Assessment Rubric for Annotated Bibliography

Assessment Rubric for Annotated Bibliography

| | | | | | |

|CATEGORY |A |B   |C |D |F |

|  |  |  |  |  |  |

|Quantity of sources |Document cites the |Document is either one|Document is two to |Document is four to |Document is more than |

|  |number of sources |source over or under |three sources over or |five sources over or |five sources over or |

|   |outlined in the |the required number of|under the required |under the required |under the number of |

|  |assignment. |sources. |number of sources. |number of sources. |required sources. |

|  | | | | | |

|10 pts. | | | | | |

|  |  |  |  |  |  |

|Quality /Reliability of |All sources cited can|Most sources cited can|Some sources can be |Few sources cited can |Little or no reliable |

|Sources |be considered |be considered reliable|considered reliable |be considered reliable|and/or trustworthy |

|  |reliable and/or |and/or trustworthy. |and/or trustworthy. |and/or trustworthy. |sources cited. |

|  |trustworthy. | | | | |

|20 pts. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Variety of Sources |Excellent variety of |Good variety of |Adequate variety of |Poor variety of |No variety of sources; |

|  |sources; cites more |sources; cites four |sources; cites three |sources; cites two |cites only one type of |

|20 pts. |than four types of |types of sources. |types of sources. |types of sources. |source. |

| |sources. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Writing fluency of |All annotations are |Most annotations are |Some annotations are |Most annotations are |All annotations are |

|annotations |thoughtful, complete,|thoughtful, complete, |well written but some |lacking in |lacking in |

|25 pts. |and well written. |and well written. |are lacking in |completeness, thought,|completeness, thought, |

| | | |completeness, thought, |and/or writing |and/or writing quality.|

| | | |and /or writing |quality. | |

| | | |quality. | | |

|  |  |  |  |  |  |

|APA and |Citations are |There are a few |There are some |There are many and/or |There is little or no |

|Documentation |formatted correctly |formatting errors in |formatting errors in |frequent formatting |adherence to APA format|

|  |in the document. |the document’s |the document’s |errors in the |in the document. |

|  | |citations. |citations. |document’s citations. | |

|  | | | | | |

|  | | | | | |

|25 pts. | | | | | |


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