
left000Our Savior’s Lutheran ChurchDecember 2020 NewsletterReflections from Pastor SusanDear Members and Friends of Our Savior's,?What do you want for Christmas? I think it’s safe to say that this year, we all want the same thing: an end to the pandemic that has been with us for the past 9 months. There is hopeful news of vaccines and effective treatments on the horizon. It seems like we have been waiting a long time. Now, finally, we are getting a glimpse of the light at the end of the Covid tunnel. While our hope hasn’t wavered, perhaps now it will be realized and fulfilled. We are God’s people; by faith, we know how to wait.?That is the message of Christmas: the long-awaited Messiah has come. God’s promise to save God’s people has been realized, in the baby born in a stable. His name, Jesus, means “he will save his people from their sins.” In the face of viruses, hurricanes, earthquakes, civil unrest, and economic uncertainty, when we cannot save ourselves, when we face situations we cannot fully control, God has promised to save.?This moment in history is unique, and yet it is not so unlike challenges our forebears faced.? Their witness, and the witness of the church as the body of believers, is that God will see us through and make a way. Will we be faithful to trust and follow him? Or will we allow ourselves to become divided, angry, discouraged, as the people of Israel did in refusing to trust God by entering the promised land the first time? Their refusal? resulted in a 40 year wandering in a wilderness of their own choosing. And still, God does not abandon them.?Advent is a time to remember that Christ has come to save us. Christ is here to offer us life and joy today. And Christ will come again, to fulfill the promise of a kingdom of justice, mercy and wholeness for all.? Now is the time to prepare our hearts to receive him anew, with fresh gratitude and deep love.?We will celebrate and worship the miracle of a Savior who enters into our humanity and offers himself so that we, too, may have fullness of life with God. We are not worshiping in our building at this time, but please join us on YouTube or King 4 as we welcome the Savior into our world and into our hearts:Sunday, November 29 First Sunday of Advent Prepare“When you see these things, you know that he is near” Mark 13:29Sunday, December 6 Second Sunday of Advent Return to God“God is not slow in his promise, but patient.” 2 Peter 3:9Sunday, December 13 Third Sunday of Advent The Child of Promise???“Nothing will be impossible with God.” Luke 1:37 Children’s tableau photo pageant. Holy Communion.Sunday, December 20 Fourth Sunday of Advent Trusting God’s Promise?“Emmanuel, God with Us” Matthew 1:23 Youth pageant, “”How Far Is Bethlehem?”Thursday, December 24 Christmas Eve Joy to the World?? ?“To you is born this day a Savior” Luke 2:11? Special music by Jessica Daley, David and Elliott Grandall, and Trey Pokorney.? Holy Communion. ?Sunday, December 27 First Sunday of Christmas The Future before Us“For my eyes have seen your salvation” Luke 2:30Favorite Carols, Holy Communion240030352425Reflectionswith Pastor Betsy Dartt00Reflectionswith Pastor Betsy DarttHere is a Merry Christmas greeting to you:My second-grade grandson would laugh and say, “Ahh, I get it. There’s a letter missing. sThe Christmas greeting is “noel” because there is no “L” in the alphabet! So, I was curious about the word noel which is used in many of our favorite Christmas carols. I found some interesting facts: The roots of the word are the French noel (“Christmas season”), which may come from the Old French noel. This, in turn, is derived from the Latin natalis, meaning “birth.” Since?Christmas?is the?celebration of the birth of Christ, it was natural for people to refer to the celebration as the “nativity” or the “birth.”One of the first Christmas carols I learned to play on the piano was “The First Noel.” This old English carol was first published in 1823 in a songbook called Carols Ancient and Modern. The words to this carol tell the Biblical stories of the birth of Jesus from both Luke and Matthew. While there are some additions in the song that come from the poet and tradition rather than scripture, the message of good news is profound.The poetry brings to me a vision of a great and glorious angel appearing in the night sky with astounding news to ordinary shepherds that “the Christ is born”. This is the first noel ever uttered. It was spoken not to the wealthy and powerful but to people who would know their own need for a Savior. “I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day, in