipo, |

|L.15&16) |obtenidos tras la realización de diversas experiencias, |mostrando habilidades para la resolución pacífica de conflictos. (L.1- L.16) |

|Realización de proyectos (L.12, L.15&16) |presentándolos con apoyos gráficos. (L.2, L.15&16) |5.1. Realiza experiencias sencillas y pequeñas investigaciones. (L.12, L.15&16) |

| |4. Trabajar de forma cooperativa, apreciando el cuidado |5.2. Realiza un proyecto, trabajando de forma individual o en equipo y lo presenta |

| |por la seguridad propia y de sus compañeros, cuidando |ante la clase. (L.12, L.15&16) |

| |las herramientas y haciendo uso adecuado de los | |

| |materiales. (L.1- L.16) | |

| |5. Realizar proyectos y presentarlos oralmente. (L.12, | |

| |L.15&16) | |



|Los animales vertebrados e invertebrados, |1.Conocer la estructura de los seres |2.1. Observa e identifica las características y clasifica los seres vivos: Reino animal. (L.1-L.9) |

|características y clasificación. (L.1-L.16) |vivos: órganos, características y |2.5. Utiliza guías en la identificación de animales y plantas. (L.1-L.9) |

|Las relaciones entre los seres vivos. Cadenas |funciones. (L.10, L.12) |3.1. Identifica y explica las relaciones entre los seres vivos. Cadenas alimentarias. Poblaciones, comunidades y |

|alimentarías. Poblaciones, comunidades y ecosistemas.|2. Conocer diferentes niveles de |ecosistemas. (L.1-L.16) |

|(L.1-L.16) |clasificación de los seres vivos, |3.3. Observa e identifica las principales características y componentes de un ecosistema. (L.1-L.16) |

|Características y componentes de un ecosistema. |atendiendo a sus características y tipos.|3.4. Reconoce y explica algunos ecosistemas: pradera, charca, bosque, litoral y ciudad, y los seres vivos que en |

|Ecosistemas, pradera, charca, bosque, litoral y |(L.1-L.9) |ellos habitan. (L.1-L.16) |

|ciudad y los seres vivos. (L.1-L.16) |3. Conocer las características y |3.5. Observa e identifica diferentes hábitats de los seres vivos. (L.1-L.9) |

|La biosfera, diferentes hábitats de los seres vivos. |componentes de un ecosistema. (L.1-L.16) |4.1. Muestra conductas de respeto y cuidado hacia los seres vivos. (L.11, L.12) |

|(L.1-L.9, L.15&16) | |4.3. Manifiesta una cierta precisión y rigor en la observación y en la elaboración de los trabajos. (L.11, L.12, |

|Hábitos de respeto y cuidado hacia los seres vivos. | |L.15&16) |

|(L.12, L.15&16) | | |


Etapa: División de sesiones.

INICIO- El inicio de la sesión tiene como objetivos introducir la lección y la familiarización con el vocabulario, terminología y herramientas lingüísticas necesarias para comprensión y adquisición de los conceptos presentados.

DESARROLLO- Utilización del libro de texto en el que se presenta el objetivo de acuerdo con la destreza escogida y se llevan a cabo las actividades propuestas.

FINAL- Consolidación y refuerzo de de los presentado.


CO- Comprensión Oral

EO- Expresión Oral

CL- Comprensión Lectora

EE- Expresión Escrita


I- individual

P- por parejas

PG- pequeños grupos

GG- gran grupo, toda la clase


CL – Comunicación llingüística.

CMCT- Competencia matemática y competencias básicas en ciencia y tecnología.

CD - Competencia digital.

AA - Aprender a aprender.

CSC - Competencias sociales y cívicas.

SIEE - Sentido de iniciativa y espíritu emprendedor.

CEC - Conciencia y expresiones culturales.

|Comunicación lingüística |


|Comprende mensajes e instrucciones orales sencillas y reconoce palabras que le son familiares. |

|Identifica la idea global de un texto oral y algunos detalles específicos con ayuda visual. |

|Reconoce rasgos sonoros, como el acento, ritmo y entonación correctos en contextos conocidos. |


|Recita o canta una canción muy sencilla con una pronunciación y entonación correcta. |

|Contesta a preguntas de forma oral utilizando vocabulario y estructuras sencillas. |

|Participa en las asambleas e interacciones orales dirigidas de forma espontánea. |


|Comprende la idea general de rótulos y carteles muy sencillos. |

|Comprende frases escritas muy sencillas sobre temas conocidos, y con palabras previamente presentadas. |


|Reproduce palabras y estructuras muy sencillas a partir de modelos previamente presentados. |

|Competencia matemática y competencias básicas en ciencia y tecnología. |

|Reconoce y utiliza los números |

|Interpreta y reconoce las diferentes dimensiones del espacio. |

|Sigue secuencias rítmicas y series sencillas. |

|Resuelve puzzles y crucigramas |

|Monta y desmonta objetos planificando las acciones. |

|Identifica y diferencia elementos y recursos del entorno físico próximo. |

|Se orienta en el espacio y el tiempo con soltura. |

|Muestra respeto por el entorno natural y animal. |

|Conoce y práctica hábitos de vida saludable |

|Competencia digital |

|Utiliza las TIC para reforzar y apoyar el aprendizaje del inglés. |

|Realiza pequeñas presentaciones y producciones en inglés utilizando distintos soportes y herramientas digitales. |

|Localiza información básica en fuentes y soportes digitales. |

|Competencia sociales y cívicas |

|Participa en los juegos de clase de forma colaborativa y amistosa. |

|Utiliza un lenguaje respetuoso básico: gracias, por favor. |

|Comprende y valora el uso del inglés para relacionarse con otras personas. |

|Conciencia y expresiones culturales |

|Realiza composiciones artísticas sencillas siguiendo un modelo o de forma espontánea. |

|Participa de forma activa en los juegos, bailes, canciones y actividades artísticas en el aula. |

|Muestra interés y respeto por las expresiones culturales de los países anglosajones. |

|Aprender a aprender |

|Muestra interés al realizar las actividades individuales supervisadas por el profesor. |

|Acepta las indicaciones del profesor y expresa sus dudas. |

|Utiliza estrategias básicas de comprensión y expresión para conseguir ayuda para la resolución de sus tareas. |

|Sentido de iniciativa y espíritu emprendedor. |

|Participa con autonomía y respeto en tareas de grupo manteniendo sus propios intereses. |

|Identifica y reconoce sus propios errores y trata de corregirlos. |

Natural Science

Educación Primaria: Curso Segundo

Material: Walking into English Year 2

UNIT 3 Habits and Landscapes

Periodo por unidad y asignatura: 4 semanas

|Objetivos |To understand what a habitat is. To identify and name some important world habitats. To learn some characteristics of important world habitats. To understand what an |

