
Christmas – What is it?

Chatteris Connect

Majors Richard & Pauline

07871 923337



Well! Here we are. We’ve arrived in December, the last month of this year 2020. Over recent days, there has been a lot of talk and discussion about Christmas. What we should do, and what we shouldn’t do. It’s all been a bit confusing. There have been many opinions, for instance I’ve heard some say, ‘that they won’t have Christmas this year,’ or ‘we’re going to have to cancel Christmas this year’. But the truth of the matter is, they’ll always be a Christmas – it’s in the name ‘Christ’. Originally, the word Christmas comes from Middle English Cristemasse, which in turn comes from the Old English Cristes-messe, literally meaning Christ's Mass. But like so many things through the centuries the words became one and now has in the worldly sense a totally different meaning, but the truth of the matter is That Jesus is the Reason for the Season’.

This year, Christmas will take on a whole new prospective. Traditionally, families love to get together and celebrate together, but this will be very difficult for most families having to be careful and to adhere to the lockdown rules – wash hands – wear a mask – keep your distance. It seems through the year, that we’ve been on a roller coaster – lockdown – freedom – lockdown – more freedom =??? You can answer that!

It got me thinking how over the years, as a family how we have celebrated. As a child growing up, grandparents came for Christmas, and in those days always seemed that we had snow at Christmas, the postman brought the first post, and the milkman came on his round and sometimes stopped for coffee and a mince pie.

Then moving on to our own family, Richard and myself, most of our years were in Salvation Army Social Services Centres where we had a much bigger family. Just after Jonathan was born we were in Charge of the Salvation Army’s 2nd largest Men’s Hostel in London (approximately 400 men). Christmas was amazing. Christmas Eve around midnight, we would walk the dormitories with some of the staff and sing carols to the men, and leave a Christmas card on each bed – emotional responses was an understated word.

Christmas day started with a cooked breakfast with the men in the canteen, with Simon & Timothy helping out, a short Carol Service in the Chapel (which was always packed to capacity with some men standing in the corridor) followed by morning coffee and chocolate biscuits. Then at lunch-time the men were all seated at the decorated tables, with sparkling juice, and a three course Christmas Dinner being served by the Officers and staff. And Father Christmas popping in with Christmas presents for everyone. It was also traditional that either the General or the Chief-of-the-Staff would pop-in to wish the men a happy Christmas, not from a platform but walking around and having a conversation with them. Then at 3pm all went silence as we listened to Her Majesty the Queen. The day would close around tea-time with an open Buffet. This was a day for the men to bring the Christmas Spirit into their lives for one day, and give them the best Christmas we could. What a privilege it was to serve those who were away from their families – for whatever reason – and for the boys, an opportunity to bring a little bit of family into their hearts.

Our family Christmas Day was on Boxing Day – and although the boys had opened some presents on Christmas Day, they enjoyed opening more on Boxing Day – they wouldn’t have had it any other way.

Then later on, when we went to Germany to serve the Lord with the Salvation Army in a Social Therapeutic Centre in Cologne, Christmas (Weihnachten) was totally different in how it was celebrated. Advent in Germany was very important, and on the 1st December in offices, shops, schools, homes etc., a candle was lit on desk and tables and remained up until Christmas Eve. Then on Christmas Eve the whole family celebrated together. They would decorate the tree, have their main meal, which was duck, and then they would open presents around the tree. Some families would go to mass at midnight, whilst other families would sing carols together in the family home, and especially the German traditional Carol – Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht’ (Silent Night, Holy Night). This was an experience we shall never forget.

I could say so much more of our experiences which have been so varied over the years, But at the centre of it all is ‘Jesus’, however we celebrate, this year will be no different, we will still put Jesus at the centre. Circumstances may be different, but to be safe, we all have to adapt and keep safe and well.

I leave you with this poem by Lemoyne Bowyer:

Christmas - What is it For?

Christmas time, full of glitter and rhyme,

Tinselled tree, gifts for you and me,

Plenty of singing and bells ringing,

So much food on our plate

We put on weight.

But what is it for?

What's it really about?

It's about a child born in a shed,

Animals at his feet and his head,

Muck and straw all over the floor

An animal food box for a bed

To lay this tiny new-born's head.

