Tools and Resources – Community AssessmentTitleDescription / UseABC Focus Group Intro and GuidelinesSample protocols for conducting a focus group. Source: Community CoalitionABC Youth Focus Group Q’s Sample Focus Group questions for a youth focus group. The sample includes too many questions – the community realized they had to priorities the questions. Source: Community CoalitionBach Harrison Sample PNA Item DictionaryItem Dictionary for a Youth Survey. The questions are the same as for the PNA, Pride and CTC Surveys. Source: Bach Harrison Website. Bach Harrison Youth Survey SampleActual sample survey. Similar to PNA, Pride and CTC Surveys. Source: Bach Harrison Website.But Why Here QuestionsSample key informant interview questions for Consequences, Problems, and several root causes for Alcohol, Marijuana and Rx Drugs. Source: CADCACommunity Assessment Data – Local List of potential local archival and survey data sources for consequences, problems, root causes and local conditions. Source: CADCACommunity Assessment Template - NCCIAlternative Community Assessment Template created for the NCCI Cohort 4 Coalition Academy. Source: CADCA / NCCIConducting a Needs AssessmentExcellent guide for conducting a community assessment – not drug specific. Source: Idaho Extension.Environmental Scan ExampleExample of documentation for conducting an Environmental Scan. Source: Community CoalitionIllinois Youth Survey Promotional InformationResource for coalitions seeking to implement a youth survey in the schools. Provides information and tools that can be used to “make the case” for conducting a survey in the schools. Source: Prevention First and Lighthouse Institute.Lexington One Community Assessment ReportActual Community Assessment report created by a coalition attending a National Coalition Academy. Source: Lexington One Community Coalition.Prioritization of Local Conditions Score SheetTool for scoring and ranking local conditions. Source: Michigan Bureau of Substance Abuse and Addiction Services and PIRE.Opiate Abuse and Overdose Root Causes and Local ConditionsList of root causes and potential local conditions for Opiate Abuse and Overdose. Source: MassCALL2 (MA SPF-SIG)Risk and Protective Factor ListProvides a complete list of risk and protective factors, listed by domain as provided by three different sources. Used to show the R & P’s are based on the same research – yet can be described differently. Source: CADCARoot Cause DescriptionsDescriptions of “environmental” root causes identified by community coalitions. Source: Various Sources.Tools and Resources – Coalition Capacity BuildingTitleDescription / UseAction Planning WorksheetSample Action Planning Worksheet. Source: CADCAAdult Tip Sheet w/citation.Tip Sheet for adults working with young people. Source: CADCA NYLICapacity Building ChecklistChecklist for use by coalitions to determine which elements of coalition capacity should be addressed. Includes sections on membership, organization, leadership and cultural competence. Source: CADCACapacity Building WorksheetsA complete set of worksheets useful to coalitions in their capacity building efforts. Source: CADCACoalition Decision Making and ResponsibilitiesA list of potential decisions that coalitions can make. Can be used in determining who should be making what coalition decisions. Source: CADCACultural Competence Description and ChecklistA summary of information about cultural competence included in the CADCA Cultural Competence Primer. Includes a checklist the can be used to determine how well a coalition in engaging specific cultures. Source: CADCADefining Youth Roles Within the CoalitionA table which provides coalitions the opportunity to record and brainstorm all the ways they are engaging youth in their coalition efforts. Source: CADCA NYLIMOU between a Coalition and A Fiscal Agent – SampleBased on the MOU Sample provided in the DFC grant this document provides an actual MOU provided by a coalition. Source: Community CoalitionONDCP not knowing everything – role of staffPPT created by Shannon Weatherly and Paul Evenson which discusses the role of staff in a coalition – emphasis is on staff NOT doing all the work. Source: ONDCPRx Drug Work Group Job DescriptionSample Job Description for an Rx Abuse Work Group. Source: CADCASample Job DescriptionsSample coalition job descriptions for Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and coalition members. Source: CADCASector Representative Job DescriptionSample job description for a Sector Representative. Identifies the Sector Rep role as more than just signing an MOU. Source: CADCASNAP Agenda ExamplesActual Coalition Meeting Agendas of a coalition that moved to a more “Action Oriented” Coalition Meeting. Source: Community CoalitionSNAP Coalition Meeting – with Logic ModelActual Coalition Meeting Agenda for a coalition which demonstrates how their agenda is driven by their logic model. The coalition meeting is based on addressing strategies identified on their logic model. Source: Community Coalition ................

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