| |ecosystem is. To identify and name some animals that live in the important world habitats. To learn the main characteristics of the Arctic, temperate forest, tropical |

| |rainforest, savannah, desert, saltwater and freshwater habitats. To identify and name some animals that live in the Arctic, temperate forest, tropical rainforest, savannah, |

| |desert, saltwater and freshwater habitats. To understand what a food chain is. To identify producers and consumers. To talk about food chains in different ecosystems. To |

| |raise students’ awareness about some environmental issues. To identify pollution, deforestation and forest fires. To understand the earthworms role in an ecosystem. To make |

| |and observe a wormery. |

|Conceptos |ADJECTIVES |Out |COLOURS |Shell |Sky |

| |Beautiful |Outside |Blue |Slope(s) |Snow / snowy |

| |Big |(At the) top |Brown |Stones |Sunny |

| |Clean |Under |Green |Summit |Wet |

| |Dead | |Orange |Town |Windy |

| |Deep |NUMBERS |Purple |Trees | |

| |Difficult |One |Red |Upper course |VERBS |

| |Dirty |Two |Yellow |Valley |Add |

| |Dry |Three | |Volcano |Build |

| |Hot |Four |BODY |Water |Camp |

| |Intelligent |Five |Beak |Waterfall |Catch |

| |Long |Five |Body | |Change |

| |Nice |Six |Bone |MONTHS |Choose |

| |Rainy |Seven |Crest |January |Climb (up) |

| |Similar |Eight |Googly eye |February |Come |

| |Small |Nine |Head |March |Compare |

| |Snowy |Ten |Neck |April |Count |

| |Sunny |Eleven |Wings |May |Cut down / Chop |

| |Wet |Twelve | |June |Cycle |

| | |Thirteen |DAYS |July |Describe |

| |ANIMALS |Fourteen |Monday |August |Display |

| |Ant |Fifteen |Tuesday |September |Do |

| |Anemone |Sixteen |Wednesday |October |Drink |

| |Anglerfish |Seventeen |Thursday |November |Eat |

| |Arctic fox |Eighteen |Friday |December |Enjoy |

| |Arctic hare |Nineteen |Saturday | |Fly |

| |Bat |Twenty |Sunday |ORDINAL NUMBERS |Glue |

| |Bear |Twenty-one |Afternoon |1st - First |Go canoeing |

| |Beetle |Twenty-two |Night |2nd - Second |Go fishing |

| |Bird |Twenty-three | |3rd -Third |Go hiking |

| |Butterfly |Twenty-four |HABITATS |4th - Fourth |Go punting |

| |Chameleon |Twenty-five |Arctic habitat |5th - Fifth |Have |

| |Crab |Twenty-six |Coast |6th - Sixth |Horse-ride |

| |Coral |Twenty-seven |Consumer |7th - Seventh |Hunt |

| |Crocodile |Twenty-eight |Deforestation |8th - Eighth |Imagine |

| |Deer |Twenty-nine |Desert |9th - Ninth |Interact |

| |Duck |Thirty |Earthworms |10th – Tenth |Learn |

| |Dragonfly |Thirty-one |Ecosystem | |Like |

| |Duck |Thirty -two |Fire |PEOPLE |Listen to |

| |Eagle |Thirty -three |Food chain |Airport |Look at / Stare |

| |Elephant |Thirty -four |Freshwater |Builder |Make |

| |Fennec fox |Thirty -five |Lake |Child |Match |

| |Flamingo |Thirty -six |Ocean |Children |Mix |

| |Fox |Thirty -seven |Pollution |City |Observe |

| |Frog |Thirty -eight |Producer |Factory |Pick up |

| |Gazelle |Thirty -nine |River |Firefighter |Play |

| |Giant squid |Forty |Rocks |Hotel |Protect |

| |Giraffe | |Saltwater |Man |Read |

| |Goat |QUESTION WORDS |Sand |Men |Ride |

| |Herd |What |Savannah |People |Run |

| |Heron |Which |Sea |Places |Sail |

| |Hippo |Where |Temperate forest |Port |See |

| |Hyena |How many |Tropical |Road |Ski |

| |Jaguar |Who |rainforest |Town |Spend |

| |Jellyfish |Why |Water |Woman |Subtract |

| |Kingfisher | |Waterfall |Women |Surf |

| |Lion |PROPER NOUNS |Wate | |Survive |

| |Lizard |Alex |LANDSCAPES |PLANTS |Swim |

| |Lynx |Ann |Airport |Cactus |Talk |

| |Monkey |Anna |Archipelago |Grapes |Think |

| |Mouse / mice |Ben |Beach |Leaves |Visit |

| |Octopus |Bill |Bridge |Orchid |Walk |

| |Orangutan |Charles |Cape |Old leaves |Want to |

| |Parrot |David |Cave |Peelings |Watch |

| |Pike |Grace |City |Plankton |Write |

| |Polar bear |Jack |Cliffs |Seaweed | |

| |Sardine |Jill |Coast |Tea leaves |ARTS AND CRAFTS CONCEPTS |

| |Scorpion |Kate |Coastal |Tree |Art naïf |

| |Seal |Kim |Country |Vine |Background |

| |Seaweed |Lucy |Crops | |Card |

| |Snake |Mary |Desert |SEASONS |Coloured pencils |

| |Spider |May |Field |Autumn |Crayons |

| |Squirrel |Nick |Flower |Spring |Dab-dab |

| |Starfish |Pat |Foot |Summer |technique |

| |Swordfish |Sam |Forest / wood |Winter |Diorama |

| |Tiger |Sue |Golf | |Finger paints |

| |Toad |Tom |Grass |THANKSGIVING |Foreground |

| |Tortoise |Tony |Haystacks |Thanksgiving |Glue |

| |Toucan | |Island |Pie |Googly eyes |

| |Turbot |PHONICS |Jungle |Pumpkin |Handprint |

| |Turtle |[n] |Lake |Potatoes |Impressionist / |

| |Vole |Mountain |Lower course |Stuffing |impressionism |

| |Water striders |Fountain |Meander |Turkey |Sunlight |

| |Weasel |Scorpion |Middle course |Vegetables |Middle ground |

| |Whale |Lion |Mountain | |Model |

| |Wild boar |Ant |Mountain range |THINGS |Paintbrush |

| |Woodpecker |Elephant |Mouth |Barbecue |Paints |

| |Worm |Plant |Palm tree |Bottle |Pencil |

| | |Rain |Peninsula |Litter |Scissors |

| |PREPOSITIONS |Green |Plain |Postcard |Shades |

| |Behind |One |Plateau |Wormery |Three dimensional |

| |Below |Brown |Port | | |

| |Between |Sand |Railway |WEATHER | |

| |In |Island |River |Clouds / cloudy | |

| |In front of |Plane |Road |Cold | |

| |(In the) middle | |Rocks |Cool | |

| |Next to | |Sand |Dry | |

| |On | |Sandcastles |Foggy | |

| | | |Savannah |Hot | |

| | | |Sea |Rainy | |

| | | |Fern | | |

|Estructuras gramaticales |A/ an + noun. |I’m going+ infinitive. |

| |Am, is, are |I’d like to … |

| |There is –There are. |On + day of the week. |

| |Plural: noun+ s |Do you…? Yes, I do / No, I don’t. |

| |Can you+ infinitive |Use of what/Where/Why/When/How many/ Who. |

| |Present simple. |Can / Can’t. |

| |Present Continuous. | |

|Cuento |Let’s Go on Holiday |

|Canciones |The Landscape Song |Chants |The Ordinal Numbers Chant |

| |Going to the Mountain | |In the Forest Chant |

| |The Habitats Song | |Do You Want to Count with Me? |

| |The Saltwater Song | |African Savannah Chant |

| |The Food Chain Song | |The Mountain Landscape Chant |

| | | |The Coastal Features Chant |

|SESIÓN 1 Habitats PÁGINA 133 |

|OBJETIVOS |To understand what a habitat is. To identify and name some important world habitats. To identify and name some animals that live in the important world habitats. |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| |Activity 2: The globe. |CO |GG |CL |