In the wretched cold and dark

This child immediately made his mark

As he took his first steps

To the cross made for him.

And what was it for?

What was it really for?

It was for us.

Enjoy your Christmas, have fun and lots more.

But don't forget what it's really for.

It's for you. It's for us.

Happy Christmas.



Answers to Sudoku:

|2 |9 |7 |

| | | |

|Uruguay |6. George |10. Butterfly |

| | | |

|Donald Trump |7. King James 1 (James of |11. The Ewing’s |

| |Scotland V1) | |

| | | |

|Cornwall |8. Jolly Roger |12. Black Bess |

| | | |

Answer to the Quiz on Bible Heroes:


| | | |


| | | |


| | | |


A ‘Big Thank You’

To all those who have helped at the Charity Shop with the Table Top sales over the past couple of weeks. It was a great success.

Also to all those who have been delivering meals on wheels and Christmas Joy, as well as to Jonathan Cook for keeping the Chatteris Salvation Army Facebook page up-to-date.

We would also say thank you to those who have played their part in helping families in the community with clothing, bedding and for the toys that have already been distributed to families who have sought, or have been referred to us for help. So many have said thank you.

Thank you also to all our Volunteers in the shop or in the community who have and are still working so hard to make Christmas special for so many in these difficult times.

Christmas Decorations Crossword


3. Round and colourful on the tree

6. It was originally only silver

8. Guided the wise men

9. The true Christmas scene

11. Don’t forget to kiss under it!


1. Heavenly messenger

2. Red, white and sweet

4. Hang it ready for Father Christmas

5. Hang it on the front door

7. They brighten up the room

10. Green and tall

Christmas Quiz:

Find below Quotes, Verse or a Lyric. Please indicate from which Book, Film of Song they are quoted from. As Hercule Poirot often quotes – we need to test the old grey cells!

For example,

1. ‘Just remember, the true Spirit of Christmas lies within your heart.’ (K – The Polar Express)

2. ‘Christmas Eve will find me, where the love light gleams. I’ll be home for Christmas, if only in my dreams.’

3. ‘Hark, now, hear the angels sing, a new king born today.’

4. ‘What if Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store? What if Christmas … perhaps ... means a little bit more!’

5. ‘One seems to hear words of good cheer from everywhere, filling the air.’

6. ‘A very merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year. Let’s hope it’s a good one without any fear.’

7. ‘Led by the light of faith serenity beaming.’

8. ‘I believe, I believe. It’s silly but I believe!’

9. ‘I will try to honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all year.’

10. ‘He sees you when you’re sleeping. He knows you when you’re awake.’

11. ‘One can never have enough socks. Another Christmas has come and gone and I didn’t get a single pair.’

12. ‘Will you please tell Santa that instead of presents this year, I just want my family back.’

13. ‘The child is a King, the carollers sing.’

14. ‘Always winter but never Christmas.’

15. ‘I gotta tell you Santa, there’s something about this place that doesn’t seem quite… Kosher.’

Select below the answers from which Book, Film of Song they come:

A. ‘Carol of the bells’

B. ‘Santa Claus is coming to town’

C. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone – J.K. Rowling

D. How the Grinch stole Christmas – Dr. Seuss

E. ’O Holy Night’

F. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe – C.S. Lewis

G. Jingle all the way (1996)

H. ‘Mary’s boy child’

I. Miracle on 34th Street (1947)

J. ‘Happy Xmas (War is over)’

K. The Polar Express

L. A Christmas Carol – Charles Dickens

M. ‘Mistletoe and wine’

N. ‘I’ll be home for Christmas’

O. Home Alone (1990)

Thoughts for Advent:

‘Then the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for behold,

I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people’.

Luke 2:10

Song 114 ‘Light of the world …’

|Light of the world |King of all days |

|You stepped down into darkness |Oh so highly exalted |

|Opened my eyes, let me see |Glorious in heaven above |

|Beauty that made this heart adore You |Humbly You came |

|Hope of a life spent with You |to the earth You created |

| |All for love's sake became poor |

|So Here I am to worship | |

|Here I am to bow down |And I’ll never know how much it cost |

|Here I am to say that You're my God |To see my sin upon that cross |

|You're altogether lovely |And I’ll never know how much it cost |

|Altogether worthy |To see my sin upon that cross |

|Altogether wonderful to me | |

| |Tim Hughes |

Prayer Father God,

thank you for your faithfulness to us.

