2021 UNC Commencement Graduates - Foleon


2021 Graduates


two thousand twenty-one commencement

the university of north carolina at chapel hill


May 2021

Degree candidates' names are followed by their area of major study, dissertation or project title and the name of their doctoral advisor.

The Graduate School

ESTABLISHED 1903 Dean Suzanne Barbour


Salvatore Jude Affinito, Business Administration, Am I Myself at Work? Engagement, Identity, and Role Transitions. Professor Michael Christian.

Megan Agajanian, Pharmacology, Kinase Regulation of WNT Signaling. Professor Michael Major.

Karar Z. Ahsan, Maternal and Child Health, Equity in Maternal Health Services Use in Bangladesh: An Analysis of Social Gradients, Demographic and Structural Determinants, and Major Policy Changes. Professor Gustavo Angeles.

Dayuma Alban, Anthropology, The Gender of Oil: Gender Dynamics and Oil Extraction in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Professor Florence Babb.

Katherine Isabelle Albanese, Chemistry, Measuring Noncovalent Interactions Involved in the Recognition of Histone Post-Translational Modifications and Engineering Reader Protein Scaffolds Into Improved Tools for Epigenetics Research. Professor Marcey Waters.

Karel P. Alcedo, Cell Biology and Physiology, CD73 is a Critical Regulator of Hepatocytes in Homeostasis and Disease. Professor Natasha Snider.

Jill Williamson Alty, Chemistry, Amidyl Radical-Mediated Polyolefin C - H Functionalization. Professors Frank Leibfarth and Erik Alexanian.

Yao An, Physics, In Situ Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Investigation of Molecular Adsorption and Kinetics: MetalOrganic Frameworks, Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Surfaces, and Shales. Professor Sean Washburn.

Lucas Argentieri Mariani, Economics, Essays on Banking. Professor Anusha Chari.

David Attewell, Political Science, Redistribution Attitudes and Socio-Structural Conflict in Postindustrial Europe. Professor Gary Marks.

Nora Katherine Augustine, English and Comparative Literature, Extra/Ordinary Minds: Mad Genius Rhetoric and Women's Memoirs of Mental Illness. Professor Jordynn Jack.

Aya Avishai, Psychology, Realizing the Tobacco Endgame: Understanding and Mobilizing Support for Banning Cigarettes in the United States. Professor Paschal Sheeran.

Santosh Balakrishnan, Biomedical Engineering, Endoscopic Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging of the Airway. Professor Amy Oldenburg.

Rachel Bangle, Chemistry, Interfacial Electron Transfer for Solar Energy Conversion: Kinetic and Mechanistic Insights. Professor Gerald Meyer.

Aliosha Celeste Barranco Lopez, Philosophy, HingeCommitments as Arational Beliefs. Professors Ram Neta and Alex Worsnip.

Yasmin V. Barrios, Epidemiology, Maternal Psychosocial Adversity and Pregnancy and Delivery Complications Associated With Perinatal Depression and Anxiety: A Cumulative Index Approach. Professor Joanna Maselko.

William Belzak, Psychology, Using Regularization to Evaluate Differential Item Functioning Among Multiple Covariates: A Penalized Expectation-Maximization Algorithm via Coordinate Descent and Soft-Thresholding. Professor Daniel Bauer.

Sofia Benson-Goldberg, Speech and Hearing Sciences, Quantifying Emergent Literacy Learning Opportunities Extended to Students With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and Complex Communication Needs in Special Education. Professor Karen Erickson.

Stephanie Berger, Anthropology, Exploring Pre-Columbian Health and Lifeways in the Greater Cocl? Region, Panama. Professor Dale Hutchinson.

Marc Besson, Mathematics, Twisted Affine Schubert Varieties and Twisted Affine Demazure Modules. Professor Jiuzu Hong.

Siddhartha Biswas, Economics, Federal Student Loans, College Choice, and Student Welfare. Professor Donna Gilleskie.

Christopher Blake-Turner, Philosophy, Basing is Committing: Essays on Reasoning, Rationality, and Logic. Professor Ram Neta.

Hunter Nicole Bomba, Pharmaceutical Sciences, A Biomaterials Approach to Increasing the Persistence of Induced Neural Stem Cells in the Glioblastoma Tumor Resection Cavity. Professor Shawn Hingtgen.

Alyssa Bowen, History, Chile in Our Hearts: The Chile Solidarity Movement of Spain and the Rise of (Neo)Liberal Democracy, 1973 ? 1998. Professors Miguel La Serna and Klaus Larres.