the city of David, a Savior who is the Messiah. And this will be a sign to you. You will find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.” God’s promise that there would be always be a king over Israel from the line of David is fulfilled with the birth of Jesus. Through this child God would bring saving grace to all people. Ultimately, Jesus’ death and resurrection brings an end to the tyranny of sin and death. God has blessed us with new life. Noel! A new inbreaking of God has begun with this birth.The song goes on to tell of the visit of the magi and their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh as told in the second chapter of Matthew. I remember the scenes in the Church School Christmas pageants when the costumed characters of the kings would kneel before the child with their gifts while we sang the refrain. “Noel Noel, born is the king of Israel.”During these days when we are faced with pandemic and isolated and dealing with dangerous and conflicted days, it helps me to return to the familiar carols of the Christmas season. The stories in song of God’s presence remind me that God is breaking into our world again to bring light and hope and yes, joy. The first noel the angels sang resounds in my heart. “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace among those whom he favors.” My prayer for you this season is for the gifts of the peace and the love of God to fill us all. May we wish each other a truly joyous noel.The First Noel1 The first Noel the angel did saywas to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay;in fields where they lay, keeping their sheep,on a cold winter's night that was so deep.RefrainNoel, Noel, Noel, Noel!Born is the King of Israel.2 They looked up and saw a starshining in the east beyond them far;and to the earth it gave great light,and so it continued both day and night. Refrain3 And by the light of that same starthree wise men came from country far;to seek for a king was their intent,and to follow the star wherever it went. Refrain4 This star drew near to the northwest,o'er Bethlehem it took its rest;and there it did both stop and stayright over the place where Jesus lay. Refrain5 Then entered in those wise men three,full rev'rently upon their knee,and offered there in his presencetheir gold, and myrrh, and frankincense. RefrainNew MembersIf you have been with us in worship and would like to be a full member of OSL, please contact either Pastor Susan Li or Pastor Betsy Dartt. STAYING CONNECTED WHILE APARTPastor Susan and Pastor Betsy are eager to stay connected with you during this time of social distancing! If you have a pastoral concern, or would like to talk, please call the church office, or email us and we will arrange for a time to talk. We pray for you each day, and care about what is happening in your lives. You can reach us directly at: Pastor Susan pastoroslsv1950@ cell phone 507-254-9875 Pastor Betsy betsy.dartt@ cell phone 507-884-4853 Be well. Be safe. God is with you. Pastor Susan and Pastor BetsyWORSHIP ONLINE WITH OUR SAVIOR’S254016637000As we have needed to provide a different way to worship, it is exciting to see the increased views on our YouTube page. Our subscribers have increased, too. You can find us by going to this website:? lists all out of videos. Click on subscribe and you will then get an email update when we post a new video. Or you can go to YouTube and search for Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Spring Valley, MN. Then click on videos that will get to the list of our videos. Please help spread the word about our YouTube site as it is exciting to see how it is growing.?254018161000Call Committee UpdateThe call committee is in the process of interviewing candidates for the position of Lead Pastor.?They have been holding first and second interviews with various candidates as they continue discerning who will be the best fit for our congregation.?? We would like to thank everyone for their prayers and support during this time of discernment..? Please continue to watch the newsletter and worship services for continued updatesMeet your Friends at Bible StudyJoin Pastor Betsy in our ZOOM BIBLE STUDY on Thursdays from 7 to 7:30 p.m. We are discovering the perilous adventures of Paul as he traveled throughout the Mediterranean regions reaching thousands with the good news of Jesus Christ. No experience in Bible Study is necessary. You can listen only, talk and ask questions, make comments, or just find new insights about God.We will meet October 29, November 5, 12, and 