Center U.P. Church Newsletter summer 2020Office Hours ~ Thursday: 8am-11am Phone: 724-796-3351 Email: centermidway@ Website: Salutations from the Pastor Dear Church family and friends, as this will likely be the last newsletter I oversee at Center U.P., I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you and try to encourage you for the days and months ahead. I am so grateful for the time I have had here with all of you. The Lord has given me many blessings through relationships, new ventures as well revitalized ministries, humbling experiences to learn from, and challenges of many kinds that we have faced together. I am going to try not to forget these, as I believe God can use them for good in the future, for both myself and in your lives as well. I want to beseech you to work together – draw upon seasoned leadership and be willing to listen to the voice and vision of newly emerging leadership. More than ever, don’t be afraid to try different (biblical and time-tested) methods for doing God’s work. If need be, go back to the basics of discipleship and relational growth. And, of course, saturate everything in prayer – and I mean praying together – even if it has to be remotely (Zoom, etc.) – gather in any way you can to intercede and petition our Heavenly Father together. Please pray for me as I continue to pray for you. Again, thank you. May God bless you and inspire you to walk by faith in the coming months, to be courageous and call upon the Spirit God has given us, not a spirit of fear but a Spirit of power, love and self-discipline (2 Timothy 1:7). Grace and peace in abundance to you.EventsJune 7th – Congregational Meeting (11:00) immediately after worship to act on dissolution of the pastoral relationship with Rev. Kilbert and Trustees’ Church Door Project. MASKS are REQUIRED! Note: only 30 people will be allowed to physically attend the 10:00 AM service “in-church” – contact Rev. Kilbert to confirm such arrangement – first 25 will be put on the list – others are asked to attend the service & congregational meeting via Zoom.June 14th – Rev. Kilbert’s last Sunday leading worship at Center U.P. Church – maximum of 30 people can physically attend – please email: centermidway@ or call/text: 724-678-6976 to request/confirm you would like to attend physically. Masks Required.September 12 (Sat.) – Midway Community Yard Sale.September 19th – Deacons Salad Luncheon & Basket Raffle (tentatively 11:00 AM) – check bulletins for changes. Advance tickets are $7, tickets at the door - $8.Birthdays6/03 Ashley Halloran 7/23 Karen Bartosh6/04 Vicki Dzikowski 7/24 Ann DeBlander6/05 Kenny Bozic 7/30 Nancy Hillberry6/07 Cort Bozic 8/10 Gary Brockman6/09 Ken Linkish 8/14 Don Sherge6/11 Karlyn Bayer 8/17 Roseann Phillis6/14 Ron Dzikowski 8/19 Roger Romestan6/18 Bill Prata 8/21 Terry Hannan6/22 Dan Hillberry 8/23 Dustin Baird6/26 Lesley Baird 8/25 Bette Linkish 7/08 Tom Bayer 8/25 Linda Sarchet7/09 Lisa Hall 9/09 Ann Black7/12 Janet Cox 9/09 Roman Gallucci7/14 Margaret Boggs 9/18 Marlene Richey7/16 Ben PhillisCOVID-19 UpdateWe are now in the “yellow phase” – we can return to worship and in-church meetings, BUT gatherings are limited to 25 people. Please follow the instructions of all signs (refraining from touching surfaces, use of restrooms, etc.) Masks are required, and members are directed to keep a 6- foot distance from others (unless you are part of the same household; households can sit together). We are looking for members who would be willing to be part of a cleaning & sanitation team to add assistance. Please email: centermidway@Church DirectoryPlease see the enclosed ENTRY FORM and submit it for the new directory. Thank you.Congratulations!Congratulations to Logan Bayer on his graduation with a degree in Civil Engineering from Penn State University. While at Penn State, Logan was a trumpet player in the PSU Marching Blue Band for 4 years. He has accepted a position with Key Environmental in Carnegie.Also, congratulations to Karlyn Bayer who is graduating from Chartiers-Houston School District. She played softball for 4 years, and also plays the French Horn & trumpet and was the drum-major of the C-H Marching Band for the past 3 years. She was awarded the Amelia Earhart Citizenship Scholarship (Washington & Greene Counties) for her community service work, and the Bill Christy Sportsmanship 1000 Word Essay Scholarship Award out of 32 entries from Washington County Schools. She plans to attend Penn State in the fall and major in industrial engineering and hopes to play her trumpet as a member of the PSU Blue Band. Logan and Karlyn will be recognized during the worship service on June 14th, 2020 (10:00 AM).Deacons & Fellowship CommitteeSave the Date:? The Salad Luncheon has been moved (please check bulletin in June/July). We cannot pull this event off without your help.? We will be passing around the clip board for salad donations hopefully starting in July.? If you are interested in putting a gift basket together, please contact Bette Linkish at 412-997-0641.?Tickets are $8 pre-sale, $10 at the door.? Your support helps us be the hands & feet of Christ in our area.??The funds raised are how we help and support those who need a helping hand the most.Fort Cherry Helping Hands:?Center U.P. will again host the summer food distribution for the months of June and July.?Details will be shared when we receive them.Fellowship of the SkeinJoin