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ADMINISTRATION 10070………………. Golf Club Venue Hire Agreement This agreement together with the events proposal will act as contract between the ‘hirer’ and the ‘venue’. Sample Golf Club is a ………………….. licensed venue with a capacity of ……………….. Licensing times for events are between the hours of ………. and ………. inclusive. The proposal will be assessed by the ………………….. Committee to establish any conflict in times or similarity to other existing activities. This agreement is made between ………………….. Golf Club (“The Venue”), insert address and……………………….. (“The Promoter”) insert address:This agreement applies to the hire of the venue on: Date ………………………… Time ……………………….1. Promoter’s Rights & Obligations The Promoter shall not be entitled to admit people exceeding the agreed capacity, including but not limited to all paying, guest list and VIP guests and the Promoter’s artists and staff. The Promoter shall be responsible for ticketing the event in accordance with the venues minimum age and entrance policies. The Promoter shall be responsible for the promotion of the event. The Promoter shall be responsible for the booking and payment of all DJs and performing artists appearing at the event. The Promoter’s tickets, promotional materials, and use of the Venue’s logos must be approved by the Venue prior to public use. The Promoter shall have access to the Venue for set-up no earlier than ………………………. on the day of the event, unless otherwise agreed by the Venue. The Promoter must remove all production materials, stands and other items brought in for the event, immediately after the event. The Promoter shall be responsible for the cost of additional sound & lighting equipment, which falls outside of the Venue’s provided specification. The Promoter shall be responsible for the cost of any additional sound engineers or lighting engineers required / requested as a result of the Promoter’s additional production set-up. The Promoter must take all reasonable steps to ensure that illegal fly posting or does not occur under any circumstance. The Promoter must always act in the best interests of The Venue and do as much as is reasonably practicable to protect The Venue’s licence. The Promoter will provide the venue with a list of attendees ………….. week prior. The Promoter shall be liable for the costs of any damage caused to the venue during set-up and removal of their production. Event ticket sales will be communicated every week by the Promoter to the Venue up to the last week of trading, where the information will be updated daily. Should the event not meet the required income threshold the promoter must pay the difference between actual revenue and the threshold or the total amount of the hire fee and door supervision costs – whichever is the lesser amount 2. Provision of Venue The fees for the hiring of the venue under the terms of this agreement are detailed below. The Venue will provide The Hirer with the use of ……………………… (insert areas of venue to be hired).The facilities provided by the Venue to the Promoter shall include: (delete or include as appropriate).Use of in-house sound system and the fixed in-house lighting trussManagement staff Security cover for the eventFully stocked bar, bar staff Cloakroom & cloakroom staff Venue Clean First Aid coverAdditional staff can be hired by the venue but this will be at an additional cost for the hirer Any additional costs outside of the venues usual setup must be paid for by the promoter e.g. VIP areas, security staff, additional DJ equipment.The Venue may engage an In-house photographer at any event for the soul purpose of taking and collecting photographic and video imagery for promotional use by The Venue and its stakeholders. All photographic and video stock remains the soul property of The Venue no reproduction or use without prior written consent. Smoking area and pedestrian barriersHire Fees, Deposits, Cancelation Notice and RefundsThe total cost of venue hire will be : ……………………….A deposit of ……………. is required …………………. weeks before the date of the event.The Promoter cancelation period, without penalty, will be no less than …………………… prior to the event. Any notice of cancelation served after this period will result in The Promoter losing their deposit in full, unless agreed with The Venue in writing prior to cancelation.All monies owed to The Promoter will be paid within 28 days of the event date.4. Venue’s Rights and Obligations The Company's liability in contract / Venue Hire Agreement, tort or otherwise (including but not limited to any liability for negligence) however arising out of or in connection with the performance of its obligations under this Agreement for all events or series of connected events occurring for the hired event of this Agreement, shall not exceed in the aggregate 100% of the Hire Fees / Venue Hire Fees received by the Company pursuant to this Agreement. The deposit must be cleared in full …………………. weeks before the proposed event date. The Venue reserves the right of admission. The Venue may operate ID checks on entry. All persons must provide a valid form of photographic identification to gain access. This should be communicated to the Promoter’s guest where possible. The Venue operates a zero-tolerance policy towards drugs. Anyone caught in the possession of drugs will be detained and handed over to the police. No entry will be allowed to persons under the age of …………………………… All production materials including but not limited to banners, builds, inflatables, projections, films and slides must be approved. The venue also reserves the right to refuse items if they do not comply with Health & Safety standardsThe Venue does not condone fly posting. The Venue will pass on any notices served as a result of The Promoter acting illegally when promoting their event The Venue shall not accept liability for any damage incurred to any production materials and reserves the right to remove said objects, should the Promoter fail to do so. The Venue shall accept no responsibility for any injury to customers sustained whilst attending the event, save through negligence of the Venue or of its suppliers. The Venue shall accept no responsibility for any items lost or stolen during the course of the event, set-up or strike. The Venue has full public liability and personal injury insurance. Whilst every effort will be made to ensure the provision of the facilities detailed, the Venue cannot be held responsible for shortcomings or conditions which may affect the event and which are outside its control (e.g. weather, acts of terrorism, fire etc.).The Venue reserve the right to operate the venue split (i.e. one party using one area or room / one party using another) if The Hirer is not utilising the whole venue for their event. This may result in shared toilet / outside smoking facilities. The venue will inform the promoter of this in advance of the event. 5. Agreement This agreement contains all its terms and conditions as witnessed by the signature of the parties hereunder and initials of the said parties on each page. On Behalf of …………………………… Golf ClubName: Signature: Date: On Behalf of: …………………………….. PromoterName: Signature: Date: [This document is prepared for guidance and is accurate at the date of publication only. The GCMA will not accept any liability (in negligence or otherwise) arising from any member or third party acting, or refraining from acting, on the information contained in this document.] ................

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