Client OverviewClient profile is a start-up founded in 2009 located in Paris which offers a new service, exclusively online. The website gives the opportunity to gather money by creating and managing a common pot in order to contribute to the purchase of a present for an event or a special occasion (wedding, birthday, retirement...). The company has cemented contracts with various partners such as (high tech), (beauty), (decoration) to spend the money collected. Currently, has three employees who are daily working to manage the business (two of them are working online as community manager and web developer) and is supported by three investors.Market analysis50% of the French population is using Internet, that is to say 33 millions of users, which represents a significant potential for to develop its business. The website’s current target is from 25 to 40 years old, especially women, students and executives. And we can underline the current average shopping basket is about 300 euros.Similarly, according to a study lead by the , Europe’s Internet sales are expected a growth by almost 20% in 2010.?Regarding French market, e-sales have jumped to 24.7 billions € and is believed to rise to 31.4%. This boom concerns 5 categories, notably high-tech, beauty and decoration, which is in phase with the selected partners of .Its potential customers are students associations and people who plan to organize events such as bridal shower, wedding, farewell… The company plans to develop its business across Europe. Based on the previous figures, the website is positioned on a promising market, all the more so that the market is almost unoccupied. Indeed, there are few direct competitors: and paypal-. The indirect competitors are gift-card services.Market position/specialties - Unique selling points of the service reveals the importance of debts between friends, the market for informal debts between individuals in France is estimated at 600 million euros per year. (Michael Lev Ram Business 2.0 Magazine. 07/11/2006). , simplifies the life of the organizer and participants by upgrading an old principle the common pot.Current marketing?Using this website is free. You can just create your common pot and invite people to participate. The goal is to make easier the way to offer a gift, for instance to a friend or a colleague. The common pot amount can be spent on partner websites or recovered, but in this case there is a 4% commission. The payments are secured and pot information are updated in real time : the amount, how many people have participated and the time before the D-day. According to the company, this service can be used all over the year. However, we can note a seasonality, notably during Christmas and summer holiday periods.Website visibility, online advertising and offline promotion of the URLThe Google page rank of the website is 5. The number of Incoming links including sub domains is 467. The three main keywords for are “évènement”, “cadeau commun” and “cagnotte” and their Google positions are respectively : 0 (no position), 67 and 42. Concerning the strengths of , we can underline that it is free and easy to use. The market only counts two competitors in France. Similarly, the ergonomy is very simple. However, there are few weaknesses : it doesn’t have any Xml site map, all the Meta tags and keywords are the same on the different web pages. There is not enough content on the website for a good Search Engine Optimization. Finally, they do not promote the url, neither in online nor in offline.Analytics datas, email campaigns, online and offline advertising and welcomes about 6,000 visitors every month, among them 3,400 are unique visitors. They spend around 3 minutes on the website but almost 50% of these visitors leave immediately (bounce rate is near 50%). About 20,000 pages are viewed each month for an average conversion rate of 7%.Regarding online campaigns, they send monthly newsletters and emails to their clients, meaning those who created and participated to a common pot. Concerning the offline marketing strategy, they participated to the Microsoft TechDays this year and to a student fair as students are parts of their target.ConclusionWith Google AdWords, they are provided with tools that assist them with pricing control and also cost estimation. In addition to this, Google AdWords keeps them in the know by sharing updates showcasting adwords latest features. The number one goal of Leetchi will be to use the google Adwords campaign to transform the everyday users into future clientele. Proposed Adwords StrategyNumber of Ad Groups and focus for each Ad GroupThe AdWords strategy includes the following 5 campaigns: Evenement, content-evenement, Generique, content-generique, and Marque. The campain ??Events?? includes 12 Ad Groups?: anniversaire, cadeau retraite, bar mitzvah, naissance, cadeau baptême, communion, crémaillère, cadeau mariage, enterrement vie jeune gar?on, enterrement célibataire, enterrement vie de jeune fille, pot de départ. The campaign ??content-evenement?? includes 8 Ad Groups?: anniversaire, cadeau retraite, naissance, crémaillère, cadeau mariage, enterrement vie jeune gar?on, enterrement vie de jeune fille, pot de départ. The campaign ??Générique?? includes 7 Ad Groups?: cadeau composé, cagnotte cadeau, offrir cadeau, cadeau commun, kado cado, idée cadeau, pot commun. The campaign ??content-generique?? includes 5 Ad Groups?: cadeau composé, cagnotte cadeau, cadeau commun, idée cadeau, pot commun.The campaign ??Marque?? includes 3 Ad Groups?: Leetchi, Litchi leechi and Leetchi cadeau.Sample of keywords and negative keywordsPlease, find below sample of keywords and negative keywords planned for the campaign.- Sample of keywords?: cadeau anniversaire, anniversaire, anniversaires, cagnotte anniversaire, idée cadeau anniversaire, cagnotte bar mitzvah, cadeau bar mitzvah, cadeau groupé, cadeau commun, cagnotte, cagnotte en ligne, cagnotte cadeau, idée cadeau commun, kado, kdo, leetchi, cagnotte leetchi, cadeaux à plusieurs leetchi, leechi- Sample of negative keywords?: cagnotte auchan, cagnotte du loto, cagnotte du loto foot, cagnotte euromillion, cagnotte euromillions, cagnotte euromillion vendredi 13, cagnotte euromillions vendredi 13, cagnotte loto, cagnotte loto no?l, litchi.Text of some AdWords versions for some Ad GroupsAd Group?Anniversaire?: - Headline???KeyWord:{cadeau anniversaire}? - 1rst line description?: ?Pour un cadeau d'anniversaire groupé.? - 2nd line description?: ?Créez une cagnotte avec? - Display URL?: ?anniversaire?Ad Group?cadeau mariage?: - Headline ?KeyWord:{Cadeau de mariage}?? - 1rst line description?: ?Un Mariage? Pour un cadeau commun,? - 2nd line description?: ?créez une cagnotte personnalisée.? - Display URL?: ?Mariage?Ad Group?leetchi?: - Headline??Découvrez ? - 1rst line description?: ?La cagnotte Leetchi : la solution? - 2nd line description?: ?pour gérer vos comptes entre amis !? - Display URL?: ?cagnotte?Daily and weekly plans for spending the campaign budgetThe campaign budget, that is to say the $200, will be spent as followed?: First day : $20 ; Second day $15 ; Then, $11 per day and $4 per day for the weekend. First week budget will be around $76, then the weekly plan for the campaign budget will be around $works for the AdWords adsThe entire campaign will be set on the Google search network. Except for the campaign ??content-evenement? and ?content-generique?, they will be set on the content network only.Target audience settingsSimilarly, the campaign will target men and women from 15 to 54 years old. The budget will focus on Monday to Friday, less budget will be forecast on Saturday and Sunday. According to Google Analytics, the ads will be planned from 9 am to 12 pm.Ad Serving optionsThe option ??Optimize?? will enable us to show better performing ads more often.Keywords BiddingTo manage the keywords bidding, we will focus on clicks and use the manual bidding.GeotargetingRegarding geotargetting, the campaign will focus on Paris and Paris region.Goals for impressions, clicks, CPC and CTRThe number of impressions is estimated to 400 000. With a CTR of 1%, the number of clicks is evaluated to 4000. Similarly, the average CPC is $8 cts.Proposed success metricsAs success metrics, we will follow: the conversion rate per click, the CTR, the average CPC and the cost per conversion. ................

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