us! We will meet Saturday, June 13th in the Fellowship Hall (8:30-10:30 AM). McDonald Area Ministerial AssociationM.A.M.A. would like to thank Rev. Brian Kilbert for his 10+ years as part of the Min. Association, and his 9 years as an officer. In light of the great need brought on by COVID-19, devastating charitable organizations in our area, M.A.M.A. voted to distribute $1,000 to Washington City Mission and $1,000 to the New Hope City Center, both of which have played vital parts in the ministry of compassion and recovery to many individuals, but are in danger of having to cease operations. If you have been blessed and have something to share during this hard time, please consider organizations like the City Mission and NHCC. Thank you.SessionIn light of the increase of gun violence in houses of worship, the Session has decided to explore a security protocol for safety precaution during our Sunday worship time. A series of Sundays will be rescheduled to assess its effectiveness. This may include July. Please be aware that a guard/usher team will be stationed to make sure latecomers are warmly welcomed but also to assess any threat. If anyone would like to help with this important protocol, please contact Dave Sims at 412-999-3130. Thank you. Treasurer’s Report (April)Beginning Checking Acct. $ 2,769.52 Envelopes $11,210.00 Transfer from Savings (+ earned credit) $ 3,000.15 Expenses - $10,447.26 Ending Balance in Acct. $ 6,532.41The Church Officers would like to ask our members to remember the church in your giving. You can mail your tithe/offerings to P.O. Box 563, Midway, PA 15060. Thank you.Youth Group The Youth Group has been busy – but because of COVID-19 we have postponed our FASTING for World Vision’s 30-hour famine. Many thanks to those who have already sponsored the youth in our campaign to fight global childhood hunger. Since it has been moved, you can still support us! $40 feeds a child for a month. Or, if you donate $1/hr. that would = $30 for a participating student. We have also dived into Bible study about God’s concern for the poor and hungry, with particular focus on Christ’s ministry of compassion. We currently have fourteen students participating, and there’s room for more! We normally meet Sundays from 6:00 to 7:45 PM. Ages 11 to 18. We would like to thank all the adult volunteers for their service and ask for any others willing to help to contact Rev. Kilbert (724-678-6976).A Devotional for You ~ Read Ephesians 1:2-14In love he predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will. (Ephesians 1:4–5)Many of you have heard me reference Charles Haddon Spurgeon – perhaps many times – as he is one of my favorite authors to draw from for preaching and teaching, partly because Spurgeon’s experience is not beyond the ability of any ordinary Christian. Spurgeon (1834-1892), served the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London for over thirty years as the most famous pastor of his day. His preaching was so powerful that people were converted to Christ every week. His sermons are still in print today and he is held up by many as a model soul winner. He recalls an experience when he was sixteen that shaped his ministry for the rest of his days: “When I was coming to Christ, I thought I was doing it all myself, and though I sought the Lord earnestly, I had no idea the Lord was seeking me. I do not think the young convert is at first aware of this. I can recall the very day and hour when first I received those truths [the doctrines of sovereign, overcoming grace] in my own soul — when they were, as John Bunyan says, burnt into my heart as with a hot iron, and I can recollect how I felt that I had grown, on a sudden, from a babe into a man — that I had made progress in Scriptural knowledge, through having found, once for all, that clue to the truth of God. One weeknight, when I was sitting in the house of God, I was not thinking much about the preacher’s sermon, for I did not believe it. The thought struck me, How did you come to be a Christian? I sought the Lord. But how did you come to seek the Lord? The truth flashed across my mind in a moment — I should not have sought Him unless there had been some previous influence in my mind to make me seek Him. I prayed, thought I, but then I asked myself, How came I to pray? I was induced to pray by reading the Scriptures. How came I to read the Scriptures? I did read them, but what led me to do so? Then, in a moment, I saw that God was at the bottom of it all, and that He was the Author of my faith, and so the whole doctrine of grace opened up to me, and from that doctrine I have not departed to this day, and I desire to make this my constant confession, ‘I ascribe my change wholly to God’.”What about you? Do you ascribe your conversion wholly to God? [Remember, conversion is not merely a “one-time” thing, but what God calls us to continually]. Is God the bottom of it all? Does this cause you to praise the glory of his sovereign, overcoming grace? This is my prayer for all of you.~ Pastor Brian2021 Church Directory Entry FormNames of those in household:Mailing Address AND Physical Address ??(for example:? P.O. Box 563/110 Washington Ave./Midway, PA 15060):Home phone number:Mobile Phone number (and whose it is):Email:Birthdays of church members in your household (include names with DOB): ................

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