Persuasive speech outline: helmet safety

Joel Jurick 6-14-12Speech Goal: To produce enough persuasive information to college students to convince them that it’s safest to wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle.Attention getter: The flashing lights of emergency vehicles, shattered debris strewn across the road, and the familiar clickety-clack that many of us have heard at least once from TV of gurney wheels as a patient is loaded into an ambulance. These are images we normally associate with the term “car accident”. Naturally when we investigate these incidents our first question is always safety. Were the drivers drunk, were they wearing their seatbelts, and other questions that seem reasonable for the situation. But today I will be talking about motorcycle safety, specifically the helmet. I will touch on the legal and financial concerns behind the scene, explain some observations regarding life/death statistics, and describe the best helmet for overall protection. I hope that this might help any of you who consider driving a motorcycle choose the protection of a helmet like myself, rather than risk further damage or death in an accident.I will discuss the legalities regarding helmet control and what it could cost you.There may be no helmet law now according to the “Insurance Institute for Highway Safety” states that the helmet law was originally on march 10 of 1967 and repealed june 12 the next year, before being reinstated on july 29 of 1969, and finally reduced earlier this year on april 12 to “ CITATION Ins12 \l 1033 (Insurance institute for Highway Safety, 2012) exclude adults 21 and older with medical insurance”1Helmeted hospital patient’s bills averaged 31k while unhelmeted averaged 37k3.Helmeted rehab averaged 23k, while unhelmeted averaged 43k costs3. I will now bring to the attention of the class observations pertaining to injury/fatal crashes recorded in 2006While it is a myth that helmets do more harm than good, out of the 4,810 motorcyclist fatalities only 41% were not wearing helmets nationwide.2In 2006, “the “National Highway Traffic Safety Administration” estimates that helmets saved the lives of 1,658 motorcyclists” and could have saved 752 more had “all motorcyclists worn helmets” that year.2 My final goal is to convince future motorcyclists to choose the safest helmet possible.While full-faced helmets may seem cumbersome and limit your sight and audible range by a fraction, they provide the much needed coverage in the front of the face where the head is most likely to impact in the chin region.Make sure that your helmet helps you to be noticed easily by other drivers.Finally, your final decision should have DOT, and preferably SNELL, or ANSI approval.Final thought to leave with audience: If after all I’ve talked to you about today hasn’t convinced you to wear a helmet while riding, ask yourself if a $100-$200 investment every few years is worth not only your life, but the chance to avoid major medical bills in the future.Works Cited BIBLIOGRAPHY Insurance institute for Highway Safety. (2012, june). motorcycle and bicycle helmet use laws. Retrieved from insurance institute for highway safety: of Employers for Traffic Safety. (2006). Motorcycle Helmets for All Riders. Retrieved from of michigan health system. (2002, september). Retrieved from science blog: thesis: If you decide to drive a motorcycle always wear as full-faced a helmet as possible for maximum head protection. ................

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