Francesco Bratos, Romance Languages and Literatures, Italian Crime Fiction and the Global Penal State. Professor Serenella Iovino.

two thousand twenty-one commencement

the university of north carolina at chapel hill

Wyatt Haynes Bridgman, Mathematics, Nonlinear Model Reduction of Stochastic Microdynamics. Professor Sorin Mitran.

Brendan Brown, Statistics and Operations Research, Convergence Questions for Reflected Diffusions Arising From Interacting Particles. Professor Sayan Banerjee.

Quinton Bruch, Chemistry, Investigations of Dinitrogen Fixation via an N2 Cleavage Pathway. Professor Alexander Miller.

Maury Bruhn, Romance Languages and Literatures, Seeing Impossible Things: Proust and the Reader's Visual Imagination. Professor Jessica Tanner.

Zachary Buchin, Psychology, Retrieval-Based Learning and Element Interactivity: The Role of Prior Knowledge. Professor Neil Mulligan.

Destiney Buelto, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Regulation of Post-Endocytic Membrane Traffic by Arf GTPase Activating Proteins and Non-Endocytic Clathrin Adaptors. Professor Mara Duncan.

Robin M. Buller, History, Ottoman Jews in Paris: Sephardi Immigrant Community, Culture, and Identity, 1918 ? 1939. Professors Karen Auerbach and Donald Reid.

Tyler Sinclair Bunzey, English and Comparative Literature, Writing in the Break: On the Textuality of Hip-Hop. Professor GerShun Avilez.

Kimberly Burnett, English and Comparative Literature, "Up Above My Head": Gospel Music and the Sonic Fictions of Black Womanhood in Twentieth-Century African American Literature. Professor Danielle Christmas.

Jeffery Todd Burroughs, Public Policy, Bargaining Over Boots on the Ground: Civil-Military Decision-Making on Force Allocation. Professor Patricia Sullivan.

John Shields Caldwell, Musicology, Songs From the Other Side: Listening to Pakistani Voices in India. Professor Michael Figueroa.

Kevin Cannon, Biology, Assembly of Septins on Curved Membranes: From Single Molecules to Higher-Order Structures. Professor Amy Gladfelter.

Juan Carvajal Garcia, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Mechanism and Genetics of Polymerase Theta-Mediated End Joining. Professors Dale Ramsden and Jeff Sekelsky.

Josie Caves Sivaraman, Epidemiology, The Association Between Mental Health/Substance Use Disorders and Suicide in the North Carolina Medicaid Population. Professor Stephen Marshall.

Praneeth Chakravarthula, Computer Science, Towards EverydayUse Augmented Reality Eyeglasses. Professor Henry Fuchs.

Youthika Chauhan, Business Administration, Essays on Social Entrepreneurship in Low-/Low-Middle-Income Countries. Professor Hugh O'Neill.

Yuzhi Chen, Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Characterizing the Effects of Aerosol Sulfate, Phase State and Aging on Atmospheric Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation From Isoprene Epoxydiols. Professor Jason Surratt.

Thomas W. Christy, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Shape-Jump: RNA-RNA Interactions Detected via Covalent Linkage and Reverse Transcription. Professor Kevin Weeks.

Danielle Sinead Chun, Epidemiology, Methodological Approaches for Conducting Claims-Based Studies in Patients Diagnosed With Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma. Professor Jennifer Lund.

Nicholas Robert Colaianni, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, How Do Plants Accommodate Immune Surveillance and Commensal Community Formation? Professors Jeffery Dangl and Corbin Jones.

Michel Anthony Companion, Psychology, Assessment of Lateral Habenula-Projecting Central Amygdala Circuits and Their Role in Binge-Like Ethanol Consumption. Professor Todd Thiele.

Yidan Cong, Chemistry, Machine Learning Assisted Strategic Synthesis of Tissue Mimetic Elastomers. Professors Sergei Sheiko and Wei You.

Michael Evan Conroy, Statistics and Operations Research, Rare Event Analysis for Branching Processes and Interacting Particle Systems. Professors Amarjit Budhiraja and Mariana Olvera-Cravioto.

Premela G. Deck, Social Work, The Development and Psychometric Testing of the Parents Divorcing Conflict Measurement Tool. Professor Kim Strom.

Miheer Dewaskar, Statistics and Operations Research, HighDimensional Problems in Statistics and Probability: Correlation Mining and Distributed Load Balancing. Professors Andrew Nobel and Shankar Bhamidi.

John Nathaniel Diehl, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Investigation of the Kinome in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma. Professor Channing Der.

Elsabe Cornelia Dixon, American Studies, Building the White Right of Textile Work: Dan River Mills and the Development of Schoolfield Village, 1882 ? 1931. Professor Seth Kotch.