| |Activity 3: What can you see in the poster? |EO | |CSC |

| |Activity 4: Play The Habitats Song. | | |CMCT |

| | | | |CEC |

|DESARROLLO |Activity 1: Choose the best definition. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Look, listen and point. |CO |PP |CL |

| |Activity 3: Write the names. |EO |GG |CSC |

| |Activity 4: What’s the weather like in the above habitats? |CL |I |SIEE |

| | |EE |PG |AA |

| | | | |CEC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|FINAL | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Play the habitats’ guessing game. |CO |I/GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CMCT |

| | | | |CSC |

|SESIÓN 2 Tropical rainforest PÁGINA 134 |

|OBJETIVOS |To learn the main characteristics of the tropical rainforest habitat. To identify and name some animals that live in the tropical rainforest habitat. |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Play The Habitats Song. |EO |GG |CL |

| |Activity 3: Show the students the habitats and animals cards. |CO | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

| | | | |CEC |

|DESARROLLO |Activity 1: Listen to and recite In the Forest Chant. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Listen to tropical rainforest sound effects. |EO |I |CL |

| |Activity 3: Look, read and underline the mistakes. |CO |GG |AA |

| |Activity 4: Colour the tropical rainforest according to the text. |CL | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

| | | | |CEC |

|FINAL |Activity 1: Conclusions about habitats. | | | |

| | |EO |GG/I |CL |

| | |CO | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

| | | | |SIEE |

|SESIÓN 3 Arctic habitats PÁGINA 132 |

|OBJETIVOS |To learn the main characteristics of the Arctic habitat. To identify and name some animals that live in the Arctic habitat. To identify some characteristics of animals |

| |that live in the Arctic habitat. |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| | |EO |GG |CL |

| | |CO | |CSC |

|DESARROLLO |Activity 1: Look at the Arctic habitat. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Which picture shows summer? And winter? |EO |I |CL |

| |Activity 3: Describe the pictures. |CO |PP |CSC |

| |Activity 4: Look at the animals and describe them. |CL |GG |CMCT |

| |Activity 5: Listen and number. Check your answers. | | |AA |

| |Activity 6: Circle the words related to the Arctic | | |CEC |

| |habitat. | | | |

|FINAL |Activity 1: Play hangman with the names of the animals. | | | |

| | |CO |I/GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

| | | | |CEC |

|SESIÓN 4 Temperate forests PÁGINA 136 |

|OBJETIVOS |To learn the main characteristics of the temperate forest habitat. To identify and name some animals that live in the temperate forest habitat. |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| | |CO |GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

|DESARROLLO |Activity 1: Look, listen and complete. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Listen and point. |CO |GG |CL |

| |Activity 3: Listen again, look and write the numbers or words. |EO |I |CSC |

| |Activity 4: Listen and say True (T) or False (F). |CL |PP |CMCT |

| | |EE | |AA |

| | | | |CEC |

|FINAL | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Listen to Let’s Go on Holiday. |CO |I/GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CEC |

| | | | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|SESIÓN 5 Ecosystems PÁGINA 137 |

|OBJETIVOS |To learn some characteristics of important world habitats. To understand what an ecosystem is. |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| | |CO |GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

|DESARROLLO |Activity 1: Look, think and compare the pictures. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Write Ecosystem or Habitat. |CO |GG |CL |

| |Activity 3: Tick the ecosystems. |EO |PP |CMCT |

| | |CL |I |CSC |

| | |EE | |AA |

| | | | |SIEE |

|FINAL |Activity 1: Listen to The Habitat Song. | | | |

| | |CO |I/GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

| | | | |CEC |

|SESIÓN 6 The savannah habitats PÁGINA 138 |

|OBJETIVOS |To learn the main characteristics of the Savannah habitat. To identify and name some animals that live in the Savannah habitat. To identify some characteristics of animals |

| |that live in the Savannah habitat. |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Revise characteristics and animals of the Arctic, temperate|CO |I/GG |CL |

| |forest and tropical rainforest habitats. |EO | |CSC |

| |Activity 3: Now hand out the cards for the three habitats and ask the |CL | |CMCT |

| |students to come and stick them in the correct column. | | | |

|DESARROLLO |Activity 1: Listen to The African Savannah Chant. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Did you know…? |EO |GG |CL |

| |Activity 3: Complete with wet or dry. |CO |I |CSC |

| |Activity 4: Listen to the documentary and circle True or False. |CL |PP |SIEE |

| | |EE | |AA |

| | | | |CMCT |

| | | | |CEC |

|FINAL | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Play hangman with the names of the savannah animals. |EO |GG |CL |

| | |CO | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|SESIÓN 7 Desert habitats PÁGINA 139 |

|OBJETIVOS |To learn the main characteristics of the desert habitat. To identify and name some animals that live in the desert habitat. To identify some characteristics of animals that|

| |live in the desert habitat. |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Play an action game with the animals cards. |CO |I/GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CEC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|DESARROLLO |Activity 1: Describe the desert habitat. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Look, read and circle the words describing the desert |CO |GG |CL |

| |habitat. |EO |PG |CEC |

| |Activity 3: Read, think and stick the pictures (Appendix 3, page |CL |I |CMCT |

| |257). | | |CSC |

| |Activity 4: Work in groups and make a mural! | | |AA |

|FINAL |Activity 1: Play the guessing game for desert animals. | | | |

| | |CO |I/GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CEC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|SESIÓN 8 The saltwater habitat PÁGINA 140 |

