DAY |ESL 2A |ESL 2B | |

|1 |Transparency 39 |Unit 3 Launch “Follow Your Dreams” p. 141 |

| |Unit 3 Launch “Making Connections p. 123 |Mind Map, Practice Book p. 63 |

| |Practice Book p. 62 |What Matters Most pgs. 142-143 |

| |Finding Friendship p. 125 |Reaching all students p. 142 |

| |Students answer questions and draw a picture that shows |Students make a collage of things that are important to |

| |what a good friend does. |them |

|2 |Students share drawing and discuss attributes of a good |Students share collage |

| |friend |Build Language and Vocabulary pgs. 144-145 |

| |Practice Book p. 63 |Transparency 34 |

| |Build Language and Vocabulary pgs. 126-127 |Practice Book p. 64 |

| |Transparency 40 | |

| |Grammar Practice Book pgs. 63-64 | |

|3 |Prepare to Read p.128 |Grammar Practice Book p. 77-78 (review) |

| |Practice Book p. 64 |Prepare to Read p. 146 |

| |Transparency 41 |Transparency 35 |

| |Close and Assess p. 128 |Practice Book p. 65 |

| |Preview “The Qualities of Friendship” |Read “Ginger for the Heart” |

| |Read in groups | |

|4 |Read “The Qualities of Friendship” |Cooperative Groups |

| |Literary Analysis Minilesson p.131 |Re-read “Ginger for the Heart” |

| |Grammar Minilesson p.133 |Before Your Move On questions |

| |Cooperative Groups |Practice Book p. 68 |

| |Practice Book pgs.65-66 |#2 Think it Over p. 155 |

| |Before You Move on Questions |Transparencies 36-37 |

| |Grammar Practice Book pgs. 65-66 |Discuss: Think it Over question |

|5 |Finish Grammar Practice Book |CD, Track 3, listen to story |

| |Sum it Up p. 134 |Cooperative Groups |

| |Practice Book p. 67 |Use Adjectives p. 156 |

| |Language Arts and Literature p.135 |Grammar Practice Book pgs. 79-80 |

| |Grammar in Context |Practice Book pgs. 69, 70, 72 |

| |Identify Plot and Character |LAA opportunity/ Selection Test |

| |Practice Book pgs. 67-68 | |

|6 |Grammar Practice Book pgs. 67-68 |Prepare to Read p.158 |

| |LAA opportunity/ Selection Test |Transparency 38 |

| |Prepare to Read p. 137 |Practice Book p. 73 |

| |Transparency 42 |Preview Selection |

| |Cooperative Groups |Read Aloud |

| |Read “We Could Be Friends” p. 138 | |

|7 |Think it Over Questions/ Express yourself p. 139 |Read “Twins” |

| |Grammar Minilesson p.139 |Cooperative Groups |

| |Cooperative Groups |Before You Move On questions |

| |Practice Book p. 70 |Grammar Minilessons |

| |Grammar Practice Book pgs.69-70 |Grammar Practice Book pgs. 81-84 |

|8 |Build Language and Vocabulary pgs. 140-141 |Practice Book pgs. 74-74 (review) |