In this uncertain world,

we thank You that You are the same,

today, as yesterday and will be forever.

Help us to ponder Your love and sacrifice

During this time of Advent.

For those who are finding this time difficult,

Draw near to them, comfort,

strengthen and uphold them,

May they know that love came down at Christmas,

Holy is Your Name. Amen


Take a Moment

Three things the angel said to the shepherds:

1. Don’t be afraid.

2. I bring you Good News.

3. Causing great Joy for all.

1. Often we read in the Bible that we are told not to be afraid, why? Because God says, ‘I Am with you’. That is reassuring. The shepherds were told ‘Do not be afraid’. Let’s give our fears to God.

2. ‘I bring good news’. The good news of the birth of a baby. We all like good news - it’s been a difficult year, so any good news is welcome. But this wasn’t an ordinary baby, He was the Son of God, the Light of the world, the dawn of a new day! They went to find Him, and they worshipped Him.

3. ‘Causing great Joy for all’. The shepherds went back to their fields with joy, the Son of God was born. Things have been at there worst this year, not much call to be joyful. But that’s when the Joy that Jesus brings can give us the strength we need. Perhaps joy seems far away for you at this time, but be reminded, ‘the Joy of the Lord is your strength’ (Nehemiah 8:10 (O.T.)) Joy is not some fleeting happiness, or a feeling, but a deep rooted peace that comes from Jesus Himself. The Joy of His love and presence can be yours today and forever.

If you don’t understand what I am saying, please get in contact with me.

Pauline Cook (Major)

Song 113 ‘Joy to the world…’

|Joy to the world! The Lord is come |Repeat the sounding joy |

|Let earth receive her King! |Repeat the sounding joy |

|Let every heart prepare Him room |Repeat, repeat the sounding joy |

|And heaven and nature sing | |

|And heaven and nature sing |He rules the world with truth and grace |

|And heaven, and heaven and nature sing |And makes the nations prove |

| |And glories of His righteousness |

|Joy to the world! The Saviour reigns |And wonders of His love |

|Let men their songs employ |And wonders of His love |

|While fields and floods |And wonders, wonders of His love |

|Rocks, hills and plains | |

| |Isaac Watts |


Thank you God, for your gift beyond words,

Thank you God, for your gift beyond words,

We thank you for giving us Jesus,

Thank you God, for your gift beyond words.

Adopted by John Larsson

Please look out for each other, and pray for one another.





Rough sleeping is the most visible, extreme and damaging form of homelessness. People who are sleeping rough will sometimes sleep outside on the streets in doorways, parks or bus shelters or other places not designed for living.

Every year, and traditionally, the Salvation Army in Chatteris make a point of seeking donations to help Rough Sleepers and Homeless people. This year, sadly, the amount of people finding themselves in such a position has increased dramatically due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, losing their homes, marriage breakdown, turning to addictions to bring relief from the situation, loss of a loved one, mental illness and many more underlying and unseen circumstances. For some, as the caption says above, ‘I’m not an Alcoholic, I’m not a Junkie, I’m homeless and hungry, please help me if you can’. Sometimes people are quick to point the finger at people in such circumstances and have their own opinions, but as the caption says, ‘Never look down on anyone, unless you’re helping them up’. Always remember, that whatever your opinion is, you may be but a step away from homelessness yourself.

Please help us again this year to help someone who needs our help by making a donation that will enable us to help meet some of their basic needs. Last year, we raised almost £800. If you wish to help, please donate by Cheque (made out to Salvation Army Chatteris) or Cash. However, due to Lockdown and uncertainty in December, please send donations to Mr. Gerald Day, Sally Ann’s, 38 High Street, Chatteris, PE16 6BH, or Telephone Gerald on 07730 123313

Salvation Army Chatteris

Website & Face Book Page

We are pleased to announce that both of these sites are now up and running and can be accessed by typing in the following details into your browser:

Website: Chatteris Salvation Army

Facebook: Chatteris Salvation Army
















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