|OBJETIVOS |To reflect upon the importance of water to live. To learn the main characteristics of the saltwater habitat. To identify and name some animals that live in the saltwater |

| |habitat. |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Focus the students on the poster and ask them to tell you |CO |GG |CL |

| |the names of the habitats they have learned about so far. |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|DESARROLLO |Activity 1: Listen to and sing The Saltwater Habitat Song. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Listen and guess the sea animal from below. |CO |GG |CL |

| |Activity 3: Where do they live: at the coast, out at the sea or deep |EO |PG |AA |

| |down in the ocean? |CL |I |CSC |

| | | | |SIEE |

| | | | |CMCT |

| | | | |CEC |

|FINAL |Activity 1: If there is enough time play Memory Game with the animals | | | |

| |cards from this lesson. |CO |I/GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

| | | | |CEC |

|SESIÓN 9 The freshwater habitat PÁGINA 141 |

|OBJETIVOS |To learn the main characteristics of the freshwater habitat. To identify and name some animals that live in the freshwater habitat. |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Draw on the board a simple landscape where you can see a |CO |GG |CL |

| |river going down to the sea. Draw a lake too. |EO | |CSC |

| | |CL | |CMCT |

|DESARROLLO | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Look, read and match. |CO |PG |CL |

| | |EO | |CMCT |

| | |CL | |AA |

| | | | |CSC |

| | | | |SIEE |

| | | | |CEC |

|FINAL | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Birds that live in the freshwater habitat. |CO |GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|SESIÓN 10 The food chain PÁGINA 142 |

|OBJETIVOS |To understand what a food chain is. To identify producers and consumers. To talk about food chains in different ecosystems. |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Producers, consumers and the food chain. |CO |GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|DESARROLLO |Activity 1: Listen to and sing The Food Chain Song. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Talk about the food chain. |CO |PP |CL |

| |Activity 3: Look and reorder. |EO |I |AA |

| |Activity 4: Complete the food chain. |CL |GG |CMCT |

| |Activity 5: Make food chains (Appendix 3, page 257). |EE | |CSC |

| | | | |SIEE |

| | | | |CEC |

|FINAL | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Play The Food Chain song again and invite the students to|CO |GG |CL |

| |sing along. |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

| | | | |CEC |

|SESIÓN 11 Protecting ecosystems PÁGINA 143 |

|OBJETIVOS |To raise students’ awareness about some environmental issues. To identify pollution, deforestation and forest fires. |


|INICIO | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Greet the students. |CO |GG |CL |

| |Activity 2: Ask the students to tell you the names of the habitats |EO | |CSC |

| |they have learned about in the Unit. | | |CMCT |

|DESARROLLO | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Read the newsletter and choose the best title for each |CO |I |CL |

| |article. |EO |PG |CMCT |

| |Activity 2: Make a forest fire poster. |CL |GG |SIEE |

| | | | |AA |

| | | | |CSC |

| | | | |CEC |

|FINAL | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Create a debate about deforestation. |CO |I/GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

| | | | |SIEE |

|SESIÓN 12 Make a wormery PÁGINA 144 |

|OBJETIVOS |To understand the earthworms role in an ecosystem. To make and observe a wormery. |


|INICIO | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Greet the students. |CO |GG |CL |

| |Activity 2: Show the animal cards, specifically, the ones concerning |EO | |CSC |

| |the earthworm. | | |CMCT |

|DESARROLLO |Activity 1: Make a wormery. | | | |

| |Activity 2: What did you learn? |CO |I |CL |

| | |EO |GG |CMCT |

| | |CL | |AA |

| | | | |CSC |

|FINAL | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Let’s observe the worms. |CO |GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CMCT |

| | | | |CSC |

|SESIÓN 13 Do you remember? PÁGINA 145 |

|OBJETIVOS |Review |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| |Activity 2: The Habitats Song. |CO |GG/I |CL |

| |Activity 3: Show the animals and habitats cards. |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CEC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|DESARROLLO |Activity 1: Complete the mind map with the animals you may remember. | | | |

| | |CO |PG |CL |

| | |EO | |CMCT |

| | |CL | |AA |

| | |EE | |CSC |

| | | | |SIEE |

|FINAL |Activity 1: Let’s play the land habitats true and false game. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Let’s play the water habitats game. |CO |GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CEC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|SESIÓN 10 TEST UNIT 3 + Fast Finishers PÁGINA 146 |

|OBJETIVOS |1. Read the test Unit 3 with the students. |

| |2. Answer any doubts. |

| |3. Use the test as an evaluation. |


|DESARROLLO | | | | |

| |Each correct answer 0,45 pts (=1,8pts). |CO |I |CL |

| |Each correct answer 0,3 pts (=3pts). |CL | |AA |

| |Each correct answer 0,3 pts (=1,8pts). |EE | |CMCT |

| |Each correct answer 0,7 pts (=1,4pts). | | | |

| |Each correct answer 0,5 pts (=2pts). | | | |

|FINAL | | | | |

|Fast Finishers |Look, colour and complete. |CL |I |CL |

| | |EE | |AA |

| | | | |CEC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|SESIÓN 15 y 16 PROYECTO An ecosystem in my area PÁGINA 147 |

|OBJETIVOS |To investigate a habitat, write about the ecosystem and make a poster for the project. |


|INICIO | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Greet the students. |CO |GG |CL |

| |Activity 2: Sing The Habitats song. |EO | |CSC |

| |Activity 3: Habitats around us. | | |CMCT |

| | | | |CEC |

|DESARROLLO |Activity 1: Make your Project. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Present your Project to the class. |CO |PG/PP |CL |

| | |EO | |CMCT |

| | |CL | |CSC |

| | |EE | |SIEE |

| | | | |CEC |

|FINAL | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Record the different groups. |CL |PP/PG/GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