Matthew Dixon, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Effect of Colorectal Cancer on Antidepressant Medication Utilization and the Factors Associated With Discontinuation Among Medicare Patients. Professor Jennifer Lafata.

Kathy T. Do, Psychology, Neurodevelopmental Changes in Parent and Peer Influence on Risky Decision Making Across Adolescence. Professor Eva Telzer.

Thomas John Dombrowski, Physics, From Single to Collective: Model Swimmers at Intermediate Reynolds Numbers. Professor Daphne Klotsa.

Kathryn E. Dorney, Speech and Hearing Sciences, Receptive Language in IEPs of Students With Significant Cognitive Disabilities and Complex Communication Needs. Professor Karen Erickson.

Elc Alleb Christian Estrera, Public Policy, Three Essays on Education Policy. Professor Steven Hemelt.

Brian Kenneth Fennessy, History, Reconstructed Rebels: ExConfederates in the Republican Party. Professor Harry Watson.

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the university of north carolina at chapel hill

Elyas Fermand, Business Administration, Investment With Social Impact: Evidence From Commercial Real Estate Investment by Public Pension Funds. Professors Camelia Kuhnen and Jacob Sagi.

Petrus Hendrik Ferreira, Business Administration, The Liquidity, Precision, and Comparability Effects of ASC 606: Revenue From Contracts With Customers. Professor Wayne Landsman.

Dayne Lewis Filer, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Tools and Statistical Approaches for Integrating DNA Sequencing Into Clinical Care. Professor Kirk Wilhelmsen.

Lindsey Marie Filiatreau, Epidemiology, A Closer Look at Psychosocial Stressors and HIV Treatment and Care Outcomes Among Youth With HIV in Rural South Africa in the Era of Universal Test and Treat. Professor Audrey Pettifor.

Candice Shields Fleming Powell, Education, Black (Counter-) Storytelling at an HWCU: Students and Personnel Coping With Racial Tension in 2020. Professor Sherick Hughes.

Megan Magee Ford, Chemistry, Phosphorylation and Beyond: Exploration of TOR-Mediated PTM Signaling in Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii. Professor Leslie Hicks.

Hannabeth Franchino-Olsen, Maternal and Child Health, Minor Sex Trafficking and Violence Victimization: Experiences of Interpersonal Violence Among Minors Who Have Experienced Sex Trafficking in the United States. Professor Sandra Martin.

Therese Meghan Gerbich, Biology, Phosphorylation Provides Functional Specificity to PolyQ-Dependent Assembies in a Common Cytoplasm. Professor Amy Gladfelter.

Claire Chipman Gilliland, Sociology, Clergy Voices: How Conflicts Over Racism and Sexuality in America are Framed From the Pulpit. Professor Lisa Pearce.

Matthew William Glasscott, Chemistry, Nanodroplet-Mediated Electrodeposition: Fundamental Principles and Applications to Nanomaterial Synthesis. Professor Jeffrey Dick.

Dmitro Golovanich, Mathematics, Potential Perturbations of the 3D Nonlinear Schr?dinger Equation. Professor Jeremy Marzuola.

Lea Helena Greenberg, German Studies, Curious Daughters: Language, Literacy, and Jewish Female Desire in German and Yiddish Literature From 1793 to 1916. Professor Ruth von Bernuth.

Ida Griesemer, Health Behavior, A Mixed Methods Study of an Organizational Change Intervention to Increase Racial Equity in Cancer Care. Professor Alexandra Lightfoot.

Ashley C. Griffin, Health Informatics, Conversational Agents and Connected Devices to Support Chronic Disease SelfManagement. Professor Arlene Chung.

Melissa Grimes, Psychology, Sleep in Infancy: A Comprehensive Examination of Its Measurement, Predictors, and Associations With Child Development. Professor Cathi Propper.

C. Tilden Hagan IV, Biomedical Engineering, Drug Delivery and Cancer Therapy Through Micro and Nano Scale Engineered Devices. Professor Shelton Earp.

Amber Dawn Haley, Health Policy and Management, Promoting Equity in Implementation Science: Researcher Readiness for Stakeholder Engagement, Patient-Centered Implementation, and Tracking Strategy Modification. Professors Byron Powell and Christopher Shea.

Wesley Hamilton, Mathematics, Graph Nodal Domains and Data. Professor Jeremy Marzuola.

Julie Hasken, Nutrition, Maternal Weight and Diet as Protective Factors Against the Adverse Effects of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure. Professor Philip May.

Lawrence Patrick Havlik, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Enhancing AAV Human Hepatotropism and Antibody Evasion. Professor Aravind Asokan.