19. Open the zoom app and enter the meeting ID 898 7093 4032 and use the password Paul. If you prefer to use your telephone (either landline or cell phone) for an audio connection call 312 626 6799. ?Meeting code: ?898 7093 4032Passcode: ?571021Call if you have questions or need anything.? Betsy’s cell: ?507 884 4853betsy.dartt@Caring & Concerns for members & friends in Special Care Facilities:Spring Valley Senior Living & Rehab:Eileen Freeman, Mary Jane Island (Ken Kraut’s mother), Maxine Jahn, Maxine Mlenar, Donna Rowe, Joan Baarsch, Evelyn ArmstrongSpring Valley Senior Living-Evergreens:Roy & Jan Christopherson, Mick Rathbun, Elaine Sheldon, Lorraine Hancock, Rhoda JonesSpring Valley Estates:Bev Jertson, Anita NelsonSpring Valley Care CenterDelores PetersPrairie Meadows Senior Living, Kasson:Wil & Evelyn MohlisZumbrota Health Care CenterCharlene LenzKnown to have been hospitalizedDuane KnutsonPlease Note!Please remember to have family notify the church office if you are in the hospital. The privacy data laws do not allow the hospital to notify the church of your admittance.Readings for DecemberDecember 6th-2 Advent1st Reading: Isaiah 40:1-11Psalm 85:1-2, 8-132nd Reading: 2 Peter 3: 8-15aGospel: Mark 1: 1-8December 13th 3 Advent1st Reading: Isaiah 61: 1-4, 8-11Psalm 1262nd Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24Gospel: John 1:6-8, 19-28December 20th 4 Advent1st Reading: 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16Luke 1: 46b-552nd Reading: Romans 16: 25-27Gospel: Luke 1: 26-38December 24th Christmas Eve1st Reading: Isaiah 9: 2-7Psalm 962nd Reading: Titus 2: 11-14Gospel: Luke 2: 1-14 (15-20)December 27th 1 Christmas1st Reading: Isaiah 61: 10—62-3Psalm 1482nd Reading: Galatians 4: 4-7Gospel: Luke 2: 22-40Scriptures subject to change.Readings for DecemberDecember 6th-2 Advent1st Reading: Isaiah 40:1-11Psalm 85:1-2, 8-132nd Reading: 2 Peter 3: 8-15aGospel: Mark 1: 1-8December 13th 3 Advent1st Reading: Isaiah 61: 1-4, 8-11Psalm 1262nd Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24Gospel: John 1:6-8, 19-28December 20th 4 Advent1st Reading: 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16Luke 1: 46b-552nd Reading: Romans 16: 25-27Gospel: Luke 1: 26-38December 24th Christmas Eve1st Reading: Isaiah 9: 2-7Psalm 962nd Reading: Titus 2: 11-14Gospel: Luke 2: 1-14 (15-20)December 27th 1 Christmas1st Reading: Isaiah 61: 10—62-3Psalm 1482nd Reading: Galatians 4: 4-7Gospel: Luke 2: 22-40Scriptures subject to change.311151460500311151460500The Spring Valley Area Food Shelf is in need of volunteers to help serve our area families that are short on food. They are open on Wednesdays from 2-4, and Saturdays from 9-11. Providing a safe environment is their priority. If you feel you could give 2 hours that would be much appreciated. If any questions, call Sharon Jahn at 346-2206. Thank you. .November Council Highlights:Worship Ministry Team WELCA Thankoffering service was held outside, Members wore red for Reformation Sunday and the Handbells performed, All Saints Sunday was held, will address communication issues in a couple areas, stewardship temple talks will be given with Stewardship Sunday being November 15, Christ the King Sunday will be November 22 with a baptism this day, Advent begins November 29, and plans are being made for Christmas worship.Membership Worship TeamDeanne Spurgeon and Jan Christianson will continue to be members of the Membership Team, The outdoormovie “I Still Believe” was attended by 17 people, the team will distribute Advent and Communion packets,they will be calling church members to stay in touch and they gave their recommendations for the Adventdonation to the ELCA Good Gifts.Education Ministry Team Pieces of the Christmas program are filmed/photographed, Confirmation is moved to virtual with plans for Confirmation to be the Sunday after Mother’s Day, and this year’s First Communion instruction will be for 5th and 6 grade students.Youth Ministry Team Ann will try to zoom senior league, the youth will not be helping with church Christmas decorating, Love Lights a Tree is planned for November 29th, a retreat is being planned for next summer, and the National Convention is set for July of 2022. Old Business The necessary paper work has been completed regarding the PPP loan—the loan has been forgiven, $5,000.00 of the money received will be used to support the ELCA Good Gifts Program for alternative Christmas giving, and the Call Committee is conducting interviews of potential lead Pastor candidates.New Business The Nominating Committee will be sending letters to possible candidates to fill the various council and board positions, due to the increase in COVID numbers, we will discontinue in-house worship following the November 15, 2020 worship service.Detailed minutes are available on the bulletin board by the Food Cart.