Programación de Aula/Temporalización

CLIL Methologogy

English Language

Natural Science

Social Science


Educación Primaria: Curso Segundo

Material: Walking into English Year 2


Periodo por unidad y asignatura: 4 semanas



|Iniciación a la actividad científica. Aproximación experimental a |1. Obtener información relevante sobre hechos o |1.1. Busca, selecciona y organiza información concreta y relevante, la analiza, |

|algunas cuestiones. (L.12, L.15&16) |fenómenos previamente delimitados, haciendo predicciones|obtiene conclusiones, comunica su experiencia, reflexiona acerca del proceso seguido|

|Utilización de diferentes fuentes de información (directas, libros).|sobre sucesos naturales, integrando datos de observación|y lo comunica oralmente y por escrito. (L.1-L.16) |

|(L.1-L.16) |directa e indirecta a partir de la consulta de fuentes |1.2. Utiliza medios propios de la observación. (L.1-L.16) |

|Lectura de textos propios del área. (L.6, L.11, L.12) |directa e indirectas y comunicando los resultados. |1.3. Consulta y utiliza documentos escritos, imágenes y gráficos. (L.1-L.16) |

|Utilización de diversos materiales. (L.12, L.15&16) |(L.1-L.16) |3.1. Utiliza, de manera adecuada, el vocabulario correspondiente a cada uno de los |

|Trabajo individual y en grupo. (L.1-L.16) |2. Establecer conjeturas tanto respecto de sucesos que |bloques de contenidos. (L.1 – L.16) |

|Desarrollo de hábitos de trabajo. Esfuerzo y responsabilidad. |ocurren de una forma natural como sobre los que ocurren |3.2. Expone oralmente de forma clara y ordenada contenidos relacionados con el área |

|(L.1-L.16) |cuando se provocan, a través de un experimento o una |manifestando la compresión de textos orales y/o escritos. (L.1-L.16) |

|Planificación de proyectos y presentación de informes. (L.12, |experiencia. (L.12) |4.4. Presenta los trabajos de manera ordenada, clara y limpia. (L.1-L.16) |

|L.15&16) |3. Comunicar de forma oral y escrita los resultados |4.5. Utiliza estrategias para realizar trabajos de forma individual y en equipo, |

|Realización de proyectos (L.12, L.15&16) |obtenidos tras la realización de diversas experiencias, |mostrando habilidades para la resolución pacífica de conflictos. (L.1- L.16) |

| |presentándolos con apoyos gráficos. (L.12) |5.1. Realiza experiencias sencillas y pequeñas investigaciones. (L.12, L.15&16) |

| |4. Trabajar de forma cooperativa, apreciando el cuidado |5.2. Realiza un proyecto, trabajando de forma individual o en equipo y lo presenta |

| |por la seguridad propia y de sus compañeros, cuidando |ante la clase. (L.12, L.15&16) |

| |las herramientas y haciendo uso adecuado de los | |

| |materiales. (L.1- L.16) | |

| |5. Realizar proyectos y presentarlos oralmente. (L.12, | |

| |L.15&16) | |



|La luz como fuente de energía. Electricidad. (L.4, L.5, L.8) | |3.1. Conoce las leyes básicas que rigen fenómenos como la transmisión de la |

|Planificación y realización de experiencias diversas para estudiar las |3. Conocer leyes básicas que rigen fenómenos: la |corriente eléctrica.L.4-L.11, L.13-L.16) |

|propiedades de materiales de uso común y su comportamiento ante la luz, |transmisión de la corriente eléctrica o el cambio de |5.5. Investiga a través de la realización de experiencias sencillas: planteando|

|el sonido, el calor, la humedad y la electricidad. (L.6) |estado (L.4-L.11, L.13-L.16) |problemas, enunciando hipótesis, seleccionando el material necesario, |

|Fenómenos de naturaleza eléctrica y sus efectos. (L.6) |5. Realizar experiencias sencillas y pequeñas |extrayendo conclusiones. (L.15&16) |

|Fuentes de energías renovables y no renovables. El desarrollo |investigaciones. (L.15&16) | |

|energético, sostenible y equitativo. (L.7) | | |



|Máquinas y aparatos. Tipos de máquinas en la vida cotidiana y su utilidad |1. Conocer los principios básicos que rigen |3.2. Observa, identifica y explica algunos efectos de la electricidad. (L.4-L.11,|

|(L.4, L.5, L.6, L.8, L.9, L.10, L.11, L.13) |máquinas y aparatos. (L.4-L.11, L.13-L.16) |L.13-L16) |

|Construcción de estructuras sencillas que cumplan una función o condición |2. Planificar la construcción de objetos y |4.2. Valora y describe la influencia del desarrollo tecnológico en las |

|para resolver un problema a partir de piezas. (L.15&16) |aparatos con una finalidad previa. (L.15&16) |condiciones de vida y en el trabajo.(L.4, L.8-L.11) |

|La electricidad en el desarrollo de las máquinas. (L.4, L.5, L.6, L.8, L.10, | | |

|L.11) | | |

|Elementos de los circuitos eléctricos. (L.5, L.13) | | |

|Efectos de la electricidad (L.6) | | |

|Conductores y aislantes (L.6) | | |

|Beneficios y riesgos de las tecnologías y productos (L.6) | | |


Etapa: División de sesiones.

INICIO- El inicio de la sesión tiene como objetivos introducir la lección y la familiarización con el vocabulario, terminología y herramientas lingüísticas necesarias para comprensión y adquisición de los conceptos presentados.

DESARROLLO- Utilización del libro de texto en el que se presenta el objetivo de acuerdo con la destreza escogida y se llevan a cabo las actividades propuestas.

FINAL- Consolidación y refuerzo de de los presentado.


CO- Comprensión Oral

EO- Expresión Oral

CL- Comprensión Lectora

EE- Expresión Escrita


I- individual

P- por parejas

PG- pequeños grupos

GG- gran grupo, toda la clase


CL – Comunicación llingüística.

CMCT- Competencia matemática y competencias básicas en ciencia y tecnología.

CD - Competencia digital.

AA - Aprender a aprender.

CSC - Competencias sociales y cívicas.

SIEE - Sentido de iniciativa y espíritu emprendedor.

CEC - Conciencia y expresiones culturales.

|Comunicación lingüística |


|Comprende mensajes e instrucciones orales sencillas y reconoce palabras que le son familiares. |

|Identifica la idea global de un texto oral y algunos detalles específicos con ayuda visual. |

|Reconoce rasgos sonoros, como el acento, ritmo y entonación correctos en contextos conocidos. |


|Recita o canta una canción muy sencilla con una pronunciación y entonación correcta. |

|Contesta a preguntas de forma oral utilizando vocabulario y estructuras sencillas. |

|Participa en las asambleas e interacciones orales dirigidas de forma espontánea. |


|Comprende la idea general de rótulos y carteles muy sencillos. |

|Comprende frases escritas muy sencillas sobre temas conocidos, y con palabras previamente presentadas. |


|Reproduce palabras y estructuras muy sencillas a partir de modelos previamente presentados. |

|Competencia matemática y competencias básicas en ciencia y tecnología. |

|Reconoce y utiliza los números |

|Interpreta y reconoce las diferentes dimensiones del espacio. |

|Sigue secuencias rítmicas y series sencillas. |

|Resuelve puzzles y crucigramas |

|Monta y desmonta objetos planificando las acciones. |

|Identifica y diferencia elementos y recursos del entorno físico próximo. |

|Se orienta en el espacio y el tiempo con soltura. |

|Muestra respeto por el entorno natural y animal. |

|Conoce y práctica hábitos de vida saludable |

|Competencia digital |

|Utiliza las TIC para reforzar y apoyar el aprendizaje del inglés. |

|Realiza pequeñas presentaciones y producciones en inglés utilizando distintos soportes y herramientas digitales. |