Darren W. Hearn, Human Movement Science, Combining Individual Kinetic and Kinematic Profiles: A Novel Approach to Injury Prevention. Professor Darin Padua.

Matt Hernandez, Philosophy, Perceiving Through the Racial Veil: The Inner Moral Life of Racism. Professor Susan Wolf.

Kimberly Anne Lancaster Hirsh, Information and Library Science, Where'd You Get Those Nightcrawler Hands? The Information Literacy Practices of Cosplayers. Professor Sandra Hughes-Hassell.

Chad Michael Hobson, Physics, On the Biomechanics of Cell Nuclei: Insights From Combined Force and Light Microscopy. Professors Richard Superfine and Michael Falvo.

Natalie Holmberg Holmberg-Douglas, Chemistry, Arene and Aza-Heterocycle Functionalization via Organic Photoredox Catalysis. Professor David Nicewicz.

Donald Holmes II, English and Comparative Literature, Black Diplomatic Rhetoric: Literacy, Personhood, and Citizenship in Eighteenth-Century Black America. Professors Jordynn Jack and Candace Epps-Robertson.

Robin Holmes, Art History, Colonial Subjects: French Representations of North African Men Under Colonization. Professor Daniel Sherman.

Herbie Huang, Business Administration, Climate Disclosures, Supplier Governance, and Market Solutions on Environmental Sustainability. Professor Jayashankar Swaminathan.

Justin Taylor Huckaby, Biomedical Engineering, Engineering Bispecific Antibodies for Modular and Highly Efficient Targeted Drug and Gene Delivery Applications. Professors Samuel Lai and David Zaharoff.

Bashima Islam, Computer Science, Scheduling Tasks on Intermittently Powered Real-Time Systems. Professor Shahriar Nirjon.

Md Tamzeed Islam, Computer Science, Robust Audio and WiFi Sensing via Domain Adaptation and Knowledge Sharing From External Domains. Professor Shahriar Nirjon.

Hailey J. James, Health Policy and Management, What Happens When Hospitals No Longer Have a Volume Incentive? Examining the Maryland Global Budget Revenue Program. Professors Alyssa Mansfield Damon and George Pink.

two thousand twenty-one commencement

the university of north carolina at chapel hill

Samuel Jeralds, Mathematics, Root Components and the Tensor Decomposition Problem for Affine Lie Algebras. Professor Shrawan Kumar.

Jing Jiang, Communication Studies, Bounded Imagination: Revisiting Work Identity, Spatial-Temporal Materiality, and Development Discourses in Chinese Apparel Manufacturing. Professor Sarah Dempsey.

Megan Justice, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Determinants of Cohesin Localization and Function in Genome Organization and Gene Expression. Professor Jill Dowen.

Ryan Kandrack, Health Policy and Management, Promise and Performance of Primary Care Vertical Integration: Effects On Spending, Utilization, and Quality of Care for Medicare Feefor-Service Beneficiaries. Professor Mark Holmes.

Lauren Haley Katz, Oral and Craniofacial Biomedicine, Molecular Mechanisms of Craniofacial Skeletal Muscle Regeneration. Professors James White and Eric Everett.

Blake Keeler, Mathematics, The Two-Point Weyl Law on Manifolds Without Conjugate Points. Professor Yaiza Canzani.

Lucas Kelley, History, "It is Right to Mark Our Boundaries on the Map": Native Sovereignty and American Empire in the Tennessee and Cumberland Valleys, 1770 ? 1820. Professor Harry Watson.

Pranav Khandelwal, Biology, How Do Animals Glide in Their Natural Habitat? A Holistic Approach Using the Flying Lizard Draco Dussumieri. Professor Tyson Hedrick.

Lauren B. Klein, Social Work, Campus Sexual and Relationship Violence and LBGTQ+ Students: Implications for Prevention. Professor Rebecca Macy.

Edana Ann Kleinhans, German Studies, Love, Power, and the Sovereign in Female Courtly Biographies of the Habsburg Empire. Venus and Her Scepter: Tu Felix Austria. Professor Ruth von Bernuth.

Korkeat Korkeathikhun, Mathematics, Nilpotent Varieties in Symmetric Spaces and Twisted Affine Schubert Varieties. Professor Jiuzu Hong.

Oleh Krupa, Biomedical Engineering, Imaging Genetic Influences on Brain Structure at Cellular Resolution. Professor Jason Stein.

Manish Kumar, Health Informatics, Development of National and Sub-National Electronic Health Records to Enable Health Data Exchange for Improved Maternal Health Service Delivery and Program: The Case of a Tertiary Care State Government Hospital in India. Professor Javed Mostafa.

Cody Ayler LaBelle, Biomedical Engineering, Automated Microraft Array Platform for Immune Cell Assays and Cell Sorting. Professor Shawn Gomez.