--submitted by Helen House, SecretaryExecutive Meeting is December 10, 2020 at 5 p.m.Next council meeting is December 13, 2020 at 10:15 Thank You’sThank you to the many friends who have supported us with cards, notes, calls, and care.? We are grateful for all of you.Gareld and Verna Stockdale.Faith Methodist, Our Savior’s Lutheran, and St Ignatius Catholic shared the hosting of the Community /Red Cross Bloodmobile in Spring Valley.Our Savior’s has just finished their recent turn. If you prepared posters for mailing, worked at the registration or snack table, or did set up/take down, you are greatly appreciated! Those who helped include:Carol Ahern, Jeannette Baker, Brenda Clark, Kathy Clark, Judy Cooper, Vicki Edgar, Diane Hofner, Susie Kohn, Bonnie Kruegel, Marge Lenz, Eileen Rathbun, Judy Rose, Toni Sanders, Gareld Stockdale, and Verna Stockdale.Thank you to our church family for prayers, good wishes, cards and gifts for our 50th Anniversary. Nevin and Debby Groth. Education News!!What is happening in education at OSL? Many changes have happened quickly. I am thankful for the Education Ministry Team that has helped in decision making and ideas to offer families. Currently we are offering two Sunday School options for families. I have put together four-week devotion boxes. Each box has a theme and all needed supplies for the family. The boxes have been available at church for pick up or can be delivered directly to families. The second option for families is Sunday Morning Bible Story Time on Facebook Live videos. After the Live video happens, it is saved and is on Facebook for families to watch at any time.During one of our last Sunday School times together, students dressed and posed for photos to share a simple Christmas message. Watch for the message during Sunday morning worship in December. Confirmation is continuing each Wednesday evening with Zoom meetings. Each class is meeting with their teacher for 40 minutes via zoom for the evening’s lesson. We will need to adjust the plan of service projects so that they can continue individually. The Zoom meetings were planned from the start of the school year. We knew changes were possible and with the unpredictable winter weather, we made the decision to zoom through this time.To the members of OSL, thank you for your continued support of the education programming. Thank you for your financial support to keep our program running through all the changes. As our families transition to full time distance learning for all ages, please continue to pray for them. Pray for the children, their families, and their Teachers as they once again enter this difficult time. Contact Us:Our Savior’s Lutheran Church805 S Broadway AveSpring Valley, MN 55975Ph 507-346-7251Email: oursaviorsspringvalley@Website: Like us on Facebook Our Savior's Lutheran Church, Spring Valley, MN @OSLSVPastor Susan Li Interim Lead PastorCell: 507-254-9875Email: pastoroslsv1950@ Pastor Betsy Dartt-Visitation PastorCell 507-884-4853 betsy.dartt@Staff:Audio/Visual – Darla EricksonBookkeeper – Kathy MerkelCustodian – Toni SandersEducation Coordinator – Gina Jahn Cell 251-1610Music Coordinator/Choir Dir. – Elliott Grandall Handbell Dir. – Myrna LegreidOffice Manager – Amber Hobson Youth Coordinator – Ann Oeltjen: oslsvyouth@Poinsettia’s As we know, it is not a "normal" year. The worship committee plans to get poinsettias for the church sanctuary?but will not be asking you to donate or bring them to the church. Instead we will recognize?monetary donations?to the ELCA Global Ministries and “Good Gifts program”. You can find opportunities to change people’s lives with your gifts by going online to . Search for “Good Gifts”..?For your convenience, please fill out the coupon, and bring into or mail to the church office by December 22, 2020.Christmas Memorial GIFTSCouponDonations are received in memory of or in honor of loved ones or friends.___in memory of ____in honor of________________________________Given by___________________________ Please return to office by Dec. 22, 2020.