|Localiza información básica en fuentes y soportes digitales. |

|Competencia sociales y cívicas |

|Participa en los juegos de clase de forma colaborativa y amistosa. |

|Utiliza un lenguaje respetuoso básico: gracias, por favor. |

|Comprende y valora el uso del inglés para relacionarse con otras personas. |

|Conciencia y expresiones culturales |

|Realiza composiciones artísticas sencillas siguiendo un modelo o de forma espontánea. |

|Participa de forma activa en los juegos, bailes, canciones y actividades artísticas en el aula. |

|Muestra interés y respeto por las expresiones culturales de los países anglosajones. |

|Aprender a aprender |

|Muestra interés al realizar las actividades individuales supervisadas por el profesor. |

|Acepta las indicaciones del profesor y expresa sus dudas. |

|Utiliza estrategias básicas de comprensión y expresión para conseguir ayuda para la resolución de sus tareas. |

|Sentido de iniciativa y espíritu emprendedor. |

|Participa con autonomía y respeto en tareas de grupo manteniendo sus propios intereses. |

|Identifica y reconoce sus propios errores y trata de corregirlos. |

Natural Science

Educación Primaria: Curso Segundo

Material: Walking into English Year 2

UNIT 4 Christmas

Periodo por unidad y asignatura: 4 semanas

|Objetivos |To differentiate between a house and a flat. To talk about the building, we live in. To know our address. |

| |To identify and name the parts of the house. To identify the rooms of the house. To identify materials used to build a house. To make pupils aware that people around the |

| |world live in different types of home. To compare homes. To evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of different homes. To think about how devices help us in the home. To |

| |differentiate between devices that use electricity and devices that do not. To identify and name some household appliances. To differentiate between appliances that use mains|

| |electricity or batteries. To learn how to be safe with electricity in the home. To learn how to dispose of batteries correctly. To gain an understanding of the importance of |

| |saving electricity. To ask and answer a questionnaire about saving electricity. To identify and name electrical appliances. To identify and name the parts of the computer. To|

| |talk about what we use computers for. |

|Conceptos |ADJECTIVES |COOKING |FOOD |Forty-four |SHAPES |

| |Cold |Apron |Almonds |Forty-five |Circle |

| |Delicious |Biscuits |Biscuits |Forty-six |Heart |

| |Famous |Bowl |Butter |Forty-seven |Heptagon |

| |Important |Butter |Cake |Forty-eight |Hexagon |

| |Little |Cake tin |Chocolate |Forty-nine |Octagon |

| |Poor |Cheesecake |Cream cheese |Fifty |Oval |

| |Wonderful |Cream cheese |Creamed cabbage |Equal (to) |Pentagon |

| | |Greaseproof paper |Fruit |Greater than |Rectangle |

| |CHRISTMAS |Plastic bag |Honey |Less than |Rhombus |

| |(Baby) Jesus |Rolling pin |Nougat | |Square |

| |(Christmas) Carols |Spoon |Orange |ORDINAL NUMBERS FOR DATE |Star |

| |Advent |Strawberry/ strawberries |Prawns |5th |Triangle |

| |Angel Gabriel |Strawberry yoghurt |Roast pork |6th | |

| |Angels |Sugar |Roast potatoes |13th |SEASONS |

| |Baubles |Whipping cream |Roast turkey |24th |Spring |

| |Bells |Whisk |Shellfish |25th |Summer |

| |Bethlehem | |Soup | |Autumn |

| |Cake |PHONICS [ə] |Strawberries |PARTS OF THE HOUSE |Winter |

| |Candle |Brother |Sugar |Bathroom | |

| |Candy canes |Children |Sweets |Bedroom |TOYS |

| |Carol singers |December |Whipping cream |Bricks |Ball |

| |Christ |Father |Yoghourt |Dining room |Boat |

| |Christingle |Flower | |Door |Bike |

| |Christmas cards |Garden |HOMES |Downstairs |Camera |

| |Christmas Day |Grandfather |Block of flats |Floor |Car |

| |Christmas Eve |Grandmother |Building |Garage |Computer |

| |Christmas tree |Mother |Bungalow |Garden |Doll |

| |Church |Present |Flat |Glass |Game |

| |Crown |Sister |Floor |Hall |Game console |

| |Donkey |Summer |House |Kitchen |Helicopter |

| |Feast (day) |Water |Housing estate |Living room |Kite |

| |Frankincense |Winter |Narrowboat |Porch |Lorry |

| |Friends | |Nipa hut |Roof | |

| |Gold |COMPUTERS |Postcode |Stairs |WORLD |

| |Grandmother |Batteries |Skyscraper |Stones |Australia |

| |Lights |Camera |Yurt |Tiles |Holland |

| |Manger |Computer | |Toy room |Poland |

| |Mass |CPU |MEALS |Upstairs |Sweden |

| |Myrrh |Game |Breakfast |Wall |World |

| |Nativity scene |Game console |Lunch |Window | |

| |Prayer |Keyboard |Dinner |Wood |VERBS |

| |Presents |Laptop | | |Arrive |

| |Saint Lucy |Lights |MONTHS |PLURALS |Appear |

| |Saint Nicholas |Microphone |January |Apples |Be born |

| |Santa Claus |Mouse |February |Babies |Break |

| |Saviour |Pen drive |March |Bushes |Bring |

| |Shepherds |Plug |April |Boxes |Calculate |

| |St. Joseph |Presentation |May |Fathers |Call |

| |Stable |Screen |June |Flowers |Carry |

| |Star |Speakers |July |Fox(es) |Celebrate |

| |The Three Kings or The Wise Men |Tablet |August |Girls |Close |

| |Virgin Mary |Tubes |September |Glass(es) |Crush |

| |Wigilia | |October |Houses |Cut |

| | |Days of the week |November |Kings |Decorate |

| |CLOTHES |Monday |December |Lorry / lorries |Do |

| |Belt |Tuesday | |Trees |Draw |

| |Dress |Wednesday |NUMBERS |Tomato(es) |Drink |

| |Ribbon |Thursday |One |Piano(s) |Eat |

| | |Friday |Two |Radio(s) |Find |

| |CLOTHES |Saturday |Three |Stars |Follow |

| |What |Sunday |Four | |Give |

| |Which | |Five |PREPOSITIONS |Go |

| |Where |ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES |Six |Behind |Hang |