Taylor Marie Lagler, Biostatistics, Characterizing Chromatin Interactions. Professor Yun Li.

Valerie Johanne Langlois, Psychology, Investigating the Role of Distribution in Syntactic Comprehension. Professor Jennifer Arnold.

Francisco Jose Laso, Geography, Agriculture, Wildlife, and Conservation in the Galapagos Islands. Professor Stephen Walsh.

Max Lazar, History, Jerusalem on the Main: Jewish Integration in Frankfurt, 1914 ? 1938. Professors Konrad Jarausch and Karen Auerbach.

Jee Yun Lee, Biology, Unexpected Paternal Mitochondrial Inheritance in Inter-Population Hybrids, and Salinity Tolerance in Genetically Divergent Populations of the Marine Copepod Tigriopus Californicus. Professor Christopher Willett.

Seulki Lee, Computer Science, Enabling Deep Intelligence on Embedded Systems. Professor Shahriar Nirjon.

Sequoia Iris Leuba, Epidemiology, Predictors and the Effects on Maternal and Birth Outcomes of Plasmodium Falciparum Infection in the First Trimester Among Nulliparous Women From the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, and Zambia. Professor Daniel Westreich.

Sally Elizabeth Lewis, Chemistry, Perfluoroalkylation of Commodity Plastics and Kinetic Resolution Polymerization of Cyclic Monomers. Professors Frank Leibfarth and Andrey Dobrynin.

Gang Li, Statistics and Operations Research, Coupling Machine Learning With Fiducial Inference, Genetics and Epigenetics. Professors Jan Hannig and Yun Li.

Jie Li, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Understanding the Role of H3K36 Methylation During Development and Pathogenesis. Professor Greg Wang.

Dan Liang, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Genetic and Parent-of-Origin Effects on Cell-Type Specific Chromatin Accessibility During Human Neuronal Differentiation. Professor Jason Stein.

Sheng Liu, Computer Science, Efficient and Safe Migration of Network Functions Using Software-Defined Networking. Professor Michael Reiter.

Eli J. LoCicero, Economics, Raising Rivals' Costs Through Product Characteristics: Evidence From Remanufactured Goods. Professor Jonathan Williams.

Ruibin Ma, Computer Science, Computer-Aided Visualization of Colonoscopy. Professors Stephen Pizer and Jan-Michael Frahm.

Emily A. Madden, Microbiology and Immunology, Using ShapeMap to Identify Functional RNA Secondary Structures in RNA Viruses. Professor Mark Heise.

Sarah Ann Marks, Chemistry, Mechanistic Studies of Human RNase H2. Professor Dorothy Erie.

Ashley Ann Mattheis, Communication Studies, Fierce Mamas: New Maternalism, Social Surveillance, and the Politics of Solidarity. Professor Kumarini Silva.

Charles E. Midthun, Education, The Diffusion of State Teacher Pension Privatization in the United States. Professor Eric Houck.

Andrey Minaev, Economics, Steering of Consumer Search by Information Intermediaries: The Value of Consumers' Personal Data. Professors Fei Li and Brian McManus.

two thousand twenty-one commencement

the university of north carolina at chapel hill

Hyun Joo Mo, Anthropology, Narrative Mirror: Online Ingyeo Youths in the Hopeless South Korea. Professors Donald Nonini and Lawrence Grossberg.

Weibin Mo, Statistics and Operations Research, Efficiency and Robustness in Individualized Decision Making. Professor Yufeng Liu.

Megan Elizabeth Moore, Biology, Climate Change and High Temperature Stress Alter the Outcome of an Ecologically Important Host-Parasitoid Interaction. Professor Joel Kingsolver.

Martha Maria Moreno Linares, Romance Languages and Literatures, Drawing Community: Embodying the Collective in Francophone Graphic Memoirs. Professor Jessica Tanner.

Daniel Wish Morgan, History, Historiographical Narratives of Violence, Sacrality, and Community in Eleventh- and TwelfthCentury Italy: Genoa, Pisa, and the Mezzogiorno, C.1080 ? C.1170. Professor Marcus Bull.

Adele Musicant, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Mechanisms, Models, and Therapeutic Vulnerabilities of CRTC1/MAML2Positive Salivary Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma. Professor Antonio Amelio.

Joehl T. Nguyen, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Treatment Patterns and Comparative Outcomes in Postoperative Crohn's Disease: a U.S. Claims-Based Cohort Study. Professors Alan Kinlaw and Carolyn Thorpe.

Nicholas Paul Ralph Onuska, Chemistry, Selective C-H and Alkene Functionalization via Organic Photoredox Catalysis. Professors David Nicewicz and Jeffery Aub?.