______Donation to elca ‘Good Gifts” Checks payable to OSL. Please return to office by Dec. 22, 2020.Remember our Deadlines-Articles and announcements for the newsletter are due by the 17th of the month. Announcements for the worship bulletin, Thursday by noon. Thank you! Decorating CommitteeIf you know of a group or individual that would like to have the old 12 foot Christmas Tree, Please let Michelle Plaehn, Julie Back, or Carol Copeman know. Thank you.2020 Community Christmas Dinner CancelledDue to utmost concern and care for the safety and well-being of our community and with deepest regrets, the Spring Valley Area Ministerial Association has decided to cancel the community gathering for Christmas dinner that is customarily served on Christmas Day. We will miss the comradery and Christian fellowship that is extended during that meal on Christmas Day, but trust that everyone will stay safe and enjoy time with their families during this holiday of remembering and celebrating the greatest gift ever given, the Lord Jesus Christ. We will anticipate hosting the Community Christmas Day Dinner again in 2021. With and in the love of Christ, Spring Valley Ministerial AssociationBell RingingSpring Valley Kiwanis is looking for volunteers to ring the bell for the Salvation Army kettle at Sunshine Foods and Ace Hardware. You can sign up to ring at or For more information, contact Jay at 507-346-1751. Thank you!BirthdaysEleanor Swenson celebrated her 102nd Birthday on November 29th. Cards can be mailed to her at 12436 14th St, Yucaipa CA, 92399Meals on WheelsLinda Niemeyer will be delivering instead of Kay NelsonMemorials and HonorariumsIn Memory of Brad Knutson at Christmastime Memorial FundLavonne KnutsonCommunion Can Come to YouWe are now able to bring communion to your home when you are not able to attend worship on Sunday mornings at OSL. Pastor Betsy is coordinating this ministry. A grace bag with the bread and wine and other worship aids is delivered to your home or the care centers after worship on the second and fourth Sundays of the month. Pastor Betsy will telephone on weekday afternoons to do the service with you. Calls can be on zoom or facetime if available at your house as well. If a specific time is important, you can arrange it with Pastor Betsy at 507 884 4853.In these changing days of risk with the Corona virus, many are not choosing to gather with large numbers of people. Families worshipping at home with Youtube or Facebook can request to have elements brought to your home. If you would like to be part of this ministry by delivering grace bags from time to time, please call Pastor Betsy. We are a church that welcomes the real presence of Jesus Christ in our people wherever they may be.We appreciate all your time that you give to the church.?If you are unable for any reason to volunteer, please let the church office know at 507-346-7251. We understand during these challenging times that it may not work for you. December 6:?Altar Guild - Ann Thon – no CommScripture Reader – Jon DahlVideographer – Christopher Knode?December 13:?Altar Guild – Dawn Webster - CommScripture Reader – Jerry KlevanVideographer – Garrison Hubka?December 20:?Altar Guild – Annette Hyland - no CommScripture Reader – Nancy StenderVideographer – Kaden Rath?December 24:?Altar Guild – Eileen Rathbun & Carol Ahern - CommScripture Reader – Gina JahnVideographer – Rick JahnDecember 27:?Altar Guild – Gladys Peterson - CommScripture Reader – Zach QueenslandVideographer – Nora Jahn.In the interest of your health and safety, as well as that of others, the church office is closed and will be open by appointment only. We would like to limit the number of people in the building at any given time. If you have a business need or question here at the office, please call our Office Manager, Amber, at 507-346-7251. If you call ahead we can arrange for a time to meet with you or help answer any questions you may have over the phone. Current office hours are Monday-Thursday, from 9:00am until 2:30pm. Closed on Fridays. We are continually reviewing our practices in light of the risk of Covid transmission and other health concerns. Thank you for understanding. ? Questions or concerns? Contact Pastor Susan by calling her at church or email her at?pastoroslsv1950@.? Please recycle this newsletter whenyou are finished with it.-1524007191375Our Savior’s Lutheran ChurchNON-PROFIT, ORG805 S Broadway Ave U.S. Postage PaidSpring Valley, MN 55975 Spring Valley, MNAddress Service Requested Permit #71December 202000Our Savior’s Lutheran ChurchNON-PROFIT, ORG805 S Broadway Ave U.S. Postage PaidSpring Valley, MN 55975 Spring Valley, MNAddress Service Requested Permit #71December 2020 SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1center945515 ................

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