| |Transparency 43 |Sum It Up, Practice Book p. 76 |

| |Practice Book pg. 71 |Writing: Write to a Twin p. 166 |

| |Grammar Practice Book pgs71-72 |Practice Book p. 77 |

| | |(Cooperative Groups) |

|9 |Prepare to Read p.142 |Grammar Practice Book pgs. 85-86 |

| |Transparency 44 |Review: Grammar Practice Book pgs. 87-88 |

| |Read/CD “My Best Friend” |Selection Test |

| |Practice Book p. 72 | |

|10 |Before You Move on Questions |Introduce Theme 2 p. 168-169 |

| |Sum It Up/ Express Yourself p. 149 |Students answer questions on p. 169 |

| |LAA opportunity |Discuss |

| |Grammar Mininlesson p.145 |Build Language and Vocabulary p. 170-171 |

| |Literary Analysis Minilesson p.147 |Transparency 40 |

| |Practice Book pgs. 73-74 |Practice Book p. 79 |

|11 |Grammar Practice Book pgs. 73-74 |Grammar Practice Book pgs. 89-90 |

| |Practice Book p.75 |Prepare to Read p. 172 |

| |Language Arts and Literature p. 150 |Transparency 41 |

| |Grammar in Context |Practice Book p. 80 |

| |Literary Analysis | |

| |Practice Book p. 76 and 78 | |

|12 |Grammar Practice Book pgs. 75-76 |Read “The Great Migration” |

| |Selection Test |Grammar Minilessons |

| |Introduce Theme 2 pgs. 152-153 |Cooperative Groups |

| | |Grammar Practice Book pgs. 91-96 |

|13 |Build Language and Vocabulary pgs. 154-155 |Practice Book pgs. 81-83 |

| |Transparency 46 |Cooperative Groups |

| |Build Your Vocabulary p. 155 |Before Your Move On questions |

| | |Sum it Up p. 181 or Practice Book p. 84 |

| | |Think it Over question #3 p. 181 |

| | |Express Yourself p. 181 |

| | |Students write about it |

| | |LAA oportunity |

|14 |Use Language Structures p. 155 (present tree map to |Use phrases and Clauses p. 182 |

| |class) |Grammar Practice Book pgs. 97-98 |

| |Grammar Practice Book pgs. 77-78 |Practice Book pg. 85-86 |

| |Prepare to Read p. 156 |Selection Test |

| |Transparency 47 | |

| |Read “Honoring our Ancestors” | |

| |Practice Book p. 80 | |

|15 |Cooperative Groups |Prepare to Read p. 185 |

| |Re-read “Honoring our Ancestors” |Transparency 44 |

| |Before You Move On questions |Practice Book p. 90 |

| |Grammar Minilesson pgs. 159,161,163 |Read “Follow the Drinking Gourd” |

|16 |Cooperative Groups |CD “Follow the Drinking Gourd” |

| |Grammar Practice Book pgs. 79-84 |Grammar Minilessons |

| |Re-read selection |Grammar Practice Book pgs. 99-100 |

| |Sum it up p. 164 | |

| |Language Arts and Literature p.165 | |

| |Use Context Clues | |

| |Write a Dedication (LAA opportunity) | |

|17 |Respond to the Family Portraits p. 166 (LAA opportunity) |Practice Book pg. 91 |

| |Make a multimedia presentation p. 166 |Cooperative Groups |

| | |Sum it Up p. 189 or Practice Book p. 92 |

| | |Think it Over question #’s 1-3 |

|18 |Selection Test |Prepare to Read p. 190 |

| |Prepare to Read p.167 |Transparency 45 |

| |Read “Everybody Says” |Practice Book p. 93 |

| |Write a Poem p. 169 |Read “A House of My Own” |

|19 |Present Poem |Read “A House of My Own” |

| |Build Language and Vocabulary pgs.170-171 |Grammar Minilessons |

| |Transparency 50 |Cooperative Groups |

| |Grammar Practice Book pgs. 85-86 |Grammar Practice Book pgs. 101-106 |

|20 |Practice Book p. 87 |Practice Book pgs. 94-96 |

| |Prepare to Read p.172 |Sum it Up p. 201 or Practice Book p. 98 |

| |Transparency 51 |Think it Over question #1 p.201 |

| |Read “Grandfather’s Nose” | |

| |Grammar Minilesson p.175 | |

| |Practice Book p. 89 | |

|21 |Grammar Practice Book pgs. 87-88 |Use Similes p. 202 |

| |Before You Move On questions |Practice Book pg. 99 |

| |Relate Main Idea and Details/Express yourself p. 177 (LAA|Write a House Poem p.202 |

| |opportunity) |Selection Test |

|22 |Grammar in Context p. 178 |Writing Project pgs.206-207 |

| |Grammar Practice Book pgs. 89-90/Practice Book p. 91 |Model |

| |Selection Test |Prewrite |

| | |Draft |

|23 |Writing Project p. 180-181 |Continue Writing Project |

| |Model |Transparency 49 p. 207 |

| |Write together |Revise p. 208 |

| |Transparencies 53-54 |Transparency p.208 |

|24 |Write On Your Own p. 182-183 |Continue Writing |

| |Transparencies 55-56 |Grammar in Context p. 209 |

| |Revise p.184 |Transparency 51 p. 210 |

| |Transparency 57 | |

|25 |Grammar in Context p.185 |Final Draft |

| |Final Draft |Grammar Practice Book pgs. 107-102 (grammar review for |

| |Grammar Practice Book pgs. 91-94 (grammar review for Unit|Unit Test) |

| |test) | |

|26 |Unit Test |Unit Test |

| |Self-Assessment Form |Self-Assessment Form |

| |(In Student Assessment Booklet) |(In Student Assessment Booklet) |





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