Esteban Adrian Oyarzabal, Neurobiology, Detecting Brain-Wide Intrisic Connectivity Networks Using fMRI in Mice. Professors Yen-Yu Ian Shih and Fulton Crews.

Anandita Pal, Nutrition, Eicosapentaenoic Acid Ethyl Esters Prevent Obesity Associated Metabolic Impairments in Male and Female Mice. Professor Saame Shaikh.

Anna Parisi, Social Work, Using an Integrative Approach to Promote Equitable Outcomes for Justice-Involved Women. Professor Amy Blank Wilson.

Ramakanth Reddy Pasunuru, Computer Science, MultiObjective Learning for Multi-Modal Natural Language Generation. Professor Mohit Bansal.

Jacob Tyler Pawlik, Chemistry, Electron-Anion Exchange as a New Mechanism for Non-Redox Fluoride-Ion Battery Electrodes. Professor Scott Warren.

Kevin Pyon, English and Comparative Literature, Grammars of Violence: Critical and Literary Reckonings With Slavery, Race, and the Human. Professor GerShun Avilez.

Arbor J.L. Quist, Epidemiology, Hurricane Flooding, Industrial Hog Operations, and Acute Gastrointestinal Illness in North Carolina. Professor Lawrence Engel.

Stefany Ramos, Public Policy, Three Essays on Risk Assessment Instrument Policies Across State Criminal Justice Systems. Professor Rebecca Kreitzer.

Laura Rank, Microbiology and Immunology, Characterization of Mycobacterial Mce4 Transporters. Professors Miriam Braunstein and Peggy Cotter.

Bryan Scott Reatini, Biology, The Influence of Hybridization on Range Dynamics. Professor Todd Vision.

Ian Robert Blau Reeves, Geological Sciences, Controls on Sediment Exchange and Connectivity in Coastal Barrier Systems and Implications for Long-Term Evolution. Professor Laura Moore.

Mark Reeves, History, Lost Horizons: Anticolonial Internationalism, 1930 ? 1945. Professor Susan Pennybacker.

Elizabeth Rose Reynolds, Education, Mothers' and Fathers' Language Engagement: Associations to Children's Preschool-Aged Language and First Grade Literacy. Professor Kathryn Leech.

Benjamin Saia Roberts, Biochemistry and Biophysics, The Molecular Regulation of Lipoprotein Lipase Trafficking. Professors Saskia Neher and Wolfgang Bergmeier.

Jacob Andrew Rohde, Mass Communication, Text4Ibd: Development, Feasibility, and Acceptability of an eHhealth Intervention to Reduce Distress Among People With Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Professor Seth Noar.

James Sadler, Education, No-Excuses in Restorative Justice Clothing: The Effects of Adopting Restorative Justice in a NoExcuses Setting. Professor Lora Cohen-Vogel.

Isai Salas-Gonzalez, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Integrative Genomics to Study the Plant Microbiome. Professors Jeffery Dangl and Corbin Jones.

Mauricio Salazar-Saenz, Economics, Essays on Household Economics and Gender Differentials in the Labor Market. Professor Luca Flabbi.

Busola Sanusi, Biostatistics, Statistical Methods for Marked Survival Data in the Presence of Dependent Censoring. Professors Michael Hudgens and Jianwen Cai.

Veeral Saraiya, Epidemiology, The Consideration of Diet Quality in Head and Neck Cancer Incidence and Survival. Professor Andrew Olshan.

Samantha Schilsky, Epidemiology, The Association of StepBased Metrics With Adiposity and Blood Pressure in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos. Professor Wayne Rosamond.

Erin Marie Burgunder Scholz, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Identifying Factors Influencing Drug Distribution and HIV Persistence in the Lymph Node. Professor Angela Kashuba.

Lisa Selker, Health Policy and Management, Unpacking the Black Box: Do Patient and Prescriber Characteristics Predict Variation in Post-Boxed Warning Prescribing? Professor G. Mark Holmes.

Denis Michael Senter, Mathematics, Immersed Boundary Simulations and Tools for Studying Insect Flight and Other Applications. Professor Laura Miller.

two thousand twenty-one commencement

the university of north carolina at chapel hill

Jenni Suzanne Shafer, Speech and Hearing Sciences, Timing Matters: Information Preference of Care Partners for People With Aphasia After Stroke. Professor Katarina Haley.

Hannah Shenouda, Chemistry, Carbon-Carbon Bond-Forming Reactions of Alkyl and Aryl Electrophiles Using Anionic Metal Catalysis. Professors Erik Alexanian and David Lawrence.

