Sample Student Speech Outline - Napa Valley College

Sample Student Speech Outline

(Persuasive Speech)Mauricio Loera

Speech 1 12:00

Anna Martinez

Topic: Rap Violence

Specific Purpose: To persuade that rap music is not always bad for society.

I. Introduction

    A. Attention Getter: Can rap music be that bad for society?

    B. Proposition: Rap music is not always bad for society. 

    C. Credentials:  I happen to listen to rap a lot.

    D.  Relation:  It is important not to misunderstand other cultures and we as a society must be open minded.

    E. Preview: Today I will explain the good sides of rap music.

Transition: Well let's begin with the bad side.

II. Body

    A. Research: (Evan Mecham a former governor of Arizona says) "I could not understand how anyone could have the gall to market something like that and call it entertainment.

        1. Maybe it is not entertaining to some people, but that's a way of making money.

        2. They should probably cut back on the booty movement, but the majority of the audience likes that.

        3. They should also cut back on the sexual gestures, but then it would not be watched as much.

Transition: Not only is this bad, but the lyrics are not so good.

    B. Research: The music that our children listen to today is not acceptable. (Minister from Orange Cove)

        1.   The guns were a problem in the eighties.

        2.   The should not refer to ladies as ho*s or b*tches.

        3. The lyrics are harsh, but that is how they grew up in the ghetto.

Transition: Even though there are negative aspects to this music, many people don't understand that this is a culture, and rap does have its good side.

    C.    Research: Ice Cube is trying to exterminate self hatred and despair, unfortunately it has been misinterpreted (Priority Records Betty Webb Scottsdale Progress Tribune)

        1. Every one has to freedom of speech.

        2.   Martin Luther King Jr. and César Chavez did it.

        3.   Rappers have morals and freedom of speech as well.

Transition: Freedom of speech was not only the thing, but also making the money.

    D.   Research: Lets stop the hating against those who have work hard to make it where they are at. (The Fat boys from Power 106fm in Los Angeles.)

        1. They tell us about there life styles that choose to live.

        2.  They also emphasis that, even if you have grown up in bad part of town you can still be able to follow your dreams.

        3.  Their role models to many young teenagers.

        4.  They also tell us about there past gangster life.

Transition: Now let's go to some of the misunderstandings people have about rap and why some people do not listen to rap.

    E. Research: If my son wants to be a rapper, I will teach him the right way. Snoop Doggy Dog

        1. Lyrics are told,  the way they happen in reality

        2. Nobody wants to face the reality of rap music.

        3. Some of the lyrics are misunderstood or misinterpreted.

        4. That's how singers get a bad reputation.

Transition: Rap might not be good, but look at our society too.

III. Conclusion:

    A. Preview: This speech has shown you that rap music is not as bad as is seems and there is a chance for anyone who wants to sing.

    B. Restate Proposition: Well I hope you have gotten a better understanding of what rap is all about.

    C. Memorable ending: Can't we all just get along.(Rodney King, 1992 Los Angeles Riots)


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