| |How many |Coffee maker |Seven |Below |Help |

| |Who |Cooker |Eight |Between |Hope |

| |Why |Dishwasher |Nine |In |Invent |

| | |Electric toothbrush |Ten |In front of |Live |

| |PROPER NOUNS |Freezer |Eleven |(In the) middle |Listen |

| |Alex |Fridge |Twelve |Next to |Make |

| |Ann |Games console |Thirteen |On |Melt |

| |Anna |Hairdryer |Fourteen |Out |Mix |

| |Ben |Microwave |Fifteen |Outside |Need to |

| |Bill |Mobile phone |Sixteen |(At the) top |Open |

| |Charles |Oven |Seventeen |Under |Play |

| |David |Radio |Eighteen | |Plug |

| |Grace |Remote control |Nineteen |THINGS AT HOME |Put |

| |Jack |Tablet |Twenty |Alarm clock |Put on |

| |Jill |Telephone |Twenty-one |Bath |Put up |

| |Kate |Television |Twenty-two |Bed |Read |

| |Kim |Toaster |Twenty-three |Box |Receive |

| |Lucy |Vacuum cleaner |Twenty-four |Broom |Save (electricity) |

| |Mary |Washing machine |Twenty-five |Carpet |Say |

| |May | |Twenty-six |Door knocker |See |

| |Nick |ELECTRICITY |Twenty-seven |Fan |Send |

| |Pat |Batteries |Twenty-eight |Flower |Sing |

| |Sam |Device |Twenty-nine |Needle |Sit |

| |Sue |Electricity |Thirty |Tin opener |Skate |

| |Tom |Mains |Thirty-one |Toothbrush |Sleep |

| |Tony |Plug |Thirty -two |Toys |Snow |

| | | |Thirty –three |Toilet |Spend |

| |COLOURS |FAMILY |Thirty -four |Whisk |Switch on / off |

| |Blue |Baby |Thirty -five |Monster |Talk |

| |Brown |Brother |Thirty -six |Plane |Think |

| |Green |Children |Thirty -seven |Puzzle |Throw |

| |Red |Cousin |Thirty -eight |Robot |Travel |

| |Purple |Dad(dy) |Thirty –nine |Train |Unplug |

| |Orange |Father |Forty |Watch |Visit |

| |Yellow |Friends |Forty-one | |Wake up |

| | |Grandfather |Forty-two |WEATHER |Watch |

| | |Grandmother |Forty-three |Cold |Wear |

| | |Grandparents | |Hot |Wish |

| | |Mother | |Snow |Write |

| | |Parents |December |Sunny | |

| | |Sister | | | |

|Estructuras gramaticales |What’s it made of? |Possessive adjectives |

| |It’s made of … |Present simple. |

| |We use …. for ….-ing. |Present Continuous. |

| |A/an+noun. |I’m going+ infinitive. |

| |There is- There are. |I’d like to… |

| |Plural: noun+s. |On + day of the week. |

| |I like + gerund. |Do you…? Yes, I do/No, I don’t. |

| |I love+ gerund. |Use of What/Where/Why/When/How many/Who. |

| |Can you+ infinitive. |Can/Can’t |

| |Regular and irregular plurals | |

|Cuento |Our Christmas Holidays |

|Canciones |My House Song |Chants |My Family |

| |Do You Know the Plurals | |The Shape Chant |

| |The Toys Song | |The Parts of the Computer Chant |

| |Angels | | |

| |Kitchen Appliances Song | | |

| |We Three Kings of Orient Are | | |

|SESIÓN 1 Where do you live? PÁGINA 184 |

|OBJETIVOS |To differentiate between a house and a flat. To talk about the building, we live in. To know our address. |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Show the students the homes cards and ask them to |CO |GG |CL |

| |listen and repeat. |EO | |CSC |

|DESARROLLO | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Look and label the buildings. |CO |PP |CL |

| |Activity 2: Read, complete and draw. |EO |GG |CSC |

| | |CL |I |SIEE |

| | |EE | |AA |

|FINAL | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Make a buildings graph. |CO |I/GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CMCT |

| | | | |CSC |

|SESIÓN 2 Parts of the house PÁGINA 185 |

|OBJETIVOS |To identify and name the parts of the house. To identify the rooms of the house. To identify materials used to build a house. |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Revise the homes cards from the previous lesson. |EO |GG |CL |

| | |CO | |CSC |

|DESARROLLO | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Look and talk about the house. |EO |PP |CL |

| |Activity 2: Read, write and complete (Appendix 4, page 269). |CO |I |AA |

| |Activity 3: Look, listen and colour. |CL |GG |CSC |

| | |EE | |CMCT |

|FINAL | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Play the parts of the house game. |EO |GG/I |CL |

| | |CO | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|SESIÓN 3 Houses around the world PÁGINA 186 |

|OBJETIVOS |To make pupils aware that people around the world live in different types of home. To compare homes. To evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of different homes. |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Revise the concepts from previous lessons. |EO |I/GG |CL |

| | |CO | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|DESARROLLO | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Look, listen and write the numbers. |EO |I |CL |

| |Activity 2: Think and tick or cross. |CO |GG |CSC |

| | |CL | |CMCT |

| | | | |AA |

|FINAL | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Would you live in…? |CO |I/GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|SESIÓN 4 Devices at home PÁGINA 187 |

|OBJETIVOS |To think about how devices help us in the home. To differentiate between devices that use electricity and devices that do not. To identify and name some household |

| |appliances. |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Show the things at home cards. |CO |GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

|DESARROLLO | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Where do we find these devices? Write and match. |CO |GG |CL |

| |Activity 2: Circle the correct statement. |EO |I |CSC |

| |Activity 3: Match and colour. |CL | |AA |

| |Activity 4: Classify (Appendix 4, page 271). |EE | |CEC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|FINAL | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Ask the students to compare their completed charts. |CO |I/GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|SESIÓN 5 Electrical appliances PÁGINA 188 |

|OBJETIVOS |To differentiate between appliances that use mains electricity or batteries. |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Show the students the electrical appliances cards. |CO |GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

|DESARROLLO | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Listen and number. |CO |GG |CL |

| |Activity 2: Write mains or batteries. |EO |I |CMCT |

| |Activity 3: Circle the electrical appliances that get electricity from |CL |PP |CSC |

| |batteries in activity 1. |EE | |AA |

| | | | |SIEE |

|FINAL | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Show the students the electrical appliances cards. |CO |I/GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|SESIÓN 6 Be careful with electricity PÁGINA 189 |

|OBJETIVOS |To learn how to be safe with electricity in the home. To learn how to dispose of batteries correctly. |


|INICIO | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Greet the students. |CO |I/GG |CL |

| |Activity 2: Revise the electrical appliances vocabulary from the |EO | |CSC |

| |previous lesson. | | |CMCT |

|DESARROLLO | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Look and read. |EO |GG |CL |