Yiyan Shou, Mathematics, Bow Varieties -- Geometry, Combinatorics, Characteristic Classes. Professor Richard Rimanyi.

Ayushi Singh, Economics, Household Consumption in a Developing Country and Its Response to External Shocks. Professor Toan Phan.

Natalie R. Smith, Health Policy and Management, CostEffectiveness for Public Health Policymaking: The Case of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages. Professor Leah Frerichs.

Nathan Israel Smolin, Classics, Christ the Emperor: Roman Emperor and Christian Theology in the Fourth Century A.D. Professor James Rives.

Jessica Soldavini, Nutrition, Evaluation of Cooking Matters for Kids: An Experiential Nutrition and Cooking Education Program for Children. Professor Alice Ammerman.

Barbara Andrea Sostaita, Religious Studies, Sanctuary Everywhere: Fugitive Care on The Migrant Trail. Professor Todd Ram?n Ochoa.

Lauren Speare, Marine Sciences, Ecology of Type VI Secretion Competition in the Beneficial Bacterial Symbiont Vibrio Fischeri. Professor Alecia Septer.

Carolin Marie S?dkamp, Communication Studies, Personal Sacrifice for the Public Good: Precarious Work at The Museum. Professor Steven May.

Kelsey Marie Sumner, Epidemiology, Implications of Asymptomatic Plasmodium Falciparum Infections for Future Symptomatic Malaria Infection and Onward Transmission in Western Kenya. Professor Brian Pence.

Kathie Yan Sun, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Statistical Modeling of Parent-of-Origin Effects and Allelic Imbalance in Genetically Diverse, Reciprocal Mouse Crosses. Professor William Valdar.

Anne Talkington, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, A Physiologically Based, Pharmacokinetic Model for the Clearance of Pegylated Nanomedicines. Professors M. Forest and Samuel Lai.

Kelly Rebecca Tan, Nursing, A Multi-Method Longitudinal Study of Caregivers of Adults Receiving an Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplant. Professor Deborah Mayer.

Yu Tang, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Contextualizing the Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Therapeutic Antibodies Through Molecular Imaging and Mathematical Modeling. Professors Yanguang Cao and Robert Dupuis.

Taylor Samantha Teitsworth, Chemistry, Design and Realization of a Silicon Nanowire Particulate Photocatalyst for Solar Water Splitting. Professor James Cahoon.

Hillary Topazian, Epidemiology, Measuring Geospatial and Longitudinal Trends in Malaria Using National Health Surveillance Data in Malawi. Professor Audrey Pettifor.

Simon Nemer Topp, Geological Sciences, Multidecadal Remote Sensing of Inland Water Dynamics. Professor Tamlin Pavelsky.

Gabriela Torres Garate, Biomedical Engineering, Noninvasive ARFI Ultrasound for Differentiating Carotid Plaque With High Stroke Risk. Professor Caterina Gallippi.

Maria Luisa Torruella Suarez, Neurobiology, The Role of Central Amygdala Neurotensin Neurons and Their Projection to the Parabrachial Nucleus in the Consumption of Alcohol and Palatable Fluids. Professor Zoe McElligott.

Adelaide Erin Tovar, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Dissecting Respiratory Responses to Ozone Exposure With Genetics and Genomics. Professor Samir Kelada.

Dominika Trzilova, Microbiology and Immunology, Mechanisms of Phase Variation of Flagella and Toxins in Clostridioides Difficile. Professor Rita Tamayo.

Michael Davis Turlington, Chemistry, Photo-Initiated Halide Release and Oxidation. Professor Gerald Meyer.

Christopher Mitsuo Uyehara, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Epigenetic Regulation of Gene Expression by Ecdysone Hormone Signaling. Professor Daniel McKay.

Brianna Morgan Vickerman, Chemistry, Development of Phototechnologies to Control the Enzymatic Activity and Delivery of Proteins. Professor David Lawrence.

Caleb Vogt, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Steroidal Inhibitors of Androgen Biosynthesis and Signaling. Professor Jeffrey Aub?.

Chad Wagoner, Exercise and Sport Science, A Comprehensive Analysis of Cancer-Related Fatigue in Early Breast Cancer Survivors: A Community-Based Exercise Perspective. Professor Claudio Battaglini.

Benjamin Luke Walker, Mathematics, Emergent Structure and Dynamics From Stochastic Pairwise Crosslinking in Chromosomal Polymer Models. Professor Katherine Newhall.

Lufei Wang, Oral and Craniofacial Biomedicine, Osteoclast Activity Modified by a Polydopamine-Laced Biomimetic Material. Professor Ching-Chang Ko.

Xinxin Wang, Education, A Critical Analysis of University Climate, Culture, and Support for the Psychosocial WellBeing of Chinese International Students With an Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods Design. Professor Xue Lan Rong.

Emma No?l Warhover, Classics, Humor in the Historical Works of Tacitus. Professor James Rives.

Adam Thomas Waterbury, Statistics and Operations Research, Asymptotics and Approximation of QuasiStationary Distributions. Professors Amarjit Budhiraja and Nicolas Fraiman.

Brook Wilensky-Lanford, Religious Studies, "Keep the Pearly Gates Ajar for Me": The Racial Politics of Heavenly Accessibility, 1868 ? 1909. Professor Todd Ochoa.

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the university of north carolina at chapel hill

Xun Xiao, Materials Science, Physical Properties of Perovskite Materials: Understanding and Managing Carrier Behavior for Efficient Solar Cells. Professor Jinsong Huang.

Sarah Yannarell, Microbiology and Immunology, Investigating the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Bacillus Subtilis Community Biofilms. Professor Elizabeth Shank.

Amy H. Yarnall, Ecology, Community Structure and Dynamics in Estuarine Seagrass Systems Across Habitat Configurations, Environmental Gradients, and Spatial Scales. Professor Joel Fodrie.

Jane Junlan Zhao, City and Regional Planning, The Consequences of Delayed Water Infrastructure Investments in Developing Countries. Professor Dale Whittington.


Hana VanName Baskin, Curriculum and Instruction, Investigating the Impacts of a Mathematics Word Problem Intervention on Student Perseverance, Solving Accuracy, and Self-Efficacy. Professors Janice Anderson and Katherine Baker.

Crystal Harden, Curriculum and Instruction, From Gates to Greats: How Science Identity is Expressed by Rural African American Girls Through Their Participation in an Informal Science Learning Program. Professor Janice Anderson.

Lini Ge Polin, Curriculum and Instruction, Self-Efficacy and Professional Development Activities and Needs of Chinese Language Teachers in Secondary Schools in North Carolina: An Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods Study. Professor Xue Rong.

Amanda E. Peay, Nursing Practice, Implementing and Evaluating a Program to Increase Organ Donation Among African Americans. Professor Ashley Kellish.

Chelsea Simmons, Nursing Practice, Screening for Mental Health Symptoms in Patients With Burns. Professor Julee Waldrop.

Elizabeth Ann Bocan Wilhelm, Nursing Practice, Assess and Address: Screening and Management for Depression in Patients With Chronic Heart Failure. Professor Leslie Sharpe.


Elizabeth Ajazi, Biostatistics, Application of Inverse Probability Weighting to Clinical Trials of Treatments for Opioid Use Disorder. Professor Todd Schwartz.

Olawale Durosinmi-Etti, Health Policy and Management, Funding of HIV Treatment Services in Nigeria: How Can Sustainability Be Improved? Professor Bruce Fried.

William Oscar Fleming, Health Policy and Management, Organizing the Workforce to Improve Child Well-Being: A Scoping Review and Qualitative Study of Implementation Support Teams. Professor Byron Powell.

Kristie Mikus, Health Policy and Management, Ending AIDS in Children: Facilitators and Barriers of Effective HIV CaseFinding Strategies of Children Ages 6 Weeks ? 14 Years Old in Zambia. Professor Sandra Greene.

Amanda Lucille Tapia, Biostatistics, Transcriptome-Wide Association Studies: Challenges, Solutions, and Future Directions. Professor Yun Li.


Annie De La Grana, Nursing Practice, Web-Based Intervention to Address Vaccine Hesitancy. Professor Julee Waldrop.

Allan Marcos Faircloth, Nursing Practice, Implementing Contingency Management Within Medication-Assisted Treatment. Professors Grace Hubbard and Carrie Palmer.

Jenna Goldman, Nursing Practice, Human Sex Trafficking: The Role of Healthcare Professionals in Screening Patients at Risk. Professor Victoria Soltis-Jarrett.

Katelyn Linker, Nursing Practice, Certified Nursing Assistants' Implementation of Nonpharmacologic Pain Interventions in a Nursing Home. Professor Anna Beeber.

Camille Defeche Mackler, Nursing Practice, Gender Affirming Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Care: A Program Evaluation and Quality Improvement Project at a Community-Based Rape Crisis Center. Professor Jessica Williams.

Molly McGirt, Nursing Practice, Medication-Assisted Treatment Equity for Opioid Use Disorders: A Program Evaluation. Professor Carrie Palmer.

Kimberly Morrison, Nursing Practice, Improving the Identification of Newborns at Risk for Hyperbilirubinemia. Professor Julee Waldrop.


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