| |Activity 2: Listen and write True (T) or False (F). |CO |I |CSC |

| | |CL |PP |SIEE |

| | |EE | |AA |

| | | | |CMCT |

| | | | |CEC |

|FINAL | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Ask the students if they remember what we must do with old |EO |PG |CL |

| |batteries. We must put them in a battery recycling bin. |CO | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

| | | | |CEC |

|SESIÓN 7 Let’s save electricity PÁGINA 190 |

|OBJETIVOS |To gain an understanding of the importance of saving electricity. To ask and answer a questionnaire about saving electricity. |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Revise what the students learned about being safe with |CO |I/GG |CL |

| |electricity in the previous lesson by doing a quiz. |EO | |CSC |

| |Activity 3: Ask the students if they know where electricity comes | | |CMCT |

| |from. Listen to their answers. | | | |

|DESARROLLO | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Ask and answer the questionnaire. |CO |PP |CL |

| |Activity 2: Can you think of more ways to save electricity? Draw |EO |I |CEC |

| |them. |CL | |CMCT |

| | | | |CSC |

| | | | |AA |

|FINAL | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Play the mime game with actions which are related to save|CO |I/PG/GG |CL |

| |electricity. |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CEC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|SESIÓN 8 Kitchen appliances PÁGINA 191 |

|OBJETIVOS |To identify and name electrical appliances. |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Show the electrical appliances cards and got through them all|CO |GG |CL |

| |together. |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|DESARROLLO | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Listen to the Kitchen Appliances Song. |CO |GG |CL |

| |Activity 2: Look and write. |EO |I |AA |

| |Activity 3: Which kitchen appliance do you think is the most important? |CL | |CSC |

| |Why? | | |CMCT |

| | | | |CEC |

|FINAL | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Interview your friend. |CO |PP |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|SESIÓN 9 Let’s have fun! PÁGINA 192 |

|OBJETIVOS |To review previous lessons |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Show the students the appliances for entertainment cards. |CO |GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

|DESARROLLO | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Listen and number. |CO |I |CL |

| |Activity 2: Match the texts with the pictures. Write the corresponding |EO | |CMCT |

| |letters in the boxes. |CL | |AA |

| |Activity 3: What do you like playing with? Draw. | | |CSC |

| | | | |CEC |

|FINAL | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Ask the pupils to work in pairs and ask them to make a |CO |PP |CL |

| |dialogue in which they talk about these types of electronic devices. |EO | |CSC |

|SESIÓN 10 Computers PÁGINA 193 |

|OBJETIVOS |To identify and name the parts of the computer. |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Revise the appliances for entertainment vocabulary from |CO |GG |CL |

| |the previous lesson. |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|DESARROLLO | | | | |

| |- Explain to the students that there are many different types of |CO |GG |CL |

| |computers. |EO |I |AA |

| |Activity 1: Look and match. |CL |PP |CMCT |

| |Activity 2: Recite and act out the Parts of the Computer Chant. |EE | |CSC |

| |Activity 3: Listen and label the parts of the computer. | | |SIEE |

| | | | |CEC |

|FINAL | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Revise the parts of the computer by asking questions. |CO |GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|SESIÓN 11 The uses of computers PÁGINA 194 |

|OBJETIVOS |To talk about what we use computers for. |


|INICIO | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Greet the students. |CO |GG |CL |

| |Activity 2: Review the different types of computers? |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|DESARROLLO | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Look and read. |CO |GG |CL |

| |Activity 2: Look, match and glue (Appendix 4, p. 271). |EO |I |CMCT |

| |Activity 3: What about you? Complete and draw. |CL |PP |SIEE |

| | |EE | |AA |

| | | | |CSC |

| | | | |CEC |

|FINAL | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Play a miming game. |CO |I/GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|SESIÓN 12 Make a cheesecake PÁGINA 195 |

|OBJETIVOS |To make a cheesecake |


|INICIO | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Greet the students. |CO |GG |CL |

| |Activity 2: What do we always need to do first before we prepare |EO | |CSC |

| |food? | | | |

|DESARROLLO | | | | |

| |Activity 1: How to make a cheesecake. |CO |I/GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CMCT |

| | |CL | |AA |

| | | | |CSC |

|FINAL | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Can you remember the recipe? |CO |GG |CL |

| |Activity 2: Once the cheesecake is set (minimum 1 hour, if possible |EO | |CMCT |

| |longer) serve it and enjoy it! | | |CSC |

|SESIÓN 13 Do you remember? PÁGINA 196 |

|OBJETIVOS |To review previous lessons |


|INICIO |Activity 1: Greet the students. | | | |

| |Activity 2: Use the Electrical appliances cards. |CO |GG/I |CL |

| |Activity 3: Invite a student out to the front of the class and show |EO | |CSC |

| |him/her a part of the computer card. | | |CMCT |

|DESARROLLO | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Listen and write the numbers. |CO |PG |CL |

| |Activity 2: Listen and colour. |EO | |CMCT |

| |Activity 3: Draw a plug or batteries. |CL | |AA |

| |Activity 4: Read and draw the parts of the computer. |EE | |CSC |

| | | | |SIEE |

|FINAL | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Hand out the homes cards and the parts of the house cards. |CO |I/GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |

|SESIÓN 10 TEST UNIT 4 + Fast Finishers PÁGINA 197 |

|OBJETIVOS |1. Read the test for Unit 4 with the students. |

| |2. Answer any doubts. |

| |3. Use the test to assess the students. |

| |4. There are 5 exercises (10 points in total): |


|DESARROLLO | | | | |

| |Each correct answer 0,5 pts (=2,0pts). |CO |I |CL |

| |Each correct answer 2 pts (=2pts). |CL | |AA |

| |Each correct answer 0,4 pts (=2,4pts). |EE | |CMCT |

| |Each correct answer 0,6 pts (=1,8pts). | | | |

| |Each correct answer 0,6 pts (=1,8pts). | | | |

|FINAL | | | | |

|Fast Finishers |Look, colour and complete. |CL |I |CL |

| | |EE | |AA |

| | | | |CMCT |

|SESIÓN 15 y 16 PROYECTO Invent an appliance PÁGINA 198 |

|OBJETIVOS |To invent an appliance. |


|INICIO | | | | |

| |Activity 1: Greet the students. |CO |GG |CL |

| | |EO | |CSC |

|DESARROLLO |Activity 1: Can you invent an appliance? | | | |

| | |CO |PG |CL |

| | |EO | |CMCT |

| | |CL | |CSC |

| | |EE | |SIEE |

| | | | |CEC |

|FINAL | | | | |

| |Activity 1: The students take turns to come to the front of the class and|CL |PG/GG |CL |

| |show their appliances to the rest of the class. |EO | |CSC |

| | | | |CMCT |


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